Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1901)
it Our Spices, Flavorings, Extracts, Etc. Are not a hap hazard collection of odds and ends, but goods of high quality from the well known makers. We do our best to put them within easy reach by selling at reasonable prices. They are like our celebrated ....C. Sl S. Coffees and Lipton Teas.... Can'i be Beat. Fine Table Peaches, Apricots, Blueberries, Pears Etc. Sliced Dried Beef Sliced as you want it. Our Crackers are always crisp because they are fresh. Home-grown Strawberries not very plentiful yet, but our price has leen only 10 cents. Repiember the place, Agents Fleischman's Yeast. PrO ... i-jt ." v.: T Our liirjro sliij nient of (larlands has just ar rived ami includes Ranges from $25 up lo $4-0. Cramer Bros. DIM) 1 F.I. LOWS W.OCK lust tliink! a Garland Range for $25.00. MCCORMICK: mOwess, RAKES. ti'. !tt . !'.- "V 'V 'Jx, -i-jry :-tf-jk ' r,". . For Sale by Hair-Kiddle llanlwarc Co. Hew Bicycles Chain Wheels !f2n.0) to $SS.(M) Cliainlcss $50.00 to $75.00. Chainler-s Cuhion 1'iame $.. 00 Coastrr l'.riiki-s 'ii All makes of Tiros any those Wheels from y't per yiur up, THE MARliLH AM) GRAXITli WORKS. J. B. P.WI O K, I'K'.i a. i am preired lo furnish anMhing in the line ol Cemetery work ol MAEE1 E er OEAJilTE. Ntarly thirty years i . ijK-riencc in li;c Mart.le bu-iiie-i warrants that I can ti 1 your orders in the very ts-.t manner. Can furnish work in .Scotch, Swede or American Granite or Marble. from Kirecr it to Greene' (,ar.t.op. Have them at Your Elbow....... "And the dishes prepared for breakfast, dinner or supper will always have the right flavor- HOUSE GROCERY.. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE A Garland Steel Uange for $10.00. ,f...:V (i-IIolc Ilijjh Closet Kescrvoir Range for $40.00. - AT JEWELL'S OLD STAND. Ariiviii- I ; i i I - At the Bicycle Den Nine Standard .Makes. .1 extra. BICYCLE DEN, Taxt of Depot in an V ind n. y sating kind ti ! anv pvnnor.K. kl I J ; j local ftappcntnog' lr. ( Uiiatran, Kesiileul !entist. (in lo Coroii for l'iumbiiig. Whips, 10o t" 4J.50 at Mac-kelt's. il. Clemens, Prescription Prunitiet, Wood wanted ou subscription at the Cm tutu cilice. Hee Hives and Bee iupplies at Hair- Kiil.Me HJw. Co, The Spriu a nil Summer i;ooJa are arriving every lew daya Hehkopf's. at Mrs A Hpli iKiid line of Royal Charter Oak Ranges at Colon's. Harness of all Kinds, Grades and Prices at llackett's. SomethinK Lew in Ladies' Wrapper! Hammocks and plenty of them all stj liM and prices at Cramer Bros, S.W.P.? Sherman-Williams Paints Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co '01 Ramblers $40. Roadsters 135 at Hair-RiJdle Ildw. Co New l'lioto Mounts for aaiateutes at the Courier ollice. Mrs. Josephine Thornton lias pur chased the residence jroporty of Tom Smith. Leave orders for engraved calling cards with A. E. Yuorhics. IfroiiHAnt a i;ood wheel, try a $110 Hartford sold by Cramer Bros. Find lay, the piano tuner has returned from his trip north, and will soou be at (iiant.4 l'a-s. New and special music will be ren .leied by lit-imirce's orchestra at the ball next Tuesday evening Company If is preparing to Indulge in systematic tnrnet practice soon. Tar ijels have already been received. A New iuvui.e of Reliance Wrappers and ll'iiisn Dresses, havini: thecoiBet LiniuK which make Ihem so much in I'ennHiil, at .Mm. Uehkopf'g .Mo.-qiiilos Parade" is one of the seleiiioos .I'marees orchestra will preient at the ball Tuesday evening It is a "hutiitn er". I ?e Ki-inu Sun Klonr and liiuhau', a losephine county product 'be best on the marker. A union meeting was held at the M. K. churi h Sunday evenini! and an ex- I lent set mon was delivered hv Rev. ('. A. li.itson,. tl:e Sunday school woi l;er The family of i. W. Hare arrived here on Tuesday from Lebanon to reside. They will occupy the Colvi( residence. I'unaree's onlii-tra will present "Bunch, of Blucklifriies," new two step, a', the ball on Tuesday evening. All niav partake. A special traiu br.uiio; members of the order of Kiilwai Conductors, who had been altemlin iho unlional con vnlion of the o.d. r at St. Paul, passed ti.rou-h here on .Monday from the nurlh. The iinpr-ivenienti at Kessler's Chicago Backet store are very worthy of attention. Tin. extension of Ihu bitil.l nii! makes a commodious room and the additions o. i!. sick place this estab lihiin-ni aniouit Ihe more iinnortaol oin s f o ir c ty. K. K. Rediield caino up from I.-lnnd Tii'-sday. He reports a wind and rain storm of extrajidinary severity at that nlnee on Monday. Tin) rain fell in sheets and torrents and the w ind blew I'urion-lv, uprootinu a number of bin In es. Si, ill (inllin handles Ashlaml Hour, I " t a 1 1 alfalfa seed. Oregon red clover seed, winter oats, larue Rti-sian while re, new crop iimolhy seed, wheat lor -eel also Wheat Hay, Alfalfa, Tun othy Hay, Oat Straw, Chop Barley, Corn. Wheat, Oatn. Mr. W. J. Bixlcr of .North Brook, N. , s.iys he suiI'tcI wilh piles for fifte II is. H,, ti n il iiia ii v r incdicH it ti 'nils nti'il he used IvWitt'n Witch 1 Salve, and that ipickly cured ii him,- i.-. W. Kre TVndciesl of memories will follow the rendition of "Tender Memories," waltz, by H. inaiei-'s orchestra at the ball next Tuesday evening. A wild bull got into Baker City several da s ng and made a great dis turbance on Washington atreet. He saw Ins rill ctiou in a largo plate glass in tin- Antlers Annei, and very nearly deinuii hi-d the building, but ho was In di ,1 oil and prevented from d ung auv damage. The police finally drove the wil l Ocas' out i f ihe cil v. C L. Clevenger, the photographer, relumed la-t week from Placer an I vicinity, w here he h is been making a ''Hi el ion of views and incidentally rec irding the couu euani'es of the peo ple of thai dlstiiit. He established i ' ii e a l oinp'ele gail-siy at Plai-er while j he rem, lined tiiere, being wll eipiipped Iwiih tents and ail paraphernalia for i ",iera'ing. i.Nntlvc Daughters Intcrtainmcnt .Maigan-t lutFj Cabin, No HI, of this city Will give an entertainment on Fri j day cvuniiiii, June 7, at the I. O. O. F'. j hail, consisting of exi'ellent musical ; numbers and practical illustrations from j Pel-art.-, a-i-!e, by Mi-b Tillotson, of St Paul,-Minn , in reading etc. This lady tomes well recommended. After Hi" entertainment a social time will jf ilii w to which win are all invited to remain. 8 :.d o'clock. Adniis-ion 15c, ; children luc. j Crdarrh Cannol be Cured I V.'itlilo a! applications, as they ran i not re, h the set of the disease, jt'at.iirh is a blood or constitutional J diseare, an I in order lo rure it you j must take internal remedies. Hall's I Catarrh Core is taken internally, and I acts dir -clly on Ihe nl'sid and mucous . surfaces. Mall's Ca'arrh Cure is not a . 'jnack medicine. It was pren-rilied by joi.e of the test physn.iam in this country lor years, and is a regular pre-, ription. It i couip ,?r d ol the liet I tonii know n, cotiii,,!iH m it la Ihe lies! b ood pur, hers, a-ling directly on the jinu'i 'js niif.res. Tl.e perfect combi i r,u -i. ... .. r ii.. i. i.,..-...i;u.... ;.Mi... ; pr'hjui .s mj( fi wofi'ler.ui results in cur- " r"l'. r.J.Cn,. end for testimonials, free Co , Toledo, ( . Sold !' "fu Hal, Fam:ly 1 'ti Id are Ihe best. The Chicago Racket Store. Next Door West of Hotel ... Our PEBBLE GRINDER Is Now Installed And we are now. ready to polish your Crescent City agates and other stones. Our charges are very reasonable. New Novelties If you are in need of anything for use about the house come to us for we probably have just what you want, and the prices are lower than elsewhere. Remember our Jewelry Department. The Chicago Racket Store. Next Door Hitih School Commencement. Next Wednesday evening", June 5, the Commencement exercises of the Grants Pass h'Kh school will be held at the opera house. The program this Year istobegiven entirely by members of the class and promises to be among the finest that have been given here on like occasions, Following are the names of those who will graduate: Ira ilallury, Willie Bauhn, Willie Fry, Thos. Fry, Calvin Hackett, Maude Berry, Leni Loncley, Kula Howard, Maud- Williams, Sidney Allen, Zella Hair, Verna McCann, Willie Weidinati, Chas. Stewart, Millie Frier, Fannie Marshall, Kiikman Robinson, Claudius Robinson, Allan McKer.iie, Jonas Tref- ren, Margaret Hauseth, Anna Hanseth, .Merle Hockett. The program will he given: leclion Orchestra Invocation ltev. Haves Class Sent: "Graduation" Salutation ''We Learn hv Failiui;''. . Thomas Frv Recilaliou Merle Ibskett liihtruuielltid IHiet "Valsolles Fleurs" Mamie Williams, Leni l,oii"lcy Oration "Industry". . Claudius Robinson Recitation "lliddv's Trials Alnonjr the j Yankees" Verua MeCanu Chins llistorv Alan McKenzie liihtiuiuental Solo "Valse Slvrienuc. . Fula I Inward f iration "Ad :inc'". . . Kirkinioi Koliiiison roph.hv Ira Mallorv X'iolin Sohh 1 Sounds From Home".. Charles Slewart Recitation "The StOrv of Nell" . . M;oid I'errv Valedictorv " What Can a Girl dolor Her Country" Zolla Hair 'lass Soni- "('lose of School" 'resentalion of Diplomas R. G. Smith irand Selection Orchestra Tickets For Commencement After Wednesday, May 2!, tickets for Iho commencement exercises of the Grants Pass higU school w ill bo on sale at Clemens' in the afternoons only. These tickets are for reserved heats only. The general admission is tree. Malaria Makes Impure lllond. (rove's Tasleless Chill Tonic cures Malaria liOc. The "Dutchess ' There's a county way down in the old Luipire State, Where the valleys are rich and the slateameu are great ; Where the sw ift wheels of industry ceaselessly roll, And their rythmical bum is the joy of the soul. "1'is the county ol Dutchess as all men should know, Whero the classic old Hudson's blue waves ever flow. Where the famed HutchesB Trousers, well known to the trade As the biat, and the strongest and cheapest, are mi d. The county and trousers both wear ihe nine name Some ladies in lliirope are ueating the same The title, I mean, not tha garments of course) Although the dear creatures might do a deal worse. Our motto is this: "I n in Ihe sheep lo the man." We've adopted a novel and excellent plan : In each town anil city the whole country o'er, We have one special agent, uml not any more. I Int this is the point we wish you to sen: There g-xw w ith each pair a complete guarantee : If a button comes ol! during tw o months of m ar, We will pay you ten cents don't you think that is fair? And more: If you find that the troii-TS should rip, At the seams of the Kaisil and, the hi at, or the hip We will pay you a dollar, or hereby agree To give You a new pair of trousers, scot-free. i?.aJrib P. Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Trunks &nd Valises. Denlh of Thomas Rowley. Thomas Howlcy, for Ihe past 10 years a respected resident of (mints pa, fell dead on Monday evening near his home In. Ibis city. lie bad been apparently ill the best of he-all It , had gone about bis work as usual during the day and atleiid'-d to his usual chores in the eve ning, and was so engaged when death j came cpon linn. Mr. Kow ley, who was ; in bis 7-nd year, was very strong and active for one of bis years and was a i great worker. Cntll lately be lived on a ; small farm lao miles north of this city, but had lately been living In town. He I was a man who enjoyed the mot thorough respect, almost without except ' ion, of those who knew him. He leaves a wife and has five rhielnn living: Morton and John Itowley, of Illinois; Allien Hoirley, of this cry; Mrs. Charlotte Moms of Omaha, Neb,, and Mrs. J. W. Baker of this city. Tl.e funeral servivs were held on Wednes day and Ihe remains were interred in Ihe liramte III, I cemetery. W. of W. Decoration Ceremony, Preparations are being male ty Itogue Kiver Camp No. .55, Woodmen ol the World for decoration ceremonii J'ine'J;h. Au invitation ia extended lo everj one. Woo linen are expected lo attend. At the ball on next Thursda everiimr. "Uoo-fiuo F.yes" will be rendered b the orchestra, but Iht iliiimn ... n, I to follow their namplf. Their part will be to perform the "uoo-ioo"feet . Arriving Daily. West of Palace Hotel. Fourth of July. Grants Pass will celebrate. The Grants Pass Fire department has taken up the matter and are arranging the preliminaries with a vigor that shows them thoroughly confident of a glorious celebration. The readiness with which subscriptions to the fund have been forthcoming leaves little doubt of the popularity of the idea. Aho it $500 has already been subscribed w:ih more to follow. All sorls of attractions and amuse ments w ill be arranged and the evident intention of Ihe b.iys is to bring about a celebration that will eclipse all its predecessors in grandeur. Handsome Enlarged Phonographs. C. L. Clcvcnger has received a num ber of enlarged photographs, made from his negatives, which, in perfection of detail, artistic efTect and supreme excel lence in every particular, are lar cuper ior lo the oidinury productions ol such character. Four dilforent styles are represented but they are alike handsome and beautiful, Old M iv ids Convention. The Ladies of the W. R. C. will repeat the Old Maids Convention in June, wilh more songs ami recitations aiulseveral new features added. Come have a good laugh ; it w ill do you good. Grand Lodge Election. The following ollieerB Were elected by the grand lodge of Odil Fellows of Ore gon at Baker City: Grand master, J. H. Nelson, McM intiville ; deputy griiud master, Robert Andrews, I'oitland; grand warien, Jos. Miceili. Roseburg; grand secretary . K. lC.shar in, Portland ; grand treasurer, Br. Ilyiuu K. .Miller Portland; gland representative, Chas. L. Palmer, Baker City. Tim next ses sion of Ihe grand lodge w ill be at Now port (irand Master Nclnin made the fillowing appointments: Grand mar shal, G. V. Standisb, Brow nsville : grand conductor, A. W. Store, Ashland; grand guardian, Gen. II. Foster, linker City; grand herald, G. M. Morrison of Adams. II. Harth & Comint) tlventu. June 5- High school coinmeniemeiit. June I Hiaud hill by I ii-maree's or 'Iteatra at opera house. June 17 Wiiir t lb', company at opera house. July ! Iliand cel. hration. Advertised Letter I.lul. Following is Hie list of letters remain ing uncalled .,r in the liranls Pass po t ullic.e, Saturday, May 1'5, 1'tOI ; I.aiii:s lloiisy, Mrs II J, MeKinney, Mm Nora, Morris, Martha, Vest, Mi.", Williams, Mrs I'., OI.N'I I.I.Uf.N Brewtiakt r, S, Brigs, ('das, Clark. M .1, Hodge, J c, lll'ile ll, I rank, Mathews, i r ink, Vin-on, M, Wihiauis, P M, Wei-garo u,II I., C. F. II HIM IN, I'o.'itinasler. Commencement al Jacksonville. The coininenccu ent txcn'iac of the lai ksonvillu public s hool, Friday night, were largely attende I The programme ncludeil vocal and iiHtiutnental music, re.-, tat. oris, es'ays and an a d liesa to the c!as by Ilev. S. II. Jones, and a short talk by Professor F. Fl. Wahbnrn. Tho-e graduating were: Kd,th Priest, Bertha O-me, I loreni e Ba Br,;IiaCook, Agnes lxie and Inez Kitchen, The floral olferings lo the graduates Wire the largfst and most beiutilul ever witnessed there on a like ociaion. The graduates each revived handsome and valuable presents. I.AAAAiywUAAAAAIWW'ylk personal Mrs. A. A. rortercame up from (irave Tuesday. Will Anderson of Palma sjient several days in town last week. C. 0, B gelow of Williams was a vis itor to Grants Pass Tuesdav. illard Penison lias been spending feveral days at homo this week. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hannuru went Wo'f Creek Thursday evening. J. II. Williams went to Portland Thursday evening on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Neas returned to Placer Friday after a brief visit in town. Mrs. Giant Ames and children arrived here Saturday evening from Ashland lo reside Mrs. 8. Harkness went lo Ashland Friday to visit with hor Bister, Mrs, L. W. lingers. Mrs. L. M. Clarke of Berkeley, Cal . is visiting here with the family of her son U. W. Clarke. Jack I-ayton, the well known placer operator ol the Applegate, visited Grants Pass last week. Mis. J. C. Campbell went to Rose burg Thursday to visit with her daugh ter .Mrs. J. II. Booth. Willie Shaw took a few days outing last week at the Baby mine in the Juinp-olT Joe district. Mrs. A. C. Beuls baa relumed from Portland and is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick. Tlio Ashland Klamath Falls stage team indulged in a runaway on Friday. There were no passengers. Cary W. Thompson, superintendent of the Victor Jr., left on Thursday for a business trip to Portland. J. I., Wiggins, secretary of IheF'ortune .Mining Co., left on Thursday for St. Paul to be absent several weeks. Andy Hutl'mun, a prominent cituen of Bel Norte county, was in town this week on a stock buying expedition. Mrs. Arrela Smith, of Sams Vallev, arrived here Thursday evening to visit lor a time Willi her sister, Mrs. C. J. Kurth. A. F. Hunt was here from Ashland on the first of Ihe week to receive some beef ratlle purchased by the Ashland Meat Co, . Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph liotermund re turned on 1 uesday to Montague niter a vacation and visit at Portland and Grants Pass, Miss Null BePealtleft on Wednesday morning to visit brielly at Ashland and San Francisco before departing for South America. R. 8. nnd II. S. Bennett wore in town last week and brought a IKK) partial cleanup from their placer mine on Fvans creek. W. 10. Bavis was in town Thursday from the Davis placer on Juiiip-oir Joe. Piping is still being carried on by the use uf rest-rvoiis. Mrs. W. T. Mitchell and children left last week for Seattle to make their home at that; place. Mr. Milcht ll liai been there for several months, Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Hubbard came In from Swede Basin Suturda; to visit for a few days in town, ami returned on the llrst uf the week. B. K. Meredith, having closed down the placer on the Illinois (or the season, alter a very successful run, h it on Fri: lay lor San Francisco to spend the aiimmer with his family. Br. C. K. Hay and daughter, of Gold Hill yisi'cd Ginuls Pass last WedniB day. ' Dr. Kay is the operator ol some of the best iiunrtx properties in the vicinity of Gold Hill, (ieorge Thornton was in town a day or two last week. He is now a member of the S. P, tunnel gang under 10. C. Newell, which will be engaged most of the summer at the tunnels and bridges north of this place. He will remove bis fimlly here for Ihn stimuier. ajis. Geo. Alloy anil Son, lUlph Slackpolc, left ou Wednesday morning (or San Francisco to remain (or some lime. Ilalph will develop his artistic talent while in the city. He exhibits a remarkably lino talent as a cartoonist and his sketches, w hile being exception ally creditable as to the mechanical work for nun practically untrained, ;fhow a marked genius (or original invention. C. K. Harmon, W. F. Hull and Mr. and Mrs. T. V. Dean returned on the first of the week (mm attending the grand hslgca of Ihe I (I. II. F. and lleliekahs lit Baker (lily. They report an extremely pleaant trip nnd speak ill high terms of Ihe treatment acconltd tin-in w bile there. They were given an excursion to Humpler, which place they report as a town ol much liveliness, Siime of llit'iu had the opportunity ol visiting former Giants Pars friends w 1 1 1 1 - there. Grand Uivll. A grand ball will hit given at the opera house on the evening of June I, by Ihe Demaree orchestra. The mem bers of this organisation are going at the preliminary arrangements wilh a vim and vigor which atiuurs well for the success ol I In) event. Ihe mii-ic fur nished w ill Lit new and exceptinnally al'iactive. The orchestra w til consist of sewn pieces. Supper, also under the management of the nrchesl ta, will lie' served in the baii'piet rooms of the opera house. It is the intention' of Ihe orches'ta that this event shall be lacking in none of the fi atures m ssary to making Ihe ocea-ion one of glorious success. The musieitl fc.iture is made one of special importance and attractiveness. The instrumentation of the on heslra will be a follows: 1st violin, I'd violin, cornel, clarinet, Ibile, trombone and piano. The I following are among the new selections! which will lat Kren n'ed: "Moniiilu-.' i Parade," ' S mill ng Jasper." "Buncl' ol Blai ki i rne," two steps; "Tender Memories," 'Mi-rcnles," waltr.-s; also '"li'io-Goo lives." Tne following (oinmiltes will olhciate: deception Mrs. It. O. McCrokey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harth, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Judson; floor It, O. McCroskcy, Joe Moss, W. Cock rill, ol Placer. I,. A. Howell will act as prompter. BttUr fur I In Blood than 'iri)arill. For Those Living in the Malaria Dis tricts. Grove's Tasteless ( lull Tonic. Decoration De.y. Decoration day exercises will be ob served on Thursday, May 30. The O. A. B. and other organizations wbo participate will meet at the A. O. U. W. hall at 1 o'clock and will march to the opera house where the exereises will begin at 3 o'clock. The' following program will be presented : Reading of orders by Post Adjutant. Heading ol orders by W. R. C. Commander's address. Music by choir. Hitualiitic service by otlkersol Tost. Music by choir. Recitations under the auspices of the (V. R. C. Oration by Hon. U. A Booth. Song "America" by choir and congre gation. lietorming on street and march to bicycle ground to decorate a ceotaph to the memory of the unknown dead. After forming, iuubic by the band. Service in accordance with U. A. R. sen 1 e books. Bemd clion by Chspalin. Break ranks. BOR.N. NORMAN. In Ashland, May 25, 1901, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Norman, a son. MARRIED. MIXUrs-SF.EI.EY-Iii Marahfleld, Coos Co., Wednesday, May 22, 1U01, Dr. Everett Mingus and Miss F.dna Sooley. DIED. KEN WORTHY At Medlord, May 18, l'.MI, Rev. Joseph E. Kenworlhy, aged 57 years. SNIDF.H At Meilin, May 21,1901, C. U. Snider, aged about 62 years, ol pneumonia. ROWLEY In this city, Monday. Maj 27, 1901, Thorn is Howlev, aged 71 years, 8 months and 211 daya. IIOLMAN & SON- UNDERTAKERS EMBALM ERS. Ollice on (1th St. oppo. Court House. Residence North 7th St. GRANTS PASS. ORE. -DLETS. Jr FOR SALE, 1fOI.SK clicftp-A pontle Imry and nmiuiu llui'M', V-ieillt UIHMll ntHt IDS, alvout H your old. Cull on or adtlresa 1(1. ( II II I IT, GOLD DUST. QASIl paid for gold dust. Cramer Bros. BICYCLE REPAIRING. I'AKK. your wheel lo Cramer Bros, for repairs. FOR RENT." VIII.K'S hall, corner Fifth and II streets is now oneneil lo the tiulilie and will he rented hv the uvunimr. Aiinlv tit Mrs. J. II. Ahlf. FARM FOR SALE. LMtl l 1' farm of in, acres one mile east of X- town. (nod house and barn, vmiinr b ull trees. For sale at a liareain. Inuuirit at this ollice. Great H lAJHt! Wrlhit ALL Uik IMS. !j ktaj IltMit uugll jrui. ThiiIiui 4jikn1. UM In linin hi. ii tit I'muif nt. Hen's & Boys' Clothing Big Bargains that are Bringing Business at the Big Store. Men's Suits, $l.5S, S.'iO, 7.U0, SAO, 9.20,10.90 Hoys' Suits, SOo, $!.()(), 1.20, "1.00, 1.S0, 2.00 Ladies' Suits and Skirts. I.uilics' Tiiilur-Miiilc Wool Suits, f.'i.lO, 7.20, 10.00, 12.00, 1 1. so, it;. Ladies' Crash Skirts. -I0i I'.Oo, 80c, ifl, 1.20, 1.C0. .allies' Wool Skirts, l.i;o, 1.80, 2.0O, 2.40, 2.80, 3.20, 4.00, Millinery. Miss Mary Coe lias returned from Stin Francisco witq 11 most complete ami artistic stock of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Summer liats. Yon nro invited to visit oiu Millinery Department, Carpets. Ingrains at Iflc, U.'c, lOo, 50c, 05c, 75c lirussels, Special Values, matched nnd made, at 75c. Window Shades, extra heavy, extra loni;, extra wide, 37Jc. IHL5R?E Mi) IK 11 A -$3.50 TT SHOE FOR WOMEN Worn and recommended by R. If Common Sense II fa Uncommon. 1 So They Say... It is rapidly becoming more common in the buying of groceries. Come and see what we have. Your eyes will tell a bigger and better story than my advertise ment can tell. NEW ARRIVALS. Yt lb. pkg. Baking Powder and a useful prize all for. . 20c Hill's Pickles (small ones) - 5 gal pails for $1 25 White Figs, 3 pounds 2jc Black Figs, per pound 5c Large Fat Mackerel, each. . 10c Lemons and Oranges, good ones per doz. 15c and.... 20c Gallon Jugs Catsup 1 00 Full Cream Cheese its the best made. New California Onions, New Totatocs, Van Camp's Pork and Beans. Paper Shell Walnuts, Siskiyou Mineral Water, Tea Gar den Syrup, Armour's Sliced Ham and Bacon, etc., etc. We Keep Fresh Groceries Coming all the Time. Grocery Co. You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver is sluggish and your bowels clogged. DeWitt's Little Early Risers cleanse lbs whole system. They never gripe. TRY 0RAIN-0I TRY GRAIN -01 Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a package ul GRAIN O, the new food drink that take the place of cofTee. The children may drink It without In ury as well as the adult. All who try it, like it. (JRAIN-0 has that rich sea brown ol Mocha or Java, but it If made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. i the pries ol collee. 15c. and 25cts. per package. Sold by all grocers. Sale T,lc Ikst Shoe Made in America for a? vi Calhoun the host ladies in tho land. L COE & GO. Tlio Blur Htorc.