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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 21, 1909)
FRIDAY. MAY 21. 109 THK ROGUE RIVER COURIER. PAOM IEVEX PI A N Your vacation 1NUW at our expense Classified Ads NEW TODAY A Chosce of Four T Is Offered You Seattle $r Yellowstone National Park Yosemite Valley LaRe Tahoe ALL YODR EXPENSIS PAID If you have friends in the east who want to visit the Pacific Coast we can arrange it FOR SALE Well broke, young, 1200 pound horse, 3 miles west, R. D. No. 2., V. J. Carter. 5-21-2t FOR SALE 160 acres bottom land, 70 acres under cultivation, house, barn and outbuildings, fruit and shade trees; seven miles from town. A snap if sold at once. See Geo. Cronk, address Box 5S0. Phone 1023. 5-21-tf FOR SALE 160 acres red land, 2 houses and lots, 20 residence lots. Inquire of W. A. Paddock at City Hall. 3-26-tf FRESH cows, 2 for sale. R. Thomas, R.F.D. No. 2, Grants Pass. 4-23 tf YOUNG married man wants position as bookkeeper or clerk, college education. Address "Bookkeeper," care Courier. 5-21-lt MRS BRANDT has returned to her old place on 5th and I' -treets and has rooms for rent in the building formerly occupied by her as a restaurant. FOR SALE FOR SALE Three good milch cows Phone 814 or apply at my farm In Fruitdale. two miles south of town. F. A. Clements. 4-30-tf CUT Big cut in the price of Colum bla cylinder records at the Music store. 5-14-2t RANGE Fine range with reservoir for sale cheap. 668 North Second street. 5-14-tf This Is Your Opportunity For complete information address SUNSET TRAVEL CLUB Room 10, Flood iildg., San l'luiteisco H. B. Hendricks All mutter for this column is sup plied by the local W. C. T. U., who are held responsible for utterances expressed. Have listed somo f the best bargains in Rogue ltiver Valley For Fruit Land, Bearing Orchards, or Dairy Ranches. Write or see them, you will not be disappointed. H. B. Hendricks & Co. GR.ANTS PASS. ORE. The L. T. L. primary contest last ' Friday was a decided success and :nrh credit is due Mrs. Culvert for her efficient work us superintendent lmcka(,he You will gladly profit by the fol lowing experience. "Fls the honest statement of a suf ferer who was cured. A Fields, carpenter, 1121 Mill street, Roseburg, Oregon, says: "The recommendations In favor of Doan's Kidney Tills given by local people led me to procure a supply of this remedy. I had been bothered Tor years with kidney complaint and Doan's Kidney Pills GOOD second-hand rubber tired bug gy, one 3 Shutler wagon, one 3V2 Studebaker, one second-hand one-horse wagon for sale cheap for cash. Inquire at G. P. Feed Store. 4-23-tf Oregon property. For further particulars write or call on Mike Lange, Selma, Ore. 4-3-9t FOR SALE 160 acrea timber and agricultural land. Apply Eliza beth Costel, 116 E street, near Second; or address Box 43, City. 26-3-tf Window Glass at Hnlr-Rlddle's. DESIGNS.Cut flowers, potted plants, bulbs. Medford Groonhouse, phone 606. 11-6 FOR RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS Well fur nished with bath and lights, In good location. Apply at 62S N 4th street, Grants Pass. 4-2-tf WANTED WANTED Second-hand goods at "Headquarters," City Hall, south 6th street. 3-2-tf FOR SALE Owing to age and re cent bereavement will sell my fine little ranch of 32 acres. 3 miles west from town, 25 acres bottom and 7 acres bench and hill side, 12 acres young fruit trees and Tokay grapes, partly seeded to al falfa and melons. Between the trees there is planted corn, pota toes, peas and squash. Plenty of water for Irrigation. Address W. J. Carter, R. D. No. 2, Box 15. WANTED 10 woodchoppers, $1.50 per cord, good timber. Inquire of W. W. Wilson, Hugo, Ore. 5-7-tf BIDS WANTED Bids will be re ceived until May 20 for the clear ing of the lot and the putting In of a concrete foundation for the new Courier bulldlne. Also for the furnishing of cement and the sup plying of sand and gravel for the entire building. The right Is re served to reject any or all bids. A. E. Voorhio8, Courier office. NOTICE. U. 8. Land Office, Roseburg;, Or.. Mar. 23. 1S0I. Notice la hereby given that F. F. Willlatna aa attnrnav In fart nt Walter S. McLeod, special adminis trator of the eatate of Joseph Huot, deceased, has filed in thla office on March 19, 1)09, his application to enter under the provisions of the aci oi congress, approved July 17, 1R54 that land arhlrh whan anrvav. ed will be the East V, of the East of Section 14 in Township 40, South of Range 7 West of the Willamette Meridian. Any ana an persons claiming adversely the land describ ed, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dis posal to the applicant, should file their affidavits of protest in this office on or before the 8th day of ' May. 1909. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. First publication March 26, 1909. Last publication May 7, 1909. I hereby designate the Rogue uiver courier, a newspaper puousu ed at Grants Pass, Oregon, as the paper in wuicn tne auovo notice is to be published. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTIOK FOU lTRMCATlON. De-wii-tmont f if ttn Interior U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Or., April zs, iu. N'ntlrn Is Wre-hv irlvon that. P.piircm " - . C) " -CT W. Woodworth, of Merlin, Oregon, who, on May 6. 1904. made Home stead Entry. No. 13530-S. R. 03735, for Fr. NMs of NW'li; Fr. N U, nf KRt'. . Section i Tnwnshln 35 South, Range 6 West, Willamette Monuian, has rued notice or inten tion to make final five-year proof, to establish claim to the land above de scribed, before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at Grants rass, Ore gon, on the 5th day of June, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Velorus M. Woodworth, of Merlin, Oregon; William W. Wilson, of Hugo, Oregon; Levi T. Corliss, of Hugo, Oregon; George E. Howland, of Grants Pass, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. PUPS for sale Airedale Terriers, 7 weeks old. Inquire H. C. Dixon, at Dixou Bros, or 701 N 5th st. 4-30-tf of this department. CEMENT CEMENT The Texas C. O. D. Liquor Law- bus stooped liquor sales in dry ter ritory so says the Union Signal of Mav C. It would seem there are smiie nlaces on the fine of the earth where liquor laws can be enforced. Stateg Remember i iin v.h voted out tin saloons May 4. From Chatfield, Minn., we have this: "Rejoice with those mat uo ... ,j..i.. ritfu.hi hin none dry rt-ii.H i-. v .. . - with a majority of 42." brought very gratifying results and were it not for the relief I found, I would certainly refuse to endorse them." For sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Hulinio, New York, sole agents for the United FOR SALE Kodak and Columbia bicycle. Inquire of It. Looney, Opera House block. 4-9-tf SAW Gumming and Turning at Costain's. 4-30-tf WANTED Lease with option of buying 25 or 35 acres partly under full bearing orchard. Preferably under Irrigation in Josephine county. State full particulars when writing. Address A. R. Graves, box 136, Skaguay, Alaska. 5-14-4t WANTED Plain and Fancy sewing by Vandewalker Sisters, over Courier office. Phone 903. 5-7-4t LOST Ladies' brown coat with tun vest, A suitable reward will be given for its return to 512 N Sixth street, cor A. 5-14-tf the and take no other. name Doan's FOR SALE 8-room modern cot tage, hard finished, with 9-foot basement, Binall barn and 8 lots well improved. Price J1900. In quire of W. P. Wright, Conklln Building. 4-9-tf MISCELLANEOUS. R ANNIE, the plumber Is ready at any minute to repair your plumb ing. 609 H Btreet. Telephone 4-2-tf 555. NEW goods at second-hand prices at "Headquarters," City Hall, South 0th street. 3-26-tf FRANK BURNETT Upholstering Mission furniture mods to order MrtNEY tr loan on real estate. Mortgages bought and sold. Mar- ' 'oblikis. l:wver. l-R-52t R. II. GILFILLAX Phone 744 Grants Pass, Ore. il l H a H i. for the Buyers of SEWING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKING A rURCHASt Does It run eaay. Does it looK good. Decs it maKst a good atltch. Ds it sew fast. Is it well mad. Is H easy to operate. Is It simple In construction. Dote the manufacturer put his nam on it. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Vr Rewind Machine Co. Kina the heat dualities of all other machines. It is 1tct Kecr and most COm- .lit, ,-- .. rlete achievementin building o a sewing macniuc. . -.r if with all other ma chines in anything in which rUm to excel and you ill find tfPFREE easily : e best. FREE SEWING MACHINE CO CUICAUU, li-i-. FOR SALF BY Ike M. IBa vis The International S. S. Associa tion bus issued a now pledge card with a temperance pledge on one side Ui.rt antl-citarette pledge on til nr Tin. tetniicrance pledge reads That. 1 may give my b.-st serv t nod and to my fellowmon. I prom ts c.od and pledge myself never to use intoxicating liquors as a drink ,-.,wi t. .1m all I can to end the drlnK ii nd the liquor traffic." The anti-cigarette pledge Is sinii- . .1...., fr.m -! "In the cause OI irecuoui ..mlavlnir habits, for the sake oi strength and purity of character, I nledue myself to abstain from the use of cigarettes, and to do all I can to end the habit among others. This card Is tangible proof that the International S. S. Association has committed: itself , definitely to total abstinence, to the destruction of the liquor traffic, to the e?tlnc- tlon of the cigarette habit, and to ledge Bigning Union Signal. May we not have systematic plans made for the observance of temper- snminv at the end of this ami. J",,,v rtnr' PRESS COR. A Fearful Cost to Pay For Lack of Grit. 160 ACRES best wheat land In Manitoba, all clear, level, 80 un der cultivation, the other 80 ready to plow, close to a big lake, near .church, school, railroad and post office. Six town lots In city of Winnipeg for sale or trade for Three-Year-Old Si rnyrtl. Strayed from the premises of W. V. Tucker, in Jerome Prairie, oiu three-year-old mare colt, color sorrel, flax mane and tall, little notch in one ear, one white foot, slight saddle marks, weight about 800 pounds. Will pay any one for their trouble who will Inform mo of her when abouts. Address Giants Pass, R. V. II Vn 2. box f.2. 5-21-21 llife if i Legal Blanks at the Courier. The Courier supplies many mer chants with thels salca books and we would like to supply you. MAY PROVi: FATAL How to Make a Room Look Larger. To Increase- the apparent size of a room tlieiv U tiot'iltr.: better tlian the Judicious use of mirror. Suppufe that you have a glass about five feci high and two wide, In a wooden frame, you may employ It most decora lively In a Kitting room. Mount it about H couple of feet from the (loor and arrange In front of It a row of ferns, palms or other foliage plants, concealing the pots with a handsome box filled at the top witn fresh moKs. The mirror should be placed either where It will reflect the view from the window or else opposite the entrance of the room, so that when the door Is opened one may see the Imll or pas sage beyond rcllected In It. ur course tho room will not be any larger really, but the fact that It will appear so is n great point, for. as a friend of my own snys, "if we cannot have n pleasant reality at least let us have n pleasant Illusion." I know one house where the dining room is long and dark, and the only window irlvcs a very IiihuIIIi lent light. Here nn Immense Improvement was effected by placing a good mirror over the Kidelxmrd nt Ihe end of tho room opposite the window. This ri'rtiH-ted Ihe light nnd thelnnd enpe seen from the window, with the result that one was almost deluded Into the Ix'llef that the room had two windows, nnd one certainly was not eonsclotH of the wunt of sn outlet. Ead Symptoms, TTin woniiin who lias periodical head -.i.oa lui.-kn.-ho. sees imimlimry dark bpots or specks floating or ilimclng cfor lil-r eyes, Uavt'liwimj uiHrf or mm r,,ti (,..,n,,fT i , toinii. h. faint snails, drag' ging-duMiy-eliiig In lower abdominal or pelvic ryKoii, easily startled or excited, Irrecuror painful periods, with or with- ' .. r..f.,rf,l. In Ki.!T..rlni from wcakt-H'K anilA'raiigcrncnts t hat should hiv i-.TTlv mcntion. not an oi iuuvo ayrautoiM it. liKcly to bo present In any v .J...A nm Kalw trvtfifttfl ftna inch caiesfum run Into maladies which do- man t mirgcon'i knlio u tuey oo noi, retyrataliy. . . . . No mlrlnttIHnL pjU firm c.i. "cinl ol ADMINISTRATRIX 8 ALU. Notice Is hereby given that pur suant to an order of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, duly made and entered on May 21, 1909, In the matter of the estate of Hiram Francis Nlday, deceased, I will on and after June 19, 1D09, sell at private sale to tho highest and best bidder, for terms cash in hand, and subject to a mortgage amount ing, principal and Interest, to about $175.32, all the Interest of said estate In nnd to tho folowlng de scribed real property, to-vlt: An undivided four-ninths Interest In nnd to the south half of tho fol lowing described tract, of land situ ated In Josephine County,. Oregon: Reglnnlng at a point 4 cnnina and 30 links west from the tho southwest corner of Section 3!. Townshln 34 South. RanKO 6 West of Wlllamelto Meridian; thonce north S3 chnlns and 0 links; thence east 25 chains nnd 30 links; thence south 40 chains; thence east 25 chnlns and 50 links; thence south 43 chains and (50 links; thence north 8!) degrees nnd 45 ruin, west 50 chains and 50 links to place of be ginning, nil In Sections 2b, 27, J4 and 35, Township and range aforesaid; Also the southeast Vi of Ihe north east 4 of Section 2S, Township 31 South, Range (5 West or Willamette Meridian. And offers for tho said property will be received by the undersigned administratrix at Hugo, or by II. D. Norton nt his law office nt u rants Pass, both places being In Josephine County, Oregon. Dated May 21, A. 1). IflOO. CAUOLINH SHXTON, Administratrix. Rheumatism. More than nine out of ten casea of rheumatism are simply rheumatism of tho muscles, due to cold or damp, or chronic rheumatism. In such cases no Internal treatment la re quired. The froo application of I Chnmberlaln'B Liniment Ii all that Ii needed, and It Is certain to glte quick relief. Give It a trial and tee for yourself how quickly it relleyea the pain and soronoBs. The medi cines usually given Internally for rheumatism are poisonous or Tery strong medicines. They are worse than useless In cases of chronic and muscular rheumatism. For sale by M. Clemens. 2 limit " '.H. t'j'Jf'.V L ' 1-Vlirllft I M"nH' liori.J'N7 lint i.'h a mrnim H ' llOflflTfl I'l'1"'" "' '','iHiTL-lts yCT'iI"nyrrent-Worll. more il.:ijl " Y trjiioniA. When W ill brunts Pa People I-'" the Importance of It. nacUaeho is only a simple thing at first; nut when you know 'tis from the 1. lilnevs: That serious kidney troubus loi lThfvt dbhetcs. Rrlghfs Mw If he who hesitates is lost, As some old sage has writ, It surely is a fearful cost To jay for lack cf pit. Don't hesitate if yoi would win; Tn .-ive vonrcclf is best. i In Attention (i. A. R. "1 W. R. C Just put ycur Aavertisementi ia , w.ulUvrii f . above orders (Rate. Tcrnishod on Request). ! nri,i nil old Koldh-rs and salhus are requested to meet at f!. A. R. Iw iid- Kngravcd calling cards fl per 100 quarters at fi o'clock p. m., Sunday, plate or we will furnish on" In F M' t May v. tfoii. m. an to n.aich In a for 76 cents. " M-morlal Hervlc. , iiv order of f oiniMiirider. pond tho Courier to your friends v ,.. in the Kafat four months f"i 1 ' t Ihe very wsv iiiKri-uiruui known U modkal iclcnce for the cure oi woman's peculiar ailments enter into iu Mn li-(.linl harmful, nr habit-forming drug is to I found In ths ii. t nf u inorwilentji nrlii ted on each bottl-wrappr and ajtont"! under oath. I In any condition of The fnmaie sytem, l)T. Plfres s Favorite Prescription can do only (ooa nver narra. i wiioib ut is totrenthen. Invlitnrate and regulate the whole fmale sytra and especially . I. . ....(. ,l f,.nl Wht.n tllflHA ar dfl- ranged In function or affected by dlsaw, ....Mtal. ft ml fttlinr nronni nf rilireiLlnfl become ij-ropathctlcally dcrangejl, the mrm uniLnlllul nil A lotltf list Of bad, unpleasant iyniiPm follow. Too mum Illimi no DO eiiK-cifwi ui vu. r- Torltn Pre-wrliitlon." It will not perform mlraclon: will not euro tumors no med lelnn will. It utit often prrecnt them, If taken In time, and thus Hie operating tahlo and the surgeon's knlfo may bo avnldiMl. . Women snffflrlng irom aieftA or long II MIVIl Blll i"S I""" .--.. ... . p, standing, ar Invited ti consult Doctor Pierce by letter, nr, A II rorro'iKindenco U held u strictly prlvntii and micrwlly confidfintlal. Address Dr. K. V. I'lorce, ItulTulo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Modlcnl AdvlnerO'i'iOpnie.) S S'lit fnr on re.'elpt of 31 Olie-eelit sumps 'for pniier-eoverixl. or 31 ntsinps for cloth-Uiuii'l copy. Address as above. ltiils Wanted. Notice Is hereby given that tho llourd of Kduentlon of School Dis trict No. 7, of Josephine county, Oro- gon, will receive sealed bids for tht construction of two additional school rooms to tho brick building belong ing to the district on north Beventh street In Grants Puss, Oregon; said rooms to ho constructed In all re spects similar to the present rooms In said building. All bids must he accompanied with a certified check for ten per cent of tho amount of the bid. All bids must bo filed with the clerk of tho board on or beforo May 31, 1D09. Tho Hoard reserves tho right to reject any and all bids, EDWARD S. VANDYKE, Clerk of tho Hoard. Dated at (irnuts Puss, Oregon, May 0, 1D09. B-7-4t Legul P.liuik at the Courier. t ii Ion Memorial NerviceN. I All the chunhes of the city are In ' vlted to unite In a Memorial servlco to be held In tho llethnny Presby-t-ilaii church, Sunday evening, 7:30 ,sharp, May 30, 1 909. Preaching by ! Rev. Alevnnd."' It "" T Mvi , N'e Juan !;..;,. i . !,,. t!;,. fatal -'A, may