Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1900)
mall pox Scar*. Receipt books at the Cot aua office. The announcement of aiaal -poz caused Take vour shoe* to Hackett for good cunaiderableexcitement last week, which work aad rigkt prices. beset. to abate when it wa« generally Gardea Eeefs, Grass Seeds, Cypre»* Rev. N. F. Jenkins went to Ashland reported that th« patient was out oi Dr. Flanagan, Seed, etc., at Pike's. danger. But on Saturday, th« people Resident Dentitl. Farmer*, take your teams to Harper' Tuesday. were thunder «truck to learn that th« Shoe» repaired al Hackett's. H. C. Perkins went to Salem Tuesday new brick feed stable on B. street. pauent bad died during lhe night. evening to give tvetnuony tn a land cate. C. blLoui« for watch repairing. Dr. C. W Isiwe, the well known eye The family were moved to a vacant Ben Stahl «pant a few day« in town house about three mila« from town, sight specialist will be in Grant» Pass During the season of fasting ironi Whip®, to 13.60 at Hackett'«. ibis week from lhe A A B mine at where a strict quarantine la main tai u«d meat, we carry an extra large stock Quality and satisfaction Guaranteed on the 12tb, 13th, and Kill of March. Galic«. at Fike's. Those wishing to buy farm or city until a sufficient period of time baa of all kinds of Mr. and Mr«. D. A. (ords left on elapaed. Tablets of all kinds at ilia Covaiaa property, will do well to call on Joe Tuesday evening for San Francisco to be Mose, THE Real Estate Agent. There has been a good deal of «enee- office. leas tom motion over the case, not cun John R. Harvey returned on Tuesday abac nt about two week«. If you want Dried fruit: Go to Pike'* Of best quality and perfect condi 1 Ca«h Grocry. Cary W. Thompson, superintendent i fined to Grant* l'aas. The towns both to the Old Cbauuel mine en Six mile. tion, including Nansen's Celebrated Second Hand Piano for •ala cheap. A heavy shower which occurred on of lhe ever productive Victor Junior north and south of ue have been sad seen, •■ill io be. in a had state of Smoked Sardines in oil and Broiled Inquire of J. Mo«. Sunday was accompanied by thunder, mine, visited (»rant* Pa«« on Friday. hysterica over it The men who |>er- Miss Franca* and Master Clarence Mackerel (soused in spices). Harness of all Kinds, Grade* aad an unusual happening here in the Winded have gone to Halsey, Oregon, formed the burial took all possible pre winter time. Price« at Hackett'«. caution*, divested lheniM*lves of every ALSO, REMEMBER The meeting of the W. C. T. V . intending to be absent several month». stitch of clothing, and took a carbolic CQV photographer State superintendent, J. H Ackerman, 1 It L-10 I Opp. Court House. which was to have been held on acid bath. Ths old clothe* were burned. • You all know Scott Griffin put the Wednoaday evening, has been postponed I »topped off al Granta Paa« on Wednes There i* not t he aligli test probability of are day evening after a visit to Jackson indefinitely. price on Flour below 7Sets a sack. any more case*, and sanity should rule NOTHING FINER THAN E. E. Redfield went to San Franctau 'county. the hour. Use Dunne's Solid Sprays for your J. W. Partlow and family, who have Tuesday, where he will have his new A disquieting miner was abroad on Mocha Coffee Fruit Trees—Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. compressed air engine built for his made their residence for several month* Monday, that a •on of Mr. Kerley bad If you have not used it ask for a sample. We sell lots of it, there- Agents. . past at Leland, returned te Granta Pa««, wood-sawing machine. taken down with the small-pox. Dr. Cha«. Pitzer, th« contractor, is build ore it is always fresh. The cantata “Jeptha’s Daughter" will on Friday, to remain. Kremer, on viaiting the patient,ptonoun- ing a neat five room cottage on D. street Royal Gem Tea is another leader that we are proud of. New, fresh tor Miss Alice Smith. D. P. .Merritt and family returned ced lhe disease to be netbiug more nor be given in Ashland some time during ind with a flavor that is all it's own. Sam pies cheerfully furnished on Don’t b«y Dried Fruit until you see the last of March. Miss Ester Busby laat week from Portland where they less than malaria. No other case* of has charge of the musical preparations. have been living for the past few months, small-pox have occurred. ipplication. Pike’« Display and get his prices. Quan Geo. E. Allan, the piano man, is and intend to remain. ***** For cheap Coffee our ioc Rio Siftings is the equal of any 15c pack tity and Quality always considered. Prize Rumor. Arthur Conklin, of the M ining Journal, having a war on his hands in Ashland "~~^q,*: Coffee. Pike is making a drive on Canned A report has beea circulated, and it ia with a local dealer, and the epithet of left on Sunday morning for New Orlean» Goods. Better see bitn before buying "fakir" is being worked to a stand still. with the Oregon delegation to the believed, ha* reall) iouad soma crvdeace Price by the Case very cheap that one of th* men connected with the To be successful in fruit raising, use National Editorial Association. Dr Evans, oculist-optician, office at Street, Opposite H. G. Colton, of Portland, the coast Calhoun Grocery company had been Dunne’s Solid Sprays made after State residence. All ea^es of defective vision formula and put up in convenient form, agent for the Massachusetts Mutual Life taken down with the small-pox. corrected, including astigmatism Somebody told *omebodv and so the For sale hy Hair Kiddle Hardware Co. insurance Company, was looking up Dunne’s Solid Sprays are recommended rumor grew, liehold it* history : Cal business in the city Wednesday. A freightcar a as broken into between by the State Board of Agriculture—For houn ha* a tin mail down by the bridge. John L, Woodruff and family, of Hornbrook and Ashland Sunday, and ny k* sale by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. Th* boys, with fell intent peppered th* looted of a large quuutity of boots and Toledo, Oregon, arrived here Monday My Cow gives lota of milk and butter, shoes, tobacco, whiskey and underwear. evening, and intend to locate at tuia tin face of the tin mau with bird ehot, 1 feed her all the Alfalfa hay she will eat. It is supposed to have been done by place. They have been visiting with giving it a pock-marked appearance. Calhoun'* man had the am all-pox. | And I buy the beat. Scott Griffin ha« the tram ps. the family of N. Snow. no the ruuior grew. It 1* a* true a* best Alfalfa I ever saw. Durance Dotson returned on Monday Our season of pleasant, spring like many other*. Dr. Ix)we, the only optician in Oregon weather has been rudely broken into evening from a visit to Kerby. His ft who has had medical training, will be ever since Sunday by a good, whole hand is recovering from the effects of Joeephtae Co.nlj Mn|i. at Hotel Josephine, March 12th 13th some soaking rain that will revive th« dynamite, but it will still be some time The official map of Josephine couutv «nd 14. Take your eyes to him. lagging streams and cause the short before he w’H be able to work again. can be had at lhe C oikikk office al re R. O. McCroskey has been moving water miners to leap for joy. Chas. Pitzer, the contractor and duced price* holding pocket iu*p, |1; his goods into his location in the build Typewriter paper at the C oubibb builder, purchased a lot in the Lincoln wall map* in colora, *3.SO Call and <e ley In, ing next to the bank and is engaged , office. Park addition on Friday and will erect one. irona today, Wednesday, in arranging them re on, ! The Grants Pass Steam a neat residence thereon in the spring. MARRIED for his opening al«« pany has recently ln*eu incorporated at Lincoln Park property is at a premium. for in Cash paid for old Rubber,Copper,Brass 11. E. Alfred returned last week from the n Salem. B. I. Plummer, J. A. Tate and and Zinc at Marshall’s second hand »tore Chas. Crow are the incorporators. The a three months absence in Alaska. He COCHRANE-ROGERS— At the resi- ilence of Mr. and Mr». J. T. Taylor, We will g've away the elegantly finished on Front street, opposite the Round eompauy is now looking for a suitrble retorts a remarkably mild a inter there near (iraní* Pass, Oregon, on Wednes House. Grants Pass. day , Feb. 14th, 11XM), by Rev. Robert location and intend to begin operation at and says that in Skagway it has only No. Chilled lesile, Edmund R. Cochrane and reached 8 degrees below aero, and that If you want extra Burbank Potatoes as early a date as possible. Meda Roger*, botti of Josephine Go. go to Pike’s. j The committee which was appointed only for a short time. Oregon. Now on exhibition in out corner wind w No one is Red Top Clover seed, Utah recleaned some time ago to arrange for Union Hun- L. G. Brownell, formerly of this (MANDLER—TRUMBO—At the hotel barred, everybody has an equal chance, ask for particulars. Alfalfa seed, Timothy seed, Willamette I day school convention held a meeting place, but now of Etna, Cal, arrived Layton, in Granta Pan*, Feb. IO, 1900, fi west, by Janies Holman, J. P., John Cliaad- Valley Tame cheat seed, Winter Oats last week at the Newman M. E. church here on Thursday after three years bon. U 1er and Flora Truiubo, both of Jose and Wheat at Scott Griffin’s on nt W. M. Hair was chosen chairman. absence, to look after business interests phine <%>unty. '•led fr- A first class line ot goods always on May 16 and 17 were fixed as the dates at this place. He intends to remain hand at Pike’s, you will be pleased if of the convention. The program was about a week. DIED. mapped out, but subjects and assign 'ver » you buy your Grocries of him. J. W. Howard, one of the prominent I BLOCK. —In Grant* Pa**, on Mun- J. H. Ahlf has sold his City ineat ments will not be made until the net*, merchant* of the lively »own of Kerby, STEWART <lay, Feb. IV, infant son of Mr. and <-n Í GARLAND STOVE'. spent several days in town last week. HARDWARE. market to Fritz Eisruan, his assistant, meeting ol the committee. Mrs. J. 8. Stewart, aged (» months. The council meeting on Monday eve Kerby is the center of the mining dis and is now out of the retail meat busi PLYMALE-In Medford, Feb. 17, 1900, ness. He will contnue hi* wholesale ning was a fiat failure, no mayor trict of the Illinois valley, and is rapid Francis M, Ply male, aged 66 years. ly coining to the front. appearing. Six councilmen were pres and packing business. Mr. Ahlf is ttve ' THE POP! LAR MCKAY—In Medford, Tuesday, Feb. 13 ent and held an informal discussion on pioneer meat merchant of Grants Pass, How'» Thi»? 1900, H. W. McKay, aged 36 years. having come here very soon after the the current topics, to-wit, srnaU-pox and We offer One Hundred Dollars Re JOHNSON —In Grants Paas, Saturday, town started, and has made a reputation sewer. The argument was not so warm Feb. 17, 1900, W. D. Johnson. ward for any case of Catarrh that can for squareness and reliability which is as to cause the council to remove its MALLORY—On the overland train not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. overcoat, as no fire had been provided, ■ far® equalled by few men in any business. between Ashland and Grants Tas*, «n E.J.CHENEY A CO.,Props.,Toledo,O. ter iw 2ÖC There was a rumor that the mayor had Saturday evening, Feb, 17, 1900, of J. hou.» Senator Albert J. Beveridge, in bis We, the undersigned, have known F. consumption, Mirs < eha Mallory, called the meeting off, »0 the council IlJOl 25c Co., famous speech in the United Ftates sen J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and aged 19 year«. went home to bed. ate, told one side of bis experience in believe him |>erfeclly honorable in all HACKETT-In Grant« Pa««, on Friday, oe bri» 10c Throat, Five Cent« per Dozen. <, 5-1» the Philippines. The other and most business transactions and financially Feb. 16, 1900, Everett Floyd Hackett, ‘>Wia aged 10 years, 2 month«, 8 day«. per eon al side, what he saw and heard of | A splendid line of irounts for multiple able to carry out any ohligalions made k’groK Everett was boru in Wells, Minn. "The American Soldier in the Field" he pictures, some as low as 5c per dozen by their firm. '.V dii AT er, y 4 will tell exclusively in an early number ; Also panels for four pic tures in different W km A T ki ax , Wholesale Druggists He was always a delicate child, and of a O. ! acre sweet and winning di«|>o«ition. Ilia PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. of The Saturday Evening Post, of Phila pos’l'ons. All kinds of mounts on Toledo, W alui . su , K innan A M ahvin , Whole death after a brief illness, is the flrat lina delphia. hand —A. E. Voorhies. rlv ■*< sale Druggists, Toledo, O. break in the family. Funeral service« The tax books have been handed over th« lit Nutliing Like it. Takfii I p. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern were held at the home on Sunday after A Few Pointer«. )ic«W to the sheriff by the clerk, and the taxes You should rememuer that no other ally, acting directly upon tire blood and The recent statistics of the number of are now ready for collection. The state ( >11 tba night of Dec 14. there come to noon, conducted by Pastor Leslie, and < r my ranch a 3-year ohi tillcv with white deaths show that the large majority die and county tax is 27‘a mills. The city medicine is like tihiloh's Consumption mucous surfaces of the system. Price choir of the Baptist Church; Rev. N. F. with consumption. This disease may tax is 10 mills, and the school tax in | Cure in any respect. II ether remedies 75c per bottle. Hold by *1! Druggists. Jenkins, of the M. E. Church assisting. " -y- “lc spit *l>>t in rorerieari forehead an<i and one wnne white loot, foot ig bro ' irti branded on right thigh. Owner can commence with an apparently harmless this district is 11 mills making a total of 1 have failed to relieve your cough or cold, Testimonials free. Hall’s family Pills Mr. and Mrs. Hackett and family have congb which can be cured instantly by 48mills for Grants Paas, which is the thah is all the more reason why you are the beet. '»ne. have same by paying charges. the deep sympathy of all who know Kemp's Baisani for the Throat and same as last year, The school tax is should try Shiloh's. Always sold under M ai kick h kb . Try Allen’« I'wot-Eaur them. ‘ They that al«ep in Jesus will e mile Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and two mills lower than last year, but the a positive guarantee. If it does not help God bring with Him. Wherefore com A powder to be shaken into the shoes. j'-J : Nolle« of Dissolution. relieve all cases. Price 25c. and 50c. city tax being higher equalizes matters you the druggist must give back your Your feet ieel swollen, nervous and hot, fort one another with these word«". money, 25c., 50c., aud $1.00 a bottle. 1 /,ret Notice is hereby given that the firm of! For sale by all druggists. and get tired easily. If you have smart Joseph Shaska oj>ens his new bakery Price and Voorhies, publishers of the ing feet or tight shoes, try Alien's Foot- on Thursday, in the Stone building on »rwiRoouB R ivkb C ourier , has been <1 is HOLMAN & Is this Plain Enough? Ease. It cools the feet and makes walk east Main street. He will also open a ”mtJ salved bv mutual consent. C. S. Price re M ISS KATE CARY, If you have a nagging cough, and are short order restaurant and lunch counter ing easy. Cures swollen, sweating feet, will continue tirlag. A. E. Vourlne- losing flesh, go to a drug store, and get in conection with the bakery, as soon as ingrowing nails, blisters and callous UNDERTAKERS '"¡k the basil'»*», cullect all debts, and as- a bottle of Shiloh's Consumption Cure. the necessary equipment, which has spots. Relieves corns and bunions of EMBALM ERS aume all obligation*. INSTRUCTOR OF Take two thirds of it, and then if you are been ordered, arrives. Mr. Sha-ki is all pain and gives rest and comfort, C. 8. PRK’F. VOCAL AND PIANO MCSIC, not benrfltteri, return the bottle to the very well and favorably known here and iUarlc Try it today. Bold by all druggists and A. E. VooRHiK«. of U m druggist, and he will return your money. the people of this place are pleased to shoe stores for 25 cents. Trial package Office on Öth St. oppo. Court House. dom Residence North 7th Mt. Isn't that fair? No one could ask more, have him permanently located in busi I« prepared to receive a limited numlwr of Free. Address, Allen 8 <)lmeted, Le- 25c , 50c , and fl 00 a bottle. 1 I V pupils. Studio at Mrs. R- K. Montgomery’s I GRANTS PASS,OR ness here. iVhite House Grocery Salt, Dried aad -- - - - - - Canned Fish. local tjappenmoe L. personal DL4 Coffee and Tea our Speciats and Java ihaseASaabornsCelebrated & WHITE HOUSE GROCERY. P. O. Sixth MX On April 14th. Nickle Plated 20 Oliver Plow, Cramer Bros ■ Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds, Bromo Quinine, Syrup White Pine Frog in Vour ME SON, Cootrary to general expectation, Jr Ige Hanna aualained iaa injuxvuon reatraiuing the sewer work from being prosecuted. Consequently the long ditch ia deserted and present* a forlorn ap pearance. The judge baa ordered a spacial term of court, to meet on March 6, to dispose ol this ease. The attorney* for the city and th* other defendant*. have not lost hope of having the injunction dissolved in the circuit court. Since arguing the matter bob>re the judge at chambers, they claim to have found decision* construing situ- ilor charter* and in favor of the city. Those were not pretested at thatargu mont of the motion to deesolve. A* the question involved was an ohacure one, the decision made was on* based u|>on the law cited by the atorney’s which did not bear atrongly upon the mooted point. The attorney* believe that they now have autboritiee that are in line i with the contention* of the city. Company. Last Wednesday »veiling was th* con cluding evening of the Wiley U. Allan Co'* season here and there was a good attendance. As a diversion from the regular order of entertainment, a young ladies' woodsawing contest was held, with a guitar a* the prize. There were three contestants and the young lady who won, exhibited unexpected prowess with the buck saw, having evidently seen auch an instrument before. A serie* of 25 prise* were given to holder* of reserved seat coupons, all of them useful and eoni* of them almeat nec essary. line young man received a handaome dried cod, another, a box of smoked herrings, another, a bundle of sausage*. The two most desirable prize* were a camera and a violin. The voting contest which had been in progress lor several evenings to decide on the moat popular young lady ia Grants Pass was concluded, and the vote* were counted. Mis* Nell l>e Peatt led the list with 480 vote*, and was awarded lhe prize a fine 12'. Washburn guitar. While such contest* as this often fail of their intended results, we are pleased to state that thia one was an entire success, and the honor*, en- tirely unsought, were inonl worthily bestowed. Mis* Essie Hartman wa* second on the list, with 417 vote*. To Cure a Colli In One Day.’ Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet... «til <1 ruggi.t. refund money if it fail* to cure. K. W. Grove's signature on ever) oox. 3Sc We are Headquarters for ondi- 'I Ihr 11 un ii e.- tree* pta i «st the uw •irn, • M itsr nod out .wfr ■ t- a vW •IL of -Id 1, b d I 0 I The Right Things at the Right Time. Shoes-Ladies’, Mens, Children’s LADIES’ SHOES Never in the history of our business has this Department l«en more complete in up-to-date Styles, Qualities and Prices. We quote you one of our Leaders in Ladies’ Black Vesting. Top Coin toe, Patent Tip. Solid Insoles and Counters at 50. MEN’S SHOES We are »bowing the Strongest line io America at the price. One of th« latest shapes Coin toe. Black or Tan. all solid Counters and Insoles at f t 50 Better Grades. <2 5°. i.> °°, and $4°°- CHILDREN S SHOES We have ust received uoe of the best shoes for wear and tear that has ever been on the market at the price. This is the High- land Calf Brand, and we will be’ glad to show you these goods when at our store. We can furnish these tu sizes from 5 to 8. at ft 00, 854 to n' 25, 12 to 2. Ji 50. If unable to come to the »tore write for a pair. I We Can Help You There We have the best of cvery- thing in that line. What we want is your trade; can we have it? For a short time we are sell ing: Pillsbury’s Flaked Oat Food, at 15c a package. Pillsbury's Wheat Food, «5e * package. Acme Wheat Flakes, at ioc a package. » Seven pounds good bulk roast Coffee (not broken) for $1.00. We still sell a good Green Coffee at I2)4 c . “Hot Flour” for hot cakes, 25c a sack. We have a fine lot of Dried Fruits, Prunes, Plums, Apples Peaches; Pears, ApricoU, cte. See the display in our north window. Calhoun Grocery Co. Furnishings Rubber Boots, Oil Clothing, Trunksand Valises. ASSAYER, W. G. Wright, Gen’l Agt. fur Oregon M ac A kiik K-FiiaamT C yaniiib D bocxh *. Cyanide and Chlorination treatment of Ores. Bullion Relined and Hhirped. G hamts F as *, • • O rboon . We have the finest Bachelor Button Large size composition book a for Or at you ever saw; tu more need for pins or nails to hold your trousers. These the C ocrjeb office. buttons can be fastened or unfast ened In a jiffy and will last a lifetime. WHY PUT UP . A ireriabable mark at the laat resting place of your loved ones when you can >{«t a good marble headetone of your '¡rant* Fasa dealer for |15 to 818. P. H. Harth W anted. Slock to feed or pasture. Inquire o G. W. WoouwoarH, Gold Mill, Oreg. High Class Goods at Bargain Prices. » New Year and New Novel ties at Rock Bottom Prices Knows there is one sure way to reach a man's heart, and that is by always having a nicely spread table. To do this you must have choice groceries, canned goods and provisions. Clothing Rogue River Courier $1.25 7 ■ trun • b* l'uni Who Cooks 1 The Gateway to a Prosperous Season is Through Our Doors THE TWENTIETH CENTER V 11)1 AS It is a matter of considerable doubt in the public mind whether this is the first war of the century or not But there is neither question nor doubt in the well known fact that we arc the cheapest house in Southern Oregon for high cias> merchandise, ami the pleased testimony of all our old customers and many new ones, bring each day confirmary proof that our up-to-date business method' arc both appreciated and sustained. Values, not words, arc our dependence and a visit to our store to inspect our goods and compare our prices with any other house, will convince you of the many wonderful bargains we offer you at rock bottom, cut prices. And in return we ask that without skepticism or pre judice you give us a chance to demonstrate that all our statements Will bear the full search light of truth. l ime or money has not been spared this season in selecting one of the finest assortments of Dry Goods, Notions, Boots and Shoes Miners’ Supplies Miners' Shoes in all Grades, Styles, and Prices from $1.50 to ¿4 00 Miners' Duck Coati, $1.25 to Sr 50- Miners' Over Shirts. 50c, 75c, St 00 Miners' H its and Caps, Ji 00 to S- 5° Miners' Socks, Wool aud Cot- ton. 10c to M »neri’ i.ace Boots, Ss 00. Mtn.-rs' Leggtus. 75c. Pants, S' 00 to $2.50. Miner»’ Miners' Miners’ Miners’ Miners’ Blankets and guilts it.00, $1 25 $ j 00 Extra heavy Suspenders; 25 3$, 50c. Belts, 50, 75c. Gloves, 75c, f 1 00, J1.35, any thing you need, we have it, both quality and Hose Department The stock ia now complete with Ladies Hose at to, 20, 2$, and Hoys Heavy Double Hose at 2<tc