Image provided by: Bandon Historical Society Museum
About Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1915)
The Official Newspaper of the City of Bandon With the Largest Sworn Circulation in the City. WESTERN WORLD WHERE PRODUCTIVE SOIL AND TIDE WATER MEFT LUMBERING, MINING, DAIRYING, STOCK RAISING BANDON, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1915 GLENOID LECTURE IS VOTE FOR Hulk of Wrecked Schooner^Appears HEARD BY TEACHERS THE BONDS Are \<>l interested In the wel fare of the local schools? And do you wish to see the district on a sound financial basis? And do you favor seeing the local banks given a chance to finance the local district to tlie extent of the pro posed bond issue with outside money, thus permitting the use of local money invested in school warrants in local enterprises'? THEN GO TO THE SCHOOL ELECTION MARCH BOTH ami CAST VOI R BAI.LOT FOR THE $14.200 BOND ISSUE. IT WILL NOT RAISE TAXES. You are already paying 0 per cent .interest on the warrants the is*-ue of bonds would retire. But on the other hand, if lol DON'T A DTE THOSE BONDS ATM W ILL HAA E TO ETHIER RAISE HIE S< Hoot TAX LEVA' NEXT NEAR SEV ERAL MILLS OR A DTE THE BONDS THEN. 'The bond mark«*t is good now—probably much bet ter than it will be when industries begin calling for capital. Take advantage of that market NOW ' I George Chatburn And Mary Donaldson Win Will Represent Banilon in Oratorical mill Declamatory Contests at North Bend in April. NO. 18 I CLUB CO-OPERATES WITH TWO MILERS DELEGATION FROM THAT SEC- TION PRE8ENTH ROAD PROPOSITION. George Chatburn and Mary Don aldson, respectively, won the ora Commercial Club <'01111111111*0 to Join torical and d«*clamatory contests at Two Mile Delegation in Asking the High school last evening, and will County Court to Release Avallatile represent Bandon in the county con Money for Improvement of Roa<I— tests at North Bend in April. The Beach Walk Work Requires *150. judges were Miss Henry, F. J. Feeney Like a ghost of the distant past the hulk of the schooner Eu and C. R. Wade. The past 25 years of mental train With a representative delegation reka, wrecked off Bandon bar, at 7:30 a. tn., November 30, 1899, now There were seventeen aspirants to ing in the United States has been a of Two Mile farmers present Tuesday appears on Bandon beach just west of the residence of ( ’ apt. O. W ’ lren these two honors this year, seven period of expansion; tlie next 25 evening the Commercial Club took of the Lighthouse station, • t was washed up during the storms of boys and ten girls. I vears will be a period of concentra They were: up the proposition of having immedi the past winter. The accompanying photo (taken by L. I. Wheeler) Orator) George Chatburn, Richard tion. Upon this thought Prof. H. D. ate work done on the upper Two sliows the trunk of a mighty Oregon fir which was thrown across the ' Sheldon of the university extension Crain, Chester Teagarden, Harold Mile road. W. E. Best of the Esta derelict by the surf. Johnson, Harry Brownson, Rayner department based his address before brook company explained the situa The Eureka on 1 her fatal trip was bound from San Francisco Gefsendorfer, Eugene Sofield; de- the teachers of Bandon at an after tion and he was followed by Chas. fur Bandon and owing to I a strong southeast gale and a freshet in tlie clamatory June Hess, Jessie Bell, noon's Institute held at the High Richerts and Carl Swelgln who add river she was forced to lay off the bar for 60 days, during which Belle Chatburn, Mary Donaldson, school assembly hall Tuesday. ed details as to the change in lo time the crew ran short of provisions, Mildred Langley, Forest Mathen), An attempt was made to en- Progress of School Work cation of a portion of the route and ter the harbor and the craft was wrecked, the crew of six and cargo Ella Hamlin, Alice Galller, Maud«' Reviewing the progress of educa the work that has already been done. of merchandise being saved. Th«* schooner was 93 feet in length Toates, Flora Philpott. tion incident to the growtli of tlie Work Absolutely Necessary with a 29 foot beam. She was owned by Geo. AV. Hume & Co. of The elimination contests were held country within the past decade, Prof. According to these men some 60,- San Francisco. Tuesday at which three boys and Sheldon took up Individually the 1 000 ties are already cut. waiting to throe girls were selected to contend principal subjects taught in the bo hauled out; the Richerts saw mill for final honors. Tlie selections were schoolsand commented on their pro with a capacity of 15,000 feet of made by disinterested judges as fol gress or retardation The new meth lumber a day is ready to start work lows: George Chatburn, Richard ods Introduced in reading, both oral and the Young shingle mill has a Crain, Chester Teagarden, Mary Don and silent, have made training in large stock ready for shipment. All aldson, Jessie Bell, Forest Matheny. The warrants proposed to be re that study much more rapid; tlie new are dependent upon the improvement tired are »12,202 interest bearing In last evening's performance it method in spelling has brought re time warrants, some of which are Captain Dunham of Telegraph Held Beacli Dredging Company to Install of tlie ,road. Tlie county lias »2,000 was not an easy matter for th«* Jud sults more quickly and with less ef past <lue and $1,998 to complete and available for tbis particular road and Implement for Use with Donkey Res|M>nsihle for Recent Acci- ges to decide as every one of the fort and persuasion; Nature study furnish the second story of the East residents of that section want the «lent. Damaging ('harm. Engine—Co. Man Here. contestants proved themselves excep was barely thought of a few years side school building. Notwithstand money spent now. They also ask that ing the fact that many large families tionally able. Several musical mem ago, while today it is becoming one have moved away, the schools are the work lie left to the supervision Tlie license of Job Dunham, the The Beach Dredging company, bers added to the entertainment of of G. A. Henry, their local man. and of the most interesting and Impor taxed for room and the upper story killing” tant subjects; geography and arith of the Eastside building must be fin new captain on the Telegraph lias operating on Whiskey Run creek, of the evening, as did that the residents will offer a great deal farce "Pyrames and Thisbee, a bur ished. been suspended for 60 days, on ac- which C. C. Howell is superintendent, metic were perhaps taught as well of additional work free in order to Tlie election will be held by ballot count of negligence in allowing Wal is awaiting the arrival of a large lesque on Shakespeare's ''Midsummer 25 years ago as today, while gram make the money cover the work nec at tlie City Hall, Tuesday, March i pre mar has been somewhat slower. 30th, from 2 p. ni. to 7 p. in. Three ter Panter at the wheel. The hearing drag scraper to be used in handling Night's Dream," essary. Material for planking the Senior Twenty years ago mor«» time and at Judges and one clerk will bo elected which was conducted by steamboat the dirt. A donkey engine will be sented by the li roa«i will be furnished by Mr. Rich the time the meeting is called to inspectors of Portland, at Coquille used to pull the scraper, which lias a class. tention was given grammar but much erts at »5 per thousand, less than • der. yesterday, was the result of the re capacity of 1 1-4 yards of dirt. The effort was wasted. Tlie study lias cost of production. Some 23 home Elizabeth Passengers cent collision between the Charm new equipment will afford facilities been made easier, but it lacks in ef the following passengers were steaders will also be directly bene- and Telegraph, which occurred near to handle from 500 to 600 yards of registered on the Elizabeth's sailing fitted. the new route giving them an ficiency compared with other studies. Cedar Point several weeks ago and dirt per day. While with the old list Monday, on her southward trip Work Vlsde More Pleasant outlet by wagon where* heretofore The fact that Prof. II. D. Slieldon which almost resulted fatally for the method from 100 to 150 yards was | ’P. Hanrahan, Mrs. P. Hanrahan. Miss they had only a trail. The spirit of teaching lias been of the university, had been secured Charm. Tho latter boat was com ail that could be handled. The hy- I Viola Beyerl«*, Miss Clara McIntosh, greatly improved according to Prof. Tlie petition for a change in the to address the Parents and Teachers’ pletely exonerated. Mr. Panter, draulic system with which the com- I Mrs. W. Pomeroy, .Sheldon This is due to a great ex route has been signed and the elec Miss Pomeroy. meeting at tho High school assembly whose 1 Icons«» had previously been pany recently experimented was Clarence Edwards, J. J. Hume, J. W. tion is to be held in a few days, aft tent to the fad of child study of a room Tuesday night, drew one of the suspended for 20 months, was not found to be impracticable in the par Morgan. Charlie Walters, few years ago, which today lias de Rudolf er which it is said there will be no largest gatherings of those interested held accountable for t'le accident, ticular soil that exists there, conse- ; Scholtz, Ander Hankanen, Chas. Cos- legal restrictions to prevent the coun veloped Into a better understanding in school work, that has been seen all the responsibility falling upon quently that method has been aban- j tegan, W. Costegan. The Elizabeth ty from releasing the money. of pupils It has brought about the for some time. Captain Dunham. Atty. G. T. Tread- doned. tendency of fitting the work to the Club Fledges Support leaves San Francisco for Bandon on Th«* coronet solos by Mayor Mr. Cochran, a member of the firm ' Saturday March 27th. gold represented th«* Churm owners <The Commercial club greeted tlie child. Instead of fitting the child to ping, selections by the Ladles' and Judge Sperry of Coquille appear was here from South Dakota a short the work, consequently making work visitors with enthusiasm and support club, and Miss Hughes were also time ago and inspected the diggings, ed for the Telegraph. easier ami more pleasant for t he was pledged with appointment of a Big Crowds at Exposition received and heartily applauded. lie expressed himself as highly pleas commiBee of W. E. Best, J. T. Sulli children. The introduction of sys- According to the Tinies Hugh Mc Prof. Sheldon spoke on tho sub ed with the results obtained so far Lain of Marshfield has received a let - van and W. C Sellmer to co-operate tematie play, and tll<* realization t ha t ject of ' Education and the Child; and and with future prospects. He es ter from J. A. Ward, manager of the with a committee of Two Mile resi play i as Important as work Iras also tho English Novel." He reviewed a Base ball and track work are now pecially complimented Mr. Howell been a gnat factor In that direction. Coos County exhibit, stating that the dents for the purpose of calling on number of the classics especially de attracting the attention of tlie local for his success under the severe dif crowds visiting the San Francisco ex- tlie County court and presenting the Here Prof Slieldon commented on picting child life and thoughts, show High school boys. An interscliolas- ficulties as are met with. Mr. Coch position are averaging from 55,000 matter. A vigorous effort will be Bandon's fine play grounds, which, ed how tlie emotions of young people tic base ball league is contemplated ran is an experienced miner, having 1 to 75,000 per day, and asking that made to secure immediate action. he declared, are better than those between the ages of 13 and 18 were in tlie county but nothing definite spent many summers at that husi- additional advertising literature be The comniitteesxwill also ask the enjoyed by the public schools in Eu much different than those of later has been decided upon. The owner ness in Alaska. county court to drag the road from gene. Society, athletics and musical forthcoming. The Coos Bay Cham life, and plead for an expression of of the grounds at Coquille has de features In the High schools have at ber of Commerce has awarded a con Bandon to the Curry county line be more sympathy and understanding cided that potatoes would be more tracted more pupils to that depart tract to a Portland firm for 300,000 fore it becomes too dry, and to order in dealing with growing young boys profitable than base ball this year, ment, have rounded out tlie practical small advertising pamphlets to be some eight,gates removed on the up and girls. Speaking of the parent consequently the school of that city courses more fully and have made The following of local interest a’- used at the exposition. Tlie amount per Two Mile road, at present ob and teachers mooting, Mr. Sheldon lacks a diamond. It is planned to structing the highway. the school work a pleasure rather peared in tlie Coos Bay Times of a of the contract is »813.70. said: "It gives me pleasure to be hold the annual county track meet Public Benefit for Walk than a drudgery as it was previous recent issue: in Bandon at a time when it is pos about tlie first of May. In the bask- The beach walk committee report ly considered by tlie young people. Liquor and cigar bills amounting Averill to Move sible to attend one of your Parent- et ball league Bandon finally had The AVork Alu*a«l to a small forttine have been file«! Tho Averill Dry Goods company ex ed that it would require »150 to re Teachers' meetings. The parent and to content herself with third place. Th«* greatest work before the edu against Joe Coach and Arthur Coach pects to move into the fine new build that promenade along the pres teachet ' meeting movement is one The protested Myrtle Point game was cational instructors for th«* coming for collection through tho Justice Johnson building the latter part of ent route on a permanent basis. Per of the greatest innovations that lias decided at a meeting at Coquille 25 years is tho reorganization of the court. These are bills that are alleg tills week anil will open for business mission lias been secured to spike it. ever been started. It is doing more Saturday, before Prof. Quigley could onto the idling of the government ed to have been .accumulated by the there about next Monday. ‘■n' 11 ■■ school system in view of more toward bettor co-operation between get there and press his case. It was tramway which would make it ab Coach brothers while they were in concentrated and efficient results. In V ■ - ----- ---------- parents and tlie Instrucors of their given to Myrtle Point, which knocks solutely safe and lasting. A com this respect the United States must the saloon businee» in Bandon. Bankrupt Stock on Sale children than any other movement Bandon out of second place. W. Hoelscher and Company in one make decided advancement in order is tn mittee headed by F. J. Chatburn was R A. Coppje of Marshfield that has been started in Oregon." complaint ask $70.08 of Arthur the city today making arrangements instructed to ask the city council for to compete with the systems of the Many Attend Funeral foreign nations. ' It is hard to tell gued that family relationship and Coach and attach the shares of tlie to put tlie bankrupt stock of the Ban assistance, and another committee of Dr. L. P. Sorensen, W. E. Best and Fully 75 Bandon people, including Coach Timber company through Mrs. don Dry Goods company on sale what great nations will be our rival other local questions have had too E. H*. Boyle was given the duty of lor the Intellectual supremacy of the much influence In tlie election of the Masonic lodge of this city, went Leo. .1. Carey, sister of Arthur Coach getting up a minstrel show as a bene world In the near future," said the teachers, consequently tlie majority to Coquille Sunday on tlie excursion who was appointed his guardian some ■ peaker, It may bo Germany, Rus of schools have new teachers every steamer Dispatch to attend the fun time ago when It was shown in the A rumor current on tlie street, to fit to raise money towards the walk. Numerous questions were discuss ia. England. Japan or one bf the vear or two, and the best results are eral of Alf. Johnson, Sr., whose body county court that he was spending day, is to tlie effect Atty. ('. F. Knight ed at the meeting which will probab was brought to Bandon from Cali his money too freely. other great countries. It is our duty of Marshfield was I11 the city this not obtained. fornia on the last Elizabeth. Fun Another bill is filed by the same week on business connected witli (lie ly come up later among them was a 1 e flint thing is to A isitors and Program eral services were conducted at the company against Joe Coach, this one collection of a »1,000 salary claim mineral display for"the city. aroufe the peopb to the necessity of Others from the outside in attend education and the insufficiency of ance at tlie institute were Superin M. E. church at Coquille by Rev for $75.43. of Detective Mitchell's against .1 W AITO SEASON OPENS aluric papi to educators. This Clove of Roseburg and burial serv- The H. L. Judell company, a to Coach for services rendered., The Baker of Coquille and tendent R E. ices were conducted by L. A. Lilje- bacco firm, state that there is ltile rumor has no knowledge of tlie claim 1 be don«» by those engaged in the F. A. Golden. county supervisor, Thr them from Joe and Arthur Coach being paid. tjvist of the Masonic lodge. profe. Ion The people today are The first auto this season to make The lecture of Prof. Slieldon was tlie trip from Langlois to Bandon ending only about 75 per cent of followed by a round table discussion Knights Templar were in attendance for cigars, $70 and in a separate bill It is estimated Hint the same company asks $30 of Joe 'imttl. ..I,mild -pend on education of various school questions relating in uniform, Mrs. AV. Pomeroy and Miss Pome over tlie famous "mudholes" of the 700 people attended tlie fun Coach, all of these requests being in roy were passengers on the Eliza south of town road, was the little 1,1 •’ i little more appropriation often about to the «'lass room. doable the efficiency of work that the form of suits against the Coach beth R>r tlie icut’i where they in Ford driven by Dr. Lee Pemberton of Entertainment numbers on the eral. might •■»’ accomplished. Timber company. Another afternoon s program were a vocal tend to ‘ take in" the wonders of the Langlois. Mr.’ Pemberton made the featurf t’ it must be overcome is the For auto repairs George Goodrum exposition They are residents of trip In less than half a day without solo by Mrs II 1. Hopkins and a city submitted a statement for $45.20, the country to the south of Bandon. slavish 'lherence to text books The piano duet by Misses Hattie Beak In a single mishap. Ib'dructor must know their subjects reservoir the water has been divert against Joe Coach. Monday Clint. Malchorn and Har and Elizabeth I hi (Tord. ed into smaller ■'ifllciently well to be able to teach old Manwarning of Langlois made an ... the - ... .. ( on«* and tlie pres The Bandon High school debating ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦*♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ even mors remarkable them without the text book, and the ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ sure I in some parts of town is very trip—from tcaei Jack Kronen berg. Fern De- ♦ MILL BRING DREDGE HERE ♦ Langlois to Gold Beach over the The work will be completed In lutpll must be held responsible for ♦ ♦ low. WILL MAKE CHANGES Supt. R. E. Miller of the Pug ♦ Humbug mountain. They also lim'd ♦ definite results. At tlie executive session of ♦ a fow days and the situation reliev- Long and George Stoltz leave today ♦ et Sound Bridge H Dredge Co., ♦ « chaperoned by Mrs. J. L. Kronenberg County I hit Finn Disco* *>e«l a Ford car. ♦ (lie council last evening, it was ♦ ed. and Supt Hopkins for Eugene, where ♦ w ho was in Bandon tlie forepart ♦ proposed county unit plan, decided after a lengthy discus ♦ Buys Five Acres they will contest with the team from ♦ of the week, slated that not ♦ "hbh vlll probably be voted on at ♦ sion upon a number of changes ♦ A. II. Craven who has been visit th«' Fred Christensen, steward on Medford for tlie championship of ♦ withstanding the .rehearing of ♦ •he next general election in tlie state, ♦ that will tie made at tlie next ♦ ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry ♦ th«* Port case, the dredge would ♦ »as discussed The plan is to have ♦ regular meeting, which will cut ♦ Speedwell, this week purchased a southern Oregon. Hess at this place for several weeks, ♦ be brought here about April 15. ♦ each county elect a board of five ♦ city expenses about $80 or »90 ♦ five acre tract about 2 1-2 miles left yesterday for her home at Mon ♦ Clarence Edwards, who has been he done ♦ The first work will members to co-operate with the cotin- ♦ per month. ♦ south of Bandon, off the county roa«l mouth, Oregon. Mrs. Craven was ♦ visiting at tlie home of his parents on- the lower river on ♦ on the • superintendent for the purpose of ♦ The council Is preparing for ♦ from C H. Chandler. The price pahl formerly a Bandon girl. She is a ♦ •I'p'iintinc all rural teachers, out- ♦ 1916 and the big drought. ♦ was »100 an acre. The land is said here tlie past winter, left on the ♦ trance shoals. gradual«* of the Monmouth Normal I Elizabeth tor California. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 8ide of tlie city districts. It was ar- ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ to be partially cleared. Attention Must Re ì ìiined Frolli pansion t<> Coment ration in Or lo l'romole («realer Efficiency School System—Must Preparo Jleet Strong Competition. 1 Another Steamboat Large Drag Scraper License Suspended For Whiskey Run