Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1900)
Dr. Flanagan. bhoxe repaired at Hackett's Keeident Pen'.let. News reached here late Sunday even M. Clemen», F< escript ion Druggist. Paints and Oil»—Cramer Broe. ing ol the death of E. W. D$na. lhe Ice coU tkxla al WILSON A ROl'EK S C. St Louie for watch repairing superintendent of Uta Copper Blain aiiu« Take your shoes to Hackett for goo.1 Whips, lik to $2.5u at Hackett’s. Roy Kremer ia taking a medical course at Mr. Reuben. Coroner T. A. Hood work and right pri.-es. was L-ummoned and went to Leland on Bargains in Dishes at Crauier Bros. in San Fraucieco. First- class PLUMBING BtU ramer, First-class PLUMBING at Crauier Mr«. Silver, ot Reddiag, is viailing the first train. The manner in which Bro». * Mr. Dana me* his death ie »ubslautiady friend« in tin» city. as follows: Koh-i uoor pencils al the CocBiBai The latest iu F.ieyclea at T. A. Hood ' W. 11 Ryar« ot Saletu spent a tew I The hoisting machinery of the mine ie office. A Co’a. day. in Grant« l'»M last week. propelled by horse power, the power be- Wood wanted on subscription at the New line ol writing tablet«. 5c to 50c Dr. W. F. Kreuier returned last ot tbe ^ng lraoatui'tled bv a cable and horizon- C<>t bikb office. at Cm bikb office. week from a virit to San Francisco. tai wheel, fitted with brakes aud safety M uere do you get your hair cut? Try Empty lard larrel» for sale at the Miss AHie Pool returned Friday after I noteha«. While a considerable weight Will Mallorv. packing house, $1.00 apiece. was being hoisted from the shaft, the Hanies« of all Kimi», Grades aud a viait with frtaiida at Central Point.. harness broke and was stripped from the DL4 CDV photographer Prices E. C. Dixon has eecured a new Clark boree, leaving only the collar. The man at liackelt’a. L (1 L, D 1 Opp. Court House. in charge of the apparatus applied tbe SEE IHE NEW AUTOMOBILE, RAMBLERS High grade Bicycles 110 in Mr Corning, a stranger in our city. CLOAKS at R. L. COE 4 CO’S BIG Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Wm. Ulrich of Medford spent a few braxe, which had been oiled and would STORE. County court is in KMisioa for the days in town last week on a buaineoa not hold. However, after about three turoa of the wheel, it was caught by a The GrauU Pass band will give their September term, beginning on Wednes trip. alety notch and the machinery »topped. last open air concert for this season, Fri day. Mias Mollis lohn went to Newport Mr. Dana and another man were in day, September Htb. Smokers will find rate opiortunnie» Tnursday to spend severi.I weeks at that the blacksmith »hop, some little dis You have heard it said of solus thing for selecltou in the many lines of choice resort tance from the abaft anJ hearing tbe It takes the cake.’’ But Myrtle Creek cigars at Wilson A Roper's. Mrs. J. V. Layne returned on Thur»- ! rattle of machinery, ran to the Kwe. Flour makes the cake. A new lot oi stylish jackets, capes, duv after a sojourn of several weeks at yr. paua attempted to apply tbe other Alarm Cluck« given away with the waists, and fur suits fur Fall, 1900, at Newport. I brake and in so doing, released tbe purchase of $10 worth of good» at the W. E. l*ean A Co,.Po»t tllfice Store. '. Kinnev ma le a trip to »afety catch and the machinery started. Mayor H. C. Big Store.—R. L. Coe aud Co. No uvuce i'.i America is offering better Ashland Saturday returning tbe same ■ l'he harnem, still alta.-hed, swinging WANTED—To lease a good farm on values in $1.50, 2 50, aud 3 Shoes than with great force, struck Mr. Dana and evening. •bares fot a term of years. Can furnish R. L. Coe A Co. The Big Store. one ot the haiiie« penetrated his cheat in Miss Essie Hartman retameli lari ttie region of the heart, causing instant good reterencee. Addresr, with pmti- RAMBLER Bicycles have a distinctive culare, W. U., Cot kick Office. "style” of their owu. See Hie samples week from an absence of «eversi week» death The b?4y was brought to Granta Dou'l forget tbe Ideals when looking at Hair Riddle Hardware Co's Store at San Francisco. Paas Monday morning, and Tuesday Arthnr Conklin, editor of the Mining |eve„ing waa placed on the train to be for a good medium priced Bicyc'e. All Tbe price is $40. kind« for old and young, prices $20, $25 ALARM CLOCKS FREE! ALARM Journal, returned last Wednesday after ' la|cen to Springfield, Illinois, Mr. and $30. Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Dana’s home. CI. X1KS FREE I ALARM CLOCKS an enjoyable vacation at Newport. Mr. Dana was an active, capable and Rambler Bicycles are becoming more I FREE next satin Jay ! Don’t fail to get Miss Itha Cheadle, last spring one of popular every day. Don’t forget to look I one. R. L. Coe and Co. our teachers, ha« accepted a position in energetic man and prominent in mining circles here and bis pleasant manners at the Ramblers when looking for a Have you noticed the number of new a school at The Dalles, her home city. aud disposition made him a favorite wheel. Price $40. Hair—Riddle Hdw. 1 Rambler Bicycles on the streets recent Waldo Gieene returned home Friday among bis friends and acquaintances. ly? They are sold at the Hair-Riddle evening after a tour of several months as The social given last week by the W. Hardware Co. store, and the price is$40. leader of the band in I.eander Broe. He bad been in charge of the develop ment work oi the Copper Stain mine K. C. was very well attended and a very The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Presby terian circus. since its inauguration', and had lately pleasant occasion. The proceeds were church held their monthly business and Mr?. Duly bon anil Mis? Winnie Fy- been much encouraged by the showing applied to the help of a sick lady of our social meeting and semi anmifl election Held left first of the week for a visit of a of the mine. Mrs. Dana accompanied town. of officers on Tiiesilav evening at the res week or two with Mr?. Harry Lyon at her husband’s remains to Springfield. Why pay $1.25 per tier ior wood when idence of Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Hays. Siskiyou. you can get good dry slab wood from The following officers were elected for Editor F. W. ChaufiM of the Observer, W. L. Ireland for 75 cents per tier? the ensuing six months: Piesideut, W. D«ath of Hu,h B- Gilroy. I<eave orders at Crauier Bros. Hard I L. Ireland; vice president, Miss Stella! and Mrs. Chaus?« returned laat week P. J. Bliin, ol Petaluma, Calif., sends ware. Paddock j secretary and treasurer; Miss after «(»ending several weeks in San us the following clipping concerning tlie Allie Pool. A very enjoyable musical Francisco. death ol Hugh B. Gilroy at Reno. Mr. A dance was given Friday evening at program was rendered after the business Rev. Edward B. Pace, formerly pastor Bliin states that lie lias received some the opera house by tlie Grants Pass meeting. of the Baptist church at this place, has inquiry from Grants Pass concerning base ball team. There was a good at hern eleded president of Colfax college, Mr. Gilroy, but as the name was not tendance and the event was enjoyed by Social. signed in full, he was unable to teply, the participants. A dime social will be given at the res Washington. and he directs that inquires eeiicerning idence of Mrs. Denison next Friday Mrs. J. T. Galvin arrive«! on Friday The various churches that have been the matter may lie directed to him. Mr. holding union evening services during evening, September 7th. I’t.igram and from Portland to remain. Her many Bliin is an officer in the lodge. W. O. W., refreshments. A good time assured. friends a»e ¿lad to see her once more a the warm season, will resume their sev of which Mr. Gilroy was a member. resident of Grants Pass. eral regnl ir Sunday evening services, All cordially invited. "The cireuuialaiices attending the (■eginning w ith next Sunday. Miss Ella Verdin left Wednesday for a death of Hugh B, Gilroy, are still veiled Ladies’, Misses, Children’s and Boy’s Make your selections now in fall Vests, Cants and Drawers- Heavy win visit of two months to a sister in Wash in mystery, but an investigation ia on Wraps, Underware, Hboes, Notions and ter weights—all sizes. 1 wenty-tlre eta. ington. Her many friends wish her a foot. An inquest was tiegun by Coroner Peers, but will not be concluded until general Dry Goods at the Dig Store, anil (25|. K. I.. COE A CO. THE BIG pleasant time and safe return. von will rei'.ivc free of charge a hand STORE. Dr. C W Barr of Astoria arrived here tlie arrival of witues»es from Winne some Alarm Clock.—R L, Coe A Co. Munday evening to look after the inter mucca, Il appears from the testimony Nolic«. of the »sylum attendanta. super! -.ten- Ramblers are establishing a good rep Upon consultation it is deemed exped ests of his Portland excursion. Ik went dent and doctors and from the com utation for themselves A pleased cus ient to postpone the meeting of '.he to Ashland Monday morning. mitment, wliidi was introduced in evi tomer is the host of recommendations. Home Protection Club, which was ap W. A. Tavlor, who was recently in deuce, that Gilroy was in a dying con Those who ride Ra nblers always praise pointed for coming Finlay eve at the jured hv falling from a freight train, is dition when brought to the asyluiu by their wheels. Price »40 Hair—Riddle i M. E. church, until later in tlie month. now braking on a passenger train be Sheriff McDeim, The patient’s injuries Hdw. Co. Due notice will be given for the call of tween Ashland and Hornbrook. did not have th« appearance ol having DON’T wait until it begins raining such meeting. His gap ---- ------ Fred Ulen, formerly of Ashland ami been dressed by a physcian. before you order your winters wood, Hop Pickers Wanted.----------------- now living in Minneapolis, recently won ing wound on the skull, extending al Order now’ and get good dry slab wood Ono hundred hop pickers wanted ai * shorthand writing contest over the most from ear to ear, was closed by a of W. L. Ireland at 75 cents per tier. the bop farm of J. P. Ranzau on Rogue well-known McClung of Chicago. single stitch ami roughly bandaged. Leave orders at Cramer Bro?. Hard river below Grant? Pass. The commitment bears evidence that Prof. w. H. Orcutt, president of the ware. Address J. P. Ranzau, P. O. Box 300, Drain Normal school, delivers a lecture tlie proceedings in insanity were con- du ted without judge or medical testi Get your writing paper by the ream Grants Pass. this (Wednesday) evening at the opera mony, in direct iioii-contirniily with the and save money. We offer a ream of house, on the subject of education. law. When Gilroy was brought to Flour to Exchange. note paper. 480 sheets, 2l2' pound?, for Miss Elsin Ball returned last Friday Reno he was delirous. In Ins ravings 45c. We get the paper in largeouanti- I Farmers, do nut haul your wheat 20 tiesand can sell cheap; this .*» not cheap ’ to 60 mile? to exchange, Scott Griffin I evening after more than a year’s ab- he said at times that he had fallen over at Watipon, Wis. Miss Ball gave a cliff, and at others that lie bad been paper but first class goods.—Cot kier will give you a? many pounds of flour ’ sence ( : her friends a pleasant surprise by arriv- beaten and robbed. Tlie later story lie office. for a bushel ol wheat a? any mill will I j, ing somewhat iinexp*-rtedly. but the repeated in a lucid interval just before Notice will be taken of all persons give you. You will find Hcott Griffin at welcome site receives from her Grants Ilia death. The inquest was continued from Dougia?, Josephine and Jackson | hi« Hay, Flour, Feed and Seed «Store. Pass friends is none the less hearty on today. counties returning from Portland that Cor. 6th and 1 street?, Grant? Pa??, Ore. I that account. Gilroy was buried by tlie Woodmen. have in their possession a smile and a Mr. and Mr?. T. T. Wimer, who have There was a large attendance of hie Sale or Exchange- heavy package of Rpiare dimensions—it been making a visit, with W. J. and G. fellow craftsmen.” will be a case of “gold-bricked.” “A Eighty acre? on Williams creek, three! W. Wimer at Waldo, slatted on their re- wor<! to the wise,” etc. mile? from pom office, 20 miles from I turn to their home at Vinita, I. T. Sat Grants Pars. One-half under cultiva A very pleasant social wa? held at urday. Mr. Wimer Is engage«! in the HOLMAN Si SON, Merlin Saturday evening by the church tion, orchard ot four acre?, good water stock business at Vinita and is just re people of that place. Refreshments right. Two barns, comfortable house, turning from a trip to Alaska and Nome, UNDERTAKERS were «erved and a very entertaining good outbuildings. Plenty of berries. whither lie wa* accompanied by Mrs- EMBALMERS 25 acre? standing timber, gon«l for lum program was rendered. There was a Wimer. Office on Utli Bt. oppo. Court II ouae. ber. New saw mill. Will exchange for | goo«i attendance and the occasion was town projmrty or sell for |1200. , Michael Devany, the R. P. fireman Residence North 7th Ht. mu< h enjoyed by those present. who was injured so »o sevetely in a wreck severely In GRANTS PASS. OR. Col. C. J. Holt left on Monday morn All Sizes, Styles and Widths of the |n Cow Creek canyon about 18 month? ing’s train after a series of very successful FAMOl S lM)( liLAS SHOE at R. Li airo. ia engaged eninaoAH in bueineM KiiAinAM ago, and who now i? teir! « rance meetings He began his Coe A Co’s. The Big Store. in Ro«eburtf, left that place Saturday meetings with small crowds but during night for De? Moine«, Iowa, where he Confirmation Scrvicn. his later lectures, the houses was filled goe« a> a delegate from Ixxlge No. 542 to to overflowing. The last meeting of I Our Catholic fellow citizen? may well' i the meeting of the (»rand Lodge of the the series was held on Sunday evening be proud ot last Sunday’? celebration, B. of L. F which convene« September and a great deal of interest was manifest. and hopeful for the beneficial influence 15th. Before returning Mr DevanywiU The Colonel ia a very effective speaker, it must exert on the community. visit bh parent? and daughter at Mon I HERE’S no use talk- has a thorough knowledge of his subject Masses were celebrate«! at 6 and 7 treal, Canada. you cannot * lac and m ans business. He organized a o’clock by Rev. Father? La Croix ami have good sound teeth Mi?« Edna Parker, who ha? I»een a Home Protection club and a Y. W. C. Beutzen and by Archbishop Christie at unless you take care ot I’. I’, of 18 inwmbers ami over 30) 8 o’clock when all the candidates for member of the Cot kier force during the them. The right tools, |M»ople signed the pledge during the confirmation receive«! Holy Communion. Hummer, ia taking a vacation in Portland with the rightprep ora meeting?. At 10:30 the grand pr«x*e?sion of prior to returning her position a? teach tions, applied at the er in the Grants Pa?« Rchoolv, which ' eervers, prient? and archbishop attended The September i«?u • of McClure’s right time will work will open on September 17fh. Mi?? Par Magazine contains, among several arli- ’ in veHtments of gold and proceeded by ker is a young lady of more than ordl- wonders with any set of cles, tbe concluding paper of Lieut. Com I the croc's-lie a re r started from the pavil- nary capability, and is efficient, reliable, teeth. mander James C. Gilluiore’s “A Prison ' ion, erected in the church grounds, to and faithful in any work «he undertakes, We can supply any I the inaiu entrance to the church, after er Among Fiiipinof.” The author de» Teeth floods at reasona ind nothing in more certain than that which Solemn High Ma?s wam sung by ecrib«-? in detail the means by which he ble prices ■ Powders, her work in the nrhools will be charac dissuaded a Filipino general from execut tbe Rev. Pastor, Father Hickey. After terized with the «aine degree of excell Washes, Soaps, Brushes, ing the entire party, the way in winch the ma??, thirty |$erson? were confirmed ence that mark? her work in other line?. — all the advertised of whom fourteen were adults. the illness of a Tagal officer prevented kinds, and some we’ve ! Archbishop Christie preached a very the slaughter of his prisoners, how a had made for us, and Ladies' Black Fur Trimmed Broad Fil pino lieutenant on seeing a crucifix effective and eloquent sermon on the some we make ourselves disobeyed orders and thereby enabled Gospel of tbe Munday and wa? most cloth Capes, $175, 2, 2.25. 2 60. 3, 4, 5. All that's best. them to e«ca|»e being put to death, and attentively listened to by all and es- R. L. COE A CO, the BIG STOKE, i pecially by ttie large non-catholic ele bow the ball J was at la.t rescue«! by A «ptendid linn of mount« for Hamp American troops from bloodthirsty ment present. Rev. Father Beutgen, of Roseburg, picture?, some an low a? 5c per dozen armed savage«. Tlie narrative rea<ls like a page from Robinson Crusoe. Tbe lectured in tbe evening at 7 UJO and al Alto panels for four picture« in different I’REHCRII’TION DBUGGIHT. illustrations by W. R. Leigh are spirited together the celebration was exceedingly ^«itions. All kind« of mounts on ORANGE FRONT ban ! — A. E. Voorhiefl. creditable to pastor ami congregation. O»»O O.f.l HOUIt an<i life like. personal Arc ll<*r< The Big Store b parked full of ew Fall Good«. We beheve thai we art* >huwing as ni< e guods wdw good value* x*» are shown by ‘anv hou-e un the Pacific Coa»L _ I | I I ■ | I » I the largest stock of I Muus and Children« Jacket«, Capes —............ and Collarettes ever tltown in uthera Orogoa are now open lor your inspect i.ui. We are showitg hundred» of dif- ferent styles, prices and designs. All of the new Tan Modes, Blacks and Giay Colors from the three quarter length Anto- mobile and short seamless back Box Jacket to the stylish little Eton Jacket, that is a general favorite with every one. it e are showing a me special favorites in Golf Capes, Electric beal, Real Aatrachan, Wool Ast radian. Seal l’lush and Cloth, cap«» and jackets. In fact it wilt be simply out ot the question for us to do our stock justice in an advertisement. As au extra inducement tor every one to come iu and inspect our mammoth Fail Sluck in all departments, we will on next Saturday and continuing throughout the following week Give away FREE OF CHARGE to every one purchasing TEN DOLLARS worth of merchandise in anv department of our store A HANDSOME ALARM CLOCK Emit for canning is scarce this Season. Early Craw ford Peaches nearly gone. We have a few more choice lots of Early Crawfords this week. 1W Leave your orders for BARTLETT PEARS. Crop is limited, prices rea sonable, fruit is excellent. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE on DISHES beginning this week, Odd Platters ( plain and decorated ), Creamers, Dinner Plates, Etc. SEE PRICES IN WINDOW REMEMBER THE DISPLAY. PLACE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE We have just received a telegram from the Michigan Stove Company, telling us that Garland Stoves and Ranges were awarded BIRST PRIZE over all com- petitors at the Paris Exposition This award only shows that in the stove world there is nothing better than GARLANDS” We have a large shipment which recently arrived, it includes STQVES and RAN- GES at all prices. Let us show them to you. CRAMER BROS. ODD FELLOWS BLOCK XXXXXXXXX re pre- tely on coe a < 0 THE BIG STORE" Dress Goods Department .. .. -mentó iind c* A Bright New Stock of a l the very N-we«' Noveltie« Wlive« and Coloring« in .Ire»« goods ere now p'-n f- r u>- BIG store : money nor pains in our eflorta to plan our dr'-s goods partinent in the front ran«« a» compared with the f est »tores ontbeCoart. Without a doubt Tailor Ma le Suiting- in all of the varied Styles, Weaves and Colorings are having the call in all of the largest city Poree. The largest Eastern jobbe-« of dre«« good» report these •uiliiage «c-an-e and tire demand unparalleled. We were fortunate in having bought large quantities ol e popular weave» early in the «eason an.l will aav tual it be -imply impoatible to duplicate them at our prices. We are in elo»e touch with the Eastern marke « an 1 will venture the ae-riir n thst there will not lw en ugh of theee popular weaves to »apply the d-mand Alrea<lv our drr-^ making department cr v le i .Uh work, and a l on Ta or Made Sult» We are turning o p. - m- Handsome ran r Made Suit«. ARE NOW 20o Make your heii-j lay by giving them rratts Poultry Food. We sell it'at 30c and a val uable book on poultry, free with each pack- age. We alao have a supply of ground bone and oyster shells. Retails at 4c a pound Special price in quantity lote. Calhoun Grocery Co MAKRIED HOCKETT—MACKEY—In Sin Rafael. Cal., HMM), Claud Hockett of Grant? Paa? and Miss Helena Mackey of San Francisco. KNIGHT—CUNNING II k M In thiscity, Wednesday, August 2V, HMM), Frr«l H. Knight and Martha Cunningham,Rev. L.C. Wilson officiating. PICKETT—SHERER—In Moscow. Ida ho, August 23. ¡900, George (i. Pick ett and Miss Edna Sherer. The bride i? a former well-known young lady ot our city and ha? a large circle of acquaintances and friends here who wish her happineaa in hei new life. TWO FINE MONUMENTS Built of JOSEPHINE COUNTY GRANITE Ail Sizes, Styles and Widths o( the are now on exhibition at Paddock’s FAMOUS PINGREE A SMITH SHOE Marble and Granite eulcsrooni. at It I. Coe A Co’a. The Bia Store. YOUR TEETH BOYS AND CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SUITS We are ready to clothe the little man for school, and have enough of every other kind to interest every clothing buyer within reach of onr store. Whatever you want, we claim the beat values— absolutely the best values without exception. Bovs Short Pants Suits Double Breasted Styles—ages 6 to 14 years, well made—a decided bar gain at $ | .50 Double Breasted Styles—all wool nia- teiials, in neat durable Cheviots and Cassitneres; made up to our special order for school wear— double seat and knee at $2.30 $2.73 and $3 Bovs Long Pants Suits Good strong garments, in double and single breasted styles, ages 9 to 13 years, >4-50. >5, $0 and >9 Young Mens Long Pants Suits A large assortment of the very newest creations in Fall and Winter fabrics— Worsted, Cheviots and Cas- simeres—single and double breasted coats and same of vests, ages 14 to 20, $5 to >15 Made from leather nt sfiecial tannage, and BUILT TO WEAR, on improved methods in shoe milking from the exjierience of others. The weakest spot in al! boy's and youths* shoes is the RIPPING. This his been overcome in the manufacture of the MESSENGER SHOES Tty them and you will get the best shoe tor the money. Size io to .. Size i to 5 'fy.. .., Try our famous “IRON CLAD” —the Oregon, quadruple knee reinforced heel, nothing lietter. price 25 cant*. )1. Clemens I I ART! I & SON a . AAAAAdtidhAAAAgtiAAAAAAAAA A TALK ABOUT LADIES TAILOR SUITS AND JACKETS the minute beca ti «e sho * jA & THE TALK ABOUT SHOES • i . ■ • • i:. !- jHi-Hiblc to buy. fhi' took th® 11 it’ll''-’ Pi z' thst covld b® ®w®rd®d «1 th® I Hero you will find a earcfullj wlectcil lino of r i - Eiposition. Made Men and Childrena m I ioon Give »way - FREE OF CHARGE - one Handsome Alarm Clock with ... the |>urcha»e ot $10 worth ot mtrchand-M .. . It. L. COE Jk CO "THE BIG STORE" ^XXXXXXXMXXZXXXXSXXXXXïXXXIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ M75 $2 00 HOTS STOCKINGS Tailor Made Suits, $12 to $20 - M ; k I > 3 d r ■v., hou<a on the Pacific Coast ia ahowmg a h«>i l-"ner hne of all of th« New Weave» and Coloring» in lr.— g. 1« and we are very anxious that von inspect on’ »•-»;-k before aei.d- ing aaav. W. ran save you money le. giving you e«er yatiefactioa. We abeolniely guarantee out work and the n.i.-re of oil materiel», and that we mar •». ire the attention of every lady m t-ontbern firegon tn the m my wl-an ag'» offered in our mammoth dre«s g -nd« department we .hab on i . x’ 1 irdav an t ontinning through .ut ■ i- • oetng Anti Expectorating Ordinane«. The city council of North Yakima has passed mi anti-expectorating and burial permit ordinance. Both measure« pass- ed the council by a majority, but are awaiting the mayor’« signature to be- conio laws. The ordinance« were fram ed at the mggeetion of the State Medical Society, and are intended aa health measures and a protection to the people Against disease germa and the practic ing charlatans and quache. One pro bibite expectorating on the aidewalka and in public placeo, and the other re quires the certificate of death from a reputable physician before buriala will be permitted in the cite cemetery. To bacco uaera and loafere oppose the flrat and thoee who practice without a license or patronize practitioners having no li cense object to the latter ordinance. A Big I inc of Dry Good-. Ladii TRUNKS AND VALISES- Mens ( nderwear and a Big Line of M lik Up-to-Date Hats and McCROSKEY DOOR NORTH OF BANK