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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1912)
Friday, AKiisr io, ioii. AMERICAN FLAGS WVMK OlthKKEII TAKF.X M. SASKATOON. Sask., Aug. While au American circus was parad ing here Mounted today a squad of Northwest i... I.-..., .... jui.-tr oi,a h party of it i Zens compelled the circus manage ment to take down all the American flags they were flying. Engraved cards at the Courier. Mlting blanks at Tbt Courier Of. fee. I -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Josephine Countv. In the Kstate of James Dailey .eased. De Notice is hereby given to all per- j sons having any claim or claims against the estate of James Dailey, ! deceased, to present their claims ' duly verified, accord hit; to law, u lie ui i'i"u uviiiii iififdi in Ed. Dailey, of Kerby, Josephine rour- ?Z?LA"!ZTl'.r- men ...iu .i...s "cvu.ui oi sam es- ,a.e. or to his attorneys, Colvlg Williams, at their office In Grants Pass Oregon. Hut date of the brst publication of tins mi ne is uie loin uay ot August, A. IV. 1912 (Signed) ED. DAILEY, Executor of the Estate of James Dailey, Deceased. Colvig & Williams," Attorneys. VOTIC i: FOK Pl ltLICATIOX. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, June 28, 1912. Notice Is hereby given that Alma! K. Rundle, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on I November 22, 1911, made homestead entry serial No. 07C85, for lots 4, o ana bW, section 18, Oregon for Josephine Countv. township 39 S, range 7 west Willam- In the Estate oi Helen K. Rowe, De e';e meridian, has filed notice of in- ceased. tnnrlnn (n mal:a Annl nn.Hm..ln.lA.. ! V,.Ir... 1. 1... ...... . itiii.un iu iiiiui luuinuuaLioii proof, to establish cla m to the land .1,,, raar-rh uof it ',... uv.. . vv. , uc.uic liriucil j--iwuni niv i-rwuc OI Iieieil l. KO e. Smith, United States romniissloner, i deceased, to pre. ent their calms duly i at Grcnts Pass, Oregon, on he 15th ( verified according to law. on or be- dnv of August, 1912. If,"- Fix, ,!mi"tns from ,!ate (,f the , , , ; first publicaticn hereof to Fred A. Inimant names as "ItnesBeB: iwilliams. the duly ap,iuinted. qual M. Tyrer. Dnvld Coulter, Mahlon iiped and a,lni., ajmg.ra,0PM (lf ' ;n ",,u ""'I'e' "imwin, an oi herby. Oregon BENJAMIN F. JONES. Register. NOTICE FOK ITIVLICATIOX. Deimrtnient of the Interior, V. S. Land Office at Itosebtirg, Oregon, July 2, 19i2. Notice Is hereby given that James Z. Parker, of Williams, Oregon, who. on August 28, 1907, made homestead entry serial No. 04 29G, lor Wife SW1;, section 28, township 3S S, im r n.4 1M11 .11. ...III , a .. 'y'lu"l"llv "lenu,au' has filed notice of Intention to make 7 . ?uar,PT',1 10 ,e8taj'ls,n; Notice is hercbv dver to all per claim to the land above described, sonB hav, , anv daiII) or t.!aims before Herbert Sinlth United States anst tne es.ati of UeIianiln I)im. commissioner at Grants Pass, Ore- mi(.k (ie,easj, t0 ,rent thelr koh, on tne utn day ot August, 1J'-. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Bryan, Mrs. Franu Bryan, T. J. Sumner and Arthur lllodgett, all of Williams. Oregon. liEN.TAMIN F. JONES. Register. N OT 1 1 K JF1 m I I H L I ( A T I O X . Department of the Interior. U. S. land office at Roseburg. Oregon, June 26, 19.2. Notice s hereby given thi'.t Louis M. Nidel, of Kerby, Oregon, who, on May 13. 1912, made homestead entry MT:ai .o. 064, Tor lots 1, 2, i ana 4. section 17. township 39 S. range, west Willamette meridian, has , filed notice of Intention to make final o.n:utation proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Hprliert sTrn-th I'ritteil Stntes ! .... n r 'ii.iusioiier, ai orauis rass. uic-: ,. ! gun, on the loth day of Auu.v, 1912. rlalmant names as witnesses: Miles Purdin. Mahlon iitckey, Mrry Robidean and Ida Turner, all , ( f Kerby. Oregon. BENJAMIN F. JONhJ. Register. X OT I CI ) FO 1 1 1TULICA T IO X . Department of the Interi r land office at Roseburg. li!T, Oi? KiH u. s. Oregon, .. .. ' . . .Notice is nere y gnen tn j on May l 1 12 n ad ho ,mtd "u .nay is, iyiz, maae uoiuenieau i entry serial Xo. 07670. for ; . 4 S2, se.tion 17, township 39 S range , I"? W,!aInet,t,e n:r"'na9' com I tation proof to establish cjaim to .: ..e land above described before Her- iiinriii.ui ......... ....... - Smith. United States commls- N fi !r, at Crrants Tas?. Or son. on lath day of August. 1912. claimant names as witnesses: l.ouis M. Nadel. Miles Purdin, Ida T; and Mahlon Beckey, all nf K'!iv, Oregon. ' BENJAMIN F. JONES, Register. xTllKK lo Whom It Ma7 Concern: Notlc l" hereby given that I, the under :.ed, o'wDer of one-half Interest U C" Suear Flue mine at Gallce, Ore '''i, will not be responsible for an? o-!ts Innrred against said Sugv '' ' ' u lr.e or for any labor cr lm '" ' 1 "rformed thereon; ! no pernon entering on Bald pretn for any reason whatsoever sfc' fen.ove therefrom any ore, mineral r tiller. ' ated February 23, 1910. (Signed) F. E KNIGIH -VOTKE for I lHLkATiov Apartment of the Interior. U S J'ine 26, i$i2. '-'fsPn, Otlie Is harobv i... . J''1, of Kerbv,' Orteon Mar ?i 1014 ' . .6UU- that Ida - f.... maQ9 con-.estead en -. ...... .1,6, j, for w, hec. H. and ui cl'. vp, NL ..i.... ... . or. -j ro. range T u-f.r vn nieriJIan. has f.le.l .,, i. .V I1!.. l BUlons to in ake final , 0,; , " '7 . ZZZZ!'" to -h i.,wi .i nm-u. i,ero:-e Herbert Smith Unit - I i , - '"u uuB lie- r IH!tS Odin mitcinn.,. . - .. .is-, ireon A ".gust, I'll 2. on the I r. t h day of C::.!r.ant names as witness: Robldean and Muhtnn tw.' - - v jc ir, ail - ,of Kerby, Oregon. ut-.NJAMIN F, JONES, uegister. Not in: for pi iu.k ation. I'epartn.eut of the Inter! land offi Juae 26. . ii - Notice is Nor p I .u. l'h- o. on .iicut L ihm Ii :iT Ml - maue nonstead en- Mry serial No. 70T6. for SE '4 SE4. 7. E, XE4 So-. 18 and SVi ..WVi,, 6ecti(II1 17 t0WllsaI o9 s range 7 west Willamette meridian. . nas tiled notice of intention to make final commutation proof, to establish!'" lavor of said plaintiff and against Claim 10 tne land BljOVi di-RiTiho 1 ho. fure Herbert Smith, United States oinmissloner, at Grants Pass. Ore - gon, on the lot'i day of August, 1912, Claimant names as witnesses: Solon Curtice, William Havs. L. M. Nadel and Mahlon Beckey, all of .Kerby, Oregon. DENJAMlN F. Ju.vES, Register, " VaTI( ... T(. T,( h TO 3,ln the County Court uf the State of is ueieo gl-n to II II per- , sons having anv claim or claims ,, , ;Ba id estate, at his offi e in the Tuffs llmilding at Grants Pass. Oregon. The date of the first publication !0f .his notice Is tee ''Sth ilnv of June, A. D., 1912. (Signed) FKEI) A. WILLIAMS', Administrator of the Kfctate of Helen i. ivurte, i-'C'eaeu. Colvig &- Williams, Attorntys. ()TI( i; TO UCLDITOKS. in tne i iiniuy conn oi die siaie oi i flrevon for Josephine f'uunty. ; In the Estate of Beii.biuln Dimmi. k Deceased. I (.lams du;, verifi,.j a,(H r(3ing t0 ,aw (on or before six months from the i j date of the first, publicntlon hereof, j lt0 Virgil L. Dlmmick and Edward I E. Dimmick. tlie dulv appointed, ! Iqiialified and acting joint adinlnlstra Gi een. Mis. M. E. Mlt ; tors of the said esfa:e. at Grants ''hell, Eli C. Gray, Addie !Pass. Oregon, or to thfir attorneys, ;Gray, Harry J. Gray, M. ifVilrlir jC- U'iliinint nt their offlcp 111 !.,. - , ..,,.1! i...... i the Tuffs ll'lllUHIt, ai .ililllis I j Oregon, j The date cf the fi this not 1 e ' the '2 A. D., 1912. i (Signed! VIRGIL o .-,tlon cf 0,ntr persons or par fl'av 'of June. :tle9 unknown claiming any right, title. estate. DIMMICK, , lien or interest In the DIMMICK. .real 1 to; eity described la (Sistu'dl EDWARD Joint Admlnis'rators r-i hp Estate , of Reninmlf. Dltnmifk. Deceased Colvig & Williams, : tforn'-yy. XOTM'F TO lU I.IXOt 1T I O-OWX-Fit ok ilIM(i ( L AIM. is hereby given that Chris August Kulis-h, who, with .NOtl .Oril e .-.rti,..., , r.ruL nun rtu;ii. ivunrv u, v,Uw, .nn Ignatz Knapka, 'leeeaseL are co-own- 'ate, Iipii. or interest In the real cs- ers of ot:e quartz n.ining claim sltuat- Lite described In the complaint heie ed In tho Kerby i unorganised i min- ing district In Josephine 'cinty, tire- In the r.ame of the state of Ore gon. and hereafter more fully desc rib- you are hereby required to ap ,ed, have done and performed all the pear and answer the complaint filer! annual assessment and r-presonta- tlon work required under tie mining laws of the United States: and the state of Oregon for years 1910 and 1911 of the value of f 1 0 o for each of said vears. and that the said Ignatz Knnnka. deceased, or his estate, has f!1ei tn nav snv nortlon of the as " . " h(. vears 19,0 and d the full sum cf 1100 is due 0a ''sadgntz Knapka or " terestof the said Ignatz Knapka or T , tf.tor ot ne'e. .U of .t "0. h . vice of this notice upon him. pay unto the undersigned, his co-owners, the sum in which he is delinquent, or fail or refuse to contribute his due nronnrtlon of raid assessment work. together with the usts rf this action, that his said interest In said mining claim will become the property of the undesigned co-owners, who have pcT an I caused to be performed s :ih assessment work. The mining clalra ar..l pretnls'S in Men : -i reVr d to ( :i?:.-t. of "he :.,-m. a- the F-Met:.! . r 1, v' ::!' r 1. it. it rc-i-rdi of l"i:t'. m i er'.lc.nd Ifei'i. and I9e.'. i'l ; c'alrn 1 locate 1 rf'-T.ded n. J jfepl.l::f icuMy. OrtJot.. page "3. 'it. be -on '. I . ' ' 1". t r 'I.1SCH. w ia:ul loci l :: HUP. EXPFCTKD TO TIIL" isittlt MILLIONS. NEW York. Aug. 13. When it on j aa reported here today that the ex-n- lien, i hip i .h. mi i '" -"ir minions s .111 ... .,...!... - iiinr any minute, consider- 'able ,-unn. I .n0ti9 ' n'w,ls ,h:,t h:,v eleged " Astor mansion, w, ! " ""i.-it u, wnere .mis. Astor. , . i - . , . . 1 1U,)W ot ,n Titanic disaster victim 1.1... 1 .. 1 fined. VOTM K OF MIFKIFF'.i SAl.K. In the Ciro iit Co'.irt of the State of Oregon in an,! for .l....,.i,i. r.,n- ' i v v,,..- R0.J1! t Heed, Plaintiff. V8. 'I'l. I 1 It .1 fc? I. l lit tUU iTil 1,........; .. . iKll'll I ion I I. , . 1 HI' -nt.t .... : i lent of VhircnU couVtTthe' .t.te or Oregon in and for the countv of Josephine upon a Jui K.n,,t rendered ami Jo. Leted in .aid court April 15 J 1912. in an actio., wherein Robert . t,,l U plaintiff and the Southern i1"'"" sl'ply Company, defendant tile sithl defendant for Hi sum nf Ul.M with Interest thereon at the!,x)- 1,1 n- -Miller & Company's rato (l( s Per ent per auniim from , A(,(,lM"" to Oran's Fuss, Josephine ,lu -"" day of December, 1911, am! jeonnty. Oregon; then.e south 105 $50,110 attorney's fees and the furth- i 'eet; thence east 50 feet; thence er sum of $10.00 for costs and dls- burseinents of and upon this writ. !whi' h exet-llli(, w directed and de- n.eicii io me as euei in oi ine auove named state and county and pursuant thereto 1 have levied upon and am directed to sell upon virtue of such execution and judgment of the court, the following lecrlUd real property, to-wit: Lots i and i in II. A. Miller and Company's addition to the town now city, of Grants Pass, Josephine coun ty, Oregon, and also the west one- h-lf t . i ri ,,., . , I half of lot 2 In Block a of J, n . . " mi. . Bournes first addition to the town, now city, of (.rants Pass, Oregon. Now therefore, by virtue of said execution and judgment and In com pliance with the commands of said writ, I will on the 17tn day of Au gust, 1012, at the hour of lo o'dock 1:1. at li e front door of the county court house in Grants Pass, Jose piihie county. Oregon, sen Ht public am i ion subject to statutory redemp tion to the highest bidder to casn in hand, all riuht, title and interest which the within named defendant, ;th). Souther.. Oregon Suppl y Com pany, n corporation, had on the 15th day of April, l!12. In and to the above described property, or any por 1 1 Ion thereof to satisiy said execu tion. I Dated this 11 day of July, 1912. WILL C. SMITH, Sheriff for Josephine County, Ore. SI MMOXK. In the On nit Court of the State Oregon for Josephlt.e County. or M. r. Finrlley Plaintiff. vs. Kllza G. Gray. Hester A. Ilestun, J. V. Heston, Uessle Grc?n. U. O. Minnie Gray Patton, h rank Patton. Albert M. . - - - - iGray. Hertha Gray, als'j the complaint "heroin, de- 1 fendants. ) To Eliza ft. Gray, Hester A. lies ton. J. V, Heston. Hesfie Green. U G. Green, Mrs. M. E. Mitchell. Ell ('. Gray, Addie Gray, Harry J. Cray. M. Minnie Gray Patton, Frank Pat ton, Albert M. Gray, Hertha Gray fls0 f"r, JHTS "" "aiming any right, title, un nowii claiming any rignt. title, c against you in tlie above entitle' suit, within six- weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum m- w'ilf'h first publication i.- Jme 28th, 1912. And If you fair to appear and an- fW,r ,,r ctherwise plead, for want inereoi me iiiainiiu win apply "he eourt for the relief demanded In !M - complaint substantially as ows. to-w t: For a decrn dei f f ol - dei larlng i and ad.'ud.In,' that the defendants ! interest whatever in or to sold land - d Ih.'T.e piaimlif Z the Mai owner In fe sl,:,'e cf said land pad the whoV thereof; that the defend :fs and each of them be required " 'onv-y all interest and claim to Hai(1 'and plaintiff within !xty d - n t'lltr.v cf ""hi de-reo, and d"fa'i!" Liereoi' said decree shall be deitiifd and taken as equlvalem to su' h conveyarco and stand tn lien thereof. That the defendants h:i '. .ath of them be forever restrained and e:,.'oii;(d frotu asserting in,' l;:!:"! vh:it"ver 1" or 10 s-ild iretn-i-e ad'.'er- to plilr.tlff. and foi j id"ii-M and de re for bis (o' ati'l d's'nr.-' r. n's i.,;,,: r , , ; ;!,; ;."., I p. ;!., !l ' :e River ,v" r er. a w -l ' 17'. ;" 1: a Or. : n 1. Li; tot r.n.i: SUMMONS In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Josephiue county. Belle Mitchell, otherwUe) Known as Uahelle) .Mitchell, Plaintiff I vs. ) Marshall A. Mitchell. ) Defendant ) iTo Maishall A. Mitchell, the above .,... ..,,1 ,.,f.....i ,,. .4 uw.i,uoiii. In the name of the nf (li-won Astor, Is con- j You are hereby sununoned and re quired to appear in the above eutltl- jed court and tause at the court house af liTAUt Pnsa ill InuunhinA ...innlv s. in Josephine couuty. Oregon, 011 or before six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and answer the coin - nliilnt ril... I u.ri.f, . t ,1.1 !:." .. "t.ur. ' ' . mi ause and in. caso you fall to appear ana answer or otnerwise nlead within ih hrU)n iimi.,i ihi iO.,lnlir III .,,.!.. ... .1. . t'tuiuuik win a'.i iu i ue euini - ... ..... , .-..i, o. .mi.i ,t-ii i !for the relief prayed for in the com- and not les than one-eighth begin- to ,h" ",r,, of ,:,,,t,",,le Adjudica ' plaint, viz.: a decree dissolving the nlm' uiiii iii Hii,-.i ,,.i .n ''hm for confirmation. Said board juouug oi matrimony now ana nere-1 i i . , . . . , miuic vAifiiiij, ueie-u ino iiuiuiiii and defendant, and for a decree of divorce In favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant; and that the plaintiff he decreed to be the owner in fee fcliiiple, free from any right or claim of the defendant, of the fo-1- ( lowing described premises, to-wit: Commencing ut a point 150 feet east of the northwest corner of Ulock north IOj feet; thence, west 50 feet to the place of beginning. Also an adjoining tract of land. uennning 20u reet east of the north - west comer of ltlock 2 In II. H. Mil- ler & Company's Addition to the lown of Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon; thence running south 105 feet; thence east 50 feet; thence north 105 feet; thence west 50 feet to place of beginning: And that the plaintiff be awarded the exclusive custody of the minor child, Lewis C. Mitchell. 1 , cf The date of the first publication hN siiiiimoni 1 Friday, August 2, 1 1 -. and the date of the last publl- application for the reduction during cation and the last date for your up- u. first venr of entrv. Forms will Is Friday, September 13 ,,p flirilH,u, for ,, Tlui( 1912. mid this summons Is published ,, by order of the Honorable Stephen , '"'J'11' 'H,loll!' prlnmrlly passed up Jewell, judge of the county court for on by the uen.ral land office, but the Josephine county, Oreuon. by an or- der duly filed herein of date July 31 1912, ordering service of this sum mons by publication for u period of six successive weeks in the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of gen ersrl circulation published at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Oregon, and for mailing a copy of the same, to- gether with a copy of the complaint to you at your residence and post office address. II. D. NORTON. Attorney for Plaintiff, xothi:. Notice is hereby given to whom lit may concern, and to resident prop jerty owners abutting on North Ninth ! street, from the north line of "A" 'street to tho northerly boundary of 1 1! .' i.f Grants Puss: j Greeting: : You and each of you, are hereby 'notified that F. E. Ilobson, uity engi neer of the city of Grants Pass, has I 'iled in the office of the undersigned, ' ""o city hall In said city, a plat - '! vev Mi, report of the proposed "oeiiing of North Ninth street from "A" street to the northerly boundary I'. I the city ot Grants Pass, and that the same will be presented to the i otiniion council of Raid city for fur 'her action after the completion of period oi publication of this no j n e. the date of tlie last publication i "1 which w 11! be mi the Dlth day of i must, 1 !1 2. 1. N. JOHNSTON. A iiilitur and Police .Indue of the ! City of Grants Pass. noii; i: of siiKitirrs sii.i:. Noli o is hereby nhcn t!i;.t mi ll:e Till day of Sept'Tnber, 1912. at lo o'i lock a. in. a the front door of the '.nut house at Grants Pass. Oieaon. I will sell for cash lo t lie hkhest bid ib r all of tb." iiil.' of l.oita Van I ''in In a nil to tb.' fo'low ing d.-s. fill ed leal propeftv T':e east one-hall' of tlie northeast '1 nirter of the northwest i;iait.'r and the east half of the west luiif of the northeast 'inarter of i Ii . northwe.-t 'I i.'irtcr and the east half of the southeast 'piarter of the ni.;t!icst '1'iarter and the (.;ist halt of the west naif of the soul iu-hm .piaiter of Hie ""' ' b. si uai (. r of 1 1 n i v 1 1 1 four, township .hlr.y-llve south, of f Wlll,.uillt M.. Mian. In Josephine county, o,,,.. I ess and exit-i.tinu the toliowin: Pcginlng at the southeast corner of the southwest quarter of section 21. township ii.'i south, of ran;.',.' sewn, west Willamette Meridian, and run ning west Di rods tbi'iice north 10 101 Is; then cast lo rods: tb.11 hoiiIi I" ToiIh to place of b. ii,:, in 4, con '..iiilng I'l acres, and the i.i-j half of the southwest uu.-rt.r of the -o'ltbtasl (jiial'lei of the northwest I nirter of s.'tion : .m i.f tour, town l.ip thirty-five .itb. tuu.-t- .-even '' st. '.Villi' n f.. M. iblia-i .-'.lid sab' :- 1 : 1 : 1 1 - I'n 1 1, i p of at Is.f viii . 11 .iud'.trn. ill re'rl. -. In r- '.or of S II Hi;i 1 and a.-;i,'i-t l.m a Van liotn in the ( i,- ;iP ( n . r ,f t! - .1 of Or .'.- ii for '' ,. ,,l,,i . . 0 ,ii .-"', item' er.-d'.e . r and I !; I .l.! r the s U l l .!.!'. t - i ' . 1 1 I . .v.l I'l !l. 1 , v 1 I er -t fro:, 1 I. '-oil int. VI I.I. TIII5FF-YKAU XATIOXAI. HOMESTEAD LAW. The interior department has issued the following Instructions to the var- ious land offices throughout the coun try regarding the new' homestead law: 1. The period ol residence is re du.fd from live years to three, the credit to besiu, however, from the establishment of actual residence up on the land; proof must be sub- mitted within live years from the date of entry. Actual Tillago In lioiiuiml. ' Cultivation for three years. 1.. . twum,,, m,m UiU0 01 ',,,r'. - uired. Including . . actual cultivation . iul ""l u'ss " one-sixteenth ot t he i nroil tl,M lillitn u-1(1. tli u.. ,,,.! final proof. Tillage or the soil Is required ; a mere breaking of the soil is not sullli ient; but this must bo accompanied by a planting or sowing of seed. Grazing is not ac cepted, except with respect to certain lands opened to entry under spet lal acts providing therefore. Ex.ent as i to certain lands In Idaho and Utah. hereafter mentioned, the cultivation required Is the same on entries un- d. r the enlarged homestead ads ad on ordinary entries; that Is. the cut iiv.ition ,,f th f,,,.,,,.,.. ri,,.f, ,,... u ,.,,,..,. ,.,. , "' 3- The secretary of the Interior U authorized to reduce the renulred ,.,,,, r rniiivntion- hiu win i, I - ...... " .11 II. ,1. done on account of the physical or llnancial dlsnliilitles or misfortunes of the 1 1 y in a ti . but only where ex action of cultivation to the statutory proportion is unreasonable under the peculiar conditions governing the lands. The entryman must make ; ultimate decision thereon rests with Ihe secretary of the Interior. Vcteriins' Sen lee L After residence upon the land for one .vnr, soldiers and sullors win, served In time of war may have credit for the period or their service. They must, however, show cultiva tion of not less than one-elghtli of I he area for at least one year. 5. The general land ollbe Is au thorized to extend for not more than six months the ordinary period of six months ullowed for establishment of residence, on account of climatic conditions, sickness or other un avoidable cause. Application for tills relief will not bo considered In ad- vn net will but the homesteader's rights .....i........ieu .,eu mi; ques- . . . 1 1 ... ; 1 ...1 1 tion is raised. The homesteader is ' required to go upon the land when the hlndcrlni; cause Is removed. 0. The entryman may absent himself for one continuous period of not more than live months in each year following establishment of his residence, but be m.t f.liow bona tide 1 diit in iniiK reslibun e during re maining portions of the three-year period. Two five-months' periods of absence Immediately s.icce'dlng each oih'i, ihoiiHh in dlrTerent years of entr, will not be allowed; tlx months' abseme renders the entry suiiject In (olili'Ht. Moreover, III considering either dual pioof or I(,n tests, exleiii!,., periods of absence are respected only where notbe has been gUcli to the IimiiI laud office of the beginning of u. intende, ab sence and also notice of the home stead.'i's return. The mis following leave .,f absence 10 be granted by the local land offp i-vh ban. not been repealed. 7. The privilege nf commutation (where it heretofore existed) Is not affected bv the new act, except (hat the eiitiyinaii must be a citizen of the United SlntcH, and tlie old prac Ibe under which commutation wa allowed by pel Min w ho I,;,, Hierep' (lecluK d 1 heir intention l be oininc cilielis is aiilogaleil ns lo all eii tl'les, UblowV Residence N..I Ib'.pilie.l. x When- a homestead ei.ti man dies, bis widow or itaei Ma'utorv h:o. 1 soi s ma ear period b inaKe up 1 be lb, 1 . . adding touelbi-r the period luring Will' h t the la bb b 'h II' e no Ho.. e his 11 ie Ill l ma 11 and the ' all Ivan-. I beiu.' re I. II ti e ell t .(implied b'fole loflelled bv pile. I Willi ,"'1 lo, the lab quired tn loan UI'lli:; v . reside f tb, ,1 hi'a ef wilh the i.ii .ba;1 ! fa. I.e 1 f f. Ut 1 w til. Iu all I . e,l' 1 I. upon uo Alii I 1 c.h a 1 aucelled i: ' -:. ad "i or bet .1 , e . 100 i!u," Ii I): '11 a II . le. t lull . DM 2. ! , : b r t ' e 1, I TAGE SEVEN three-year law of June 6, 1912. Th re.iuir.eil residence is thus reamed from five to three years, but the specific cultivation provided by the ad must be submitted within live years after the date of entry. fo. Any hardships which nu'niit result from the above are eliminated by the ruling of the secretary that a person having an entry under the old law may. show the cultivation of the proportions named in the new law for two successive years, though they may not lv the second and third years of the entry. Moreover, he holds that where the proof, showing compliance with the new law. Is Ktit.mtf tiiinn ii n unfi'v nfri - . . . ' . ith nv lilrnt tun lli'a caui'j frntu Ita i ' " "' " ti, ,trv nmv i, in ih ni. a y be, In the ab clalms, submitted . S III e 01 HUM ISC consists of the secretary of the Inter ior and the attorney general. rlil Land 1'ntrle. 11. Where the prbe of a tract of land Is required to be paid, the an nual Installments extending beyond the period of residence required 'ia- der the new law, proof may lie suh- mll,ed 88 1,1 0,hcr 'a8P8' flnal ro, tl" , n,a,8 ,,ot l8,",,n untl1 the e",,, ; l"'"-'' l"l, n" ,"1,n 12. On entries of arid lands In Idaho and Utah for cultivation wlth- out residence, the period of ciiIHvr- ! tlon Is not reduced; this must amount to one-eighth during the second year and one-fourth during the third, fourth and fifth years. Seven years Is allowed for submission of proof. 13. All the provisions of the act apply to entries under the reclama tion nets and the Klnknld entries In western Nebraska, excepting the provision as to cultivation. 14. Persons having entries ninde prior to June ti, 1012, are especially warned that It may be to their ad vnntaae to have their entries adju dicated under the new law, and that they should carefully consider the matter; If they desire to submit proof under the laws under which their entiles were made, they must on or before October 4, 1912, file at the local land office an election to !,, )lllnU fonis ., fllrHu(1 by the various local land offices. KIT (WIISOX SH.)W RltlXCi III XDKFDS INTO lilt ANTS PASS. Pel I'.U Miance 111 led mill enPct Is "(;ood"ltll Repented To- 1 night lYi! 1 11 res. (''"roni Monday's Dally). Hundreds of people poured Int.i firiints Pass from neighboring local ities today to attend the Kit Carson Wild West show, which, at this af- ',....,..,.. ......foriiinnei. omve.l In l, nil that the name Implies. Whllo 1 not as extensive or tdabornte as lluf- jfnlo Hill's show, the Kit Carson ag gregation gives the spectators their money's worth mid their performance Is varied enough to Include some hlgh-rlnss .Inns acts. Among theso are two of the biggest features of the bill the Powell family of gym nasts and a robats and the Fhlnu; Millers, eight of them, In a sensation- al mrlal lasting and double nlack wlre act, The wild wchI numbers are taken care of by cow bins, cowgirls, real Indians and Mexicans. No better horsemanship or lariat throwing was ever p'i'ii here. The performance begins with a grand levlew of charac ter:', Introducing a son of Kit Car son, the noted scout, and ends with n delineation of the battle of Wound ed Knee, near Pine Ridge, South Da kota, in I V01. Two of the Sioux chiefs who took part In that bat t la are with the Kit ('arson show. Dare devil Cossacks an.) a pair of ele phants are also in the per I'oriiiancc. The hhow Will lie repeated t'Mllght, the doors opening ;t t :.'!U. liefore haiMl there will I a concert by the show band oil iln sheets. W. :. , :i farmer liv ing near Fleming;, Ph., nas be has used ('hiiiiiberl.'ilii'H Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keiiicdc u hlx faiii lly for fourteen y.aiw, and that ho has found It lo lie an excellent rein ed.'. , and takes pleasure In tvconi inetidiug It For sal" l,y all dealer". PORTLAND, Aug Id. Hh'n had enough," leiii.ukeil Judge Til Well o IP'i'ha lirewer hh lie r. -b ased c.t,rji II Ferguson, whom she charged wkii battery. The 1 .imphuimnt lore tie- hllill flolll Uel'il-' e. Su hU fa e With u s I in l an. a sklilet. KLA.I), ''eeley, lial bol'lll '-' bis laMioi t;i I.n' , few Jolt, of booze, C-r's home to tell Pltei f. i e,) .', . j, I ".'..., Aug. 1.1 , i-mkLo .1,1111. iig.liu-t ..ided MMi -i s';:rte, for the I,!' 1 o Tb" 1 !!. ula'luii Jo;i v'.-'TO." aw, .. ' t'. 1 -