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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1900)
jar-«t..*«-*... a- I JOSEPHINE COUNTY GRANTS PASS . XVI OFFICIAL IHRECTOSY. “Meet Us on the Midway.” | Q local toappenings ] Ol'R PARIS EXPOSITION LETTER OREGON - THURSDAY AUGUST jo, 1900. Five PU^cr Creeks. Tlie following article appeared in tbe VM1TKD MTATKS. Oregonian of August 22, and is a very The Event of the Tunes Osservai Popularity of ProukiU LoubU. good deecription of one of our au rife roue lent..................... William McKinley ) president................... ............................. I Dignity and FairncM of Brttuh diatricts. The locality deecribed is only .M. Clemens, l ’ reseription Druxitut. .. John Hay ; ttry of State .......... oue among many similar Cúes in South Newspapers. Mtry *of Treasury .. .Lyman J Gage Bicycle hospital lor all repairing «t ern Oregon iu point of undeveloped re- bu y of Interior... . ........ C N Bitta Cramer Bros. tary of War............ ... Eiibn Root jfDU've sad capacity for improvement. Call at the Cot ai«« office .nJ «. the R(i([uU ' Carre . lX3a j ent) tary of Navy ........ John 1) Long I “Between Rogue river and one of its panoramic views of Grants I ass and fary of Agriculture Jamee A Wilson tributaries, the Illinois river, five good- ^„laster-Gencral ........ James A (»ary . vicinity. P axis , August 6, 1900. sized streams bead on one mountain AMori.t-y-General.. . Joseph McKenna The firm of Weber A Cbeaamore, pub- yt Lou bet. the president of France, ridge—(iahee, Taylor, Pickett, Briggs STATE OF okegon . lisbers of the Medford Fruit and Poultry makes frequent visits to the exposition and Silver creeks—and rnn in as many (Geo W McBride World, has dissolved. A. H. Chessmore and ia as far as possible impartial in the Ü. 8. Senato» a... Occupying many solid blocks, directions, all of them good gold produc ’ ^.Joseph *simon continues tbe business. distribution of his distinguished pres ers. From lhe l»ed and hanks of each taking in an entire street from )Thos H Tongue Congressmen........ curb to curb (MA Moody A large number of people in Grant!* ence. ile has made two or three visits excepting, perhaps, Taylor), many Attorn • »-General . 1) R N Blackburn Pass and vicinity are preparing to visit to the American pavilion. Of course it fortunes have lieen wrested, and few .................. T T Geer Gov* r Portland and the Elks’ Carnival during is always known when be is to arrive, tai I dies known. To be sure, many a ............ Fl Dunbar Secretary of State Carnival week. The extremely low but, unfortunately, on one occasion the hard-working miner has become di»- State Treasurer.......... .... Ch as 8 Moore , Sept Pub Instruction .... J H Ackcrmaa exetireior. rale offered ia a very attractive United Stales commissioner failed to be courage*! and abandoned diggings where State Printer................ ....... W H Lee-!» present to receive him, and arrived nulv an adequate investment of capital would j inducement. iC E Wolverton Lixblninc »truck a pine tree Tue. lay 4'r«>Je»« h» > have made a good-paying mine, and Saprt-uie Judges........ .¿RS Bean Under the auspice. of the Port evening of last week, on lhe farm of *J President Loabet to no teller than again men imbued with tbe idea that (FA Moore land Elks. STKPASSING in Clerk BoardSchoolLandCum. W HO’dell MAGNITUDE and OKANU Buller and rhouipeon, «outbeust of 'President McKinley and «ill tall eotistd- 'where the money is laid down, there EUR ANYTHING OF THE Dairy and Food Com ... .J. W. Bailey Ashland and 70 ton« of timothy h.y «•'•‘»ly below him in avoirdupois. He must the mine be.* have sold their hold K1NI> EVER ATTEMPTED VIBHT JUDICIAL DISTBXCT. stacked against the tree look fire and h»s «fi’’1’'*1' wrinkled lace, white hair ings for a song because of their exalted ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Western Division........ Judge H K Hanna »as totally destroyed. ¡and beard. There to nothing distingue notions of dividends — armchairs and The Streets of Cairo Kasten. Division. . Judge H L Benson ,, . . f in his Hpiiearance or manner, but he is ease wbic& the mine could not atTord. Tlie “complete novel’______ ________ The Oriental Theatre Prose< uling Attorney ..A. E Kearnes doubtless a good man and bids to be as Several hundred men are today making Member lioard of Equalizat . KA Emrnitt The German Village “New Lippincott” magazine ia apparent popular as his predecessors Carnot and their living and a majoritv of them more, ly being developed w ith great consider * 1 he Dancing Girls K V. S. LAND OFFICE BOaXBUBG. Faure. He is industrious and scrupu from tlie quartz and placer mines on ation for the tastes ot home readers. An Arabian Pageant Receiver .................................. Henry Booth lous iu performing his duties, official thusH creeks and the adjacent hills. Register....................................... J T Bridges Recent novels like “The Heart of the Crowning the Queen and social, is ever ready to sign his “Galice, the moat important, richest Ancient Wood,” by Charlee G. D. Rob Rex, King of the Carnival Attended JObKPlKN'K COUNTY name, make a s(>eech, grave a function, ami busiest of the creeks, was discovered by His Magnificent Court erta, and “ April bhowera, ” by Alice .......... KA Booth Joint Senator.. . . ' pin a medal of lhe Legion of Honor on a in 1851 by a Frenchman named Galice, Brown, nerve as lhe standard of taste; .......... Abe Axtell The great paratie of the Elks and County Juuge . .. soldier’s breast and embrace that soldier who later was followed by kindred ether orders. The Italian Park and ........ John Wells Commissioner. and novels to come are promised from with the same French fatherly cordial spirits, crossing the mountains from ... Roy Bartlett Fountain. The magnificent triumphal County Clerk........ Margaret Deland, Mrs. Amelia Barr. an h anti grand Midway filled with ity, whether he be a private in the Jacksonville or Crescent City, with their ............ Ed Lister Hhenti wonderful attractions. Mining, Mercan Mrs« Schuyler Crowniushield, Cliuton ........ G W Uolvig Representative .. ranks or an officer whose family is a« blankets and a scant supply of provisions tile, Agriculture, Horticulture and other Scollard, and Cyrus Townsend Brady ............ J T Taylor Treasiir.‘r.............. industrial exhibit». The Women’s old as the history of France. He was on their backs, to make a stake and get School Superintendent. Lincoln Savage which are said to maintain the high Pavilion, designed by women, built by ! not popular when first elected, and lhe out before being starved or murdered by women and decorateti by women for the Jkeeee»' i*....................................... Tom Smith level of the others. 1 storm of approbrium with which he was the Indians. Surveyor......................... .. H C Perkins exhibit of women s industrial work. Now there is a wagon The grain palace built of Oregon and Coro I >> I........................................... j A ood , Prevented a Tragedy. tece.ved oil entering Paris and the road from Merlin, on the Southern Pa Washington grains and graces. Music M;; k Timley information given Mrs. George and Fun. Night turned into FBKCINCT OrriCBBB. cowardly assault upon him in Bois de cific, a daily stage and mail service, and la ty day. Long, of New Straiteville, Ohio, saved Boulgne a few days thereafter would a justice of tbe peace, who has little to Justice .................................. James llolman two lives. A frightful cough had long ' have driven a weaker man to despond do with crime or bloodshed, Constable........................ ME stock bridge Thou«and« Lowest rail and water rates ever given kept her awake every night. She had i ency or resignation, lie has held on, -do Portland iron) all parts of CITY OF GRANTS FASH. of dollars in gold dust was taken from the Pacific Northwest ' tried many remedies and doctors but and his caliuness, firmnsM, simplicity, the bed of thio creek in early days, be- . . H C Kinney Mayor steadily grew worse until urged to try i and sincere devotion to duty have won . . J IV Barker Audit fore ground sluicing commenced on the ! Dr. King’s New Discovery. One buttle ovei the fickle, tioisteroue element in .. Col Johnson Treasurer. .. Lars and in tiibutaJy gulches. . . . L V Stewart City Attorney wholly cured her; and she writes, this Paris that has too often intluenced K. CLIVE MAJOR “Running parallel with the creek and .......... II E Bell Marshal marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long French history and policy. about 700 feet up the side of the moun __ ____ Thao. Mott Day Police ... of a nervous attack of Pneumonia. Such Police statistics relating to the Paris tain, is a great bench, at one time the Street Commissioner............ John Patrick 1 ceres are positive proof of its power to exposition of 1SN9 show that in that bed of a large river. This old channel ( Tom Smith cure all throat, chest and lung troubles. year, in May, June, July, August, Sep I E W Kuykendall has beeu traced clear through Josephine Only 50c. and $1,00. Guaranteed. Trial fc E Dunbar tember and October the people stopping county into Ca’ifornia, with a general Office in Williame Block T A Hood bottlea free at Dr. Kremer’s drug store. at the Paris hotels numbered 1,525,571. Coumilinen . . direction ol southwest and northeast. N E McGrew The largest numbers were from the fol Altogether in this section there is about I J A Rehkopf Forty Millions of Children. P. DODGE, lowing nationalities: Eugland, 380,000; | Frank Fetsi h 1000 acres of rich auriferous deposit ou Among tbe seventy-odd millions in United States, 115,000; Belgians, 223,* [ W A Haskins this bench, cut right in two by the right INSURANCE and this country of ours there are possibly 400; Germans, 160,000; Swiss, 52,000; Regular meetings of tlie city council of hand fork of Gahce, and breaks off into REAL ESTATE thirty or forty million children, says Italians, 38,000. Gram a Pass are held in the council There were only Rogue river at the lower end. Tbe low Henry S. Pancoast in tbe September ' 7,000 Russians. This yeai it is expected rooms in the city ball on the first and Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. er section of this old channel has been third Thursday evenings of each month “New Lippincott.” These are, by prom I that 500,OK) will uotne from Germany G rants P ass , • O regon . worked ou a large scale for 10 years by ise, a nation within a nation, a power . alone, and if the United States sent 115,- C1BCVIT COUKT. different parties and companies, acres of , within a power; the great Republic of Meets on the third Monday in April 00) people here in 1880, it is fair to es ground have been dumped into the j tomorrow, put to school to learn the timate an attendance of perhaps 150,000 and Uie fourth Monday in September. A C. HOUGH, creek and Rogue river, which isestituat ! high art of living from tbe Republic of from America to tbe llM)0 exposition. COUMTT COUBT. ed to have yielded about $10,000 per ATTORNEY Al LAW, : today. The number of exhibitors in ISSO wan acre. Probate court meets first Monday ol Practices in all State ami Federal Courts Twenty miles of diteli«*. and How and what sbal' we teach them ? January, April, July and September. 60,000, to whom 33,139 prizes and the water of creek and Office over First National Bank. Of all our great national questions not awards were distributed. In ISSU 25,- 11 umes conduct County commissioners court meets first gulches to this property, giving at the • • O regon . one is more momentous; of all the trusts Wedneh lay after the meeting of tbe G rants P ash , 398,609 persons passed the turnstiles, of mine a pressure of 430 feet, from 10 to county court. committed to a peoule not one is more which number 2,723.366 entered with 25 men are constantly employed at this sacred or more vital, for in moulding, ao I^R. J. JENNINGS exhibitors' cards and free admittance. lai as we may, the gene.aliou» that shall The average daily attendance in 1889 one mine. ‘The question naturally urises, Where RESIDENT DENTIST. take our place, the future is plastic to was 152,158. The average daily attend does all the gold coins from to supply our hand. 30 Years Expeiience. ance at the present exposition is run It is not the gevermnent or the school ning over 20;),i)00. The greatest attend these placer mines? It. certainly came Office inOpera House block; see the sign from above, for gold does not lose the — OF — teachers who are to do thje, it is prim of The Big Tooth. ance in 1889 was the closing day, Octo slightest op|Kirtunity for settling. arily we. the people. It is not empty SOUTHERN OREGON. O regon . ber 3rd, when 385,377 people passed in. Whether from a solid ledge washed G rants P ahs , rhetoric to speak of this duty as an obli The smallest attendance was May 10th, away ages ago—rotten porphyry streaks gation laid directly upon us, but plain 1889, with 36,922. —or from chimneys, prospectors have fact. Many matters of public policy we J J C. PERKINS, While in Paris, we get our American been unsuccessfully endeavoring to de determine only indirectly or, in many news as best wo can. The French pa termine. Receive deposits subject to check or on | vases, not at all. Many of our respon- certificat ♦ payable on demand. pers have a column of foreign news “(•igantic quartz ledges run through MINERAL SURVEYOR, sibiiities we hand over to a government Sowdla dt I’tlranger and when there is a Sell» sight drafts on New York, 8aa Fran which sometimes carries out and some big fire in the United States or a presi the country above and below this chan cisco. an<l PufUand. nel, and the creek bars, from which en Osano«. times ignore our will; but this power to Telegraphic transfers sold on all pointe in ««BANTS P a »«, dential election, we find the incident couraging assays have been made. the United States. create a new America out of our children stated in a few lines in the Paris papers, Near the a;»ex of the mountain, 2000 feet Spec ia! Attention given to lx>lle< tien» and | we have not delegated; it is exercised (JOSHO W & SHERI DA N, but when times are dull in the Western above tbecreek, two men have a hydrau genera! * usines« of our customers. by us directly in thousands of homes; Hemisphere, we look in vain for men lic mine, where they have taken out Odle. ions ma<le throughout Southern MINING ATTORNEYS, we bold it—to use or abuse as we will. tion of /rs Ettalt ('nu, as our country is well-washed nuggets weighing $10 to Oregon nd on all accessible pointe. 1 Tbe sheer wonder of this thing too often Special attention given to Mining «ailed in French. The New York Her $40. Below them, at the I xjsi Flat J. 1). FRY, President. and Lami Laws, and Land Office practice. escapes us because of its obviousness; ald publishes a small daily in Pat is, but J. T.TUFFS, Vice President. quartz n ine, rich pockets have been un liecauee, like other elementary and it bus not much American m*ws except covered, rotten porphyry oratued with R oseburg . - - O regon . R. A. B ooth , Cashier. vital truths it is so ordinary and so of a sporting, automobile, racing, yacht* gold, and all along the ridge dividing familiar that we have come to accept it ing character, 'lhe New York Time«, these creeks ledges crop out bearing QEORGE II. BINNS. lightly. ______ Pans exposition edition, is a very good gold in greater or lesser quantities, but paper and the American exile will find the mother lode remains undiscovered. Flag for Your Schoolhouse. A ASSAVER, ' more home, sweet home, matter in it Nearly the same conditions exist on Every school house in the couniy in — any other paper, but the .. rime» , Biiouiu » nag. mi than ... —«.* Silver creek, where the gold is even of a If you wniiv want uiic one tor should nave have a H»g. 11 Office op|M«ile Hotel JoM*|>hine, i your district write to the C ourier about ¡a, 1 believe, a temporal} enterprise and coarser nature. Bars abandoned for («HANT« I“AB«, - - O k EOOX. it. will not be published after lf>e close of years have lately yielded nuggets GRANTS PAS". OREGON. I the fair. The London daily pajiera | weighing $200, and at present energetic reach Paris in al>out twelve hours after men are actively engaged in drifling, I they are published. They give the news gronnd-sluicing and piping on thè plac {of the world in general, and the British era, and running tunnels ami «inking empire in particular, and are edited in shafts on the quarts. At one place a an admirably temperate and dignified man bard to discourage has lor two spirit. When there is anything iinpor* years been vainly trying to reach bed tant going on in llie United State*, you rock, and has n|N-nt $2OK) iu money, | will find a reliable account of it, and h prospecting a basin that will make a I »ry Goode, Shoes, Etdies (’ape*, and Jack day of judgment cditorial.about it in the grand mine if the proapecta justify open- TllE Hol MKFl KN1BHEK et*, Ladies' and (venta' Fumihhing London papers. iqg it up. < ìood", 11 ate, Miners' < food*, EVERYTHING for the From an exhibit here, a building near On Briggs creek there are acres and Trunk» ami Valise». y Hi HOUSE h an r FROM ».V A 1 the Eiffel tower, I got the impreaeion acres of gravel bars awaiting capital to MER to A , TACK HANI i that glaNN will play an iii)|»orlant part In I develop thrill, A magnificent canyon Grant« P«si Greatest Store. SIDEBOARD. I the architecture of the future. It can be of pla< era and quartz mines, fartna and 1 used in place of wood, metal or tilirg in ; stock ranges. Both Silver and Brigg» many pla e« and haq a high decorative creeks empty into tlie Illinois river. ' value. For both rooiiif, mantel piece», Pickett creek empties into Rogue river DKALFB IN stair cMW, it has been long need by the Ux mile* below the month of Applegate, GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED FRESH and SALT French. Whole hides of a email room At the mouth and along Rogue river With Every $20 Cash Purchase of are often covered by large mirror«, tbue , are several fine farms, and peach and ME ATS. X, ‘ Grew cries You Are Given a relieving the cramped vffect by reflee* prune orchard*. Here some of the fin- Han home. iJfe Bias Crayon tion. lilaes is or ought to be cheap, es I eat (Hachea in Oregon are rawed. Gold or Water Color Portrait Tim 21 I-RONT and FOURTH gl’S pecially in America, and I think the in dust form and nugget« have been and ’P honic No. 85 multiplication of mirrors will improve J are being taken out of lhe bars along the artistic and aesthetic taste of our both Big and Little Pickett. Coarse, people I may lie mistaken, but it L bm heavy gold is washed out way up the S taple and F ancy G hockrie ; I occurred to rne more than once that one gulches near the Taylor creek divide. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING cause of France’s preeminence in fash Several hydranlic mines are in operation HARDWARE THE REMT OF KMB . THING ‘ ion, style and art wu th« multiplicity and more are projected. BICYCLES L adies ' and G ents ’ SHOES AT ALL TIMES .. of her looking-gloases, largì*, fine arci | ‘Tayl or creek never had mnch of a SEWING MACHINES E'rarrnixG im S tilb everywhere. boom, aitho lgh nuggets weighing s«vi r 'P uork 131 Tiioxa 11 •'The mold of faehion al dollars were mined out, and a few form” Shakespeare • rnea are ground sluicing at the forks May it nut be that these French men with indifferent success. High benches WATCHMAKER and and F rench women who constantly see of fine-looking gravel axial here, as well, STAPLE GROCERIES JEWELER HARDWARE themselves as others see them, pbysi al but somehow Taylor creek seemed to CANNED GOODS |y at least, have by centuries of self-crit have been slighted by tbe power that ao Full awMWtment of Watches, Clocks, Sil* COLUMBIA and icism (call it »elf admiration if you will) versrar arvl Jewelry, A < mmm I á HARTFORD WHEELS FLOUR and FEED and p*Hnng evolv»d that seperflciallv generously sprinkled ths other creeks Aseunn»**nt of Bnuwfet* anil GIANT POW i’DER, E tc . exquisite thing in style which we rail, ailb tbe metal for which men have Heart Bangfas, Kuru st , orr. Crrr H au . no matter when or where we see it. ¡ fouglit, st ar veo ami died. Clemens Dreg Store 'P iioxb H3 “Tba cimiate in this section is all that French'* By the way, I was talking with one of the largest dress goods buy , could lie desired. Miners work every ers in New York who cornea hers twice day in the year, if they want to. Where a year, not to buy O f ? the American no wagon roads exist, pack trains supply ¡»rater ia trade, as be told me, but simply to get the needed tran*»pstation of provisions T ub PorvL.B G rocbb * ideas and import a few samples for and mining machinery. On almoat any ICE CREAM GROCERIES. American manufacturnra to adopt and claim a man can raise a bounteous gar imitate. *‘We no longer import in any den, eet mil fruit trees and live like a FRESH VEGETABLES DRIED FRUITS. ICE CREAM SODA Magnificent firs and stately ‘quantity from Faris,’’ he said. MWe na'K'b. AMD FRUITS* > FLOUR AND FEED. CANDIES~ g =£“ can mate the articles belter and ti»eap- sugar pine tr*-*e cover th** hills and val er at borne, but we are still dependent leys. timber tnst wil aome day be rafted Front 8tr««t. ’PaoxB 1* X bxt I«K.a to C ob ’ s in a degree on Paris for suggewhon»*, I down Rogue river or hauled out by rail- r .4 I ideas and stylet.” Great Street Fair and Carnival PORTLAND, OREGON. Sept. 4 to 15.1900 D I FIRST NATIONAL E AN K Capital Stock, $50,000. N. E. McGrew Representative Grants Pass Business Firms R. THOMAS N. Del. A MILTER J.M.CH1LES R. O. McCrobkey, GROCERIES HARDWARE TABLEW A RE SWEETLANI) & CO Eine Butter a Specialty Hair-Riddle Hardware G>. White House Grocery i:. c. DIXON... : CRAMER BROS CL ACS SCHMIDT II. II. BARTON, 1 Calhoun Grocery Co I. W. BLAKE’S T. 1. CROXTON, No, 42 Washington Lotter. (From Our Regular Uorrwponfient). kYA.HisuTu», Aug. 20, 1(00. Americans have no reason to com plain of the ending »1 the first chap ter iu the Cbine«x< atory, »hatever turn may be taken in the subee- quent chapters. Our governmeut ha« taken a leading part in the move ments both diplomatic and military, which have led up to tbe rescue at the foreigners, including out Minis ters eud a number of other American«, who occupied such a perilous position in Pekin for a period of nearly two monthe, and our prestige has been added to thereby. But io rejoicing over the safety of those who were in such grave danger in Pekin, it is uot forgot ten that the immediate future is full of perilous possibilities. We shall n«wd all the prestige we have gained by our disinterested policy to deal successfully with the schemes, known but unavowed, of our allies who are not diiinlerested. We have great commercial interesto at stake iu China, the markets of which are believed by many of our statesmen and business men to be absolutely necessary to (be continued prosperity of the United States, and we have Europ ean rivals (or these markets which will lake them away from us if they can make an opportunity which they deem plausible and safe to do eo. It ie the business of this government to see that no such opportunity is made. While tlie administration is on re cord as opposing the dismemberment ol Chins, it is considered certaiu in Washington that it will not carry it. opposition furtiisr than to submit a strong diplomatic protest against it, should the other powers agree to it, and to demand ths same trade rigliia ar oui treaty with China gives us. A number of the' Cabinet is responsi ble for the statement that this govern ment will probably include in its de mands upoa China oue providing that all Christian native« shall be allowed to leave China, if they wish to do so. The same authority says that no details have been discussed as to wlial provision shall be made for theCbnstiau Chinese, said to number several thousand, and adds that they may be settled iu tlie Philippines. They could not be brought to this country without an act of con- gretui, owing to the anti-Chinese law. Consequently, 11 this government ie to look out for them, they must bo taken to the Pbilippinee, to Porto Rico or to Hawaii, although the exteneion of tlie alien contract labor law to Hawaii makes it doubtful whether they could be taken there. Already attention io lieing called to tlie fact that American missionaries were only a small per centage ol those working in China, and the question ol why we should assume sole guardianship over tbe so-called Christian Cbinoeo being a.ked. That, however, was probably not the idea the member of the cabinet intended to convey, it is presumed that the allied governments will each make tlie same demands upon China, and that freedom *ri<i proUx tion for the native ( liristians will he one of them. Mr. H. F. Coggewell, of Chicago, who Ims excellent o.iportuniti«s to (eel tlie public pulse during his travels, dropped a few remarks in Waslti ngton that might be studied with interest if not with profit by tlie professional politician. Be said : "The »mople everywhere are busy, much too busy to bother their about political questions that do not directly affect them. The spell- bindeis will have a lot of trouble stir ring up any enthusiasm this year, and, despite the increase In population, I predict that the vote will be much lighter than it was four years ago. Men hail nothing to do tliooe days but talk |>olltlcs, end everyboy got escltud over the issue mid went to the polls and votad.” Mr. R. O. Merriman, of Springfield, Illinois, who is now in Washington, alien asked for his opinion of political conditions in the Middle West, about which eo much is lieing said in the partisan press, replied: “All predic tion« alKiut how Indiana and Itllnoi« will vote thia year are guesses. No man can tell anything about tbe political sentiment in those two Htaies at this time. They can’t tell Ixwense people are not talking politic«, and until th. people begin to talk there 1« no way ol gauging public «enlimont. Ale.'ll tin- only thing I see is an apparent utter indifference to tbe contentions of both partis«.’’ Two pariie« of Cutjan« were at the White Hou«e Hatnrday, on widely <lif fereut errand«. The first, which «•> sell invited, consisted of an ex president ol the Cuban republic of *95, a general ol the "liberating army.” and a prie.t. They presented a p'ea for the Immedi ate withdrawal of United Htales troops from Cube and the establishment of an absolutely independesil Coban govern ment, to the president, and tbe war department, to He -retary Rixit. The other party, which WB« inviteli, coosieted of tlie 1337 Cuban «chimi teachers who have been taking a «um- raer conrae at Harvard Vnivvraity The president, Mrs. McKinley and Mrs <>age, held a special reception in their honor, and a committee of officials and eitissna «bowed them a« rnsny of the sights of tbe National Capitol they coul'l get around U> ia their two days Il Helped Win Bartles. Twenty-nine oAcers and men wrote from the Front U. aay that for flcralcbae, Brafate, Cots, Wounds, More Feet and Stiff Joints, Bock Isa’s Arnica Halva is .lie Ireet in the world. Hems lor Burns, Skin Eruptions and Piles, 25ct«. a box. Cure guaranteed. Hold by llr. Kremer, ftruggiat. tiranta Paas autcweafnl buaineaa men advertise in the ('orai kb . 5i Buy your goods in your home market and build up Grants Pass. THAT’S TO YOUR INTEREST • It’s to Our Interest to nee that you get those goods and get them at right prices anti get the right goods. So you seo its to both our interests that you buy those goods here ? • When in nets! of durable FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, ART SQUARES, STRAW MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUMS, WINDOW SHADES, LACE AND CHENILLE * I RTAINS, always bui of THOMAS THE 1IOUSEFURN1SHER and you will be best satisfied and SAVE GOOD AMERICAN DOLLARS We Guarantee our goods and prices agalntt? any competition whatsoever. That's sati.factory ! A FEW GOOD REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY HERE : 1st—We carry a most varie.1 assortment anil good patterns Id—Money Having price« 3d—Hood» of tbe highest attainable standard at the price 4th—UiiHurpaweil in wearing qualities 5th—Orignal and exduiive «tylen Olli—The largest assortment iu Southern Oregon to Select from Twenty five years accumulated eBperience in the llouaelurniahing buaineaa enable« tliii houae to offer many ail vantage« impossible for other« to duplicate HOP PICKERS ..FURNITURE,. l’ICTIKK MOI Li» I NUN LACK CURTAINS » "1 ■ LINOLEUM» MATTHEMMKN MATTING» MIRROR» ...CARPETS Don’t fail to call and .see us. We’ll give yott good measure for your money. ..WALL PAPER.. OBAXITKWABB WOODXSWAHB ¿UATKWABX ULASSWARB TINWABB LAMm CCTLBBV ■ CROCKERY... Pralrtd American Marino. Admiral Seymour praised the Ameri can sailors and marines under him very highly, eo writes Allan White, of the cruiser Newark, t> his sister, Mrs. A. C. Kelleher,UM» Union avenue. Bia letter ia dated at Nagasaki, Japan, after the return of the ship's forces. “Our men had a hot time of it while they were in China,’* says he. Our first party got to Pekin, but the relief party was surrounded by the Imperial troops and Boxers. We had three killed and a lot wounded, including our Captain. Our men were always the advance guard and did great work. Admiral Seymour, of the English navy, says every one of them ought to be decorated with the Victoria Cross, as lie never saw such bravery. Be thouglit they were all picked men, but was told that they were simply pure American sailors, (But they are all cracker-jack shots.) I tell you we were glad when we saw them coining back, tor sre had been in sUB|ienee it long time over their safety. We left a part of our inarinu guard at Pekin, and 1 ho|»i that the poor fellows are all right." A f ew Pointer«. The recent statistics of the number of leallis show that the large majority die with consumption. This disease may commence with an apparently hat ml ess cough which can 1» cured instantly by Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, which ia guaranteed to cure and relieve all case«. Price 25c. and 50;. For sale by all druggists. Slrrl Ballot Box«. A large number of steel ballot boxes a«e living iiianulactnre.1 in tbie city for a firm dualing in election eupliek, who have order« fur them from Washington, Idaho. Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Nevada. A great many countries in these stales are already using these boxes, and the others ere now being auplied with them. The boxea are made of sheet steel, and are cylindrical in form like a hat box, with a cover like one. They are made in two nisei, 24 inches high and IB indie» In diameter, capable of holding 500 ballot*, and 20 indioa high by 14 inches in diamelar to bold 200 ballots. A bar with hooka at each end is attached to the cover by a pivot in the center. Through one end of this bar and through the cover ia a slot through which the ballots are passed in voting, and when the |>oll« are cluaud, the bar ia turned around, the hasp« placed over the staples and a Yale lock ia attached on each aide, the keys d which are not interchangeable, and with a key in the hands of each judge neither can epen the box with out the other is present and aa«isto. Tina 1« alleged, cannot be stuffed. So lar Multnomah County lias managed to conduct 15 elections with the old* fathioned wooden ballot box, but there lieen suspicion« In several case« some of them have )>een stuffed.—Oregonian. A splendid line of mounts for stamp pictures, some vs low as 5c per dosen Also panels for four pit tore« in different positions. All kinds of mounts on hand —A, E. Voorbiee. .B aking P o WDEK Absolutely Pure Makes light, flaky, delicious hot biscuits, rolls, muffins and crusts. Makes hot bread wholesome. These arc qualities peculiar to it alone. I have ««Ind the Royal Baking Powth-r superior to all Abera.—C. Goajv, late CW, Dclmunko's.