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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 28, 1910)
PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL CAUDA M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. rrattlM nM4 - ft. BAR, NOMi ft4 THEOAT. Gtetaw 4 u4 fmratalMC OftM t U II; I to : m4 a apMtatsML rteus til TT. 3. LOUGIIPJDGE. M. D. PHT8IC1AN AND gUROBON Rea. Phon 714 City or coantry calla attnda4 da r Bight. BUth and H, TaSs Bid. Office) Pbon 1(1. OrmoU Paw, Ortjfos. RLr aRKABLE MAN B. P. DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SUBCWON aty and County calif promptly laiwarad. 081c hoar, to 12 a.m. lod I to I p. m. Phono: Rm. 471; Offlea 941. Roomi 1, 2, t, Ihallhora Bid. Grant Paaa, - Oro. DR. II. G. KIMIJLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Practice of Obstetrics a Specialty. Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 6 p. m. Other hours by appointment. Phonos: Office 17-It; Residence 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklln Bldg. Crania Vhhh Oregon J. S. McMURRA' Voice Culture Btudlo over Residence nail's Art Storo 716 Lee Street J .- oi last ):nt made a pilgrim .urn to nearly all warts of Josephine IN WESTERN HISTORY . "ty; each excursion being parti- ielnated In by forty to fifty busineHa men of the town. These trips were In every way a great snccess and It Is the opinion of the members of the club that Buch visits must be here after a prominent feature of "dub work. The Rosebnrg Review of last Tuesday prints a three column boom article under the head, "Know Your Own County First," and announces that Rosebnrg business men have be- lwUtE MVER COURIER I Exciting Runaway Monday. u-iv forenoon, wnue ouc - 'ome arouaed to the Importance of doing publicity work not only on a; and Ainos believes he will soon be broad scale but making truthful rep-j able to send them alone with a load reservations of the resources of their! of furniture. In this case, however, county. In these days of graft and Mr. Moore had not ordered the misrepresentation no business man j furniture, so Harry smith played the can Afford to be connected with an 'hero and climbed Into the back of organization that In the least devi-'the wagon, regardless of flying bed ates from the truth In publicity work, j springs and cook stoves, and stopped The Review says that a large body of Roseburg's ablest business men are arranging for a four days' trip to various sections of the county so that they may know the facts regard ing the exploitation necessary In club work. STRANG K COM ET Sl'DDENLY SEEN Visited Sun Francisco and Raiding, California, and Numerous Points in Oregon, It. D. NORTON, ATTO RNB Y-AT-LA W Practice in all 8tat and Federal Courts. Office Opera Home Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYBR Office over 1 1 1 jo u Theater. G nulls Pass, Oregou. 0. S. RLANCIIAR1), ATTURNKY-A T-LAW Practice In all 6tat and Federal Courts. Banking & Truat Co. Bldg. Grants Pmm, Oregon. D. L. JOHNSTON ASS.IYER Rooms 6 and 7 Opera House Block North Stairway GRANTS 1'ASS, OUKGON GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. lU'NCII imOH., Proprietors. (Successora to N. E. McGrew.) PROM IT AM) ItKMAIlLK HKUVICE PIiiiiom and Organs Carefully Removed Phone 1.11)1 Grunt Pass, Ore. Placing bust In Statuary hall re calls valuable services of an Idaho pioneer, A newspaper correspondent tells the following history relating to a noted western pioneer: - "They are asking, 'Who was Shoup?' and nobody seems to be able to answer it," was a rather sneering remark made In a discussion about the ceremonies accepting the statue of George L. Shoup, which has been placed In Statuary hall by the state of Idaho. It would take a long story to answer the question, "Who was Shoup?" but It Is Interesting to note that he went to Colorado In 1859, was a famous Indian fighter and a leader of one of the scouting com panies that protected the people and patrolled the Rocky Mountain coun try. He served in New Mexico, was on scouting duty on the Canadian, Pecos and Red rivers, and after ward along the Arkansas river. He served throughout the Civil war In different commands, and was made colonel of the Third Colorado Regi ment of Cavalry. He was a member of the constitutional convention that met In Colorado In 1864. He went to Idaho In 1800, and became one of the leading citizens of that territory, serving In the legislature, as a dele gate to national conventions, as a member of the republican national committee, and in other Important positions. President Harrison, who had long been chairman of the committee on territories of the United States sen ate, and who had an accurate know ledge of everything pertaining to the territories, nnnolnted Slionn rov- jernor of Idaho territory In 1KS0. When Idaho wns admitted as n Htnte the people complimented Shrnip by making hlrn governor, and "till Inter complimented him to the senate, nnd re-electing him. George L. Shoup w,n a reruarknble man. He was n pioneer of tlie went ern country, a mnn who saw the wild est and most i ri f n - life n front men could experience. lie always was a lender of men. If a company' was organized for protection of the) TtEDDlNG. Cal.. .Inn. 25. A brll KettleincnlH, either luralnst the In-,!,nt nmf,t ,,"r!,n1'1 visible here at dlniiH, or nun lnt outlaws, Shoup was-5:30 lnst f'"111 continuing In alight nt the head of It. lie had many hair- 'for nn ho,,r' Crowds viewed It. The breadth escapes, and many nf hls!,n11' PXfon'"n nnward. wns four plainly told stories have been the i r'l'strlnl degrees In length. j basis of frontier fiction. It may be that, In time, Idaho may produce men j Eugene, Ore., .Tan. 25. A number who will do her greater honor ns a 'f,f people In Eugene last evening representative In the Valhnlla of the nbout 5:30 o'clock, saw whnt they stntes, but never enn she have a man think was a comet just above the ho typical of the Rocky Mountains an w-est ern horizon. It wns some dls wns George L. fihoup. jtnncp north of the evening stnr and ; shone more brilliantly that Hint body. Don't trifle with kidney and bind- Rnn, 8nv ,n' p,"'',l HPff n ,nl 'nlle der trouble trouble. Take PeWltt's I others were unable to see It. The Kidney and Illadder Pills as directed i comet, soon sank below the horizon, and you will at once notice sntlsfnc-1 tory results. PeWltt's Kldnev and Illndder Pills are nntlsepll-, healing i THE PAM.ES, Ore., Jan. 25. and soothing. Me sure to get Do- u a . Witt's Kidney end RUwHer PII,M,,,h OXr,,Pmont wa9 here when yon ask for them. Itefnse sub- mM w'nR when a great body of stltutes and Imitations. I.oolt for light, aumiosed to be Comet A wns of Amos Smith's dray teams was ra tioned at a cat near the depot, while the driver, Ernest Lewis loaded fur niture Into the dray, the horses be - . , . .j ruin and ran came mgnieneu i lc " dewn front street, leaving the driver standiir,' by the car. In running near the sidewalk the wagon came in con tact with the stone pavement and tlj.jM.-fl so far to one side that the furniture began to roll out in front of M. E. Moore's furniture store. Th:,t team Is certainly a smart one, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 10i0. ROGUE RIVER APPLES. On foreign soil, in quaint old Amsterdam, While sauntering along a busy street, I spied a box, 20 by 11 by 10. Of yellow plneboards, smooth and strong and neat. It leaned against a little fruit-store's wall And wore a homelike and familiar air. 1 looked again and saw my heart beat fast "Rogue River Apples," marked in letters fair. I stopped and gazed, and tears came to my eyes, Then entering the store, I asked to see The very choicest apples in their Btock . ' Rogue River Spitzenbergs they handed me. And though e'en farther from my home I stray, Rogue River Apples oft my eyes will greet, In well-known boxes 20, 11 by 10, Displayed in many a busy foreign street. What though the Lafean measure Is not filled, Who would change aught of length or width or height? 20 by 11 by 10 meets all demands, Rogue River Apples are the World's Delight. Grants Pass, Oregon. Cella Doerner. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25. A comet furnished light for pert of the voyage of the steamer J. U. Stetson from San Pedro here, according to the statement of Captain Bonlfield, on his arrival yesterday In this port, ell declares that for an hour It was of Illuminating brilliancy and posses ed of a notable tall. Captain Ronl fleld Rays that nt the luminary's ap pearance the Stetson was In latitude 35.20 north nnd the comet southwest I by west one-hnlf west, magnetic, bear ing, from the d"i k. Three California towns, Santa Itnsn. Redding nnd Nnpn, have reported seeing a bright "or-wf, supposed to tie "A 1910," not Hrilley's, between 5 and 7 o'clock lust evening. the unloading as well as the horses. The team was taken back to the car where the work was finished. No damage done. SOUR STOMACH Mi-o-m Puts the Stomach in Shape in Five Minutes. Fine Wants All Lands Taxed. Calling upon the federal govern ment to extend its surveys over all unsurveyed lands In the state of Washington to which the legal right has passed from the United States to corporate or private ownership or control, the county assessors of Washington, at their annual conven tion in Spokane, adopted resolutions recommending that these lands, ... t. V, - t,,tU Kir 1 on A nnmn'inlpQ If your stomach is continually kicking up a disturbance; you feel, or umuer concerns, suuj lu bloated and distressed; if you belch , taxation. Several hundred thousand gas and sour food into the mouth, ; acres 0f guf.n ands are now Immune . u T ifrom taxation for state, county or lets, the best prescription for in- ' digestion ever written municipal purposes, because they are Ml-o-na stomach tablets give in-1 not definitely described or sufficient slant relief, of course, but t.iey do , ,v identified to be assessed, and they more; they c rive out tne poisonous . . . ,. gases that cause fermentation of,"1 not bo- the 8tate coults hold food and thoroughly clean, renovate ; until the surveys made by the gov and strengthen tne stomach so that eminent. It can readily digest food without ar-. tiflclal aid. 1 Ml-o-na stomach tablets are guar anteed to cure Indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. This means that nervousness, dizziness and bili ousness will disappear. Druggists everywhere and C. 11. Pemaray sell Mi-o-na inr "iiic a large box. Test samples free from Iiooth's Mi-o-na, more than eight years. It is the largest dam in the world and Is In tended to make a very deep lake In the mountains which will be 10 miles square. This water will be used to irrigate 159,000 acres of land. Some of this land Is on a second bench and the water will be pumped to It. It required nearly twice as long to complete the work as the estimation covered. The great structure is put In with cement and it Is intended to last for all time. TaxidermUt and Furrier I mount big gin.1' ilrds, fir. i; make fur rugs; renu.w.1 and clear fur uarments; buy furs and speci mens of all kinds. Express and mall ord n: nreinp'iy nttende i to, C M. HARRIS UA Washington St, Poiilmid, Ore. Telephone Main 3600 M. T. UTLEY ( AKI IM I It gi:m:iii. U IR( TOR urn. ii u Jolililng Work h Specialty Phone Uil 7l!t X. 1Mb Street, Grunt Pass, Ore. the nnine on tho package. nil druggists. Sold by Itlshop Denounces Piinclng. At the memorial services held In noston a few days ago for the late Charles Crittenden, founder of the seen, and business was forgotten by the men of the city while (heir wives delayed getting dinner. The comet wns seen to the southwest, near the horl.on, about 5:15 o'clock, nnd wns visible for over nn hour In this city. The fan-tail resembled n hendllght. Florence Crittenden m sslons, lllshop 1 . ,, ,. , .. . , . ,,, , , . ' 1 i and the shining continued from be- W. K. Mallal eu, of tho Methodist i, .. u , ... . , , , , ,. ' low the horizon after the comet bad church, said: "Panclni: In the nnMI, j schools in Huston Is respotmlM,. for j conditions of Immorality that are nl- i most as bad in the white slave trnf j f If. There might to be a state law set. Murrain, x. v. "I w,-!s it n il I'-T'-nt doctor and was enr-'-l nil," -Mr. Fountain H1"' Booth's I i! 25 c. tli.- ( a re o f i iii r dif nn!ii h -i !Ki;i by Mi-o-rondine, 1 U 7 I'.lver, M.iss. const i iat ion Highest Dam in the World. The government dam on the Sho shone river, eight miles above Cody, Wyo., has just been completed. The structure is built at the upper end of a gorge which is 85 feet wide at the bottom and 200 feet at the top. The dam is :!2s feet high and has been under construction a little It Is a Common Expression. Franklin Harrison, a new comer to Oregon from the Rocky Moun tain country, gives expression to the same sentiments which are often heard in Grants Pass from new comers. He says: "I am a new comer to Oregon and Albany, but I am more and more pleased with the country as time goes on. I came here from North Pakota, right out of a fierce blizzard Into this delightful climate; out of 40 degrees below zero to 40 above. Like It? Why, I am the best booster In the country already." (fhCXXmO HISfi-O-HE) ;i-s catanh or money back. vemen Just r.-atlio it in. Complete outfit, including Inhaler il. Lxtra bottles uOo. Druggists. TREES Fru it, Shade Ornamental (Mnll Tribune of Tuesday. 1 The comet w as observed bv a la r ire against dancing In any public school. number of local peon, about 7 I Tho theater Is a school of vl-'e nnd i n r'("'1( 'ast evening, and wns viewed I a destroyer of morals, and the nude s o'clock, when It wns obscured i statues nnd Imnroner nletnroa ol,l ! by haze. Tho comet appeared due CYPRF.SS A XI) PKIVKT HLlKii; PLANTS Home Grown Tokay Grape Roots First class, 4 to 0 feet, 1 year o!d trees In Apple, l'eur, 1'each, Cherry, Yak. It will pay you lu ce me be fore buying. Special prices on large orders. . T. Taylor Is the best Pavement for the Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES lI.73aiLfe JJKU., JL,UMt arrive t.3 TTi-wnapi"1" fpmp awwmBBBHH Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, Safe Footing for the Horse hmn Construction Co. :HT Peck Mldg., Portland, Ore. fiTiiMiiwiiisBascsaKa,-. oni. In Uric! lit ill on our street corners nnd tho vile literature which some Journals pub . Ilsh all those nro corrupting the mornlu of (tin vmim. nn.t t..A,.l.. .. I - - ..-... n ... ,i in j the stamlnrd of morality among the older people nnd tending to tho white slave truffle." 1'tlt Iii Ivo with Ills Xiirwo. (Jtilte a romunco Is woven about an 'accident which occurred to n citizen .of the .lay Hawker state last year. Ten itionth-t nun C. F. Hoferor, n wcaltny resident of Wamego. Kan.. ,w,m hurt Im ii runaway In Kiuva t'lty. Mo , :id taken to St. .Toxeidi's!!, where ho was nursed by Miss Helen tlnodtnnn. A short time afet- Mr Hoferor left the hospital. MI-is lioodmnn went to Cotorndo Spihu-.H to turo In tho C.looiner san liatliini. lloferer followed nnd as a 'climax they have been married. They will make their homo In Wsmogo. west from Modford about 15 degrees nbove the horlron. Among those who clenrly observed tho comet was Wllllnm II. Von dor Hellen, of Wellen. Mr, Von dor Helton state that from his viewpoint It w-ns most clear nnd Interesting . " Tho comet should bo visible for sevornt even In its If the sky clears. Fur t-YyoiM, T'er nod ntt Hhen. The lnt"n Itching chnrnterl'''' f the sllmonts In nlmot Instnntlv il'sved bv rhmterlnln's Salvo Msnr sovoro ros hnv been rored bv It. For sstr bv M. Ctomen CHICHESTER S PILLS W , 1 lit' lMMUll MIAMI. . 5a laJhal A.k I r llrtoauUI I ff A J M . kr. .r a ll...Jtl,,y f-lv n ..i iiu iVi k, iV v M V,J Jk WW Ii.., r i-.r V 1 ' ff rvt1'1, -. Ill M -T M It tf l'lMl'MI IIMVM. llllVK V U UflH Hrl,-!.! Alt, lli,i la Hex.dv.M On Honest Piibllillr Work. The tlotetoirg commenlnl club lias tal cn n bint from the (limit Pans commercial club and are thU !!(Micvott'i Many SMclmoii. In a letter dated Nairobi, Tast Af-j rlcn, Hooember IT., former President i lloosovelt notifies tho Smithsonian Institution that tip to date he has collected S,K3 specimen of verte brae besides a tnrco number of mol tusks and several thousand plants. Ho tins also about r.OOu photograph. This wonderful collection, which the ex president I furnishing the Smlthsonslan Institute, will attrnet NOTICE Canadian Pacific Ry. LAND DEPARTMENT Bcff to Announce the estab lishment of a General Agency j for the Pacific Coast in Port land, for the distribution of U- 1 lustrated literature and offi- 2 cial information concerning 9 their wheat lands in Alberta. Aver Yield past tlx yfn: Ro. t Bard Wheat 30 to 35 bu'heli per acre Barley 0toro " " B Any Old Thing or AnyNewJpng SECOND HAND Tlmt yo O ns. tic li.u'e to nil such us me .uul eel on- iikhU. You will K snrj -tit-( l'tt es llefere d It th -nr., ,1 ""Mime, wn- ' II fll t s!"'liii' nf i-niif Special Prices on Carpets, Ru Linoleum! IKE M. DAVIR SdOBVDKlOOtSTStUKMLkt Calllnc Card at the Courier. year tskliiR tho necessary Mop to mounted nnd placed In position. Tils establish closer relation bet woon j lovo of hunting adventure ha boon tho huMlnoM men of Hon-burn and turned to account and made to erve 60t100 M IS to 20 " 3 torn 4 toe the buslnr men HoukIii coiM'tv. of other town In a nation which etovm for hi Tho Grant Pas commercial club , qualities, holds Mm In Msh many remnrkable 0t Flia Timothy A1U1U Frkei$lJtolSre. Terme: lOyntlme. For information.f older, mapt, etc, address General Agents, IDE-M'CARTHY LAND COMPANY 426 Lombormeot BU(.t PoctUaJ, Oropa Canadian Pacific Railway Gx i Til 15 ION ! rrni:i:s: BUY YOUR Tr.-ifc r r"'iM:ii: "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you art sure of pettinn- .i. . ouruwforoutr;o7cr GEO. H. PARKER, . OOcewithJ. E. PETERSON We Crow Agent i