Image provided by: Bandon Historical Society Museum
About Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1915)
This plan has been followed in Min Mouth Comfort Best Insured by Using Rexall Tooth Paste— Guaranteed to Please. May Sell Timber Lands nesota with the vast area of drainage lands. These loans can. it is believed, to Loan Settlers Cash | bo made also to the settlers who g,( About Dairy and Farm -S- upon the land not bearing timber, but belonging to the grant districts. Scheine Will Be Projiœed on As- Entry will be made, it is thought, suinption I'. S. W ill Take the under a new homestead law which Railroud Grant latixls. will provide for rights on less than Rexall Tooth Paste is meant to 16b acres, the present size of home I The Jersey three year old in reason please you. Every care is exer steads outside the so-called “dry able condition would weigh about cised in selecting the purest in Within the next few days plan land" areas. 1,000 pounds. He will be very de gredients and blending them into Should the settler default in re ficient in the buck, loins, and hind for the ultimate disposition of the quarters. The fat will be oil tlie Oregon A California grait lands will payment of his loan tile government the dainty, antiseptic, delightful outside and on tlie inside, rather be submitted to Secretary of the In will be secured from loss through (By E. I.. Potter, Professor finished product, That is why than mixed witli tlie lean Euri her- terior l.ane for ills aproval. Those the lien upon the land, which the suc it is the favorite among all our 4 «limai Husbandry, O. more, all the fat will he extremely who favor the plan say it is certain ceeding settler upon that homestead tooth preparations, selling faster yellow in color, instead of white ami Ito bring a large number of settlers would assume. than any other three of them, It has just been my pleasure attractive looking. Tlie dressing into Oregon. It is an outgrowth of The settler may. according to the percentage will be about 54 per cent iho land grant conference held in plan, receive not only the first loan Our people have learned that to spend ten days in Coos and Curry or 55 per cent providing the steer is Salem last week. using Rexall’» Tooth Paste is a Counties visiting the beef producers when he has evidenced good faith, good and fat. A gooil Hereford how Tlie geueral principle of the plan but subsequent loans as the amount pleasant experience, and that it amt riding over the ranges and look ever, will weigli about 1200 pounds, | are these: It is assumed that the of land he has cleared of stumps and Ing at the grass and the cattle. Dur is also good for their teeth and Ing my Htay I was Impressed with and on the preeeirt market will be government Nvill by one method or prepared for cultivation increases. gums. It destroys the germs of several facts relating to the beef in worth about 6 % <• per pound. He is another assume control of the rail It Is held that as the government jecay, helps w hiten and preserve dustry there. First the cheapness straight in the back, well fleshed way grant lands, which are valued will thus increase the value of the over the ribs and loins, rump anil around $30.000,000. A strict classi the teeth, makes the gums red anil ease with which tattle are raised, land for taxation purposes the state quarters, and furthermore, the fat fication of the lands will then be and rosy, and leaves the breath second, the exceedingly poor quality authorities should present no obsta- of the average run of beef cattle in will he nicely marbled with the lean niade, tlie special point being to as 'ragrant. and sweet. If it that section; third. the very high cles when the time comes for it to and will be of a clear white color. certain which are suitable for immc- be carried out. doesn’t do all (his, if it doesn’t quality of a small minority of the The dressing percentage for a good i diate settlement and which bear com- please you your money back. tattle. three year old Hereford, even for . mercial timber. ACTION OF SINGLE SPOONFUL grass cattle, such as wuuld l>e raised Price 25 cents. Sold in this com The “prairies” of southern Coos Settlers may be encouraged to go SURPRISES MANY in Coos County, would be about 58 I upon the acreage available for itn- munity only at our store. The and northern Curry Counties are per cent. The difference in the price I mediate cultivation. As to tlie tim- doubtless th" best beef producing Rexall Store, C. Y. LOWE. of the younger cattle is of course to I her lands it has been estimated $20, 1 lands In the state of Oregon. There Bandon people who bought the the cost of production and the value I OO0.000 wortli or more of timlied is is no place where the season Is so A point not to ho lost sight of Is simple mixture of buckthorn bark, the large and ruKKid calves that of the finished product. As could be now upon them ,and it is planned to ; long and grass so good. It is ti nt! glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka are tlio offspring of Holstein« and seen by this scale of prices, the mall that there are parts of Eastern Ore the ease with which they are rear- sell this timber by auction to lumber are surprised at the INSTANT effect Contractors and who buys the Jersey yearling at $15 ed by hand and the rapid growth gon where cattle are run fairly suc companies, selling each lot according of a SINGLE SPOONFUL. This rem that they make up to maturity or the two year old at $30 has a cessfully on the range the year round Builders to tlie state of the timber market. Tliere are cases where breeders of edy is so complete a bowel cleanser lighting chance of making a little other dairy cattle have purchased but they do not keep up in as gooil that it is used successfully in appen is sold and cut, As the timber a /lumber of Holsteins for the sole money. The question is, where the shape as they do here on these prair dicitis. Adler-i-ka acts on BOTH up purpose that they might have their an immense acre- there will he left Plans and specifications fur ies. It is, of course, true that the man who raises the calf comes in. milk to rear the calves successfully per and lower bowel and ONE age of stump land. The crux of the from their chosen breed. This has The moral of ail this is of course nished. If you contemplate cuttie which are allowed to run on whole plan is the encouragement of SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY always proved good wisdom on the that the man who knocks a Jersey Hie ranges through the winter with part of the owner of such cattle. building see us and we can the preparation for farming of this CASE of constipation, sour or gassy bull calf in the head the day he is The calf In the illustration Is four out tlie use of hay, grain, or other stomach, ONE MINUTE after you save you money. months old , horn and skins him and sells the hide stump land by loaning the money supplementary feed, lend to get take it the gasses rumble and pass derived from the sale of the timber I for a dollar has made the only d"l- rather thin and if some cheap an<l out. C. Y. LOWE, Druggist. 4 ’ lar that can legitimately be made on to actual settlers, no loan to be made convenient method of giving tlie ad until complete clearing of a portion ditional feed tor winter could he de you could not produce good beef a Jersey steer. What we have said w. F. Cutten, Coquille printer, vised, it would of considerable belli. anywhere in Western Oregon, and about Jersey cattle applies to other of the land has been made as evi But nevertheless, the cattle do un- that the feeds were not suitable for dairy cattle in the county. Of course dence of good faith. The loan will was in Bandon relaxing for a few sually well without extra feed in making good, smooth cattle. Upon there are a great many dairy herds 'become a lien on the land itself. days the first of the week. winter, providing the grass is not investigation of the subject I am I that are a long way from st raiglit eaten off to closely In tlie fall. To convinced that this is not true. On | Jersey, some having only a small cattle percentage of tills blood, but we find make very much of a change in the the contrary, just as good can be produced in Western Oregon that the pure bred or high grade method of wintering would involve That’s what we’re all heavy expenditures in practically all as in any other part of the state Jersey steer is as good as the average doing these days. But the cattle steer produced in tlie dairy sections cases and it I h rather doubtful if|'rl>” inferior quality of other West from other blood. ¡now in Coos, Curry and the results obtained would justify tlie don’t get the mistaken ....... ™ Is not due to outlay. Any attempt toward winter ’em Oregon Counties From the standpoint of the pro 1 poor natural conditions or to poor idea you can live on feeding should be in a nature of a fessional beef men there is no ma- On the contrary, less by eliminating the supplement to tlie grass rather than | feed or grazing. terial gain to he made in buying of it is almost entirely due to the in these inferior cattle, no matter how substitute therefor. Shutting cattle meat. up in a muddy lot or even in a good ferior breeding of the cattle. A very great the loss to the original pro You can’t, meat is barn and feeding them hay, grain grain or or ! large portion of the steers on the ducer. In the last four or five years lias not , lONtaa (anil in Coos County is of the much high class beef blood has been silage without any grass the cheapest substan mixed proven a financial success in other »lost miserable breeding, produced in Coos County,with the tial lood you can buy, places and would probably not be Jersey and nondescript stuff result result that every year sees a larger if you buy right, which so In Coos County. It would seem, ling In steers that are under sized, and higher number of strictly high their hacks therefor, rather necessary to feed ' without any meat on means at the class beef steers, good enough to rough. A large them pretty much In the same way and exceedingly easily top the Portland market, and as Is now in practice, taking care, number of these steers are raised by in some cases to spring the top a however, to see that tlie ranges are the dalymen I little. The number of this class of I hune 131 not over-stocked in summer. Where The other calves are raised on cattle is Impressing. The 1ft 15 crop the ranges are only lightly stocked skim milk, butler milk, or whey, of calves show a very high percent ■< in summer, the cuttie go in to winter anil then turned out in the brush age of beef blood, and some of tlie y NOTHING TOO LARGE fat and strong; and not only that to rustle for themselves until they I flnest calves w hich could be found NOTHING TOO SMALL 1 but there is plenty of grass for are about two years old. Then they iin any country are found today in TO RECEIVE PROMPT. CAREFUL ATTENTION winter use, whereas with heavy are sold to the larger beefmen who .Coos County. These beef producers 'gather stocking, tlie cattle are thin to start them in large hunches, are finding that there is more money STOVE. LIRE PLACE with and grass is short during the and run them on grass for one or in raising a good calf than iu buy OR CORD winter, consequently many will die two years more until they get tat ing Jersey steers at almost gift or become exceedingly poor by enough to go to market. As a usual, Experienced Draymen prices. It wilt therefore be much spring. It is not necessary to have i the men who buy those two year olds better for all concerned when the th«» cattle come through the winter and fatten them off on grass make i man w ith grazing land raises real BARN ON FISH PROPERTY TELEPHONE 641 very fat. Cattle turned on tlie grass some little money, providing he buys I beef cattle, and the man with dairy How Hie men very fat in the spring will not usu them very cheat'. raises strictly dairy cattle and kills who lalse them lip to tile two year ally gain as rapidly as those that Phone 65.3 the steer calves. This, of course, is old stage can make anything otil of are not quite so fleshy. On the other leaving open tlie question of the Order your wood for (he | hand, animals that suffer very much them is more than we can discover. adaptability of the dual-purpose winter now, while the Most of the most successful dairymen from lack of fet'd in winter become breed of cattle to Coos County, UFFICERS AND DIRECTORS; roads are good, you'll get exceedingly thin and require quite a which wo met said that they bail There lias been so much said, pro little while on summer grass in order long since quit raising steer calves (tetter service and better J. L. K ronenberg . President F. J. F ahy , Cashier and con, on this subject that it is to recuperate their general health Perhaps where a farmer owns some prices. Orders taken for very hard to make a positive state T. P. H anly , Vice-President for dairy and |>li)steal conditions Ix'fore they hill pasture too rough ment. yet tlie writer does not hesi future delivery. can make any gains Another point cattle, and for which he has no W. J. S weet , Assistant Cashier tate to slate a firm conviction that in connection uitli the management possible use. he might t And some the use of dual-purpose cattle will R. H. R osa c. Y, L owe of tli<* grazing lands that could uell jirstllcallon In running Jersey steers cause a greater loss to tlie dairyman be in mind by some of our Coos on it. We have seen. however, I the than will produce gain for tlie beef Successor to Christie & Chali County beef producers is tlie neees most miserable sort of dairy calves acombe. man. A well raised beef calf at wean slty of separating tlie steers from pasturing on land that cost the far- ing time on the present market is Bandon, Oregon. breeding cows; and nearly all of the i trier $2 50 per acre. Those calves worth around $25. A calf raised as cattle ranches are divided naturally were four or live months old, and most of the dairy steers arc, how ' Into a number of prairies or past were worth absolutely nothing what (ever, on whey, buttermilk and skim ures. and It is only a very small job over One could pay $25 a head for C. M. SPENCER milk, and oilier by-products, would jto complete the separation l>y a few good well bred beef calves and make not lie wortli $25 We may therefore , REAL ESTATE punels of fence slid a gate, If steers Just as much money on them as to say that tlie use of good dual-pur INSURANCE run witli breeding cows, especially take ono of these tilth' Jerseys as pose cattle, such as Shorthorns, run I during the breeding season, they will a gift. As an Indication of the com OVER BANK I not fatten nearly so readily as those punitive value of good steers and of ning pretty strongly to tlie beef type, Capital $50,000.00 OF BANDON and entirely free from Jersey or that have been kept entirely to dairy steers, will make the following Holstein blood, would produce calves Surplus and Undivided Profits $25,000.00 to themselves In the fall of the comparison The Jersey calf at wean with the system of raising now in year it Is very easy to note tlie con ing time would be worth nothing common practice, worth about >15 ditIons between these steers i run whatever, A good Hereford calf per head at weaning time, whereas, with cows and the stiM'rs kept by would be worth $25. As a yearling the dairy calves now being produced i t lietnselves It Is also desirable to the Jersey would be worth $15; tin are worth practically nothing It is keep yearlings separate Drafts on the Principal Cities of the Vorld, A General from the Hereford about $42 50. The Jersey exceedingly doubtful if the milk older cuttle, wherever practical to two year old < would be worth about Ranking Business. Accountsof Individualsand do so. . The two year olds should I be $30. and I a good Hereford two year production from dual-purpose cattle would come within $15 per anuin of Corporations Solicited. k opt asperate from the three V ear old. $60 ■ The Jersey thro year old I "Ills In case cas«i you do not expect to would be worth $45, ami a good that produced by the special purpose uiiikes >« lot of ilifferrncv dairy breeds. old about $7 . . ____ _ year ..... ............. . v In Ute hiiklnnui world. If I murket the two year olds that year Hereford three '111 other words, the yeurllngs, the These prices would be applicable to you want to t»e Mucretmful two year old stock cattle, and (he the general run you must lin.k the part. th. of Uooa County oldor fattening cattle should be cattle at the preeent time, referring not let your clotlics run XVe off. r <»iu Ilundi.d I'..liars R,i. I Kept III si perate pasture« as far us on the one hand to the average run w.ird for nm - . • Catarrh lb it .- ,n- down miHI you look as if not be . ur.d by llaila Catan I. Cure. pin sible The loss, however, by run- you hail Just ste|<|>e<l OUI of of Jersey and dairy bred steers, and Hall a Catarrh Cure has l>«< n taken ning steers of these age« together on the other hand to Hereford or by catarrh sufferers for th«* past a rag l>ag Have t tieni thirty-Ove years, and has become Is not to be coniiMred with the loss < leaned and |>rr«we<l ««•gli Shorthorn cattle that were nsison known as the most reliable remedy for occured by running steers with ably well bred and practically free Catarrh Hall s C itarrh Cure a. la thru larly, it tlueen’t coat mm II, cows. the Blood on the Mucous surfaces ew- you'll always look lient. from dairy blood, although not neces t" Hing the 1’oison from the Blood and and your cloUieu will last Wn have noted above the imorer sarily pure bred, the assumption healing the dts. is. *1 portions. After you have tik.n Halls Catarrh (twee times ns long. quality of the largo number of Coos being in this case that the feed ami cure for a short time you will see a Special attention ghen County beef cattle. All of Western care was approximately the same great Imrrov enient In your general health. t<tart taking Hills Catarrh altering and repairing. Oregon has rather a bad reputation These prices are somewhat lower lUtr al once and get nd of catarrh. F< nd for testimonials, free. as to the quality of cattle turned Into than the present conditions. They F J. CHKNKY A CO. Toledo. Ohio, the market, but the coast country Is are possibly, however, a little high on »old by all I'ruggista, 75c. notorious In thia regard. I have the Jerseys, since the tendency is I The Tailor, Cleaner and Prester heard it said a number of times that now toward a still greater difference i Superior Printing Western World Coos and Curry County Beef Prodction Discussed between poor cattle and good cattle. I The question may be asked, why is I there such a difference? It is this: Brown & Gibson Living on Less A New Set of Harness will increase the working capacity of that team of horses. Make life as easy as possible for poor old Dobbin, for he’s your best friend and serves you well. Our harness is made in our own shop, of first class selected leather and guaranteed to fit and wear to your satisfaction. Come and let us talk to you about it. W. E. STEINHOFF Bandon Market THE HARNESS MAN SECOND STREET When You Want Gatchell Bros. Transfer Wood 0 E. F. HOWES Bank of Bandon Bandon, Oregon Appearance ■ ■ ■ L3 Q S3.131 ffl Lä I B ÜÖ ¡ How’s This? Mark Windle