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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1896)
THE PRESS has the circulation, its advertising rates are within the reach of all ' THE PRESS "touches the spot." $1.60 per year ATHENA PRESS Published Every IVIday Morning By J. '. SMITH, Proprietor. F. B. Boyd, Editor. Entered at Athena poetofflce aa second-clas mall matter. Subscription Kates: Per year, In advance, - Hlngle copies. In wrapper, 6c Advertising Testes : Local reading notices, lint insertion, 10c per tine. Each subsequent Insertion, 6e. . All communications should be addressed to he PRESS, Atbena, Oregon. ATHENA. APRIL 10th, 1896. COMING POLITICAL EVENTS. State democratic convention at Portland, April 9. National populist convention, St. Louis, July 22. Democratic national convention meets in Chicago, July 7. Republican national convention meets in St. Louis, June 16. For sheriff Wra Blakely of Eastland. For county clerk John Vert of Pendleton. For recorder of conveyances Jas A Howard ot Pendleton. For county judge Wm Scott oi Helix. For county commissioner Henry Frazier of 'Milton. For treasurer Chas Bowling of Adams. For assessor D W McDannald of Valley. For school superintendent F J VanWinkle of Weston. For surveyor O L LaDow ot Pendleton. For coroner Chas Beale of Pendleton. Fot representatives S P Purdy of Athena. M Toner of Cottonwood. J. B. Saylor of Echo. When the Republican conven tion placed Ourdane and Davis on their ticket, a direct slap was made at the Pendleton Tribune, and the "organ" was severely sat downUpon. From present indica tions the Pendleton Tribune will a a f. nrrw Alt the American nations will yet join in maintaining the Monroe doctrine. President Diaz, of Mex ico, in his message to congress, commends the Venezuelan message of President Cleveland, and says that all American Republics should make similar declarations. It gives one a pain to observe the Pendleton Tribune in its efforts to trump up the "dissatisfaction" racket in the Democratic ranks. The 4 Tribune, better known as the "organ," no doubt would be pleased to throw a red blanket nround the Democratic candidate for county judge, and also apply paint and a f.i trior nr f.wiv TCh? - . A good many girla are pleading that they need bicycles for the ex ercise it gives them. This is true. It is pitiful to think of the girls of fifty years ago who had no other exercise than sweeping, washing and scrubbing, and whose lives were fhortened by pain and sick ness becauce they never chased a tennis ball or strapped on a pair of leggins and rode off on a whee', By all means get the girls bicycles. The Democratic county conven tion has been held, and the strong est ticket that has ever been put before the people of Umatilla county, will be found at the head of the Puess editorial page. Every man whose name adorns thnt roll of honor is capable and competent in every way to conduct the affairs )f the office to which he is nomi nated for election on the 2nd day of June, next. The men who are on the Democratic ticket this year, are meivof unquestionable honesty, integrity, Democratic to the core, and they nro proud of it. It was confidently expected byourltepub lican brethern, that there would be fusion between the Democratic forces and the Populists in this county for the present campaign, and there organ even enlisted .its services so far as to make up a portion of the "fused" ticket and publish it. This Republican castle, which wa "built on do sand," collapsed, when men among the very best in Umatilla county were nominated from the Democratic ranks, by a Democratic convention, in which every nomination was made unanimous) and in which there were no factions to war and pull wires, and where nothing but good feeling and harmony prevailed. Injun blankets, war paint and feathers don't go with Umatilla Democracy; notwithstanding the fact that some republicans are try ing to make you believe that there is discord in the Democratic camp. UPennoyer has accepted the nom ination for the office of mayor of Portland from the taxpayer's league and Populists, and will be endorsed by the Democrats. Syl vester Pennoyer will be the next mayor of the city of Portland. Says the Pendleton Tribune, a paper supposed to be the only republican organ in Umatilla county, if we may except the Mil ton Eagle though it is hardly late enough yet in the season to tell exactly what its politics are to be speaking of the Democratic ticket: , '. "Republicans claim that the county ticket named by the Demo crats is the best, from top to bot tom, ever nominated by that party in this county. Especially Btrong is the nominations for sheriff and the candidates for legislative honors." Of course Zo Houser had a string on the sheriffs office door. He pulled it and got the nomination for a third time notwithstanding he promised Republican friends and warm ones, too last campaign, that if he were given the nomina tion and support of the party then, he would step down and out peace fully in 1896, and give some one else in the party a show for' the nomination. Well, little Zo fooled 'em again. And by the way, how will Tommy Hailey's words, which ho uttered at the big ratification meeting the other night, in Pendle ton, fit here, namely: "A Demo crat's word is as good as a Repub lican's bond!" 'The Republican convention at Pendleton did more to close the breach that has so long existed be tween that part of the county and the East End than anything that happened for the last eighteen years. Delegates from this vicin ity have no cause for complaint at the Pendleton brethren, as in all things they were treated with the utmost consideration." The above is from the Milton Eagle, and we are glad, decidedly glad, to hear that the Eagle is sat isfied. However, from the fact that the word "Pendleton" is stero typed on the Republican ticket, the Press fails to see any consist ency in the awowal made by our contemporary, and its assertions in the past. ?he latest thing we have heard of was sprung by a man living near Weston, He has been tapping box elder trees and making maple sugar from the sap. We rather think that overlays anything sprung so far this season. We can expect to hear next of an ice factory making ice from the pure, clear water furnished by a watch spring or learn of some honest farmer starting a dairy with the product of milkweed. There is no limit to what can be done in Ore gon. Tho manufacture of pure Vermont maple sugar from the sap of box elder treeR may become one of the leading industries of the state in future years. Something, too, might be done by an inventive genius in the way of making cloth from cottonwood trees. There is no limit to what can be accom plished here by intelligent effort, although we have not had time as yet to study out any plan to utilize the tumble weed. NOTE AND COMMENT. Pendleton Tribune (before the Republican county convention): Tht county ticket can be greatly strengthened by the nomination of a legislative ticket which will offer no excuse for the reopening of old sores.- Those who feel under obli gations to members ot the last legislature for the bestowal of favors, should remember that in the nomination of a legislative ticket this year very largely de pends the success of the Republican party in this county. In order to be more explicit the Tribune is free to ttata without prejudico ajaintt Gurdane and Davis, that it would be a mistake to force their nomination on the forthcoming convention. They are both sound money men to be sure, but as there seems to exist no objection to the election of Senator Mitchell the position of legislative nominees on the money question counts for little. East Oregonian: The Pendleton Tribune is again being edited by Colonel Parsons, candidate for prosecuting attorney on the Popu list ticket, its regular editor being on a visit to Portland. Politics makes as strange bed fellows these days as ever in the history of the world. To read the colonel's de fense of the present county admin istration and to follow his advice as temporary editor would bring tears to a crocodile, if that animal could thoroughly understand the great sacrifices of the editor pro tem. Union County Democrats. The democrats of Union county held their county convention Thursday and placed in nomina tion the following candidates: J. F. Pby, of Union, sheriff; J. R. Oliver, ot Union, clerk; Phil Wilson, f Union, recorder; J. C. Travillion, North Powder, assessor: W. B. Hindman, of Elgin, commissioner; John McCall, Island City, treasur er. The delegates to the state con vention are B. F. Wilson, T. H. Crawford, A. C. Craig, Marion Carroll, of Union, H. O. German, North Powder; Pleas Brown, Eagle; Henry Rhinehart, D. A. McAllister, John Laughlin, La Grande, Sam Booth, Island City. The latest results of pharmaceu tical science and the best modern appliances are availed of in com pounding Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Hence, though half-a-century in existence as a medicine, it is fully abreast of the age in all that goes to make it the standard blood purifier. Notice. All accounts due P. M. Kirkland, are now at the FirBt National Bank for collection, and all are re quested to come forward and settle at once. P. M. Kirkland. There Is more catarrh in thin section or the nnuntrv thnn all other diseases out tOKetlier. and until the In-st few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease, and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly fulling to euro Willi local irenunent, pronounceu n iu curuhle. Science has nroven catarrh to be I eoiiHl itutloiial disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney Co., of Tole do, Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market. It Is taken internally In doses from ten drons to a teasnoonful. it acts 01 rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They otter one hundred dollars for any case it tails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials' Address, K. J. Chsnby & Co., Toledo, O, -HoKl by Druggists, 75c. Public Notice. Notice Is hereby given that I will apply to the mayor and common councilor the City of AthciiH. Orcuon. at a ineetlmr thereof to be held on the 18th day of April. ISW.fora license to sell splrltous, malt and vinous liquors In hws quantities than one quart, said liquors to besohl onlv in a bulliiiiiir situated on the west one-half of lot No. 8, in block No. 5, of said cny. OAMJUOB1JS, Dated March 37, 1806. Applicant. Public Notice. Notice is hereby srlveii that I will annlv to the mayor and common council of the city of Athena, oreaon, at a meeting mereoi 10 oe held on the 30th day of Aprl I, ISBS, tih a license to soil spirlloiiH, malt and vinous liquors In less quantities than one quart, said liquors to be sold onlv in a building situated on the east cme-balfof lot No. 8, In block, of said cttv. wiia. WKi.i.t, Dated March Z7th, I8U0. Applicant. Deafness Cannot be Cured. bv local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that I by constitut ional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustachlan Tub. When this lube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling or imperfect hear ing, and when tt Is entirely cloaca, Deamess is the result and unless the information can be taken out. and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of leu are caused by cattarh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We give One Hundred Dollar reward for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot oecurea uy nun tiaiarrn vure, eenu ior circulars; iree. r J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O, Jold by all Druggists, 75a. Notice of Publication. Land Office at LaGmnda, Oregon, April 8, 1SP6. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has flled notice of his lntentiou to make final proof in support of his claim, and that snld proof will be made oefore the County Clerk or Umatilla county, Oregon, at leuUeton, Oregon, on May S. ixsw, vis: , CHARLEY D. WATHl'S. Hd. entry No, 61t7 fur of n e and lots land S, sec S, twp 3 n, r :U K, W. M. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Benjamin A, Marquis, tieorge K. lcrringtr,i Trice, lUchard Morrison, alt of Adams, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Departmeut, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and tootterevldertca in rebuttal ofttiat submitted by rlaliiwnt. II. F. Wiuox, Register. MimuoiT sew M jfSS&gJ'aa1 Kin tmi ihi vpl H. H. HILL I Jeweler I i Athena y 1 I Oregon I THE LARGEST LINE . ' OF SPORTING GOODS carried in Umatilla county, ' composed of FIRE ARMS, FISHING TACKLE, HAMMOCKS. CRAWFORD and SYRACUSE ...BICYCLES... BICYCLE REPAIRS can be found at TAYLOR'S, the Pendleton Hardware Man. nfitri?fi?F!tfwm!TF!tF!?fK;igi!fitr!!f!!Fnrttrmnri!ruF VtmstmnmanaMl -AS TOE am D A MM Stocking How Shocking Of course, V We mean W?WW?iWwWoW HOSE For Ladies and Children, In Latest Style Toes. THE NARROW SQUARE OR POINTED TOE TO FIT YOUR SHOES IS ALL TOE GO. he who nuns You must run keep up with Boston Store. Pendleton, Oregon. AMID 5V- YEA MAY READ to the When you Come to Pendleton to make your purchases and have Cash to pay for them, make sure you go to the CASH STORE that carries the largest stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks, Valises and clot that is to be found in Eastern Oregon. Such an one is the PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE. They are a Cash Store for the reason that they pay cash for all their goods, sell all their goods for cash and have to do only with cash people. : : : : WE SEW FREE OF CHARGE, ALL SHOES BOUGHT OF US, THAT RIP. We guarantee that our prices are the lowest, and if found to the contrary, you can have your money refunded. : : Uma. tillaArt Gallery . Athena Oregon , Portriats in Crayon, Water Colors, Pastel, Oil, etc. Photographs in fcuo uvaii uuiBucu Bbjriu ui mo ai t. W. P. LEACH,-- SUCCESSOR TO - N. A. MILLER, THE LEADING FURNITURE DEALER tJ3 III Carpet Eemnants . . . m ill HALF PRICE I WALL PAPER THE SAME. II I JESSE FAILING, THE ATHENA MARKET FRANK BEAL, proprietor. Plli'lll . Ill IT M I UlllfM All mm m . . rnton ivilai alwaid & UN HAKlr Highest Cash Price paid We buy for Cash and sell foi for Butcher's Stock. Cash strictly YOU GET TnE VERY BEST AND LOTS OF IT, WHEN YOU SPEND MONEY WITH BEALE Main Street, FIRST MTlOm BSHK:.:' V OF STHENH, e Pays 1 D. At . . FISCHER'S NEW HARNESS SHOP On both Harness and Collar, You can save the dollar; : Wh He tfte pen niestake ca re of themselves. North side Mais Street. : . The People's Warehouse. 2 Doors South of First National Jknk I Main Street, Pendleton. Athena, Oregon South side Main Street. CAPITAL SXOCX, SXrBPLTJS, $ 50000 $21,000 Interest on time deposits. Proper attention given to collections. Deals In foreign and domestic exchapg. Lively, Cashier, . . Athena, Oregon Athexa, Obegox.