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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1911)
FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1011 WEEKLY ROGUE RIVER COURIER PAGE TWO ..... - PEOFESSIONAL CAEDS M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT Glassei fitted and furnished Office hoan 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and oa appointment. Phones 182 anl ice-R. GranU I'aBi, Oregon V..L. .DIMMICK, D. M. D. Dentil Oppoilte Postofflco Phone 108-R Crown, Bridge Work and Filling! of all kinds a specialty Office Hours to 12 a. m.; 1 to 6 p. m. All Work I'oHitlvoljr Gurantml GRANTS PASS, OREGON eTc. macy, d. m. d. successor to Dixon Bros., Dentists First-Class Work 109 Houth Sixth, Grants Paw, Ore. J? P.TRUAX,M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phones: Office, 325; Res. 824 Schallhorn Bldg., Sixth Street GRANTS PASS - - OREOON Calls answered at all hours. Coun try calls attended to hTd. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal aurts. Office Opera House Bldg. Grants Pans, Oitkod OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER GmhU Pass ... Oregon 0. S. BLANCIIARD, ATTORNET-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts, Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pans, Oregon Mrs. Nina Brumbaugh Lessons In China Painting. Orders Solicited. i i . . I , Studio: Ud North Eight Street J. D. "WURTSMUGII ' Attorney and Couiiwlor at Law Notary PuMIc In office Office In Howard Block. Phono 6 6 -J GRANTS TASS. OREOON I). L. .JOHNSTON .ssn i :. Rooms C n ml 7 Oimmh II.h.m ; North hijtii ... GRANTS PASS, Olifii.. T. IjTLMY (WltPKNTKU ;i:m:ki, i om h u ron 111 II.DCll Jolilil'iK Work n Nn'lulty 1'lnmi' ill IIS N. Mti Street, (Jrmitu 1'iiss, Ore, M. C. II. DAY Cmitraetor ami IttiiMcr ReHldeures a Specialty Plans ami estimates furnlahed Residence Knt A Ht. Phone 103-J Singer and Wheeler OX ! Wilian SEWING MACHINES let' ;m!' i n at , en i ,i:.y I'itJ M.ctits Se,i',;en ur.d re.:il:t lV.- n'l in.iU-.-;. ;;ttu'klti iliirnm' mid. oot- ton. T. HASSELL 11H Front Si. (Irani POLK'S GAZETTEER '1 l'S. II itml i.ixk iu lllt . .'I, M.iitiiicn, i.immii r l..iir H'M Il Hi .,. 1 I'.K.'.l. 1 , . . J t A A A PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 Dr. Bywater, eye, ear, nose and throat specialist, Conklln building. 12-16-tf V. II. Dawson, of Medford, was visiting Grants Puss friends Sunday. 0. Noel, of Merlin, was a Grants Pass visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Hastings, of Myrtle Creek, were Grants Pass vis itors Saturday. Edwin Trimble arrived here Sat urday from Fairbanks, Alaska. P. H. Rowe, of Lcland, was In town Sunday. J. S. Tardoe came down from the Cold Ray dam Saturday to visit with friends rind look afier business her-i. Mr. J. T. Chandler and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Richards, of Merlin, were visiting with friends here Saturday. Jose X. Nelson went to Glendale Sunday to take charge of the funer8l services of Brlstow Gabbert, aged 40 yenrs, who died at that place last week of pneumonia. The services were held by the MasonB, of which order dorpasod was a member. The remains were taken to Myrtle Creek for burial Sunday. Claude Garner, of Medford, spent Sunday In this city. Attorney R. G. Smith went to Roscburg Monday morning on a busi ness trip. Ira S. II111, of Portland, was a Grants Pass visitor Sunday. B. F. Bull and M. D. Bensman, of WHdvllle, were visitors to Grants Pass on Sundny. C. B. Mason arrived here Saturday C. II. Knight, of San Francisco, transacted business In this city Sat urday. IT. II. Gastmnn, of Berkeley, was attending to business matters here Saturday. K. J. Khoeory, of Waldo, came In Saturday to look after business mat ters and visit friends. Mrs. 0. S. Brown went to Hugo Sunday evening to spend a few days. from Pacific Grove, Cal., to look over this sertlon of the country. W. A. Martin, of Seattle, hns been spending a short time In this city on business. N. Ronde, of Portland, Is In the city and experts to remain here for several weeks looking over the coun try. Miss Allco Smith returned to Mer lin Sunday evening, after spending the day with her mother In this city. Misses Desalo Colo and Reba Smith returned Sunday evening from Med ford, where they spent a short time with friends. Miss Ida White, of Now Hope, was shopping and calling on friends here Rn turd ay. ' Daniel nnd Allco MeFarland re turned Motulny morning to University of Oregon, Eutrene, after spending (lie holidays with their pnrents here. Willie iind R-ivl Cm. c;hiu lii from New llopo Saturday to visit with re latives In thU rttv. Mr. and Mrs. P.. V. Sli;ittmU re- turned Saturday to tlielli home nt I AlM'h'i.'Pto Saturday, nftcr visiting with Grants Pups friends for severa' lays. Rev. Robert McLean went to Mer lin Sunday, where he held services In that city In the afternoon, return ing to Grnnts Vi In the evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clifford Dean return ed to their home nt California Sun day morning, after spending two weeks with relatives In Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. P.. U. ('much :,iid baby returned Saturday evening from Portland, where thev hnve bet n llllii; Mine Christ in, e; time with re latives nnd friends dl.ulw In Smith, wm bus spent the I past few weeks with his parents, Mr. I ami Mrs. Herbert Smith, of this city, left Sunday evening for Portland. 1' raiUt M.i-hlnirn. of this city, nnd ' K W. Vani'h e, of Klamath Fulls, left Sunday evening for Cbleano, where hi iro to select their Rnilrti- uto,!.- f c.ood'; for their Golden Knit' stores, j I,. S. Harms went to Gent rallu. , Hie-h., on No. it", Sundav evening.' Ci;nlv lV'.'iu-. K'Tliy, v:i-i fri"i'.il 1 on Ml" 1. (:: . , v.i ,,r p'.- i,t, , ( IP. !..,!. .1..,,., S'. v VV V " V, ' " "I ! f 1' - !,!., , ,. " v.- ' ' m ;" ( r 1 i 1m-,",' ,. 1 C; m'i... . , . v '"" 1 ! I-. '! ' l!v Ti:. I.p- ,, V' .1 M 'i'i'Ct. li'U w, .,( !0 . ,1 M' M.l w In , ii.l I h. ,1 iv v 't h Ii 1 1 v. Mr- 11 I, Iv i hum:. I (v., , j .1 M Tt'U'M-iiw n t m i'. . I S'i'id.n 1 ' 1 v I 1 1' fioin S.mCi IJns.i, C.l , !;!, in' I'.iil t.ilH' ;i f,v 1V1 I HUM' liU Mill, (l.i in- li' Id v.l ll- : Uttrd at Ki.Ui.'.'.r Cin I Mrs. Emma Daniels went to Mer lin Monday to visit with her daugh ter, Mrs Gertrude Palm. A. R. Price, of Roseburg, was a Grants Pass visitor Sunday. S. hi andry came down from Woodville Sunday to spend the day with Grants Pass friends. Elmo Tbrockmartln, of Applegate, was shopping and looking after busi ness matters In Grants Pass Satur day. Chas. Mesner and Alex Gerautte, of Merlin, came up Saturday to look after business matters and visit with Friends. On Saturday evening a few people were gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Harris to meet J. C. Cooper, of McMlnnvllle, Ore., who gave an Interesting talk on Es peranto, the rapidly spreading Inter national auxiliary language, on which subject he Is as enthusiastic as on that of walnut growing. Mr. Cooper traced the history and progress of the new language In the different countries, and he showed the significance of the growth of Esperanto. At the close of Mr. Cooper's Inter esting address steps were taken for the organization of an Esperanto club. According to Mr. Cooper,, a club of this kind would at once put Grants Pass on the map as a progres sive, upto-date town and would call the attention of esperantlsts all over the world to this place. Billy Neal, of Kerhy, was In Grants Pass Tuesday. B. F. Mulkey, of Jacksonville, was a Grants Pass visitor Tuesday. AT D. Naylor, of Medford, was a business visitor In this city Tuesday. T. K. Davis, of Ashland, was look ing after business In Grnnts Pass Tuesday. Miss Ierne Ahern went to her home at Hugo Tuesday morning to spend a few days with her parents. J. M. Ilodson, of Roseburg, was visiting friends here Monday. II. F. Rook, of Frultdale, was In the city Monday on business. T. M. Davis came up from Glen dale Monday to look after business here. j Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Louden, of Kerhy, were visiting friends In this city Monday. Rev. nnd Mrs. A. A. Holmes came down from Medford Monday on busi ness. rotor Tlrer, of Hugo, was trans acting business here Monday. Miss Margaret C. Wilson, of Tyner, N. D., Is visiting friends In this city. Miss Margaret C. Nelson, of Waldo,' came In Monday to do some shopping and visit, friends. Mrs. D. II. Leech went to Eugene Monday evening, where she was call ed by the Illness of her mother, A. tt. Cornell went to Ashland Tnestl.iy moitiiiii; on a business trio H. P.. Mnllni?. traveling freight a.;. :i ,,r the ('. X. W. railroad, was 1,1 town Tuesday on business. A! Dean returned Tuesdav niorn- I'11 F i' ' t 1 1 T.eland. where he had been on survey business. J. II. Chastalu and J. T. Roads, of Selmn, were visitors In thl city Tuesday. Mrs. H. Williams, of Williams, was visiting friends and shopping In ni'lllllj P., on t, ,.! i I,-.-. 1 1 1 II till , , D. I'm tiki In came down from Med ford Monday to visit with friends and look after business. .1. C. l'.lggee, of Eugene, was In Grants Pass Monday on business. 1.. P.. Burnett, of Kerhy, was a business visitor In this ety Monday. Oliver Ward came up from Hugo Monday to transact business with the tin l .'hann here. j Or. C. II Smith, of Gold Hill, was In Gi ants Pass Monday looking after matters and culling on fl'l.'llds. Ml.s Ada liiivi'knnn cai'ic up from Mi'vlln Tiu'-'.!.y moniiiut to t-jM-iid 111" d;i Ix.pi'in and vlsitlni: with rc , ;;, I,,; 'i 1 A. W. SiM.v. f.,rmlv of tH , in . iiinic down from A: m-'it.liu' i(i loin M r. I ;i' in ; f - Ii 111I- lu-rc lihi-id SlUV' . " 1 Mr. Si'-i!. v., .1 two iroM h " K' Vl Ml, ,1 ,,) s V'.. ,,!, !,,,,. n-i'innMi iiiiin ' V.i-- ton. w V. v-i .-.v, ti i.-n.l . 1 : c 1'. ' . V. 1 'ili'. i'i r . . ' i. . r v M ; I ii ;i ' nt. M" p. I V' l 0 I ll, V M!l t -i -ii v In i;t r..l-(.i! el.) Mi 111.I M- 1! M, K two ois ho !1:-,-i.d h from I'ii m no it'i ti,,, Vin v ;i'ul i-i r '1 it'll j cn.'. t,ii..n or lo. .iMn',' In thU , Hv 1,-fi m ,.! v locioiw to:;ift.Mioon f..v tl,,;1. ,,, h) ! r.'-iliiH'o. K.m The thim.-- via: I'l.l.ll' 11 , I ' I''!' , V ; ... i . 1 ' 'W o-i !.-c niint of Hi, i;i f 1" of tin- The two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Bousman, of Wilder ville, died Sunday, January 8 1911, death being caused by bronchial pneumonia. The funeral services were held Monday, January 9, with Interment at Wildervllle cemetery. J. P. Murdock went to National City, Cal., Tuesday morning to visit relatives and friends. A new real estate firm has been established in this city under the firm name of Nipper & McDaniels. Mr. Nipper has been In the real es tate business In Grants Pass for a number of years and Is well known as one of the oldest established deal ers In the city. The new partner, L. E. Daniels, is also an experienced realty man and his business ability is well known here. The new firm will handle lumber, mines and fano property in addition to specializing in city property, rentals and In'.'ir ance. The office will be In the old location formerly occupied by W. R. Nipper, opposite the post office. G. H. Carner, Ed Allen and Arthur Fryer have purchased the old Pine Needle factory In the east end of town and are putting In a sash and door factory. The machinery for this new enterprise has already ar rived in the city and Is being set up. These gentlement are well known here. Mr. Fryer was formerly man ager of the sash and building depart ment of the Williams Bros.' Door and Lumber company, resigning this position to go Into business for him self. Mr. Allen was In charge of the lumber department of the same com pany. M. T. Utley has taken Mr.. Fryer's place In the Williams Bros.' factory. Mr.- Carner Is one of our most enterprising citizens who never hesitates to invest money where It will do good to Grants Pass. SKIX AFFECTIONS Whether on Infant or Grown Person Cured by Zeino and Zemo Soap An Unusual Offer The C. II. Demaray drug store says to every person, be It man, woman or child, who has an Irritated, tender or itching ekln to come to our store and procure a bottle of ZEMO and a rake of Zemo soap and If you are not entirely satisfied with results, come back and get your money. So confident are we of the efficacy of this clean, simple treatment, that we make you this unusual offer. ZEMO Is a clear liquid for extern al use that has cured so many cases of eczema, pimples, dandruff and other forms of skin eruption. ZEMO and ZEMO soap are the most effec tive treatment for affections of the skin or scalp, whether on Infant or grown person. C. H. Demaray, drug elst. When given as soon as the croupy cough appears Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will wnrd off an attack of croup and prevent all the danger and cause of anxiety. Thousands of mothers use It successfully. Sold by nil good dealers. I Mrs. Electa Perry and three rhll idren, who have been visiting rela tives in Grants Pass, returned to their home at'Sams Valley Sundry. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dana arrived i first of the week from Mt. Vernon. I Wash, nnd expect to locate here. tThoy were former residents of this 'city, but have spent the past two years In Washington, "with strength nnd ease they always please" TWO HORSE OVERALLS MADE BY LEVI, STRAUSS a CO. &&yV l l! .fV t L j 1 '. I. v- : j'..4..V.:'. ?.! i ' V. I V V ! M ii . I '-r .i, v S ,s i I ANH ( null- t. I k i(V( II. y C.WIl la, ny. leu tmoll 1 '(.. 1 . i .1 in U'ti ir'AMii,' L ri .... ir -'ii r.5 ('.l!a,.'(T rtit.w t,r 1. " mi k. i.iiy 1 in ; on ..-,nir..t : Jroiil noor..d .ubl. lh k ,1... $2 7 j nrT tronl Pu.m. y,.h . i00up rrott p.nrl lwn. (,ir pintin 2 J VctoM Pan oor, for (mini 11 30 in Cu-'ljow,! Uoort. iiK t.Uin i J IVI.t 7V-.ll " S, lr,mt, (,. 4-.'c .,ti i- -i N " . Mi TREES ;j 1 1 1 m i I I IU I til p.l v, k I: ., , . M. M. Kohler, of Illinois valley, dropped Into the office of The Courier the other day and displayed a large photograph of a special ex hibit of fruits, grains and vegetables grown In the valley. He was award ed the first prize of S50. If you've lost anythirg, a Courier ad will find It for you. The most popular Book of the year , That's your bank book showing a comfortable balance. A bank book Is the first step to comfort and wealth and in dependence. Why don't you take the step NOW open an account here today! Josephine Co. Bank. m IBANK - SSOOK jST.ts hooks 1LQC15 CATCHES) w,Rg irl T H AHJsOLTJ ItACKS 5CREVJ H (5 j" NAILS OAltlwAfl "We couldn't tell you in a week every article we have in our store. Remember just this: TF IT'S HARDWARE YVF HAVE IT. VYe jjive full weight, full measure, quick service, best quality and a fair price. "We want to sec you in our store more than once. Rlu'inbiny and sheet metal shops. Coron-Booth Hardware Co. Phone : 377-R. 102 N. 6th Street, Grants Pass, Ore. TREES j Patronize the I TREES Eden Valley Nursery. No Agents. Pleased patrons do the talking. Over 188,000 Trees and Vines Sold the past season WITHOUT CANVASS INC. Stick a pin here, think a bit, then get busy. Twenty years a resident of the Roltuc River Valley. N. S. BENNETT, 1 JMedford Ore., P. S. Not enough hot air in this mirscrv to grow IiWk'., lonlcr tlicm tvom California. 1 12 jesrti. it s oervjee you really pcy for in a There is Mure Teal economy in Imyin;.- a ShiMakcf firm wagim, than in MyUvr inuT ,irirt. Mmc vKniKt t,,akc. A SluJcbaker has quality nml pvi-s teal scrvke. It is.huilt to last, and docs last, fts thousji.ul.-i of famu-rs v ill testify. F.vcry vehicle is ilqinul.ible lumcst iu iiuti-rial-lioncst In make. That i hy the finncrs of the country have niaJe the Studdcr the largest vehicle f. ictory in ii Hursery Stock Get my prices before or dering nursery stock. I handle nothing but first-class Btock. I can furnish anything In my line. Agent for Fresno Orchard Heating Co, GEO. H. PARKER GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. BUNCH BROS., Proprietor TROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE Pianos and Organs Carefully Removed Phone 1501 Grants Pass, Ore. J WE HAVE EVERY M mil11 n.rAx UN E! 1201 N. Central Ave TREES the world. It will jwy you to our p.rrnry !f ."rrr1 Vlslb onr s,prc nml lotk cvi;r fetylVj' t f .Wccucr vehicles. nj-; i dts,Oreg. ! !: I'. "I !,!.,! 1 V., !,'-, WV'c ;l-l.',';i V U . ,!''" '!' I- v.. r 1., ' t It I I 'l K A ( O , 1,. t-ii'i 1 I'm Km mii,' . I .1 1 m . 1 ( 1 .., :i ii 1 , !. I 1-V;i" !,,,! I U. I .