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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 6, 1900)
GRANTS )L. XVI. PASS JOSEPHINE COUNTY Letter from Nome. Mr (i. D. Williams of Grants Pass re I'MTIU states . cently received the following letter from The Event of the Tunes William Mt Kinley j i^eieidenl ......... Cerw» N’n«ne •¡»ritten b> S. M. Lucas, ■Vi- which our reader« will find interesting HARTFORD! are »old b. Cramer Bros ffipcrrtarv of State . .. John liay Kcretary of Treasury . .Lyman J Gage Tablet, of all kinds at the Col BIBB as a reliable statement of the conditions which prevail in that famous camp: .. C N Bliss •brretary of Interior . . Old Papers 10 cents per bundle •» Hte retary of War ....... ....... Elihu Root I N ome C ity , July 29, 190). , thi. office. John D Loe g retary of Navy ....... I believe I raid that I would write to Keuretary of Agriculture James aaine» A Wilson nnwu Bicycle hospital for all repairing at vou wheo I got up here and tell you how Poeimaster-General . . . James A Gary • i Cramer Bros. things are at this Th* Rn»t boat Atu .rney-Geueral Joseph McKenna | Grants Paa. aucceaeful bu.inee. men got in here about the first of June. My STATE OX OBKOON. advertise in ilie C olki . u . father and 1 got here ou the 18(h of Uieo W McBride U. 8. Senator« .. Occupying many solid Woclu. jJoseph Siiuon j Mr. and Mrs. J. R Harvey returned June and there were 25 vessels al an taking in an entire street froiu (Tbos H Tongue last week Jo Galice after making a few cbor then, besides a few that had a tar ted Concretarne» .... curb to curb (MA Mood* back. When we landed, the streets of day. visit >n Graut. Pase Attorney-General.. .... D K N Blackburn th« town and the beach for about two ...... T T Uaer Rev. Chas. Booth oi tbe Eptwopal Governor .............. F 1 Dunbar ■tertiary of State.. church returned last Wedntaday from miles were so crowded with people that .. L’h ae H M«wre Slate Treasurer . . . one could hardly elbow hit way through ' hi. outing at Crescent City. Sept Pub Instruction . J H Ackemaa the crowd, and goods, baggage, freight, ___ W 11 Lee-ie I Ten Cent, will puicbaae a bundle of State Printer............. lumber and machinery were piled up as >C E Wolverton old papers at this office—come handy in high as they could be piled all along tbe flbtrenie Judges ....... -Kb Beat. Inder the au*pive. of Ibe Port undeilymg carpets. (F A Mi ore beach, and anv amount of machinery land Elk«. ST »PASSINO in MAUNITl'DE ami UKAND- ^Krk UoardS lioollnHidCoi". W HO’dell The many friend, of Mr. aud Mrs. lies right where it was unloaded, being Et It ANYTHIN'; "E THE Dairy and Food Com........ J. W. Bailey Dennis Stovall are pleamed to learn that found entirely useless for the conditions KIND EVER ATTEMPTED they contemplate coming to Grant, i’as» here and all kinds of dredging, scraping riaaT jvniciAL dibtrict . ON THE PACIFIC COAST. this fail io make their residence here. We* ?rn Division. Judge 11 K Hanna and pumping plants set up and tried for The Street* of Cairo ^■Her'; I Mrs. A. C. Hough and Miss Hoitense a day or two, more or less, and left to The Oriental Theatre Prue« ■ i.ting Attorney A. E Reaures iiretioa returned last Wednesday even 1 rust a a ay on the beach. Wages have Mem tier Board of Equalixat KA Emmitt The German Village ing from a two-Week, visit to Waldo and been very good but there were 20 men I he Dancing Girl* * U.S. LAND OFFICE RObKBURG. vicinity. They also visited the Jose for every job except tor carpenters. They An Arabian Pageant Recc ver ................ Henry Booth phine eaves during their absence. could get a job any time of day. Wages Kegi ter................................... J T Bridges Crowning the Queen in the mines are 00 a day and board. Rex. King of the Carnival Attended JOHKFlIINE COUNTY Beware of Ointment« for Catarrh by His Magnificent Court Longshuremen get $1.00 an hour and ......... K A Booth Joint Senator........ that Contain Mercury. carpenter« get $1.50 an hour, without ...........4 be Axtell Tbe great paratie of the Elks and (Jouii'V Judge . ether orders. The Italian Bark and As mercury will surely destroy the sense board. Hundreds of men have gone ....... John ’Vella Commissioner. . .. . Roy 1'artlelt Fountain. The magnificent triumphal of smell and completely derange the home and hundreds more would go if County Clerk ... »rub alni grami Midway tilled with ......... fed Lister Sher ill................ wonderful attractions. Mining. Mercan whole system when entering it through they bail tbe money to go on. The ....... Ü W ( oil 14 tile. Agriculture. Horticulture ami other Representative .. Such articles streets*are full of men who do not know .......... I T Taylor industrie! exhibit-. The Women's the mucous surfaces. Trea- g - t ....... should never be used except on prescrip what to do with themselves Provisions 8cbooi Superintendent Lincoln Savage Pavilion, designed bv women, built by women and decorated by women for the tions from reputable physicians, as the are very « heap. Flour is $2 .50 a sack ; MMBssoi'.................................. Tom Smith Surveyor.................... ..HU Perkins exhibit of women s industrial work. damage they will do is ten fold to the potatoes, $2.00 a sack; sugar, 15c a The grain palace built of Oregon and Coroner.................................... 1 A ood Washington grain« and graces. Music good you can possibly derive from them. pound; bacon, 25c a pound and we tan Gayety and Fun. Night turned into PRECINCT OFFICERS. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by get stuff of fellows who are Helling and day. ............. James Holman F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O , contains going home for leas than we could buy J UStice ......... Constable......... ......... M E Stock bridge no mercury, and is taken internally, them at home. Many that I knew who Lowest rail and water rates ever given to Portland from all parts of acting directly upon the blood and mu- were here when 1 came, have sold out CITY OF GRANTS PAMH. the Pacific Northwest cuos surfaces of the system. In buying and gone back to their happy homes. A . . H C Kinney Mayor . J W Barker Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the few days after we landed we started up Auditor.............. .. .Col Johnson Traai-irer.......... genuine. It is taken internally and Snake river, but we did not stay long as . L V Stewart City Attorney made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney the whole country is staked off to the ......... H E Bull Marsh a 1 .. ......... A Co. Testimonials free. .... Theo. Molt top8 of the highest peaks and it was no Day Police . General Practitioner of Sold by Druggists, price 75c per bottle. use to prospect as if you were to find Street Commissioner.. . John Patrick M edicine and S urgery . Hall's Family Pills are the best. I Tom Smith anything some one would claim it, but | E W Kuykendall next year there will be plenty of vacant Gold Fields of Oregon. | E E Dunbar Office in Williams Block ground as many of lham will never do „ .. 1 T A Hood It may seem strange, but it is none their assessment work. * There are a few Coum ilmen • | \ E McGrew the less true that Oregon will produce good creeks around here, but on the I J A Rehkopf NÇ P. DODGE, more precious metal than the notorious most of them there is being nothing | Frank Fetsch [ W A Hahkiiis and greatly-boomed Cape Nome. Thou done, which is proof enough that INSURANCE and sands rush away frantically to the cold there has never been anything found on Regular meetings of the city council of REAL ESTATE Grant’s 1‘asa are held in the council and barren North, while rare opportun them that amounts to anything, but the Life, Fire and Accident Insurance. rooms in the city I all on the first and ities for wealth in legitimate mining beach was good for about 8 miles. The third Thursday evenings of each month. G rant « B ahs . - O regon . propositions in Oregon are overlooked. beet of it was taken out last fall and then CIRCUIT COURT- In Eastern Oregon, at Baker City. it was picked over again this spring by Met*ts on the third Monday in April Sumpter and Granite, splendid claims the 3,OtM) men who w intered here and ami the foiirlh Monday in September. A C. HOUGH, have been staked and successfully 3000 more that came down from Dawson COUNTY COURT. worked. Gold and Silver have been on the ice before the ship* could get in ATTORNEY AT 1.AW, Probate court meet« first Monday of Pi «elice» 111 all State ami Federal Courte tound in paying quantities in lar^e from the outside, and now it is being January, April, July and September. areas. Southern Oregon is rich in mines worked the second and third time and Office over Firet National Bank. County commissioners court meets first of iron, nickel, platinum, gold and sil the steam «nd gasoline plants are scrap (.BANTU I ’ AHH, • * OKKUON. Wednesday after the ineeti ig of the ver. Nowhere in the slate is there a ing the whole thing off ali>*k and clean. county court. boom in the mining business. There is They pump water from the sea back in a steady, healthful growth and the time to boxes and shovel everything in and is not afar when Oregon will annually some cj them are making big money RESIDENT DENTIST. add to the material wealth of our land while the most of them are not much .10 Years Expeiienoa. more than all the Klondike* will yield. more than making expenses. Tbe gold Office in Opera House block ; see the sign It would require a very great volume to is hard to save, the most of it is very — OF — of The Big Tooth. chronicle the many authentic stories of fine ami light and the pay streak is just SOUTHERN OREGON. G rants P aks , - • • O regon . fabulous riches fc md in the rocks of this a layer of nearly pure black sand and a great state. inntarteca are known coppei plate is the only thing that you where many men arose at dawn, poor can do much with. We have been work I [ C. PERKINS, and disconsolate, that retired al night ing on the bea< h Mince we came down Receive deposits subject to check or od worth their thousands. Placer mining from the creek and the most we have certificate payable on demand. U. S. DEPUTY is good in Southern Oregon, but the made is one ounce a day between the Bells sight drafts on New York, San Fran MINERAL SURVEYOR, gold of Eastern Oregon abounds most in two of us, but we generally made from efaco. anti Potdand. $4 to $<> a day apiece, but the ground has O bcqon . quartz.—Telegram. Telegraphic transfers sold on ail pointe in •BASIS r»», been gophered up so much that we do the United States. Editor*« Awful Plight. not get more than two or three days in Special Attention given to Collection« an«4 F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca Uli.,) £X)SHOW& SHERIDAN, general business of our customers. a place, when we have to hunt another. News, was afflicted for years with Biles Collections made throughout Southern 1 do not know yet what I will do this MINING ATTORNEYS, that no doctor or remedy helped until he winter. Unless they open up some of Oreku n, and on all accwwible point*. Spécial attention given to Mining tried Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the best in J. D. FRY, President. and Land 14twe,and Land Office practice. tin* world. He writes, two boxes wholly- these tundra clafena there will l>e noth J. T.Tl'FFS. Vice Prewidwnt. ing to do here this winter and I may go cured him. Infallible lor Biles, Core R ohebirg , - - O regon . R. A. B ooth . Gaultier up to Dawson for the winter and 1 may guarantied. Only 25c. Sold by Dr. go home, hut if there is any chance to Kremer, druggist. get anything to do through the winter 1 (2EORGE II. BINNS, will stay. The tundra is a level tract of A Flag for Your Schoolhouse. ground extending from the beach to the A SS A YER. Every school house m the county mountains ami if it is any good this will should have a Hag. if you want one lor be a better camp next year than it is Office opposite Hotel Josephine, I your district write to the C ourier about now but I do not hear of anything being G rants P ash , - - O regon . it. GRANTS VAS«. OREGON. done on any of them. I heard of one OFFICIAL DIRECTORY “Meet Us on the Midway." Í Í local Uappenlnô» Great Street Fair and Carnival PORTLAND, OREGON, Sept. 4 to 15.1900 D FIRST NATIONAL TB 7Y TST TsL Capital Stock, - - $50,000. N. E. McGrew Pioneer Truck and Delivery Representative Grants Pass Business Firms. I.M.CHILES R. THOM AS EVERYTHING for the HOUSE FROM A TACK-HAMMER to a sideboard ... N. DcLAMETER GROCERIES II1 RD WARE TABLEWARE With Every $20 Cash Parc bate of Groceries You Are Given a Hasids me. Life Size Crayon or Water-Color Portrait *P hone No. 85 Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Fine Butter a Specialty FRONT aud FOURTH STS. White House Grocery FRESH and SALT MEATS.<^J£“ ’P hone 21 ...E. ( DIXON.. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING L adies ’ and G ents ’ SHOES E\ KKVTinsai ix ’Pm» 11 HARDWARE COLUMBIA and HARTFORD WHEELS GIANT POWDER. E tc . WATCHMAKER ■ nd STAPLE GROCERIES JEWELER CANNED GOODS Full MMirtntetit of Watches, ( ’lock« il- verwrar and Jewelry. A Good FLOUR and FEED OPP. <ITY H Ui 'P hokb »3 Calhoun Grocery Co. G b » jc « r * FRESH VEGETABLES AMD FRUITS-, S tyl « II. II. BARTON, CRAMER BROS *P homk 14 Grant» Pasa Createti Store S taple and F ancy G roceries HARDWARE BICYCLES SEWING MACHINES T he Pom I >ry < roods, Shoes, Didiest 'a|»e*-an<l Jack et-. I.adics’ ami < rents' Furnishing Goods, Hats, Miners’(roods, Trunks and Valines. SWEETLAN'D A CO. DBALRB IN GROCERIES. FLOUR. FEED R. < ). McCroskey, F. W. BLAKES HEADQU AfiTES* F»* ICE CREAM ICE CREAM SODA CANDIES^, X Do« A*Kurtmmt if Bracelet» and Heart Bangle«, Clemen« Drug Store T. F. CROXTON, I valer in GROCERIES. DRIED FRUITS, FLOUR AND FEED. Front Street. > » > « claim selling for $100,(0) the'other day. The tundra is 5 or 0 miles wide at Nome and extends all along the coast, The (reach is from 100 feet Io 100 yard« wide and from one to 15 feet deep ami the biggest piece I have keen weighed a little over $1.00, but they are very »•carce, as you seldom get a piece of over 5 cents. 8. M. L ucas . The Bravery of Woman. Was grandly shown by Mrs. John Dowling of Butler, Pa., in a three year«' struggle with a malignant stomach trou ble that caused dietreseing atta< ks of nausea and indigestion. AH rvmediee failed to relieve her until «he tried Elec tric Bitters. After taking it two months she wrote: “I am now wholly cured and can eat anything. It is truly a grand tonic for the whole system a« 1 gained in weight and feel much stronger since using it." It aids digestion, cures dyspepsia, improves appetite, gives new i life Only 5<>c. Guaranteed, at Dr. Kremer'a drug ’tore. OREGON OUR PARIS - THURSDAY fXPOMPON No. 43 - SEPTEMBER 6, 1900. Washington Getter LETTER Our Country »»<»< Ortiwd in Her Best Incom petent Agents Louer our National Mandará From Our Regular Correspondent) P aris . August 13, 1900. •a multie Bonaire may lose a hundred thousand here aud there without feeling the loan, for the majority of hie venture« are profitable aud his balance sheet show« net gains. It 1a thus with the United States, the mightiest of the mul- timiliioaairea al the Paris Exposition. The Paris Expotiition is undoubtedly a losing aide »peculation for our country. But we are rich and will scarcely feel it. It would Lave been better for *ia to have staved at home than to have appeared at thia feaat without our beet clothes, it will not do to say we have better clothes at home. Such an excuse is not good form. Moreover we will not be believed except by our home folks, and we must submit to the popular judg ment—that half a ¿core of pigmy 1a tionalitivs, in more splendid apoarvl than ourselves are, by these signs, our commercial superiors. There are of course those in every land who know better, but this judgment was and is a.» an appeal to popular judgment, and if in the eye of the public, wno estimate a country by lit display at this exposition we fall below Belgium and Denmark, to say nothing of Austria and Germany, our appearance in this field is a failure. It is as easy to fix the blame as it is useless to do so, for by the time for the next ex|M>sition the lesson and the moral will lie forgotten. A new pr eaidvnt and a new congress will be ready to re|>eat the extravagance and the blunder. The fault is radical in our shifting changing governmental personnel. It is in a sys tem which retire« public officer« a« soon as they begin to know their business; a system which imposes littlo sense of res|>uneibility uoon those who know their tenure is transient ami who are answerable only for ths brie! day of their iucumbency. Our resources are inexhaustible because they are the soiirces and forces of nature, but another country acting a« foolishly and expend ing as lavishly as we do would be ruined. There are those who will Ull, whose business it is to tell a d if lore nt story about the appearance of the United States at this fair. A r a consequence there are some who will never know the tru h about it. There are doubtless some w ho are incapable of seeing or be lieving the truth, no matter how plain it may be. I am writing only for those who want to know the truth because it is wholesome even when disagreeable. The silliest patriotism, like the silliest family pride, is that which glosses anti conceal«, and resents the criticism—the diagnosis—irnhspensible to a cure. We have ourselves riiHculous by sending a great host ol commirsion- ers to this fair, and they in turn have made uh and themselves more ridiculous by insiRting through official channels u|>on social recognition. Maiiy of them, too many, with their sisters and their cousiiiH and their aunts, have got it, and the way they wield and flourisn and dis play it make« the groundlings grin, the judicious grieve. The fault is at home in the vicious system which treats every appropriation to a world's fair as a Jun keting function to which every American has a right to go at government expense, provided his member of congress has pull enough to put him on the roll. Would that this vicious system stopped at l'aris or were as ephemeral as the Baris Exposition. But we know it is the bane of our diplomatic and consular »ervices, and that it results in our send ing aspiring, illiterate dunces to repre sent us in hundreds ol foreign cities, where our consuls are in sharp contraflt with the elite, educated, polyglot agents of England, Germany and Ruseia. The crying ueed of our foreign trade tixJsy is not c heaper production, or more ships, but an improved cor|»s of commercial au l consular agents shaking several languages of cosmopolitan intellectual range and a« intelligently zealous for the interests of as is the aver age Chicago or New York drummer for the success of his house. We have the raw material for such a corps. The pity is that it is so very raw. French, tier man and Spanish should l>e known b) those who presume to ask for consular places, and not only a smattering ol these languages but easy conversational felicity in them. Tne atqairecaent of these languages will enable the scholar to speak one more language, Italian, al most without study, and not until we insist upon this e quipment as a sine non for consular appointment will we U* able to compete with the a«t jte, debon air and versatile agents sent out by othai countries. f ables of th« Rail IX. An industrious Organ Grinder was All Going to the dr ui. bu«dy engage«! in Grinding out Coon Everybody is talking alxjut Ringling > <ng» one day when a Citizen engaged Bro«.* fainotis big etreus, which is to ex him in conversation. Said be: “Why hibit in Medford, Monday, Hept. 10, do you not Soak the organ and Employ alter noon only. Ke \ era I big excursion* your great Talent« in Working on the will go from this vicinity and the popu Street for the Municipality instead of larity of ths show will insure an enor tunoyirig the Popolaca with the Hid* tuous crowd. People from this locality eous noia**s that emanate from yon<ler •hould make an especial effort to arrive t>ox?M But ths organ grinder smiled in time to see tne l «* w free street carni Craftily and said: "Some time you val which precedes the exhibition every will Understand that the streets are morning at 10 o'clock. The pr^M*ee«ion not Paved with Gold and that an Organ i« divided into thirty enormous sections, m the Hand is worth two in the Pawn each of which is a complete parade, and -bop. Best «les it is not Fair to tske ths presents in its entirety a bewildering, | Money of the people for Nothing and by maf.mificeet twe mile carnival of jmgeari I m*nding rny own buameM I am in a try, such as the world has neve« «ren. | Fair Way to be able to take my Family In thia gorges»us display are shown over to Europe soon sod viiit tbtf Scene« of 100 beautiful deos and rages of wild an my childhood. iosals, 500 horse», 25 elephants and near Moral—Will be whimpered in strict iy a the use nd people, sod the cost o me» onfider»*e to all who apply either pei throughout are u( the fine«! silk«, ratine, 1 tonally, by wire, telephone or letter to and cloth <4 gold. Th«* performance | the Norm-Western Line'« New City (Bat follows is the most magnificent I Ticket Oftke, 302 Robert Street, Pt areoic dit| lay ever prevented by any cir-1 Paul, or al the (Tty T d ktt Oflkw, 413 cus in America. Nicollet Ave.. Minneapolis. I (From Our Regular Correspondent). OUR POPULAR STOCK AT W amhingtos , Aug. 27, 1900. So far as this government is con cerned, the tigbling in China is over, unless it becomes absolutely necessary to fight to preserve order, and the situation will be handled by diplomacy. Before tbe allied army started to Pekin the policy of this government was officially proclaimed, and tbe world in formed that its troops were in China solely to protect foreigners and to pre serve order. That policy has been emphasized by communications to the allied governments, calling attention to the object for which American troops were sent to China having bevn acoom* pliahed and requesting that the other governments make known their inten tion towarda China, and suggesting, if they have formed none tfeM an international commission be appointed to decide upon a policy that all can follow. The president is now waiting to heat from thj other gov ernments. There are strong reasons to believe that Great Britain and Japan will he willing to join thia government in with drawing troops from China, if the Chinese government can make even a respectable showing of its ability to pre serve order and sustain itself; but there is a (ear that Russia and Germany not only will decline to withdraw their trooiw, but that they will, as the result of an understanding between them, declare war on China for the purfioee of conquering aud controlling the country, if allowed to do «o by the other powers. Thia government will take no part in a war of conquest against China nor wilt it fight to pievent such a war. It will confine its e7orts to preserve peace and the Chinese Empire to diplomacy. Believing the diplomatic crisis to he at hand, the president abandoned his trip to the G. A. R. encampment, in Chica go, in order to five his undivided atten tion to it. The tabulathig machine used by the Census Bureau, an American invention, nas attracted world wide attention. It has already been officially adopted by the governments of France and Russia, and the secretary of the statistical bureau of Italy, is now in Washington for the purpose of examining the work of this wonderful machine with a view touts adoption by hi* government for use in its next census, which will be taken in February, 1901. Judge 1'taiuel Wilcox, of Michigan, who is in Washington on his way home from a trip to Europe, talks interesting ly of the different ideas prevalent in Europe fifty years ago and now of this country. He said: “When I was a young man, almost half a century ago, I spent a year abroad, and traveled through most of the countries of Europe. The U. S. was then looked upon by the rest of the world much as a Booth American republic is now regarded. Europeans believed we were a half savage, nomadic, people of little conse- <juence in dealing with the world's affairs. Savage Indians were supposed to prowl at night through tbe street« of New York and the fac t that we held tbe negro in slavery brought us into <q>en contempt. A citizen of this coun try received much more consideration if he allowed continental Europe I to believe lie was an Englishman, The change in European sentiment with reference to America is something rnar- velous. The eyes of the world I have been opened, and the over grown and clumsy child it was inclined to sneer at fifty years ago is now looked upon as a young giant whose friendship all people are anxious to claim. An American is treated with as much, if not more, con sideration than a native of any other country, He is always supposed to I m * rich and tn s|s<nJ his money like water." r«ii-i'>n Cummieeaoner Evans, in hiw annual report, Is-ars down hard on the l«*rision «harks. He say« that an official inquiry has shown that 97 out of 9M3 |M-rsons practicing as pension attorneys are utterly onfitte<l for the work, ami that more than 23 per rent of the total are rated as not good. If that showing l>e correct, ami there is no reason to doubt it, no time «hould be lost in re vising the roll of attorneys and shutting out the bad and incompetent. Il is s duty alike to the applicant« for pen sions ami to the honest and capable attorneys. The net increase in the names on the (»mi'in r >11« during I hr year was 2.010, the total, Jone 30, stand ing al 992,529. There was a decrease in the total of ex|»enditiires of the oA?e of $83,417.' Tbe report estimate« that the new law which regards a widow as de pendent if her income does not exceed >250 a year, will add from $3.000.000 to |4,(MX),000 a year, to pension expemfi- tares. It also expresses the opinion that the present congress will add largely to the pension law by new legi»- lation. According to a contract just awarded by the navy department, the United ^latre will Lave >.». rn-w Holland - ■ marine torj*«lo boats inside of eleven months, two of which will be stationed on tbe Fariftc Coast at Kan Francisco and in Buget Mound wnile the other» will be stationed on tbe Atlantic coast, at Bo«tor., Philadelphia, and in Hamp ton roads Rndered Heath ■ Agonies Only a roaring firs enable«! J. M. Gar retteon, of Han Antonio, Tex , to Ik down when atta< ked by Asthma, iron which he suffered for years. He wiites his misery was often so great that if seemed he endored the agonies «»! 'ieath , but Dr. King'« New Discovery (or Con sumption wholly cured him. Thi« mar velous me li. ine is the only knows cure for Asthma as well as Consumption Coughs and Colds, and all Throat, Chest and Lung trouble«. Price 50c and $1.00 Guaranteed. Tria! b>>Ules free at i>r. Kremer’s Drug Mtora. POPULAR PRICES Our selections Patterns .4 Styles and Deco rations will appeal to your taste > jt j. Paper plate« 100 for........35 Glass sets consisting of sugar bowl,batter dish,spoon holder and cream pitcher 35 Beautiful new China mugs 25 make Big line glassware your CARPETS — To ¡oom for new goods a lot of choice for .... Cieces from 3 to 10 yards will Hotel dishes, c doz..... 1.17 e closed out at 25"„ dis Hotel bakers, < doz. 1.17 count. You must get bore Tumblers 3 for r 10 before your neighbor to get Palm fibre vi •alice«. goods the pick. worth <‘>5-75-8.' 5-1.00 ali go 00 at..................... IO Soap trays LACE CURIAINS \n inspection will convince any Ink writing tablets Hue one they are rare value* paper how is tl his 300 pages 10 We head the best with a 91 -w yd.x62 inch curtain (« 50 To close out a lot of velvet per pair 75-85-95-1.00 to 1.97 bias shirt binding colors some beauties (<i 3.25 3.50 navy, slate and myrtle per yard... . 2f, 3.75 To close out a lot of red em broidery cotton per spools I PICTURE FRAMES Moie ne.v ones and lots of iCqt. preserve kettle retin- ............... 20 mouldings bring along vour | ned Grocers Scales 2.55 pictures. Matting- lt> Cottage art carpet for this 90 sale ..: 95 White quilts. f 1.98 Smyrna Rugs NEW GOODS Ladies wi itine desks or secretaries art- scares, rugs, iron beds, colonial centre tables or stand» rockers.. Chinaware, glassware. Never pass us by whether you want to buy or not come in and look. POPULAR PRICES PREVAIL W xl.l PAPER . ..FURNITURE.. GRANITKWARE WOODKNWAKK SG ATKWARK GLASSWARE riNWABK LAMPS CVTI.KBY . CitOyKhKY... PICTURE MOULDINGS LACK CURTAINS cots LINOLKI'MH MATTRKRHKS MATTINGS MIRROR* ...CARPETS . Rogue River Baptist Association The Rogue River Baptist Association will hold its aniiubl gathering with the Bafilist church of Grants Bass on Sep». 134h, 14th and 15tb. Rev. A. M. Russell of Ashland will prsach the Introductory sermon. The Baptist churches of Ashland, Medford, Central Point, Williams and Merlin will be rep resen led by delegates, ltov. Gil man Barker of the Oregon Baptist state convention; Rev. A. W. Rider, of the American Bsplist Misssonary Union Mist Carrie O. Millsp cngh, of theOregon B. Y. B. U.; S. H. minMionary of the i'ublication Society, James Edmuii'ls and other« will be present. It is ex pec ted that on the evening of the 14th there will be a young people's rally, with address«*« that will of in terest to young p«ople generally. A cordial invitation to attend all the - sions of the HRHo< iation ih given to all. R oiikrt tssLia, pastor. Letter List. Following is the list of lettera adver- Used at the Grants Bass post office for the week ending September 1, 1900. LADIES. Little, M ím Mabel, GENTI EM KN. Baker. Lullen, Bankfi, Win , Harrison, G. W., Henderson, Geo , Monr«, G. E. A E. W. Sfoggio, Paul, S tañer, J ease. Stenzluer, Win., C. E. H ABMOK. P. M. A Powder Mill Explosion Removes everything In sight; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. No need to dynamite your body when Dr. King's New Life Pills do the work so easily and perfectly. Cures lleadiiche, Constipation. Only 25 cents at Dr. Kremer's Drug Store. Subscribe for THE COURIER J» J» J* ROYAL Baking Powder The strongest, purest, most efficient and wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest in price, yet the most economical’; indispens able to all w ho apprec iate the best and most healthful food. Our country i enjoying prosperity almost unsurpassed in its history. For every one there i money enough to buy that to eat which i pure, sound, g<x>d, wholesome. Why houli! we use cheap, impure, un healthful article- of food? There is no economy in them ; they endan.-er the health, they may cost life. There are reported almost daily cases of -ickne caused by eat ing cake, puddings or biscuit made with the cheap, alum baking powder . I11 all article- for fo<"l buy and use only the best. The good health of the family is of first consideration. Alum i* iimm I n many liking powder* I »ecause it makes them cheap. It ioats lew* than two cento a pound. Alumi . » corro-u ♦ jioN.n. I hink uf b eding it to chil dren ' Vet tie manuí.ictur» m of well-known alum pfwl1 rs w i-1 11" d- fi »t , their goo<fa contain it. ROYA'. R ak INQ PQWDC4 CO , 10Q W»U»AM ST , NFW y OWR.