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About Western world. (Bandon, Coos County, Or.) 1912-1983 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1915)
Lodge Directory A You ’ll wonder why you ever trifled with the thought ofany other car. when you get a glimpse of the The Western World Owned and published by FELSHEIM A HOWE L. I>. Felsheim, Editor. Entered as second-class matter at the post office at Bandon, Oregon, January 2d, 1913, under Act of March 3, 1X79. Subscription Rates: $1.50 per Year Six Months, 75c; Three Months 40c. Telephone IM) I M RHING II MtD TIMES A man who owed a local merchant entered that party's establishment the other day. Pressed for payment of the debt, which amounted to about $50, lie readied down into ills pock et, brought forth a healthy roll of bank notes with quite a number of gold notes as th«* center, peeled off a $10 gold note and paid it on ac count. That was all. The debtor gave no indication that he had im mediate use for the rest of the roll of currency. He simply declined to meet his full indebtedness, If sev- eral million debtors, with ready cash in their pockets, refuse to meet th«*lr obligations, refuse to pay for goods that have come into their pos session, not wltii any idea of repudi ating the debt, but simply in response to some undefined and unorganized impression that mure important use fur the money may develop, things will not open up in a business way. und particularly In a financial way fur Home time to come. The moHt useless money in the world is hoard ed money, or money that Is in the same fix—money stowed In Hie pocket when there is a Just obliga tion It should meet. It ceases for a time to be currency. Currency moves, it* moving, it ketfps other tilings moving. If certain things must lie don«* sooner or later, the sooner they are done, if the facilities ar«* at bund the better it will be later. ❖ ❖ t * t T❖ A ❖ NEW Model FORD which will arrive in Bandon soon Some New Features The Cowell Dash Crown Fenders Electric Lights Full Rain Vision - Wind Shield STAPLE FEATURES: Indestructible Engine Durable Construction Simple in Operation Small Operating Cost FIVE PASSENGER TOURING CAR F. O. B. Bandon $575 That new stream line body effect makes it absolutely prettier than any car on the market costing twice the price You know the reputa- tion of the FORD—it has become the by-word in the automobile world, because it is the first car to reach the acme of perfection, combining beauty, service and cost on a common basis—VALUE. Money has never been worth more in the history of the country than at the present time. Why think of paying several hundred dol lars more for a car that will give you no more service or satisfaction than the NEW MODEL FORD. Keep that extra money in the com munity; you can use it to better advantage. Remember, you can afford a FORD when any other car would be a luxury beyond your means. SINGLE-SEATED ROADSTER CAR F. O. B. Bandon $525 Don’t decide on any car until you see this new model—it’s a revelation S. G. WHITSETT, Bandon, Oregon FORD AGENT from Beaver Hill to the California Line BANDON LODGE No. 130 A. F. & A. M. Stated communication Saturday aftt. the full moon of each month. Sojl)Un. Master Masons cordially invited C. R. MOORE, W. M P hu . P earson , Secretary. L. O. O. M. Loyal Order of Moose meet» Every Thursday Evening in Moots Home. Transient Moose cordially invited. Something doing every Thursday. L. A. LANGLEY, Dictator. ( C. W. BOWMAN, Swy , OCEAN VIEW ENCAMP. ■ MENT, No 72 I. 0. 0. F. Meets Second and Fourth SaturdaviB of Each Month in I. 0. O. F. Hall.H Visiting Patriarchs Welcome. A. KNOPP, C. P. ■ I. L. SCOFIELD, Scribe 1 w. o. w. I With Charity Towards All Seaside Camp No. 212, W. 0. W. Meets Tuewlay, lx. P. Hull, s p. M. Visitors are assured a warin welcome. By order of J. H. MJERS, C. C, F. H. COLGROVE, Clerk. 1 1 1 1 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS 1 Delphi Lodge No. <34, Knights of Pythias. Meets every Monday even. ing at Knights hall. Visiting Knight» invited to attend. J. W. MAST. C. ('. B. N. HARRINGTON. K. of It. 8. 1 1 B 1 IRA C. ZEH Contractor and Builder Estimates Cheerfully Furnish- 1 Bandon, Oregon. 1 Professional Cards DR. R. V. LEEP Physician and Surgeon Office in Ellingson Bldg. Phone 31)1. BANDON. OREGON Some of the New Lake live ones attended the dance at Langlois Sat urday night. A cheese factory near tiie south G. T. TREADGOLD west corner of A's place adds vaUi** »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« IS IT ALL "I RIENHLINESS?" “A” bad nothing to do with Wie Attorney and Counselor at Law “Coos Bay lias Clear Sailing No one lias yet devised a way building of that factory; it represents A. A. Davis has been quite busy Notary Public the industry of ltjs neighbors. Were Bandon Strikes a Snag,” is the title Willi all tiie new collections the past week pruning and caring The People's Column for of #n article in the Marshfleld Sun. To get the people out to pluy it not for the advantages afforded Rooms 1 and 2, First Nat’l Bank Bldg. for his orchard. Discussion of Public reprinted in this I hsuc of tiie West Quextiona. Their part in spring elections. by population and government A's Bandon, Oregon » It is reported that quite a num ern World, whlcii gives new light oil land would not be wortli a red cent, With horror they will stand and note ber attended the dance, given at Four Fort matters. It has frequently been I no matter how productive, how beau DR. S. C. ENDICOTT The way the gang controls Mile last Saturday and everybody SHOULD GOVERNMENT BE SEI,I-’ rumored locally, that District Attor tiful tiie surroundings, nor how much Nl'PPORTING? Affairs, but when it's time to vote had a fine lime. Dentist ney Llljeqvlst Is acting as special lie spent on improvements. They don't go near the polls. prosecutor for certain big timber in Sid. Croft of Croft’s Lake, has been Tiie landlord, as such, is not only office 1241 —Phonee— Res. 1101 (BY SAMI EL WOOD) terests who want to escape taxation They talk of men they should elect. hauling bees to his ranch and it is Government is essential to scivlli- a non-producer, but actually takes Office in Ellingson Bldg. Elm* phrases ever quoting, for local port purposes, rut her than beginning to appear as though Mr. zatlon ajid liberty, and in the na tural tliat which others produce—the value BANDON. OREGON for the county generally, and for tills And on election day neglect Croft was going into the bee bnsi- order is the direct expression ol the of tli® land. The simple task of voting. reason is fighting tooth and nail In ness. Land value or economic rent is as will of the people. And, like <i very the "friendly suit" to annul tiie Port Tli«* people are a funny lot GEO. P. TOPPING Mr. and Mrs. Fred Virtue enter- individual member, the govern v.nent natural as gravitation. In fact it is of Bandon. Tiie article lend» color However you arrang«' ’em; tabled Mr. and Mrs. Gindin and should be self supporting. It s lot'ld tiie direct result of human gravita Attorney at Law to tiie rumor, It being very evident They hate conditions here, but not i tion tiie natural tendency of popu daughter and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. not be a leach upon the back < if in that Mr. LIlJeqvlHt lias other reasons Practices in all Courts. Office Enough to vote to chrnge 'em. Hunt last Saturday evening at their dustry, neither should It be a t tli ng of lation to concentrate for mutual ad up I i I h sleeve besides merely testing ] vantage, arid its legitimate purpose Detroit Free Press Over Bank of Bandon. ■ home on the ClauHen The eve charity. But to be self suppo-rti: 1? the validity of tile Port. I Its appar ning wan spent pleasantly and a few there must be available resources; is to suppl;.’ a fund to meet tiie ex- ent pernicious attitude might war ♦ gc'eminent, building roads DR. H. L. HOUSTON card games enjoyed. Mr. lister naturally th« resources «\xist, but I •nse of <____ rant an investigation by the people ♦ lot It MILE "SMOKELESS" ♦ Clausen rendered a few of the latest quite unnaturally they are not avail- ptc. Physician and Surgeon who ar« interested in th«* welfare of ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ musical selections on the harmiaiica able. ‘ ’ As a matter of fact the natu .Li «ntl clos« to market is more valu- the Coquille valley. tlian equally productive land ral resources of tiie government con . able Jack Foster was a caller in the which were much enjoyed. Office Over Drug Store. Hours 9 to 12 Choice home-sites, de- a. m.; 1:30 to 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 in the ■ sist of the raw materials of the coun farther valley last week. SUNSHINE. The lectures of I’rof Sheldon at t îanufacturing or business evening. Night calls answered from try. This is the source of all wealth sirable the teacher's institute i and parents- There were thirty out to Sunday office. Another Itailroa.) Coming —the means of life, hence, from this locations t 'Under police and fire pro- teachers' meeting were mental treats. school last Sunday. A report published In the Suther- source (land), must the government. , aJffr all of the advantages BANDON, OREGON I tectlon. Tiie obscurity of Badon from educa Mr and Mrs. Manton Treadgold lln Sun Is to the effect work Is again as well as the individual, go direci resulting from population and gov- tloiial centers of the state makes were Sunday visitors nt th«* I»♦• L«>ng I [ to commence on the Soctherlln-Coos for the means of support. liecomfs fabulously valu-' DR. L. P. SORENSEN ' ernment, the opportunity of hearing edu- ranch. Bay railroad. Several miles of the Since nature yields her fruit to able. Dentist cutional speakers lexs frequent, but road have already been built, A honest effort only, we may determine. ! lOoiflns tor a location, the W hen Mrs Albert Mecum and daughter it greater effort should lie put forth report Is also current there that an by a careful study of those factor Individu if at c’ice recognizes this Office in First National Bank Bldg. to obtain more prominent visitors of were visitors at the Miller ranch tiie electric line Is to tie constructed Phones: Office 1222; res. 152 to entering into the production of ’ ‘ natural advantage or community this kind, especially during the sum first of the week. the Bay. wealth, whether there is any portion made vi J te, and is wifUig and does BANDON, OREGON mer months, when they are at Ma School commences in District No. created by and belonging to the pay for It. I nder our prese-tt system ure A little money spent In ttila 64 next Monday morning Miss Kate Mrs. Mary Etta Morse, who Is con 1 people collectively. of prit ate property in land, It Js the direction would be a profitable in Willoughby is the teacher. C. R. BARROW, fined to her home with Illness, has "In the production of wealth three I 1 purcb S' e price? or annual amount col- vestment. Tiie Chautauqua Idea is received the sad Intelligence that her Attorney and Counselor Cecil Cox has moved I i I h family factors are employed— land, labor 1 leett d by the land lord, and is abnor- still a live one. daughter, Mtss Mildred Morse, is back to tli«* home ranch where he In and capital. And the whole product i mal' y high as a result of specula- at Law dangerously 111 at a hospital in San tends to remain for tiie coming sea Is divided into rent, wages and inter tion and monopoly. But where land Notary Public Francisco. She Is unable to go to est." Tliat the opportunities of son. is t f *e to a.'l labor, the annual rental her daughter's aid. dairy business are sudi that it Rent Is the price paid for the use 'I i) ,e of a g.'vcn tract would repre- Farmers’ Phone: Office No. 481 S .1. Wilson lias taken a Job fall not r«*]Uire mudi previous ex Residence No. 143 of bare land only. Capital is stored >er ing timber for the Anderson camp t the differ«'UPfi between its pro- enee to luakt* a success ot that In Tell your neighbor about th* World. Office over Skeel’s Store, labor working through labor sa'.Ing’ dr above Riverton Jack Is a master . li'o power am.' that of tin- least endeavor in this section, provi Coquille, Oregon machinery or otherwise, and In t>(> P hand at this work and is sure to reductive land In u’1®- Dr the ex- one mixes good common horse « Genesis and Revelations of thing.? 1 t make good. ct equivalent of the advantage ac with knowledge gleaned from JOHN NIELSON the tool of labor Interest ,s «t I various reliable journals, is the cruing to labor from the presence Last Saturday evening those ____ of part of wealth produced by 'xxpit*.- ' Notary Public, Insurance, Real elusion drawn from th«* results of population and government. the Four Milers who delight in trip- No one disputes tin* moral r' . | o! Since private possession of land tallied by II L. Glmlln of New I. Unlit Estate and Book-keeping fantastic, wended labor to wages, nor is the’ t hk is told in nn article on th«* I Is necessary In order to secure pri Foster mill, where t reason why cap i,al ,s entitle k Bandon, Qregon and Dairy page of this Issue, and all men can not 1 ssantly entertained un interest B’lt to whotp gha|| ren, |(f to vate rights, should encourage mor«' people to same or most vahiabh ina" hours of Sunday possess the Land Is not thu prodi SMITH J. MANN gin dairying on a conservati'«* s< ground, rent becomes the price of e masculine atten d- •'ct of I neither is the value c" r privilege; and must be taken by th«* o In* more in evidence ot land — Physician and Surgeon ornlc rent the product I bate moxtNl my store Troni shown tlieir -.t of the collectivity that an equal dlstribu mine portion but nev Office in Ellingson Bldg. vldual owner or occu Clr«eland avenue t«i the build Ity. It Is up ’ pant, bu tion of wealth may obtain And a good time er that of the I Office Hours 9 to 12 1 to 5 o meet them 1 ing at the corner of Biuxion whole com that the whole people the govern CLEM For instance, m ptiljf,. « concrete rc 'gelber with1 ment may be re imbursed for its Phones: Office 302; res. 211. ut «'tin«* and First Street which the township art (1o*n <1o*n i 1 BANDON. OREGON tuanufactur from art in the production of wealth. lias been completely reino<!ele<1, « 0 K NEU • ' »» I \h| would Increase value HAflrtnrt indnn ' I the value soil » Herein Is provided a natural fund ♦ and am noti prepared to meet land a few hundred do1 of "AV I •♦•♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ♦ DR. ARTHUR GALE Ich raises spontaneously and cor- I would create that vab Irra. Wlrçl*“ ni) friends and customers in a Laurence Snyder spent Sund«.' on 'ondlngly with the increase In Physician and Surgeon It would also Increas«* .•? Not A. .TOSI New l.ake l*ettrr location and better ®|iiip- latlon and advance of govern- Phones: Office 851; rex. 352. I the holdings of Gent ILe value of pepi l*ed In eter> way than liefore. And If taken into the public Mr l'aul has been housed up with Richards, Cox, etc Office In Ellingson Bldg. j«»Yix« n Davison. nient ry will he equal to the expense I only do that but an attack of rheumatism lately. treasi. »ould not BANDON. OREGON rnment In the assumption of I from Bandon t> of g "Vi Jasper DeOa was down at New class road '» functions and thus render When • m,n beifev^. i„ himself Lake Thursday. from Four Mile. I line would ref ’r>' county I all of 1 I. L. SCOFIELD nnt self supporting. t ethers s< mi Khar«* his belief« i of all southe '"nd value 1 governiti The Foster Brothers were looking Co ' Again Dentist " ’ .o i at some hogs o'ei on th® t ox ranch value’ Let THIS paper be YOUR paper Office Fahy A Morrison building SECOND HANI» STORE ople apparently forget the Ilia . I Some pt «• lower Coquille 'alley la next to Emergency hospital I A '.mid Téléphoné AM. Hand«««. Ore. fact that th ould answ Phone fill he reckoned with In the P*>4ers of t’ .- t a power to ■H» section.'' Bandon, Orego» count)'» poll) I ♦ THE PEOPLE THE FORUM B B 1 B 1 I I Changed My Location W. L. Beach