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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1909)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1909. THE ROGI H RIVER COUR1KK PAGE FIVE 4 Did You Ever attempt to use a pair of manicure scissors which haggled the nails and made you feel cross? Of course you have, because about nine-tenths of the scissors sold are of the kind that . cut that way. We want to call your attention to the other kind. Having recently put In a line of the "AAA1" scissors, and also an assort ment of files, buffers, corn razors and knives and other manicure articles cf this make, all of which are guar nnteed to give satisfaction. When in need of such, just try them and note the difference. i I Sabin, uq Brug'g'ist LaFollette, Opera House, Satur day, November 6. AMOS ANDERSON General Confectionery 308 So. Sixth St. GRANTS PASS, OREGON Just to bring' to your attention the .fact that we are prepared for your Fall demands In Groceries with the brands and quality you wish at right prices. Watch our ad for some "Special Noise" we intend to make very soon now. FRESH CORN'.MEAL, GRAHAM FLOIR, SELF-RAISING PAX CAKE FLOUR For Fancy Daklng OLYMPIC PASTRY FLOUR 2.1c Pkg. CArE COD CRANRERRIES SHELLED POPCORN' White House Grocery Mf ARE Pf G0ING 1 jffjW TO MAKE I jM SOME Now is the Season For New ?, Rugs, Linoleums nnd Mntt, and the place to find tho largest assortment and prices is at A. U. Bannard's, North Sixtf h r v Liti. ? r ti mm i i c . ' w i r h 1 ' Cook's Linoleum is the Best Wo are selling quantities of it at same price as poore r goods. Have u large shipment on the way. Stock of Furniture compli-to, AS AM !?, and PRICES THE LOWEST. Sold for cash or on in stalment. A. U. BINNARD Big Store North Sixth Street Omits IV-."., Ore. I LKSOXAL AM) LOCAL PERSOXAL AND LOCAL John Summers made a shipment of ! Mrs. J. H. Hathaway went to Port fancy Barred Rocks to Roseburg last ! land Tuesday for a short visit Andy Colvln was a visitor from Attorney Robert G. Smith made i Glendale the first of the week. a Business trip to Medford Monday, returning to this city In the evening. Waldo Corbett, of Corvallis, visited for several days this week at the home of Rev. and Mrs. D. H. Leech. : Mrs. Ernest Lewis and baby re turned last Friday afternoon from Leland where they had been on a visit to Mrs. Lewis' parents. "FLASH" is a household necessity and is most popular with the house wife cleans woodwork, sinks, bath tubs, floors, paint, kitchen utensils and everything about the house. Mr3. S. C. Nease and sister, Miss Marguerite Cleveland, drove to Greenback Wednesday to spend a few days with Mr. Nease, who Is shift boss in the Greenback, j Cramer Bros, have enlarged the i capacity of their hardware store room by extending the shelving to the ceiling and installing movable .ladders. They anticipate additional improvements. j J. G. Curtiss has recently pur chased from Mr. Provolt two lots on ; Sixth street at the southeast corner I of K. Mr. Curtiss will probably ! build cn them when the business sec tion of the city reaches to that point. The s;reat statesman, Senator : Robert M. LaFollette, will appear at the Opera llouso Saturday, November 6. Reserved seats on sale at Rus sell's November 2. Admission 75c and $1.00. E. A. Lngergren, who recently purchased the J. L. Fryer. 5-acre tract a mile west of the city, re turned a week ago from Colorado. He, with his father-in-law, W. H. McArthur, are making many im provements in the place and are now building a new bam. H. L. Lewis lost a valuable mare the fore part of the week, it having been kicked while In the pasture by another horse and a leg broken. Mr. Lewis came to Grants Pass Wednes day and secured another animal to match the remaining horse of the team. On account of our late opening, and in order not to carry over any of our Winter stock, commencing November 1, 1909, we will cut all street hats 25 per cent and give you unusually good prices on all dress hats. The Chapeau, Misses Drake and Doran, proprietors, 208 Sixth street, Conklln Bids., Grants Pass, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. E. IJoyer arrived last week from Spencer, Iowa, with the intention of spending at least the winter In Grants Pass. They visit ed Mrs. Ora Hood three years ago for a few days and purchased a 2V6 acre place on East A street, which they still own. Mr. noyer has been a member of the city council of Spencer for the past 17 years. Postmaster W. C. Henry, of Hugo, was In town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Morey returned last week from Hillsdale, Mich., where they went some three months ago to attend to business matters and to pack up their household goods for shipment to Grants Fass. They, with their son and daughter, who have spent the summer In the city, have taken up their residence at 203 A street. Mr. Morey, on hlH first trip here, bought 160 acres on Jer ome Pralrlo. J .17 1 ..- 1 j i a. at Hair- Riddle Hardware Co's. Mrs. Harry Smith went to Leland Thursday to spend a few olays with Mr. Smith at the mill. V. B. Swinney left Friday for Wasco, Cal., to look after some farm property which he owns. Billy Wheeler, the popular gar dener, won't work for his board any more unless he can have Folger's Golden Gate Coffee served htm. ,Mlss Effle. Erickson arrived here Wednesday from Minneapolis, Minn., to spend the winter with her cousin, Mrs. G. W. Finch. Slaw Cutters, Chopping Bowls and Meat Choppers at Cramer Bros. Mrs. Mary DeLamatter arrived here last Friday to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. T. McKinstry, and her son, James. Hand-made, tool steel wedges and sledges can now be had at Jas. Trimble's blacksmith shop, 515 I street. ' -4t Mis3 Claudlne Cornn, who has spent the past two months with her sister In Portland, returned Tuesday evening to her home In this city. "A live wire" on November 6, at Opera House Senator LaFollette. Prof, and Mrs. P. J. O'Gara and Mr. and Mrs. Will Scovllle spent last Sunday at the II. E. Gale home on Rogue river. A small thing to look for, a big thing to find: Hart Schaffner & Marx label. It's in the clothes at Calhoun Clothing Store. The managers of the Alder Gulch Mining & Tunnel Co. have placed four men on the property on Oscar creek and they now will bo busy; next week In doing assessment work. Miss Anna Colvlg passed through this city Wednesday morning en route to Ashland where she goes to take a position with a dry goods firm of that place. The altitude at Grants Pass Is 900 feet. This Is Ideal, as the exhilarat ing mountain air brings us health. It costs less to live In Grants Pass than It does In any of tho towns in the middle west. John Lucas, formerly in husincs.4 In Grants Pass, but now n resident of Portland, was in the city Tuesday and Wednesday, In the interest of tho Studebaker Co. Mrs. A. U. Hnnnard went, last week to Salem to visit her daughter, Mis. Geo. Goodall. She will also spend some Hme In Portland with friends and will probably go to Tacoina. Mrs. J. E. McDonald returned laBt week to her homo nt Anaconda, Mont., after spending a month here visiting her sister, Miss H. Margaret. Doran, of The Chapenu. Miss Wllklns, of San Francisco, deaconess, arrived here Wednesday and has taken up her work as assist ant to the pastor of the Newman M. 12. church. Sam ttuell reports thnt Mrs. Unci! and the child, who havejiecn 111 for some time have recovered and are now regaining tielr accustomed strength. Just the thing to tnko tho chill out of your bathroom A Perfection Oil Heater At Halr-TUddlo Hard ware Co'a. Two bIzcb, $3.50 and $l.7n each. A force has been nt work during this week denning the street gutters. This Is an Important move and It should be continued In ev utrcet In the towu. Property nwn should follow suit by cleaning i their , home surroundings. Mrs. S. II. iSiick nnd daughter,' Miss llattle, left last, week on tlu-lr return to their home at Mi Kinney, Tex., t.ftcr spending several weeks visiting Mrs. liuck's brother, W. II. Pnltlllo. They will visit the Yosm Ite Valley nnd Grand Canyon on their way home. Miss liernlce Carder closed u suc cessful term of st hool In the Lout , Creek district nnd spent Sunday In Grants l'nss with her mint, Mrs. Arthur Jackson. Mls Carder went tn Ashland Monday to attend the In stitute and the following Monday; will iitniiieii'e a term of school at Trail, Jackson county. V. W. Ash, of D' erlng, was In the city Monday for a few dnv. lie had with li 1 in an. old watch bearing the dat 17M which has been in thn family pttne that time. Tho watch Is of peculiar hnpn and cnnvtructlun us compared with watches (if the present day hut It la still servb 1 ! and keeps Rood time. One cf the woiklrm rait U a chain about four ( . r r Perfection Oil Heaters f t PEUSOXAL AM) LOCAL Miss Maude Dulibon went to Glen dale Wednesday to foetid a few days with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Clarke. rtenj. Harriott went to the Apple gate valley Thursday morning to at tar d to business and visit friends. Plant your Bulbs now. Make your selections soon at Cramer Bros. "Good morning, Mrs. Stayathome, why are you out so early this nrorn ing?" "Oh, I'm going to The Chapeau to select a hat before they are all gone." T!u next mayor and city council, should be pledged to clean up the city and to keep it clean. , Filth Is a disease breeder and to allow such conditions to prevail means the murder of the innocent. The Wyoming colony of this lo cality will uold a reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. V. John son, south side river, near White Rocks, on Saturday of this week and enjoy dinner together. Old and young the colony numbers some 20 odd persons. The Chapeau for Fine Millinery. Geo. Clrdseye left this week for Portland. He came "from that city the week before to fill a position as clerk in the Kinney & Truax store, but nfier four day's work he was ob liged to give up on account of his health. Ho spent several davs In Woedvillo with his grandmother, and will probably spend the winter In Portland. F. It. Johnson, general agent of the passenger department of the Canadian Pacific, locnted at Port land, was in the city Thursday and paid a pleasant visit to the Courier office, and while there made this Important statement: "Fastern peo ple are romlng to Oregon in great numbers and nothing can stop thorn, nnd if Giants Pass don't get its shnre it will be the fault of those whose duty It should bo to look after such matters." Mr. Van. Walters, of Medford, was here Wednesday on a business trip. He ,1s manager of the branch house of Sherman Clay & Co.,. who now have nt Medford tho finest piano store in Oregon, excepting Portland only. This house Is well .known nnd handles the finest Instruments manu factured. Their motto, "One Price to All," hns been in vogue about 40 years. They have no advertising schemes, no manufacturers' bonds, no special sales cannot give yon $20 in gold for $15. Do not nsk you $000 for a $3fi5 piano, neither can they sell a $.100 for $275, but every instrument Is plainly marked nnd the price guaranteed. They cordially tnvlte an Investigation of prices nnd terms. You cannot afford to buy a piano without first seeing these. 134 W. Main street, Med ford, Ore. Mrs. Early: "Good morning, Mrs. Wise, haven't you a new hnt yet?" Mrs. Wise: "No, I'm waiting for The Chapeau's big sale commencing November 1, 1909." Say! We'll show you some dandy values in street Hats Monday, Nov ember 1, 1909. Come and see for yourself. ctKlcic. Ml 1 7 1 i . . . l m i A .:, MsM U!p a lb. J V I 1 V I I Our Bulbs And we shall be pleased to have jou make your selection. We have SINGLE AND DOUBLE IIYAOINTHS SINGLE AND DOUBLE TULIPS PARROT AND DARWIN TULIPS YELLOW AND MIXED CROCUS PAPER WHITE NARCISSUS SINGLE SNOWDROPS SINGLE JONQUILS ' CHINESE LILiES CALLA LILLIES PRICES ACCORDING TO OUANITY CRAMER BROS. Odd Follows Blk. The next time yoa buy clothes, look for the Hart Schaffncr & Marx name; you'll find it in tho clothes at Calhoun's. The Chapeau for Fine Millinery. M. E. Sturtevant has furnished tho Courier with a fine box of quinecB. They are large and do cre dit to our fruit display in the win dows of the Courier office. This splendid fruit grew on a place Mr. Sturtevant owns on A street. Don't forget tho sale and bazzaar by the M. E. ladles December 3. The Famous Pendleton Hobes Just In this week a largo assortment of Auto Robes, Carrlnge Robes, Indian Robes and Couch Covers. Made by the Pendleton Mills. Theso Robes are on exhibition and sale at our store. Everybody specially Invited to call and see them and, by the wnv, for a Christmas present for wife or husband or a friend In the enst they are tho par excellence. Come and seo them. C. P. Bishop & Coi. Cockerels for Kale. I have some extra fine Barred Rock cockerels for sale. Best blood obtainable, Prices right. 10-29-3t JOHN SUMMERS. Christmas will soon bo upon us, It will not be necessary to spend weeks making glftH for they can bo bought at the Methodist ladles' bazaar and sale December 3. Concerning Senator La Follette who comes to Grnnts Pnss November (!, a lending magazine writer says: "Understanding a. sympathy, an actual knowledge of his people, a sincere conviction, a tremendous con centration of purpose, a clean per sonal llfo, theso things are so much grenter than the common arrogant power that goes with money In poli tics, that tho progress of LaFollette has been a thing foregone and assur ed. The man Is sincere. He Is real. II In ambition Is not a personal am bition, but a great purpose. It 1h something bigger and better, It Is manhood. It Is bigness." Our Special Offer Of a Pair of 'TacKarcT Shoes With each BISHOP'S READY TAILORED SUIT OR OVER COAT at $20, $25, $30 Or u Roberts $3.00 Hat With each SUIT or OVERCOAT at . $12.50, $15.00 $17.50 was fo Kuccencful that vo have decided to continue the oiler a BUOItTTI.MK lonuki:. "Pick while tho pickings ijood" . C. P. Bishop Co. lUrt ('tli St., ojij-osito PoPtollico are Here ft i lU'SINKSS POINTERS Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.K.Peteraon.PloneerlnsuranccMan. M.Clemens, Prescription Druggist. Paddock & Manuel buy second- ! haml K0lla- Clty na" mdg. 10-22-tf Highest cash price paid for greon and dry hides at J. II. Ahlfa meat market. 10-1-tf Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old stand, Front 8t; Eyes tested free. Curtiss & Co., jewelers, are still in business at the same old stand. Rannle, the plumber., Jas. Trimble now has In stock a number of flno hand-made, tool stoel sledges and wedges. 10-29-4t Seed wheat and vetch,, mixed, tor fall sowing; oats and vetch,, mixed, for fall sowing; Btrnlght wheat, straight oats and rye for fall sowing. Grants Pass Feed Co., 402 8. Cth Btreet, cor. J. Btreet. 10-22-4t If you expect to buy Christmas presents this year remember that tho ladles of tho Newman M. E. church will give a sale and bazaar Friday, December 3. VICTOR T.UiKlNH MACH1NK What In home without a Vic tor? We Nell on the eiiNy pay ment plan. Complete stock of Record always on hand. Rowell's Music Store ROD U Kin-et . Phone fl:i