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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1912)
FRIDAY, AlfilST 10, 19i WEEKLY nCGl F. HIVI'IT fOfT-IFH PAGES EIGHT Tf vnn want iH. All RPH V. .Mr. and Mr. (;- H. Tubbs made a lri;i tj (irai.t Pass Tuesday. Mmiri- Mif.rltfln luff for l!iiselilll " ..... i '!!: fir..iin .- i (i;iil:ii'tt-H reported fa- laM wet k i 'i in- none ludetmiiely, hav ing e,ured work there. iorably o,.ti,e f..l! lug labor rUn.-. Mr. and Mis A. Court r.ud flirt on lamim: on le 1 and :t r t i- ',. and .Mrs. K. S. Lahlbern re unit-1 j t lu- report was adopted. :i!id warrants from a few dab' outing Sunday, i , ,, ,;,., drawn f,,r lhl. v,ra! Monday morning the follow Ins j. arty i ft f ,r a trip to Cratvr : .Mr. and Mm. Will U-ith, .Miss Anna bel Leith, .iibs. ha Mi-Arthur, Ciln.ore and I.. M. Mithchell. They expei t to be none ten daje or two ut-ek. The following .:u ty left for an oo;;, on tl.e headwaters of Thomp hun cwk, Monday: Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Hantiutn and son Carl, Mis Kathleen Plppy, Bert Plppy. Arthur and Wlllard llannuni, llbkinan Woodson, Hob. MrCrlMn and Wll hud GlTinore. In a letter to friend at Murphy, Wheeler Osborn writes that there Ih only three weeks more of baHeball In tl.e Tri-SiaU' league, including thlH "!!.. After which he Is elated to Join .l( I'reedlc's iliib again for the re li.ainder of the yea son. Mr. and Mrs. Alee Carson, who have been ilsltliiK the family of A. II. Carson, expert to leaw for Oak- land. Cal.. tlielr former home hood , .. i .. iiii, i.i i as they have derided to Ko Into busl- ncss .'main in that city. Mr. and Mrs Carson have made many friends here w ho renret to see them no. Thf outlook at tin' Michigan mine Is very encouraging at this writing. Superintendent Tuhly was fortunate In securing the services of an effi cient mill man In the person of Clay lord llllbertel. of Rotilder, Colo., who Is netting very satisfactory returns frni'.i the or now being crushed. The company is contemplating adding fV - additional stamps to their mill i.r. ! I'lsu putting In a nlnht shift of miners. I I l'( AI'HK ,- ( (t CONsiMRs I Itlx STRIKE. CLEVELAND, Ohio. Aui:. 1 I. The eoininlttee on subordinate un ions of the International Typographi cal convention, In session her-, today considered the strikes of pressmen on Hearst papers In San Francisco and Chicago. II. N. Kellogg, labor ciiinn.i.-sioiie-from the American Newspaper Pub lishers' association, appeared befor the convention and openly charged that officers of the pressmen's union delayed a referendum vote en a tlve year waco agreement, so that organ ization would have no contrat when til' pressmen were called out on strike last Maw He further charged Hint only a.nmi of the ;3.oou mem bers of the pre-sincu's union voted on t!u agreement, asser'lng some of th returns were withheld Kelbr-: 1 denied 1in' the Chicago trouble w.Vs Btarted In an attempt by the publish ers to Ins'ltnte the "open shop" sys tem rfiifi.s 111 it i : i i:x to CROSS I . S. ltOKDI I!. EI. PASO. Amu 1 I Six hundred ilexb an rebels arrived a' I' (pposlte Columbia N M . today, where they threaten to cross the line and attack Aiiom leans Troop D. of the Third 1'nl'ed S'atei cavalry, ar rived at Columbus to !'t-iifoi ce the Vorder patrol Reports re elwd here s.i that lloi) rebels were b inrious oer L'no fed erals jesterdav near (jlnig: H. S. WOODCOCK Independent ( iiiuliibile for COMMISSIONER Joephliii County ll.n servinn the coutitv as com nilssioner foi the past two eius. ECLUS POLLOCK of G run tit Pnt, Ore. Rt'K i'ar Republican Nominee for ASSESSOR .loSEPIUN ?, COUNTY Present Incumbent. W. M. CHESHIRE n( Gruim Ore. Regular Democratic Nominee for Kllu 'r In slierlJ of five as deputy. All XV i.iims allowed i;v i itv mrxt " amoun's: Hubert II Creamer, auditor's offi. e I.. I.ilLe, stret del. a rt trent Win W lliox, meet depart t.l nil S S. Carton, street depart ment GT.r.O - !V. F. Wesson, s'reet depart- ment 1 ("'. l'T ' !! Motion seiondeil and larrled tliy following labor claims wt-re al l',vu'd and warrants ordered drawn for the several amounts: J. R. I'lumley, engineer's de partment $104.o0 R. A. I)ean, engineer's de partment IS. On Alfred Ilobson, ennineT's de partment 57.. Id iliavid Ilobson, engineer's de partment IS. 00 The claim of W. F. llowen for I plans and spe Ideations for the rity i1 ' I hall amounting to $0Sfi.2r, was read j.Mr. llowen being present stated that he would take $4 43.1 5 In settlement of this claim, and on motion seconded and carried, the claim was allowed In the'Biini of $443.1 5, and a warrant ordered drawn on the treasurer for (said amount. A communication from the city en- Kln'er showing that So per cent of the completed work of M. C. Anient on Lnwnrldge Avenue for the month of July amounted to $7.13. fin. On motion seconded and ea tried a war rant was ordered drawn for such amount. A communication from the city en gineer showing SO per cent of the completed work by Albert Anderson & Co. for the month of July on Eve ln Avenue amounting to $iSfi.17. and I.awnrldge Avenue. $ 2 . 3 S . 0 S ; on Washington Iloulevard. $1,541. IS. On motion seconded and carried war rants were ordered drawn for the j several amounts The following claims against the city wer- read and referred to the finance committee: Fashion Garage $ A. S. Green, repairing vault . Grants Pass Iron Jt Steel Works C. Williamson, impound ing stock W. R. Rannie. repairing fountain (rants Pass Fire department 1 St. Fire) Grants Pass Fire department (II St. fire) C. G. Plant, printing signs . Cramer Pros., supplies California-Oregon Power Co., .1. - u . 7 5 3.i0 5. no l.iol 10.00 10.00 3.12 street lights Archie Richardson, work In railroad park 3t5 2.50 j jo. 00 W. F. Wesson, labor 10.1 Rogue River Water Co.. wa ter fire hydrants Postal Tel. Co., telegram Coron-Rooth Hdw, Co., sup plies Jewell Hardware Co., supplies Oregon O'ltient Sewer t ipe Co , sew er pipe W. P. Counts Son. feed Grants Pass Feed Co.. feed Rogue Rover Hardware Co., supplies Grants Pass Lumber Co, lumber Cook & Jennings, blacksmith Cook Jennings, blacksmlth- Ing Oregon Observer, printing Earl V. Ingels. nssayer P. P. Proctor, printing IS 4. 00 .4.1 s. in n.3s 1 7.e0 4 20 32.7S 10. on 17.5D 15.30 31 00 25.25 A certificate of W. F. Rowen: ar- ehltect, slating there was due M. J his war 011 grafting police officials Clark, for otnpleted work under his ber today, when it issued an order contract for the construction of the,, New York banks enabling Whlt- new city hall, the sum of $1.5eo. It was moved by Everton. seconded and carried that the same W allowed and a warrant ordered drawn for the amount Call Dr. Restnl. the ve'erlnsry s ir- Keon. Phone 2 22-J i I EL PASO uc i: j depredations on mei i 100 Mexican n-Ms 5-14-tf To pi event an soil lo ,1 -assembled at I Palomas. across the border from ! Columbus. N M . Colonel Steevc 'this afternoon dispatched a d-Ma'h-! ment of the Third cnvalrv to Col.itn i bus The revol itlonists st.irted g.rh iering at Palomas when thev ,'iy 1 driven from the north l federal jtroo'H The rebels tlre.itene to j crosd the border and .'.ttack Vmer! can ranches GAIL FOR 3RD PARTY ORGANI ZATION IN JOSEPHINE COUNTY A lull for a meeting ot the ...! l..-r Mi of the new progl esedve, or '.'.n party, has be-n circulated and gen erously sign'd, the meeting to be .ailed Saturday. A'l-t'.ist 17th. at '.' p. 111., in t lie i I'lirt hoti.-e. The i all and tl.e names of tl." :-c whir had sillied i' up to the ho':r of the Courier going to press, air a follows: "We, the undersigned, believing in the prinilpbs of the progrelve party, unite in calling a meeting to lie held at the court house In ('.rants I'ass, Saturday, August 17, at - p. in . for the purpose of organizing Jo-e-phine county under the progressive movement, and to appoint a sta'e committeeman who will represent the county in the state organization which meets in Portland on August :7th, 1912. ' ('.. W. Sturgeon, I.. L. S li I in in . I.. .1. Perdue. L. II. Hall. C. H. Dematav. (,eo. K. l-undberg, . L. Churchill. M. II. Sliinn. W. ,. Ingram, Win. Atchison. F. I. Strieker, Isaac I'.est, (J. Swayze. C. L. Hobart, M. J. An derson. S. II. Kiggs, Harry Randall, A. C. Lewis. E. I). Shook, C. V. Anient. R. M. Robinson, Carl W. Stutenroth, Ceo. S. Calhoun, J. A. Wharton. K. K. M Kibbon, V. II. Ilodkinson. Fdw. O. Harris, R. Thomas. Sam II. Maker, C. F. (iar Iwr, J. C. Handle, II. C. Waddell. M C. Anient. I. A. Roble, Wm. R. lirow er, (ieo. W. Kearns, Horace C. Hall, moi: t o has i;w 1 ir.w. MONTREAL. Aug. 14. Despite the wireless assurances of Captain Cook of the steamer Corsican, which struck an Iceberg yes'erday, It i- rumored h're today that the steam er Is more seriously damaged ib ni supposed. It Is reported that government sig nal service men learned that the Cor sican is today near the spot where she strink tl'-' Iceberg, and that tln Canadian PiKinc lines Lake Chai" plaln Is standing by. RWDIIS LOOT ROAD HOl Si:. DALY CITY, Cal.. Aug. 1 1. Dep uty sheriffs and police here today are on the lookout for four bandits who entered the lonely ranch home of S. Bo and company, truck farmers, handcuffed the seven occupants and looted the place of $25'). The rob bers escaped In an automobile. Employes In outhouses heard cries for help, and with t lie assis'ame of Constable James Parker and a cold chisel, released the victims, who had been securely handcuffed in their I beds. I W l( KI RSII M RF-KLIK TI.D DEI I (i TE FROM Al. sK . SEATTLE Aug. I 1 .lames progressive, has been Wlckersham. eiecieu a delegate to CO!UI'e-s in Alaska, according to returns re ci veil here today. Wickefsham look par' iti the. iv cent progressive convention at Chi cago and is a supporter of Roose velt. Tl'.e total vote of Falrbans. larg est city in Alaska, was Wicker.-liam, progressive. :'. 1 ; Kraucziinns, so cialist. r.'T: Gilmore republican. 120; Jennings, democrat. Sn. I i: RIN(, HOI m: ASSISTS . Y. (l!H T ATloRNI YS. NEW YORK. Aug I I The. pow erful New York cleaving bouse got behind District Attorney Whitman in man to Inspect the accounts of every member of the police department. Whitman jumped at the offer and. assisted by IVteitlve Wil'iani J. Burns. Immediately started to work 'on the accounts of the men whom he suspects of profcitig through the sys- tem by which police higher-ups are 1 alleged to have shared in a irly graft estimated a" J2.Oi' Whitman ar.i'.oiui' ed to,)t the Identltv of tbe-e men is knevn him and sutt'oient ev leu v a gains' them, lie said, had been submitted t ) 'he grand Jur t make it pri t:al!y ertaitt at '.east sewn indict incuts will le returned V.-n the gt.ind .'c.rv a-se '.'hies tot'iorro Pain! w I'll a " li s S-:n Pri of -j car,' I'.it s .'Id utilv bv ('r.rner V. C. Tnis.-ler. W. W. Hale W. I. Shetland. I. S. Tompkins. F. M. Lewis. I.. W. Carson. J. M. F.llsworth. (1. W. Lewis. L. I). Corbett,- V. M. Hannum, F. J. Leibolt. K. S. Smith, A. K. Cass, (' F. Harmon, H. N". Par ker. Al Tea!.". M. Miner, A. K. Voor hies. A. F. Knox. ti. F. Knox, I. H. Matney, Fdwaid Knox, d. L. Wool tidge, Frank Knox. C. K. Phillips, J. '(. . Calhoun, Jose X. Xelson, James Martin. John A. Hale. F. W". Reid, A. C. Hob omb. J. I. Franklin, J. H. jcroxtoii, Tom (ialvin, J. L. Scoviil, E. ill Harback, Earl Webb Dr. S. i.onghridge. Dr. Fliulley, J. ('.. Riggs, C. (1. Anient, L. L. Jewell, F. E. Mix k, Martin I.. Lilly, J. E. Hair, W'. II. McArthiir, F. M. Huyler, W. S. Wood. LeUoy Curries. Clark Xicker soti, Fred Roper, J. C. Williams. Frank McLean, W. W. Wilcox, L. R. I.amphear. I. S. Minns. Robert,.-'. (!. Curtis. V. S. Grout, A. T. Martin, Y. A. Griffin, If. II. O'Neil. W. A. Paddock, I). J. Manuel. A. M. Huston. Eugene Wright, Harvey M. Darnall, J. R. Elder. 15. C. Dunlap, R. A. Williamson. M. F. Ranks, Geo. C. Sabin. G. M. Stidhani. V. H. I jltandle, J. F. Wolfersberger, A. W. j Scott, J. L. Myers, Mort Luckett. J. R. Tanner. M. T. I'tley, G. E. How jland. L. Wieland, Bruce Stephenson, jEarl V. Ingels. II. G. Kinibley, S. W. j Phillips. Alva II. Gunnel. C. E. Sel ; le k. E. T. Topping. I A NAM A POLK i; HEAT I P AMi:i!l( A Oi l II EKS. t WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. Advices received here sav Wllliatu H. McMas 'fers, American vhe cons'il at Carte eena. Colombo, has been murdered. 'Tb 1 rime Is believed to be the work iof lz-bels. j The state departmer.r hns orilered a:: Immediate inves'Igation. REPORT I' ROM COI.OMUO OF I i: t ONSl I. S MI RDER. LOS ANGELES. Aug. 14. Mrs. Charles E. Greenfield, mother of Viv ian Greenfield, the eight-year-old child, who was murdered yesterday in a Venice lodging house, today re ceived a letter from her husband, which the police lieliev.-. establishes that Greenfield murdered the child and then either took his own life or sought to create that Impression. Greenfield in the l-nter acruses his v!fe of breaking his heart an 1 tells ills intention to make away with the child and end his own lif-;. 1 GREEM IFI.D SLAYER j OF His oi. ( HILD. WASHINGTON. Aug. 14. Be cause congress h:s ';'. 1 to make the ; necessary Imi.uc.i war veterans are todav without their ! quarterly pu.ion aiiowani es. which were due A u : t r 1. The 1 .'") , it 1 11 due the veterans ' an not be dis'.ribut- ' ed until congress passes a new pen sion bill or continues th appropria te 11 under the o'.d bi;;. I EAR No ( Tio o PAN' AM V AVAL RILL. Peter Olson. E E. Blatrhar! G. It Bywater. Geo. Hamilton. Whney Adams. Win. Habennan. Ir. Swvnev. E. A. Rathbun. John Robinson. Will Scovi'le. R. u. Tcrner and J. W. Tor ten. 1 The orchards which these growers ! are developing run as large in some Instances as twenty-five to "hirty ! acres, and when the small orchard of mature trees owned by J. F. Burke i within the city limits of Grants Pass I is considered, a line on the produc I tion of the valley In a very few years i can be had Mr. Burke has one block. (of 39 eleven-year-old trees from ; w hich he has already delivered to the packinghouse 204 picking boxes full, 'this being equivalent to no less than i 220 standard picked boxes The crop I.' not yet one-half harvested, so that tho total product of this miniature orchard will be close to 4 40 boxes, approximately a carload t XI.1FORN1 CANNERY ( IISKD RY STRIKE. FRESNO. Ca'... Aug II Thirty Japanese Imported front Loa Angeles by the California Fruir Canners' as sociation at Selnia for the purpose cf repl.i. ltu the 9 e:np'. )' cs cow on strike there, quit today when they '.earned that .1 strike was on. The plant lit now closed. ! W IRE BK1EFS. I PORTLAND, Aug. 15. Chinese iGods a.e starving to dea'h and the ;chlntse tolony is wild with rage. I Market Insctor Singer l ondeniiied i as garbage food prepared sonic days 'ago. The Chinese asserted the C.clo ! liked It so. ' SAX BERNARDINO, Cal., Aug. 15. 'Startled hy the strike of a trout, j Chief of Police Mespelt fell Into 10 feet of water, whence he was hauled I w ith difficulty by friends. The trout was saved. It weighed 3 pounds. ( PORTLAND. Aug. 15. Two pret- !iy young girls stopped J. W. Christie. 71, and told him of their poverty. While Christie listened the girls Im proved their financial condition to j the extent of $so. SO FT II MEND, Wash., Aug. 14. A woman bargain-hunter at a $1 hat sale laid her hat down on the count er while she selected another. She left and another woman bought her nat for $1 and refused to give It up. I OAKLAND, Cal., Aug. 14. In jspecting a suspected nickel, William T. Hopkins, coniluctor, tripped over a woman's foot and plunged his arm through the car window. The nickel was good, but Hopkins is in the hos pital. LONG BEACH, Cal., Aug. 14. Joy to epicureans who are fond of chicken and who invariably find six wings in every portion. A chicken raiser here Is exhibiting at a poultry show a wingless fowl, which he says i he will breed henceforth. WASHINGTON, Aug. 1.1. Provid- ,injr for the creation of an industrial I relations commission of nine mem 1 hers to inquire Into the general con ditions of labor in the principal In dustrie?, including agriculture, the i Hughes hill was passed by tin? sen i ate today. ' The purpose of the bill Is to sug gest the means of bringing about a 'f-tter relation between capital and : !: bor. The commission must report I - ithin two year. A special inquiry :::to smuggling and the illegal ?n of Asiatics is also provided for. The bill already has passed the house. TREASl REU S CALL RANTS. FOR WAR-! Grants Tass. Ore.. Aug. 13. 1912. SECOND AND LAST QALL. All Josephine county warrants, protested prior to January 1st, 191b. have been called. Bring or send ti em in and get your cash. J. E. PETERSON. -K-?t County Treasurer. I fwgT'MritiVT)m"' T figHMg' 'iJJ, FARM OREGON Price 50 Cents GIVEN FREE With each new sub scription to the Courier, or where ar rears are paid with one year in advance. It Contains What Every Farmer Should Know Laws of Agriculture, Crimes Against rropeily, Crimes Agalust Public Health, RorueMlc Animals, Eeuitlom Airnlnst Ex ecutions, Fence and Fencing. Fire Pruv.iiu.., Horti culture, Mlfcellaneous, Public Vnj, A. ti. r for Trespass, Yan lwm. ?Ik tt. ,,i. urcs, Wc. Ibis Is one of the most rweful lwoks jniblWi.! for tbe Ore B"n farmer. It Is a nevesslijr for every nMo-lHte farmer. n ' ihouli! be worth many dolbii. Get It FREE I crops one naif use our lan t. I VI M'(" ; Cement Producta Co., oppoa!t s. p CnlluikU. Aek4amie mi tl.n..,.. . ,l'-'t. Mlllc. Art. Iloc.u. 0,mn,Vi4m,M, For ctloddrel llt sISTUt M M b, OfnrJSC. Helen. Ia LRI,"t CLASSJIHED ADS I OR HAtJi ALL DENTISTS' OFFICES In Grantj Pass will be closed on Thursday afternoons throughott the suo. mr- 5-10-tf FOR SALE S. C. R. I. hxna. in. quire North 10th street. C. R Drechtblll. Phone 224-Y. 7.5.4; FOR SALE Nine-months old, hi, blood bull calf. Price $23. Write J. L. Scott, Glendale, Ore. 7.5.3, DO YOU WANT treesThiTaTTtrew to name, clean, thrifty and veil matured when dug. You may be sure of Just that kind of stock if you deal with the Mlltoa Nursery Co., Milton, Ore. J. C. Duetcher, Agent, Grants Pas. 7-26-13t FOR SALE Choice 5-acre tract la Three Pines fruit district, land mostly cleared, two room house. Address Chas. Bee, Three Pines, Oregon. 8-2-4t MI3CELLAXEO! - " WANTED Fifty tie makers, also pole and idling cutters and twenty teams. Tie cutters make $4 to JT per day at 18 cents per tie. Steady work slimmer and winter, two year job. Address A. F. Estabrook Co., Bandon .Ore., and 245 California St., San "randsco, Cal. Free fare from San Francisco. 1 (WANTED 300 hop pickers wanted at Flanagan & Cornell's fiopvard, seven miles below town, picking to commence September 1st. Inquire Dr. Flanagan, Grants Pass. RANNIE, the plumber, Is read; 11 any mlnuta to repair your plumb ing. 609 H street. Telephone 10.R. 4-M EARL V. INGLES, B. Sc General assay and analytical work. Cement and asphalt testing. Best equipped assay office and testing labora tory In Oregon. All wor'.- guaran teed. Calvert-Paddock block. MONEY WAN'TE $5000 wanted on long time, Improved Income busi ness property as security. Will give 7 per cent net better than raining stock. Address Rogue Riv er Courier. 4-12-tI LAWS OF JS RMliient tnd Dy School fr Oirl." r. hrge of Hutxra of Si. Joha Bpti,t,i '