Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Illinois Valley news. (Cave City, Or.) 1937-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1938)
Illinois Valley News, Thursday, January 13, 1938 Support the Fire Department. Ç"........................................ 3 j PIONEER TAVERN | Selma, Oregon BEER .nd WINES CLASSIFIED ADS DO YOU KNOW THE VALUE of one of these small classified ads. They get results, and cost so little. ; Good Eats and Music FOR SALE OR TRADE—Finest alfalfa hay in the land. Good Ê......................................................... 0 for your cow, horses or bunny. ra.................................. o At a price that you are able to stand. See or phone Fattig Bros. Holland, Ore. 36-ltc. Cave City Coffee Shop “Famous Cooking” Home for j WARDROBE CLEANERS WANTED—A farm to work on shares. Inquire News office. 35- ltc THE OLDEST AND BEST Since 1911 SPEND A LITTLE, BUY A LOT in Cave City. Prices and terms to suit. ELWOOD HUSSEY Licensed Broker Free pick up by Grants Pass Laundry MACK’S SEED AND FEED STORE Field Seeds Idaho and Montana Grown Grimm, Cossack, Ladak Common Alfalfa and Grey Winter Oats, Common Vetch Fenugreek, the Greatest Known Cover Crop Sperry’s Dairy and Poultry Feeds 514 So. 6th St. Phone 301-R CAVE CITY’S Popular Cafe ♦ HOME MEALS COOKED HOME MADE TRADE OR SELL—Will trade for cow or sell for cash, one Millotte cream separator used 8 months, good as new. Call at News office. 36-ltc PIES TRY OUR 10c HAMBURGERS ♦ ly turned over or were driven off the highway, represented only a little more than one per cent of the total, they contributed eight of last January’s 20 highway deaths. & LAUNDRY CO. • REDWOODS HOTEL j Grants Pass I Ì Under New Management will build that additional room, re-roof or modernize the old house TRUCK CALLS TUESDAY and SATURDAY NOTHING DOWN See Us for Details ! I Leave at ALMA'S COUPON BOOKS GOOD I SOLICITS YOUR PATRONAGE Excellent Coffee I I ! i Shop | IN CONNECTION REASONABLE RATES Mr. 4 Mrs. P. A. Print«, Props. I mplements o... ..... »............................................. 0 SATURDAY, SUNDAY and MONDAY : are over and we are more or | less relaxed—Let's start that i knitted Suit or Dress that we : have dreamed about. VEGETABLE OR SALAD BOWLS Decorated, 2 for TEA KETTLE, GRANITE French gray color, each 1 2-section harrow 1 14-in, plow 1 wagon •I I I i I I I ! at I I Ritz Tavern i i I Kerby, Oregon I I « I SATURDAY, i I JANUARY 15 i I i » I I Hamilton's Orchestra i I Cover Charge 50c I ! i DANCE ❖ 0' 1 trailer, 2 wheel* Household Furniture Complete set, including SPECIALS 35c Bromo Quinine Special price (Continued from Pag-e One) OLD TIME DANCE FOLLOWS 4 guns Saws, axes, mauls, wedges, car and oils, 39c 25c 12c $1.19 MEN’S WAIST OVERALLS Guaranteed, for only 98c MEN’S FLANNEL SHIRTS Odd sizes, a real buy 89c COTTON SHEET BLANKETS 70x80 inches, warm and comfy 73c HEALTH KNIT UNDERWEAR 10 per cent wool at $1.19 Headquarters for Ball Band Boots and Shoes Everything in BUILDING HARDWARE Martin Hardware Autoists Warned About Speeding In January 0. 0 and many other articles too numerous to mention. Chas. B. Thompson, C. W. Graham Owner Auctioneer. J. R. Calvert, clerk. A 5 cent lunch will be served and coffee free, 36- ltc Hussey Retains < C’en tinned from Page One) ladies team also be selected and let the ladies play too, which sug gestion was met with enthusiasm, and any lady who wishes to enter the team would see either Mrs. Jackson or Nelle Hayden, and ♦ give them your name, a team may get organized. Mr. Athey and Mr. McLean will look after the men's teams. Anyone who de sires to get into the lineup in Cave Automobile accidents statistics for January, 1937, warn Oregon motorists against unpreparedness and too much speed at this time of year, Secretary of State Earl Snell said this week. More than half of last January’s 3032 reported accidents occurred while streets and highways were covered with ice, and nearly one third occurred while snow was actually falling Skidding played a pait in no less than 1105 mis haps. “I am hopeful that our drivers can chalk up a substantial de crease over last January’s record- breaking figures,” Snell added, “but this cannot be done if the majority of us arc caught una ware by weather such as we had last year.” The importance of sensible speed is further stressed by the fact that while non-collision acci dents, in which automobiles simp- TO ROUND OUT MY SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Will Hereafter Operate the : Gas Pumps, Oil, Greasing, Tire and Battery Service : Let Ken Service Your Car and get those Profit Sharing Coupons I wont to go to work for you today. I'LL do the work of ten hired hands Cave City for only a few cents a Garage & Machine Shop day . . . and I'll do a bet you con hire........... soys 49c 100 Asperin tablets Special at 39c\ Phil Sawyer, Prop. Hat Water Bottles Special at 59c DELIVERY ILLINOIS VALLEY ICE & ( OLD STORAGE CO. Plant located on Sawyer ranch on Caves highway DRUG STORE ........................................... e mi „ ♦ » ! “DOUBLE OR NOTHING” I I I I I With Bing Cr< by ami Martha Ray I , WEDNESDAY. I With Mr. JAN 19 and Mrs. Martin Johnson WEDNESDAY IS TALENT NIGHT I ADDED He experimented, and now knows how costly an inefficient furnace can be. Instead of heating comfort he bought drudgery and needless expense. When you invest in a new furnace, we urge that you buy a Montag, for we want you to know how much real comfort a good furnace can create. Let our experience and knowledge guide you to the heating comfort you need and want. Montags are manufactured here in the West — there’s a type and size for every home. I I I i I i I I I CARTOON | FEATURES x I I I I I I I I I I ALSO NEWS and ! ICE REDDY KILOWATT 60c Vaporizing Ointment Special at IjANUARY 15 - 16— : : •0 than any other servant 39c ^SATURDAY and SUNDAY, : A. J. DREWS, Prop ter job at most things 50c Nose Di ops Special price . ¡ Cave CHy ! Theater : MR. KEN CARSON ! CAVE CITY I I I I I I Sl.og VITROCK WARE, 12 Piece Set Mixing bowls are always handy penter and automobile tools, paints _ range and Singer sewing machine. 0 50c Gold Medal Cough Syrup, special ADMISSION 25c ~ DUPONT SPONGES A handv kitchen utility, each was common throughout the audi ence, that when he comes again, j the theater wil be packed to the limit. He spoke in Grants Pass ' before the local Townsend club Tuesday night. 1 John Deer mower Pop Martin Grants Pass Oregon ¡Now That the Holidays! Mahoney Sneaks 1 disc YARDS SPECIALS I | and leghorn* Owl Cafe COPELAND LUMBER Alma’s 2 goats, one good Saaneu billy. $5.45 and Up CITY CLEANERS PREST-O LITE Batteries $4.00 Alma will be glad to help you with your problems any after and up. Wholesale and retail. The Willadora, noon from 2 to 4, except Mon Campbell's Super Service, next January 12, 1938 days and Saturdays. to Courthouse, Grants Pass, Oregon. —16tf Mr Art Drews, President, Fleisher’s Yarns make lovely Illinois Valley C. of C., knitted Suits or Dresses, in the FOR SALE — Mining location Cave Junction, Oregon. latest patterns and styles. blanks, both quartz and placer My Dear Mr. Drews: and trespass notices at the After counselling with Mrs. Illinois Valley News office. Brown, and taking into account the vast and great importance of AUCTION SALE the action taken yesterday by the KRESS SHOP I WILL SELL at public auction Chamber of Commerce in raising1 0 two miles S. of Selma, Oregon, a committee to consider the pos- I 0 on the old Richardson farm on sibility of creating a united metro 0 0 Redwood highway, on Thursday, BRIDGEVIEW politan area out of the villages Jan. 20th, starting at 10 a. m. GRANGE HALL along the Redwood highway at the sharp, the following described geographical center of Illinois property: SATURDAY, JAN. 15 Valley, ami appreciating the heavy 1 team of horse* At 8 p. m. obligation this entails, 1 accept 2 sets of harness your appointment of me to the Williams ( reek Grange 1 saddle chairmanship of this committee, 6 head of cattle: Will Present a and pledge the chamber through (a) 3 milch cows you every personal resource at my (b) A 2-year-old heifer 3 - Act Play command to achieve the worthy (c) 1 yearling heifer purpose they have in mind. • HOODOO COON AL- (d) 1 bull coming 2 yrs old Your loving friend forever, 6 shoats, 75 pounds each W \YS IN TROUBLE’’ William A Browm 60 chickens, Rhode Island reds Cast of 12 Actors 60 rabbits and hutches Ma Whitehead Junction, see Mr. Athey at the News office, and those from Ker by, see Mr. McLean at the Kerby postoffice. There is going to be a lot of fun, both for the ladies and the men, and when they play the house should be packed. Dr, Brown made a motion that the chamber congratulate the fire department for the work they have done and if the chamber could be of any service to the department in helping them get their truck in ^operation, they would be glad to do so. The motion was unani mously carried. Mr. Athey introduced his two guests Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hamilton of Portland, who were here on a short visit last summer. Mr. Hamilton was glad to get back to our lovely city, he said, and it is with much pleasure to find that so much constructive work was being done by the chamber. President Drews called the board of directors to a meeting tonight, Tuesday, after which the meeting was adjourned. Page Three | Enjoy a now MONTAG FURNACE in your homo We give estimates, Furnace inspection service and Literature FREE of charge. TERMS are so LENIENT you can have a MONTAG at once. We have Montag Steel ar. Cast Iron furnaces forwood. coal, sawdust, briquets, oil. 9t f I / c -<!;! i.iiiii:i'iiiiiiiiiiiiitiintriiiiiiiiHiiiHiiiuiiUUiiiiuiiuinii:r.iinuiini< .............. .''"iiir Lx ~ >• ~ T > > ajlxt • ▼ ” -r < r.x't'jr y.r y Are You Getting YOUR SHARE? A BUSINESS GOES WHERE IT IS ATTRACTIVELY INVITED ILLUMINATED NEON SIGNS POINT THE WAY Rogue River Hardware Co. (Where Most People Trade) Grants Pass, Oregon ATTEND THE PRESIDENT’S BALL. JAN. 29, Fairgrounds Eugene Neon Sign Co Medford Branch, Medford, Oregon i