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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1909)
.1 I" VOL. xxv. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1009. Xo. 9. DON'T DO THINGS SPASMODIC WAY THE VinUC HAS A WAY OP AL WAYS J)FMAM)IXG SUCCESS. Any tennis players in the city, whether ladies or gentlemen, who wish to take part in thy tournament or those wishing reserved seats are requested to call at Joe Wharton's on Sixth street. Activity ut the Oriole. J. C. Mattison, manager of the Oriole mine at Galice, came up from there on Thursday and is still in town. The Oriole Is a husy place in these days and a little later it will ShftW OHII mnfn notli.U,. T1 AVOID CLIQUES OR FACTIONS at present 20 men doing construc tion work on the two miles of road between Galice and the mine. Eight men are working on the main tunnel and are taking out some very rich ore. Mr. Mattison exhibited a piece of white quartz that was literally studded with gold and will run into the thousands in value. The hisinoss of Advertising Mie Re. sources of Our County De mands Our Rest Efforts. In attempting to advertise the re sources of a country it is worse than useless to conduct such a campaign In a spasmodic way. The work should be planned with a view to continuing it from month to month, and year to year. It must be well organized effort and so conducted as to bring every citizen In sympathy and in touch with the movement. The work should be undertaken by a representative body organized for the purpose and it should he so of ficered that it will not be a heavy burden on any one class of men. Every financial supporter should at all times be recognized as an inter ested party and given an opportunity to work. There should be no pre ferences, cliques or factions, nor should Individuals asume that they have been slighted. There is always an opportunity at regular meetings to take part and be heard on any subject beneficial to the organiza tion and the public. If committees or individuals make mistakes the broad minded member will bo toler ant and if criticisms are made at all, they will be offered in a kindly spirit. No public body representing either city or county can be held together unless these lines are care fully observed. The general public demands success and nothing short of this will be satisfactory. There is no room for friction through jealousy, littleness, selfishness or egotism. Every effort should be made to make the organization per manent and to this end well mean ing members will at all times work. Remember that all cannot be of ficers or on committees but every member can be a worker and in fact must be or he will fall far short of his duty in assisting to advertise his county and locality. Let us all get in and work and secure new capital and new men to help along the development of the county. A few pairs of good shoes for la dles and gentlemen that will go for a song at W. J. Gardner's Sale. All must be sold before this sale closes. G. D. Graham, of the Upper Wil liams creamery, was in town Tuesday of this week and reports creamery business flourishing. If you have a garden, a Norcross Cultivator for $1.00 is Just what you want. You will find them at Cramer Bros. Miss Myrtle Loar, of Medford, re turned to her home at Medford Fri day, after several days in our city visiting friends. Vote Saturday and Monday for Queen. THE VOTE FOR QUEEN OF FLOAT IRRIGATION WATER FINISHING STROKES WHAT IS DOING ) Till: DITCHES NOW IXDKR WAY GETTING CANALS READY It Is n Large Enterprise and Prom- j iscs to Re Successful in Every Particular Those responsible for ditch con struction have been keeping early and late hours the past week and the result has been that much has been accomplished. The work on the 200-foot contour is practically com pleted between Tenth street and Jones creek and a flume has been built on the W. B. Sherman prop- since ditch construction became a certainty. It was well understood at the time that we were to depend t entirely on our own resources and with this clearly In mind the work was started. There was never a community that displayed more en terprise, more real concentration of ' forces or more loyalty to the cause , in hand than was found right here ! in and around Grants Pass. There were in the neighborhood of a hun dred and fifty individual stockhold ers w ho united their means to accom plish irrigation for Grants Pass and from the very beginning to the pres ent time they have been true to themselves, to the city and county and the enterprise which they un dertook to carry through. Every dollar expended has something to show for It and the stockholders and water users will have Interests worth many times the cost. We have heard much of the beauty of being under an Irrigation system built by the general government and In the past many thousands of farmers have made a struggle to get locations un der these big, strong enterprises, but we are now told that Uncle Sam lis an exacting landlord and that he has men looking after his Interests HEAVY PENALTY FOR THOSE WHO VIOLATE LAW WHAT DEPUTY HAD TO SAY erty. A strong force Is at work east wno are nar(j t&s masters and un of Jones creek and will very soon I feeling agents. Let us be thankful have the ditch finished to the Intake ;that we wlli own our 0wn Irrigation above the dam. The pipe connected .,,iant and that no BOulless agent will with the big pump Is nearly in place i make jemand8 against us. Every so that the water can soon be sent farm under this grand system of down this canal, which will supply ; ditches will within a very few years a considerable territory between the . De worth many times its present Tennis Tournament for Grants Pass. Members of the Grants Pass Ten nis Club have arranged for a tennis tournament to be held In this city on Friday and Saturday, June 4 and 5, and have Invited the six clubs of the Rogue River valley to take part. So far only one of the clubs has made known its Intention to bo here but It Is believed that several other flulw will take part. It is probable thut a cup will be offered for the winners of the men's double and a racquet for the singles. The voting contest for the queen of the Grants Pass float has narrow ed down to four candidates and these stand as follows: Bernice Fallln 2077 Ethel Bartlett 13G0 Ethel Johnson 11 "9 Maude Dulibon 519 All votes must be in Monday night when the final count will be made. Friday was "Tag Day" and the friends of the different candidates sold tags, each tag being disposed of at 10 cents and good for two votes. What the result of this contest will be Is hard to say as It depends en tirely upon which candidate may have the most loyal friends. As we go to press there Is considerable in terest manifest for the honors of the Portland Rose Carnival contest. If the friends of the respective parties maintain their interest a consider able fund will be raised by Monday night. Miss I.oleta Norton has just closed an eight-months' term of school sit Kerby and came to Grants Pass Thursday, lenvlng fur her home at Ashland on Friday. Miss Norton has put In 21 months of continuous teaching in the Illinois Valley, first at Solum, then at Holland and fin Ishlng at Kerby. dam and a point not far from the county home. This will be good news to farmers, fruit growers and gardeners along the line of this popular ditch. As to Just the time when the water will be turned in, neither Mr. Gilkey, Mr. Caruer or Mr. Kinney care to guess at this time, all that any of them will say Is "it will take a few days yet." The 350-foot Fruitdale canal has been completed four and one-half miles; this brings It to a point on the Kin- cald farm which now belongs to Henry Huck. This line has been built without coming in contact with much bedrock or many boulders and since construction commenced every day's work has been done with tell ing effect. The farmers under this ditch are much encouraged and real ly there Is nothing of great import ance to be done ex cept the building value. COMMISSIONER CARSON GIVES TIMELY ADVICE Don't forget the closing out of the last of the W. J. Gardner stock. Sale cnnimenclne Saturday. May 29. Get all votes in Monday by 6 p. m. Important Information to the V Growers of Josephine County. ill it Murphy, Or., May 27, 1909 Editor Courier: The long defer red spring rains have made It im possible for the fruit grower and vlneyardist to get his soil In proper condition to withstand the want of moisture so much needed during July, August and September. With the rain that we are now having the FISH WARDEN IS KEPT BUSY division, which extended from the Rocky Mountains and Included every thing west. A new division has been created to be known as the Thirteenth with headquarters at Seattle, and it covers Oregon, Wash ington, Idaho, Alaska. The old Eighth division now Includes only California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexi co, Arizona and the Hawaiian Islands. Don't Go Fishing Unless You Have a Fishing License From the County Clerk. The activity of Deputy Fish Warden Clayton, who is In charge of this district, Indicates that he will enforce the laws relating to fish and fishermen to the letter. He has been over on the Applegate and or dered fish-ways to be constructed over the Akin dam as well as the Swain. The deputy In a talk with a newspaperman says there are many salmon under these dams waiting an opportunity to be allowed to go above. On the 23rd of this month the new law goes Into effect regard ing the construction of screens for all irrigating ditches and Deputy Alteration and Expansion Sale. Geo. S. Calhoun commenced Fri day morning his great Alteration and Expansion Sale, and the result was the store was crowded nearly all day long. Cost of articles on sale cuts very little figure In this rase. Everything Is reduced and this Is a grent opportunity for people of this city and county to get what they need in Mr. Calhoun's line of busi ness at greatly reduced prices. Alteration of the interior of the store will be commenced as soon as the Courier is able to remove from their presont quarters and allow Mr. Calhoun to take possession of the entire Howard block. Sahln, the Rooster. Sabln, the druggist, is certainly a booster and always to be depended upon when his named Is called. The latest Is an announcement that he will give the proceeds of 100 bottles of the "Persian Secret," a popular lotion for chapped hands and face, for sunburn and for use after shav- opportunlty to thoroughly cultivate of the flumes and the erection of the 'and fine the surface soli It nt hand, pipe across the river from the pump 'and In all young orchards, vineyards, to the Intake on the mountain side, j as well as old ones, cultivation This will be one of the finest ditches In the state when It Is completed and when the water Is turned In there will be great rejoicing among the re sidents of this popular Interurban settlement. The big gravity ditch Is not going along as fast as the others but the men working on the should be vigorous. Alter every shower the spring tooth harrow and clod Binasher should be used to prepare the dust mulch that conserves moisture. Spraying for the apple worm should not be neglected. 1 1 has been observed I hat thorough, careful last of June, then again in July and August gives the best results and greatly lessens the damage of the codling moth. The pear blight Is In the valley and whenever noticed should at once be cut out and the diseased twigs burned. Any fruit grower not famllar with the blight If he notices the twigs of his pear trees dying back should at once call on fruit inspector J. r. liirke and get his advise. A. H. CARSON. Commissioner Third District. W E LEAD But Never Follow O'Neill Is Always on Top A FEW HINTS FOR SUMMER O'NEILL 1HE HOUSE fotnisha You Will Want Screen Doors, Window Screens Porch Screens The best made, to fit all size porches. Lounging Chairs and Hummocks Our reputation on hammocks Is established. Seeing our line means buying. Nuff Sed. Refrigerators. Water Sets, Glais llcrry Sets forget the baby P't them In one of those nice, roomy, collapsible, com bination (Jo-Carts that O'NFILL Is showing. Over 33 different patterns to select from. Headquarters For Wall Paper, Linoleum, Garpcts. Largest Lin In Southern Oretfon rock reefs and boulder section are . upraylng with arsenate of lead the getting along as fast as could be ex pected In the material which has been encountered. .From time to time during the next few days addi tional men from other ditches will be sent to this point, also a number of teams, until a big force Is at work on this line, and then It will be push ed down to and through the city nt the rate of a mile a day. More rock has been encountered on the gravity than was expected and when a point had been reached beyond where the hydraulic could be used the work was necessarily slow, but the modern rock man with his explosives forced his way through foot by foot until he has reached n section where dif ficulties are of less magnitude. There are many water user anxious for the completion of the gravity line and It Is to be hoped that It will reach them In time to save their crops. Dry wea ther came on a month earlier this season thnn usual which has given fruit growers and farmers much un easiness; however, there Is consider able rain due us yet and It may be that It will come In the next two or three davs. At this writing there Is certainly every Indication of it. The large amount of lumber or dered for flume and other work on tho various canals has all arrived and Is being distributed to the places where it will be needed. There ap pears to be nothing now In the way of thf early completion of the Irriga tion work, as far as contemplated, to help out this season's crops. Th" work, however, will go on sis f.r-t ;i ; money is paid In as there are many mlh-s yet to be built. ' This ditch has been a w.mb'i'il undertaking for those who have bad furnl-h the money ana no u- Inc. to the Commercial Club to helD Clayton says that this law will be pay fop the 0rant8 Paa9 float Every. strictly enforced. He has already , . h,n boOBt bv buyln. ft bottle of notified a number or aucn owners tne otiOIU regarding the screening or tnelr ln- tni,nn nn A will ana ntlinra nt nn enrlv day. In speaking offish laws In BACKWARD SEASON general wnicn more parucuiauy i- AVTD UHAf V TAIIMTDV it thn Ttoiriifi river and its trlbu- VlLlV WIIULL LVUMIU tarles, he says: t "There Is less violation of the law on the Rogue nt the present time than there has ever been. The fisher men are showing their willingness to live up to the law and this means that the fishing will bo better than ever. "Lights have been put In below the Anient darn and it'is'now possible to see the poacher at work on the darkest of nights. Other dams will be lighted within the COO feet limit If there Is any evidence that the law Is being violated. "I have the sincere support of nearly all the fishermen on tho river and violations of the law nro far apart now. "I expect a visit from tho master fish warden in the near future al though he Is very busy at the pres ent time In the north. "The Rogue River Fish Protective association hns been doing much good work. Men who were formerly lolating the law are now careful to live within It as they know that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law If caught by the associa tion. I am more than pleased with what they have done." Persons who desire to fish with hook and line for trout, salmon The backward season seems to be general over the country nnd the re sult is that farm crops are not doing well. Unseasonable weather is liable to cause total or at least partial fail ure In many farm crops and the re sult must be high prices. Planetary disturbances are said to cause the unusual weather and this being the case it Is hard to determine the ex tent of tho failure or how long it will continue. We all have more or less confidence in things terrestrial and therefore will hope thnt whatever In wrong about the earth and the plnn ets generally, will bo righted In tho near future. There Is, however, evidence to prove that In tho past unknown cen turies changes In the onrth'B motions took place to such an extent ns to cause tropical countries to become Just the opposite. We trust however thnt timid people will not Imagine that there Is liable to be anything llko n wreck of matter or a crush of worlds for nothing nf tho kind Is likely to hnppon. This old world of ours will go swinging around the circle for a few billions years yet. Our ev Orchards nnd Vineyards. Reports from all parts of the coun ty are to the effect that the orchards trout, salmon or bass, will bo requlr-1 uJ vnoynrd8 m,t this year are doing ed to secure from the county neiK k . d promises to a fishing license at a cost of $1 for male residents of tho state of Oregon over lf years of age, or $5 for non residents. Violators of this law will be doomed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction by a fine of not less than $25 nor more thnn 1150. or by Imprisonment In the mnke n most satisfactory growth dur ing the season. It has been remark ed by mnny persons that tree plant ing has been dono with much greater care this ynr than last and that this accounts for tho success of this sea son's planting. The losses last year were very discouraging but every to work. It h" "nly been a few month A Wise Commercial Club Movement. President Hall of the Commercial Club Is urging the Importance of the club members making visitations to all parts of the county so as to be come acquainted with the resources of the country which surrounds Grants Pass. He fully realizes that this will be an Important move along the lines of business strategy, with a view of uniting all the Interests In every movement which tends to build up any one poitlon of Josephine County. This plan has been approved by our lending business men and It will be carried out in every detail. ActlnK with unity of purpose the Commercial Club can nnd will ac complish results which will be fur reaching and finally bring about the uiibnlldlnir of every Interest In the county. President Hall Is taking hold of this matter In a broad mind ed spirit nnd in a way that is most satisfactory to the commercial In tep'sts of this city and he therefore Will, without doubt, be successful for what brings success to one intor !t adds to the prosperity of all other 1 Interest . county Jail for not less than 10 days I calling must bo learned before sue nor more than 90 days, or uy notn fine and Imprisonment. All licenses expire on the 31st of December. A few pairs of good shoes for ladles and gentlemen that will go for a song at W. J. Gardner's 8ale. All must bo sold before this sale closes. The "Galice Placer Mines Com pany of Oregon" has commenced cleaning their ditches, repairing their reservoirs and Increasing the cess can be reached; therefore lot us have patience and bo content to live and learn. The Importance of tree and vine planting In this county should be known to all for It must become the business of tho future for a majority of thoso who II vo In Josephine coun ty. The soil, the climate and the sun shine are all factors In fruit growing and when we add to these Irrigation success Is Insured. The demand for fruit Is on the Increase at home and abroad and when It Is understood height of their dam with a view to commencing piping at an early date, that the east and middle west has This company will hnvn water, ns uniformly met fnlluro In growing ap mentioned last week, tho year round, pios and pears during Into years, It You can still obtain hose remnants Is easy to sen that tho Grants Tasi at 8 nnd 10 cents per foot at Cramer country, which Is In the very center m til 1 1 ... .Hi 1. jrort pi tno JtOKiiQ mviT vauey, win u? You can save money by buying at o "'P""" "" tho fr,,,t ... . ...i.,. ....... i. grower of the future. Our new or- Only ubout oneu.iiart"r left, w come quick. f :t(ti Mall Division. There' .".'f Important changes In the mall service of the Northwest. Formerly thN :s the Eighth mall (hards and vlneynrds are thereforo Important and represent holdlngi which will within a few years have a value of from $2,000 to $4,000 per ncre. J.1I-