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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1896)
GOOD JOB -WOEK AT "VTEIBTSr LO'W: PEIOES. TONGUE IS NOMINATED. Washington "County Statesman Is Named at Albany. Thomas H. Tongue, of Washing ton county, was on the 34th ballot, nominated for United Slates repre sentative for the first congressional district, and the great fight against Binger Hermann was , won. The struggle was long and & little tedi- , ous, but it was carried on without bitterness, and it . was gallantly won. Hermann got his maximum strength on the first ballot and thereafter it gradually dwindled until it was in the neighborhood of 30 votes, and these stayed with him to the last. Tongue was second choice in the number of votes. As the fight proceeded, the sentiment for Tongue began to manifest itself, until it was so strong it could not longer be disregarded. The sup porters of the weaker candidates finally yielded and went to Tongue, and that is the way he was nomi nated. ' It was midnight, but the conven tion nominated delegates to the national convention and named a congressional committee and thus finished its work and adjourned. It was .unmistakably a sound money convention and voted for Judge Moore, of Klamath and J. F. Calbreath, of Yamhill, as delegates on the clearly evident stipulation that they would stand for sourd money. -Wyatt, . the free candidate, did not allow his silver name being to be presented, his defeat sure. - ;- ' Advertised Letters. . -The following list of letters re mained uncalled for in the Poet office at Athena, Oregon, April 1, 1896. Persons calling for the same will please say advertised. -Bryan, Edgar . Johnson, P. K. Carnett. Cally Williams, Lon Goslin, Win. G. Williams, Almira Navin, J. P. Wayle, Will - Jas. W. Maloney, P. M. Out of weakness comes strength when the blood has been 'purified, enriched and vitalized, the appetite restored and the system built up by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. All druggists. 25c. BERKSHIRE AND POLAND CHIN PICS FOR SALE , They are bred from thorough bred Boars, raised by & celebrated swine-breeder of Pennsylvania. Boar pigs of either breed, $7.50; pigs have just been weaned, and can been seen at my place, near Pendleton, Oregon. Call on or ad dress, Frank B. Clopton. Spring Stock .OF CLOTHING Has ! Commenced to arrive at the Square Store Pendleton, Oregon. Pln all-wool Suits com mence at ' and end at $6.50 $18.00 The World-Renowned Fetch heimer, Fishel & Co. '- P J) it L3 HAS ARRIVED Best Lining Best Trimming - Best Fitting Best Made Men's Clothing ever brought to Pendleton. ! The Square Store. W. D. HANSFORD & CO., 'Dealers In Hardware.... ; And Stoves. TIN AND COPPER WARE. Pumps, Pipe, etc., - - PLUMBING A SPECIALTY. 629 Main Street, GOOD BAND MUSIC. A Pendleton Paper Flatters Band- b6 men. That Athena is head and should ers above any town in Eastern Oregon, when it comes to the question of a band, goes without contradiction. - The boys plucked fresh laurels on their three days' engagement last week, and the Weston band, although young, played good musk and come in for their share of gloryyr? the columns of a Pendleton aper. Of the bands the East Oregonian says: -During the democratic conven tion of Saturday, there were pres- eutin Pendleton two musical organ izations the Weston cornet band and the Athena cornet band. These organizations are two of the best in the stale and they added very much to the success of the conven tion. At all times when called on selections, they responded with hearty readiness and the monotony of nominations and platforms and Bpeeches was broken by their musi cal numbers. - The Weston band is under the leadership of Prof. J. S. Henry, and the other members are: A.Brand enburg, P. A. Worthington, E flat cornets; Charles Proebstel, B flat cornet; W. B. Worthington, Charles Marsh, tenors; William A. lhomp sou, solo alto; James Morgan, first alto; R. J. Gillgore, second alto; Clark Wood, baritone; E. L. Logan, bass; Charles Ljenalien, bass drum; Alpha Wood, tenor drum. The Athena band is composed as fallows: , Prof. C. C. Sharp, solo B flat cornet, leader; Ed Rush; solo B flat cornet; M. Johnson, first B flat cornet; L. Hiteman, second cornet; J. E. Froome, tuba; 0. Rusie, bari tone; G. M.. Morrison, firstj-trom-bone; F. B. Boyd, second trombone; S. A. Maloney, solo alto; James Froonie, first alto; Fred Fischer, peecond alto; J. E. Sharp, bass drum; Charles Stansell, snare drum. During their stay in Pendleton, the'Athena band found quarters at the Hotel Pendleton,- and the Weston band at the Golden Rule. The two bands were present Satur day evening and furnished inspir ing music at the ratification mealing, and at the cloe of the meeting, serenaded both the hotels. The bands are composed through out of young men of the highest standing in their home towns, and, whenever they visit this city, they always return home with friends. On Saturday evening, Prof.Sharp and Prof. Henry joined forces dar ing the serenading and the two bands played as one, to the delight t)f the large number of spectators who listened. Marshal's Notice. To whom it may concern: Several complaints have been made to me against parties who let their chickens, cows or horses run at large in violation of the city ordinances prohibiting the same. There is also an ordinance provid ing for a license for dogs. All parties who have dogs within the cornorate limits of the City of Athena are hereby notified and re quested to procure license as per ordinance. - All parties owning or having care of property are hereby notified to clean up the alleys adjoining the same. A. M. Gillis, City Marshal As baldness makes one look pre maturely old, so a full head of hair gives to mature life the appearance of youth. To secure this and pre vent the former, Ayer's Hair Vigor is confidently recommended. Both ladies and gentlemen prefer it to any other dressing. A Present For All. - Anyj one purchasing to the amount of $15.00 at Max Lewin's store, in cash, will be presented with a set of silverware consisting of 1' table fork, 1 table knife, table spoon and 1 teaspoon. v - Awarded v; ' Highest Honors World' Fair, A lit i mis ,wVrL'iiLl MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. - Baker Barbed Wire. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Pendleton, Oregon. Local News. ; Make , ; ;v A good lawn I : By using city wateri ' ' -The city council convened Mon day evening. . -".v. . Anglers are beginning to plan for fishing trips. " . '. " Max Lewin has choice .. salt pickles in bulk. . , Vj . Chas. Beale, was op from' Pen dleton Wednesday.' "" The campaigner will soon be circulating among us. - J. W. Smith solicits your insur- -w m ance. Uail and see mm. Frank Beale will put in a 4 acre garden at his place above 'town.' George Hewitt is filling preicrip- tions at the Pioneer drug store. Garden truck is beginning to peep through the ground in Athe na. . IThis week T. J. Kirk laid (pipe rom the city mains to his : resi dence. ' ; If you want any pastry flour, find the same at Max you win Lewms. , ' .... v. Grass and vegetation is growing rapidly, and stock onjtbe range are doing well. Bo sure and buy your groceries at Max Lewin's, as he is the leader of low prices. 1 " ' Mrs. W. T. Gilman is reported seriously ill at the home of her par ents, in Milton, . fhe Weston band is now togged out in new uniforms, and present a "way-up appearance. - There will be services at the Bap tist church Sunday morning. All are cordially invited to attend. )tjohn Gillis again writes from South Africa. He is working at his trade, and gets $5 per day. par friend, W. F. Butcher, is a candidate for legislative honors on the Baker county democratic ticket. AG. C. Osburn is in Portland, at tending the state democratic con vention, to which ae is a delegate. .Rain, snow, sleet and hail, with a slice of chilly weatherron the side, is the weather story for this week. Mrs. F. J. Beale makes regular Ltrips every morning to Weston, with a load of normal school chil dren. If you wish to have your house or barn insured, be sure to see J. W. Smith before taking out a policy. The reporter learns that Robt. Davis will soon start a drug store in the "Post building, formerly oc cupied by G. C. Osburn. We have a new ad in today's is sue that means something to those who are inclined to use their money judiciously. The Boston Store. Xc. C. Sharp has accepted a situ- also instruct the band at that place. His family will move down next week. A tramp, in the act of stealing a ride, was ground to pieces under the wheels of a passenger train, be tween Wallula and Umatilla, Tues day morning. Bring on your backs, buggies or wagons and Chapman, the painter, will make them look as good as new for a little of the needful. Shop in Gholson's building. SAlex McKay came in on Tues day's train from Cripple Creek, Colorado. Mrs. McKay is at Cape Breton, Canada. While in Cripple Creek, Alex met W. T. Gilman and Bailey , Look at the silverware at. Max Lewin's. It is not a present for one, but a present for all. It on4y takes $15.00 worth of groceries to be purchased to procure this valu able prize. " H. L. Marston died at Los Ang eles, after an illness of many years standing, on Sunday last, Mr. Marston is known all over Umatil la county, and was formerly in business in Pendleton. Go to Pendleton for big bargains in shoes cost prices on shoe dur ing the sale at the Boston Store, This is no lie. If you see the dis play you will be convinced. Big line bought cheap, before the rise. Under the new schedule, the east bound passenger leaves Athena at 5:53 a. m.; the west bound passen ger at 9:40 p. m. The east bound freight leaves at 2:25 p. m., and the west bound freight at 10 a. m. Alex McRae, is agent for the great Oxydoner "Victory" tbeinl valuable remedy which cures al form of diseases without medicine or electricity. Price only $15. Lasts a lifetime, Address, Alex McRae, Milton, Oregon. The relatives of Henry f arr re ceived a dispatch Tuesday night that be was dead at the pemtenti arv in Salem. He died from the effects of a gunshot wound received five years ago at Cascade Locks. He will be buried at the mission today. Money saved is money made and we can save you money on every dollar's worth of goods yoiv buy. There has never been a time when the shrewd buyer had such an op portunity' to secure bargains as in this year of 1896. . We have taken advantage of it to the fullest with the result that our large store 718 to 20 Main street, 2 doors south of First National Bank is now filled to the ceiling with the largest stock and most beautiful assortment of dry goods, notions, trimmings, laces and embroideries ever shown in Pendleton. Our stock of cloth ing for men and boys is larger than it ever was, prettier than it ever was and a very great deal cheaper than it ever was. The People's Warehouse. The new train service on the 0. R. & N., shortens the time to Port land and California pointa; also gives hrst-class and tourist sleep ing car accommodations. Connec tions made at Spokane with the Great Northern train, with through Bervice to St. Paul. , Change, made at Walla Walla for points on the Union racibc, with through first class sleepers, tourist sleepers and reclining chair cars. Passengers for Coeur d'Alene points will make direct connection at Tekoa with the new through daily train from Spokane to Wallace, The Boston Store desires to thank its customers in and about Athena for their liberal patronage, and hopes to continue to be the re cipient of your favor during our big Clearance sale. Clover Leaf Lodge, D. of II., held another of its enjoyable meetings Wednesday evening. Hoi coffee and sandwiches were served. The base ball ground in Rich ard's addition, ia of the things that were. It has been plowed up and will soon be sown to grain. The Burns Herald says no Indi ans will be allowed in Harney county on hunting expeditions the coming summer and fall. When in Pendleton stop at the Golden Rule Hotel. The best of rooms and elegant fare. . Free bus to and from all trains. The gold medal contest which was to have taken place in this city tonight, has been indefinitely postponed. v W. H. Whitman is very ill ' at his home, near Weston. There is little hope for Tils 'recovery J. W. Smith writes insurance only in good companies. Let him write your policy. AMart A. Ferguson and Miss centley were married in Pendleton Wednesday. J J. W. Smith was in Pendleton yesterday on business. Marshal Gillis now carries a gun for surplus dogs. ' Elder Rushing was in Weston Wednesday. , Keep up Your poultry. The marshal will enforce the chicken ordinance. BUNGLING BUKGLARS. The Deface Two Business Houses in , Athena. . About the poorest excuse for a job of burglaring that one could possibly witness, occurred in Athe na sometime Monday night or Tuesday morning. The First National Bank and Bloch's store were the places tried for admittance. A, crowbar was used, and in the bungling efforts to secure admittance to each place, thefront doors were badly cut and scarred up. Entrance was not effected in either instance, and the only damage done was the defacing of the woodwork as before Btated The work was undoubtedly done by a drunken si wash, a small boy or some one who desires to impress upon the mind of the city council the need of a ni.htwatch, and is laying foi the job. , Only Slight Damage. The Northwest Pacific Farmer save that when the fruit season is fully upon us it will be seen that, the damage by the late freeze was very small for the xsorthwest Even those who at first reported an entire loss of appricots are finding auite a large crop on their trees, Of course a few will lose but with many it was only a wholesome thinning. In a few sections of California the prunes will probably drop badly, but even in that state everything points to an abundant fruit crop. ": Easter Services. Easter services were held at both churches in Athena, Sunday last, Gaudy colored eggs were given the young folks, short programs were rendered and sermons preached by the pastors. At the Bank's school bouse, north of town, Easter ser vices were conducted by Sunday School Superintendent Zimmer man, an address was delivered by Rev. Rigby and an interesting pro gram was rendered. Buckingham's Dye for the whiskers is a popular preparation in one bottle, and colors evenly a brown or black. Any person can easily apply it at home. ELLIS IS NOMINATED The Man From Morrow Meets but Little Opposition. DEMOCRAT CONVENTION Will Elect a Free Coinage Delegation. Portland, pril 9. W. R. Ellis was renominated for congress last night on the third ballot by the re publican congressional convention. The Multnomah county controversy was compromised bv seating one half of each delegation. Wallace McCammant, of Multnomah, and C. W. Parrish, of Grant, were chosen as delegates to the national convention. They are sound money men and were instructed for Mc- Kinley. THE STATE CONVENTION. The republican state convention was called to order at 11:1a by Chairman Steele of the state central committee at the exposition build ing. General George 11. Williams, of Portland, was elected tsmporary chairman by acclamation. On taking the chair General Williams thanked the convention for the honor and said: "In my rulings I shall recognize no factions in the republican party. I assume that you are all republicans." A motion was made that when the convention takes a recess that it meet again in the chamber of commerce, on account of the ex position building being cold. The motion was lost. A motion was also made . that the chair appoint a committee on resolutions, but the chair ruled it out of order until after the creden tials committee reported. lhe convention then adjourned till 3 p.m. The fight between the delegations from Multnomah county will be renewed this afternoon on the floor of (.he convention. The committee on credentials as made up is favor able to Simon, but a minority re port will be presented., THE DEMOCRATS IN SESSION. Free Silver Men in Control of the i State Covention. , Portland, April 9. The demo cratic state convention was called to order at 10 o'clock this forenoon by D. W. Sears, chairman of the state central committee. J. K. Weatherford of Linn placed P. II. D'Arcy of Marion county in nom ination for temporary chairman. D'Arcy was unanimously chosen, In his speech D'Arcy said the time had come when the democratic party must take a stand on one of the, most vital questions before the people. If the democratic party would survive it must declare for free and unlimited coinage of silver. George Noland, of Clatsop, was unanimously chosen temporary secretary. The following commit tee of five on credentials wag ap pointed by the chair: J. N. Teal of Multnomah; 0. P. Cushem of Yamhill; D. H. Wood of Gilliam; W. N. Gatens of Multnomah; David Miller of Jackson. : On order ol business the chair appointed G. G. Green of Multno mah: J. H. Smith of Clatsop; D. A. McAllister of Union: Eugene Wil. lis of Marion; C. F. Hyde of Baker. , After this came tho fight of the morning. Flood of Douglas county moved that each county name a delegate on the platform committee. T. H. Crawford, in behalf of the free silver element, moved to amend by giving the chair power to name the committee. Alter a parliamentary struggle Crawford, in the interest of harmony, with drew his amendment and Flood's motion was adopted. . The convention then took a re cess till 2 p. m. A hot fight is anticipated over the adoption of the plattorm. It is plainly evident, though, that the free silver men are largely in the majority, and not only will platform contain a declaration silver but all the delegates to national convention will be the for the for silver. The sound money men are endeavoring to have the conven tion declare that they will abide by the platform on the national convention, whatever that may be. It was 3:30 when the convention reconvened. The committee on credentials then reported and the names of the delegates entitled to seals read. There were two reports by the committee on order of business. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is the best medicine in the world for bowel complaints. It acts quickly and can always be de pended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take. Try it, and like many others you will recommend it to your friends. For sale at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by Osburn. Dr. Price' Cream Baking Powder WorM'S Pair HlgfcMt ftUdat aa DipWaa. Don't the Republican Primary, but get Our Prices on Fresh Family Groceries. AT THE "POST-OFFICE STORE." IIANSELL & MALONEY, Proprietors. SOUTH SIDE MAIN STREET, VIOLET LODGE NO. 48. Decree of Honor Organized at " Weston. Wednesday evening of last week. 0 o I Degree of Honor Lodge was or ganized at Weston, by members of Clover Leaf Lodge, of Athena. The new lodge starts out with a good membership. The officers are: Past Chief. Mrs. H. B. Nelson: Chief of Honor. Mrs. G. W. Proeb stel; Lady of Honor, Mrs. Robt. janmson; uniet of Uereraonies, Mrs. U. Debrow; Recorder, Miss Mable Nelson: Financier. Mrs. F. H. Beathe: Sister Usher. Mrs. Mildreith:!. W.. Mrs. A. McDoucal: 0. W., G. W. Proebstel. The members of Clover Leaf lodge who were in attendance and assisted in organizing the Weston lodge were, Mr. and Mrs. Lake France, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rosenz weig, Mrs. F. B. Boyd, Mrs. Effie Edington, Mrs. R. 0. Hawks, Mrs. B. D. Clemens, Mrs. J. H. Callender and Mrs. Chas. S. Marsh. A SUmDtuous suDner was served. to which all did ample justice, especially Mr. Fred Rosenzweig and our friend, II. B. Nelson. The lodee here is Bteadilv Brain ing in membership, and the meet ings are said to be most interesting. An entertainment will soon be given. ..." , Death of Father Bieumuller. Father Bieumuller. of the Catho lic Indian mission . school, died Thursday morning at "the school, of consumption. Father Bieumul ler was twenty-one years of age and was a scholastic, not having yet been ordained to the order of the priesthood. He came to Uma tilla county about two months ago and was a native of Alsace Lor raine. W ON There is only one way of doing business now adays. The age of the "fakir," the "misrep resenter," and the purveyor of "shoddy" clothing is past. Live purchasers are not to be caught any more. They place their busi ness with a reliable house. We have a four teen years record and some of our customers are still with us. Men's suits, $5.98 Men's suits, 7.48 Men's suits, 7.65 Men's suits, 9.1 8 . Men's suits, 9.15 These are new Goods, no "shod dy," well made, and good trimming. G. W. HoMs Worry About .... ATHENA, OREGON, The Boston Store. One of the largest stores outside of Portland is the Boston store Pendleton's big busy store. A Press reporter was recently Bhown through the immense establish ment and waa much surprised at the magnitude of the stock that is carried by this house. The goods are all new and up to date no accumulation of shoddy goods are to be found at the "Big Boston." The store is enjoying a good trade from this section, and in fact from all parts of the county. This store makes a specialty of mail orders, which they solicit and fill with promptness and care. When in Pendleton give the Big Boston a call. Once inside you are sure to purchase, and once you purchase you will purchase again and again. " . Pennoyer for Mayor. Portland, April 4. The populist city convention yesterday nomin ated ex-Governor Sylvester Pen noyer for mayor, and also placed a full ticket in the field and has placed, a full ticket in the field. Mr. Pennoyer had previously sig nified his willingness to accept the nomination. The taxpayers' league has a complete city and county ticket in the field and has endorsed the candidacy of Mr. Pennayer, , When people are obliged to take medicine they want that it shall give quick relief and not add dis comfort to their sufferings. Three reasons why people who suffer with constipation and biliousness should take Simmons Liver Regulator: "It is better than pills, it does n6t gripe; it gives quick relief, and does not weaken but strengthens and refreshes the whole system." J. R. Hiland, Monroe, Ia. Iff Iff Athena, Ore.