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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 21, 1906. We WUh You Jerry Xmas We Have a Complete Slock of Fancy Candies, Nuts Raisins Oranges Bananas Lemons More of that Choice Honey at 15c J. Pardee Front Street., near Palace Hotel GRANTS PASS, ORE. TELEPHONE 863 A Webb (Starts for Roseburg rain and good growing Denver, Colo., Webb mine the D..L. today. Fine weather. All this blasting you hear over oor way menus a great deal to Elk Valley. Who was it laid we would never get a raiload? Guess again, my friend. 2 Geo. V. Qnimby of was a visitor at the first of the week. Preparations are being made for a Xmas tree and entertainment at the Deering schoolhouse on Christmas eve. The whole valley will torn ont and a good social time is anticipated. There was a young man from Elk Valley. He coarted a girl named Sally, But he got s'ruck, alas I On beauty of Grants Pass, And left poor Sally in onr alloy.. EBEN. First Judicial District to Be Divided. In the coming session of the legisla ture a bill will be introduced to di- Tiue iii' nrsi judicial district, oom prising the ooonties of Jackson, Jose phine, Klamath and Lake oountios. At the present time this district has two cirouit judges and two dietriot attorneys. The district attorney for Klamath and Lake counties is bal loted for only iu those two counties and the same la true for the same position in the Jaoksou and Josephine oiHtrtct. . 1-1... i j a i ino iwu judges, nowevcr, are balloted for in all four counties. The change will be made on the same line as uow govoru the district attornoy Divisions. Honator L. L. Mulit of Jackson county and Representative U. II. Merryumn of Klamath, Luke, to., are said to be in favor of the meanure and are prepared to hiar irom tmur constituents on the matter. Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Immediately relieves hoarse, eroupy cough, oppressed, rattling, racing and dilllmilt breathing. H.-nry C. Stearns, Druggist, Sliullnburs, Wis ' writes. My ai), 11)03: "I have been selling Uallard'i Horehound Sryup for two years, and have never had a preparation that lias giv.m better sat Infantum. I notice they come back Tor more. I can honest Iv recommend It. 25o, fiOo. and ti.00 at Rotor muud's and National Drug Co. WILDE UVILLE l Rev. Aktrs preached at Wilderville Sunday, the 16th. There will be a Christmas tree at Wilderville Christmas eve, John Lewis has been laid up with rheumatism the past few days. J. H. Verdin made several calls in oar neighborood the past week. The W. C. T. U. met at Mr. Wo effle's Thursday, December 6th. Hush MoClnng caught two bear re cently while trapping on the Illinois river. George McCollnmn racked his trunk and has gone to see a little more of the world. Mr. and Mrs. Hocking made a bnsi ness trip to Grants Pass TuesdayTf this week. Mrs. Hush MrC lung's sister, Mrs. Waddle, of California, is visiting them at present. Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson aod Mrs. Woodard made a business trip to Grants Pass Monday of this week. Mr. Erirkson, Mr. McCann and perhaps one or two others have put p Mr. Wagners woodshed and now are . putting up the house and will soon have it ready to move into. UNCLE FULLER. $3 Solid Oak Cobler Rockers re duoed to t3 76. Thomas & O'Neill's Lots of other bargains. I DAVIDSON R. F. Lewman of Provolt paid this place a visit Tbordsay on business. The weather has been rather change able this week, more rain than sun shine. Harvey York, who is staying in Grants Pas), is visiting in this vici nity this week. Doney Bros, are all ready in"their placer mine for a good rain storm so that they can start the giant. E. J. Eubli, the Eubli merchant, paid yonr city a visit Friday on busi ness, bringing out a load of goods for . his store. Clyde Jeter, formerly of this place, but now of Ft. Bidwell, Cal., is visiting in this vicinity this week. He is one of the owners of the famous New Piue creek quarts mines near Ft. Bidwell. Mr. Cnley passed throogh our little hum Saturday en route for Steamboat on the bead of Applegate. He owns Christmas eve. I WOODVILLE W. A. Pyburn departed last week for Sacramento, Cal. ; Joe Wright, of Central Point, was seen on our streets last Monday. Mes dames J. B. Hair, J. E. Day and J. M. Whipple visited Grants Pass Tuesday. Mrs. Colwell and daughter have moved here from Grants Pass. She recently purchased the C. E. Wilcox property. S. J. Myers and family have moved into their new residence, it i" a neat little house of two stories, containing seven rooms. He is now hauling lumber for a barn. Christmas will be well observed in our little town this year. School closes on December 21, and both teachers are preparing suitable exer cises, while Mr. Martin will present a tree too, and the Sabbath school has, ! also, made preparation for one on Homing sells and lion Rons. Lowuey's Chocolate 13 14 lit Aged Pioneer Passes Away. There died at Hi Habere, this state, the other day, a man who well linked the past with the present. Ninety two years of age at his death, be entered tbe employ of Hudson Bay Company in 18:ttl, when 22. He took a donation olaim In 1841 where Olympia, the oapital of Washington, now stands it was all Oregon terri tory theu but in 1842 changed his io oantion to the Tualatin plains in Washington county west of Portland. It is somewhat remarkable that in all his 70 years of ownership of his claim he had jno mortgage on it, neither som nor onerea any or it tor sain. He was well acquainted with the man who in those days held the Indians and the safety of the scattered whites so well in baud Dr. John HoLTuig lain, the Hudson Bay factor. He described Dr. McLougblin as a great man aud his success in dealiug with the Indians as being remarkable. Up to the last be retained his mental faonltirs, and his wonderful memory of pioneer duys was a history of itself. Edison and Victor Talking Machines at the Music Store. New Mining Company. In Ashland last Friday the Oregon (loldtit'ld Mining Company was in corporated by A. E. Hhepard, Mrs. Eva M. Price and J. C. Ross, with a capital stock of $1.01)0,000; shares $1 eii ti par value. The otllours of the Company for the first year are: A. E. Shepari, president ; Wm. A Blan ton, vico-presldent; and Eva M Price, secretary and treasurer. The legal work was done by O. W. Evans at the Ashland Mining otllce. The new company will take over and operate the Hall group of five gold quartz lode claims and tbe Vellowhoru, Vulcan group of live lod claims owned by F. Clements. All of the said properties are at tlie town of Placer in Josephine county, adjacent to the Greenback mine. At present there is over $;I0.(K)0, worth of gold ore on the dump ready to be ruu through the Ave stamp quartz mill now iu operation on the Yellowhorn properties. Hundreds of new illustrated Post Cards just received at the Music Store. A good supply of the Grants Pass and O. P. H. S. cards iu leather. a large stock farm there and says that he will have about 80 head of fine steers to sell this coming Winter aud Spring. We are glad to state that the pro grcssive farmer of this place Hints for You Fine Perfumes Pocket Book Music Roll Hand Bags Japanese Pictures Japanese Vases Xmas Cards Toilet Waters Card Case Cigar Case Manicure Sets Games Toys , Xmas Post Cards Military Brushes Toilet Set Stationery Jardiniere Baby Sets Bristle Goods Books Died In Eugene, December lo, 190b, Kelly logging camp, William O. Jone s, a native of Virignia, aged 32 years The deceased was well and that the ' favorably known iu this vicinity and And lots of other good things Don't forget SELLS bRUQS Murphy correspondent 1spoke of is able to be op and around again and has traded off one-half of his farm for a patent milking machine. His wife now does the house work and be does the milking. Tbe Provolt correspondent made some comments reflecting on Missouri Flat not long" since about ng being behind tbe times. Well, now, we may be just a little behind them but we believe in the words of Davy Crocket to' a certain extent viz : "Be sure you are right first and then go ahead. " j I see that "Jumbo" of Laurel; Grove says that if we want a Rural ' tree Delivery I should get cut and do a little more hustling and less talk ing. I am going to make a trip this ; week and do both talking aud hust ling and if "Jumbo" does not sigu my paper I will not buy any of bis large "beets" nor take any stock in bis telephone. MONTY. Gold plated guaranteed photo frames 25 to 75 cent at Thomas & O'Neill. Advertised Letters for the past 10 or more years has made Letters remaining uncalled for in bis home here. For the last nine the Grants Pass, Oregon, postofflce I years he was the gnest, at Christmas j for the week ending December 23, I time of Mr. and Mm. Joe Scott, aud j 1906. Parties calling for same will 1 at the time of his death was a partner please give date advertised. A charge I wiui our post master, xi. x. nari, iu 01 one cent will De made upon de I the mercantile business. He was livery: Union Christmas Services. Owing to the nnion evangelistio ser- ices occupying the attention and 1 highly respected and well liked by all j who knew bim, and his untimoly 1 death brings grief to a host of friends i here. He baa no relatives on this j coast, but leaves an aged father and I other relatives in Virginia. The re j mains were sent here for burial and 1 the funeral service was conducted by I Rev. John Day, who spoke from the text "If a man die, shall he live 1 again?" Job. 14:14. I Government Builds Good Roads Cheap. According to the year book of the agricultural department the good roads bureau of the government has built 96 sections of experimental road, aggregating 39 miles, since it was es tablished. Ihese samples of good roads have been built in 28 states. During tbe year 1906, 21 sectioss, aggregating nine milts have bem built. Tbe maximum cost of build ing good macadam road is 93 cents a but the Abbot, Dr. S. Bradbury, J L. Cox & Aaher, Mine. Doan, R E. Day. J E. Foublin, W H. LaMare, Dr O. Olson, Nicolae, C. Roberts, C D. Roach, C E. Snow, Herb. Stout, Ruby G. Saye, J T. Smith, OB. Smitn, C W. Stanly, W U. Tuoker, Ed. Williams, C E. ' Wood, D J. Wanebo, Ole J. Willia'us, Loren C. Hudson, Miss Ethel. C. E. HARMON, P. M. j Frames Mads, to Order. j Over 200 styles of pictures moulding 1 111 biock 10 select from at L ! Hall's. B. Comforts recrnlnr ti as tv.. oa .1 time of the various ohurohes of the 1 lare yard, but the average cost on a lot of fine ifr. nnmrn.i '.... city, they were not able to arrange sections constructed has been but g00ds i high grade covers at reduced 111a usuai oiiriHimns exercises ana it 'f prices Thomas & O'Neill'n nas Deen decided to hold union Christ- UI WUB' is cauea sano-ciay mas exercises iu the Taberuaole on B0- 18 but 9'ti cents a square yard. Tuesday evening when the following J,,e wotion of burnt clay road cost program will be 'rendered : 1 but 20 cents a square yard. ni. i - . . Singing-" Rock of Ages" xue governmem now nas rour rully . .. Conareeatlon equippea roaa malting outnts In the Reading Scripture Caj t McDonald ! field, including the one which re- i rayer air. LDvett ntlu .l.nllt tl.a ... -11. ...... i,ri a n -....,,, n-nuii ui 01. .1,1 11 1 lilt m SOUVENIR PLAYING CARDS Issued by Great Northern Rail way. ' Tho Great Northern Railway and Great Northern Steamship Companies have issued a new edition of playing cards. They are printed on except lonally fine stook, and are better cards for the price asked than can be had elsewhere. The advertising, consist ing of the trade mark, is worked into an oriental design and is oonflned entirely to the back of the card. The Steamship card is the mora elaborate of the two and is finished with gilt edges. Great Northern Railway oarda 15 cents per pack. Steamship cards 25 cents per pack. Mailed to any ad diess on receipt of price. A. L. CRvUG. Passenger Traffl 0 Mauager, St. Paul. Minn. Luck means rising not later than six o'olock in the morning living on a dollar a day if yon earn two, mind ing your own business and not med dling with other people's. Look means the appointmeuts you have never failed to keep, the trains you have never laud to catch. T.neV trusting in God and sources. your means own re- on Wild experi- Horse oreek, WK'lIAVK ON HAND THH FINKSL STOCK OF Watches, Clocks and Jewelry F.VKR BROUGHT TO (iR vNTS TASS Consisting of Q'yl'A Ruirs, Chains, Necklaces, Lockets, llrooclics, Cull" Huttons. J " Hracelets, Stick linN Watch Chains, f Solid Silver and Plated Ware, , Umbrellas, Canes, Etc. ' :n.CTUA'fi"e liueif Perfunus ami Toilet Soap. J AH the above wc olTor for s.ilc at th early and see our beautiful stock. " ': e lowest prices." Call . O. O. P. Building Qurtis & Qo. I Recitation, selected.. Miss Ada Walker Lutlier Cradle Song" .' Primary children Storeoptloon views of Birth of ChriHt. Lecture given by Mr. Beckman, fol io ed by "The Ninety and Nine" Illustrated solo, sung by Mrs. W. L. Iruland. Song Burn Boys Short talk Mr. Hughes Song "Christinas BMls" . . Primiti v CIhss Benediction Mr. Gardner The Stereopticou and views uned, heloug to an! will ba mauagod by Rev. Chirk Bower. All tiimll children will be remem bered with a small gift. Miner En-tumbed A press dispatch from Bakorsfleld, Cal , dated December 17, says: "The great Ertisou power plant lies idle, while every energy is being de voted to the rescue of Hicks, the en tomhed miur. Though but 13 feet from the buried man the rescuers have little hope of reaching 'him before Mouday night or Turgday moruinK. " A folid wall of the hardest granite separates the rescue par:y from tlio object of their efforts, and powder can be need for fear of j r riug the debris on Hicls, the advance toward the imprisoned miner is dis couraging ly slow. A drift is being run iuto the side of the mouutain laud it is planned to approach Hicks from beueath, so that dauger of a cave may be averted. Hicks can hear his res cuers coming and it is with remsrk- able itieuce be waits in his recess for the breaking of the liht. near Pendletou. The force of engi neers and road making outfits will be largely increased under the law passed March 8, 11)05, creating the oflice of public road-. Gorton's Minstrels. Gorton's Minstrels with a brand new show will be the attraction at the Grants Pass Opera House Friday, De cember 2H. The management promises some innovation in the staging of the production and the eutite company is said to be one of exceptional ability. Thii minstrels will offer a Droirrnni ( containing all the best and most es sential features of modem, up-to-date 1 miuistrelsy, aud which are guaranteed to be a Bore cure for the "blues." ; The company is composed of HO clever artists, among whom are a half score of popular comedians, headed by i tliH jolly fun makers, Jake Welbv, Ralph Kiutner and Charles Jacobs. ( Mesnra. Cameron; and Toledo pre sent an operutic, equilibristic, puto 'mimic evtravanganza entitled "The Enchanted Grotto" which introduces I au act combiuiug choice operatic aud j musical selections with wonderful tricks of contortion and balancing. Elegant special scenery iseirr(. i I for th ia urnil iii.f inn ulii..i. 1. 1 since no -:' v. mom flsiUUIPlllUK O Httr 1 Tl D A I viwizi nj ii If ill 11 JPECIALS Saturday and Monday 35c )m before the public. Edward II. A WeiUrn Wonifcr. There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex , that's twice as big as last year. This won der is V. 1j. Hill, who from a weight of UO pounds has grown to over ISO Heays: "I suffered with a terrible cough and doctors gave me up to die of consumption. I was reduced to !K) pounds, when I began taking Dr. King's Xew Discovery for consump tion, couch and colds. Xow, after ihkiuk ij Domes, 1 nave Wnite has reuioved his doubled in woiirht aud am rnm,u,.,i dentul office from Gleudal-t to Grunts "ured." Only sure oonith aud cold Pass, and will occupy the rooms over JlMi .br . legists "Do the First National Bank formerly 00 - alldru gft cnpied by A. P. Ilarth. Mr. White having purchased the receptiooTTi furniture, etc Dr. Wbim H. 1....;..:. the roonn refitted aud ren ivate.1 and will be moved and ready for bini uess by the first of next week. H- worked up a very satisfactory business at Gleiulule aud was much pleased with the neonle aul the v preferred to ootm to Grants !' where the field for work i i,m..i, jtreiter Mr. White will reside with tils parents. Homing selU ciudies, cigars aud Tobacco. fruits, nuts, 13-14 St Two boys scuttling on the sidewalk in front ot Thomas & O'Neill's furni ture stor.' is the caus of oua of the big display windows beiim boarded up. One boy went through tbe 7-foot square platrf glasi wiudow completely demolishing it but not injuring the T' gl,,s is u "Tensive one ami will keep the boys busy earniug money for a 1od. rime - " Big Line of 00c Silk 4-in-IIand Ties for.... Bath Robes and House Coats, reduction fro UU1 "ireaay low prices. 75c Suspenders in Christmas Boxes for 5QC 50c Silk Initial Handkerchiefs, large size for......' 35c 10 Reduction on all Boys or Ulcns Suits, Saturday and IHonday only Men, 75c Scotch Knit Gloves for VcZ Mon;SoUlose,itsabige;-' 1.50c ,t ,00 Mens Silk Umhrnllnc .... . jmiug at 2.00 and J reduction of lo?,' over at Many Other Special Bargains. 5. CALHOUN OyTFITTER TO B0T flHt ftfltl C2.