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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1898)
neuricn "S7ioes A standing blow to the so- called "bargain bouses." A legitimate offer of legitimate Shoes, made in tlfe best fac tory in the world shoes you know Shoes you appreciate. The Shoes you're after are' at IIELFRICH'S Items in Brief. Lke France wm in Pendleton Mon dy. . ; ' See the new heater at 0. A. Barrett & Co.'8 . - See the 93 Orescent wheel at 0. A, Barrett & Go's. E. 8. Waterman was over from Walla Walla Wednesday, y , ' ' Hollia hai made prices that will tarn his surplos stock fnto cash. - . ' Attorney Huntington returned from Pendleton Sunday. Mr. Gross has moved into town from his farm near Helix. Wm. Moagrove has been attending court in Pendleton this week. Georne 8welt, known to many of the boys here, is in San Francisco. Plain white plates 40 and 50: per set at the New York Gash Store. Bin line of white ware just received at the New York Cash Store. B. F. Mansfield is now able to be ont, and drives into town almost every day. N. A. Miller has -.samples of Jesse Failing carpets. See him before bnying. Go to the Palace Drag Store for pare drags, and the best perfumeries on earth Look here! Plain tea cops and sauc ers, 45c per set, at the New York Cash Store. - .' . . Thomlinton (t Sharp have received a large stock of wall paper. Latest de signs. .. - ; ' . . .... Plaid and stripe, wide, all Bilk ribbon at 15, 20 and 25 cents. New York Cash Store, ; .. Free wool couldn't put the prices of nnderwear any lower than Hcllia has them now. ' v . J. W. Chapman, the painter, did some first class work at Curtis fc Rigby.s store last week. ... - j . . Dr. Blchardson is still at the Atbena Hotel. When yon want dental services see him. ..... . ," ., - ' We mean business when we say we can gave you money on lumber. " Owen A Thompson. .. . . -V- Get our prices before you buy Lumber, Shingles, Pickets, Postes, Fencing, etc. Owen & Thompson. ' Mrs. Wiley Frailer, of Pendleton, has been visiting her daugher, Mrs. S. F. Sharp, in this city. Rev. A. van dnr Velden, 8. J., will hold mass t 10:30 next Sunday, at the opera bonse in this city. Jeeie Failing, the Pendleton carpet dealer, carries a line of samples at Bar rett's hardware store in Athena. Go to the Athena Bakery when you want nice, freeh candies. Always fresh, lowest prices, largest line in town. , Tharp Bros, started their machinery humming Monday. They are prepared to do all kinds of machine work. . Measles do not seem to ba gaining headway very rapidly in Athena. Only one new one is reported this week Mrs. C. F. Drake, wife of the O. E. & N. agent in this city, arrived from Port land Sunday, on a visit to her husband. For Sale Cheap ; I offer my residence property in Athena, for Bale at a bar gain. Address, J. JS. Uohman, waila Walla, Wash. The Kickapoo entertainment does cot Drear to have been a very swell an air, at Weston the other night, according to tne Leader. . . , J. W, Maloney and Frank Mansfield attended the meeting of the democratic county central committee in Pendleton last Saturday. If yon have to sell your wheat on the 30 cent basis you can make up for some of the loss by getting your dry goods and family supplies at Uollia'. ;, Best of work is done by the Pendleton ateam laundry. Leave orders at billiard hall or barber shop. Washings are col lected and delivered promptly. The Pickwick system for stouts and slims, long legs and long arms ana sum bodies, fit to perfection. Handled by the Square Store, Pendleton. Wm. MdBride'i family are now located in their new home on courtn street. Chas. Ferguson and wife occupy the residence vacated by Mr. McBride. . To an capitalist who will provide . Walla Walla with an electric street car line the owner of the present norse car line will donate the entire plant. M-R,;I nf tha Palace Drugstore, has just received an elegant stock of domea v tic and imported cigars which include all the leading ana most popular Drauu. The largest hog ever brought to Elgin .tVvattta w Hnn7ht nffAr from J. A. Maeteraoa'a Wallowa county ranch last week. It waa of the Poland China breed and tipped the beam at iiV. Don't annoy others by your coughing, and risk your life by neglecting a co.d. on. vinni. rvsnoh Cars cares congee, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and Max Lewin, ever popular whh bis mauy customer, comes to the front tht week with another prise offering. TbU time Mr. Lewin gites hie customere a cbanco to eeeare a beautiful and reliable musie box, absolutely free of charge Any persoa purcharing to the amonnt tf ODe dollar in caeb will be entitled to a chance to draw the instrument. Each additional purchase to the amount of one dollar entitle, the buyer to an addi tional chance. - We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasant er or better way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds. Palace Drug ftr, Wm. McBride, Prop The members and friends of the Methodist Episcopal church, o-M. of Pendleton, eurprieed their pastor the otber evening br (riving them a hand some donation. The affair was a splen did succeee. Large quantities of almost every kind of edibles, besides some mon ey were given. East Oregooian; Seeders have been started on the reservation, and if tbe nmsnnt fine weather continues tor a couple of weeks longer nearly all twe spring grain will be in tbe ground. The Pierces have begun seeding operations, and expect to be able soon. to put in 100 teres daily. Frank. Beale. the batches is curing hundreds of pounds of bams, shoulders and bacon. Pesides this meat, he will have a large quantity of lard. All of foe product which Mr. Beale does not dis pose of here be cau nnd ready sale for in Skagway, to which 'point he will ship it.' - - There are three Utile things which do more work than bov other three little things created-they are the ant, tbe bee and DeWilt's Little Early Risers, the last being the famous little pills for stomach - and liver troubles. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. The public installation, grand ball and supper, to be gUen by the Macca bees at tbe opera house in this city, on tue evening of Feb. 23, promises to be a grand anatr. fosters are out an nouncing tbe event. ChiHreQ and adults tortured by burns, scalds, injuries, eczema or ekin diseases-may secure instant relief by using DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is tbe great Pile remedy. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. Alex Malcolm, a stockman of Butter creek, recently fold 190 head of cattle at an average priee of $31.50 per head. There were 25 good beeves in the bunch, tbe rest being stockers ranging from yearlings to 5 year olds. Whooping cough is the most distress ing malady ; but its duration can be cut short by the use of One Minute Cough Cure, which is also the best known remedy for croup and all bronchial troubles. Palace Drug Store, Wm. Mc Bride, Frop. Members of the Workman lodge are expected to attend lodge meeting tomor row night, there being degtee wcrk. This order is steadily increasing in membership, and no assessment ws levied on its members this month. Rev. L. B. Leteon, a former pastor of the Christian church, of this city, but how of Spokane, was In the city this week canvaesing for "The Prince of Peace," a religious work of which Mr. Letson is the author. . The revival meetings, conducted by Rev. L Green, pastor of tbe Christian church, closed Sunday - night, last. Theee meetings were well attended, and several new members were added to the church. There to very seldom such an oppor tunity as the one offered by the New Store. Those lace scarfs are a lot of manufacturer's samples which are sold at about one fourth the regular price.. . There will be a meeting of the Hook and Ladder Co., Monday evening. All members of tbe company are requested to be present, as election of officers, for tbe ensuing year will take place. . W. T. Rigby has retuined from Ban Bernardino, Cal , where he went with Mrs. Rigby. The latter was somewhat ill, hut is now recovering. She will re main there a short time longer. At La Grande, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer, honored pioneers of Eastern Oregon, aged 89 and 87 years reflective ly, celebrated the anniversary of their marriage. ; Miss Nellie Hager is very sick at the home of her father, R. O Hager, near Bingham Springs station. She is afflicted with pneumonia, following measles. v - ,, , T. D. Taylor was in town Saturday on business connected with the disposal of property belonging to tbeThos. Jefferson estato, of which Mr. Taylor is adminis trator. : ; Underwear for men, women and children. The only complete line that ever came to Atbena. Prices from 50 cents per suit up, ut Moegrove's. Lots cf business is being done at the Pioneer harness sbop. Monday 9 set of harness was disposed of and an order for six set was taken. N. A. Miller, the hustling furniture dealer, made a trip to Tacoma this week, where he purchased a large stock of goods. It is estimated that 30,000,000 feet of lumber waa cut in Union county last year, and about 3,000,000 feet of railroad ties. , R. E. Crow and Chas. Thompson left for the Sound Sunday. They drcve to The Dalles, and took a boat there. Mies Eeeie Foss completed a euccess ful term of school in the Cargill district, and is now at home. George Carmichael, the farmer politic ain, of Weetoa neighborhood, was in town Monday. F. L. Helfrich baa just received a large and complete stock of shoes from the east. , : . T. P. Page was in town Monday. He 1) engaged in making preparations for spring work. J. C. Stamper this week painted and papered tbe interior of J. Bloch's new store room. . , ... ' Born, Feb. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. John Bemer, who reside near Athens, a eon. John Smith is clerking in Miller' furnitnre store this week. Mrs. Moeea Woodward it quite ill at her home neir Adams. Joe Rainville transacted business in Pendleton, Tuesday. D.J. Kirk was over from Weston Tuesday. , Weston is to have a bowling alley. Eggs are now plentiful on the market. Art Surdam was in the city from Wet ton yeeterday. . Deputy Sheriff Kiunberk was up from Pendleton yesterday. - Lidies watches are sold at a discount for cash by H. H. Hill. Miss Ried, daughter of Prof. Ried, has accepted a school in the Vansycle coun- try. - Judge R. M. Powers, the Weston at torney, was observed on our streets Tuesday. -Mrs. Anna M. Yeends wife of Sardum Yeend, near Walla Walla died Satnrday, of cancf r. Just received a large lot of Granite Iron Ware, and prices reduced. New York Cash Store. Farmer Zerba' was observed driving out of town Monday, in a brand-splintering new hack. ' Rf member that Dr. lUrrtn will be at the St. Nichols hotel, Atbena, one week, Feb. 20th to 27 tb. Don't wait to long if von want to get one of those nice double lap robes, at the New York Cash Store. C. W. Wheeler, the Waitaburg editor will address the Woodmen, In this city, the evening of March 9. A new crosswalk was laid this week over Main street, from Cox's hardware store, to the bowling allay. One Minute Cough Cure enres quick ly. That's what yon want! Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride Prop. The best shoes for the money in East ern Oregon at "The Square Store" shoe department. J. 8. Haye, proprietor. it Mrs. McKinley, a former teacher in our public school, is visiting friends W the city. Mrs. McKinley now resides at Walla Walla. Dan Briggs, who wa? afllicted'wi'.h a cancer on the chin, has returned from Walla Walla, where he was operated on by Dr. Blalock. "Ungle Jee" Zigman, the well known farmer of Weston, was in tbe city Toes day. "Uncle Joe" has been ill for sometime, bat is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Pierce have re turned from their trip to -California, where Mr. Pierce went to learn what he could in regard to the culture of beets. The Pierce Farming Company will at once begin preparing 000 acres of land in Grande Ronde valley for sugar beets. The seeds will be planted about April I. As much as $0200 have been sub scribed In tbe Btock of the Umatilla Agricultural Association, and a commit tee is looking for suitable grounds near Pendleton. A Heppner paper reports that James Haagar, of that place, has sold 3000 head of yearling wethers to Marshall & Furnish, of Pendleton, at $3 per head. The gheep will be delivered by March 1st. . : . The Salvationists are preparing for tbe Hallelujah wedding of Captains Oscar and Ella Crabtree, who will be united under tbe colors by Major 8. Marshall in Walla Walla Armory hall, February the 16th. .... , ' F. J. Jackson is making extensive improvements on bis country residence. Of course this may mean something, and then again, it may not. Mr. Chapman is doing the work. v J. B. Saylor and family were up from Butter creek this week. Eighteen de grees is tbe lowest temperature ex perienced down there this winter, spring weatner being in evidence as a rule. The regular teachers' examination is in progress at tbe oourt house, with Superintendent Nowlin, F. L. Forbes and G. J. Mcintosh as the board of ex aminers. There are 22applica s. East Oregonian: ' The countv: has a patient in the person of j . ,ry troublesome Fannie Poppin. uer she ifl realy sick or. is merely V paying possum" has not yet been tally de termined by the authorities. What pleasure la there in life with a headache, constipation and biliousness? Thousands experience them who could become perfectly healthy by nsing De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famona little pills. Palace Drug Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. - Tbe infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Blocb met with a serious fall Monday of this week. A frightful cut was received on the little one's head, and Dr. Sharp was compelled to take a couple of stitches in the scalp. A thrill of terror is experienced when a brassy cough of croup sounds through the house at night. But tbe terror soon changes to relief after One Minute Cough Cure has been administered. Safe and harmless for children. Palace Drug Store, Wm, McBride, Prop. ' Walla Walla Statesman: From in formation derived from farmers all over the country adjacent to Walla Walla we find the fall sown grain looks well, In fact, never better. The lack of snow has not injured the young wheat a parti cle, owing to there having been no hard freezing weather. Weekly Excursion to the East. A tourist sleeping car will leave Port land every Tuesday evening at 9 :00 p. m. via tbe O. R. & N. without change to Boston, and under the supervision of experienced conductors. No change of cars to the cities Omaha, Chicago, Buffalo or Boston. Tbe ideal trip to tbe East is now before yon. Remember this serv ice when going East, and consult O. R. A N. Agents, or address, W. H. Hublburt, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. "U. S. A." Toilet Soap. This soap is a natural product of tbe earth. It is without doubt the most wonderful discovery of the age. The soap is a thorough cleanser and you never in yonr life used a soap that in any way eqnals it. Do not fail to try a cake. Sold at 5 cents per cake by Matt Moa grove, Max Lewin and Curtis A Rigby. . -. w . f Dr. Dan-in Coming. Dr. Darrin the great specialist, who has been at Penul6ton for some time, has bad a great many patients from Ath ena and vicinity, and baa concluded that he will be justiBeJ in coming to Athena. The doctor will be at the St. Nichols Hotel from Feb. 20th to 27th. After years of untold suffering from piles, B. W. Pursell, of Knitneraville, Pa., was cured bv using a single box of DeWitt's Witch ilaxal balve. Skin dis eases such as eczema, rash pimples and ob tinate seres are readily cured by this famous remedy. Palace Drag Store, Wm. McBride, Prop. ., ."FEMALE MINSTRELS. -. Ladies of Mignonette Rebekah Lodge , ' " Witt Entertain. Athena will soon be able to boast of an entertainment, tbe like of which has never been given outside of tbe larger cities, and in no rity in Oregon with the exception of Portland, namely, a female minstrel entertainment. Mr. A. V. Crane, a gentleman of ex perience in this line, and who ai con nected with tbe Pay ton company, will conduct the rehearsals for the Coming event.' :.-v t The entertainment will be given by the lady members of Mignonette Lxlge of Rebekahs, of this city, and Friday eve ning, February 18, io the date oa which the iatfy minstre! will appear. The proceeds are to b3 la voted to tbe benellt of the Rebekah Lodge, and much inter est is being manifested in tbe work of making it one grand round of success. Thirty ladies are cast for parts in the minstrels, besides band and orchestra. Tere will ha tbe funny joke, songs, dances, the end men (this time ladien of course,) with taroborinea and bmus, laughable sketches and all that go to make np modern minstrelsy. Tbe splendid new scenery now being painted at the new opera house wijl add materially to its production and as the price of. admission is within tbe reac'i of alt, standing room will be at a premium on the n ight of the entertainment. Council Meeting, The city council met in regular session , Monday evening, Councilman Franps be ing absent. The marshals' report for January was read and ordered to be placed on file. Will Wells waa granted a liquor license. A resolution was .ai-J opea oraenng toe annual c'.J election to take place on Match I. The voting place is at the city bift. R. a. Garden, 8. A. Maloney, sr., and J. S. Post were appointed judges, and. W. D. Chamber lain and J.' B. Huntington, clerks. A. M. Gillis tendered his resignation as marshal, tint Lhn nnnnnil A. n,,i disposed to accept It, and on motion his uervaeo were retainea until tne end ot the official year, March 15, at $50 per month, as comnensatinn for aaUrv n.iri extra work. Ofl mfitlnn thai tMAaiflVA wa Unlvn . ad to transfer 150.00 from the Water fund and $100.00 from the Incidental fund to thn r-tAnnrl fund, tn ha payment of outstanding warrants. This amount wm pay outstanding warrants up to March 15, 189. Rill ftllncearl viu A Kt nilli. r. lumber, $14.15; A. M. Gillis, salary, $50.00 j Athena Flouring Mill Co,, for A surprise Party. Wedneadav. Fnhrnarv Oth sit Mr R O. Stanton's 61st birthday, and on Tues day evening a number of hie friends sur- I'iibbu mm Dy coming into ms nome un anounced and taking possession. Games Were Dlaved and a delir.innR lunch anrvnri. Thoee present were : Messrs and Mesdames A. Pinkerton, Alfred Booher, Lewis Montague, Mrs. King, Misses Effie Boatwick, Hattie Luna, Blanch Cay ton, Lizzie Rainville, Etta Leach, Edna Hill, Etha Booher, Dora Myrick, Ella Booher, Lola Douglass, Nellie Brown, Lena Carr, Florence JoneB, Lucy Hansell, Parley Pinkerton, Gertie Booher; Messrs, Wm. Estes, Curtis, Scott, Frank Rainville, Will Scott, McOullough, Ord Boatwick, Fred Rainville, Lenard Douglass, Henry Dell, Peter Rainville, Fred Lieuallen, Clayton Luna, MarionJrlaneell, Sylvester King, Frsnlr Himanl fUVia XtaaAar Tnhn Doughs, Claud Estes, Lawrence r.u.erioo, r rang Montague, ttoy mon tague. THE GOLDEN JUBILEE. Three Hours for Parade fo Pass ; a Given Place. ," Mies Lillie Fischer, who is employed in a San Francisco millinery establishment, writes a friend in Athena a vivid description of the Golden Jubilee celebration which took place in that city recently. She speaks particularly pf the great parade, which was indeed a mammoth one, it consuming three hours' time passing a given point. There were 30 full military hands in this parade and 15 drum corps, 100 mounted police, 500 police on foot in full uniform, 1000 cavalry, 50 canon each drawn by four horses ; 25 powder wagons, 5 men on each, drawn by 4 horses ; 1000 infantry, signal service corps with appar atus; a float with 3 life saving boats armed with life saving crews ; 1000 more soldiers ; tire companiea of San Francisco with their latest improved apparatus; veteran fire company with their fire ap paratus of 20 years ago, and the old fash, toned pumps of 40 years ago ; 600 cadet's from military school ; militia of San Francisco, Oakland and Alemeda; pion eers of before '48 in carriages ; 50 lodges of Native Sons of California in regalia ; Native Daughters of California on white horses. These woie white habits, white capes lined with yellow, white hats with long white plumes and white gloves, and having yellow saddles, bridles and whips. One of the most pretty and attractive features of the parade was the Native Daughters' float. On it, surrounded by hundreds of little girls, sat the Queen of the Jubilee. Her costume was of white satin trimmed in gold. A float is men tioned which represents the first Mission bouse erected in California, and walking beside it were monks in their lace frocks ; also a float on which waa an exact repro duction of the cabin in which Marshal, the man who picked up tbe first nugget in California, dwelt at that time. - Miss Fischer's description of the Jubi lee and parade is very vivid and interest ing, and we regret that space forbids publishing the entire letter. t ' Waa Badly Hurt. Jay McElroy is confined to his home with a very eore bead. Jay was swing ing in a hammock the otber day, when one of the large posts which supported the hammock gave way and struck the boy a fearful blow on the head. He was carried into tbe house in an unconscious condition and Dr. Sharp was summoned. The doctor, on examination found a se vere scalp wound which required seven stitches. . .. ... ,, : rj Scene Painting, . Mr. Moody, the scene painter is do ing some splendid work at tbe new opera bouse. Tbe szenery he is paint ing, will rank with any is the state in point of finish, design and excellence. It i the intention of the management of the opera bonse to add on dressing rooms back of the stage, and when this is done, our little city will have a com fortable and commodious opera bouse in every particular. The Woodman Entertainment. Wednesday evening the new opera house was crowded to its fullest capacity. The event waa the Woodman entertain ment, which was one cf tbe best ever produced by local talent. The entire program waa eplendidlv rencVed. The nail driving contest an 1 the tug ot war, both ao.i by the Circle, was one of tbe principal events of the evening. ' Murphy's Kids" made a hit, and Ver gie Stanper captivated the audience. Tbe dress reform club aa good, and, in fact every number was interestingly en tertaining and much appreciated by Ike large audience. , , Remarkable Results of Dr. .'i Treatment. . . To the Public This is to eertifiy that my sister, Miss B. Wild, residing at College Plaee, Wash., has been cross eyed since 11 months' old; ehe is now 34. Her sight was much impaired. Dr. Darrin straightened her eyes two weeks aeo and rectified her sight. I can never say enough in praise for Dr. Dar rin. Refer to me at College PI toe. Wash. . Ed. Wild. GKKAT KEJOICiya. Mr. Alfred Lang, living ten miles from Pendletqn, was in the city Wednes day accompanied, by his sisters Annie and Mary Lang. - They have all been u i !cr Dr. Darrin'a treatment for tha past two months for catarrh. Th y are very much elated over theresulta of the treatment, nearly every vestige of the disease having disappeared. OUHKO TWO YEARS AQQ. Milo Palmer, living seven miles from Pendleton, consulted with Dr. Darrin Wednesday for boy'a attliction. He re ports that, his neighbor, Lou Mustord. waa cured by Dr. Darrin two yeajs ago, He bad long beep, afljicted with in flamed and granulated eyes. HU cure was permanent aa he has hai no vtn of the dreaded atil'otiosi. n "V ' Troops for Alaska, . Arrangements have been made for the transportation of four companies of Unit ed States troops from Vancouver bar racks to Dyea and Skagwa, Alaska. Companies A and G of the Fourteenth Infantry will sail from Tacoma on the steamer Queen about February the 10, and ComoanifiH B am! H will on hvtlia steamer Cottage City from Soattie on ceoruary z. me government pack train will leave Vancouver barracks to morrow, according to tbe present ar rangements, and t&t no Bonne tn Dirao on the steamer Signal from Seattle. wwing io tne movement ot five com panies of the Fourteenth infantry to Alaska, it is reported that either the Ninth infantrv or thn try will be ordered to take station at Vancouver barracks. .City Candida'es. So far there haa hnAn no in nrarm. ine nn nertainincr election. O. A. Barrett, the present in cumbent, is the onlv candirlAtn fnr IvTav. or. However, there is no telling what win occur Deiween ncw and 12 o'clock tomorrow nicht. when tha tima la nn for filing candidates nominating petitions. For councilmen, only the names of the present members are filed and two of t hero h Leach and France have not yet fired acceptance. ' G. O. Oaburn is a can didate for treasurer. J. W. Smith is running for recorder and his opponent wm oa a. . braaiey, wnose petition ubs oeen circulated but not yet filed, ' t- Bowling Scores. Much interest is being taken in the new bowling alley. The management, Messrs Ross & Swaggart, re confident that thev Will be ahle to nrcini nlnh that will rank second to none in the Btate. lueaday evenings Las been sot aside for the ladies. . Last Tuesday evening several ladies coateBted, and two remarkable scores were made: Mrs. B. F. Swaggart 45, and Mrs. Hemp Booher, 30; other ladiea making good scores for their first bowling. Records for the week aro: Max Lewin, C2; Fred Fischer, 57; Ord Boatwick, 68; F. J. Bealej52 . Ground Squirrels. The ground squirrels are coming out of their holes in Walla Walla county, and the Statesman says : "Now Is the time to nip these destroyers of wheat, before the spring increase comes. A few bushels of poisoned grain would work wonders, as feed is hard to get and they wonld be eager to eat. iater the poisoned grain has very ; little at traction for them, as they can get otber feed. Active measures and at once would be the means of saving many bushels of grain." Verdict for L'euallen. : , The jury in the case of J. T, Lieuallen 78 William and Matt Moagrove returned a verdict in the plaintiff's favor. . After the return of the jury from Ad ams arguments were made by Attorneys Raleyand Stiilman for tbe plaintiff and Fee and Haley for the defense. The court gave instructions and the jury re tired at about 0 ;30 o'clock to deliberate, with the result stated. The plaintiff, who sued for about $3800, is given a verdict for $2250. ' , A Tax Levied. ' ' District No; 09, in the Gold Spring country, had a school meeting a few days ago. This is tbe district whose troubles were . aired last term in court in the case brought by. Effie Graham to recover salary as teacher. The meeting was held to vote "a tax for the payment of tbe district attorney's fees in this case, which amounted to $57 50. The tax carried by a vote of 12 to 6. A levy of Vt mills is necessary to raise the $37 50. . . Now Think About .Your Health. In the warm weather of Spring you should be strong and in robust health, your blood pure and your appetite good. Otherwise yon will be in danger ot seri ous illness. Purify and enrich yonr blood with Hood's Sareaparilla and thus "prepare fr epring." This medk cine makes rich, red, blood, and gives vigor and vitality. ' Telephone Exchange. Arrangements have been perfected whereby the Inland Telephone Co., will put la a local telephone exchange. The work of aetting tbe polea and Btringiog the wires will probably be commenced next week. The companv will put in a new line of poles to Walla Walla, and La Grande-Baker City line will be rud from this city via Thorn Hallow. Business Firm Change. ; II. H.Curtis has disposed of his In terest in the Brick Grocery 8iore to Mrs. L. V. Hales, sister of hfs former partner, Arthur Klgby. The firm will do bail oess nnder tbe name of Rigby & Hales. At present Mr. Curtla doea not exactly know in what direction ha will turn hit business ability and energy. To Cure a Cold in One Day, Take Laxative Bromo Qainiae Tablets. AH Drvgi'j't refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Jic-Ta-lIac for Flftf tent. Guaranteed tobacco hutrit care, malte BieuauruiiiC, tikuxJ pure . A.i uruttii; mi it Attt 04-ra-nrv i n MORRIS BLOCK, H For UGiineatOi' Just Received at the fj THE NEW STORE jOkaSi Ateuts tor llutterick's Patterns. . . - - u .... . ' The Brick Grocery RIGBY ik HALVES, Prop's. k Cheapest place In town For Groceries The Brick Grocery, RIGBY & IIALIS, Proprietors, The Munsoh Typewriter Is "THE BEST" Writing Machine CI. r"Y"' ' I ,", ; I THE . ... t., - THE HIGHEST GRADE AND STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE ' . . ; . Controlled by no Trust or Combine .... Address for particulars: J . MUNSON TYPEWRITER COMPANY, , , Manufacturers, 240-214 W. Lake Street, Chicago, Ills., m a ting, 1 PLAYS ANY PIECE OF ANY COMPOSER. WILL E GIVEN AWAY AT MAX LLOTS, THE PEOPLE'S FURKISHER .A-.,. ',r-:- ,. Apyperson purchasing to the amount of $1.00 in Cash is entitled to a chance in a drawing on this fine musical instrument. Each addi- . . tional purchase of $1,00 in Cash will entitle the buj'er to an additional chance. . The in strument is ou exhibition m itt MAX LEWIN Leader of Low Prices. I if Agflnt far Royal Tailor. "E-tt,sr the trle, the ticr ktha tr Io," in (JJ our Matw. ATHENA, OREGON. 0 n m arch B... pi b Athena, Oregon SPECIAL FEATURES: Interchangeable Steel Typewheel, Insuring permanent alignment, . Perfect light-swinging carriage, Metal erasing plate, Simplicity of construction, Writing in Bight, 90 letters an'l characters, OI..J..I1 V J ,4MUNSGN" is especially guaran teed in writing for five years from date of purchase. fiiisir nn MUSIC COMPOSED BY i )?; v- 3 McBriis, Prop.