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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1911)
WEEKLY WXiVE RIVER COURIER PACK EIGHT Coffees Same Price ALTHOUGH THE PRICE OP COFFEE HAS ADVANCED OCR PRICES AND QUALITY WILL RUM A IX THE SAME IJEFOKE. J. Pardee I none 2HI 17 0 Street PERSONAL AXD LOCAL 4 E. F. Messner visited la this city Wednesday. C. T. Shepard, of Ashland, was transacting business In this city Wed nesday. H. . PInney, of Los Angeles, was looking after business here Wednes Jay. C. D. Jackson, of Eugene, was a r.ronf. Tna business visitor Wed nesday. S. T. Scott, of Glendale, was In town Wednesday calling on friends. ft fl nrnwn went to Hugo on a business trip Wednesday evening. J. C. Jones, of Provolt, was shop ping and visiting friends in this city Wednesday. Mrs. T. A. Erlckson, of Hugo, was visiting friends In Grants Pass Wed nesday. 0. M. Crouch, of Portland, arrived here Wednesday to visit with friends and look over the country. J. II. Tyron, of Roseburg, was vis 'irfnv friends tere Wednesday. Wm. Puttier came tip from Leland Wednosday to visit with friends and look after business matters. w w Hlnsn. of Orovllle. arrived hero Wednesday to attend to busl ness mutters. Mrs. J. W. Bobee, of Central Point, was visiting with friends here Tuesday, returning In the afternoon to her home. Tnhn WaII. of Lakevlew. has been visiting with his nephew, W. E Dean and family of this city. Mrs. L. WImberly and little daugh ter, of Roseburg are vlRltlng at the home of her slster-ln-law. Mrs. C. L. Ctevenger. Mr. Wlmberley will Join her hers In a few days. You are Invited to hear Dr. Hln on. of the White Temple, Portland. at the Rantlst rhnrch Prlday ntRht Rev. and Mrs. A. Holmes, of Med ford, were Grants Tass visitors for a few days this week. G. B. Butler, of Ashland. Is spend Inr a few days In Grants Pass on business. W. 0. Tucker, of Ashland, Is In Grants Pass to spend a week or 10 days on business. Q. R. Fborhard. of Kolor. has been spending a short time In this city on business. Mrs. E. A. Nonl and little son and Mrs. R. E. Soston, of Merlin, were Grants Pass visitors Tuesday, return ing to their home In the evening. E. n. TenRra, of Roseburg. wss a Crants Tass business visitor Tuesday. PEltS Seed Grain All kinds CORN WHEAT RYE OATS HAItl.KV VKIt II TIMOTHY ALFALFA CI .OYER and any other kind ym need, st prices t'attt are rkht. Vinyard (Sl Morgan A. R. McArthur, of Portland, was a Grants Pass business visitor Tues day. E. R. Jeffers, of Murphy, came In Tuesday to do some shopping and at tend to other Important business. Fred Price, of Roseburg, returned Tuesday evening to his home after taking treatment for his eyes from nr. Flndlev of this city J. Hoairland and wife, of Waldo, were visiting In this city Tuesday. Robert W. Miller arrived here Tiiedrtav from Salt Lake City, Utah. to look over this part of Southern Oreeon J. N. Larlmore, of Williams, was a r.on Pm business visitor Tues day Herman Offenbacker, of Apple- gate, was looking after business here Tuesday Dr Brwater, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, Conklln building 12-16-tf C. W. Trlplett came up from Hugo tuesday to do some Bhopplng with the Grants Pass merchants. John Purdy, of Hugo, was vlslt- Ine friends hero Tuesday L. I. Drown, of Jacksonville, was vlsltlnir friends here Tuesday. W. E. Mendenhall, of Medford, was a Grants Pbbs visitor Tuesday. Fred W. Dunn, of Pickett Creek, came Into the city Tuesday to attend to business matters demanding his attention M. Smith and wife, of Heber, Utah, who are making a tour of the coast, stopped In Grants Pass Tuesday evening to took over the city for a short time. Mrs. Mary A. Trlplett came up from Hugo Wednesday to spend the day with Grants Pass friends. Dr. Flanagan went to Merlin Wed nesday evening to make a profession al visit. J. F. Mlddleton, of Oakland, was a Grants Pass business visitor Wed nesday. M. Pearce, of Medford, was visit lng Grants Tass friends Wednesday John F. Stevens, of Salem, was a Grants Pass business visitor Wednes day, Poultry tonic will make hens lay. Get a 25s package at Cramer nros Superintendent E. R. Fields, of the Southern Pacific railroad and two other officials, T. W. Younger and C. C. Rlood, arrived here Wed nesday evening on official business and left Thursday morning In their prlvato car for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Morphy and son, Robert, of Granite Hill, have been spending a short time In this city visiting friends and looking af ter business. They returned to Granite Hill Thursday. Petaluma Incubator only $10 at Cramer Pros. Leo. Coffenbury, who has been clerking at the Pardee grocery store, has taken a position In the same enp- arlty at the H. C. Pobzeln grocery on Sixth street, beginning his duties Monday morning. Mrs. Ellen Hunter, who has been visiting with hor'rnothor, Mrs. Row ley, and other relatives and friends here for the pnst month, loft Wed nesday evening for Washington, whore she goes to take up her work as lecturer for the Christian Wom en's Roard of Missionaries Lee Emerson, of West Fork, was visiting Grnnts Pass' friends Tuesday, returning to West Fork In the even ing Ed Lister and Preen Bros., con tractors for the Grants Tass and Crescent City StnRe line, announoo that they will Install a regular au tomobile service between Grants Pass and Crescent City In the spring as soon as weather conditions per mit. Ground bone, beef scraps, hhell anil grit nt Cramer Bros. Friday, January 13, will be a red letter day at the First Baptist church. iho new pastor of tho White Temple, Portland. Rev, V. B. lllnson, P. P., will bo the rhlef speaker at the 7:30 o'clock service. He will participate also In the pro Rram at 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. with other state Baptists. Seldom does such an opportunity as this come to a community. Jos. T. Peters, president of the Grants Pass Timber company, own ing 11,000 seres of timber on the henl of Evans creek, spent Wednes day In this city to attend a meeting of the directors of the company, nd V. B. Sherman, purchasing scent of the company returned from Portland Tuesday evening to be present at this meeting. Mr. Sherman has been Instructed hv the rompany to put thn tract on ihe market for ale. The tract Is situated about 12 tn11e. from the Southern Pacific railroad, and the road trade leadlnn to the ttmhor is about one half of one per cent President Peters s a Portland man hut has been maVlns . business trh to Pan Francis o, f'om which place he rame to this cltv Tues lay evening. ease. 10 and 15 per cent discount on Heaters at Cramer Bros. rait and look at our line or Peta luma Incubators In sizes from 54 to 504-egg machines. Cramer Bros. Mr nt Mrs. Jos White arrived here Tuesday evening from McCloud, Cal., to visit with Mrs. White's rel atives In this city. MI38 Katnerlne Chapman, who has been visiting with her sister, Mrs. E. Tryer, and niece, Mrs. Fred O'Kelly, returned Wednesday afternoon to her home at Jacksonville. Mrs. Bob Hendricks and baby re turned to their home at Springfield, Ore., Tuesday evening after spend Ine a few weeks with her parents, Judge and Mrs. Stephen Jewell of this city. A. W. Moon, of Central Point, was visiting Grants Pass friends Tuesday. J. W. Hodkin8on returned last week from Eugene where he had been on business and to visit his daughter, Mrs. Hazel Marx. Bob Mansfield, wife and baby, who went to Portland several months ago to reside, returned this week to Grants Pass with the expectation of remaining. Mr. Mansfield expects to go Into business, and says he Is glad to be back to hla home town. Mrs. O. P. Harvey, who has spent the past two months visiting with relatives and friends at Pennsylvania returned Tuesday afternoon to her home In this city. O. W. Dersham, of Creswell, ar rived here Wednesday to look over this part of the Rogue River valley. Mrs. Chas. Decker, who has been residing with her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Gllmoro of this city, died suddenly at her home Saturday morning, December 7, 1911. Deceased who was 67 years, 6 months, 4 days of age, had been In the best of health up to the time of her death, which was caused from heart trouble. Mrs. Decker was born In Germany, July 9, 1843, and came to this coun try while very young. She has re sided In Oregon for the past 50 years, rnmlne here from California. For a number of years Bhe resided at Kerby, where her husband died about seven years ago, since which time she has made her home with her son- in-law and her daughter, Mrs. J. T Gllmore of this city. She was an estimable woman, with many friends In Grants Pass and at Kerby who deeply regret to hear the sad news of her death. Deceased leaves one daughter, Mrs. J. T. Gllmore of this city. Funeral services will be In charge of the Etna Rebekah lodge, of which order she has been an hon ored member for many lears. The services will be held at the Catholic church Monday morning at 9 o'clock, with Interment at I .0 .0. F. ceme tery. ..... . , Wrtlf Mrs. Henry timer weoi iu Creek Wednesday evening, where Bhe was called by the serious Illness of her brother-in-law. W. J. Rodgers, who Is suffering with Brlght's dls- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This Is to certify that A. E. LePont of the I. X. L. Monument works, of Cen tral Point, Ore., has for the past two years, and la selling and handlIngour granite for monuments, etc., and any statement to the contrary Is not true. GOLD RAY GRANITE COMPANY, INC. Medford, Oreg. BY C. R.. RAY, Presdt. . l-13-2t WILLIAMS ITEMS. January 19, 191 1. and the ground covered with snow. There is to be a box social at the public hall on the 14th. On Saturday, January u, me r.ranee wil lhold an open meeting for the Installation of officers. A good nroeram hs been arranged. Miss Mabel Mahan was visiting Miss Blanche Hubabrd Sunday. R.- M. Cougle was the guest of his hrnther. C. A. one day last week. Mrs. J. N. Larlmore has returned from her trio to Vancouver, Wash Mrs. E. E. Topping was the guest of Mrs. C. A. Cougle on Monday. Give your order for Rose Bushes now at Cramer Bros. Misses T.helma and Martha Wilkin son visited the C. A. Cougle family Sunday. Ray Topping and Bert York are on the sick list this week. Eugene and Virginia Morrison, who spent the holidays with their parents, have returned to college. A farewell party was given In their honor. SNOWFLAKE. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE Four pure-bred barred rock cockerels, heavy laying strain. E. S. Warner, 1015 Orchard ave. CARROTS For sale, mUe out of - J Vw XTInnl town on the river roau, Prehn. Hand Sprayers for chicken houses at Cramer Bros. FOR SALE FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1011 FOR SALE 240 acre ranch on r-9r creek. 60 acres la cultlva. tlon to alfalfa and other crops. Good buildings, living water, email Irrigated tract, reservoir site cap. able of holding sufficient water to irrigate entire ranch. $9000; half ensh, balance terms at 6 per cent. M. L. D. Crooks, Dry den, Ore. 11-18-tf ATTENTION miners. The Mood Supreme Ore Washer is sold by U. S. Grout, 722 J Breet. 1.0-2 1-tf MISCELLANEOUS ARTISTIC photographs, postals, stamp pictures, amateur finish ing. Come and see samples at the Angelo Studio, 605 Sixth street Mid-summer prices. 8-19-tf IF YOU want strawberries from ear ly spring til late In fall, get the Oregon Everbearing. O. A. Ham ilton, box 517. 12-H-tf BE SURE and get the genuine Ore- eon Everbearing strawberry plants. Worthless varieties have been sold under this name, lz-ieu been sold under this name. O. A. Wamllthn. box 517. 12-16-tf FOR SALE Homr, grum Tokay grape vines. Earl V. Ingels, Conk itn nid.. Grants Pass. 10-21-tf HORN. CLEMENTS At Grants Tass, Ore., Monday, January 9, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Clements, a daugh ter. LANG WORTHY At Grants Tass, Ore., Sunday, January 1, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. James Langworthy, a daughter. SWANSON At Grants Pass, Ore., Tuesday, January 10, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Swanson, a son. KENYON At Grants Pass, Friday, December 7, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kenyon, a son. FRY At Portland, Ore., Wednesday, December 2S, 1910. to Mr. and Mrs. Will Fry, n daughter. ENTRIKEN At Callce, Oregon, on January 4, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Entrlken, a nlnc-pnund son. LAWTON At Grants Pass, Oregon. Thursday, January ". 1911, to Mr. niul Mrs. 11. C. l.awton, n daughter. MISSOURI FLAT At the annual meeting of tho Ap plegate Valley Telephone company the following officers for the year 1911 were elected: C. O. BIglow, president; E. N. Provolt, vice-presi dent; K. J. Kubli, O. E. Rose, W. B. York, J. E. Swlnden, Fred Knox, M. Messlnger and J. T. Cook, dlrec tors. At the shooting match Sunday the prizes were mostly won by Ed Moll, of Grants Pass, he having won three quarters of the beef and also the same amount of the hog that was shot for. Nest eggs 25 cents per dozen at Cramer Bros. At literary next Saturday night the question for debate is "Resolved, that there Is more beauty In nature than In art." Captains are Anna Stannard, affirmative, and Fleda Wooldrldge, negative. F. W. Capp has his new house al most completed and will be ready to move Into It soon. Robt. Cook, of Foots creek, wa3 a caller on the Flat last Sunday. Mrs. Ike Vincent and son, Fred, are each on the sick list this week, also Russell and Genevieve Bayse. The storm Is breaking down the telephone lines again end central will get another rest for a few days FOR SALE Timber claim, SW Sec. 24. Twp 37, 7 West, Jose phine county. For particulars address H. Walter, conductor, 3rd and Townaend streets, S. P. Co., San Francisco, Cal. 9-3-tf R ANNIE, the plumber, Is ready at any minute to repair your plumb ing. 609 H street. Telephone 140-R. 4-2-tf WANTED WANTED 1500 shakes. Nichol Prehn, r. f. d. No. 2. 1-1 3 It BURROS WANTED 3 or more head of young burros of good size and well broke. Address C. A. Bevler, box 42, Gates, Ore. 1-13-lt WANTED Lady or gentleman, easy work, $2.00 per day. Call or ad dress 215 .West K St.t 12-23-lt WANTED To purchase a tract of uncleared apple and pear land. Only letters describing the land and giving terms will be consider ed. Tracts of from 100 to 609 or more acres wanted. Address "T," c. o. Courier. 69tf Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes Have been proven to be distinctly of the "Better Sort" the very clothes that men of action and bear ing insist upon wearing. This truth cannot be dem onstrated to you either with words or pictures your own eyes must be the judge. COME IN AND TRY ON THESE DIFFERENT CLOTHES. at least. Amos Cook left Monday for Port land after a few days visit with re latives and friends here. Suits YM $10 Any Overcoat in Ihe Store C. P. Bishop &. Co. 108 N. 6th street. THE CLOTHIERS Opp. P. 0. ?;r, . v.. ' ' ' .-1 I'Jr:----.-- - Dr. Woolrldce. Veterinary surgeon, lum made it himhUiI effort to have one of On ion's nN'tttent opeclnlixt to re main a few dux., in t'.iiuitK I'nxs and he may w round nt the ' KnsMon Livery barn" Saturday, Monday and Tuesdav, Vinone bavins hore dufferlm; lth KlticSntie, Hone Snvh. Ja. 1 Sn.a iim. uiood Sivitvlnt. SpliMU and I'll oilier navahle disease mav have . BTIM'.e d i 111'' U hnrs.s.. whi, Capped llork. t'lroi i Vo'Hid.T. Crarked II. . In and '' "' " ' d.d'l'ltv or iiiiv dlsea.' known the .".'line ta.'e will hr permanent 'v oi.', M. d.'ii'Uliv wotV H 1... done Hiti'Ks i;k vo m k vn ai.i. v'l UKS tll AK VNTKF.lV 1 ?" ! "S:!' it mi il To A Brand New Store In A Brand New Building' TO SOUTH SIXTH STREET For the next few days we will be busy moving into our new store on South Sixth street, where we will be pleased to welcome all old and new customers. In the Best Equipped, Hardware Store In Southern Oregon You will not find a more complete stock of Hardware between Portland and San Francisco than will lM. found in our new store on South Sixth street. We ask your in spection now, even though we're in the midst of moving. Grants Pass Hardware Co. 0