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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1898)
THE COUNTY 'HEWS The "East End" as Reflected . By Our Exchanges, STRANGE BUT IT'S TRUE Corpse Lies for' Two Weeks Near Railroad Track- WBSTOS LIADBR. Mrs. M. J., Richardson a lady eixty jf ;us oi agp, and eister of Thoa. J. Gal ! i of thin place, waa burned to death ft Cohen, Wash , on day last week. limner Beathe, recent foreman of the I.os.;lr, has secured emplojment ina job office in Seattle and expecta to re main in thacity for eome time.. The Kickapjo Specialty Co. evidently Oi:t n Weston a gwd town for auckera ud it. uy billed the town for another of their performances this week when it is p suraed the "Nigger" and Irish acta v..i be played over again ad nauseam. The literaryVand debating society lull !.r the King jechool house three miles eontli of town pare elected the following olBcers: Ealii Kirkpatnck, President, ftfumiel Rannisier, Vino President; IWtba Hartley Se.; Fraiik Greer, Treasurer. There ta talk of organizing a ladies eortiet'bnnd in Weston nnJer the leader ship of Prof. Frank Henry, and if the rumor be true, and good maeio is fur rushed by it at all in proportion to good looks, there will soon be no ' savage breaa's to soothe" in this community. George Curry was given two years' in the pen for using another man's name on a check. This was the minimum penalty for that offense, and it appears that the plaa for mercy in his behalf .hy some of toe citizens of Athena, was not without influence with Judge Lowell. Fred Campbell ran tils bead against a low hanging beam in his grandfather's woodshed Monday. He was knocked senseless by the impact and remained in thut condition for several hours He ia now sufficiently recovered to be on the street. . - Hiwatha Rebeckah Lodge No. 88 I 0 O, F. int-tnlled the following officers: Isabella Logan, P. N. G, j Lulu Ray, N. G, j Lsonora Bryeon, I. G.; Aliuo Kirkpatrick, Secretary; Crra DeGraw, Treasurer; Unify Hofner, Con ; Pi-arle Wills, War ; Mary Suniam, Chap ; C. 0. Barth, I U. : O. U. Turner, K. B ; Minnio Greer, L. R. ; Dora 8impsoD, R H. ; Carrie Earth, L. 8. The strong room or vault of the Farmers' Bank of Weston has been un dersold! somo repairs and alterations lately that add very much to its appear ance and convenience A new linoleum covering for the floor bus been added, shelving has been put in and painted, and all the surroundings Indicate the iieatneps and system " with which v es ton's bank business is conducted. The B O ty of an alleged ghost that Is Raid to have nearly irtgtitenea some ot the good people ot free water into ner vous spasms is treated by editor Bull of the Eagle with coneiderabls levity. How wilt it be Col. if you should be pursued by the starved shadow of a Milton town cow? Wouldn't you feel remorseful for all the nnklnd things you have said about them? MILTON KAQLK ? The home of J. N. fctone was made happy Friday evening of last week by the arrival of a bouncing son that tipped tho Ik am at 11 pounds. Mrs. Nancy A. Jacobs, who has been suffering Iron, a severe attack of la grip, ia irreatlv improved in health and ahU to attain attend to her usual household duties. John Hood, who lives in the Cotton wood neighborhood, met with a serious loss Wednesday night by Bra. His barn mid contents went up in smoke sod wete a total less. W, P. Leach is over from Athena to day to secure suitable building in which to conduct a bowling alley, In all like- lihood he will be successiul, as there are peveral places admirably suited to, Mr. Leach's purpose. ' " There is talk that Milton will have a large number of improvements during the coming summer. New machine (shops, a woolen mill and many new dwellings are In contemplation We earnestly hope that these ventures will not all end in talk, CoDgicsBineu are now distributing that portion of thoir perquisites made up ot garden seeds, and the political garden er is securing a full quota, which it is hnned, may grow and yield votes and influence, along with the .cabbages atuUnrnips. The Mitchell elemout in the state republican league have been "turned down." Mitchell Is a "dead goose" In Oregon politics, If the action of those delegates be a criterion of tho feeling of the republican party. it turn steep i William Weber'a game-cock, "Old Sludge," walked away with the money at Walla Walla last Saturday night in a contest with Clary's "Spokane Cham- "Nhiilge was an easy winner, greatly to the gratification ol Lis admirers tier , about. . ' Oolvllle gloi ies in the possession of a natural born hortethief, says the Walla Walla Statesman. That's nothing to . boast ot. We have some young boys in . this place that have every characteristic ' of embryo hiKhwaymeu, but we're not . going to proclaim It from the housetops. . Newspapers seem to be made princi pally to cover up the sins of mankind and laud his virtues. A case in point i happened in Milton this week, but the . - fads must not be published because of V. the unhappy, wife and innocent child . Mr. Ward Emigh, proprietor of the new Walla Walla butter and cheese fac tory, a ill establish a "skimming station" at or near this city, if a sufficient amount of milk can bo regularly obtained. The Lugle is Informed that the sale of milk to a creamery is much mors profitable to owners of "milch cows than the manu ftu:ture of butter or cheese in the old wst, and Users is but a email amount of involved f imply milking the cows. Mr. Chas. McBride, who has been en fitced in the livery business in this mv for th past four years with Sir, Chas. McKesste, has disposed of his I-rest in lL business to his partner, : ', oa t'unday cveiiicg departed for other flelda. In tha latnre Mr. McKen zie will conduct the livery iable ai.d emWvor to meet the wants of the pnblie in hie lite with trustworthy tea ma atd it' o 1 vehiultf. . Farmera complain that the constant freei ng of the eronml'at nijr,rl and thawing in the daytime it verr iojnrious 10 .'all down wmat, and if the weathtr cljrk dw't, change iht froiram soon rsiiom lose to I irmra and a great ahort airs In the acason'a wheat yield may re sult. Loni continued frei sing at n!tht with thawing in the daytime caatee the ground to "heave" and break the- tiny rooU of the Rrain, and thie if continued long enough will eventually destroy ita life. STRANGE BUT TRUE. Corpse Lies for Twj Weeks Wfhin Fi.'ty Feet of Railroad Track. . Pendleton Tribune: Saturday last youcg boy reported to the sheriff of this connty tnat be saw irom me train, near Gibhon, when on His way to renaieion, the dead bod r of man lying within a short distsoce of tbs railroad track. . The ofIiciis scouted even the idea that such a thing was possible as the place desig nated is close to Gibbon station where there are constantly passers by ' and j where several trains pass each day. Despite all improbability the report hat proven to be true. The body baa been recognized and buried. It was that of Joe Kaylaton, an Indian, who was last seen, in a drunken condition In this city, January 25, the day upon which he is supposed to have died, lue presump tion is that the :edskln must have -Iain down in the snow, wbicn at that time was laj lng deep on the ground in the mountains, and b-ien frozen to death, as even now, after two weeks' exposure, the body is in a perfect state of preserva tion. ' . The boy's report was corroborated Sunday and there went from Pendleton Coroner Folsom, Djputy Sheriff Kim; berk, J. H Lawrer, who wu acting as district attorney, Indian Agent Harper and Dr. Perkins, of the Agency. Tuey found the body lylug in a clearing, fully exposed to view, within 150 feet of Gib bon station. No marks of violence wero to be seen on the boiy aad it was nut deemed necessary to hold an inqueH The remains were taken to the Agency and tneru interred DEMOCRATS HOLO A CONFAB. County Central Committee Meets to Consider the Question of Fusion. At the meeting of the democratic coun ty central committee held at the court bouse at Pendleton, it was decided to allow one delegate to the county conven tion for every 15 votes or fraction cast for A. S. Bennett for congress at the last election, and one at large lor each pre cinct. This will give tho county a rtp reenntation of from 85 to 00 delegates. Chairman Pierce will name a commit tee of five members to confer with the committee of the people's party already appointed with regard to fusion. The following attended thsmeetiag: T. A, Llenallen, of Adams; J. W. Malon ey, of North Athena; J. M. Bentley, of South Pendleton; II. J. Taylor, of Fill too j William Lloyd, of North Milton; Chris Simpson, of Helix; Frank Mans field, of Bouih Athena; J. B. Baylor, ot Echo; 8. G. Llghtfoot, of Vinson; H. 0. Branstetter, of Union; W. M. Pierce, of East Pendleton; T. W. Tweedy, of Alta; R. M. Turner, of McKay ; A. M. Isaac, of Gilliland ; D B. Watson, of Mission. Last Ret ting-Place. The remains of Marem Whitman, Narcissa Whitman and others, who were massacred at Waiilatpu, which were exhumed so that -a monument could be erected, were reinterred Satur day at Whitman station. The bones of Dr. and Mrs. Whitman were carefully wrapped in cotton and placed in the head of the coffin, those of the other victims of the massacre being placed in the foot. The casket was placed in a hearse and taken to the burial ground. There the casket waa placed In the sarcophagus and the large .stone cover lowered into plau. ttrif ceremouies weie conducted by President 8. u. L. Penrose, of Whitman college; Rav. E. L. Smith, of the Congregational church, aud Rev. E. R. Gondii, of the Firt Presbyterian church. The ceremonies were witnessed by a large number of Whitman college students and citizens. Print Shop Language. Printing office language is peculiar. The editor said to the foreman : "Billy, put George Washington on the galley und finish the murdar you commenced yesterday. Set up the rains ot Hercules and distribute smallpox. Lock up Jeff Davis; slide Ben Butler into the hell box and leave the 'pi' alone until after dinner. . Put (he ladies' form to press and tell the devil to work on Deacon Fogg's artiole on eternal punishment." Klondike a " A form of fraud which business men should b on the lookout for ia "Klon dike drafts." A number of alleged draf s purporting to he signed by well known companies operating in the Klon dike have been passed at Sound points. Generally the name of the company whose name ia forged is transposed and misspelled, but all paper ol this charac ter will bear careful scrutiny and in vestigation before being accepted. A Rattling Story. The beat snake story since that ot the Gerdea ot Eden Onus from California. A man once saved the life of a ra tier that evinced the liveliest kind of a gratitude and finally took up its abode in his cabin. . One night he heard a commotion on the ground floor. He ran down and found tho rattlesnake holding a burglar in its coils, with its tail out of the wiadow rattling for a policeman. Suit Compromised. . Litlgatiou over the drowning of Mrs. A. Hammond and her daughter In the Wtilametto near Portland has been pre vented by the payment of 92000 to the administrator of their estates, C. R. Miller. It waa one of the company's boats which ran down the small eraft which contained the two nnlortonate women. ' Hagen Will go to Skaguay, . Simon Uagea expects to leave Febru ary 15 for Skaguay. He has been en gaged hy R. C. Arnold, of Harney county, with others, to take a band ot &00 horses to the gold fields. The party will leave Pendleton on the 15 instant and will drive the horses to. feH!t .Thv will beehipped.-i-.Tnbr.;.,. y '"a. Found, A check on the First National Baak ot Pendleton, for 3 30 drawn in favor of John filake, sigaed by L M. Watrna, endorsed oa back by John BUke, and Tbos. Kelsay. To Car Conittpatton Forvp, TV CwreU CiuJr Cathartic 10e ortta. It U C. C fail to cure, drgi,'U)ia refund aivacr. Those Dregful Sores They Continued to spread In Spite of Treatment but How They aro Healed -A Wonderful V.'oiJt. "For many ye-:s 1 have been a great su!Tercr with varkoicTinjon o:ioof my limbs. My foot a. id li.ub bcca:;io dread fully swollen. When I stood up I could feel the blood rushing down the veins of this limb. Oue day I accidentally hit ir f loot against some oojec t and a soro br.;' ont which continued to spread aid m exceedingly painful. I conclude i I needed a blood purifier aa J 1 began t aid " Hood's Sarsaparilla. Ia a short ti.;jj those dreadful sores which had caused me so much suffering, bean to heal. I kept on faithfully with Hood's Sarsapa rilla, and in a short time my limb was completely healed and tho sores gave me no more pain. I cannot be too thankful for the wonderful work Hood's Sarsapa rilla, has done for me." MRS. A. E. Gilsok, Hartland, Vermont. Sarsa 5 parilla Isf:o best-in fact the One True Blood Purifier. tood' Pills cure all liver ills. 25 cents. HOLIDAY IN OREGON. Answer to 'Tboje Whj Th'rst for Knowledge, Every now and then someone jnmps np a friend and puts him to shame by asking him how many legal , holidays there are in Oregon. " ' v - In order to answer th'u question it is nece.'sary to understand what is a legal holiday. There is a number of days named, in the statutes of Oregon as holi days, but tho law does not compel a man to refrain from work on these days. Such legal holidays are now judicial davs in the courts; that is, no business can be lawfully transacted by these courts on such days, except that a in a tice can issue a warrant for the arrest of a criminal. Banks take advantage of such holidays to close, but business houses csn remain open and reqniro their employes to go without a holiday. As far as known, no legal holiday is provided for bv tho United mates stat utes, and the United States courts trans act business every day in the year, ex cept Sunday, and probably could hold session on Sunday U necessary. The days generally recognized an le gal holidays in this state aud defined hv the code aa such, are Sundays and fait days, New Year's day, Washington's birthday, Decoration day, La'ior day, Mr uui vu VI ui; a. uauangi t smh vac naau Christmas: and general election day is IT Ansfh a! Inlw I HartarsKfitrinrw rlav and generally recognised as a legal holiday, probably because tne law says trie Saloons "shall be closed," and a man needs a day off to find all the back doors that are oten. The proclamation of the president designating a day of thanksgiving makes it a legal holiday only in those states provided by law for it. There is no national holiday, not even the Fourth ot July. It must be understood that in this state, at least, no one ia for bidden to work on any ot these legal holidays, and if the employers required It, their employes would probably have to work on tbape da s. The whole question is not only devoid of interest, but worries newspaper men, who know ot no holidays.- Pendleton Republican. COTTON AND TOBACCO Seed Will be Distributed by I ha O. R. & N. Five hundred pounds of cotton seed, the first installment for the O. R. & N. Go's, industrial department, have ar rived in Portland from Texas, says the Oregonian. The seeds will be sent ont for experimental planting in Umatilla and other counties ot Oregon and Wash ington where the conditions seem favor able and where there will be assurance of careful treatment. The planting time for this cotton seed U in April. Tobacco seed hava been sent for and it will arrive in a few days. This seed will be planted as soon as it shall be obtainable, In hotbeds or boxes that ran be protected from possible frost. The plants will be transplanted in the fields when all danger of frost shall have passed. Experiments in tobacco cul ture, like those in cottoaraising, win be under the sunervision of agents of the O. R. & N. Co., though in a few cases careful and responsible fsrmors may bs upplied with seed for experiment. The object is to gain reliable knowledge from tbeae experiments and not to trust (o miscellaneous guess work. Business Is Business. "Going clear up?" "Yea. Sixteenth floor." The man who bad asked the question opened a small valise he carried by means of a strap slung over his shoulder and took out a book. "There's no need of letting any time go to wast," he said. "I'va got a work here I'd like to show you. This is no humbug. It's no cheap fake got up to fool the people. It's . "I haven't any time to look at it." "You have all the time there is. This ia a lightning calculator, my friend, got up on a new plan. Shows yon how to compute the interest on any sum from a cent to a million dollars, how to change dollars to pounds oi pounds to dollars, gives simple rules aad multiplication by any number ot figures, shortens every operation in arithmetic,, will pay tor itself the first time you use it, and all -" The wire cables, which were supposed to be securely fastened to the elevator, broke or gave way at this moment, and the elevator fell from the 12th story, ' It shot down like a meteor. By some unheard of accident the elevator abaft in that particular building had been constructed with an air cushion at the bottom, and this broke the fall. No lives were lost, but the passengers were badly shaken np and were hysterical with fright all but one. His voice rose above the din in brisk, businesslike tones : - "And all I ask tor the book is halt a dollar. Can't I sell you a copy?" ' hi i - L The Surprise of All. Mr. James Jones, of the drug firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking ot Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her csn grew so serious that physicians at Cowden and Pane could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop Hatty Consumption. Having Dr. King's New Discovery in Store, and telling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise ol all she began to get better from the first dose, and a halt dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do thie good work. Try it. Free trial bottles at Fionoer Drug Store. Real state. 480 ACRES ten miles north of Athena 320 acres of good wheat land, 160 acres pasture. Good house, barn, out buildings, wind mill, etc. A bar gain at $5,500. 160 ACRES splendid wheat land, biz and a half miles north of Athena well im proved. Yours for JR4-.250. 1120 ACRES 600 acres in cultivation, balance pastute; about 250 acres summer fallow. Well improved with house barn, two wells, wind mill cistern etc. Cheap at $12,000. 240 ACRES on Pine Creek. About 80 acres in cultivation. Abundance of water for irrigation and plenty of wood for use od the place. Nearly 600 fruit trees now , bearing. , $2,400. 180 ACRES good timber land. You can get it if taken now, for $900. 400 ACRES pasture land, one half suitable for cultivation. Good spring of water and is only two miles from railroad station. A snap at $1,000. 1 HOUSE one 7 roomed house and good barn with 3 lots in Railway Addition $650. 160 ACRES 5 or 6 miles from Athena, good wheatland. $3200. 320 ACRES 130 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, pari in summer fallow A good place for $3,750. 80 ACRE fruit farm, between Walla Walla and Milton. 25 acres of bearing fruit treee, 4 acres in strawberries, 3 acres in blackberries, 2 acres in asparagus, balance in alfalfa. A good house, barn, etc., abundance of water for irrigating purposes, no rocks. A model home and a mon ey maker. Price, $12,000. 1 FIVE room houss on Jefferson Street, Athena, for $500. 2 LOTS ion Warrington Street, Athena, a good house and barn, fine location and cheap at $500. 160 ACRES on Weston mountain,- part sum mer falow, good house and barn, growing orchard, all well improved $2800. , ' 320 ACRES ; in Sand Hollow. 135 acret sum mer fallow, good house and barn, plenty of water. An excellent wheat farm. $7500. J. W. SMITH, Athena, Oregon. Wm, McBride, .-.Dealer In.1.'. ' ' I PURE DRUGS & MEDICINES A Fine Chemicals. Pharmaceutical i Specialties.. Dye Studs.'' '. Toilet" Fancy urticlee, Corabi, Bruahea, Perfumery, Powden, Preparations for the teeth. Prescriptions carefully compounded. . Everything first-class at the "Pilace." The C0DRC1AL LIVERY, FEED, and SALE STABLE. Best Turnouts In Eastern Oregon: w Stock Boarded . by the Day, Week or Month. - . R. J. SLATER, ATTORNEY.AT.LAW, Athena, Ore. J. B. Huntington, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Atuena, Oss NDY CURE COIiSTl PATIO! I tot 2i SO. ID "AT TTT 7 T rniQ ITVl7n t nn nj tmeareoistiintioa. Caacanta art thIdtl Lwu-i aDOUliUltOil tiUAnAAlLDUtw. nerfTipwrriMitraaMwrBanilrMilta, Su-I yl Hi tmklet free, i J. STERMSB BKlfcDI Kfir Br'gnt Ready-mixed Paints, Wall Paper, Leads, Brushes, ! H8, uiass, HIUU Tomlinson Estimates cheerfully furnished, and all work guaranteed. PARKER & FERGUSON, Proprietors of THE ELECTRIC BARBER SHOP. . SHAVING, ..g, , HAIRCUTTING SHAMPOOING, IIAIRSINGING, ' In Latest Styles 4T $Cr HOT OR COLD WATER BATHS, 25 CENTS. JjM Lumber ! Lumlbern Owen & Thompson, in connection with their Blacksmith and General llepair Shop, now have an unlimited supply of Lumber, Shingles and Cedar Posts of in car-load lots, or. by clubbing in together, can save money by seeing them and getting their prices. -WE CAN AND WILL BEAT ALL FORMER PRICES. A Great Magazine Offer 3 I The regular subscription price of "Uemoreeta magazine, " "Judge'a Favorites and "Punny Pictures" is $3 00 "Demoreat'a Maaazlne la by far the best family magazine published. There Is none of our mommies in wmcn me rjeauunu ana me useun, pleasure ana prom, msinun im nwm. ture are bo fully presented as In Demorest'a. There is. In fact, no publication pretending .. to a similar scope and purpose which can compare wilh it. With each number la a lree attern con mm. "Judge's llbrry" Is a monthly magazine of fun, filled with Illustrations in caricature ' aud replete with wit. Its contributors are the best of American wits and illustrators. " Pu n ny victu res" is another humorous monthly: there is a laugh in every line ot It. All iiirce oi tnese magazines are Banusoraeiy ,, . cut here and return Coupon properly filled out. DEMOREST PUBLISHING CO., 110 5th Ave , New York. For the enclosed $2 please send 'Demorest'a ana ru n ny Victu res ior one year as ; Name..'.;....,' Date.. You Can't Look Under the Enamel ! X We want bright business men to represent us everywhere. i CATHARTIC DKUGC(2TS to., rainwo. owyeti. u.,wjt(w iort. an. 1U1I1B, CWi., S Sharp, Pendleton, Oregon. i-vjr-V M 2F - 1 IT all grades. Parties wishing to buy 3 FOR I I "We will send all three to you for one year for $2.00 or 6 mo. lor 91 guiieu up. jjuu lihiss mis cunuix. Family Magazine, J udge's Libra r per your oner. Post office.'....;. v . ' State.. a White Plume from a Crow's Tail, nor a good Bicycle from Castings. the Monarch is good all through. 9 4. n an vv MONARCH CYCLE MFQ. CO., f Chicago New York London ' 5ead nine twent timp tor Menjjxh Haying Cattls. kijular 50c can's. 1DCC BIKECT(T AF. & A. M. HO. -SO MltHiS Alia . ' Firat and Third Saturday Kveningi 3f each month. .ViitinK .bretheren oor- iially invited to vUit tbolodga. 10. 0. F. NO. 73, Me. .19 ivtfti . Friday night. VUiting Odd Fellowa n good atanding alway a welcome. AO, TJ. W. NO. 104, AlftClO inr Second and Fourth Saturdaya ol " . - . . fntMMI KTT i each month. Lake France, ... Kecoraer. . n . . . r vn l"l UTiuulmMl of the A Vorld,me;Slk.nd 8rd Wednesday, ol sach month. VlaltlDgChoppera alwaya wel come. V. USBU a , vi 29, meets every Thnraday Night.. g F. SHARP. Physician and Surgeon. Calls promptly answered. Office on Third Street, Athena, Oregon. J. C:SMITII, M. D. ' Athena", (Oregon. " Office at Palace "DroV' Store.' Calla promptly answered, day or night." J A. BEST, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. Office over Brant's Store, Weston. Dr. Clyde L. Hill, ; , DENTIST, 3rd Street, Athena, Oregon. CTPendleton and Portland prlcea. .'.Take the. WASHINGTON!- -COLUMBIA RIVER RAILWAY In Connection with the 3iT03?Tjl3.e3?XX. ' . aioifxo FOB ' tacom a, ' seattle, spokane, st. paul; , ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY and OMAHA, AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTHEAST. The Best Tourist Sleepers Pullman Sleepers Dining Cars For further information apply to J. A. MUiRHEAD, Agent, -Athena, Oregon. Or to FREDERICK ROGERS, Q. F. & P. Agt., Walla Walla, Wash. iaXOWEaT RATES. EAST QIVE8 THE OHOICtt OF . TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL :'v;.ROtEES,. - GREAT NORTHERN oreco;i short liiie " VIA '- ' ' SALT LAKE , VIA SPOKANE MINNEAPOLIS ST. PAUL I AND ' CHICAGO "DENVER OMAHA, ' AND - : KANSAS CITY LOWEST RATES TO ALL EAST ER CITIES. OCEAil STEAMERS LEAVE- PORTLAND EVERY RVE DAYS FOR SAti FRAfJCiSGO Steamers Monthly from Portland to Yokohoma and Hong Kong; via The Northern Pacific Steamship Co., in connection with 0. R. & N. For full inlnrmatinn mil nn l Tt A V A Mnt Athena, Oregon, or address: W. fl. HUB If BURT, Gpn'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon: J Podwell Carl 111 fc Co., Ueu'l Amenta North ern Pacific steamship Co Forihtnd, Oregon TLTTS CREAM BALM to (MMfflvaeara. Apply ielo the otri!, It M qtsickly ihtmrtoei. a w t Dnfl or ty b:I ; t:ni: Inc. br vnX ELT EKOTliK8, M Viaa St, r lev, fctr iP&a (SJi U TO THE Tor (gCaXawtv - ,caik hm.iiii r - frni'- fitttgm r--nr-i nwi.iii. JUwa-JU