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About The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
- ' Read the Daily Gazette for all news. Skeeter Swann went to Albany to day to play ball. Acme Quality Paints and Floor Var nish that wears at A. L. Miner's. 5-17-tf. Byron Frantz and daughter Lilly of Hoskins, were in town yesterday. Cedar bee hives. Largest stock best prices at 0. J. Blackledge's. 6-24-tf and Call up the Palace of Sweets for your ice cream and sherbets. Free delivery. 5-6-tf Small's Bakery for a big loaf of bread. Why? Because they have a bread mixer 6 28 e o d J. H. Edwards and wife, of Bell fountain, were trading in the city yes terday. Cleve Curran left for Wells this morning and'will watch the maneuver ing in the hay field for a while. Tyra Smith, living near Peoria, has had his farm house nicely painted and papered. The work was done by Jas. Githens, of Corvallis. Lester Lilly and sons, Clifford and Marion, who have been visiting their relatives in this county, left for their home at Roseburg joday. .Wood for sale. Leave orders at Rob- inson-Cate Co. 6-24-tf Closing out sale. All trimmed hats go regardless of cost, at Mrs. Mason's. 6 28 6t Golden Rod Oats are the best. A Willamette Valley product. At Kline's 6-28-6t Take a Kodak with you on your vaca tion, $1 to ?65. Instructions free. 6 26 6t Graham & Wells bhough & Sons, the woodsawyers. will make special price of 40 and 50 cents per cord on woodsawing. Call drd & Polk. Phone 489- 6-28-tf Eat Golden Rod Flakes, They are better for breakfast, Than old-fashioned corn cakes, And five minuets time, Is all that it takes At Kline's. 6-12-tf Mrs. Charles Beach and Mrs. James Dryden have been selected as confer ence officers of the Women's Home Missionary Society of the M. E. church which has been in ssssion at Portland the past few days. Mrs. Beach is to be supply secretary and Mrs. Dryden sec retary of systematic benevolences. The M. E. church is rapidly forging to the iront as one of the most important churches in the conference, hence the consideration, The bill at the Palace Theater chang- i ed last night and is a good one. Wal ters and Murray appear in the playlet I "Six o'clock Tea" and they made a de- ! lVl , w J 1.C4. nr 1TTU rf-il 1 A j i- r- T1 P - l , ... . - uiiries iij. .firmoLi-uiiK, wi omi r ran- ; ciueu nit. Mr. Waiters .IS a come- Cisco, is here ana will spend the sum- aian of no mean ability and his witti cisms kept the large crowd who heard mer at the General Thorp home. Mr. Armstrong is the brother-in-law of Mrs. Thorp. General T. J. Thorp has accepted an invitation to make the address of the day at the Newport celebration on July 5. Great preparations are being made at this popular seaside resort for a big time. Prof. C. I. Lewis has been selected as a judge of fruit at the Spokane Inter-state Fair to be held in Septem ber. This fair is one of about the size of the Salem Cherry Fair and is sup ported by eastern Washington, western Idaho and eastern Oregon. E. E. Williams, traveling salesman out of Portland, is back on the road again after an extended absence. He is interested in real estate in Texas and made a thorough tour of inspections, coming home thoroughly satisfied that in the sweet bye and bye they would make him lots of money. Prof. C. I. Lewis, of the department of horticulture at OAC, goes to Med him last night in continual laughter. The moving pictures, while not as good as some recently shown here, are not bad, and Miss Spangler, in her song, "Under The Umbersol" pleased the patrons of the Theater. The bill will be repeated tonight. The Ladies Riding Club seen on the streets recent evenings puts up a rather attractive appearance. Miss Carrie Danneman is working up this feature of the Fifth of July celebration and has twenty-five riders in line and there is hope of securing at least ten more. There is said to be a prospect of a bunch of lady riders from Albany, also, sev eral in that city having signified their desire to take part. It is distinctly creditable to Corvallis that such a num ber of lady riders can be secured on short notice, and that they will be a pleasant feature of the festivities ad mits of no doubt J. J. Houser has just presented to this office a remarkable sprig of black republican cherries, the tip end of ford tomorrow to carry on experimental single branch containing forty samples work along horticultural lines. On Sat-1 of the luscious fruit. For any man to urday he will give a lecture on "Orchard ' go back east and tell the truth about Fertility," before the Rogue River this bunch of cherries or about the trees Horticultural Society. This society is , in Mr. Houser's yard, or the trees in the strongest of its kind in the state, ' other yards and orchards at this time, its monthly meetings being attended by would be to provoke naught but smiles as many as 300 enthusiastic fruit of incredulity. The cherries taken from growers. j the single sprig referred to above filled The architects are now completing a pint cup' a fact incomprehensible to plans and specifications for the Central the averaSe eastener. That many trees Agricultural Building and the new and whole l"chards bear as generously Heating Plant. It is expected that ' ln huge PrPrtion is not within the within the next twnr.r t.V,r, - SP of one who has not seen. tracts will be awarded for these build ings. The completion of the Agricul tural building will afford considerable additional room that is very badly need ed in relieving the congested condition generally throughout "the institution. Ahout $30,000 is being expended during this year for equipment. Daily Gazette Why not take it. 50 cents per month All the News All the Time in the Corvallis Gazette mk Watches need Constant Repairing Their method of carrying them is responsible for the fact. Pinned to the waist or hanging on a chain the delicate mechanism is easily disar ranged. We pay special attention to ladies watches,' and when re paired by us you frill find that they keep in order longer. yE. W. S, PRATT, Jeweler and Optician STRICTLY STYLISH 0 - . ' Ready-to-Wear SUITS, SKIRTS and WAISTS These Garments for Ladies . and Misses are of excellent quality. The styles speak tor themselves and the . prices are really less than the cost of material and making. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY BUYING HERE NOW Henkle & Davis . The Coffee Club will erive one of its delightful parties Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dobell arrived home yesterday from a months trip to lowa. - For Rent One suite 2 rooms and 1 single room unfurnished C. I. Lewis, Corner Jefferson and 3rd. Ind. 142. tf Lee McGinnis and Arthur Berman re turned yesterday from a delightful out ing on Mt. Chintimmi, where they have been in camp the past week. Ladies' Day at the Commercial Club tomorrow afternoon will be purely in formal and all members are requested to be present to enjoy the social occas sion. M. Burnap is at the Burnap-Leech ranch, east of Monroe, superintending the work of harvesting a large crop of hay. A crew of ten men is helping him dy the work. Actual construction work on the new addition to the Christian Church is now under way,, and it is hoped to have the church ready for use in the early fall. The Christian people are spending $3, 000 on the enlargement of their church, this in addition to the laying of cement walks some time ago. Pastor D. H. Leech was called to Al bany Wednesday to perform the cere mony that united Miss Maude Kelly, of Albany, and William Moore, of Grants Pass, in marriage. Miss Kelly has been a popular teacher in the Albany schools a number of years. Mr. Moore is a druggist at Grants Pass and in the southern town they will make their home. Jefferson Man Honored By Yale The Graduate School of Yale Univer sity will today honor Herbert B. Augur head of the history department in the Jefferson High School, by conferring upon him the degree of Master of Arts for his wide research into the history of the French Revolution in the origin- a'J French, Mr. Augur was graduated from Ya e in 1897 wih the degree of Bachelor of Arts, after which he pass ed one year in the Yale Law School, coming from that department in 1898 to join the faculty of the Bishop Scott Academy. Later Mr. Augur was pro fessor of history, Greek and Latin at the Hill Military Academy, resigning that post last February to take up his present high school duties. - Mr. and Mrs. Augur are taking a trip to Nehalem via Astoria and Sea side, by horseback. From Seaside they will return up the' Columbia River to Houlton, proceeding thence across to the Upper Nehalem country through Pittsburg, Mist, Fishhawk and Olney, Last summer Prof, and Mrs. Augur walked 350 miles behind a packhorse in an- outing from Seaside to Newport and back to Astoria, and the previous sum mer, in walking from Seaside to- New port, they were lost and faced starva tion on Cascade Head before they were discovered. YOU CANNOT AFFORD 1 TO GO ON YOUR VACATION WITHOUT A KODAK Free instructions in developing and printing. Dark room free to public One dollar up to sixty-five dollars, GRAHAM & WELLS Occidental Lumber Co. Successors toj Corvallis Lumber Co. We are here to supply your needs in the Lumber line. Please call on J. B IRVING for information and prices. And take notice that if we have not got exactly what you want we will get it for you. G. O. BASSET r, Local Mcr. The Best Paint There is no b'etter paint made for appearance and durability than Acme Quality Paint Specially prepared for exterior and interior use. "FLOOR VARNISH THAT WEARS" Xji- Miner WAIL PAPER AND PAINT STORE Second Street, Near Palace Theater Benton County Lumber Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of Fir Lumber, Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Sawed and Split. Oedar Shakes - Dealers in Doors, Windows, Lime, B'ick Cement. ' Shingles, etc E r Early Ideals. "Arthur, dear, Tvby do you keep that theap plaster cast of Venus eternally in your mantel?" asked the artist's bride. . "It is to retain my ideals of you, love." answered the artist, "to retain the one Impression I had before dis covering the proportionate elements of linen handkerchief, excelsior, horsehair and cotton batting in the modern fe male figure." Puck. ' But He's Scarce. It is easy enough to be pleasant When life goes along like a book. But the man who is rare Is the one who won't swear When a trout wriggles oft from hook. It is easy enough to be pleasant When your creel is both - heavy origin, ' But the fellow worth while Is the chap who can smile After fishing all day and no bite. Boston Herald his and On His Birthday. He The worst thing about me la my nose; I've got such a beastly one. She You shouldn't say such things about a gift. He A gift! I ah don't under stand. She Wasn't it a birthday .present? New York American. Irony of Fate. Oh, when we dodge a runaway And stop to thank the fates Who trips us up that very day? The kid on roller skates! And when we dodge the motor cars And motorcycles thick Who makes us see so many stars? The kid with the hockey stick! Chicago News. The Serene Scorcher. "So that policeman held you up again?" ' "Yes," answered Mr. Chuggins. "1 think it's a case of professional jeal ousy. He's annoyed because my auto mobile can go faster than his bicycle.'.' Washington Star. Pride's Fall. She swept along the dusty way With nodding plumes and garments gay. Her chin was tilted with an air ,. That caused the rabble rude to stare. Oh, she was fashioned like a slat! Her store hair bulged around her hat. But, ah, how futile seemed her frown She' A left the price tag: on her gown I -., Cleveland Plato Qalr. J Glass Jars, All Kinds, at HODES GROCERY COOPER 8 NEWTON HARDWAH E CO. Successors to MELLON & PINKERTON Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon Dealers In Hardware, Implements, Buggies, Wagons, Cream Sepa rators, Graniteware, Tinware and Builders' Hardware. Sole Agents for Congo Roofing and Quick Meal Ranges WHEN YOU WANT SOMETHING - GOOD TO EAT Phone Your Orders To No. 7, THATCHER & JOHNSON'S GROCERY Where They Will be Promptly Filled. i 1 Fine Line of Crockery, Glassware, Cut ulass, ttaviland and Chinaware, LAMPS ETC. Mellon $f Gendron Contractors and Builders : : i ; v ' :ff a, ' ' - oundation work, sidewalk and curbing a specialty Manufacturers of cement blocks, plain and fancy cement brick, porch columns, cement flues, jardi nieres, etc. Dealers in cement, plaster and lime. Irst and Adams Sts. Phone 2318 Corvallis, - Oregon Cbe City Stables Everything new and up to date. Rigs furnished on short notice. Call and give us a trial. Cor. Madison and 3d L. F.GRAY, Manager Whitney's & Colbert We Make Concrete blocks ol all kinds Concrete bricks, fancy and plain, Concrete tile and steps, Concrete window sills and caps. We Sell High grade Cement and .Lime in any quantity. Phone Ind. 3181 413 Second Street South CORVALLIS - - OREGON 20 Per Cent DISCOUNT In order to clean up our SPRING SUITS We will erive 20 per cent discount until all are sold A. K. RUSS Dealer in all Men's Furnishings CORVALLIS. - OREGON Blackledgfe & Everett Successors, t" Henkle A' Bla klt.-3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS and LICENSED EMBALMERS Carry a complete line of coffins and caskets in all colors and sizes; also ladies' men' and children's burial robes. Calls attended to dav and night. Lady assistant. EffBALSIKS FOR SH1PPWG li SPECIALTY. Call at Biackledge's furniture store Both phones. ATTORNEYS J. F. YATES, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW. Oifice Rooms 3, 4, 1st Natl Bank Bldg. Only set of anstracts in Benton County PHYSICIANS G. R FA ERA, M. D , PHYSICIAN ANJ3 Surgeon. Office in Burnett Block, over Harris' Store. Residence corner Seventh and Madison. Office hours: 8 to 9 a. m.; 1 lo 2 p. m. Phones: Office, 212S, Residence, 404. J. B. MORRIS, M. D, PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Corner Third and loa voe Streets, Corvallis, Oregon. Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 1 to 4 p. m ; 7 to 8 p, m. Phone in both office an I residence. W.T. ROWLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Special attention given to the Eye. Nose and Throat,. Office in Johnson Blair. Ind. 'phone at of fice and lesidence. UNDERTAKERS M, S. BOVEE, FONERAt DIRECT or and Licensed Embalmer. Suc cessor to Bovee & Bauer Corvallis, Oregon. Iud. Phone 4s. Bell Phone 241, Lady attendant when desired. PHOTOGRAPHERS PICKEL'S STUDIO, 430 SECOND Street Phone 4209. 2ND-HAND, GOODS GOODMAS'S secondhand store Cash -paid for household goods. 424 Second Street. Phone 4325.