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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1911)
FRID.VV, JANUARY 13, 1911 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER rM ;k THRFR I THE COUNTY COURT 1 COMPLETES ITS WORK The Board of County Commission ers which was In session last week transacted the regular business that usually comes up before that body. The tax levies for 1911 are as fol lows: Schools, 3 mill tax, including $4000 for high schools; state, tax, 2 mills; general county tax, 9 mills, and road tax, 3 mills. In the matter of tax levies in the various school districts the following was appropriated: District 10, 5-10 mill; district IS, 5-10 mill; district 21, 5-10 mill; dis trict 23, 1 5-10 mill; district 3G, 2 5-10 mill; district 38, 5-10 mil!; district 41, 5-10 mill; district 42, fa mills; district 45, 1 5-10 mill; dis trict 50, 1 mill. The following road supervisors were appointed for the 20 districts: 1. F. V. Wheeler. 2. Geo. Gebers. 3. T. B. Elliot. E. A. Perkins. R. S. Crockell. H. L. Lewis. Wm. Light. W .C. Frye. E. A. Rathbone. W. Gllmore. C. T. Davidson. J. J. Brown. G. S. Duncan. W. K. HInckle. E. F. Tycer. W .S. King. W.Jordan. A. Jones. H. P. Walker. J. L. Pierce. With the exception of C. R. Bar low, who takes Mr. Wort's place, the Board will be constituted of the same members, Judge Jewell and H. S. Woodstock. WORK OF OLD COUNCIL. City Surveyor Hobson gives the fol lowing figures as Indicative of the work of the old council for the year 1910: Square yards pavement Sixth street 19,569.0 square yards G street 4,467.0 square yards F street 1,100.0 square yards G, 7th to 8th 1,494.0 square yards 5th, G to H 916.0 square yards Alleys 861.0 square yards E street............ 2,400.0 square yards Total 33,884.0 square yards Square feet cement sidewalks Sixth street 28,328.0 G street 1,976.0 F street 1,477.0 G street, 7th to 8th 3,123.0 H street 14,106.0 Fifth street 4,245.0 E street 10.673.0 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. COMPLETE LIST OF CITY'S COMMITTEES Judiciary Committee C. C. Dan iels, F. D. Strieker, J. F. Wolfers berger. Finance Committee J. L. Cal vert, F. D. Strieker, C. C. Daniels. Street Committee S. W. Phillips, J. L. Calvert, H. L. Herzinger. Fire and Water Committee Jr'ui Uauer, J. F. Wolfersberger, S. VV. , Phillips. Health Committee F. D. Strieker, H. L. Herzinger, Wm. Hugglns. Park and Public Property Com mittee Wm. Hugglns, J. L. Calvert, John Sauer. Sewer Committee H. L. Herzin ger, C. C. Daniels and S. W. Phillips. Committee on Lighting J. F. Wolfersberger, John Sauer and Wm. Hugglns. Committee on Liquor Ordinances J. L. Calvert, first ward; S. W. Phillips, second ward; C. C. Daniels, third ward: H. L. Herzinger, fourth ward. Do yon know that fully nine out of every ten cases of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of the muscles due to cold or damp, or chronic rheu matism, and require no internal treatment whatever? Apply Cham berlain's LInlniont freely and see how auicklv It elves relief. For sale by all good dealers. HOMIt THROWERS ARE AO.UX AT THEIR WORK SAN FRANT'SCO, Jan. 10. A dynnmlte bomb hurled, the police say, by wnrrlnn Italian fisherman, wrecked the entrance of the hotel Bimbo In the Latin quarter early todav, but none of the 35 lodgers, Including two v.-omen and four ch 11 dren, was Injured. A crown felt hat dropped by the bomb thrower as he was making his get-away, and a yell following some shots by the policemen who were on his trail. wer the only clews so far discovered. CHILDREN'S HAIR accepted these positions knowing that we will have to sacrifice a great deal of our time In order to fill them as they should be. We are duty bound to our constituents to give the time necessary to carry on the work Just the same as If we were re ceiving a salary for every day's labor required. In conclusion, I wish to thank the retiring mayor and members of the council for the many courtesies shown me during the past year, and trust that this council will work with the united harmony that has mark ed the work of the administration of the past year, and that the good work of making Grants Pass greater, prettier and among the most pro gressive cities of the great state of Oregon will continue. Total square feet 53,928.0 Lineal feet of concrete curbing 12,947.0 Lineal feet of concrete curb and gutter.. 4,760.0 16,707.0 Lineal feet of 12-inch storm sewer 4,750.0 Lineal feet of sanitary sewer 9,000.0 Square yards macadam roadway 14,000 Total cost of Improvements for 1910, J131.064.00. RECOMMENDATION OF THE XEW MAYOR Keep t Clean ami Free from Dls raw by t'slnat PnrNInn Rnire. If you want your children to grow up with Btrong, sturdy and vigorous hair, tench them to iiw Parisian Sage; the world renowned Hair Ton ic. " Parisian Sage Is gunranteed by C. H. Demerny to cure dandruff and stop fallng hair In two weeks. It grows new hair quickly In cases where the hair Is "thlnnlnx out." It Is positively the most delightful, InvUnratln hnlr dressing on th market. It Is not sticky or greasy and will make the coarsest half soft, lustrous nn luxuriant. Get a bot tle from C. 11. Demeray and watch how rapid Its action. We Hslt tn thank our friends and tiplsbhors who remember' d and as sisted us so kindly In our recent le renviieTi throi'ih the "kness nnd death of our beloved little daughter. MR. AN'I) MRS. M. H. IHM'SM AN. Gentlement of the Council: We have a great deal of hard labor be fore us to meet the demands of our growing city. As you know, we were busy during the past year with our business Btreets and under our old system it requires a great deal more time to handle business of the city than It ought to. We have outgrown our present system of doing business and should adopt more moderu methods. During the coming year a great deal of our time will be taken up In handling drainage, sewers and grad ing residence streets. (1) Therefore, I recommend that our city offices be systematized so that the business may be handled as it should be, and that an office be provided for the auditor and police Judge and that a suitable salary be provided for that officer. (2) Also that a more commodi ous room be provided for the coun cil, one that would not only be com fortable, but one large enough that citizens who desire to attend the meetings could do so. Our city hall building Is located on a good bunl ness lot and can be disposed of at a good price and a more suitable building built on a less expensive lot. I recommend tnat st? be taken to sell this property and ouc cf tht proceeds build a new city hall (3) That a special election be called to vote on the amendment of our charter, whlrh is at present very antiquated to say the Itast, to pro vld for Issuing bonds to liquidate oit outstanding warrant Indebted ness and to further provide for a tax lew sufficient to meet the running expenses of the city. In view of the fact that all of the servers that were constructed several ycTs ago were not properly eon st'-ucted several years ago were not properly constructed and will have to be relald at a heavy expense to t.h city, I recommend that ih feas ibility of turning Gilbert creek Into a sanitary storm sewer be Invest I gf'ed and when It becomes necessary to run a trunk line on Ninth and T"ith streets, that Skunk creek may be taken up In the same way. That opening up new street and "' Ing care of surface water In the "Hdenrp portion of the city be vlg- . a a V i t a a or...,,. rsrrlP(j on. ii is important thif all street lines be located and properly marked by permanent mon uments to conform to the orlglnnl plats and surveys. Many streets are rcitlnunlly being made too wide or too narrow by Improvements which ar going on without regard to cor rect lines. Grades sho-,J lso be established bv ordinances r- trecti where Itnnrnvempn'ts are 11:',,' to be nind nr-1 In order to nemmnllsh this with flrV dnft"" ef Intelligence It Is ie. rposary that a fonovrranhlcpt snrvev srd wnn of th tM- cltv be mnlv 'rh survey mp' "-Oil -'n-v nt a g'nr" t" re'Vll'p-'Jl, '- "nv ev tptiinn rit d'Tlrec". sewernce nnd erndlng for rtre'-t. Th prnfre of the rliv tlnnon largely upon the action of the Hv cntinclt. Grants Pns hn ren"hei thnf Mnee where there Is n nrrn en of work to be pMnrt'1 tn V- jr 4 city council. Remember that we have j Deafness Can Not Re Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it Is entirely closed. Deaf ness Is the result, and unless the in flammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. CONVICTED - INNOCENT LOS ANGELES, Jan. 10. Con victed In 1902 of a murder It has since been shown he did not commit and sentenced to lite imprisonment at San Quentin, Seriano Gonzales, Mexican, Is back in Lcs Angeles to day a free man. He has Just been pardoned through the efforts of Leonard Mordaunt, of the ' Union Rescue Mission here. . Mordaunt sub mltted to the government proof of the Innocence of Gonzales. The Mex ican was convicted on circum stantial evidence of the murder Aug ust 2 of Charles Underwood, a rail road man. Read in January Sunset Magazine "Los Angeles-Homeland," superbly illustrated in four colors. "The Spell" by C. N. and A. M. Williamson. A thrilling California romance. Now on sale at all news stands. 15 cents. l2-30-3t IT GROWS HAIR. CHICHESTER S PILLS WiCv 1 11K MA1MII BRAND, yy La4lrl Alt or Chl-chM-tar1 Dial 'III la Kc n baia, Mtlcd with Taaa Miw. Rmr mr vt Urantnt. Ak for 'll .HK.-TFH DIAMOND HRtNII riLI.H, for 85 nn known u Best, Satot, Alwiyi Rellahl SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE w g Drunlrt for a amaBraadV UM wulllcVV Hlue Rthboa. Htr Ar Fact W Want You to Provo at Our Risk. Marvelous as It may seem, Rexall "93" Hair Toule has grown hnlr oil heads that were once bald. Of course, in none of these cases were the hair roots dead, uor had the scalp taken on a glazed, shiny appearance. Rexall "03" Hair Tonic acts scien tifically, destroying the germs( which are usually responsible for baldness. It penetrutes to the roots of the hair, stimulating and nourishing them, li is a most pleasant toilet necessity, is delicately perfumed, aud will not gum or permaneutly stain the hair.' We want you to get a bottle of Rexall "03" Hair Touic and use it as directed. If it does not relieve sculp irritation, remove dandruff, prevent the hair from falllne out and promote an increased growth of hair, and In every way nive entire satisfaction, simply come back and tell us, and with out question or formality we will band back to you every penny you paid us for it. Two size, ."lie. and $1.00. Sold only at our store The Rexall Store M. Clemens. SEED CATALOG READY TO MAIL Tna leading Saad Catalog of tha Wert Lilly's Catalog. Your 1911 crop dpnd en GOOD aeej tnd (or Catalog aad got tko beat. Writo now to tho CHAS. H. LILLY CO, Seattle, Wn. COMING EVENTS Jan. 11, Wednesday Meeting La dles' guild. Guild hall Jan. 12, Thursday Judge Ben Lind say. Admission 50 cents and 75 cents. " Jan. 16, Monday Adjourned meet ing Commercial club. Jan. 19, Thursday Commercial club banquet, new Calvert building. Best Job printing at The Courier. A Blessing To The Farmers' Wife The Bell Telephone Service lightens the do mestic tasks of the farmer's wife. In the family circle, the Bell Service is indis pensable. It is a constant household companion. It shops for her when she is too busy to go to town. It brings her in close touch with the so cial life of the community. Loved ones far away . may be reached, for the Bell field is almost limit less. It relieves the monotony of life. She can not be lonesome with the Bell Service at her com mand. It is a constant source of pleasure and profit in the home circle. Talk it over with our local manager. The Pacific Telegraph & Telephone Co. IF YOU WANT TIE BEST FENCE MADE BUY . -r; - v. : ''',.1 . jJZZXL You can get "AMERICAN FENCE for less money than you can many of the cheap, flimsy fences. We have just received another carload and arc now able to supply you with any style or amount you want. The fact that during tin past year we shipped into Josephine county Five Carloads of American Fence (which is niot'i! than all other makes combined) proves that the Farmers nnd Fruitgrowers realize that tlm American i tho Best nnd Cheapest Fence for their use. Let us show you the fence and jiiote you prn s. Special discount on larfje orders Roaue River Hardware Company SIXTH STREET, GRANTS PASS A )