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About The gazette-times. (Corvallis, Benton County, Or.) 1909-1909 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1909)
. .. Pnblishedevery evening except Sun " 'flay. Office: 259-263 Jefferson street, corner Third street, and 232 Second Street, Corvallis, Oregon. PHONES, 210 4184 It is not only our advice, but the advice of hundreds of purchaserrduring this sale "Off tifoopo as madHlhiamg) ' ytaan ms(sdl, touQ? mow? Address all communications and make . all remittances payable to the Corval- lis Gazette. ' In ordering changes of address, sub : Scribers should always give old as well as new address. 0) SUBSCRIPTION RATES - ; daii.v Delivered by carrier, per week......$ .15 Deliverert ny carrier, pet month 50 ' By mail, one vear. in advance.. 5 00 By mail, six months, advance.. . 2 50 i; By Mail, one month, in advance .50 WEEKLY GAZETTE-TIMES ., Published Every Fridav Entered at the postoffice at Corvallis, Oregon, as second class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year, in advance $2.00 Six moths, in advance... 1.00 N. R. MOORE, Editor CHAS. L. SPRINGER, Business Manager - V THE GAZETTE-TIMES. With this issue "The Corvallis Daily Gazette-Times" is born of the union of the Gazette and the : Times. Until such a time as sup port warrants it, the daily will be of its present size and will be devoted almost exclusively to lo cal news. The telegraphic ser vice cannot be suppliedat this time for the reason that it is entirely too expensive. "No town of this size has a daily giving its readers a good, telegraphic service and Corvallis people cannot hope for it. However very special world v' happerfins will be recorded in the columns of this paper, and every local event of even passing inter est will be given as promptly as it can be obtained. The public is urged to co-oper- ' ate in this atten pL, 1o devefop a daily woFthy of Corvallis. As it will cost not less than $125, week- .. ly to produce even a fairly credi- table paper, there must necessar ily be financial ' support. ' The daily'should find a place in every home in this city. You can help us to get it there by subscribing " for it; and recommending it to your neighbor. The daily must also have ample advertising sup portj and it will strive to deserve that support Jt requires news to make a - newspaper. You can co-operate in making; the Gazette -Times a hewsy paper, by telephoning the office items of news and giving reporters' such information as r you may have. If the people of Corvallis want a first-class daily ;' they can get it by offering the proper financial support and co- . operation in a news way. No ; promises are being made at the present time other than that the Bail and Weekly Gazette-Tin e s will develop in'oa great paper just as rapidly as support war rants it. " ' The paper is a rather healthy infant and bids fair to develope into a Splendid maturity. Won't you help it? : Married. A very beautiful home wedding took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. Tom, June 29, when their daughter, Jennie B.; was married to Charles A. Seaburg, of Portland. The invited . guests had gathered in the parlor when at 10' a, m. the happy couple presented themselves to assume the matrimonial vows by a ring ceremony, after which they were congratulated by their rela tives and friends. A. delicious four course dinner was-served. The ' bride is the highly esteemed ' ' daughter of the Corvallis night-watch, ' ' Mr," Tom, and the groom is a young business man of Portland, having been head foreman of the Marine Iron Works, and is now contractor of a large steel oil and water tank, having at thn pres ent time one under construction at Se attle . and another at Vancouver, B. C. , ' A number of useful and valuable pres ents were received? .i The, couple took their departure for their home the same day, to where the best " wishes of all - their friends will follow them. ' !. Those '-present ''were Mr. and Mrs. TomMrs. Leo Burnett and children, .' Dorse and Dorothy Gross,' Mrs. Sheldon Mrs.' E.A Billings,- Mr. Henry Besse, , Mr. Gross; Mr."'- Leslie Lilly, Mr. and .Mrs'. Vidito and Mrs. J. M, Gendron. : i . 1 '...... m " V . X. 2 X. UVI PROVIDES MORE UNMATCHABLE BARGAINS This sale has but one purpose to quickly convert merchandise into money. To do this we have cut prices deeply. It has proved by the enthusiastic crowds that have bought liberally since it started to be the greatest bargain distribution of the season. 25 DOZEN WHITE LAWN WAISTS, $1.00 Values 48c Apron Ginghams 4c 36 in. Bleached Muslin 5c 100 pieces Calicoes 5c LL . Brown Sheeting 4 l-2c 12 l-2c 50c 60 15c 9.4 50c Dress Dress pieces Dotted Swiss Brown Wide Ginghams Goods Scotch and Sheeting Embroid- Lawns Lawns ery 9c 24c 4 c 9c 21c 19c HART SGHAFFNER & MARX SUITS This is a final surrender of profits on this popular clothing, all present styles and splendidly tailored. Made from the most fashionable mater ials and correct for wear into winter. Never so little to pay as at this sale $20.00 21.00 22.50 25.00 27.50 30.00 $14.95 51.75 16.88 18.48 20.75 22.48 . 75c , 35c valne Men's Boys' Fancy' Shirts Socks 25c 18c Hart Schaffner ft Mm One lot Men's Summer 25c 75c Value Men's Dress Shirts 48c 75c & $1.00 Children's Hats 25c $2.50 Value Men's & Boys' Pants $1.00 ers, regular price $10.00, $15.00 and $20, all to go at one- I i