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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1893)
V r v - it 4 ' i ;i ' t 4 hi ! i j . ! 1 - J : ' 1 - f At the World's fair. Tb Moore, the if urks, wild men with dirk Hevo oiww their customs cnriuus, Tlic Japanese anil folk like tliwa ear knives that art injurious. litre are balloon and foreign ton? ' That skirl hotU fast and furions, ' And Cairo folk as brown as oak And Zulus true or spurious. - - Th dunning girls make startllnc whirls Be careful how you look at them All innocent and shy I went Andrwell a peep I took at them. Slcnfrem Ceylon you'll see anon. From Sitka and from Tokio. . For sight so rare you everyw hers Fees to nien white or smoky owe. ,' Here mosques you see and Japan tea, And clams Ihey serve romantically, And sliding cars an& foreign jars, .' For which they charge gigantically. The Ferris wheel, with arms of steel, . High as a tower will wind yon up. If you should fall, for good and all Th doctors they would bind you up. f v Eugene Field in Chicago Kecord. Human Nature Is Queer. Nex to the first pronounced hoopekirt on Broadway the first straw hat of the season creates the largest attention. When a man has confidence enough in the weather to start out for a two days' trip with a straw hat, he is planning a great responsibility upon the weather bureau, which stands for onr modern providence. I saw such a man at the Fifth Avenue hotel one day; and his was the first straw hat of the season. To say that he attracted much attention and was the subject of a great many pleas-' antries is putting it very mildly. There are some people, however, who are either indifferent ,to criticism or too obtuse to observe it, who begin things without con sulting other people. Somebody has to begin, you know, but the large majority of rfanldnd lack the nerve of woman kind and dread to be conspicuous in any particular as to dress. Men are awful cowards when it comes to dress. They wait for those of better nerve and then follow like a flock of sheep. Scarcely a man of all those who smiled and sneered and laughed at the man with the first straw hat but will be wearing a straw hat himself this sum mer. Yet if all men were like these no such thing as the comfortable straw would havo ever been worn, because no man would have had the courage to be gin it. There is a certain humor in the incongruity of things, it is true, and if a man appear on Broadway iu straw hat and ulster he is likely to be a sensation at tliis season of the year. A month or two later and the man with the over coat and straw may be seen at any sum mer resort. New York Herald. Champion of the British monarch, ' Queen Victoria has lost hor champion. He died only the other day, but his son succeeds to the office. It ia his duty to stand ready at all times to defend against all comers the right of the sovereign to her crown. But he only appears in pub lic, personally or by duty, on coronation day, when, unless the sovereign dispenses with the ceremony, he must declare her formally crowned, throw down the gauntlet and defy her enemies. If the champion fails in this duty, he forfeits his estate, given the family by William the Conquerer, and sinks into middle class obscurity, for the queen's champion is not a nobleman. Yeoman and squire was Robert de Marmyon when William the Conquerer made hira his champion and gave him tho manor of Scrlvelsby, and his descendant, who has just surrendered the office by death, was a simple justice of the peace. Queen Viotoria did not call upon her champion at her corona tion, nor did William IV, George IV was the last king at whose coronation the ceremony was observed, but the simple country squire who succeeds now to the championship is not at all likely to be called upon to perform the duty of his office for Albert Edward. Springfield Republican. Experiments With Infected Cattle. Interesting experiments are now being tried in England by a royal commission on tuberculosis. A cow is selected and for a considerable time is watched care fully to see that it is free from disease. It is then fed for some days on food in fected with the bacteriaand tuberculosis. and afterward time is allowed for the development of the infection. The commission is to report whether meat and milk from such animals are in fective, and if so tho dogree to which the use of them is likely to affect public neaiw. The experiments, which are neoessarily slow, have consumed much time. The commission met recently to consider the results so far arrived at, but the final re port will probably not be made before , the autumn. in view or tho caro with which this work has boen done, tho rosults will bo ' of considerable value and may cause cnanges m tno law respecting the im portation or cattle. Kcw York Sun. The Caliph In a Fix. The caliph of Khartoom is in a bad way. He owns 700 watches, and not one of them goes. In 1885, when the Mahdists invaded the town , all the European watch makers left the place, and none of the natives understand watchmaking. To Vhave 700 tickers and not know the time awkward, very. The caliph has sent a special messenger to SuaWn to engage a watchmaker, but ho has been received very coolly. The ruler of Khartoom is said to be rather quick tempered andca- pable of cutting ofT your head if all his watches don't keep time to the second. Petit Journal Auiericau Hay In Europe. The first full cargo of hay ever Bent from this country to Europe will be shipped to Havre in a few days per the German steamer Freiburg. Hay is worth from $40 to50 a ton in many sections of Europe 'at this time, and the freight charge of $3.50 per tou cuts but a slight figure in the account Bangor Commer cial. The wedding: ring which was used at the marriage ceremony of the Duke of York and the Princess May was given by the Welsh people. It is made of Welsh gold from the Merionetahire mines. Winger ale stands are better slianed ndmor ornamental than lust rear. Mr. J. II.' Biles believes that in 10 years from now a steamer will travel from New York to Liverpool iu four days. The increased speed will be gained by .Snaking engines of nickel steel, reducing . 1 weiirlit of boilers and other inar-hln. ,1W .1 Rin? Oil llistfljul f Anal tnm r o VH A V BOUND TO TELL HIM. Young Lady Who Woulda't Let Mr. ftmyths fcpeak. The horses had been turned, and the Stnto street car was alout to start north when a pretty girl sprang on the platform and made her way inside. The seats were full, and for a moment she peered about in a helpless, nearsighted way. Then a young man sprang to his feet and offered her the seat he had vacated. "Oh, thank you, Mr. Smytiie," she cried. "I am so tired. 1 have been shop ping all day and have taken nothing ex cept a glass of soda water since break fast. Isn't it a lovely day? Don't you tmnit spring Has really come? And oh. have you heard that Ethel McFadd is not only engaged but actually going to De married? Now, don't lift your eye brows and look incredulous, you horrid, sarcastic thing it's really true." "Pardon mo, I really" "Yes, indeed, I don't wonder you look surprised. I wouldn't have believed it myself, but Carrie says Ethel told her herself I forgot to ask whom she is go ing to marry, I was bo astonished. It's all because of a yellow gar something I gave her at Easter for Ethel never had a really serious beau in her life How could anybody ever want to marry a girl with such ears? Now, don't laugh, you ill natured creature, I am awfully sorry for her." "I that is" he took out his handker chief and wiped the perspiration from his brow. "Poor soul, how attentive she was to Harry McPhlirt last season! Really, I was nice to him just because I f olt so sorry for him, he" 'Well, I" there was a wild look in his eyes." "Oh, yes, ho did ko there a cood deal. He had to be polite, you know. Don't you think she's a good deal older than she looks? She must be awfully pleased, don't you think so?" "Ah, I he looked heblesslv at the door. "Oh, it's just shocking the way you make me run on you're so sarcastic. I declare I'm actually afraid of you. It's all your fault, every bit, for I'm really devoted to Ethel. I wonder if she will keep right on blondining her hair when she is married?" "Miss Edith, you" "Perhaps not, Well, I hope shell ask me to be bridesmaid. It's so nice to wear a lovely new gown and walk up the aisle and look frightened, you know. I must go and congratulate Ethel right away. Well, my street is next. Will you stop the car? By the way, have you heard whom she is going to marry?' "Nobody much, Miss Edith," said the young man, as he signaled the conduct or. "Only inysolf. Good day." A flushed and embarrassed young lady was set down at Delaware place. Chi cago Tribune. Getting Even. . Dr. F. C. Wines, founder of tho Na tional Prison association, hod been for merly the principal of a boy a school, One day he had occasion to "trounce" a boy, and, it is supposed, did the work thoroughly. The lad took bis revenge in a way tnat the doctor himself could not help laughing at. Dr. Wines' front door bore a plate on which was the one word, "Wines." The boy wrote an ad dition in big letters, so that tho inscrip tion ran, "Wines and other lickers." Argonaut. Those Ferslau Bugs. "Where are the rugs that were on the hall floor, Katie?" asked the mistress of the now hired girl. "Oh, ma'am, I made such a bargain for yees this morning. There was a rag peddler come to the dure whin I was shakin them rugs, an he give me the beautifullest hand painted ornyment for the parlor, ma am, for them old things, and took them off in his car-r-t." De troit Free Press. A Kick. "What's the matter?" asked the stage mannger, who noticed that something was going wrong toward the end of "Hamlet." "It's the first grave digger," whispered Horatio. "He says that unless you give him the price of a good meal he'll eat the loaf of bread they're using forYo rick's skulL" Quips. A Oreat Bargain. "It is not so becoming as I hoped might be." "Never mind, Matilda, it was one a the greatest bargains of the season. Yot got it so cheap that you can give it awa) and get something that will suit you and still bo ahead. One doesn't rick uj a bargain like that every day." Hat per's Baaar. A FrUud and a Brother. Teacher Tell me, Jacques, who helped you in your composition? Scholar Nobody, sir. Teacher I want you to tell me th truth. Now, was it not your brother? Scholar No, sir, he did it every bl himself. Journal dea Ecoliera. To the 43 vessels already in active service in the United States navy are to do added nest the fine gunboat Machias. which can make 16 miles an hour, and. as soon as she gets her machinery and guns aboard, the Massachusetts, the sec ond heavy battleship of the new navy. xne juacmas is of the class that fills the greatest need at present that of small vessels light enough to ascend rivers an I navigate inland waters, ism: MoL''' RAILWAY RUMBLES. ; Forty-four' regular trains pass over the Plttaboxg. Fort Wayne and Chicago dally It la stated' that trains are run on the Lake Shore road at the smallest cost per talis of any road In this country. Nearly S00 women are employed as sta tion agents in France, but they get only half as much pay as men in the same posi tions. The Bluff line (St. Louis. Alton and Springfield) is now running two trains en Sundays between Springfield and Alton at one fare for the round trip. , A new device In the way of official stamp has been adopted by the Chicago Great Western, instead of stamping the date on the ticket when sold it is dated by perfora tion. New York city receives (140,000 a year from the New York Central, t 120,000 from the Erie, $100,000 from the Pennsylvania, (33.000 from the Jersey Central and $15,000 from the Lackawanna railroad companies for dock privileges. ELECTRIC SPARKS. Over 100 new telegraph offices were open ed in India during the first three months of this year. . A Japanese Inventor has patented a de vice by which every member of the parlia ment may record his vote by pressing an electric button at bis desk. A yoang woman telephone school has been established by the government in the city of San Salvador for the purpoxe of training young senoritas for service in the American Telephone company. A European dentist is said to have had great success in curing toothache within five minutes, and often in less time, by ap plying one pole of an electrostatic machine to the troubleftorne tooth and the other pole to the body of the patient. After traveling the globe for 20 years a letter has been returned to its sender, Fred C. Anderson, at New London, Conn. Tha letter was properly address ed, but had not been claimed br the per son to whom it was inscribed. A singular accident occurred to Cobb Harris near Oneonta, Ala., lately. He was riding a mule, when the animal sud denly threw his head tip, striking Harris on the chin and breaking his jawbone. THE COMMERCIAL Livery, Feed & Sale Athena, - - Oregon. The best Turnouts in Umatilla County. Stock boarded by Day, Wees or Month. Special attention given to Commer cial travelers. Give me a call. G.M. FROOME. TAR TOLBERT & CO., GENERAL v Blacksmiths , Fourth Street, Athena, Ore. ALL KINDS OF MACHINE REPAIRING AT LOW RATES. Horse shoeing Wagon Work MONEY. To Loan on Improved Farms. Property at Low Rates. Can get Money In less time than anyone Else can get it. I HAVE For sale a number of Choice Farms, including One of the best farms in Uma tilla County, Two miles from Athena. ANUMBER-v Of choice Residence Lots In Athena, on easy terms. Insurance in the following Leading Companies: London and Lancashire, Lion, Imperial, Caledonian, Liverpool, London & Globe, and the Continental, the Great farm Company. T .D. HARPER, Athena, Oregon. Pay up. All partiea knowing themselves indebted to me, are notified to Dome forward and settle without delay. Jan. 1st tf. N. A. Agents Wanted on Salary and Coin mission for The Onlv Authorized KOSBAPHT OF JAMES G. BLAINE liy Uuil Hamilton, hl lllerary executor, with the co-operation of his family, and for Mr Illaine'x Complete Work. "Twenty Years of ConitreM," and hi later book, -Political DIs eafwionB." One prospectus for thexe three Bent Selling books in the market- A. K. V. Jordan of Me., took 112 orders from firxt 110 call; areht's profit 11W- SO. Mm. Ballard of O. took la order. 18 Heal Ruwlft in 1 day; profit 1M.Z. Km Kice of AlaBH. took zi order in 2 days; profit W7.25. J. Partridge of Me. took orders rrom ! cans; pront J7o.Si. Jfi- j Palmer oi X. TMk. took 5J orders In 4 dav profit Exclusive Territory elven. If you wish to make 1.AIIUK MOSEY, write immediately for terms to THE HENBY BILL PUB CO.. Norwich, Conn HAMILTON & ROURKE Grain Dealers, ARE STILL HERE GRAIN BAGS FOR SAIvB. DAVE TAYLOR AGENT. Athena, - Oregon ST. NICHOLS : : : SHAVING PARLORS NEXT TO HOTBI , First-Class Work Guaranteed Ladles Shampooing C. L. REEVES, Hpwijuty Proprietor If You Don't Take THE PRESS, You Don't" GET THE NEWS R. J. Boddy, Proprietor of the AM w w MEAT MRKET, Corner of Main & Fourth. A Large variety of Meats al ways on hand. See us. Civeat. tnd TradcMarks obtained, and ill Pat ent business Conducted for MoBeratc fees. Our Orriec is Opposite U. 8. Patent Oftice and we can secure patent in less time tuau those remote from Washington. i bend model, drawing or photo., frith descrip tion.. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet. "How to Obtain Patents." with cost o( same in the V. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. patent Office, Washington, D. C ATHENA RESTAURANT. Mrs Hardin, Proprietress. : H. P. Milken, Manager. Main Street bet. Second and Third. Can be recommended to the pub lic as first-class in every particular. Xone bat White Help Employed. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. DAY OR NIGHT. . Suppers for Special Occasions SIELS 25 C. THE- ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL J.W. Frooms 4 Son, Props- The" Only Hotel in First-Class the City. 4nd the only one that can accommodate commercial men and travelers. 1HE ST. NICHOLS HOTEL, Can lie wicommende'l for its clean and welt ventekted rooms, in which will be found everything congenial riie'ilimng rooms ate under the supervision of Mrs. Froome and the table is sup plied with the best the market affords. 7 ' ATHENA, OREGON. ,. iimiriT---S.-' WE WILL TAKE p. I ti I P lo. WHEAT AT 50 GBOTS Per Bushel on All Subscription Accounts. 8 t I II ti ARE YOU A HUNTER ? Send Postal Card for illustrated Catalogue of ineheste Repeating yl yl , " M WINCHESTER J MODEL. 1873 L WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS COMPANY, ' ' NEW; HAVEN, CON3ST. SO A What is tht condition of yours? Is your half dry. harsh, brittle? Doe it split at the ends? Has It a lifeless appearance? Does it fail out when combed or brushed ? Is it full of dandruff? Does your scalp itch ? IS it dry or in a heated coridirinn ? If thea nrA snm rf your symptoms be Skookum Root Hair Grower j te what Toaneed. Itsproduetlon!so'itnocci(lent,bntthe9iHttof8cIet!fta I lis Jh?0Miftff;b?,t',deli8Jlt,f,lins,?0o!lus ona refreshing Tonic By stimulating ! wwjrolllcles, it $top ailing hair, curat dunilrujr ami grotn hair o baU ..H"" Keep ths scalp clenn, heaithy, and free from Irritating eruptions, by I nd"rf.L Ji00"1 11 dcstJJ parasitic mteU, which fetd e I If roar dru(?rlst cannot supply yoj rtmt fllroet to ps, and w will forward prepaid, on receipt or price, browsr, $1.0) per bottle ,- 6 for fSM. p,SUc ! THE SKOOKUfl f ittgutmd. O BoutU . TRADE VABK COOO-COO? XtOOOOOOOl, Do You Disease coinmonlv symptoms, which when neglected increase in extent and gradually grow dangerous. If job SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, DYS- PEPSW or INDIGESTION, . '. . If youar BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED, or hav .r. ninrttii .snill , uver complaint, ... . : . . taje RlRANS TABULES If fur COMPLEXION IS SALLOW, cr pa Trjr DIDASJC TJlrlllt- SUFFER DISTRESS AFTER EATls-?, TAJ5E Hi PANS TABULES FNcs .Ripans Ttibufes Regulate tho iEAS 'f ONE GIVES j RELIEF.j SAVE Sold DDIHTIHPM ALL KINDS I IlillllllU at & I A' 1 3 i Repeating Shot Guns Ammunition on a nriJ warned in time or you will become bald. "5 ROOT HAIR GROWER CO., 5 Uirm ATecn?, ew Tork, N. Y. 5 comes on wit-H ctiorht- .rn; - nmsMft f amas TAKE RlPAriS TABULES RSPANS TABULES System and Preserve the Health TO TAKE MICK TO ACT MANY A DOCTOR'S BILL. by Druggists Everywhere. CF IT DOHE X. ATTHt PRESS CFFICE. ai I rAnRnrnft aee ILL rttniiltndGrau gers i Some of them ( Soloi?T FARMERS' l mi -The Co-Operatlve Store, t- Li II -Is In the Interests of- CLARK WALTER, Manager, CHAS. C.SHARP, Successor to N. A. Miller, PAINTER & PAPERHANGER Estimates on all WorK Funushecl. House painting, Decorating, Paper Hanging a specialty, Car . riage Painting. HOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS! Photographs in Even Ctll on . UATTQ boss v Iff A I 1 O, PHOTOCRAPHER. Hacecsor to t'limmlnics, Main St. Athena. Coppying and Eularginf;, Viewinj? at as onable rates. Call and sea him. Cox, McRae & Cp., TJealers In HARDWARE - . . And " FARMING IMPLEMENTS RUSHFORD WAGONS, GATE CITY HACKS WOODS HARVESTING '' MACH ; INERY, AND EXTRAS OF -' ALL KINDS. Call and Get Prices. Cox, McRae & Co. Athena THE ATHENA LIVERY STABLE Smethermen & Foster, Prop's. (Secceesor to J. A. Nelson.) NONE BUT-FIRST-CLASS RICS . AND SAFE TEAMS. STOGK BOARDED BY THE DAY ! WEEK OR MONTH. Give Me a Trial. Corner Fourth & Current, Athena. OMAIIA, KANSAS CITY, ST PAUL, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL POINTS " EAST, NORTH AND SOUTH TimeTableof Trains: Psenger. Xo 5, from Athena to Spokane and Interme diate points, leaves - 7;45 a ni No 6, from Athena to Portland and iPtermed lata points, leaves . 39 p ra Freight: No 41, from Pendleton to Hpokane, 1 fares Athena - . 40 pm No it. from Spokane to Pendleton, leaves Athena - - . . p m PULL3IAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINING CHAIR CARS and DINERS . . ; Steamers Portland to San Francisco every 4 Days. TICKETS' TO AND PROM EUICPE For rates and general information call on-A. E. Bradley. Depot Ticket Agentt Athena. Oregon. W. II. KURLRtJT, Asst. Oen. Pass. AgtlM VTash'-Bgtou St,.PorUand, Oregoa. 3 . 'tyjy to r