Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (March 1, 1900)
Are you Married Receipt b«M»kf al the C«»t milk office. An Open L>tl<r. To the old-time belief that eonei>o.p Dear Madam. Take your ahoea to Hackett for good Imn >* incurable' If eci you are wedded work and right pncec. A* the women folk* buy molt of lb* to a mistaken notion, bhiloh’a Cough H oum furniahiog*, and you are directly Garden Seeds, Grass Seeds, QyprvM J. W. Howard of Kerby ie visiting in and Consumption Cure baa osereotng lawsoesed, we extend you a Moot Cordial Dr. FlauM.n, Seed, etc., at Pike's. many a teriou* case, and it never fade invitation to call and *ee our new Resident Dentist. “Alaska and Klondike" at the Pres Granta Pas». when taken in the early stages. One good* ju*t being opened up. Some Mrs. J. N. Denison returned mi Sat Shoe* repaired at Hackett’*. byterian chuich, March 13. bottle will prove more to yon than a twautioo in Carpets, Wall Paper*, Portier* urday from the East C. StLoui* for vault repairing. Farmers, take your team« to Harper' whole column of argument. Try it. I.*c* Curtain*, Smte«, etc. There ie quite K. B. Virtue of Leland has been mak During the season of fasting ironi Whip*. IOe to (2.59 at Hackett'*. new brick feed stable on E. street. Every bottle guaranteed. 25c., 50c., a radical depxiture in design* in Wall ing a vuit to I'd Hand thia week. meat, we carry an extra large stock Quality and satisfaction Guaranteed The Ashland Normal school has a new |1.0u a bottle. 2 Paper* thi* year. All our goods are W R. D. .Allen returned Wednesday at Pika’s. : 14-fout tisg, the gift of students and of all kinds of New; no 1899 pattern* to show you Weather Hepurt. tnoiniug io GHd Mill, after a short visit Tablets of all kind* at tli* C ovkikb teachers. Following is a aummary weather ob Our New Ceutury Coloring* are moot office. sc r vat ion at Hrants Pass during li»« artiatic ami the price* are purse pl.aser*. , Those wishing to buy farm or city I at home. Ivan Wild returned last week from month of Jan., 1900, as reported by J. Don't forget the Stereopticon enter : property, will do well to call ou Joe We hope to have the pleasure ol a Of best quality and perfect condi Ashland and has resumed ins position B. Padduck, local voluntary observer for call from you. Moss. THE Real Estate Agent. tain men’. Your* truly. the Oregon State Weather Service. tion. including Nansen's Celebrated on the C uvrier force. R. Thoma* A Co, If you waul Dried fruit; Go Io Pike’* : Tobe successful in fiuit raising, use Max Min Me*u 1 F inn io DAT» Smoked Sardines in oil and Broiled Cash Grocry. Major Abe Axtell went to Ashland Teiu. T*m. Tens. 1 inches Headquarter* lor Thing* lor the House. Dunne's Solid Sprays made after Stale Wednesday to attend the funeral services ................ 44 33 1 U Mackerel (soused in spices). 32 Harness of all Kinds, Grades and formula and put up in convenient form, 47 39 43 n For sale by Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co. o* Lester V. High who died in Cuba. SUrtopticon lecture. Price* at Hackett'*. .............. 52 34 ALSO, REMEMBER 43 04 Joseph Dysert, the well known xninrr Typewriter paper at lhe C ockier ............... 48 34 41 Rev. D. E. Fink* ot Naw York will be Your bill and yonr groceries do PHOTOGRAPHER of Jacks creek, is reported as being very 35 42 .. 49 57 office. 1 ll L. D 1 Opp. Court Houee. here on March 13 and 14, and will give uot correspond exactly, you’ll I .... 55 3» 47 01 seriously ill at his home near Winona. two illustrated lecture* in th* Presby Henry and Arthur High, two boy» of i You all know Griffin put tht* 41 53 47 51 T. P. Judson made a visit this week find, if you buy here. Why? terian church. The illustration* are Ashland have beeu committevi to the .......... 35 43 bl prioe on Flour below 75eta a sack. NOTHING FINER THAN oi to his mine on Pickett creek. They are . 46 32 39 given with a double stereopticon with Your bill won't be so large, but Use Dunne'» Solid Spiaye for your | reform school at Saleui and were takeu ................ 46 32 39 running on full time and moviug a lime light. is Fruit Tree«— Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. | tne-e last week. 53 43 48 your market basket will have to large amount of ground. The first lecture will be ou the sub 64 ¿lies Mabel Million of Ashland re* 48 56 05 If you have not used it ask for a sample. We sell lots of it. there Agent«. entertain ment ject ot “ Alaska and the Klondike" aud The Mother Goose ................ be a g'xxl sized one to hold your . ,i 55 49 52 1 17 fore it is always fresh. There will be a meeting of the Native i ceived the prize as the most popular ................ .. B0 44 47 65 view* will he produced ol th» various given in Ashland by the Degree of I young lady of that city in the voting dollar's worth. ............... IS 40 44 Royal Gem Tea is another leader that we are proud of. New, fresh Daughters ou Wednesday, March 14, in 04 scenes and conditions tbsre, showing contest inaugurated by the Wiley B. Honor, was remarkably •ucceaaful, the 58 44 51 We are making a Special Offer and with a flavor that is all it's own. Sam pies cheerfully furnished on the A. O. U. W. hall. the magnificent scenery; landlocked proceeds amounting to $12.5. 60 42 i Allen Co. 51 l>on’t buy Dried Fruit until you see barbora, glacier field*, mountains and 47 41 44 application. • Sam Bennett, of Cottage (¡rove, last along the following lines: August Fetsch has bought the Dr. Pike's Display and get hie prices. Quan 57 37 47 .. gold fields. There will be shown also, For cheap Coffee our toe Rio Siftings is the equal of any 15c pack tity ami Q iality always considered. Sterling farm on Rogue river, aud in summer an able member of the Observer ... 55 35 45 Maple Syrup, warranted and guar scene* ef the seal lisherie* and glimpse, 49 41 tends to engage in extensive stock rais force and a pillar of strength in the base 33 age Coffee. Pike ie making a drive on Canned of the everyday lite of the natives, their anteed strictly pure maple: ball arena haj been in Grants Pass thia 58 34 46 13 ing. This farm is located 10 miles be Goods. Better tee hun before buying.' curious homes and quaint customs. 49 39 44 03 low Grants Pass and contains 340 acres. week. Gallon cans. .. 51 ; -’6 34 Price by the Case very cheap The subject ol the second lecture is G. 8. Martin and family arrived here 39 Coggings Bro»., well known mill men 53 25 “Strange i’e-ipie in our land," aud in Half gallon cans Dr. Kvaua, oculist-optician, office at recently from Oaksdale, Wash. Mr. 25 52 38 of Igerna. Cal. are preparing to erect a thi* lecture Mr. Fink* give* an interest Quart bottles. Martin is a brother in law of C. E. May residence. All cases of defective vision 26 39 ■ ft- saw mill of 150.000 feet daily capacity 28 ing study in etbuology, vividly picturing 33 39 09 corrected, including astigmatism. bee and an attorney, and intends to enter at a point on the railroad near Coles “ . 38 35 01 various tribe* aud classes, among the Pint • <1 Dunne's .Solid bprays are recommended station, squarely on the state line, and the legal fit hi here with Mr. Maybee. Mr. 34 . . . 40 37 quaint village* of the Pueblo*, the mud We are selling the best Buck Martin is a former editor ef the Waverly J 43 1 3.1 by the State Board of Agriculture—Fori paitly in each state. 37 huts of the Mesicana, among the Mor Courier and of the Oaksdale Sun. sale by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. wheat in ten pound sacks Mean temperature, 43; mons, or telling thrilling stories ol the A south bound freight tram was Miss Laura Jones, formerly editress of maximum temperature, 64; date 12; My Cow gives lota of milk and butter, wrecked on Monday morning at Isadora, at ....................................... Indians Each lecture ie accompanied I feed her all the Alfalfa bay she will eat. near Roseburg, 12 cars being derailed. the Drain Watchman, passed through minimum temperature, 25; date, 25,26; by about Uh) beautifully colored views. number days clear, 4 ; partly cloudy, 4; H. O. Self Rising Buckwheat here Friday morning and greeted her I buy the best. Scott Griffin has the | cloudy, 23; prevailing wind. S. W. No one was injured. The wreck was The lecture itself is both entertaining friends at this place on her way to New best Alfalfa 1 ever saw. per package......................... responsible for the belated condition of and instructive in a high degr*e, and is Orleans, where she goes as a delegate to BORN Dr. Lowe, the only optician in Oregon Monday morning's passenger train. accompanied with a humor which adds Whole Wheat Flour 50 lb sack the National Editorial convention Miss who has had medical training, will I m * Mr- and Mrs. Hugh Stevens, of Wood Jones has acquired quite a wide-spread IsHAM—Near this city, on Thursday, to its lively and impressive character Feb. 22, to Mr aud Mrs. F. G. Isham, at Hotel Joeephine, March 12tli 13th ville, who were united in matrimony al Recreation and instruction are not a." reputation in this part of the world by a boh . and 14. Take your eyes to him. ways found united but in thi* case they this place last Thursday, had a runaway her clever work in the journalistic line Cash paid for old Rubber .Copper, Brass accident while returning home on that and has many friends throughout the WHITE—In Kerby, Ore. Feb. 7, I960, are, and thi* opportunity tor pleasure to Mr. and Mrs. Time. H. While, a for. and Zinc at Marshall's second hand store evening. The buggy was badly smashed state who regret that, on account of ill and prufit should not be allowed to pass Geretia, ten pound daughter. on Front street, opposite the Round and both Mr. and Mrs. Stevens were health, she has been compelled, for a unimproved. The admission will be Rye Flour, ten pound sack .. HALL—Near Grants Pasa, __ , on Sunday, __ , Bouse, Grants Paes. severely bruised. Mi. Stevens still time at least, to abandon the field. She Juet try some of our good Feb, 18, 1900 to Mr. and Mra. C. H. free. A collection will be taken to meet the expenses and tor missions. Hall, a son. If you want extra Burbank Potatoes carries his arm in a sling as the result recently sold the Drain Watchman to Buckwheat and pure Maple of hie injuries. go to Pike's. Benton Mires of that place, by whom it Ml'RTlIA—la Grants Pans, on Feb. 16, Since July 1891, Dr. lxiwo the well Syrup. You are sure to pro 1900, to Mr. and Mrs. James Murtha, The local mail service on the night will be conducted hereafter. Red Top Clover seed, Utah rec-leaned know n eye •pecialieet ba* been coming a son. Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette trains has been extended to Ashland, nounce them good. how’» Thii? We will give away the elegantly finished WEBBER—In Medford Sundav, Eek. to Granta I*«*». He will again tie here Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats a .id the mail car which vras formerly A Japanese Tea Pot free with on March 12, 13, and 14, at Hotel Jose We oiler One Hundred Dollars Re 11, 1900, to Mr. aud Mrs. G. E. Web cut out here l»ow runs to that plats. and Wheat at Scott Griffin’s ber, a daughter. phine. Sight la priceless, See him. ward for any ease of Catarrh that can each dollar's worth of Tea. See A first class line ot goods always on After March 1, the service will he not be cured by Hall’* Catarrh Cure. PRIDDY In Medford, Feb. 16, 1900, to at 1 ’ ikt- '*. you wilt be pleased if ««traded froui Dunsmuir on the »outli samples in the window. We Nowon exhibition in out corner window. No one is Mr. ami Mra. G. W. Priddy a son. F.J.CHENEY’ A CO.,Props.,Toledo,O. to Ashland, giving two continuous mail you buy your Grocries of him. barred, everybody has an equal chance, ask for particulars. We, the undersigned, have known F. sell Garden Seeds at zjic a services daily between Portland and MARRIED An unoccupied building in Ashland J. Cheney for the last 15 year*, and j San Francisco. paper. They were grown by a was destroyed by fire last Wednesday lieheve him perfectly honorable in all STEVENS—Me CARVEL—In Hrants F ive Ceuta per Doaen. night. It was the property of E. D. Pass, on Thursday, Feb. 22, 1900, by reliable house. busine*« transaction* and financially Rev. M J. Hickey, Hugh C. Stevens, Briggs and the loss amounted to several splendid line of mounts for multiple able to carry out any obligation* made and Miss Rosa McCarvel, of Wimer. hundred dollars, with no insurance. j pictures, some as low as 5c per dozen hy their firm. —In Ashland on Thurs The school board ot Ashland have Aleo panel* for (purqncture. in different W kst AT ki ax , Wholesale Druggists HERRIN-FORD day, Feb. 22, 1900. Fred W. Herrin ODD FELLOWS BLOCK. advertised for bids for the construction ’ position*. All kind, of mount* on Toledo, O. and Miss Ina (i. Ford, both of Ash HARDWARE. W aiihmi , R innan A M akvin , Whole GARLAND STOVES. of an eight room, two story and base hand —A. E. Voortiiea. lard, Rev. F. G. Strange officiating. sale Druggist*, Toledo, O. ment brick school house to be built in MATHEWSON-ADAMS—At the res Arrested (or forgery. llall’a Catarrh Cure is taken intern that city. idence of the bride's parents in Kerby, On Thursday, Doc Mansfield was ar- ally, acting directly upon the blood *nd Ore. on Wednesday, beb. 21, 1900. HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF Dunng the season of Lent, at St. Luke’s Goo. S. Mathewson of Althouse, and tested on the allegation that be had mucous surface* of the aynteiii. Price church, in addition to the usual Sunday Miss Martha L. Adams, of Kerby, Rev. forged Wm. Alexander’s name for $10. 75c per bottle Hold by al! Draggle»* service, (with the administration of the Joseph Sams of the M. E church He was taken before Justice Holman Tentimonials free. Hall'* family Pill* officiating. Holy communion at every morning | and placed under $300 bonds, the ex* are the be*b service,) there will be a Wednesday eve A select company enjoyed the privi- | amination posponed until Monday,pend- ning service, at 4 p. in., on the 2nd and Ashland's Operatic Event. ego of witnessing the rereni >ny and | ing the arrival ol witness«« from Sucker ■■■■■■ 4th Fridays of the month. Dunean Clarke'* grand aggregation after offering c mgrutulalions to the I ) creek. The witnesses did not arrive on A fruit growers convention will be held | yjOIH]av and since that time his case delivered their unblushing |>er(ormanee bride and groom marched into the din in Portland on March 7 ami 8. A rate has been crowded out by the Lempke in Ashland on Saturday evening. The ing room where an excellent repast of one and one-third fares have been assault. Titling* says : “A more depraved job lot awaited them, to which all did full A obtained from the railroad company, of w retches could not lie raked with a justice. After a few hours were spent in Try Allen's Foel-Kaw. on the taking of a receipt from the agent at line tooth comb from Hie purlieu* of any conversation and song, the guests dis- W. when purchasing the ticket. The object A powder to be shaken into the shoe*. of the Whitechapel* of the larger citie*.’* l»ersed wishing the happy young couple Gen’l Agt. for Oregon PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. is to obtain unity of effort on the part of Y'our feet feel swollen, nervous and hot, “The whole outfit travel* in a ‘special* a prosperous journey through life. M a < A kthi k -F okhkht C yaniuk P koakm . fruit growers and to effect a permanent and get tired easily. If you have emart- cattle ear of their own, which i* white DIED. Cyan id« mi l Chlorinalion treatment organization for marketing their pro* ing feet or tight shoe*, try Allen’s Foot- washed to distinguish it from the stock Taken l p. A Few Pointers. of Ore*. ducts. Ease. It cools the feet and makes walk cars in which other cattle are carried HALL — .Near Hrants Pass, on Tuesday, The recent statistics of the number of Bullion Refined and Whipped. On the night of Dec 14, there come to beb. 20, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boussum, 5»ho is farming down ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, over the railroad." my ranch a 3-year old filler with wlnte deaths show that the large majority die C. H Hall, aged two days. O kamt * P am , - - Oaxuon. ingrowing nails, blister* and callous .Also “The villainous crew do not spot in (orehead ami one white foot, with consumption. Thia disease may near Rogue river, and a Mr. Wichtner, RE AMES—At his home in Jacksonville spot*. Relieve* corn* and bunion* of also a resident of that part of the even give a pretorniance that could be I »arge sire coin poti lion books for 5c at branded on right thigh. Owner can commence with an apparently harmless on Wednesday evening, Feb, SI, HMM), pain and gives rest and comfort. ‘dignified’ a* a coarae or vulgar one, cough which can be cured instantly by country, Wednesday morning found a! tilt Coi' mi kb office. have same by paying charges. of erysipelas, Thomas G. Ream««, ! Try it today. Sold by all druggists and they are all hideously ugly, distressingly aged 00 years. Kemp’s Balsam for the Throat and demented and nearly frozen man lying M Al KICK II K*. We have the finest Bachelor Button . T Lunge, which is guaranteed to cure and in a pool of water on the desert, near i j »hoe «tores for 25 cent*. Trial package stupid and unspeakably vile.’’ PENING ER— Near Tolo, on Friday you ever saw ; nv more need for pins Notice of Dissolution, F'ree. Address, Allen 8, Olmsted, Le- their places, 'lhe man was s<arcely This combination desired to entertain Feb. 23, HMM), Mrs. W H. Penmger. relieve all cases. Price 25c. and 50c. WHY PUT UP or nails to hold your trouser*. Tlieie Notice is hereby given that the firm of For sale by all druggists. able to talk or move, but from h*s in Roy, N. Y the Grant* Pass people, but the mana A periibabie mark st the last reeling button* can be fastened or unfast Price and Voorhies, publishers of the coherent talk it was learned that his , ger* of the opera house delivered a nega ened iu a jifly and will last a lifetime. place of your loved ones when you can Rout e R iver Cot rier , has been dis name was Masters and that he had been | tion. la till. 1*1 tin Enough? get a gota! marble headatono of your solved bv mutual consent. C. S. Price re out all night. He was taken to the Bargain on Driving Outfit. ISS KATE CARY, If you have a nagging cough, and are Grant* Pas* dealer for (15 to »18. tiring. A. E. Voorhies will continue county hospital where he is being cared I A good sound horse in tine condition* losing flesh, go to a drug store, and get UNDERTAKERS the business, collect aii debts, ami as for. Ho is reported to be a miner and Jo*«phi*« County Map. weighing about 1200 pounds, perfectly a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption Cure. EMBALMERS some all obligations. lives near Tolo.—Medford Mail. INSTRUCTOR OF The official map of Joeephine couaty trusty and willing; a good strong buggy, Take two thirds of it, ami then if yon are C. S. P rick . VOCAL AND PIANO MUSIC, can be had at I be C ovkixx office at re 1*2 inch axles, nearly new; good har not benetitted, leturn the bottle to the To Cure a Colt! In One llay. A. E. V oorhies . Office oh Olli Nt. uppo. Court Hou*«. duced price*. Folding pocket map, *1 ; ness ; all for S100. druggist, and he will return your money. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TalileL.. wall map* in color*, »3 50 Call a tilge Apply at this oilice or to 8. II. Cal Residence North 7th Ht. Isn’t tliat fair? No one could ask more. Ail druggiitt* relu ntl money if il failt* tocure. Is prepared to receive a limited number of 25c , 50c . anti |L90 a bottle. GRANTS PASS.OR E. W. Grove's signature on every box. 25c pupils. Studio at Mrs. K- K. Montgomery’s. houn. White House Grocery Salt, Dried and ———Canned Fish. local Ibappcmnoe L personal DL4 CDV Coffee and Tea are our Specials. Chase&SanborosCelebrated Mocha and Java Coffee WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. Sixth Street, Opposite 1*. O. OZST APRIL 14TH Nickle Plated No. ‘20 Oliver Chilled Plow, We are Headquarters tor Cramer Bros Clothing Shoes Furnishings 1 )isenfectants Chloride Lime, Copperas, Carbolic Acid, Etc., Sulphur for I'mni gating Purposes. CLEMENS Calhoun Grocery Co ASSAYER G. Wright Rubber Boots, . Oil Clothing, Trunks and V alises. HOLMAN & SON, M J THE BIG NEW > V I f > C oe & Co STORE ON THE CORNER R. L. Coe has just returned from the east and Loads of New Goods are arriving daily. The new Counters, Show Cases and Shelving are being placed in position as fast as possible and with our increased facilities for serving our pat rons we shall endeavor to make this the best year we have ever had. Our buyer while in the eastern market picked up some Rare Bargains and Exclusive Styles that will be appreciated by our customers. Remember we will have a class of Dress Goods. Silks, and Shoes that you will not find in any other house iu the city and will say that while the great cry has come all along the line that all classes of goods are advancing in price you will be somewhat surprised to lind many ar tides in our mammoth new stock not only at old prices but in a great many lines we are offering BETTER VALUES THAN And advise everyone to watch our advertising columns carefully. We are going to make the Big Store Famous for Genuine Bargains This Season. ___________________________________________________________________________ A Big Scoop in Wall Paper 2000 Rolls of 20c Wall Paper at 10c. 12 l-2c and löc. Splendid Values. Others may follow but we lead in Quality, Style, Variety and Prices. R. L. COE & CO. The Big Store 011 tlie Corner