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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1911)
FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1911 WEEKLY BOGIE RIVER COURIER PAGE 8EVEN '.V NEW HOPE ..'W. H. Love was a Grants Pass business visitor Monday. Geo Borden spent Saturday and Sunday at the Pass. , Hughle York visited ua Sunday. Horace Hall, of Grants Pass, was urveying in our town last week. Born To Mr. and Mrs. D. M. angworthy, January 7, 1911, a girl. ; Miss Anna McCallister was in 'rants Pass Saturday on business. Ray Stephenson, of Wlldervllle, vas in our town Sunday. ' The first rain of the year fell last Jght. 3 Floyd Wynant visited with home folks Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Wynant, Flor cnce Wynant, Wm. Love and C. C. ".Vynant, of this place, attended the "V. 0. W. installation exercises Frl- ay night. fR. L. Coe was In our village last ,?eek on business matters. . Alva Gilmore and Ralph Ains- Worth, of Murphy, were seen on our ctreets Sunday. f Bert York visited with home folks Sunday. EL DORADO. RUBBER HOSE BURSTS; FLOODS IRRIGATION CO. Last night a small rubber hose burst lnDr. By water's office and the water soaked through the floor, flooding the offices of Best-Fuller and Company and that of Mr. Conk lin, causing great damage to valu able documents of the irrigation company and to the office furniture. The rubber hose was fixed in the afternoon and when the regular faucet was turned off the brunt of the 70-pound city presure went to the tube, causing It to burst. MYSTERY ABOUT BATTLE BETWEEN POLICE AND THUGS 5 Constipation Is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all good dealers. LOS ANGELES, Jan. 10. The au thorities are trying to solve a mys tery involved in a battle between po lice and thugs last night, in which two officers and an alleged footpad were shot. Policeman Held and Private Watchman Stewart fought a duel with two men, one whom the police believe is Charles Buckman, who after being wounded was cap tured. Both officers were also wounded. Buckman claims he was shot by the two men who ran when the of ficers came. ;! A. C. Hough went to Salem on busi ness Monday evening. X W. H. Wann went to Newport , Monday. CITY GETS FREE Till VERY BEST ifatlatrv oa tha lullliiriiutlint.j k. Wa hart built up oar reputation od It. Too ra Vpcml on ftialtiy and cannot get battar pamlena Work aawbara, no inatlar how luuuh you pa;. '?TTT3 "alth plata aa "Vv? . Y"2 "r.uBw wurn lor at 12 -iP"".t flof-Uwa batront la ',.iv. f-ti " oir4. X faiaJewa oitractiaa 'vvfl r-VT't Wa plataa at - vivjki f-Vt - 1 b,1 w,rl' .f;...k.V;J,1 ConiulUtlan Ira. t fXi3 Malar Crewni $5.00 : -$ f. s422kBrMf.Ta.ik4.00 jj Entmtl rillinrt 1.00 SSilvtrFiltinn .60 1 i.kt.a. Mini 5. CO ltitl,aitukkar A piitti 7.50 PilnUu Extr'tiM .60 T MKTHODa 4 M.W.L wWI, Pauiun im Miaun " n iuu aniauuu m wnui All' work full r fuarantaad far flftaaa Taara, Wise Dental Co., Inc. Painless Dentists Mli Mfetlnii: A . M . to Third tni Waaklniian. PORTLAND, ORE. . at, luaayi, I U 1 ADVERTISING The Benedictine Fathers of Mt. Angel, Ore., who have worked in this state since 1882, are to publish a centennial number in which our city is to have a conspicuous petition. "The Mt. Angel Magazine" that cir culates all over the Union and Eu rope, in previous years has done much to advertise Oregon and bring progressive citizens to the west. N. Henry Robinson, the field solicitor, is here to take up the work with the Commercial club. The advantages of such extensive publicity Is very obvious and co operation with Mr. Robinson will help the cause of this city very materially. G0Y. WEST'S MESSAGE HAS RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS. OF GOV. WEST' MESSAGE Abolition of capital pun ishment. Conservation of resources. Forest protection. t State highway improve ment. Extension of powers of state railway commission to' include public service corpor ations. Appropriation for salmon hatcheries. . SALEM, Ore'., Jan. 10. Oswald West was luauguraated as governor of Oregon this afternoon in the pres ence of a large assemblage in the hall of representatives at the state capitol. The oath of office was ad ministered by Chief Justice Eaton. All members of the house and sen ate were present. A long message from Acting Gov ernor Bowerman was read, which WHITE SLAVE CASE AWAITS GRAND JURY Justice of the Peace Glenn O. Tay lor today bound "John Doe" Farmer, alleged Italian white slaver, over to await the action of the Jackson coun ty grand jury. Testimony brought out by District Attorney B. F. Mulkey at the hear ing this morning pointed to the fact that Farmer had accompanied the woman he claims as his wife to Eagle Point and, on or about December ber 31 had solicited the attentions of a number of Greek laborers. Sev eral witnesses identified both Farm er and his wife, also In court, as the couple who had entered a tent occupied by the members of the rail road construction gang at Eagle Point for the purpose of soliciting for prostitution, testified that Farm er himself suggested the commission of the offense, au,d that the woman whom Farmer swore from the wit ness stand was his wife was the same woman who later, the same night, accepted the attentions of the labor ers In a neighboring blacksmith shop while Farmer awaited the comple tion of the seance in the tent where the solicitation was first made. The court overruled an attempt on the part of E. E. Kelly, counsel for MODERN WOODMEN'S INSTALLATION SERVICES The Modern Woodmen of America and the Royal Neighbors held joint installation of officers on Friday evening. The Royal Neighbors in stalled the following officers to serve during the coming year: Past oracle, Mrs. Gravlln; oracle, Mrs. J. M. Ishara; vlce-oracle, Mrs. Isabelle Stevens; chancellor, Mrs. M. E. Stur tevant; receiver, Mrs. John Patrick; recorder, Mrs. M. J. Davis; Inner sen tinel, Mrs. W. J. Uodklnson; outer sentinel, Mrs. Kate Smith. The Woodmen then installed the following officers: Consul, J. E. Cox; P. C, J. J. Howard; Adv., C. Smith; clerk, C. H. Davis; escourt, S. Ellis; watchman, John Patrick; sentry, B. Batty. After the Installation services the two orders joined in a big feed and several pleasant hours were passed socially. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is Hereby Given, That D. O. Hayes, the administrator of the Estate of Charlotte Hayes, deceased, had filed his final account In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, in the matter" of said estate, and that by order of the Hon. Ste phen Jewell, judge of said court, dated December 20, 1910, Saturday, January 21, 1911, at the hour of two o'clock p. m., at the County Court room at the Court House In Jose phine County, Oregon, Is hereby fixed as the time and place for hear ing and settling said account, and all persons having objections there to are hereby notified to file and present the same on or before said date. Dated December 23, 1901. D. O. HAYES, Administrator. BUSINESS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson.PioneerlnsuranceMan Rexnll Remedies at Clemens, sells NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that I, the under signed, owner of one-half Interest In the Sugar Pine mine at Gallce, Ore gon, will not be responsible! for any debts incurred against said Sugar Pine mine or for any labor or im provements performed thereon; also that no person entering on Bald prem ises for any reason whatsoever shall remove therefrom any ore, mineral or timber. Dated February 23, 1910. (Signed) F. E. KNIGHT. was followed by the new governor's the defendant, to dismiss the case on drugs. inaugural message. The knight of old was bold by deed. The knight of now is a Courier advertiser it pays. ft nun m, in mam a ni nlwa.aii i iiiir- ---" When you need a Llffiment, use a good one. To Insure beneficial results, get BailarcS's 1W a now Limrnen It is a Pain Relief and Haaling Ranv ecSy Thz Answers Every Requirement. It fa fit exceptional power in rheumatic diseases; relievos tho achlnR Joints, relaxes the drawn muscles, restores tho strength, caso ana supplencpn of youth. It is also effective In healing all wound?, sores cr abrasions of tho Cesh. It I a splendid house hold remedy for man or beast. Try it for cuts, burns, bruises, old sores, lame back, rheumatism, neuralgia sciatica. fror,t bites, ehlllblalns, contracted muscles, stiff neck. It stops pain and heals quickly. Price 2Cc, 50c and $1.00 per Bottle. JAHIt F. BAIUM PROPRIETOR 8T. ICUI?, K0. SALEM, Ore., Jan. 10. Recom mending a number of progressive measures and declaring that he is in accord with the Oregon plan of pop ular government, Governor Oswald West today sent his first message to the legislature. Among the proposed measures which he urges the legislature to adopt Is the abolishment of capital punshment; the conservation of nat ural resources within the state; the creation of an adequate policy of for est protection; liberal applications for salmon hatcheries; Improvements of the state highways and the exten sion of the powers of the state rail way commission to include the right to regulate all public service corpor ations now under the commissions. Speaking on the subject of conser vation, Governor West declares for state and federal co-operation In the conservation of natural resources, ire asserts, however, that the state should have full conrtol of all streams within forest reserves that do not flow beyond the state boundaries. "Conservation, as I view It," writes the governor, "means ' the develop ment and utilization of natural re sources under safeguarded regula tions that will give the people of the present day and the coming genera tions the maximum .of benefit with the minimum of waste." He places himself on record as favorable to i a technicality and later when Farm er was placed on the witness stand In his own behalf and the marriage license was offered In evidence, re fused to consider the contention of the defense that the crime commit ted and specified in the complaint filed differed materially from the case as shewn by the evidence. In cross examination by District Attorney Mulkey, the prisoner admit ted having lived under the name of De Soto in Roseburg and Yreka, Cal., but denied questions tending to prove his marriage to another woman, al leged to have been resorted to by the prisoner to clear him of a similar offense for which he is now being tried, while in Roseburg last summer. r j H A To cure Smarting Esel)8!!s Sore F.y of Weok Slebt, nse National Drug Store Medicines that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough, relieves the lungs, opens the secretions and aids nature In restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thousands have testified to Its superior excellence. Sold by all good dealers. Diamonds and watches sold on the Instalment plan to responsible par ties at Letcher's Jewelry Btore. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old Btand, Front st. Eyes tested free. BeRt Job printing at The Courier. XOT1CE OF SHERIFF'S SALE. (JOOD NEWS 4 ! W 1 . V f C. F. COOK, I'lrnidoiit and Manager F. II. COOK, Treasurer V. J. MttVMAX, Secretary Rogue River Valley Nursery Co. Incorporate! MEDFORD, OREGON Ul'LllS OF ALL KINDS SEEDS OF ALL KINDS t Growers of Rcliuble Nursery Stock, Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees, Shrub, Roses, Vines, Palms, Small Fruit a, Etc. Write for Prices Office 25 West Main Street Phone 1U01 Every Sufferer from Cntmrih, Cough, Colds nnd Sore Throat Should Rend It So many hundreds of catarrh vic tims who have taken the HYOMEI treatment, have written us letters thonklng us for publishing our meth od of taking, the IIYOMET vapor treatment In connection with the in haler thnt we gladly publish It nc:nln. The vapor treatment is especially recommended In stubborn cusps of cbrnnlc rnhirrh nf Inni stnndlni' tint labor legislation nnd urges the legls- r0mcni!.or thnt (be Inhaler should be 'aturo to carefully consider measures used daily tv usual. presented by representatives of or- Tht. h the shntilo vapor treat- knni,s.M(.p ';,(lnf! pn(rrno t!nnl:cd labor. His onlv recommend ' ' " "; voit lime liofore troinir to Imn. Pour ntlnn, However, Is that a law be p:is- n ;l,.,00f , rf FTYOMRI Into n i'u to compel the k'helln.u; of all priu- bow! ,f lmlMnar water, cover bead nn made goods that are sold In com- and bowl with towel and breathe for petition with articles manufactured w-yornl minuirs t' e vapor that nrlses. : s Yon will be surprised tA. the result by free labor. of t)li.. trentinent: It. makes the head The moiJsnp;e contains npprnxim-: feel fine nnd clear; you will sleep ately 20,000 words. better, and that, stuffed up feeling In the head will grndunlly disappear. Tills samo" method will break up ALL OUT OF SORTS the worst cold In the head or chest In one night. A bottle of HYOMEI cnsi T.O cents Has Any Grunts Pass Person Never t C. II. Demnray's, who uuaranN'os Felt That Way? it. If you want the complete outfit, Feel all out of sorts? wn!''1' l'""1'ides the little hard rub- , Tired, nine. Irritable, Nervous? '"" ',;ff- inlmler, the price Is J1. Hack feel lame and nchv? ' N" "miach dosing; pust breathe That's the storv of sick kidneys 'HYOMEI and cure catarrh nn.l nil Rad blood circulating about; Ureases of the breathing orr.ans. T'rlc ncld poisoning the body. ' " Just one way to feel right again. .THERMOMETER IN Cure the sluggish kidneys; i SEATTLE REGISTERS JJi! Notice Is Hereby Given, That pur suant to an execution Issued out of the Circuit Court cf lihe State of Ore gon for JoseplWne County, upon a judgment entered on the 1st day of December, 1910, In an action, where in George Bull was plaintiff and Oak Consolidated Mining and Milling Company was defendant, command ing me to sell the attached property hereinafter described or sufficient thereof to satisfy the judgment ren dered In said action, together with the costs, Interest and accruing costs of snle. Now, therefore, I will, on the 28th day of January, 1911, at the hour of ten o"clock a. m. of said day, nt the front door of the Court House In the city of Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand the follow ing described property, to-wit: The Oak quartz mining claim; the O. K. quartz mining claim, the Owl quartz mining claim, and the Silver quartz mining claim, lying and be Ing In Section 4, Township 35 8outh of Range 5 West of tho Willamette Meridian, Josephine County, Oregon, reference beliiR hereby mado to Vol ume C of tho Mining Conveyances of said County and State at page lfG thereof and tn the mining locations of wald County for a more particular description. Also the following described per sonal property: One 20 II. P. Fair- one H by s Fairbanks-Morse ropin-iuor: one C, by double cylinder friction clutch hols!: one Un' X deep well pump; one Murphv 'o. 2 drill; two Trunx ore cars; one blacksmith out fit; one drill press with taps and dies; one assay outfit; two cabins land one scale, together with mining tools and equipment. To satisfy said Judgment ns en tered In the sum of $ fi 0 5 . 3 1 . with In terest thereon at tho rnte of six per cent per annum from January 1, 1910, and the sum of $1 5.00 for cost" and nil accruing costs of Rale, Dated thin liilh dav of D comber, 1910. V; .i. nrssrcu.. Sheriff Josephine County, Orciron. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE To Wm. W. Brown, his heirs or assigns, Greetings: Notice Is here by given that the undersigned has. In compliance with the Revised Sta tutes of the United States and the laws of the state of Oregon, per formed the annual assessment or development work upon the Whiskey Point" quartz mining claim, situated In the Kerby (un organized) mining district, Josephine county, Oregon, for the rears mlne teen hundred nine (1909) and nine teen hundred ten (1910), and that unless yon, the said Wm. W. Drown, pay your Just and due proportions a owner of an undivided one-third In terest In the said mining claim, to- wit: The sum of Two Hundred Dol lars ($200) for the years 1909 and 1910, within ninety days from date of the first publication of this notice, your said one-third Interest in the aforesaid mining claim will become the property of the undersigned In accordance with law. Date of first publication December 9, 1910. CHARLES F. LANE, Co-owner. r " . l- i . . m , ? THE NEWEST SCiEUTIVIC DISCOVERED 0? I'-ULB j TIMES nCKf'KTTI3 CATAI'.HK (Nn ii.norl What i :i ih' I .HI'!, i 'a-M'-.Y 'tire at MTiiT IOft CA' Ci"K mill 't',.l'f Uln'lt r i,' c .'!, vmcosE'K'i u '-1 i ,., !' i ,1-1 t.'f I I ' I M'ltit'.iril r n R n B of I . 'ii M nn i iHin. TUB . v-' r.l ,-V'HOfl br. ' m.d EI AD- ii',.! llii'h' I "11 j In .''lull" Do It with Doan's Kidney Pills. Doan's have cured many Grants , , Pass people. 1 P'-MILE. Jan. 10. I he first Here's one case: snow of the year fell In Seattle last. J. A. Nlday, 303 I street, Grants night nnd today people are shivering Pass Oregon, says: "Last winter I wh , thennnn,oteP at . ,.. was troubled greatly by disordered. , , ,, . , kidneys. The secretions from iheso 1('t','l figure of 32 deprees. I he organs passed too frequently, enpccl-( snow lien on the streets nnd housc nlly at night and during cold weather, tops and more Is predicted, by back became lame. The con- tenN or one box or Donn s Kldivy Pills corrected the kidney wonknen and removed the lameness In my hack. This remedy Is worthy of th" strongest, endorsement." For F.alo by all dealers. Price 0 cents. Foster-r.:ilhurn Co., Il'f ilo, New Yorl;, sole agents f r the United States. Remember the nam--Donn's and take no other, Window glass at, :Inrdwarc company. Rogue lilv.T 30tf J Tr lnd nurs s r.v; st w!:e i uU trcalticcU i.e pi.fn to ales. Al u; o' $ IF YOU CWT CC.YiE VVKITEI are .trietlj cosWeai'sL vnrrn ron oua nita- Car mdlct:ics rre tte purcrt icpcrvSion. Op'.? id s.ltuU using iuinul Itetapj'. Cora A0 sre vn. on ir vsat. ro . pp B--Wf-1T" '1", VpAk V.-ITCISC COBB VL Vli.- HIT EO, AS 3 OX TAKE YOU& MOHEY i PACIFIC COAST MZDICAL INSTITUTE J " Y&KlZ, WOiS'iTO:! i:3 :c;;uJ ?M.v., r:?:.'.U:, VzrUr.; SHOT LAKE VLfT ANATORIUlVl (Ti House of FJichitcy) 31S inllMatMMPonliaon O. R. N. Railway. ! mulptd aaiMiafuai !!' la Nurikwaal. BOILING HOT SPRINGS Highly MiiutalixrJ Aoa itil hit i'rll roanil Irla Mi ki Willi lot lllu.lnlrd IxM.kln la DR. W. T. PHY Mrdlral ' P' and Mir HOT LAM . IHr.(,OM The First National BAN Of Southern Oregon (irnntri Pans ( ucttiil, Surplus i"-il l:ri llvli'.e;t Profit, $11(0.000 I Progressive - Conservative . " KM!. President I. C ''II r 1 : l t I ! , i e-l'i hi(e ' l i, ;i:i ev. (', b r " : 1 '" i I . I I. .. I , I 'n ler XOTICM Foil PI lU.ICATHi.V Department of the Interior, S. Land Office nt KoHeburrc, Ore., KI'.GISTItATION OP TITLE In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for JoRephine County. In the Matter of the Application of William L. Hayes, otherwise known as W. L. Hayes, nnd Ira B. Hayes, otherwise known as I. E. Hayes, to reenter title to the Southeast V ot the Southwest V, the Southwest M, of the Northeast iA. the Northwest yt or tho Southeast V. the North 4 of the Soift Invent 4, of the South east VI, the North Va of tho South Vi of the Southwest Vi of the South- eastVi, all In Section 18, Township 37 South, Uanno-B West of Willam ette Meridian in Josephine County, Oregon, . Applicants, vs. Hugh Heap, C. M. Caldwell, oth erwlmi known In the line of title as fi. M. Caldwell; J. C. lloberts and Itnchel Robert, hln wife, olherwlfo kriowt) In the. line of tltlo ns Itacbeal Iloberts: J. W. Cuslck, otherwise known In the line of title ns John W. Cuslck; Jo mi's Uohnett, other-wi--" l.iifeATi tn the life of title as Jfinici Iloblnett; Steven Hobnett, otherwise known In the line of title !h Stephen Tloblnctt, nnd Mnrv Ttob nett, IiIh wife; Mary 10. Wiley nnd P. Wiley, her husband; 1"), O. Hayes, as administrator of the estate of Char lotte Hayes, derensed; Frank M. Hayes, as guardian of Harvey Spnr lln, a minor; V. M. Hayes, otherwise known In the line of title as Frank M. Hayes nnd V. M. Hays, and Mary R. Hayes, his wife; Nancy E. Osborn, fitherwlso known In the line of title rs Elizabeth Ausbcrn, Elizabeth Os tiurn. Mrs. N. E. Oshiirn. Elizabeth Oshern, niid Aclelbeit Osborn, her husband ; Josle Itueh, otherwise known In the line of title ns .Tomo UuHch, Hud Henry Ituch, her bns band; Havld O, Haven nnd Alice Hayes, his wife; J. It. Hnv"", other wise known In the line nf tlt1 ns Jefferson 1). Haven nnd Jeff D. Hayes, unmarried; Finnic R. Spar lin, unmarried, nlso known In the November 25, 1010. Notice In hereby lvrn (hut "no of (lite n Frank flnnrlln; Har- Thomns E. Luster, of ItoseburK, Ore., wln, on Dei'iiiiber 1!0!t, made Timber and Stone Application, No. fi'7.12, for SEVJ. section 34. town ship ?,i south, riuiKO fi west Willam ette Meridian, hns filed notice of In tention tn make Final Timber nnd Stone Proof, to eptnbllsh claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver 1'nlted States vey Stinrltn. n jnltif)r, nnd F.dnn Spnr- lln. his wife; Alice J. Sparlln, un manled; T.lz.le I.nv'on, otherwise known In the line of title ns Eliza beth I.nyton, nnd I.ester Lnyton, her bushnnd; Ceorge H. Spnrlln nnd Emma Spnrlln, his wife; John J. Spnrlln nnd Norn Spnrlln, bis wife, nnd to nil surviving heirs of any or either of the defendants who mny Land Office t Hoselnin:. On-Kon, on l!'0 ' ''""" ns well nn to (he hus- Ihe 14th Hay of Fehruiiry, 1311. ( Inlmnnt iiiuii'": ns wlttiessci: F. McMeekln, of Ashlanl. Oregon; I,. Shloley, of H.i sr lmrir. Orciron; J. A. Zliiiiiu i innn, of (t -' Imri. Ore. noli; John Allier, Jr., of Kiddle, Oi i ('fin. 1 u:j.m IN I. IOVKS, ReirNler or I iwi, si,nu:Mi;M. In lleidiy (liven. That j VO'l lCI I .Vol h I lo.epli Mien, ilic loliiiliil'itiator of the IKstiiti'of Kvalluo Miish, iecen:iei, has lileil Mn filial ac'ount In ihe County Court for Jos phlne Coiinty, Oregon, In the mailer of km id estate, and that bv Older of the Hull Stephen Jewell, .Indue of FiiM Court, dated Iiecem-b-r 20, 1910, Saturday, January 21, 1911, nt (he lifiur of two o'clock p. in., nt the county court room nt the Court House In .Jowcphlno County, Oregon. Is hereby fixed ns the time nnd place for lieailm: and settling account, nnd nil persons having '''lections tlll'V'o lite hci-i'by noti fied to pier... ., I f(, , ,In,, on 'ir lieffife dato. I ., ,1 I . ,, ... i.i . " ti,n .1 i;i''l Mm:-;:-:, Administrator. band or wife of nny defendnnt. nnd o nil perxons whomsoever elalmlmr any Inteiest In the wild pretnl:',en, ntid all whom It limy ffiucern. lie fend n nts. TAKF NOTICF, 'Flint on the H,th day of Iieeember, A. I). 1fl0, nn on iiltcntlon van fPed bv the s;i, Wll llam 1.. Have- "ii ra E. Ilayei, up. pHi ants, In the Circuit Cfiurt of Jose. phlne County, for Initial n titration of (lie title of the land n above described. Now, nnlcsi you appear on or be fore the 1fith dny of Janunry, A. I). 1011, nnd show cnuse why such np pllrnilon shall not ,e grnnted, th same will be taken ns confessed, nnd a decree will be entered according to (hi prnyer of thn nppllcadrm, nnd von will be forever barred from ills pudng (lie inmr, s, r. ciiFsinni:. County Clerk. Mr nnd Mrs, Ccorge liner, of Ilngn, were Crnnts Pnsn vMtnrs Monday, 'ool Itur n ft r I.t Iiii' s nnd f alling on fi lends.