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About The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
V ) In the matter of the estate of Susan M. Tract no s: Lots Nos. r, 2, 3, 4, 5 JJerrv. deceased. arid 6, Block No. 9. Job's Addition to the signed as executor ot the last Will and city of Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon, Testament ot Susan JV1. Berry, aeceasea, J 'V r r t! has filed his final account as such execu Together with the tenements, heredita ,i, th ri.rir tii. rntifi iiri ai mentsand appurtenances thereunto be the State of Oregon for the County of longing or in anywise appertaining there- Rfrtti anri that sain t ourt has fixed and set Tuesday, the 6th day of July, 1909, the same being a day of the regular J uly term thereof, A. D. 1909, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day, and the County Court room of the County Court ot the btate 01 Oregon tor the County of Benton, which said Court room is in the County Court House at Corvallis, Benton County, Oregon, as the time and the place, for hearing any and all objec tions to said nnal account, ana tor settle ment thereof Dated at Corvallis, Oregon, May 21st, 1909. U. G. Berry, Executor of the last Will and Testa ment of Susan M. Berry, deceased. Dated June 21, 1909. is. MILLER, . Referee. First Publication June 25, 1909.. Last Publication July 23, 1909. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Benton County. E. E. Wilson, Trustee, 1 naintui, vs. John Gortmaker and Julia Gortmaker, alias Julia Thulke, Defendants. TO JULIA GORTMAKER. ALIAS JULIA THULKE, THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANT. In the Name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file with the clerk of the above entitled court on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publica tion of this summons neremaxter reterred to, to-wit: On or before July 9, 1909, and you are hereby notified that if you fail so to appear and answer the said complaint as herein required for want thereot the plaintm will apply to the above NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of J J. Cady, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that the undersigned has been . c , . I want. lueretu uie planum win apply iaj iuc auuve duly appointed executrix ot the last Will entitled court for the relief demanded in his said and testament of said J. J. Cady, de- complaint, to-wit: ,feiprl hv the Countv Court of Benton or a decree oi tne arjove entitled court lore ceased, Dy tne county ourc oi centun mortaatre mentioned and described in County, state ot Oregon. All persons plaintiff's said complaint, decreeing that plaintiff having Claims against said estate Ot J. J . as such trustee recover from the defendants the BUIIl Ul LIUU IV&CLUC1 W1LU HRUCah WIOICUU 11UIII Feb. 6. 1909. at 8 per cent per annum until paid also the sum of $150 attorney's fees, all in U. S. e-old coin, toarether with the costs and disbure- ments of this suit; that plaintiff be decreed to have a first lien for the full amount of his claim in said complaint mentioned on said real property tiff's complaint and particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the cenner ot the county road leading from Corvallis to King's Val ley (via G. P. Wrenn's) which is S. 70deg. 30 min. E. 90 ft. distant from a stone set at the in tersection of the center line of said county road with the W. line of the D. L. C. of William Dixon in T. 11 S. R. 5 W. and run thence S. 70 deg. 30 min. E. along the center of said road, to the SW corner of that certain tract of land sold by Emil and Madeline Liebi to Curtis Stimson by deed dated Sept. 10, 1904, and recsrded at page 66 in MERCHANTS IV1EET FOR BUSINESS FOR JULY 5 made determining the rights, estates, interest i and claims, in and to said real property above ' described, the title to which is hereby sought to be registered; and further by such decree it be determined, declared, adjudged and decreed that tne defendants above named and all persons in cluded in "All whom it may concern" and each and all and any of them, if any there be, have no ' estate, interest, right or claim in said real j property above described at law or in equity, in , possession, remainder, reversion, or expectancy, j and tnat tney and eacn oi tnem ana an oi mem . . and every person to "Whom it may concern" be j ' forever enjoined and debarred from asserting any : claim whatsoever in or to said real property above 1 described, adverse to applicant and plaintiff here- IVCPUM? ADAITT n ACTMr UAITDC in; and further by such decree find, declare, ad- UtWUfc ADUU 1 LLUMINU HUUKO judge and decree the title or interest oi tne ap plicant and plaintiff herein in said real property J above described to be the same as in the applica tion stated, to-wit: that William M. Williams is 1 the owner in fee simple of said real property above described, and of the whole thereof, and 1 ,that the same is free from all liens and incum-t brances, and order and decree the Registrar of titles for Benton county, Oregon, to register the same, and to grant such other order and relief as j iue cuuri suauuceui uiccl ami m uuvuiAittiiuc rum equity. This summons is served upon you by publica tion thereof by order of Hon. T. L. Harris, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Benton, made on the 8th day of June, 1909, directing publication thereof once a week for six successive and consecutive weeks in the Corvallis Times newspaper, a newspaper of general circulation published and printed weekly at Corvallis, Benton county, Oregon. Date of first publication hereof is June 11, 1909, VICTOR P. MOSES (SEAL OF) Clerk of Benton county, (CIRCUIT) Oregon, and Ex-officio Clerk (COURT ) of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the coun ty of Benton. J. F.YATES, Attorney for Applicant. ACCEPT LINCOLN INVITATION NOTICE Cady, deceased, are hereby required to present the same with the proper vouch ers, duly verified, as by law required, within six months from the date hereof, to the undersigned at her residence in Corvallis Oregon, or at the law office of described in said mortgage and setout in plain- E. E. Wilson, in Corvallis, Oregon. Dated June 18, 1909. Anna. Cady, Executrix of the last will and testament of J. J. Cady, deceased. First Publication June 18, 1909. .Last Publication July 16, 1909. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. XMlra in lioKr irinan fliof flio nnlar. Book 43 Benton County deed Records: thence N ."-v. " ""-" 5"-" 19Mder.E.6.20chs. along the W. line of said signed nas niea in tne VOUnty ourt Ot stimson land to the NW corner theeeof; thence Benton County, Oregon, her final account I N. 70V4 deg. W. along N. line of tract of land o r tio aetata nf P r Vitrar I deeeed bv Joseph Diller and wife to Emil Berlin, j j j .I . j ' , ' to the NW corner of tract of land conveyed to deceased, and that Monday, the 19th day gaid John Gortmaker by Seren Jensen and wife of July, 1909, at the hour of II o'clock in by Deed recorded in Book No. 45 at page 174 Vi Wnnnn nfRaiil dav hs. heen fiVpd therein, same Records of Deeds; thence S. 19Vi .and appointed by said Court as the time fend the County Judge's Office in the County Court House in Corvallis, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections, it any, to said account and the settlement tnere of. All persons interested and desiring to object thereto are notified to file their biections thereto in writing with the deg. E. along the center of said Clerk of said Court and appear at said time and place. Minerva J. Kiger, As executrix of the estate of R. C .Kiger, deceafced. First Publication June 18, 1909 tast Publication July 16, 1909. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. deg. W. in a straight line to the place of begin ning. Except one-fourth of an acre in south west corner thereof sold to the Evangelical Lu theran Zions Congregation by said John Gortmaker. Also, beginning at a point 707.978 ft. S. WVi deg. E. in the center of the above mentioned county road, from where the center line of said county road intersects the w. line 01 said 1). L. of William Dixon, and run thence S. 70)4 county road 72V4 ft; thence N. 19V4 deg. E. 6.20 chs. to point marked with piece of gaspipe driven in ground in the N. line of said land deeded to Berlin by Diller; thence N. 70V4 deg. W. along the N. line of said land so deeded to Berlin, 72V4 ft. to piece of gas pipe driven in ground; and ; thence S. 19Vfe deg. W. to the place of the begin- j ning. ExceDt from the above described premises such part thereof as may be be included in roads and streets of the city of Corvallis, Oregon. Together with the tenements, hereditaments and and appurtenances thereunto belonging or j in anywise apertaining. J That said real property above described be Bold In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. In the matter ox the application 01 Rose Green to register the title to the following described real property, to- The North half of the North Half of Section Eleven (11), in Township Twelve (12), South of Range Seven (7) West of Willamette Meriden. contain ing 160 acres in Benton County, Ore gon, Applicant and Plaintiff. vs. Cook and Mary E. Cook, his wife, and all whom it may concern. Defendants. TAKE NOTICE That on the 12th day of Jane. 1909 an applica tion was filed by said Rose Green, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Benton, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now, unless you appear on or before the 20th day of Julv. A. D.. 1909. and show cause why such application shall not be granted, tne same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of the application. and you will be forever barred from disputing tne same. Witness my hand and the seal of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton, this 12th day of June, 1909. VICTOR P. MOSES, (SEAL OF) Clerk of Benton County, Ore (CIRCUIT) gon, and Ex-Officio Clerk of (COURT ) the Circuit court of the State of Oregon forCounty of Benton. Corvallis ' Stores Will be Closed From 10:30 4:00 p. m. Next Mon day While Celebration is in Progress So All Can Attend. (From Tuesday's Daily.) . , The Corvallis Retail Merchants' As sociation held a well attended meeting , last night and several matters of im- i portance were discussed. i It was decided to do everything- pos sible to make Independence day cele bration a success . and an agreement was entered into to close all the stores and places of business from 10:30 in the morning until 4:00 in the afternoon, in order to give everybody an opportunity to participate in the pleasures of the day. An invitation was received from Lincoln County Fair Association asking the people of Corvallis and Benton county to come to Toledo on Friday, September 10 and join in the big time that would then be held. This invitation was excepted and a committee consisting of W. H. Currin, R. H. Houston and S. L. Kline was ap pointed to arrange for railroad trans portation and it is expected that a large crowd will be made up here to go over. Notice is hereby given that on Satur- for eod coin of United States, and the proceeds j .. A, t.,i v, derived from such sale be applied to the payment day, the 24th day.ot July, 1909. at the of the O0Bta and dUDursemnts of said suit and hour of eleven o clock in the forenoon of sale; then to the amount due plaintiff, including said day, at the front door of the county attorney fee and the remainder if any. to the de- t l. . , 1 - fendants as their interests may appear; court house m the city of Corvallis, in That if the proceeds of tie salVdTnot satisfy Benton county, State of Oregon, I Will plaintiffs claim herein in full, that execution offer for sale and sell t tmblic auction to may issue for the. deficiency; that the purchaser t,;ct Kil,W fcl, J V,,1 oil at the sale be put into immediate possession of the right, title, interest -and estate of W, E. Dodele, in and to an undivided one half of. Commencing at the Northeast corner of the original donation land claim of Charles Allen, Claim 42 in T. 10, S. R. rW., of Willamette Meridian, and run thence North 86 degrees 45 minutes West said premises; that the defendants be forever barred of all right, or title .and interest in and to said real property and all equity of redemption, tnereunder except the statutory right of redemp tion, and for such further and different relief as may be proper in the premises. This Summons is publi8hed in the Corvallis Times newspaper once a week for six consecu tive and successive weeks ' beginning with the issue of May 28th, 1909, and ending with the issue 47.08 chains to middle of the County road, I of July 9th, 1909, under and in pursuance of the 1 o . i. - j : . tit 1 1 directions contained in an order made by the lucinc ouuiuucgnxsju miuutcs w est Hon g Woodward, Judge of the County Court of along me miuuie 01 saiu roau 29.05 cnains, 1 Benton County, State of Oregon, dated May 27th, thence South 86 degrees da minutes is- iast 46.19 chains to the East boundary line of said claim, thence North 9 degrees ,ast 29 05 chains to place ot beginning, containing 135 acres. . .excepting, mow ver, from this conveyance the following two tracts of land: 8 acres deeded to John Chambers, September 16 1885, recorded in Book S, page 64, records of Benton County. Oregon; also 50 acres conveyed to John Chambers as shown, recorded in Book 34, page 4, records of Benton Coun ty, Oregon, the amount of land described above being 77 acres bald sale is made under and in pursu ance of a license and order of sale made by the county court of-the state of Oregon for Benton County, on June 12th, 1909, in the matter of the Guardianship of W . E. Dodele, an insane person, authorizing, licensing and empowering tr. b. Dodele, as guardian of said W. E Dodele, insane, to sell the above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for Date of first publication is May 28th, 1909. JS. hi. WILSUn, Trustee, Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretron for tne Jounty of .Benton. In the matter of the application of William M. Williams to register the title to the following described real property, to wit: Beginning1 at the Southeast corner of the Donation Land Clain of D. D. Stroud and wife it being- CI. No. 44 Not. No. 1S03 in Township 11, South Range 4 West of Willamette Meridian in Benton county, Oregon, and run ning thence North 3 deg. East 32.68 chains, thence West 50.31 chains, thence South 32.60 chains to the South line of said Stroud Claim and thence East along the South line of said Claim to the place of beginning, except from the above described premises that cer tain tract of land conveyed by Claus Schoel and wife to Levi Joy, more par ticularly described as follows: Begin- - j j , j. p , I iiiug cab a ftsuuiv u.oi uiaina tt cab ui viro ca5u in uauu, sum to uisposc 01 tue pro- Southeast corner of said Stroud D. L. ceeds in the manner prescribed by law. Dated this June 25th, 1909. G S. DoDEtE, Guardian of said W. E. Dodele. First Publication June 25, 1909. last Publication July 23, 1909. REFEREE'S SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY. In the Circuit Court for Polk County, State of Oregon, Department No 1 Oeorge C. Will, Plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Otillde Wolfer, Alfred H. Will, E. U. Will, Tulius J, Miller, E. G. Miller, John Will, Enoch Will, Christiana Will- Moore, Clark Will and Charles Will, Defendants: Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order and decree duly made and en C, thence North 45 deg. East along center of county road 7.71 chains and thence South 3 deg. W. 3.41 chains to to said Southeast of said Stroud D. L. C. and thence West 6.81 chains along South line of said Claim to the place of beginning, containing 74 or an acre. Applicant and rlainutt vs. Fleming Johnson Johnson, his wife, and all whom it may concern. Defendants. All whom it may concern take notice, that on the 20th day of January. 1909. an application was filed by William M. Williams in the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. for the initial registration of the title to the lands above described. Now unless you appear on or before the 23rd day of July, 1909 and show cause Why such application shall not be granted the same shall be taken as confessed and a decree will be entered according to the prayer of application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. To Fleming Johnson and Johnson, his wife, and "all whom it may concern" IN THE L. L. BROOKS' SEED STORE Potatoes $1.60 per bo. Seed Potatoes $1.00 per bu. 500 pounds Rape Seed Poultry supplies, stock food, plants and garden seeds Get my prices 127 N. 2d St Corvallis For Rent 840 acres, 1 1-2 miles from Summit. 700 acres fenced in five pastures running- water between each pasture, fair buildings, 72 bearing fruit trees-will lease 5 years straight. Also have for sale 220 goats and 4 good Jersey cows. D, F. Young. 203 N. 14 St., Corvallis. 6-44 tw. F. I. Gilbert & Son CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Jobbing Estimates Furnished Ind. Phone 638 Best Water System Known The Corvallis Water Commission has always taken a keen interest in every thing having a tendency to better the service and give the people the best and purest water on the coast. They have carefully handled the funds en trusted to their keeping and the citi zens have been pleased with the result. Owing to the rapid growth and develop ment of the city mains have been extended, new additions added to the town and it now becomes necessary to increase the" water' supply. The Com mission have wisely acted along this line and work commenced this morning: on an additional reservoir to hold 500,000 gallons of water, Work will be pushed as rapidly as' possible so as to complete the job while good weather lasts. Ex tensive Improvements are also being made at the intake in the mountain which will require about four weeks more time and when all is completed we will be the best watered town on the coast and the envy of our more un fortunate neighbors who have had so much trouble and expense along this line. Wood, Hay and Oats for Sale ROY RICKARD, Corvallis GEO. W. DENMAN Attorney at Law CORVALLIS, OREGON Office in Fischer building, over Graham & Wortham drug store tered in the Circuit Court in the State "BPISSSJ Oregon for Polk County on the 3rd day and reanired toannearand answer the aoolica. of Tune, loop, in the above entitled suit tion filed in the above entitled court and suit on v.'. - . ... 1 .l tin.t. J T . innil .... U OJ4-1. appointing me as releree, and authorizing .tr;",. 1 .L and directing me, as such, to sell the sixweeks from and after the date of the first pub- hereinafter described real property in lication of this summons, the first publication of . - l.,- this summons being on the 11th day of June. 1909. 'cpai-.'-c "v-.u ""-?" "VV1?' " " "uc The W. nnhlieation hereof beine on the 23rd dav sale, as will be most benencial to the par- af j fonq ties interested therein, and to report the And if you fail so to answer for want thereof proceeds of such sale and the proceedings the application will be taken as confessed and the t v, ;l ,t rv, applicant will apply to the above entitled court wcicvi i - tor the relief demanded and prayed tor in nis ap- I will, on Thursday, July 29th, I909, at plication now on file herein for a decree of this the hour of one o'clock p. m. of said day, court determining applicants right and interest at the West door of the county COUrt and the nature of all adverse claims in said real house in the city of Corvallis, Benton property of the defendants or any of them, the County, Oreeon, sell in separate tracts, the relief as prayed for in said application is as y , f . f j: j follows,- to-wit: Applicant and plaintiff prays parcels or lots, or in one sale, as desired tw , a, F tv,om we or as will be most be jeficial to the parties named, be required to set forth the nature of mteresiea inerein, at puunc aucuuu tu 3 . . . ."r . . , , ' c S u : u 1 v. erty above described, if any they have, and that the highest bidder for cash in nana, sub- n -rf, ; ;j ject to the approval and confirmation of defendants, or any'of them may be determined by .1 - . 1 . -. . . . ., .... : 1 . , .2x1- aiMm.nfn'a imhi ..J tt.. fii)uw that anv tne saia circuit vourt, an tne ngui, uue - -r " r , . 1 1 L .1, andall persons having any claim, estate, or lnter- ana interest ana estate wmcn tne piarauu mt in said real property above described, whose THE PALM CAFE VIDITO & EIETMAN, Props. Six o'clock Dinners Banquets, Dinner Parties and Sunday Dinners' Next Palace Theater, Corvallis, Ore. E. E. WILSON Attorney At Law Zierolf Bldg. Corvallis, Oregon said rights are unknown to plaintiff and applicant herein, and designated herein as "all to whom it may. concern" having or claiming the same under the law providing therefor, in the said lands the title to which is sought hereby to be registered, unless appearance is made by such person or per- and defendants have in and to the follow ing described real property, to-wit: Tract no. 3: Lots Nos. 5 and 6, Block No. 1, in the original to n of Marysville, n , .' , i i sons, and such rights, estates, interests or claim county, uregon, as suown uy uic return- established and set forth if any they or either of ed plats tnereOl. . them may have, and that upon failure of Buch T . r a T rtte t n t Trt t t person or persons to appear and set forth and t i xr ; r;i'l,;Jlo' LAA establish such rights, estate, interest or claim, if and 12, Block No 1 1, in Wilkins Add!- any they may have that md each and all tion to the citv of Corvallis, in Benton them be forever barred and concluded by the de- Countv, Oregon, as shown by the record- free herein prayed for, from asserting the same in . . . -. . & J 1 like manner aB other defendants herein above CQ plats tnereoi. named, after the decree of this court has been EQDtB"QD ISitti"S Succeed when everything else fells. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. . Resolutions of Respect Whereas our highly esteemed asso ciate, Mrs. F. L. Miller, has been re moved from our midst, and Whereas we feel keenly her loss as an indefatigable worker in the upbuild ing of our church and our choir, of which she was so long a helpful, cheer ful member, and Whereas we wish to express to the bereft husband and family assurance of our sincere sympathy in this hour of trial; therefore, be it Resolved, That the members of the choir of the Presbyterian Church of Corvallis hereby extend to the sorrow ing ones our heartfelt regret and sym pathy and an expression of our deep appreciation of the efficient services of the departed as a tireless, willing asso ciate in our work, and be it further Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be sent to Mr. Miller and also a copy be furnished the several papers for publication. Respectfully submitted, C. E. Bradley, Mrs. Ella Taylor, Essie Bell. 1008 DOZEN EGGS WED Within the next ten days. High est Market price guaranteed You can't bring to Many to Victor P. Moses' Store c8gon s For the Best in GROCERIES AND CROCKERY go to HORNING & MACKENZIE Sole agents for Fleischnann's Compres'd YEAST Pay Highest market price for Farm Produce Bring us your Eggs. PHONE US YOUR ORDERS, INDEPENDENT 18. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT LINCOLN COUNTV FAIR FESTIVAL september 8-9-10, 1909 AT TOLEDO, OREGON As "lair," invitation extended to local and outside exhib itors of Live Stock, in all classes. Special rates on S. P. and C- & E. R. R. Fair Association provides FREE shed and tent room. FREE hay and water and experienced care takers for stock not accompanied by owners. Local and out side exhibits of fruit, vegetables, flowers also of useful and ornamental articles invited. . As "Festival" interest and amusement for all hours of the three days provided. Ball games, races, athletics. Races for moter boath and row boats. Baloon ascenions. Clean and bright shows. Special program each evening. Cheap fares on railroads. Campers welcome. Camping' grounds, hay and water furnished. Further information obtainable from C. B. Crosno, Secretary TOLEDO OREGON Real Estate Transfers A. L. Richardson to R. P. Killebrew & Wf. 40 acres near Blodgett $10.00 C. H. Decker & Wf . to P. Q. Decker, undivided 1-2 of 40 acres near Monroe $10.00 Martha J. Ewing to Joel & A. A. Friend, Sl-2 of Lot 71 Bl. 20 Philomath $1000. A. E. Bell to Leon Stahl, 18 acres near Corvallis $10.00 Wm. Knotts to John W. Simpson, 20 acres North of Corvallis $10.00 D. B. Farley to Freeman S. C. Willson, 11.197 acres near Monroe $100.00 WHEN YOU WANT ANYTHING IN Fancy Haviland and Cbinavare Cut Glass, Crockery and Glassware We have it Also a complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Vegetables in their season. Sole agents for Chase & Sanbor's Teas and Coffees. We pay the highest price for Butter and Eggs. Your patronage so licited. Satisfaction guaranteed. THATCHER & JOHNSON INDEPENDENT PHONE No. 7 A. C. White returned from Blodget Valley today where he went to view his earthly possessions and "figsrer" out the net profit on his "crap." YOU GET WHAT WE GET.MJI - Ou books are open for your inspection, lErndkEm Bnyeri name given if wanted. We not only get top prices, but you can satisfy yourself HOBS absolutely at any time that you get what w .mmmmw Iet PROMPT CASH RETURNS CHiCCtECJS SWP 7our Produce to us. Writ to us now for coops, tags, eta SOUTHERN OREGON COMMISSION CO. W. H. KlCCORQUODALE. PROP. 95 FRONT ST., PORTLAND. OREGQR