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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1908)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. MAY 1. 1908 I- -4, weuk and Monn merytkina you I American Orteer. the . . 'white house v grocery lOUR LITERARY CLUB. Wa (Ways like to meet with Sn. Brown, fib has the coaieat home there U in town, A "Homey" kind of home, yon know, a place Where yon can (it and port of teat your lace. I know of houses gewgawd to with atyle. That when yon enter you pot on a smile aort of aocial ahine, aa yon might (ay, So that you'll harmonize and be an fait. Pat oh, how dreadful tired I ahould get If I ahould train forever with that aet. So, give mo lira. Brown whose happy guest Caa just lounge down and rest, and rest, and reat. Car rooma are low and broad, and quiet green Taat restful green, and all the pictures lean At comfortable anglea, and you chat la low and cosey tones and there's a cat, C f course a cat, that y awaa there in the sun A picture of content, like everyone. Than lira. Brown brings out her dainty aet tf tea things, and we know that we shall ' get Tat Tery nicest, deareet cup of tea Xia CHASE c SAHBOEH'S brand, yoa know, and we Have all of na been nsing it 'round town, t'a always safe to copy hire. Brown. , CHASE SANBORN'S c'SCOFFEES VMaiulsci&bt Lyme cmumt ' . Our first Strawberries : for the season are here Butter Has again declined 1 Sugar is higher . ) . : Home grown i Vegetables are Arriving Daily . White House Gf ocerv If r Wri ' fi " " 7 Vy-'n(,r rl - I f The Items of Personal Interest. " Mrs C L Cleveoger returned home from Roseborg last Friday. A B Cornell was in Modford last Saturday 0 W Jooea and E W Lllegran of Gold Bill were in the city Sunday. J. W. Temnle ton waa in from Ice land last Sunday G. H. Carner left Tbeosday for Baker City to look after business mat ters. J. H. Johnson, proprietor of the "L. B." mine, waa over from Mur phy Tuesday. . Miss Eta Story of Ashland spent Saturday and Sunday here with ber sifter. Mifs Tore Story - James Flowers, one of the hop kings on Williams creek, was doing business In Grants Pass last Saturday Mrs Geo S Calhoun returned home last week from Portland, where she had been spending a couple of weeks with ber'siater Mrs. Mary DeLaoiater left Sunday morning for her home at Pprtland. after a month's visit here with her daughter, Mrs E T McEinatry. W. J. Riley has sold his residence across the river, and with his family left last Saturday for Portland where they expect to make . tbelr fotore I home. "R.-J Orme.of Jackson county was in i from his placer mine on Savage oreek lauriaturday He expects to make hi? annual spring clean-up .the early'part I of the present month I Mrs. A; E. Reames, wife of Die i triot Prosecuting Attorney Reames, was vi'aiting"",in "Grants Pass while Mr. Reames waa attending conrt here last week (and the fore part of this week. Mrs. Burke was in from the Apple gate Tuesday doing some shopping with the Grants Pass merchants. Mr. and Mrs. Burke recently bought the Soverns place and are greatly pleased with Josephine ooonty and Oregon climate. L. M. Williams returned last Toes- day from an extended trip through Iowa, Nebraska and "Aikansas. He waa aooompanled on bis retorn by a niece, little Eva Nolo of Iowa, who will spend the summer bore. G L Houghton, residing a few miles east of town was in the city last Saturday doing some trading and get ting ready . for spring work. Mr Houghtoo, though a Native of Maine has lived on the Pacifio coast since 18TS. r - D. E. Dotscn returned last week from Hilt, Cal., where be bad gone to consider a proposition to operate a general store. He has not accepted as yet, and in the event he does, will not leave the city before the middle the month. Miss Kattie B'ckley of Oakland. Ore, who has been spending the past few months with the Misses Lucie and Agnes George, left Monday morn log for Portland She was accompanied as fars a Oakland by Miss Agnes George Among those who were in from the Applegate last Saturday waa D Lind say, who is engaged in diversified farming He has a nice little apple orchard and is expecting a splendid crop this season He has beu a resi dent of this section continuously for the past 40 yea re. Ed Jones of Shan creek was in town last Saturday looking after litigation in tlie circuit court Mr Jones is operating what is known as the Rich Gulch Planer on the above creek. The litigation bringing him here at this time is a case involving the title of 80 acres of placer ground on which the Rich Gulch is situated and for which a Mr Flanigao is contest ng He was represented by Attorney F W Taft of Orescent City J II Hawkins arrived in the city last Friday from the Happy CVnp ruining district, just ovr the liuu in California, being accompanied by Henry CoHin He rerorts beay snow on tbe'Althonse divide. He ays there is frtm 20 to 30 feet of snow on the north side of the hills at 'his time, and that it is sufficiently hard that they could walk over it without the aid of snow shoes. Attorney F W Taft of Cn-scent City, one cf the promising young legal lights in this section of Ore gon, was in Grants Pa-s last Satur day looking . after the interests of a client in the present term of court Mr Taft, 'when allied as to his lineal descendancy said that he was 'only a boot a forty-second cousin of the present aspirant for the presidency on the republican ticket, and that this was'to along range to talk about Mr Taft was for some time employed on the daily papers of San Francisco and has not sofflciently recovered frvm'the habit tht he could lvave the city without calling on the fraternity. A. Rogo was in Ashland Mon- . dav. H. C Kinney was in Medford Tuesday. . ' .U. H. Durham was in Medford Monday. W. J. Stanley waa in from Wood ville Tuesday. L. E. Hoover of Medford was in town Bhow day. . Earl Gooding of Woodville was in Grants Pass Tuesday. A. N. Holuian returned borne from Dallas last Saturday. H. V. Mitchell was over from Klamath Falls Tuesday. Judge Child s of Crescent City was in Grants Pass this week. A. A. Hyde and son L. W., were in from Murphy Wedensday. Representative T. J. Berry of Del Norte Connty was in Grants Tuesday. Hnxley Galbraith bas gone to Glen dale where he will probably Bpend the summer. Mrs. Taylor of Jacksonville returned home Saturday 'morning after having spent a week here with friends. B. A. Melvin of Medford came dewn to Grants Pass in bis auto Wednesday. Mies Mollie Towne, deputy connty clerk of Jackson county returned borne Sunday after a brief visit here. Rev. Hall of Medford and Rev. F. C. Lovett of this city exchanged pulpits last Sunday. Miss Towne of Phoenix, who bad been visiting friends here left for borne Sunday morning. Mrs. V. E. Watters of Corvallis is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. V. Msade. C. H. Hnnt and wife aof Aberdeen, Wash., were registered at the Palace j Wednesday. Bert Bigelow, one of the old time waa in doing farmers from Williams the oirous Wednesday. T. R. Dean, superintendent of the Gopher mine, over on Jump-off Joe, was in the city Monday and Tuesday. MissElBie Ball left Monday night for Waupon, Wis., to spend the sum mer with her sister, Miss MaodePage. H. V. Meade arrived in the . city Tuesday, from Kennett Cal., having been called here by the illness of bis wife. A. T. Marshall, manager of the local exchange of the Pacific Tele, graph and Telephone Co., waa in Medford last Monday. Fred Wilcox will go to Roseborg next Tuesday, where he will aot as ticket agent for the S. P. for the next 60 days or more. A disastrous cyclone swept over Mississippi last Friday causing 825 deaths and entailing terrible property loss, besdiss rendeing thousands home less. ' W. B. Sherman returned home Tuesday morning from a brief visit to Portland, accompanied by bis daughter Myrtle, who bas been at tending school in the metropolis. Roy Wilson returned home Sunday from Roseborg, where he had been talking np the merits 'of the Tourist gasoline gig as a means of transporta tion. Mrs. R. A. Brown of Vancouver, Wash., is in the city, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clarke. She is en route from Phoenix, Arizona, where she haa been spending the winter. Ed Burke and wife of Kerby were In the city Wedensday. Mr Burke is the senior partner of the firm of Burke & Hog ue, generaal merchan dise dealers at Kerby. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gilkey left Tuesday for Baltimore, Md., to attend the quadrennial conference of the Methodht church, to which they were elected delegate. Tbey'will be absent six weeks or two mouths. Attorney Ed Briggs, manager of the Goldeu Wedge mine, over iu Gslice district," was in the city Wednesday cn his wa7 home from an iuiiction of the mine. Mr. Briggs . says that his compauy are planning ou putting in a stamp mill this euuiirn r. T. W. Park lift ftpday morning for Boston, where after a brief visit, he will be joinod by Mrs. Pack and they will return to Grants Pass to make their permanent home. En route east Mr. Pack will stop iu Chicago, Philadelphia and Pitfsborg. K. A. Wyrkoff, ".representing the Warren Construction Co., of Portland, was in the city 'Monday looking over the raving situation here. Mr. Wyc koff 's firm is putting in a considerable amount of bitholitio "pavement at Eugene and will also do the paving at Ashland, Medford and Roseburg." ; Raleigh Scott 'and ifef of Smith River, came in frorn Crehoeut City Wednesday acd spent the day here! with friends. They were on their; way to Photnix, .Arizona. They will visit with two brothers of the former. They 1. ft here ayjnorning and w)ll stop at Frisco to review the fleet. G. ! i A Brief Record of j$ Local Events. Regular sevices at Bethany Presby teian church next Suuday. The newly elected republican coun ty central committee will convene at the court house at 10 o'clock tomor row Saturday for the purpose of or ganizing and out-lining the coming campaign. Bill Bearing Roller Skates at Hair. Riddlo's. Carl Johnson aud Jas. Kellogg of Holland, were registered at the Palace Monday. A marriage license was issued Toes day authorising the marital nnion of Joseph Grasseos and Johanna Dita, both of Josephine county. Bosshard & Meyers have leased the restaurant on East G street heie tofore operated by Mrs. S. E. Fry and took possession 'Friday. The new firm will conduct a short order boose aud will be open day and night. Ralph Berry, the aeronaut, made his first balloon ascension this season in this oity Wednesday afternoon. H went up nearly 8, 000 feet and the per formance 'was witnessed by a great crowd. He will leave for Portland next week where he bas a week's engage ment at The Oaks. "TJraugieharp"waa around Wednes day for the Granta Pass Box Co., tak ing op their labor notes dated Febru ary 29, 1908 and previous. The fact ory is working a good force of men at present and shipping about foor cars of boxes a week. The Medford Tribune of last Satur day says that A. W Silsby until re cently engaged In the awrnlll busi ness in Josephine county and now in terested in the Cove ranoli cast of Ashland, bas purchased the M L Pellelt residence property on North Maiu street, and his family will oo copy it The-consideration was 13760 Wire screen from 20 inohs to 48 in ches wide at Hair-Riddle's. Dr. Smith was called to Hugo one night last week to dress the broken arm of Calvin, the 19-year old son of Mr and Mrs John Simmons The lit tle fellow while at play on a wagon fell off, sustaining a fraotnre of both bones of the right forearm This re calls the .fact that Calvin, about a year ago juearly oat off is left foot with an ax, whloh would indloaU that this hoy is getting his share of the bard knocks Ladlos, get a can of OHINAMEL at Hair-Riddle's and make your old fur niture look liks new. Ton oan then wash it with hot water without injory. If your wife is unhappy, get her that $55 range and the 87 pieces of kitchen furniture (value 110) in Hair-Rid die's window that they are offering for . the price of the range alone, f 55, Henry Harth, who has bean spending a few weeks here with relatives and friends, left Tuesday morning, for Ban Francisco. Mr. Harth has Just ar ranged to open np a fine stock rf high grade gents furnishing gouria at Rose borg some time in September, when the new bn tiding wfll be ready for oc oupanoy. Fly Killers, the kind that always gt them, only 15 cents at Hair Riddle's. Dr. Fiodley left Tuesday on bis Europeau toor, expecting to be absent for six months. The doctor ordered the Courier sent to him and will thus keep posted on what Is transpiring in. Grants Pass and Jospehine county. Claus Schmidt and family who recent ly left for a three months sojourn in G-rmany, did likewise. Really, when one Is away from home thero is noth ing so interesting as the weekly visit of the home paper; and you ran have theCourif r follow you wherever you go. While Mrs. R. G. Scott, from north of town was in the olty yesterday moro iug. her faithful steed attempted to make his ecsape north on Sixth street while she strpp'd into the store. But Ike Tompkins, the tonsnrial artist on South Sixth happened to be atthe de pot crossing, and. with his usual grace haprened into the near end of the bog gy as It crossed his path and stopped the horse before any damage was done. Yictor Talking Machines sis amiri veias" We sell on the easy pay ment plan. Compk-te) stock of records always on hand. - KUWcLL'S MUo I 0 Ottt I IIUIILlLU "IUUIU UlUHt- . THERE WILL BE Many new bicycle riders this year and we again offer the weir known and standard Columbia and Stearns lines. The prices range from $25 to $7.50, according to equipment, but every wheel is guaranteed. Our new stock is now on hand. CRAMER BROS. ODD FKI.LOWS BLOCK Bicycle Repair Shop General Repairing;- SOME BARGAIN POINTERS Nsws Notes From tha Buelneaa ' Men to Handera. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist. Go to Oorun (or Plumbing. J. E. Petersoa, Pioneer Insurance Man. M. Ulemena. Prescription Drnugist. A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Coron't You will find Sammon's Vegetable Wonder Soap at Alfred Snyder's res taurant ou O stteet. 4-17 tf Cash paid for Green and Dry Hides, Fare and Wool, J. H. Ahlf. at City Market. 8 28 tf DeWitt's Carbolizea Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for piles Sold by Model Drug Store. 4-8 18. Ton will find Saymon's Vegetable Wonder Soap at Alfred Schneider's restaurant on G tsreet. 4-84 tf Get prices on the Alamo Gasoline Engines and Woodsaws before baying. J. D. Franklin, agent Office in Ran nie'e Plumbing Shop, ' H street, be tween th aud 7th. 4-24 tf J. D. Franklin has the agency for the Alamo -Gasoline Engines. Office in Rannie's. Plumbing shop. . H street, between 6h and 7lh. - 4-24 tf The old reliable Grants Past skating rink now has a ;new floor and new skates and la the moat popular rink In tne city. Loeal Option Kally Sunday. - On Sunday afternoon at 2 :80 o'clook there will be a Loral Option Rally at the old bicycle track if the weather Is fair, or ahoald the weather be un favorable, at the Christian Church. Short addresed will be made by May or Matlock and others and there will be some good music The poblio Is most cordially Invited to attend. Bring the children. HE WAS A FORMER RESI DENT OF GRANTS PASS Garfield 'Gunne(l, a former Ogden school boy and for the last four years in the government service as teacher in the Philippine Islands, left Hong Kong, China, yesterday on the start toward America, exporting to reach Ogden tarly in September. Upon ar riving home he will have made a trip around the world, will have visited most of the well-known places and niauy almost unheard of places in the Far East and in Asia generally and Europe. Hs haa visited practically every part of the Pliilppines and studied the people and conditions, so that his letters home are accurate and valuable descriptions of that archi pelago. Its lands, its waters and its reoples. Garfield was attending the University of Oregon when requested by the United States authorities at WaPhingon to aid in the work of edu cating the young people In those faraway islands, so that he hits been away from Ogden somo six years and many persons make friendly Inquiry about hi in and await almost im patlenly the opportunity to welcome him home, even if for a brief stay. It is understood that the young man has been requested by the authorities hers to return to the same work and that he promised to do so, thoonh at the sat-riciie of purposes and ambitious along contrary lines. The editor of the Standard haa taken a personal interest in the career of this yoong worker and traveler and knowing bis ability to ohservn aud study iwople and things, aud toll of tlieuj through his pen, has the hope and expectation of getting from him, in time some entertaining matter for our read rs. He haa - made the Philippines Inlands a playground as well as a place for bard, dvoted labor for the natives haa made Japan pleasure, resort during vacations and when seeking health, ami is particu larly well qualified and preiared to speak and write of those countries. Ogden, Utah Examiner. GarfMd Uunuell is a brother if A. 11 Onnitell aud a ' former resident of this city. -i.'Jr,, -!. "If t 1 nil! iMas i 'o- is. COMING EVENTS. May 2, Saturday. Mooting of Dimlck Grange at Dimick school bouse at fcV p. m. May 4, 8 and 8, Monday, Tuesday an. Wedensday TIih Margaret Ilea Com pany at the opera house May 8. Tuesday Grants Pass Poo 1 try Kef per s Association meets at 8 p m at Guild Hall. May 8, Friday "Experience' sociali st Bethany Presbyterian church' parr lors. May 9, Saturday Social meeting, open to the publio of Dimick Grange-' at Dimick shcool houae at S p. as. May 9, Saturday Deer Greek Grange meets at Central school house at U' p. m. May 15, Friday Box Supper and dnnoe at Savage Creek Halt Every ktdy bring a box with her nam anda. supper for two. Danoiog free. 6-1 St.. Mav IB, Friday-Reg Istratloa books close for election. June 1, Monday,- General election. Juoe 18, Monday annual school! meeting in distrlota In Josophiasn oonoty, EE 3EJ Young Men's Clothes Edcrheimer, Stein Sc Co.- Makers ONE of Springs our ; styles you'll find where cver good fellows get together. Not extreme; nor too plain; but always stylish. Has scored with other young men; willwithyou.too. See why just the. minute you put it on. . yi pairtrn la pitusr tsT L-2J every fellow. P. H. HARTH SON, INC.