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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1909)
PAGE MX THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1903. IT RAISES THE DOUGH mm CRESCENT bakinb POWDER and docs more than tho. higher prico powders and dor it better. Mir DnilNfl 9S RFNTl ibiiiiJ? sold or cnocat3 kmil VuWAH Covets a Ircs.'i, smooth, satiny complex Ion, and what satisfaction and peace cf mind Its possession brings. . The lines of agfi, worry and overwork are render ed well nigh powerless by Mrs. Nettie HARRISON'S LOLA MONTEZ CREWE A Wonderful soother, healer and protec tor to a dry, contracted or chapped skin. It 13 Complexion Insurance. Convince vourself of Its rpmarlraMii I power by obtaining a free sample and I Book "SECRET Of SEAUH AND GOOD HEALTH" at (m:mi:s' drug store Gran In Pass APPORTIONMENT OF THE . COUNTY SCHOOL FUNDS Pgfcfes Oeiifisfry ' n invn their pint i Willi lCI'lK(iWfOrk fa ' 'i'"1 Ja oiu Ju '"''i ? yow a frof ' or poTft'MB v,iorr.ttil fcr S3. 50 (KnU.-.fjelw'h 3.00 "'trMf.Trfi 1.01 s. W, Oliver t "i'-iisf ,QJ ,i ,r J s.. 5.0 J '7.50 't in V'1 ;2Mt'Hti) Cvb 91 mm t!u:u-'i w paamna Paulina t;tr'iiun .Oil Pfjlnlt m t i'ti- ttni ) rj wiion tilwoaur hri'ino work jpioitiefn I, .rrt-iiMiltioM fr'rf'tt. Von cmii net ft ln(tfi liulnlt dM vr v 'itn fimwlitT". All work fully Kitnr fiM( ; i ii iii ii"',ric'i,uli.j',fMl. KinL mt'tliod. Wise Eenfal Co. FATT.lN.t iUflLIHM iHCOm-ORATIO Iiiii.iaU .i urn. PORTLAND, OREGON Oli'IUK lIOUfi:i: I A. U. to 6 t. M. 8o'Uy, to. SHAKE INTO YOUH SHOES Allen's KooUKiiKfl, t powder. It Cures painful, dnmrllni;, iktvuub (vet Mid Ingrowing rails, und In itmitlyliilii'iitlioitlnKoiUof conn and bullions . lt' tho Krimii'iit ciimfcirt discovery ot tho jjo- Allen's Koot-Kimo riuikes tlvrlit ornew shoos fceleny. It Is certain euro for wonting, cullotm. swollen, tired, KCliliiK feet. Try It la-dap. Hold by all l)ruci!lsl and Kliou Hlorcs. l)y mull for iftc. In ntninim. X)in't accnit atiy mb!itut. Trial iiarltago Fltl'U. Address Allen 8. Olmntcd, Le Itoy, N. Y. County School Superintendent Lincoln Savage has made the follow in:; apportionment of school funds of the county, the total amount being Jl 8,248.40. Each school district re ceives $100 and J4.30 per scholar In attendance, besides $3.00 for the return of teacher's Institute certifi cate, whjeh la- evidence that the teacher of the district has attended a scHoion of county or state Institute during the year. There are 74 teach ers engaged In the county, but only 42 certificates were turned In, In dicating that many teachers did not attend Institute or the Bchool clerks were negligent of their duty In send ing In the certificates. Tho apportionment Is as follows: No. Amount 24 $664.70 25 139.40 20 190.30 27 225.40 23 285.60 29 297.80 30 155.90 31 310.70 32 320.00 33 272.00 34 207.50 35 151.60 38 211.80 39 323.60 41 182.40 42 177.40 43 315.00 45 216.10 46 138.70 47 168.80 48 336.50 50 221.10 51 242.60 No. Amount 1 $ 647.20 2 310.70 3.... 550.80 4 4-'G.S0 5 405.30 6 233.30 7 5,621.50 8 226.80 9 249.20 10 229.00 11 302.80 12 198.10 13 337.20 H 255.50 15 410.70 16 302.10 17 198.90 18 224.70 19 238.30 20 383.80 21 263.40 22 281.30 23 216.10 FOOTINGS OF THE TAX'ROLLFOR 1909 REAL ESTATE AND BROKERAGE Goldsley dl Cmmnr LOANS NKC.OTIATHD INSURANT I? 61 1 V G St. Grants Pas ELMS r. vm ,1 .M u Jti t jMn.a wwyaqaHggi Taxidermist andFurrier I mount big ga;.v .inlx, ju .; make fur rugc; renicu.i mid clear fur gnnm ft.-; buy furs and speci mens t.f nil kinds. KxpreHS mid mall lirr.rtu nr''iipy nttonded to. c. m. ii i:itis -5 WiiNhliiKton SI, Portland, Ori Telephone Main 3600 M. T. UTLEY i:ri:.ri:K .i:m:h.l com u. run m ii.ii:it Inliliing Work ii Specialty riiune Ull 71 it V ."itli Street, Grunts Pass, Ore, "The Beast and tho Jungle'.' npplii's to every city and town in the United States vours included just sis purely as it does to Denver, besides, it is a wonderful true story of real life. Get the NOVEMBER EVERYBODY'S Special display by Clemi iiN', National, Saliln's and Peinariiy'N. Assessor Pollock has made the ex tensions" and footings of the tax roll for Josephine county and It shows some Interesting figures, among other things Hint the assessed valua tion Is this year $572,788 more than last. The valuation of the roadbed of the Southern Pacific railroad com pany ha:i been place at $35,000 per mile, an Increase of $5000 per mile; and tho rolling stock has been In creased $3000 pur mile. This is In accordance with the rate in Jack son and Douglas and Boveral other counties. The Southern Pacific com pany is making strenuous objection to this valuation alid declares It will take It to court beforo they will pay this amount, but all the counties are holding flrnily to this amount of valuation. The value of taxable property In llie county Is placed at $8,785,550 Ihe footings are ns follows: Acres cultivated land 19,476 Valuo cultivated land 757,020 Acres uncultivated land... 395,216 Value uncultivated land. . .3,408,000 Value of Improvements... 387,990 lown lots In county 4,016 Valuo Improvements on lots 792,835 value improvements on no land not deeded.... 192,680 Miles roadbed 36.92 Valuo roadbed 1,297,960 Miles right of wav ic alue right of way 5.760 Rolling stock 129,220 Miles telegraph and tele phone lines 193 Vttl"n C9.360 Machinery, mills, etc 365.475 value merchandise 260.970 barm Implements, etc.... 57.82 .Notes and accounts .' 129.035 Number shares of Btock. . . 6,84 uluo shares of stock 8,500 Household furniture, etc.. 144,750 Number horses, mules.,.. 1,902 Value horses, liiulos,-. . . . . 100.170 Ing and fishing purposes la the spring of 1899. Dave Hulbert Is one of two sons of Horace Hulbert, an ex-newspaperman who lives near Grants Pass. The other son was sent by the gov ernment to the Philippines as " an electrician and gained considerable notice by inventing a small wifeless telegraph Instrument to connect the land with sea-going vessels. Number cattle. 5,02' Value cattle 63,000 Number sheep and goats. Value sheep and goats. . . Number swlue Value swine Number dogs Value dogs 1,462 3.SS5 1,166 3,290 11 210 (old Weather AthUe to jill U to beware of coughs and colds on (lie client; ns neglected they readily . ;ul to pneumonia, consump tion or other pulinonuiy troubles. Just an noon ns tin1 cough appears treat ti with Mallard's llorotiouml Syrup. ' Hiil.u d cuie of America. I'se a: i . (, , pcrfei tly hamilcM. A "'' :.!i.t i-i i-v .-lit I v for nil ill- iii!'i' ei .;. i, , r i , :,,.,, t""! : : 1 I Natl, u- nl 1 . ..I A LONG LOST BOY, COMES TO LIGHT Have Hiilbeit, W ho wiin Thought to Have Perished Ten VeaiH Ago N Pound, A telegram dated at Georgetown, Oil., about the last of September nays Pale Hulbert, a daring slack- wire performer, who has not been heard from by his relatives and friends In Georgetown for over ten years, has been located by a piece of news in Thursday' Pee, which stated that he had made several aeroplane flUhts recently in Sv(. crland with a novl flying machine. Many of bis friends had given hlui I up f'r dead yem s auo, as the lat I h.'iiiil r Mm l,e w.i floating down i ti'.' Mi -.-Udpi'l r.v. r on n flatb.-:i! ' !l 1 :'-!.t-vd for hunt' MERLI.V. Many of the residents of Merlin and vicinity attended the reception and dinner given by the citizens of Grants Pass through the Commercial Club. All who were there ttre warm In their praise of the business men, not orgetting the women, for their cordial and pleasant entertal Milt Reynolds has a happy smile these days, having learned that It Is possible for him to put his farm under Irrigation from the creek. He Intends beginning at once In order to have tho water on In Hm tnr next year's crops. Chas. E. Short returned last week from Salem where he has been en gaged In some special work for the Southern Pacific for the past month. James Haven Is completing a neat little cottage to replace the old house which he recently- tore down. Butcher Reynolds Is spending a week In the mountains trying to overcome a cold. Should a bear or deer happen his way, he has a gun along with which to supply camp meat. A freight train collided with a cow and calf belonging to Charles E. Short Tuesday morning, killing both animals. Postmaster Guild received a letter this week from a man upstate Inquir ing whether the postofflce at liferlin Is for sale. People elsewhere are willing to buy anything that is of fered here. The rain last week amounted to al most a downpour and the ground Is In prime condition for plowing. A meeting was held Sunday even ing at which an organization was formed for the purpose of holding Sunday evening services at the Bap tist church A course of study is be ing prepared In which the' young folks especially are highly inter ested. The old folks have called a meet ing for the purpose of organizing a club for the winter. It la nrohable that it will be In the nature of a lit erary society, but once started there Is no teling what it will include. 1'iuit Inspector Burke was down from Grants Pass last week and noti fied orchard owners that they must clean un their trees and keen thm clean. James Abell, who recently pur chased a ten-acre tract of land. Is clearing preparatory to putting out strawberry plants. miles to go for mall and supplies. John Kinkle has been very ill, but i he is now able to be about though he ; suffers severely at times. . Misses Susie and Hazel Rick will attend the institute at Ashland. Ernest Kinkle is hauling wood to town every day, taking advantage of the fine weather. J. C. Savage and family are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller on Ap- plegate a few days. The weather Is fine for plowing and the farmers are taking advan tage of it. Chas. Kinkle commenced to work on the new school house at Woodville this week. School has closed for the week on account of the Teachers' Institute. The grandfather of our teacher. Ada Welch, Is very ill of pnuemonla at Central Point. GALICB. J. C. Mattlson, superintendent of the Oriole, made a trip outside the first of last week. The freight teams are hauling pipe through hero to the Oriole, where they are putting in a big pipe line to run the air compressor. Judge Jewel and wife, of Grants Pass, were visiting friends In Gallce last week. Miss Edna Keith, of Merlin, is visiting her brother and friends this week. Miss Georgia Ward mado Grants Pass a visit of a week. Had a big fish pond and dance nt tho Gallce hall last Saturday night. Everybody reported a good time. Mr. Ayers, a stockholder in the Oriole mine from Salem, has joined tho muckers. He balances the stales at 275, but in a month he will think he has been tnking anti-fat. Manz Meyers, of the Carlton group, paid Grants Pass a visit last week. He reports everything nice at tho mine. Elmer Colvlg and Will Frier went to Grants Pass the first of the week to take examination in the Service. Mrs. James Hill made Calico a visit last week. Noah Jones, Harlow Bros.' iki. had an accident last week In which one of his mules tn n. i.. - ' I 'ti IV I I J I 111 FRUITDALE. Mr. and Mrs. George Hamilton ar rived home the latter part of last week from their visit east. Although they they report the time of their lives they are glad to get back to Fruitdale. Claude Jones, of Redding, is visit ing his father, Mrs. Frank Dodson returned h Sunday. If you want the best cider mill on the market, get a Hocking Val ley at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co's. for $19.00. Work on the Fruitdale road will begin in a day or two with Alonzo Jones as the new road master. Mr. Jones is a man of experience and is interested in the new cnod rnnrl movement. Mildred and Glenn Hamilton en tered school Monday. Master Glenn accompanied- his parents on .their eastern trip. School is dismissed for this week while the teacher attends the insti tute at Ashland, Ore. Fruitdale Is quite proud of the school. A more orderly lot of youngsters Is not to be found anywhere. A pleasant little picnic occurred in upper Fruitdale at the home of Mr. Heffley. The dinner was served un der the trees and the tables fairly groaned under the good things. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Heffley, Mr. and Mrs. John Stanbrough, Mrs. Green, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Stan brough, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Churchill, .uuarea Churchill, Miss Kline, Mrs. Kerchoff, Mr. and Mrs. E. R ninnnt,. ard, Florenz Breitmayer, Fred Br'eit- mayer, J. H. Harris and Robert Tin-. ris. Tents- I have on hand about 30 good tents that have only been used 2 weeks through hoppicking which I will close out at the following low prices 8x10 ;.. $5.75 10x12....... G.75 12x14 $7.75 Ike M. Davis SBBaMES3SB3ST53jia5EJ Eosebud Parlors Having purchased tin Confectionery, leu Cream and Soda Fountain Es:ablishment, known as the liOSElUII). we will ho nlensfid to mp.fcr, nil run. . , ... j U1U patrons in the new pl-ce. In addition to the regular uuMiiess win m . vo nuiuues m uu jiouis daily. We aim to give fatisl'action in all lines. ' 7 E. E. CARGILL Stoves Stoves Monarch Ranges, and all sizes Small Cookers of Heaters INCLUDING Tragic Death of Clins. Ames. Word has been received here of the tragic death of Chas. Am n former resident of this cltv. whn death by falling over 200-foot cliff while on a hunting trip In Cali fornia on October 2. Information was furnished by a man named r.haa Sehultz, who in comnanv with Mr Ames was on a hunting trip in the vicinity of Charper Creek. Nlrht overtook the men and In going down a steep hill Ames lost his balance and slid for about 30 feet and then fell over the cliff. His nnrtrmr made efforts to get him but the I nigbt w'as dark and the nln an dangerous that he gave it nn n,i at dayUreak went for heln. When found the body was badly crashed and the scalp completely torn from the hend. Mr. Ames was n reMont or brants Pass several years ago and win probably be remembered many Grants Pass people. small oil stoves suitable for Tents and small rooms morn ings and evenings. CALL AND SEE US Grants Pass fidw. Co, f fill lvnu,K . " '"' ' "i fiiissS .,..,.,1,.V.M Mir.iKKcn'wa'mxat;LtE5g by MOXEV RACK. H. llemaray Sells a Remedy for Catarrh on that Liberal Basis. n tt. it ridden membrane, and it will kill the' sei nit:, una cure catarrh. There is no other way y must M't where the germs are before you can destroy them. And when catarrh germs have dis appeared, other thl tl ,.111 1 Forot there wl be no more hawking, n-n . ; " "' " morning; that offonnhv '"'"i will disappear; there will be " ""ie obnoxious mucous ,r eourli v or smwlng. or hiiskluess .f Ice. ,,r difficulty in breathing. All Uiesf disagreeable accessories of the I ;''"'1" "'tnrrli w disappear, and as "ff " a'l -lied about one jti r i . ad, fl e.renJlh all l'" Ihou-nnil fee,. The next day M, ;., nXi" Barlow got him out and home, onlv I . '""'ads of catarrh, will hrin" worse off a few bruises and no i,. I y,'"r vl,nll,v ambition, will broken. " ' h' . n u'w' healthy, happy being of " '. -.""ii in a tew weeks. ' , " lmaray will sell v0u a com. SAVAGE ( Rl i u .:vs. j !'''' Hyeniel ouftt for $1.00 This M. J. Kick went back to wo,K Tues-; i?y S ""nolSl r' nf' U, 'V " southern division hrM,,.,and, rt i,..... ,,8he.-".-no,' IJlilli ff Facts m M Worth Noting Enrollment of students pasi year 468. All graduate placed In good position. Filled but 50 per cent application forofflc help. Reputation for thorough and personal Instruction. Safe and refining Influences. Send for new Folder and Success Stories.. SOURED FOR STUPENTSNHFJl wait i r without charge UX4uiiY' i ft- -mm 1 i. days to Helen. Catu. nffer being home a fe bis yoimct'st daughter who Is 111 with paralysis. Mr. Kinkle, imi i.. i 1 1 1 1 1 s in I'S. lie "-m uructists everywhere. Ex i ' 5'J n.nts. And bear In I';;;;;'- back if Hyomei doesn't HUM' IlflVM !'',, i.f .-r made seven bundled dolla f'.in crop of .1 13 ncte.4. 'l',f ill after Tli.i: '- .ivii I'he l-rhk-e ''"-ing rapl, S.iMvc Cr ok off h! lias hi r- nt y. The will .;,. I "TFTR RPTTHHT ru nruTiTV I enth and Morrison, Portland, Orcfjoa g 8 A. P. Armstrong LL.B., Prineiptf Old in years, ncw'in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open nil the year. Mor calls or help than we can meetposition certain. Class ani' individual instruction. ' Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practjee. Shorthand that excels in every respect. Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue .Li i '"Moi'i:iell)iiis..rv, wmrstfmi. i' M;n 1 c-.u-, , M l st-.n,.i, ,,. ! v ' - ''.a:r.e. t't;,.- scnooi -noiio belter. Has a well established reputntlou. Success ful graduates. Skillful, painstaking teachers. Living expense low. Many other advantages. Let us tell you about thorn. A catalogue for the asking. I M AI.KV, Principal. Salem, Oregon. ,