Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1900)
r ruit for canning is scarce this Season. Early Cmw- ford Peaches nearly •ioiic. -We have a few more choice lots of Early Crawfords this week. Leave your order« for BARTLETT PEARS. Crop is limiteil. prices rea- souable, fruit is excellent. WHITE HOUSE GROCERY SPECIAL REDUCTION SALE oil DISHES liegiiiiiiiig this week. Odd Platters ( plain and decorated), ( reamers. Dinner Plates, Etc. SEE IN PRICES WINDOW REMEMBER THE DISPLAY. PLACE WHITE HOUSE GROCERY OPPOSITE POST OFFICE We have just received a telegram from the Michigan Stove Company, telling us that Garland Stoves and Ranges were awarded FIRST PRIZE over all coin- petitors at the Palis Exposition This award only’ shows that in the btove world there is nothing better than CARLAXDS We have a large shipment wltich recently arrived, it includes STOVES and RAN- GES at all prices. Let us show them to you. CRAMER BROS ODD FELLOWS BLOCK local capponine Ice ruUl Soda at Hanaaa's. Shoe« rv|.«irv.l at Hackett'a Take vour «lioee to Hackett for good work and ri»bt pricve. L. OMtaCW. Last liaturday avaning, August 18th, waa th« «vent of a re-anion of thegradu- atin* class of IM, at the «parious home ot Dr. and Mr«. Moors. It a a. impossible lor «very memtwr of lb« clan to be preavut, but neyerlheleas a tuajoeily of it* member« were there to enjoy a iuo«t happy time ag*>n> ** one reuuiteU «laoa. Letter* acre received front Elvin Crutchfield aiqi Josephine Stitee, ex- preeeing their heartfelt nereis ou not being able to come. After engaging for a while in general c-mveraatiou the claaa rendered a very interesting programme which consisted of the follcwing: Speech by president Walter Dyke Mandolin Holo Mabel l’aletborpe Claaa prophecy John Moriarty Claaa Waller Haruiou and ixinnie Moon Instrumental duett.................. ........... Vid« Moore and Ida Williams Talk .............................. Herbert McCarthy Aftei tbe programme was rendered everyone joined in the singing of the old school song«, after which delicious re freshment« were served, consisting ol ice cream and cake. Before going home each member ol the class contributed towards sending a token of remembrance to our old and beloved instructor, Professor Cameron, it »■■ decided to send liirn a beautiful manzantta cane, as he prised, and was always desirous ot having a cane of this wood from Oregon. Il is the opinion of our class, and perliapi it is too true, that while io tbe school rooui, redid not fully appreciate the merits ol this kind, patient and efficient teacher, and as it was from him that we received such training that gave ua rapid moral as well as mental advancement, neverthe less were we again under hie instruction we would try far more earueatly to do justice to his enthusiastic efforts, and the unselfish interest he took to give us counsel and training from which we could derive a world of good, when he could be no longer with ua. It is not surprising then that the class ol 'Ph should be successful. Almost constant ly since graduation every msinber has been occupied tn some honorable line ol work. Aud when laboring under diffi culties we have at least oue |>er>oii from whose teaching and counsel we can gather inspiration, one in whom wv can recognise in every sense ol the word, tlie ideal niaii, and that is Professor Cameron. The members of the ulasa present were Ml sass Vida Moore, Ida Williams, Cora Btuitli, Maude Balter,»Mabel Pale thorpe and Hattie Nilsby, Messrs. Lonnie Moon, Herbert McCarthy, Arthur Welch, John Moriarty, Walter Harmon, Walter Dyke, Kayiuond Scovill and Albert Dean. personal W. M. Van Valkenburg was tn town First-ela». PLUMBING «tC ramer ou Monday from the By liee spring» on | Bros. Evans creek. Koh-i noor pencils at the Cuvm*a Geo. M. Gsge of Portland was in towu office. Saturday aoliciliug »ubscriplion« for tlie Woxl wanied on FutMrripiioa at the I’aciffi- Monthly. C ovbikh office. If. I. Robertson a prominent fruit W’taerw du you get your hair cut? Try grower of Merlin precinct, waa a visitor Will Mallory. to Giants Pass Satarviay. I lame«« ol all Kinds, GraJes and Mr. and Mrs. A. Scbaringsou and Brices at Hackett’s. Mrs. W. B Carville returned to Grants W. L. Ireland can «are you money on Pass Saturday after a visit at Ashland. The latest in Bicycle« at T. A. Hood your winter’s wood. A Co’«. G. f. Brown was up from Portland RAMBLERS. High grade Bicycles $40 this week oh business ccnnected with Empty lard barrebi for sale at the Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. packing house, |1 00 apiece. tlse Water, Light and Power company. Try a sample load of tbe «lab wood Rev. Cbas Booth of thia place held D LI C DV VHOTiXiRAl’HER I fl D I Opp. Court Hou»e W. L. Ireland is selling lor 75cts. per . Episcopal services in Crescent City Sunday and at Smith Kiver in the eve You have heard it said of some things ; l*er- *lt takes the cake.” But Myrtle Creek J Smokerswill find rare opportunities ning. Flour makes the cake. I for selection in the many lines of choice C. H. Markliaiw general passenger agent of the 8. t*. linee in Oregon, Dou’t forget the Ideals when looking cigars at Hansen for a good medium priced Bicycle, All I A new lot of stylish jackets, capes, panned through on Monday, en route to kinds for old and young, prices $20, $25 waists, and fur auita for “ Fall, 1900, at San Francisco. and $30. Hsit-Riddic Hardware Co. W. E. l»ean A Co, poet Office Store. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. De ma ree and The Medford Fruit and Boultry World You will regret it if you Jo not lay in Arthur Frier left OU Wednesday for a will, be issued once a month hereafter. a supply of slab wood while W. L. Ire few weeks outing < on Ditch creek in the I Evans creek county. The paper is to be enlarged and the land is selling it at 75cts. per tier. price dropped to 50 rents a year. Dr. W. H Flanagan ia making quite RAMBLER Bicycles have a distinctive Rambler Bicycles are becoming mors “style” of their own. See the samples «» extended lour in Alaska. When last popular every day. Don’t forget to look at Hair Riddie Hardware Co’s Store | beard from, he was en route to Dawson by the Yukon route after having visited at the Ramblers when looking for a The price is $4U. wheel. Brice $40. Hair—Riddle Hdw. A 8|dendid line of mounts for stamp 1 Nome and other Alaska points. Rev. N. F. Jenkins and family re- pictQses, some as low as 5c per dozen Murphy, while operating the Also panels for four pictures in different; turned Saturday from an outing at dado saw at the factory last week, got positions. AU kinds of mounts on Steamboat and report a very enjoyable time with abundance of fish and game hia left hand in the saw and received a hand —A. K. Vooibies. to enhance the pleasures of camp life. severe wound. A split board caused Saloon Man Arrested. the trouble. George Cramer returned Monde;'eve Sunday evening Marshal Bel! discov nirig from Newport after an enjoyable Vesper services will be held next Hun- ered a string of young man issuing from vacation. He brought back an elegant day al 7:30 in the railroad park. There the •‘Nugget” saloon. In conaequence bronxe complexion and a uumber of w ill be a song service and a short address the proprietor, C. C. Case, waa arreated excellent photographs caught with hie by one of the pastors. Everyone invit on Monday for violation of ordinance ed to attend. wThis will be the last one camera. 42 and hia trial was set for today, of these services. Rev. I. G. Knotts and family arrived Wednesday, at 2 o’clock. Ramblers ar$ establishing a good rep here on Monday from Florence, Ore., E.tray Notice, utation for themselves. A pleased cus aud will make their home here (or Came to my place on Lome i-reek, on several months at least. Mr. Knotts is tomer is the best of recommendations. lhebtbof June, 19U0, oim ) black horse Those who ride Ra.ij biers always praise appointed as Sunday school missionary their wheels. Brice $40 Hair- Riddle < about » year« old, weight about 1100, (or southern Oregon. They are occupy branded 111 on left ehoulder; also one ing the Strohecker residence on Third Hdw. Co. A little excitement was Vvident at the bay pony about S year; old, branded street. opera house meat mirket Tuesday, as N 8 on left hip. Owner can have the John Patrick and family, Geo. Fur the proprietor, W. 1. Sweetland, and a same by paying charge». man and famdv and Miss Lulu Dyke C. S. M ontuomkkv , I Mr. Brown had an altercation over returned Saturday from an outing at liraOte Pae«, Ore. bovine matters and resoited to fistic ar Crescent City, having enjoyed their trip gument to decide the matter Religious Services. immensely. They found the Crescent in the ball game at Ashland last Rev. Eatiier Hickey left Grants Paes City weather delightful, clear and pleas Friday between the Fat Men and the last Sunday tor Portland to attend the ant nearly all tlie time. Mr. Patrick Lean Men of that city, the former won annual Retreat of the clergy ar.d will be killed * deer on tlie trip going over, by a score of 27 to 15 in five innings. absent during the entire week. Prepar just this side of Love's station. Misses The proceeds of the game, $102 50, were ations, however, for Archb .shop Chris Bertha i’atrick and Lulu Dyke and .Mr. donated to the Ashland library. tie’s visit continue to be actively made. Floyd I’atrick made the trip on iheit The Archbishop is expected to be ac wheels. Get your writing paper by the ream companied by several priests and the and save money. We offer a ream of .1. A. Jennings, R. L. Bartlett, George solemn High Mass of Sunday, Sept. 2, note paper, 480 sheets, 2‘.,> pounds, for “Coram Archiepiacopo” will Iwa grand Calhoun ami Mike Clemens returned on 45c. We get the paper in large quanti and imposing service never before held Monday from a trip to Pelican Bay in ties and can sell ch *ap; this is not cheap in Southern Oregon. As many outsiders the Klamath lake county. They report paper but first via»» goods.—Count kh as possible will be accommodated, that a very enjoyable outing with flue fish office. they may see the church as it is, and ing at the bay On the last day they There was a good attendance at the not as it is exemplified by bid or merely were there, they captured 18 tine fish weighing all the way from three to nine vesper services in the Railroad park nominal Catholics. pounds each. Pelican bay is reached Iasi Sunday evening, though the air was Parentware requested by the Reverend almost too cool for comfort. Rev. Mr. gentleman to have their children on from Ashland over the “Dead Indian” Hhangle, a visiting minister of the M. E. hand Sunday afternoon, Aug. 2(ith, to road with line scenery all along the church, South, delivered a very ex commence the week’s dual preparation route, and lias become a very popular cellent address. for First Communion and Confirmation I resort. Dr. hUnagan, Resident l*entist. Paints and Oils—Crauirr Bros. C. St lzouis for watch repairing. Whi|*. 10c to $2.50nl Hac kett's. Bargains in Dishes at Cramer Bros. Tablets of all kinds at theCoiaiKK HARTFORDS are sold bv Cramer Bros. Firal-class PLUMBING at Cramer CROCKIiHY WARE HARDWARE, PAINTS AND OILS F. H. Schmidt. MONMOUTH. OREGON Fad term open» Sept. 1Mb. The .indent* of the Normal >■ pared to take the Mate t’ertlticale in I'Tsduation. Graduate- readily «score good yo- Ex|<en-e of yeaF from tl Jo to |l.«i. Strong Acadenii- and Pride. New apea-ial depart italogwe c Í THE LATEST MPROVEO SewingMachine Ba , Bearing. High Grade and ■ Superior tn every res¡ VBpitAL and 1 NDERflFD. For Sale by Flour to Exchange. Farmers, do not haul your wheat 20 to 50 miles to exchange, Hcott Griffin will give you as many pounds of flour i for a bushel ot wheat ss any mill will give you. You will find Hcott Griffin at his Hay, Flour, Feed and Seed Store. Cor. Gth and 1 streets, Grants Baes, Ore G. A. K Encampment Ticket» Fifty tickets will be sold al :.ny office, to attend District Encampment G. A. R. at Ashland Heptember 10th to 14th in- clnstve, for $1,00 each round trip. M ust have your name and cash hr the 1 at of Heptember. (’ail early and avoid the rush. J. E. I etkemon . Strayed H’rared from my place near Lucky Qn*»en, on the last day of Joly, one final!, very light b«y mare, «eight about 850 f‘oands, white sprX in fore bead, wearing bell and dog on front foot i! not broken off. Reasonable reward given for loforination as to wheresbouts. Add reef J. L. Voauna, Winona. Sale or Exchange Eighty arr.w un Wiliams ‘ reek, three miles from post off!»*, 20 milen from Grants Bae*. One half under cultiva lion, orchard of f< or acre«. g<jnd water right. Two burnt, coeniortabhi bonee, 1 outbuilding«. Pkntv of berries sea standing limber, good for lum- New mw swtil. Will •>change for town property or w«i for $ 1JJU. J Considerable excitement was canted on Friday by the discovery of fire in the 8. P. company’s woodpile east of the 8. P. D. A L. warebouje. The Are was in a detached pile of several cords, Above ue bend« the deep blue eky surrounded on all sides by immense While fleecy clouds are floating by, piles and ricks of tsilroad wood. It Below, and beyond, and far away quickly developed ail intense heat and Like ocean billows, mountains lay. (or a time there was dancer of an im Unmoved by winds which acftly sweep mense conflagration. The tire company From great Pacific's mighty doep. wits prompt and a hose cart was quickly Proud monuments of God, they atand, run out and the hose attached to the The wonders of Hia mighty hand. Opera house hydrant, the !>00 feet of hose proving fsr loo short to r*Mh the Deep io its gorge the lakelet lies, tire. There was some delay until the ' Reflecting the blue ol the aiure akiea, second hose cart appeared on the scene While Bolon peak, like a sentinel grand, and meanwhile the tire had gamed con- Keep, constant vigil o’er all the laad, «iderab’o u^«-l«ay, but fortunately did Attended by lofty Sentinel Dome not ignite any of the other woodpiles. I And Preston Peak, tbe stormy home When the second cart arrived, the Of eagles whose rapid pinions sweep couplings were quickly made and the Tbe breeies which bailie its craggy steep tire was immediately brought under Whose smr.n-.’.t.riftod and thunder riven, control. An engine was brought to the Rallies Its lofty point toward heaven scene ss quickly as possible, but the ; In praise of Him whose mighty band side track leading to the wood pile was Has formed the earth e.ud sea and laod. BOH. YOUR TEETH ( HERB’S no use talk Cor. 8d, Portland, Ore. To get married thia spring or summer, ing — you cannot reserve passage on the Northern Pacific’s Alaska'» Mineral Value. have good sound teeth The United States paid $7,200,(MX) for] North ( '»ast Limited, whether east unless you take care ot Alaska, and last year it yielded $5,B31, bound or west bound. A right start in them. The right tools, married life means a good deal, and yon 355 in gold and silver alone. These fig with the rightprep «ra ures are given by the statistician of th«* get it in this way. Send to a N P. tions, applied at the mint. The increase over the precious agent for our little leaflet. A. I). Charl right time will work metal product of 1898 was $3,187,088. ton, Ass’t Gen’l Passenger Agent, 255 wonders with any set of Until last year most of the gold and sil Morrison St , (’or. Id. Portland. Ore. teeth. ver obtained in Alaska earns from tbe We can supply any BORN quartz mines near Juneau, and most of Teeth Goods at reasona the vast increase ot last year rarne from ROOT—In (Frante I'»««, Saturday. ble prices — Powders, the new gold fields fW Cape Nome. It AngiMt 11, 1900, to Mr. and Mr». C, I Washes, Soaps, Brashes, amounted to about $2,4tM) (MX). From K. Root, « daughter. — alt the advertised present indications tbe next threa kinds, and some we've months will witness an increase of 80,- had made for It», and (XX) in the mining population ut the ter some we make ourselves ritory. Most of them will go to the All that's best. UIF.Ü. auriierous placers of (’ape Nome, and miners of long experience say that the in tins city, Sunday, Au- gold output of tbe present year from SMITH* gnat I 1 Dll, M ■« Lily Smith, dangh Alaska will equal that ol California, and ter of Mr. and Mis. John Smith, aged likely that of tfie Klondyke during 1899. 1« years. BRESCRÎBTION DRUGGIST. Th* remains were taken to Oakland. But gold snd silver are not the only min Cal., Tuesday. ORANGE FRONT erals. Tbe enormous deposits of cr»pper oeeo ori** mouse and coal which Alaska contains will re ceive attention from the arrny of adven Ac SON, turer* entering the territory this spring and coming summer, and it will not tie UNDERTAKERS MANLF/.CTt KKK •>« at all surprieing if they add more to tbe EMBALMERS mineral oatputof the territory than the Myrtle Creek on bib St. oppo. Coart H obm . gold quartz vein« and placer deposits. Residenci North 7lh Ht. )1. ( leinens HOI,MAN Majarty, (Thought« »ugge.ted white viewing •tbe mountain« of Southern Oregon and Northern California from the summit of Tennant peak ) Fin in P.ilrosd Wood blocked with freight cars which hsd to be moved and by the limetlie engine arrived the danger was past. The cause of the tire is not definitely known hut is thought to have Imen a spark from an engine. The loss was inconsiderable. Before the sea, in rolling waves Had leaped from troubled ocean caves, Before the Sons of God had raised Their loud triumphant songs of praise, Before (lie mountains were brought forth Or ever Thou liadst formed the earth, From everlasting Thou art God, To everlasting in Thy Word. C. B. FmoxnaLD. Writing Paperat a Bargain. Tennant Peak, Aug. 6, 1900. We received a job lot of commercial note paper which we will close out at Notice of Meeting of Board of EquilUition. 15 cents a package. It won’t last long Notice is hereby given that for the at that price; the regular price is 25 purpose of correcting all errors in valu cents. Cm hi i n office. ation, description or quality of lands, lots or other pro|>erty, the board of Electric lights equalization for the county of Josephine; In the berths of the Standard Pullmans state of Oregon, will attend at the of the Northern Pacific’s new North county clerk « office on Monday, Sep Coast Limited will be appreciated by tember 10, 1900, and continue from day Pacific coast and inland empire traveler». to day until the assessment roil is Two lights to each section. Ask our examined. agents for the North (’oast Limited leaf Dated at Granta Base, Oregon, the let. A. D. Charlton, Ass’t General Pas lMth day of July, 1900. senger Agent, 255 Morrison St. Cor. 3d, T homa * S mith , Portland, Ore. Assessor. BOYS AND CHILDREN’S SCHOOL SUITS We are ready to clothe the little man for school, and have enough ot every other kind to interest every clothing buyer within reach of our store. Whatever you want, we claim the best values — absolutely the liest values without exception. Boys Short Pants Suits Double Breasted Styles—ages 6 tc, ¡4 years, well made—a decided bar gain at $| ,50 Double Breasted Styles—all wool ma terials, tn neat durable Cheviots and Cassimeres; made up to our special order for school wear— double seat and kuee at $2.50 $2.75 and $3 Getting tired df so much indoor work, I thought I would take a stroll up to Tunnel 9. I was surprised to see the amount of wood that is put on the spur by Cox A Kinney. The woods seem to be full of wood cutters. The fir timber is very extensive in this locality and is being cut into railroad wood. We are happy to say we are getting a large amount of the trade. Ho much for feland. GET THE BEST... Light and Heavy Wagons and Buggies Calhoun Grocery Co The wagon road tn Mount Reuben will be built in a short time. That will bring the trade this way for the road from Leland to Mount Reuben summit is easy grade and also a good solid road lied in the winter. We are glad that we have no deaths to chronicle at this time and sorry that we can’t give some marriage notices, but we don’t think it is the girls’ fault. Our young fellows here don’t seem to like to fast the obligation to sup|>ort a wife. RACKET STORE W q put everybody m a good humor by our fresh groceries. A»k anvbody who keeps the cleanest and freshest groceries and provisions and the answer will be Lewis A Hampton are developing a ledge al Placer. Prospects are good. Maeken Brothers have finished baling a large amount of hay. They are rustlers. J. C. Lewis is cutting down tlie bed rock to deepen his race to tap the deep blue gravel channel. We understand that Paul Sharingaon got *1000 for Ills ledge, That will bear him along in bis old age. We are having nice weather with cool nights, tine ior sleeping. The air is very bracing. No sickness is reported. E. E. Kedtleld is cutting wood with his machine for Kinney. Ilia machine, with a little improvement, will cut a large amount of wood. Browning baa sold a part interest in his ledge. They will erect a mill in the near future. They have a good ledge, one that justifies putting on a mill, as the ledge Is well developed. A watermelon social was held fueedav evening at the residence of W. M. Hair. It was to have lieen a lawn social but the company were driven indoors by the uncourteona weather. A very en tertaining program was rendered ar t the oei-aeion was greatly enjoved by those who attended. - About 40 or DO people were present. Reapers and all Farm Machinery Makes good humor. COMMITTIK. NEW YOKE Big line EATING Leland Sittings. Serious Injury. and no child will tie permitted to receive these Sacraments without such necessa II. L. Truax suffered a very serioiiM ry preparation. injury on Friday evening. He had driven in hia buggy to the 10:45 trail} to A Tw inl of the Wrist In the rig1»» w”! turn on the electric sen Mr. Frank Moulton, who was going berth light in the Pullman Standard through on that train. The train had i Sleeping Cars, on the Northern Pacific’s acquired considerable headway before North Coapt Limited. Two lights in he got off and he was thrown to the ♦•ach sectioi.. Get a North Coast Limit ground with great yi deuce and rendered unconscious by the shock. There wan a Why send your photos away to be en- ed leaflet. A. D. Charlton, Ass't Gen’l bail at the opera house that evening and ia g“d when you can get an enlargement Pass. Ag’t. 255 Morrison St., (>>r. 3d, Home of those attending, as they were ' Portland, Oregon. Free with each dozen photos at l’heby’s going across the street for «upper found gallery vpp. Court House? We make a Nute» from Galice. him near the sidewalk east of the depot specialty of large work. Anything in The Big Yank is quite quiet the«!- about an hour and a quarter after tlie the enlarged line from Solar prints for days. accident «till uncon« iou« and bleeding Artists* use to tlie lateet Royal Etching« profusely. He was taken home and Marion Vedcli including crayons, pastel and oil-finished after a lime regained conxiiouenene, par photos, also all the latest brands of their inlereejs in tially at least, but waa not able to tell C Mining Co. Bromides. Cali and see the work. Frank Ennis’ favorite fun furnishes how he had been hurt. The affair re County School Sujierintendent Lin at comc-again prices. friends with finny food for Fridays or mained to a large extent a inyatery un coln Savage announces to the teacher« til a letter was received on Sunday from any other old day. that Hie new school registers haae Moulton by C. J. Kurth, which threw Chas. Taylor is getting out some good arrived ami mav be obtained by ap [ aome light on the subject, He had Keen of ore on Ixist Flat, which he will run plying for them at the court house, ss j Mr. Truax fall and lia*l endeavored to they are somewhat inconvenient to through the a rostra next «iter. and (iL ASS , have the train stopped. mail. The new register is more Janie Savage the veteran wing dam The condition of Mr. Trurx at thia elaborate than the old one and lias a man, is doing well this season. He is time is considered quite serious. He number of improvements. Mr. Savage making about a day per man from suffers a great deal from pain and hie will be at hie office at the court bouse on his operations down tlie river. skull i« thought to be fractured. The each Saturday nntil the schools open. James Cooksey has finished his log blow on hi« head was received just back While J. M. Partlow and family were ging contract for the O. C. Mining Co of tlie left ear, which has been bleeding out of town on an outing recently, some but may enter into another one as the considerably from time to time ever one entered their bouse and helped Co. intend sawing a good many more since tbe accident. He has been under the care of fir. Moore and Dr. Van ¡tyke themselves to tlie premises, ransacking thousand leet. lias teen summoned from Newport and — the — drawers and cupboards and turning Baai B ell fa expected to arrive this (Wednesday) thing* topsy turvey generally. The The New iouriat Sleeping Cars SYRACI SE PLOW ' burglar was evidently looking lor On the Northern Pacific have the wo evening. Excelled by no plow manufactured money and nothing else and was not men’s toilet rooms an 1 lavatories separ Have you noticed the number of new an indiscriminate pilferer, as nothing ated. Men’s lavatories in these car» It does its work to perfection. Rambler Bicycles on the streets recent was stolen except two 10 cent prices, have two wash basins and are also dis ly? They are sold at the Hair-Kiddle the properly of the little daughter, tinct from Men’« toilet rooms. You will Hardware Co. store, and the price is *40 although there were articles of value appreciate all this. A. D. Charlton HEADQUARTERS FOR which he could have appropriated. Ass’t Gen’l Paas. Ag’t, 255 Morrison Ht., If You arc Going Anything You Want GOOD Boys Long Pants Suits Good strong garments, in double and single breasted styles, ages 9 to 13 years, >4 50. >5. >6 and $9 Young Mens Long Pauls Suits A large assortment of the very newest creations in Fall and Winter fabrics— Worsted, Cheviot.1« and Cas- simerea—tingle and double breasted coats and same of vests, ages 14 to 20, >5 to >15 MESSENGER SHOES... Made from leather of special tannage, ami BUILT TO WEAR on improved methods tn shoe making from the experience of others. Tnc weakest «pot in all boy’s and youths’ shoes is the RIPPING. This has been overcome in the manufacture of the MESSENGER SHOES. Try them and you will get the best shoe for the money. Size 10 to tjj4 Size 1 to jJJ.. -U75 >2.00 Willis Kramer Extra Family I lour Kat bed and Barter* <1 GRANTS PASS. OR. And Everything that goes with First- Cisse Milling. Are hi curie« that all can enjoy on the Ofiservation Car of the n* w North Cnait TWO FINE MONUMENTS Limited, in operation on and af«er May For sale by C hh . rs , D klkmatki , 3. on tbe Northern Paejflr. This Obser Bof’t of vation Car «ili a dandy, «»et a W adk , P irk and C ornkli .. Jo^EBIIINE COUNTY GRANITE North Coaat Limited leaflet. A. D. on exhibition al Padd<ck's < barium, Aa« t Gen’l Baa« Aft, Z-'x are , Marble ■nd < i ran ite eale.ruoin. (tell lor it. .an>e price a. other brandal Morrison Kt., Cor. 3d, Burtiand, Or«. I BOYS STOCKINGS.. Try our famoat ’ IRON CI.AD" the Oregon, quadruple knee, reinforced heel, nothing better, price 25 itnh. H HARTH Ä SON