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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 1, 1909)
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1909. hiH.UB RIVER COllUMi. PAGE FIVE I. v 1 Palmer's Perfumes Are the BEST Cill la ind hi u$ eearlace you 'tis so with FREE SAMPLE ALL OF HIS LATEST ODORS Sabin, &-e Drug'gist SPECIALS, C. P. Bishop & (Vs. Specials. Now 1b the time you are laying "in your Fall and Winter Specials, la Men's Wool and Cotton Under wear we have a large assortment of leading lines from $1.00 up to $5.00 per suit. Also a new line of Men's Nightgowns and Pajamas, Men's Coat Sweaters and Men's Slickers. Pittsburg Perfect Fence, welded by electricity, strong and durable, is Bold only by Cramer Bros. When Ordering Fruit I Jars I Consider well the kind you buy Keeps Meats Game Fish and Vegetables At will M ) Fruits No Ribb.r tt Xtefis thm Perfectly fortvtr, with ell triginol flavor and natural calor Air-tiiht, Self-iealinJ Tide Mouth No Zinc Cap At VAe WHITE HOUSE GROCERY All kinds CANNING SUPPLIES TOMATOKS now in the market, very plentiful. Late Crawford ana Ifuir PEACHES coming in slowly; prices will be higher. Satsuma PLUMS now on sale. Italian and Petite PRUNES. White House Grocery Now is the Season For New Carpets, Kugs, Linoleums and Mattings, and the place to lind the largest assortment and best prices is at A. U. Bannard's, North Sixth St. Cook's Linoleum is the Best We are Polling quantities of it at -nine price as poorer goods. Haven large shipment un tie-way. Stock of Furniture complete, AS Al.W A r and rniCKS T1IK LOWKST. 'Sold f..r cash or on in Btalment. A. U. BANNARD liirf North Sixth Street PERSONAL ASH LOCAL Miss Lora Pummill went to Eu- jgene last week to enter the univers ity as a pupil. Mrs. Geo. H. Durham returned j Monday from Portland where she jhad been visiting friends. M. C. Dague and son, Maynard, of Indiana, arrived here this week and expect to locate in Grants Pass. Mrs. Geo. Williams went to I Portland Monday evening to risk her daughter, Mrs. James Flrebaugh. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Thompson ar rived here Friday from Wenatchee, Wash., with the intention of locat ing. Mrs. Guy Williams and baby left Monday evening for Joseph, Ore., to visit with her parents for a few weeks. Miss Vera Whipple, who has spent the past two months visiting at New port, Portland, Salem and Drain, re turned Monday to her home in this city. Mrs. W. M. Wheeler, who hns spent a few days with her sisters, Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. Eclus Pol lock, of this city, left Monday for her home at Medford. ; Mrs. G. Crockett spent a few dyys with her daughter, Mrs. Ed Dixon, in this city, returning Monday even ing to her home at Hugo. C. A. Malboeuf, traveling freight 'agent of the Southern Pacific, was in .town Thursday and Friday on one of his regular monthly business 'trips. I Ed. F. Hathaway, of Selma, is in , Grants Pass this week as a member :of the circuit court jury. Mr. Hatha jway is an old tinier in this country ! and a successful farmer under irri gation. Dr. E. P. Dixon and James Tuffs went to West Fork Monday evening on a bear hunt. They had two vici ous looking dogs with them and any thing they can't shoot they will be sure to catch. Paul E. Blanchard, of Frultdale, has entered the Willamette Univers ity at Salem and will take a classical course, after whidi he will select a profession and enter another insti tution. Paul Is one of our solid young men and will make a place for himself when he leaves college. Rev. Simon Mora, a Chaldean minister, will speak In the Christian church tonight, Friday. Kev. Merza is of the same race and speaks the same language as Absalom of Bible history. He will speak tonight dressed In Chaldean costume, which has remained unchanged in type for 4000 years. Price Sloan, at one time a resi dent of Wildervllle but now of Frlne vllle, arrived In town Tuesday to vis it, his sister, Mrs. Dan Green. Mr. Sloan says they have had no rain to speak of for two years past and the country is literally burning up. A letter from his wife, just received, states that the rains we are having in Southern Oregon have not reached Prlnevllle. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Smith and their little son, Rae, arlved in Grants Pass on Tuesday last from Montana. They have been a month on the way, stop ping In Seattle to attend the Alaska-Yukon-l'aciflc exposition and other points to visit relatives and friends. They are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Douglas, the parents of Mrs. Smith, and expect to make Grants Pass their permanent home. Store Grcnt:- r.v-, Ore. PERSONAL AXD LOCAL Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Owens went to Medford Monday to spend a few days. Daniel McFarland left for Eugene last week to attend the university at that place. Geo. Harper left Friday for Cor vallis where he will attend school this winter. Mrs. Ira Mallory returned to Glendale Monday after visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr. Mallory's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. II. Parker left Friday evening for a trip to Seattle. They will also visit relatives in Port land. Messrs. Joe and Lou Schmidt le turned last Friday from Serttle where they had been to take in the fair. C. P. Bishop returned last Friday from a business and pleasure trio spent at Portland, Pendleton and Seaside. ' Will Riggs has taken a position with the T. B. Cornell Grocery Co. and began his duties as clerk first of the week. Libby Cut Glass in many designs can be found at Demaray's drug store. 10-l-2t Frank Heberlie returned to Ash land Monday after attending the funeral of his little nephew in this city Saturday. Miss Minnie Ireland spent several days with " Ashland friends this week, returning to her home here Wednesday evening. South Bend Chilled Plows can't be beat for light running and turn ing the soil. Sold only by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. Max Tuffs and Alfred Letcher, Jr., spent two days in the West Fork district on a hunting trip last week, returning home Sunday. Mrs. E. Daniels spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Will Lemp ke, of this city, returning to her home at Butte Creek Monday. Wm. Fallln went to Sucker Croon Saturday to bring his family home, Mrs. Fallln and the children having spent, some time with friends in that section. A. W. Moon came down from Cen tral Point Thursday morning for n short visit with his wife, who -is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends here. Geo. H. Sanders, president of th Brlggs Gold Bar Mining Co., return ed from the mine on Wednesday afternoon and the same evening took the train for Chicago. 25 per cent discount on Stransky Ware at Cramer Bros. William Van Lewman arrived here Wednesday to visit with his cousin, Mrs. J. II. Hathaway. Mr. Van Lewman has spent the pnst three years at Ft. Llseum, Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McCnnn and little son, of Wildervllle, returned Sunday night from a ten days' stay at the Seattle fair. They report hav Ing had a splendid time. Herman Wallace, baggageman be tween here and Dunsnnilr, went to I Portland Saturday evening with one of the messengers, who was 111, and returned to this city Tuesday on No. ,15. I I'liilt Picking I-iidders at Ilnlr ' Riddle Hardware Go's, i II. D. Klsmann visited his brothers. 1 F. D. and Chris Klsmann, for a few days this week, returning Thursday to Portland. Mr. Elsmann has dis posed of his Interest In the automo bile business' to Roy WINon. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. Isham and three children returned Sunday from n two weeks' vacation trip spent at Cottage Grove at N'ewmnn M. E. conference and at Portland and Se attle visiting friends and attending the fair. Wilfrid B. WnlnwrMit and Robert C. Davis, both of Los Angeles, ar rived In Grunts Pass Tuesday night. These gentlemen are mining men i and will carefully examine the placer j grounds of (tils county before their j ,.vm )r,ft fr the Klamath Falls return to California. country. Messrs. Harvey and Adams Mrs. Florene Walk' r, who spent , have gone Into the Fawnilll buslnes several months In this (it v last ni that place under the firm name of spring, has returned to Grants Pas'i Harvey-Adanis Lumber Co, and have to reside and will be followed by herflfd articles of Incorporation with parents In a tlmrt time, they ,a vlnn , the secretary of state. Mr. Harvey property In Lincoln park. Walker Is from Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Crawford M r" and Mrs, D. .1. Manuel and W. A. Paddock returned Saturday from a 10-days' cnni;,!i:c trip to Crescent f'I'y whi- h w.- ; very enjoyable. Mis" V, Itito'i, n coe-in of Mrs. Manuel, who Is vl-ltlng from Indiana, wa- nl- In the sprlncr. Th pnnt.lemen have so a member et the party. bought a larir" tract of timber and their mill n!te U on the new rnll- TjkIIi' rnibrclhi. fond lino colnt throui'h that coun- Wp lav" by ambient n few d7.en fJr, nnA belnn gentlemen nf l",nK t,., j;, .. t'f' m!V tio n'e ('!"! to rtty Rfd rood b'Hlnexi ability, sre ., ' . . ,.. ..,., piir., c, l'. fire of t'ie i":bonnd"d success which . Oiey rlcn'f ', PERSONAL AND LOCAL Mrs. J. M. Smock, of Holland, was in our city first of the week. Enoch Irwin, of Galice, was a visit or to this city on Monday, attending to business. ,The rain is just right for plow iug, so get you an Oliver Plow at Cramer Bros. Robt. G. Smith returned Sunday from Rosoburg where he had been on a business trip. Mrs. W. W. Walker attended the Seven Day Adventlst camp meeting at Woodville Friday. Frank Vincent and family left Monday night for Portland where they will remain for the winter. We are sorry to lose these good people. On next Thursday evening Dr. Jos. Clark, of lkoko, Africa, will give a free Illustrated lecture at the First Baptist church at 8 o'clock. Mrs. C. C. Presley returned Thurs day from Portland where she has been as a delegate to the Women's Missionary conference of the M. E. church, South. Miss Josie Vandewalker visited her mother at Gold Hill over Sunday. She was accompanied by Miss Hazel Morey. The ladies returned to this city Sunday evening. Horace C. Hall, of Boulder, Colo., a civil engineer of reputation, both in the line of irrigation and mining, has, after Investigation, made his home in Grants Pass and has opened an office In the Albert block. Two giant sunflowers In the win dows of the Courier have attracted much attention for the past 10 days. One of these was grown by J. F. Burke and the other by John Pat rick, both or this city. Tnpro ,8 ni0,.p AMERICAN" H. B. Hendricks and Jeff John-1 yvniV made and sold than any other son . returned Monday form their !two fences in the world. The rea hunting trip at the head of Grave Bon8 are Quality and Price. Ask creek. They report poor luck in Hair-Riddle to show you their stock the sporting line, neither of them !f fence. securing any game. Mr. Hendricks j had a shot at a cougar but missed j The big steelheads are biting, We U. have the right files. Cramer tiros. Split Bamboo Poles from th? fac- I Geo. C. Sabln, the druggist, has tory with 25 per rent dis .'it f , Cramer Bios. ; It was the opinion of many of the pilgrims who went to Creek that If the big traction engine would turn In and use the Williams ". - '. road it would level down and fill up I Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Parrotte. of the deep ruts made by the lumber Omaha. Neb., have been looking over teams. These ruts are In places slm-!" " lin(1 nro,,,n(l ,ra"t,H plv just as bad as they can be at thl!l'". and were highly pleased will, time. It is quite certain that If the ,'"' possibilities of Southern Oregon, traction train loaded with 40,000 'While In the city Mr. and Mrs Par leet of lumber would pass over the "rtto were the guests of Mr and Mrs. ,-oad a few times It will do It gcod. j. N. Parsons, they being old friends .... .. ,1" Omaha. Y UHUIJ rniK, Willi ins nuc j two cnllnron, from sncnaan, wyo., s reet, corner Second, and will re - ,. ' . . ., ' ,, s de there dur ng the coming win- ,, i,,i , ter. The children aro already In school. Mr. Peak has for many years been a prominent citizen of Wyom ing, having served his county two j terms as sheriff and four terms as j county commissioner. These good j people nre a valuable acquisition to i our city. I South Bend Chilled PIowb are the world's best. Everyone sold on a guarantee by Halr-Rlddlo Hardware Co. A representative of the Courier! recently visited the Williams Creek! district and In n single day added 10 I subscribers to the Courier list. In that neighborhood. Some of these stated the fact that, they were taking n( Crants Pass paper which they n tended to drop as soon as the time' expired for which the subscription had been paid. This gave our re presentative much encouragement and he will take two or three days, when the weather Is fair to go enre-j fully over the district. Those Wll-1 Hams folks are good citizens and very discriminating people. The Courier hns added 4 7 names to Its subscription list during the last half of September. O. P. Harvey has sold his Interest i the Grants Pass Hardware Co. nd on Wednesday he and Bob Is president a'id manager, Mr. Adams !ls treasurer and C. L. Harvey secre Mr. tary. Meser O. P. Harvey and Bob Adams have pone to Install the mn (hlnery In the new mill, which Is located ttenr Keno, about It mllei from Klamath Falls, but Lloyd Har vey will not ro ovr until om time 4 BUSINESS rOINIERS t Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. J.E.Peterson,PloneerlnsuranccMn. M.Clemens, Prescription Druggist Leave orders for Bulbs and Roses at Cramer Bros. Curttsa & Co., jewelers, are BtlH in business at the samo old stand. Rannle, the plumber. Highest cash price paid for green and dry hides at J. II. Ahlfs meat market. 10-1-tf Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler In Dlxen'i old stand, Front St. Eyes tested free. Your Money Hack if you buy a South Bond Chilled Plow and do not like it after giving It a fair trial. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Mrs. Millie J. Wood wishes to an nounce she will have dancing school at Clemens Hall, Wednesday even ing, October 6. 10-1-lt The I. X. L. marble and granite works of north Central Point, Ore gon, are agents for The Stewart Iron Works Co.'b cemetery and lawn Iron fences, vases, etc. Write us and our salesman will call with designs. I. A. Mundinger is prepared to furnish stove lining and also ro-llne stoves. The season for this work Is now at hand and those who employ him can depend on good work and reasonable charges. He Is to be found on E street, back of the R. L. Coo store. 10-l-3t The Hair-ltlddle Hardware Co. will give a Cooking Demount rat Ion on a South Iteml Malleable Steel Range In their store during the week be- ! the date. been sick for the past, m uays ami most of the time confined to his '" nml ,M'(1 un Friday morning Williams:"0 waN rt"Ii 'l 8 'f('t- 'able. Ills many friends hope for his Henry Williams accidentally shot himself through the foot Sunday . . lea bro revolver In his overcont pocket and In taking a tobacco sack ' i . i.. I rum IIIH pot'Kei mo minis rntiM't 111 I t he trigger, discharging the weapon. I The ball lodged In the Instep of the foot and could not be located until Friday morning when It was re moved by Dr. Loughrldge, The In jured member Is Improving nicely at this time. 7;.- - If .:.:' !' ' ' . . .). . ... .-.4hyA j : . Vv , 4 ' w r - M-.wu, ,. . . ..... v C. P. BISHOP & CO. Ids Sutli Siruot, Oppoiilia lotoIIIc.e PERSONAL AND LOCAL 4 New Designs In Libby Cut Glass just arrived at Demaray's. 10-l-2t J. O. Booth 'returned Monday from a three weeks' trip to Portland and Seattle. Did you see that "FLASH?" "FLASH" grows more popular with the housewife dally. Cash Hendricks went to Galice Thursday evening to spend some time with his brother-in-law, Ernest Crouch, at that place. Miss Ada Erb arrived here Sat urday from Ashland -and went to Sucker Creek to i.vlth friend. Geo. Zeopfl, of 1'toclnnatl, ar rived in Grants Pass Thursday to look over the country for himself and friends, being somewhat Inter ested in one of the mines here. Mrs. C. V. Henkle arrived from Colorndo Springs last Friday accom panied by her mother, Mrs. L. J. Richards, and will probably remain here during the winter, staying with Mr. and Mrs. Kesterson on North Sixth street. Water Power Washing Machines that are sold on a positive guarantee to do good work can be had at llalr Riddle Hardware Co's. Alva Gunnell Is the proud possess or of a fine Cockerel spaniel bird dog, presented to him by J. R. Har vey. C. E. Selleck also has a splen did new bird dog of the Irish setter species and It Is expected that these gentlemen will do a rushing busi ness when the qunll season opens. Cramer Bros, desire to announce that about October 10 they will have a stock of Bulbs for Fall and Winter planting outdoors, and also for pot plants In the house. The bulbs nre Imported from Holland, and will In clude not only the standard varie ties of Crocuses, Tulips, Hyacinths, Narcissus, etc., but also a number of other bulbs suitable for our cllm ate. They will also take orders for roses, either for Fall or Spring planting, and will gladly give any one the benefit of their experience In the culturo and selection of roses. The very next time you uri downtown, step Into our store and let us show you A PREMOETTE the hand camern that Is small er than the hand. A handsome little daylight loading camera that can be carried unnoticed even In a boy's pocket. And It makes exceptionally fine pic tures. Wo enrry everything that's worth while for the ama teur photographer. PREMOS From $2.00 up and a fresh stock of films and supplies, PmiiiptncMN and Quality, Our Finishing Department will get the very best results from every film for you. It Is In the hands of experts. Rowell's Music Store ROD Street, GrautH Punn, Ore, Phone (lit Our Clothing Your Satisfaction Bishop's Ready. Tailored Clothes will plcaso you be- ausii tlii.-y wuru lniulc lo do HO. Tlifir stylo, llieir fabric, and tlio lon' wear that is lnouMcd into o v r v o n o o f I licni, will dc on. iKl.t l'riced $10 to $35