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About The Athena press. (Athena, Umatilla County, Or.) 18??-1942 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1893)
Bakincr Poutfer Ibsolutely pure A cream of tartar baking powder Highest of all in leavening strength Latest United States Government Food Report. Royal Baking Powder Company, 106 Wall Street. New York. The many friends of Rev. .T. S. Burnett will be sorry to learn that he has been dangerously ill for two weeks, at his present home in San Jose, California. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ATHENA AT Athena, in the State of Oregon, at tiie Close of Business Oct.; 3rd, 1893. RESOURCES, Loans and Discounts, Overdrafts secured and unsecured U. K. bonds to secure circulation, Due from apr'v'd reserve agents, Duo from other Nat'l banks, 1 ue from (State banks and bankers 145,750.82 2,003.M . 12,600.00 2,5M9.08 . 11.3.j6.52 Hanking house, furniture and fixtures 1,541122 20 til Current expenses ana luxes paiu, Premiums on U. S. Honds 1.500.00 Fruct'l paper cne'y nlckles and ct's' 85.47 Boeeie. 10,140.00 682.50 Ked'ra'n fund with U 8 Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation) Total, J 11)0.487.81 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, 'Surplus fund, - Undivided profits. National bank notes outstanding, Individual deposits sub ject to check, Demand certificates of de posit, Time certificates of deposit. Due to other National Iwnks, Dtw to State Bunks uud bankers 50,000.00 18,000.00 2.77K.51 11,200.00 48,200.40 82,480.00 . 27.701.H0 81.75 Total, S 1W.537.81 Btalc of Oregon, I County of linatilla f ss . I. L. D. Lively, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L. D. Lively, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of Oct., 1893. D. A. Hendricks, Notary public for Oregon. C. Walter.! Correct Attest P. E. Colbern, V Directors. (.:. A.tturretl,; JEVLrly T"our 2Xoodl DR. GRANT'S. syrup; oe IJJil fccrofula, Malignant Ulcers, Tetter, Boils, Carbuncles, Sore Eyes, Fever Sores, Ring Worm, Rait Rheum. erysipelas, r.ruptionsjumorsand Syphilitic Affections of the Skin, Throat and Bones. TKEPAKEI) BY O.I.E. PORTLAND, CON. ..v ; For Sale By P MKIrkland Pioneer Drug Store. For Sale. The James Buzan farm, 4 miles north of Helix, 2 miles from Stan ton Station. " ' r This is one of the best farms in Umatilla county.! It lays between the head of Vansycle and Helix. It contains 480 acres, surrounded by eood three wire fence. It has a pood house, a barn 36x 36, tr -1 well with plenty of water, wind mill, smoke house, three cel lars and granary, There is also a fine grove of trees and 174 acres summer fol lowed. ' 2S0 acres adjoining can be rent ed on reasonable terms. . . ' Price $10,000. easv payments. The abovj property has been nlaccd with me to sell and I 6hall take pleasure in showing it to any person wishing to buy. Call at my office in Athena, Ore W. T. Gilman. on ,wf 4 TT TT' VMM U1U11U! MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crap Cream of Tartar Powder, fttt from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD; Local News. The Press gives the news. Hendtick's "yaller" pup has ''come back." . T. P. Page is attending court this week. We will take No. 1 wheat on subscription, at 50 cents per bush el. There will be preaching Sunday at the Baptist Church at 11, a. m. by the pastor. The Peter Gaskell case, will come up for trial in the circuit court today. " Justice Gilman is having his of fice and residence repainted and papered. The Morris building on Main street was treated to a new coat of paint this week. A. L. Watts of this city, has been very ill " with pneumonia for the past two weeks. LTarmers out in the Juniper neighborhood are threshing their grain, rain or shine. - The Grand Lodge, K. of P., met at Heppner, Tuesday of this week, and convened three days. Born-At their home below Pend leton, Sunday, October 8, 1893, to Mr, and Mrs. Ed Peters, a daught er, weight eleven pounds.- All "who are in arrears for sub scription with the Press, can set tle the same with wheat at 50c per bushel. Bring on your wheat The C. A. Barrett Co., are closing out their line of superior drills and seeders, and will sell the same at greatly reduced prices. Now is your time to buy a seeder. . . For Gang and walking plows, harrows and seeders the C. A. Bar ret Co., will give you special bar gins for the next 60 days. 1 School has begun in Birch Cre district No. 37, with Marvil M Broom in charge. Twenty-four pupils in are registered, with more to come. Owing to the stormy weather the G. A. R. district reurion which was to have taken place the last week near La Grande has been in definitely postponed. J. Bloch & Co, have just re ceived a large stock of ladie's and Misse s cloaks and jackets, of the latest designs, and are selling them very cheap, bee them before pur chasing for the fall and winter. - Services at the Christian Church Sunday, Oct 15. Morning subject "State of the righteous dead." .Y P. C. E. meet at 3 p. m. led by Brd. Geo. Girking. Evening subiect. "Shall all go to hell who die out of tJUnsrn - wur are lnyitecrK'f Railroad business is improving rapidly, and all the trains possible are being put on to accommodate passenger and freight traffic, v This is a good sign, and demonstrates in the most emphatic manner that the crisis has come and gone." A young lady visiting for the first time in the country was alarm ed at the approach of a cow. She was too frightened to run, and, shaking her parasol at the animal, she said m a very stern tone: "Lie down, sir! Lie down!", .." . 3' The county .. court of Harney county has contracted with G. W. Kellogg, of Salt -Lake City, to bore an artesian well -500 feet deep, and to continue to 1500 feet, at the op tion of the court, the price for boring and casing the well to be to 1 k ru. i:ni,i v . u. vv . iiuni nas Drougm sun. ra 1 superior court at Walla Walla I t nr if 1 1 1 1. t against Superior Judge W. H. Up ton and his brother, C. B. Upton, foe collection of .12000 on the sub' scription to the subsidy offered by the Walla Walla board of trade for construction of the Oregon & Washington Territory railroad. ': Commencing Wednesday Sept 27th, the Union Pacific willsel excursion tickets to Portland for and one-htth tare for the round trip, plus fifty cents for admission coupon to the Portland Industria Exposition. Tickets on sale by the agent at Athena on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Good for seven days. , ; Walla Walla Statesman: The citizens of Tacoma ' were startled and surprised Tuesday morning when the mists had lifted from the summit of Mt. Rainier, to discover that 2,000 feet of the north peak of the mountain had Fallen awav. JN investigationtfthe phenomenon has vet been made, and scientists are at a loss to explain the occurrence. The summit of the historic old mountain will be visited and an effort made. to solve the mystery. I A man must be pretty well cov ered with moss, says an exchang not to be a regular advertiser, family rlnwn in Florida lost Iheth child. After failing' to find it fort168 two days, put in a twenty-five cent notice in the paper and were surp rised to see an alligator on the step where he had disgorged the lost child alive and well, but dead him self. They sold the alligator's hide for $ 5 and the parents are exhibit ing the child in the dime museum for $50 per week. The story illus trates the value of advertising. Pendleton has a soap factory. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Purdy visited in rendleton last week. C.A . Barrett was in Pendleton this week on business. E. DePeati is attending court in Pendleton, this week. David Taylor went down to Pen- uieion on Dusmess, wonaay. ; y Umatilla Indians are returning from their annual hunt well iupli ed with game. Miss Lizzie Thompson is learn ing the "art preservative" in the Press office. - ., inos. i-ieuauen has soldi h:s rfiardware store in Adams, ' to Geo. rroebstel jr., of Weston. It is rumored on the streets: that a new drug store is soon to he op ened up in the Morris building. Pendleton has been honored by becoming selected as the place of the next convention of the Oregon Press Association. v XMisses Nellie Russell and Esther Jensen, of Walla Walla, are 6pencU. ing the week in Athena visiting Miss liattie rroome. , Frank Burnett received the sad intelligence of the death of his aunt, Mrs. N. A. Bryant, which occurred Oct. 3rd, at San Jose, California. yLovao Bergevin made a flying trip to Genesee, Idaho, the first of the week to look after the Bergevin Bros, large wheat crop in that section. , On Tuesday the Tucker bill, re pealing the federal election law, passed the house by a vote of 200 to 101. lhe bill passed by a stric party vote. . y The A. O. U. W. has two cand? da'tes for initiation tomorrow night ihis Lodge continues to increase its membership regardless of: the ey stringency. ; . " rry Stone, II. Krebs and , B. Girking, returned Tuesday nmg irom the Birch creek country after a fruitless search for their horses. Mr. Stone has nine, Mr. Krebs fifteen, and Mr. Gerking nine missing. Rev. T. A.Tpwner will preach. at the Methodist church Sunday even ing, bacrament of the Lord s sup per &i ine close 01 the service.- he pastor. W. C. Gray will preach at 11 a. m. . ' The Daily Portland Dispatch an nounces it will suspend on comple tion of some legal advertising for the city, having lost the contract for the city printing for the ensu ing year.';,.,' w . .:. , s,; vJThe family of Rev. W, Bowser fleparted Wednesday morning for Milton at which place Mr. B. will have charge at J,heM. IS. -ehuroli Theifmany friends here wish theta success an their; new;., location ihe Union County farmer, i populist's paper at LaGrande. ari nouncea that it will be closed up within twoweeks by its "enemies f its "mehds do not come forward and pay their subscriptions in ord er to enable it to meet its debts. Our friend, Hendricks, of the In and Republican, informs " us that he has just had his buck-saw sharp ened, and will try to compete with Jones (fe.Winsbip for "contracts' of sawing wood. -Verily, the stringen cy worketh wonders. There are so many dieffrent Beets and creeds that people are often confused in their judg ment concerning truth. To try to get light on this subject W. T, Giay will preach at the Methodis t; march bunday Morning on iich is the True Church." n Lacey, who has been acting e capacitv 01 marshal during . m - 1 1 the absence of city jMarshal Stam per, escorted a man to Pendleton Wednesday (night and handed him over to the authorities down there. The fellow was a cocaine fiend and had been indulging to such an ex tent that his mind bad become unbalanced. Long Creek Eagle: Dr. George W. Carlisle, who has for years practiced medicine in Eastern Ore gon, arrived in Long Creek Satur day from Athena with a view of locating in this part of Grant coun ty, and has opened up an office In the Monumental hotel. The doctor is a registered physician, comes well recommended and we bespeak success for him in our midst. E. O. of the 10th says: After considerable delay the state school money apportionment for Umatilla county has at last been placed at the diBpocal of the school superin tendent. The amount i not very large,$3614,and makes 70 cents for each pupil. This morning Mi;3 Woodruff mailed to the clerk of each school district in the county an order drawn for the amount to ""whic 1 pTh ll his district is entitled, There is some talk at LaGrande ohe effect thatChinese incendiar ies set fire to the elevator building, recently destroyed. It was used as headquarters by the agitators, and the supposition is that the celesti als took this method pf getting even. Another theory is that (the agitators may themselves have ac cidentally caused tha fire by leav inz cigar stiiumns or matches around the ; building after one their meetings. of J I W rt 7 I k .Cat i.iiri) Mivth M. Powers, post rnahter of eston. was in the citv Monday. rBorn, to the wife W. C. Russell, fiear Athena, Oct., 81893, a boy. Two more prisonefs at the Walla Walla penitentiary X walked away from its gloomy walls, and they "never came back. You can talk by telephone with ortland now.' The -line from Spo- kano to Portland is the second ongest in the world, being 578 miles. - r In California, gripes sell for from $S to $12 per tn, delivered. t costs ? 1.25 a ton to pick them and about $2,50 to haul them to market. . f, , 1 Take the young calf, cut the hair away from the spot wbere the horn is to appear, moisteivthe spot and rub with a 6tick of tcaustic soda. 00k for results. No horns. The Oregon echoolfor deaf-mutes opens its fall terra under very fa vorable auspices. There are thirty nine pupils in this' school . now. iiThft Sifirn." a bni(iv little folio, is ' o 7 . t . : mfcllshed by the school, . v sTle Pendleton Savings Bank proposes te re-bpen Nov. 1, 1893," provided the depositors will agree X - 41 - I 1 L' LI. 10 give me Dans a reasonaDie ex tension. The proposition of the bank is, one-third next February, another in July and the last in December, 1894. K . A branch of the Arttei'ican Rail way Union has been organized at Pendleton with 50 charter memb ers, : The object of the association is to unite all railroad men in one ifganization for the advancement mfflon jhterestsi - " ' . arried, at the residence of H. on Sunday, Oct., 8, 1893, Geo. annibter and Miss Maggie Lieu- alien. Both parties Ire well and favorably known in this commun ity." The Phkss joinsj their many friends m wishing them a prosper ous and happy future. East Oregonian: Sunday mor ning Joo?Rainville started in a bug gy to visit his eon at Adams,, in company with another man. They found the Umatilla booming, and at three .crossings nvere afraid to attempt to ford. Finally, at a fourth, crossing, just above the agency, .hey entered the stream. E verything was serene until they had nearly reached -f the opposite bank, when they -struck a hole. The buggy tipped over and drifted down the river, and jts two occu pants swam for their lives;- Mr. Rainville barely escaping with, his lite, lhe horses swam back to the south bank and got out. The men managad to reach land on the north side, and shivering from their cold bathvhad to tramp-up gapmdswsa-p.. .go 1 i 1 j ' a. r. i - The Assessment. Jmatilla county's assessment roll, when complete, will show large increase of property in the county ; Hubieet to taxation. The list shows : that there are within the county, over "300 individuals and more than 40 firms that pay taxes on $5C00 and upward? This is a much longer list tharijwe hare ever had heretofore, whichf will be explained by the fact that no de ductions are now allowed for in debtedness. - Some, no doubt, will have to pay taxes on ' more than they are really worth, by reason of the new method. - j W. S. Byers heads the list of in dividuals, with $4o,0UU; Chas: Cun ningham;. ; second, . with' $41,820 Thompson & Barnhart is theheav-? iest tax-paying firm,.. paying on $28,785: J. Bloch & Co., second with $22,620. , She Will Be Sold. ;. The syndicate .which built the Vigilant held a meeting at which it was decided that at the cloBe of the contest for the merica cup th? gallant defender of tha coveted tro phy should be offered at private sale, und that if 6he is not. pur chased at private sale within alim ited time she shall be Bold by pub lie auction to thehighest bidder The original amount subssribed by the syndicate to build and run the Vigilant was $100;000, which it was then thought, would be sufficient foa buildini the yacht and to de fray the running expenses till the close of the contest. This amount however, was) all expended before the trial races begun and it was found. necessary to ansess the mem bers of the syndicate heavily in or der to keep the yacht in commis sion till the close of the interna tional races. ' I Advertised : Letters. ! The following list of letters re maining in the post office at Ath ena, Umatilla county Oregon, un- called for Oct, for the same 1, 1893. In calling please say "adver- Helen C. H. ' ' Benton Al Cox Mary E. Courtright F. W. Kirwin J. II Matheny C D. Male Lewis Michael G. M. -Minn is L. B. Miller Theadore McLavy Chas. Free Hoarce TnbW Ida C. Taylor Maud M. Craig Geo. Cawgill Frank Dorapine Louis Dorest Aebret Edginton Levy Guyette Jos. (2) Hackman George King T. 11. JAS. W. MAM.VKY-r, M. tKt CO A FIRE AT HELIX. It is Caused by Burglars B I Owing Open a Safe With Powder. It was about midnight when He lix was awakened by the sound of an explosion a good deal like the report of an anvil. Not long after ward R." II. Simpson's store was discovered to be ablaze, and the cry of "fire! fire!" startled the ears of drowsy citizens, who rushed out of their homes and excitedly sought for means of combatting the flames. Simpson's general merchandise 6tore was a seething mass of flames when the volunteer bucket brigade arrived on the scene. Although everybody worked like a hero, it was soon evident that the building, with all its contents was doomed to be destroyed by the fiery demon, and the efforts of the people were turned to preventing a general con flagration. Ihirty leet irom the Simpson building stood C. F. Ken nedy s grocery store, the paint on which was blistering and beginning to smoke. It was a critical moment, for all knew that if the building aught the whole business part of the town was doomed to destruc tion. it .was then that every man seemed to get in the - place where le could do the most good, and by superhuman efforts they saved Khe i Mt ! ii 1 . f ouuuing. aien carnea Duciceis 01 witter Irom convenient street pud dies, and John L. Basye bethought himself of ninety feet of hose Stow ed away in his cellar, this was hurriedly brought out, attached to eter bone s force pump and did such good service that the building was saved, v Through the windows of the burnt building could be seen the cause of the misfortune. The door of the safe had been blown off by burglars. The safe was wrapped with blankets to muffle the sound and the powder blaze had evident- y set fire to the blankets, It is not supposed that the thieves in tended to fare the store, but made off quickly -after the explosion; deemiug it unwise to await the re sult. There" was a general feeling of sympathy for Mi. Simpson, who, during the several vyears he has been in business at Helix estab- ished himself thoroughly in the community's respect. His loss is reported as $10,000 in goods, and books containing his sole record 01 $10,000 worth of accounts were de stroyed, so that he will have to de pend upon the honesty of debtors. Ha has $G000 insurance. Elder Scoles in Trouble. Friday's East Oregonian has the following to say of Elder Scoles, the Advent preacher: William lioesch has a small son, known as Bismarck. Bismarck and some other boVs wereamus- Ing tumselveTTlmtsday ' evening, by striking stones on the bell which is used to . announce the meetings at the Biuce building, where Elder Scoles, the Advantist orator,nightly expounds his beliefs concerning the proper Sabbath day and the approaching end ot the world and all its appurtenances. From what can bo learned ot the case,Elder Scoles did not approve of this practice of the boys, and occasionally darted out of the back door to drive them away. On this occasion he came out of the front door instead, and the fortunate youngsters who saw him made their escape. But Bismark was not one of these. He had been watching the back door, and was surprised and taken prisoner, a fate that has never overtaken the redoubtable and famous person whose name he bears. The frightened captive was haul ed into the building by the outrag ed and angry . prophet and there, it is related, hands were laid upon him and punishment administered in that part of a small boy's anat omy particuarly well adapted for the purpose. Of course, he did not suffer in silence, and his outcries brought reinforcement in the person of his paternal parent, who rushed over into the building. Now "Billy" Roesch is a peacable man, but the idea of his boy being spanked by a total stranger, was more than he felt called upon to stand. Consequently, he collared Elder Scoles, "p watted" him a time or two on the cheek,and ask ed him how he liked it. The elder's wife objected- to the distur bance Mr. Roesch escorted Mr. Scoles outside and did the same thing over again. "Billy" was angry and used some harsh words driring 'the' performance After he had fullv satisfied his wrath the trouble ceased. Thus endeththe chapter, and the storv is told as it was told to the uiritur Tim hftll lins lftp.n rmnOV- ed. ' , Supposing a Case. Many people iuat at this tune think that newspaper men are per eistent dunners. And, m one 1 sense, they are right; newspaper men are tireless dunners, because they have to do. The way of com paring the business of a newspaper with other businesses, an exenange avs: "Let us sunnone a farmer raises 1.000 bunhels of wheat year.and sells this to 1,000 persons in all parts of the country, a great portion of them say: I will hand vou a dollar in a short time.' The farmer does not want to be sma COFFER RIVETED 'lff and says all right. Soon his 1,000 bushels are gone but he has fooled away his whole crop and its value to him is due him in his business. His debtors each owing him one dollar treat it as a small matter and think it would not help much. Continue this kind of business yaar in and year out as the publisher does, and how long would he stand it? A moments thought would convince anyone that the editor ha3 good cause for persistant dun ning." Moscow Democrat. Wedding Bells. On Wednesday of this week, oc curred the event . of the season in Athena, it being the marriage of Mr. C.A. Shafcr, of Ping, Wash ington, andJlIiss Viola Butler, of this cityr The marriage took place in the Christian Church, which was packed to its utmost capacity with the friends of the bride. Promptly at 3 o'clock the carriage containing the bridal party, which consisted of the bride and groom, and Mr. and Mrs. I). II. Johnson, arrived at the church, and as ; they passed down the church jishr jthe Athena band in full uniform played Mendelssohn's ''Wedding March." The ushers escorted the parties to the altar, where Dr. I. N. Richardson per formed the brief ceremony uniting them as husband and wife. The bride" was dressed in a beautiful dress of tan, tastily decorated in orarge blossoms, while the groom wore the conventional black bo ap propriate for such occasions. After prayer, and music by the ,Hnd, Rev. E. A Leonard, with a in -vv well chosen remarks, presented the bride with an elegant silver tea service as a token of esteem from the business men of this city, and Rev. J. B. Daisley in a pleas-, ant manner presented a beautiful present from C. W. Hollis and em ployers, and also one from Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Giliirf, after which the happy couple received congratula tions of friends. i In the evening the Athena band tendered the happy couple a sere nade at the residence of Mr. John- son. After rendering some excel- lent music the band boys were in vited into the house to partake 01 he good things under whkh. the. table groaned. A serenade was al so tendered the newly married pair by the little girls ot the bride s Sunday school class, who sang sev eral very pretty aud appropriate songs. The Press was remembered by a bountiful supply of wedding cake," for which we extend thanks. May they live long and prospor, is the wish of their multitude of friends and the Press. Why He Told the Truth. "I suppose," said a visitor to the Washington State building, "that those apples are but gooseberries compared with some of the other varieties vou raise in your stater : "No, sir, replied the attendant those are the biggest apples I ever saw taken from a tree in Washing ton." 'And those pears?" "The biggest that ever came over the hills or down a pike in Wash- ngton." ' ' . . '-And where are you from?" "Washington." "Live there?" "Yes, sir." "And you are frank enough to admit that these apples and pears are the biggest you ever 'saw raised in Washington?" . "That's it." That is a commendable admis sion, 1 must admit.'' "Well, to tell you the truth, stranger," confessed the attendent, 'I'm going to move to Uregon next week." Ex; , , ; . "Scribbler," Again. In the Country, Sept., 30, '93. Another rain; another layoll; drying blankets and scribbling for nasttime. , - - . la Just a tew crazy rnymes, aoout the hard times, scarcity of dunes nrevalence of crimes. The farmers are in a hole, like a gopher or mole and they have to pay tol with a very small roll, for they'ro in it to their eyes and can t get out. The merchants are in it too, that in, they're in a stew, and don't know what to do; they're about to go through. They're in it just the same and don't you forget it. Some offer to take wheat, . but farmers say they cheat; they're afraid of getting beat, and will have to set tle with DePeatt. I have recently been told, that someone very hold, prefers to take gold; but the poor rancher, growing old. can take nothing but a cold, m they're not in It when it comes to taking any thing.' Some would take old duds, just any kind of goods if it was'nt , for using suds; but the Press takes BottomTAnt the cake by offering to take spuds. Mr. Press, you are strictly "in it" If some one hits you jn the jaw with a sack of murphys, you'll v think "spuds," but it will be more like "dull thuds." Some ; people will take bills, while others will , rob tills, and a few break into mills, but the worst man of all is the man that takes pills. 'Give him room.- He's a bad: man. If you think he 'aint in it, you're left that's all. What will I take, did you say? A little lemon and sug- ar no, I'll tell you, I'll take a few more stitches in my ' old cotton breeches, while waiting ' for my riches, which the dirty sons of bis cuit makers owe ' me.' That's me, you bet.. It seems a little -unjust, for the banks to have the dust, and 6till refude to trust, . and let the merchants bust. , But I guess thats ; their way of doing business. They are in a different kind of whole. Farmers, your wheat will have to go, to pay the bills you owe, and save vour credit you know; though the price is very low. Such is life in the far west. It's the only way. . Wheat dealers, attention: Selling - sacks near eleven, buying wheat at at thirty-seven, you will never be forgiven, and you 11 never go to Heaven, as long as you live. That is so. It's just that way. Now, farmers, I don't like to tell'jthat you all have to sell, but I guess its just as well. The buyer, brimcto : ) will smell, for he.8 going etraif c to-Hel-ix to swindle the good peo ple there. Look out for him. lo avoid all this trouble, and the wealth of the county double, why don't you all pull together, and the financial crisis weather. Bankers, merchants and all others, standing like a band of brothers, with your shoulders to the wheel, none will heavily burdened feel; each and all their portion bearing; for the weak and weary caring; not forgetful of sweet charity; for this is the way to greater prosperity. May you all live long and prosper. -, - Youra Truly, : i! - :- , . ; Scribblek. j ! At it Once More. ' , . I The following notice was posted on the Bection house door, at Mil ton, last Monday: Iee..WaUrv Q.SepU 30r'93.- - -J This Notice. Given to all ye. Chinaman Employed in and about Free Water and Milton on the U, P. R. R. and otherwise, You are Here By Notifyed To abandon .the above named Places quietly and peaceably, Or. you Will Bo Gently Dealt with. By Committy, Take Warning. Signed By order of-Committv. -I. O. U. W. P. S. Mr. Foreman, Show No Leanancy. By Order." : The author of the above no doubt intended that the public should bo led to think that tne notice emina ted from the Ancient Order United Workmen, which order, in his ig norance, he supposes to be a labor organization, which is, as every in telligent person knows, a benefic iary order with principles far a- bove mobism and rioting, News of the Peary Expedition. ; A letter from a member of the Peary expedition has been recoivod by Morganblatt, 01 Chnstiania. It says: . , ' ' '. "The Falcon reached Bowdoin bay, Murchison sound, 5 August 3. By diligent shooting, 20 tons of walrus meat for the use of the dogs during the winter have been secur ed. A -cache of provisions has -been established -' the inland ice -for the use of thd eledge party rn the journey in the spring." ' XW: ' tenant Pea'ry is going with 5.0 ti to establish other depot-!, iui.u t,; J to ; penetrate half way '- in w-. .i;iuu- pendence bay. Mrs. Peary is en jo ing fine health and vigor, and takes part in most of the sporting trips. Mrs. Peary " will remain for the present in the house at Bowdo in bay." , , j Deserted Their Child.' ! Mrs. N. J. Hales, .who lives in one of the Brown houses near the Union Pacific depot, swore out a complaint against a couple,: who called themselves at one time J. J. Burnett and wife and again J. H. Hill and wife,'- for deserting their little boy of four months of nge. The couple came to tho city a few days ago and regutercti ,i.t the Model lodging house a.0. J'Ut nett and wife They -fci,'! t!i ;n a day, then went to board wit Jjs Hales, where they gav$ th T'"; . i tt:ii rpt ..1.. 1'- ! 01 11UI. luuiHiiuv yvufi! gave their landlady ono- doHor U procure milk for the little boy and went out and have not returned yet. The officers learn that they were soen in Milton, and the supposition is that they walked to .that, citv, Walla Walla Statesman. (