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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1912)
FRIDAY, JTLV 18. 1912. WEEKLY RCJl'E RIVER COURIER PAGE nv oar GROCERIES CANNING SUFPLIES MASON JARS ECONOMY JARS JELLY GLASSES JAR RUBBERS JAR TOPS J. Pardee ,-V:tii4iaI Mink Company Coming The opera house management in formed the Courier today of the ap pearance in Grants Pass of the Na tional Stock Comedy for the ni-ht beginning July 29 in a repertoir of standard plays including "The Lion and the Mouse." -The Wolf and E. M. Royle's comedy, -Friends." Oram-, Pass Gitl Married Friends hr! have re. eiveil an nouncements of the marriage on Wednesday, July 10, of Miss Fannie E. Yost and Charles J. Dean. Miss Vost, daughter of Mr. and Airs. Geo. L. Yost, formerly residents of Grants Pass, left this city some 14 years ago. Would Add to Rami Concert Arraimemeuts are in prc-tjrese hav ing in view an attractive addition to the Friday evening band concert. It is proposed that on of rhe clos ing numbers of the concert shall be a patriotic or national air, lend by a male quartette, and that the entire ! '! gathered crowd join In sinking with 4 uncovered head such' songs as Amer ica, etc. This Is a feature that would bt; appreciated by the public, and would make the concert by our band AGITATION EOR KE(. ALL OF CITY OlFKlALS. There appeared on the streets Tuesday morning a veil defined rumor that Hoi. ob- ert G. smi'h, mayor of Grants PERSONAL AND LOCAL. 44 Mrs. Jane Machley left Wednesday morning for her home at Farming- ton, Mo., after spending the past Ave j weeks with her sister, Mrs. L. A. Heberle. I Miss Bernlce Hale, daughter of W. G. Hale of Ashland, has been in the city several d;iys. On Monday she waj operated on for the removal of tonsils and adenoids. I Mrs. E. D. Wheelock and hfr son j arrived Wednesday morning from I Bend, Ore., to visit Mrs. Wheelock's i sister, Mrs. J. L. Scovill. The sisters j have not seen ea"h ot.i ?r for 25 j years. Milton Reynolds and wife re-: turned to their home at Merlin on i Monday, after spending some months j at Los Angeles, Long Beach, Pasa- j dena and San Pedro. Mr. Reynolds' brother, R. L., returned with them and will spend the balance of the year in Southern Oregon on account of his health. I No-Fly will keep the flies off of ' your cows. Try It. One gahon can, $1; 1-2 gallon can, 60c; quart cans, 35c at the Rogue River Hardwart- Co.'s. 7-12-2t- evcn more popular than now. Get your rifle now from the Rogue River Hardware Co. while t'uey have a complete stock. Reinenilr it is only about three weeks until the deer season is open. 7-12-2t -Pass, was to bo recalled. His recall, or the attempted recall, so the sponsors for the move- nient indicate, is because of Smith's activity in certain lo- cal affairs, and was brought to a head by his vigorous coursa at the special session o.' the council, when he appointed a loiumiuee to investigate the connection of Councilman Clark w ith the contract - recently awarded Clark's son for the building of the city tall. Following; the report that a recall petition against the may- or had been provided for clrcu- latlon, came from other sources the counter report that Clark would be recalled, the imbroglio arising over the city hall matter being responsible for this also, those bthlud this agitation thinking It ue best TRAVELING THEATRICAL MAN i FALLS RENEATH FREIGHT I SACRAMENTO. July IS. To'U Curtis, who says he is a theatrical, while beating his way on a freight train near Florin today, fell .beneath the cars and had his left arm, right leg and right thumb cut oft. He was brought to the railroad hospital here and was still alive late this afternoon. i r solution of the city hall con- I tract problem". Neither recall petition has been broufht to public light as yet. I NOI.IMl SI KFKAGISTS SI T'POKT 1.AISOK PARTY I.OION. July IS. A special fund la being raised today by the Na tional Union of Woman Suff : re So cieties to boost the candidacy of members of the labor party fot par liament, with certain reservations. This step was decided upon by the suffraalsts In recognition of the In sertion by the labor patty at Its re cent annual conference of a plank favoring equal suffrage. A statement Issued by the nation al union pledKPS that organization to work for the election of laborcandl-j dates except when they may be. op- j poed at the po,.s by liberals or con- j servatlves who have already demon- i sincerity u i women. ' 1 stiwed their personal ,f:-endJ of the vote? fo- ' ! TIRKISII CAIUNET RESIGNS ANI SOIAHKRS DESERT. TWILIGHT I.EAGl'EKS ARE STRONG AT RAT. PAROLE FOR PRISONER held ox McNeils island. Fractured Collar Rone The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Laiiey. 334 West J. street, frac tured its collar bone by falling out of bed Tuesday. With two, and probabiy three, games yet to be played, unofficial batting averages compiled last night at Twilight lea mire headquarters, show that R. Bratton leads with .47C, Honey Is second, .444 ; Hamil ton third, .438; Woodward fourth, .429; Patterson fifth, .421. Tnirteen batsmen are hitting over ,i00. Patterson is the best run-getter. having crossed the plate eight times in S games, a wonderful perform ance. . It is rumored that Argus McLean, a local automobile man, is going to present an E. M. F. car to tne play er in the Twilight organization who is ndiudgeu by a committee seieciea for that purpose to have been of the most value to his club, every depart ment of the game being taken Into consideration. HI Kl Xd GIRLS REACH THE SEA COAST. Special Sale in Millinery .Mrs. E. E. Waughtal, C27 G sheet, is offering trimmed and un trimmed hats at special discounts for a short time only. Take advant age of this opportunity. 569 SEATTLE. July 1 S. George H. Parker, United Wireless manager on the Pacific coast, who was sentenced ' with Christopher C. Wilson, presi dent of the company, and other offi cials, to two years in the penitentiary, Is today a free man. He was paroled by the federal pardoning board after serving 11 months at McNeil's Island. Allowing tor time off for good be havior, he had about nine months more to serve. Parker refused to discuss his I plans. He is undergoing treatment j for defective hearing at present, and todav nunin 'icnt'led his tine home here. TO HOT TO HON SWS PFGFLIST RITCHIE. SAN FRANCISCO, July IS. Un willing to box in the east during the heated term, Willie Ritchie, the San Fran ls o lightweight, turned down todav an offer from Promoter Harry Edwards of Philadelphia to CONSTANTINOPLE, July IS. Following the desertion of hundreds I of oifi.ers and soldiers of the Tur- , kish army to the rebel side, and with thelv tountry on the threshold of what is believed to be a general rev- olutlon, the Turkish cablne: has re- j signed, Just a week after the reslgna- j Hon of Minister of War Mahniond j S.efka Pasha. . I Humors are sprendiiu that there Is a well defined movement among army officers and members of the lib eral party to depose Sultan Reeha 1 Cheaii ami place Prince Mejld Ef fendl, stni of ex-Sultan Mourad, on the throne. The dissatisfaction of the troops Is especially strong among thoe who are lighting the rebel Albanians, to whose ranks there Is a steady flow of desertions. MM. .1. HRYAX GLAD CHAMP ( LXRk'S HAPPiNESS. LINCOLN, Neb., July 1 j. Refer ring to the fact that the democratic candidates for congress from the 'Jth 1)(X Missouri district all withdrew, leav- t . . t C r. 1 rn.t,., Tho thrpp voiinit ladies, the Misses ilMv.. f InHianaiiolla. a six- '"S a "ear lul V "' I' cool headwaters Gertie Cahill, Gussie Parker and j,,,,,,,,! i,out Daisy Cole, who Mt Friday on the !tne trau long hike to the coas. reached salt waten, at 2 p. m. Wednesday, having made the entire distance of !H miles in ress than five days of ac tual walking, and beating the schxd- inla hv KAvernl hours. They arrived at their destination in good condition, ready to continue Fishing in Siiuw I.ake Squaw Lake, on the of the Appleiiate river, is the scene i of a cam) of Grants Pass outers this wool a nartv ha vine lpft harp TilPS- '. v.! , A 'right on if the Pacific ocean had not day night by auto with that lake and vu its fishing holes their objective point. f . l ... T T T see ng, when they will return home ell and two sons, Robert and Dwlght, b' w t . n . . ,bv the same method they made the sessor Ed us Pollock. . L A ,...ln ...... n,l.f Ritchie. Who is hot on -xm. Uie iom.nue. ue-.n.r. iuu, olgast on this coast, A1'" M'4- B,-vnu ,lai,lis a mon mhn . ft 11,1 t.i COD tVl(i llU'httCt does not wish to go east until the ,"'" - weather sets In. " bU11 or Champ Clark, as well as the life he loves. oi every one Intervened. Thev will remain at 'descent City for a few days sight- outgoing journey. REEF TRUST ESCAPES. WASHINGTON, July 1 S. The ' house judiciary committee has pra-- GIFFORD PIXCHOT WAX IS tically agreed to postpone until next J TO PAY MORE TAXES. session the projected Investigation ol' the beef trust and other trusts. WASHINGTON. July IS.- Pro- jtesting that he was under-assessed, Gifford Pinchot today added about INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE DEADLOCKED OVER REPORT, j $600 to his taxes in the District of .Columbia. He declared his Wasli- Repnb- Ington home was undervalued by ) WASHINGTON. July IS. ! 'llcan members of the house steel in- 1-ercem, or !!... -. . vestigating committee' are deadlock-1 ed today over their minority repor. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS Congressman Gardner of Map" i-1 MEETING. The whistle of 'he California Pine cnusetts demands a scathing crl'l-j Rpnninn nKsnrlatlon to make ar- Ilox and Lumber company, which for riHnl 0 Former President RooseveP . j The deferred annual meeting Arranging for Enrainpnient J. V. Grout left Tuesday for Eagle Point to meet with the officers of the Southern Oregon Soldiers' and Sail ors i RON VACTORV STRTS ! UP FOR SEASON- of rangements for the encampment so many months has been silent, is !a,.tjon n allowing the absorption .the stockholders or tne josepnine which Is to be held at thnt place be- Jaain heard In the early morning tne Tennessee Coal and Iron com- County Irrigation & Tower company ginning September 24. Mr. Grout land at noon time, and 'he factory Is 'pany by the steel trust, while other will be held In the Commercial dub is commander of the association. a scene of industry. Work was re- jniemLers oppose him. rooms in the Ity of Grants Pass. sumed at the factory .Monday, morii- The Long Green ing and there are now about 50 men Herbert Smith has on exhibition and boys empkned making fruit at the Racket store a sample sped- boxes, at the present time peach and men of long green cucumber raised pear boxes, and later in the season in his garden on 5th and I streets, apple and orange boxes will oe made. The specimen is 15 Inches in length, .'lhe lumber being worked up now is He is also exhibiting some mammoth received from the mills at Merlin and eooseterries raised on one-year-old i Rogue River. vines. It Is probable that the factory will continue in operation until the 1st or 15th of December. 2t Go to Mining Congress Among those who left on No. 13 lhursday morning for Yreka to at tend the session of the Northern Cal ifornia and Southern Oreeon Mining and future worry congress were President he'rzlnger, j Rogue River Hardware Co. iootall It 0,., rim,an!,i bv wife: J. R. Har- iTalk over your wants with them. vey, J. M. Tetherow, R. S. Morgan, W. Weckler, R. C. Crawford. O. O. j NO PEACE FOR Tl RKEY. finch. Albert Anderson. E. A. How- j CONSTANTINOPLE.. July 18. ell and F. M. South, of this city; Wm. (There 1U be no let-up In the Italian Richards of Merlin, W. . -.a'on and iTurklsh war, as far as Turkey is con Tom Anderson of Kerby, ..n Carl- cerned. according to an announce Bon of Galice, and McCleuon of Hugo, ment by the grand vizer. who de C L Mangum and O. S. Ii:anrhard clared the Turkish government has had gone bv previous train, and M. refused to accept the proposed terms Dunn and wife have gone by automo- of peace, and intends to maintain her sovereignity In irlpou ... bidding them noodbve. The premier If you want an Irrleatng plant put jD"1,miB 111 " .a 11 juu nouio" ,.ffiiQ roii (pthp nnpxiiectf-d- IfiL IIIB Vlii' ii i - equally unexpectedly i in tMm iMRtin. you can save money V.. V.r tin fhOI'J "I I'-"- U.. i.a....B With tils (laugnier 111 aii'niiri i'i.ii. the city, where the two jumped In'o a motor ar and ere nIsked away. blie. until makes further come-Mon Italv Jellv glasses, the good kind, at ...t j Rogue River Hardware Co. for 40 Call Dr. Bcstul. the vfn reus per dozen. one 222-J. ;ary s ir-C-14-tf LONGSHOREMEN OIUECT TO FILIPINO ( OMPETITION. TACOMA, J il' 1 f. Tacoma long shoremen have protested against the government loading the cable ship Burnslde with several tons of cable here by the '-"illplno rw and the Commercial club has taken It up by wire with Washington to find out why local'men ar" not given thi job. Despite protects the voverrti ent men br d' inn the i rk. Great Sale Mens Oxfords We're roinii to play rather an unfair ti i k in our men's oxfonls. We want To i-lose out every odd pair of them in the house at once so we arO iroinj to be little them by placing jn-ii'es on them 'u.i far below their eost of nianu f a -t ure. It's Your Oxford Opportunity 200 Pairs $4.00 and $5.00 Values $2.95 Note the price ami we're sure your feet will feel uneasy until you Ret them r io;i pair of these oxfords. 0nie while our size is still here. C'othintf Company PEERLESS "IF MEN WEAR IT, WE HAVE IT.M RUN DOWN AT THE HEL? SOLE WORN THROUGH? No matter what their condition each pair of old shoes i worth just ."() eents in part payment for n new pair of hiijh grade men's or women's shoes. Chairman Stanley &y the demo- ;OreKon, on July 23rd, 1912. at 2 crats are unanimous over the word- o'clock p. m. for the purpose of elect ing and substance of the majority re- ng a board of dire'tom and the port. ranactlon of such other biiplne as should rome- before the meeting. All M EEKAfiETTES PEE V EL stockholder! are urged to be preent. T I'HEMIEit ASgiTTH. ' JOSEPHINE COUNTY IRRIGATION ! & POWER COM PAN i. RIkkb. Sec'y. LONUON, July 18. Stiff raget'es here todav are oeeved at the artful I.i.i.u,-....i n. Premier Atianitb. who CONTHACTOHS ANH I51TI.DEHS . ' ....... .,., .... I attwntion: lelt I.'lllUOn Illr UUUI1U wiiuuii'. This i the t'pi ortunlty you have been looking for. All the lumber of the Three Tines Lumber Co., coiiijlst- In k of aenorfed yard todt of fr and edar lumber, together with several carload of 4 foot fir wood on dock ready for dfllwy, now n sale In quantities to suit. JEE'ERSON I). COOK, Receiver. 6-2Mt Three J'hs, Oregon OLD SHOES Voi have, considered (rid thoe valueleHrt. Here tofore they have been valuelcm. We now accept t h iii tit " "f per pair. Skirmish around and ret the oldest and mont worn shoes you an possibly find and I will accept tlieni as yladly as though they were but half worn. Only one pair a'-epted on ea'li new pair of shoes. R. L. BARTLETT T OM EATEN US l0 K, f ITV TKEASlTtEIl S NOTICE. There are fund? In city treaury to r.deem all warra:.t prot'-sted to Ajg'ift let. l&H'. Ir.'fre.' uill 'eae after June 30th. Dated at Grants Ik. ' ' r.. 'hi 2Sth day of June 1M2. O V. JKST!:i: C-28-41 ri'- Tr-i.- ;' r TACOMA, July 1 V -Tacoma'a municipal dock hiin proven xu'h a winner that boat are, crowding thfl j wharves beyond capacity. To prop- erly cure for the bunltieKH tlie city i will erect H'i fwl inori- oT whar)fK. ! at the Roece Rvin Hard ware Co V C-14-tf AURI ST I'ltOMIN'ENT ATTOKNEV. I'Oin i.ANI) .July 18. Max O. Co b n. a prominent attorney, wa ar retted today by federal authorlMe". on a charge of nibornlnu perjury In havlni; Indu ed a woman defendant In a white tlaery cane to lie. A-t:tk J'-r W'irk a the Cotirler