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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
ROGUE RIVt R COURIER 1-espite the reitwreled prafe—»• p otestat on» A friendship fc* lb' • B,,eU ' F»— ‘nd we engag' i >“ *»r wilh 'p“n '"*W* Exee«*»C* N«”'* In lb* B»J“' .X“? « he°rsby Greats ros Medfwd. Crescent City We peed it ¿specially thia season, be »eat home feeling that the telebratioe cause, owing tn the extremely low water had truly.been a success And it wag! ban Francisco, Roseburg. Uniontown. rt'BUftSXb VtttY ÍHVaaDAY, Del«». We<lgeviiie. Murphv. Apptag*1* *nd in river, the «almon and trout are ■we U J—-fbiue. Miaaouri Flat were represented at Wil in daager ot exierm.i,aU»n Men up tb« PRICE <t VOORHIE8, The 4 -artb -hear Iceland. able authority state, mat these two pow liams creek celebrated river are wing giaat powder to destroy er» bave reached an understanding with Barnon». fi»b, and many evidence« u< then crime, The eelebratiun in the maple grovS R um » mA to allow u* to enjoy the Ort- The celebration at Greet M« kin •nd come floating down the stream Then near our beantifol uUle stream Wil •etal fraita of our victory, withe« set Co.'» ratnh !•** MooJay, one of the *• ® there ar« the deadly and lawlesa trap. liam« creek was attended by about U>U time our right ot po»ae»“oa by an inter- r trost carelolly planned and iiert carried Th» law d<*» not permit th» oa» <4 any- pwuple and pronounced a awecuBB Tse •’«'-ed an« « . «g.mst »*-•«, watkinal eongrve* Thi» '• • P*** ' o-it celebrattonv that it ha. been our thing leaa than a 4 inch meat, but near Ju|, ,erih»d excelleut oranou by L V Steward waa European impertinence to which the person. Html plearnr» to vitnea, lor many year». No l ly all tbe traptuen now use tb« woven heartily appreciated and I lien that buun- ■atina will Bat submit »iibont a very ' abere in Josephine comity could there wire Betting, with m«»l>e» so small that teous dinner wh ch fairly wade the table havebr.n a more enjoyable eeraaiOB. emphatic prouwt tbat may eventuat» in ,rW“Ü'“‘bttHraac.*Wo^- . no fl»U of any size can pass through. grown waa enjoyed by all. entancietuoaM more caUmitow» than the The camp is situated near the liead of The law ■loea not permit a trap or net to About 2 o’ckw k the people again as ■ ar with Spain. We wonder «bat tier- Mackia gulch on Grave creek. be placed within tidO feet ot a (data on •eixbled and listened to »eng», solos, Attorney lor the estate, many would have s*>d r Joae in 1871 Advertising rate» on appihation <Á»py A iarye plxllorm had been erected on for change Of-ad Bl n»l •■» banded in before the lower side, or 2<»> feel on the upper the irrouud» covered aith a root of fir and recitations end au address by Hon bated Juli h. •** hsd the United Mates interfered with Tuesday noon, <nherwwe vetlinc of the aide. Y»t we are told tbat this law is Geo. F. Topping of Coos courity. bough», »bieh made a most delightful re- matter rill tie < barged for at fbe rate of Sc her appropriating Alaace and Lvrraine A few races were run but the racers per running inch, «ingle column. Alters also violated farther ap the river. ®eat. a, it »a* pe- at the ceodoci n of the F raoco-Frumian Will not some one send to “TbaKocrea lion. ar>4 addition» to copy will I* charged HE KNEW MISo rlLKlNS. »ent so very fast that ■» could not rec war’ Our right of posse»» >n to the Phil lor at the rate of 10c per running in* h. »in uon,”ia New York, and aeruring a copy bottect part of th» day ognize them a» they passed by so we gl» column. Young America in the festive bey with H«*«* ■ui«* * **' ippine islands by reason of conquest, i» of the conatitation ot the L A. 4 , or- I can not give their same» but as there Entered at the poet ol!l<-e at Granta Base. gaaize a branch in tin» valley, and thu- bis fireerm'ker» rna^le the moela to ring, Klentically the Mme; and this govern Oregon, ae wond-cla»» mail matter. and every Ixely to realize that tbc 4lb of i were no world's recur Is broken it is of ment will ui.’i'iesiio »ably reserve tbat taks step« to preserve our tine fi»h and no importance. July »a» in full blast. A general good right. It mu>t be done, though we be by The Telegram from it* Mount flood game preserves ’ We can better »par, The merry young people begau danc T hursday . July 7, 189M. That charming favorite, '.raceIil time »a» indulged in until noon, alien force)! to form an alliance with Great the game hogs. ing early in tr>e evening and continued expedition Mas, is the wife ot Lieutenant I >ui it was announced that dinner was ready, and Japan to sustain oor position. The pigeon which made the trip ar- until the dawn oi Tuesday mooing. nmader Adolph Maris. * and thia every man nomen and child CIVILIANS AS GENERALS. i rived at G. FsrroU's lodge Saturday. He In the meanwhile we must not pursue cate,.f tl.. i aral.onrtotn.qu >y wlKh C ub . seemed to enjoy with « reliah character- ' was not discovered until Sunday loom a cheese paring policy in the ftrengthen- "«.rigat.d tb ..«-ructim. ot the bat There are blunders in »tate < raft that i»tk- of hungry people. There wao an Hampeoii Vt ill Ht-jp Bombard ing. a. Mr Farr'Xl had not set the trap, ing of our navy and harbor defense*. tleship Maine. 1. 'tenant ( umiiiau.ler ar» nothing »bort of appalling crime» abundance to and an abundance Santiago. nat expecting any mew-ge before Sun No time can we afford to loae. nor is this Maria wa.« fmim.l v the executive of- If a rail-road company »bonld give the eaten. day. the occasion for the consideration of ex kcer of the Maine, and ».» eOBtmued Washington, Joly 5.—The president engine of a fast passenger train to a to At two o’clockthe crowd collected io the ha» ordered San-pion and Shafter to' A word in regard tv ttieae carrier pig- pense. Martling and dangerous possi as .mb until within week» of the tally inexperienced mao, •nd a diaa«*er (h,;« the lattlesbipvva* »ent to Havana, pavilion to listen to the program The confer a» to the adv l»l bill ty of the fleet’» eon», bilities are menacing os, an. it is neces- attended with great I om of life »LouId when be »•« detuehed for »here duty. address of welcome »as delivered by entering Santiago harbor, to a»»i»t in re- I vary that we be well prepared for the Tbey are intoresting. Darwin «peni 10 result, the court« would hold the curo- When Commander Marix wus first a»- Rev. Stephen Jewell of Grants Pa»» i ducing ti»e eity. It is t ho ught tbat 7***® lo »tudving their peculiari He®. i greatest eaergeccies.—TelegtAtn paay responsible for its iailor© to com - gi.ed to the Mail..- he and Mira Filkins A rnencan independence wrs celebra- ply with the first principle ot bus ¡nee® The Declaration of Independence wa» tvampaon made an attack on the outer 'S hat fax-in a te« 1 hmx oaoat was thè faci had iu.s Iwcome i-ugag.d to lx- mar Fattier Harper Gone read by Goa Godfrey of the Pa»», which fortifications Tuesday, and that he will, «hat *’*• little fellow, wsold find home ried and the naval officer wa» much in ted in England this year more than ever prude new Yet our brave soldiers are ■ as listened to with interest because of if be has not already done to, enter the »gain bo matter where or bow turned H ata Harper, ar >11 and venerable Icve'with the lady. Commander Manx befizre Speeches were made in which exposed U disanter and death, just be- *ous». citizen, died laat Saturday nigkt, July 2, Enghshmrn*commended the Amenrans <*auee eornebrely must be honors«i with a the inspired thought it contains, and bay and proceed to »bell the cily. Ho» do they get their bearings? 1*.K, at 11 ©clock, at bi® home in Wood a second lieutenant one day to range lor resisting in colonial time® and thej military appointment. ThMlore Ro*jae- twcBose ot the intelligent well rewdinz up all the lads in the »hip. that be might done Mr. Godfrey feampaoa to the .Navy Department. ville, Jackson county. Or., and win • —------- JiiMi qa^Hion said English men of today would do the veil and Dr Wood bad proven their Tbat question pazza puzzled the great man M-lect a messenger from them. A dozen TIi» orator ef the day, Hon. R. A. July tbe 3rd. »inpnon *eut tie fol- ■ He established the fee at Rock buried ihe followiog Monday same th r g courage an« J ability; hut not as military ct that the earner voungster» »oon »food in Commander B-ooth of Granta Pass wa» then intro lowing dispatch to the navy department: pigeon ha. the largest train of any Point, with maeonir honors by hia On th« way to Mam'a. lb» Oregon The,‘ r^on ’» ,o h* e’[’ duced and he made an excellent oration, “Hibooay, July 3rd —To the Secrt-i feathered creature; ■l*o the keenest brethren of Grant® Paid lodge, of which ■mined, for to I messenger for the and California troop* .topp»u long *"h ‘ k>‘<»»- »bowing tbefprogre»« and acb evenenta tary of the navy : The fleet under my sight and a memory that never forget® a he wa® the uidot member AU through executive officer was a coveted honor. enough lo capture Guam, th» largaat ol ledge ot military tactics, nor tbat tbey of the Americas people. After the ora command offer® the nation a® a Fourth landmark once seen. A carrier’s vj®ion hi® sicanees of nine weeks he bore bis In the row of la«.- Commander Marix the Ladrons islands Whether there was were competent to lead a regiment into tion there was music and recitations of a of July present—the destruct ioo of the i® alau obstructed by the borixon line, sutfering® with a fortitude and patience BBtiead one littl • fellovv -ta-I'ig "i’h any fighting done the dispatch doe® not battle against military men of long ex very intereetingcharacter and appropri «holeof Cervera’s fleet. Not one ves He discovered beside», that a carrier befitting a noble < haracter. Everything wide-open eves at a picture of Miss per.sncs. Common sense and common •ay Old Glory float® ©yer all of these ate to the day sel escaped. The fleet at tern ped to es can fast a couple of day» or m< re with that constant care and medical skill Filkin........ hi* desk. This somewhat ; pradwaew require that the railroad en island® as it will soon over ail the Hpan surprised him. and it pleased him. too. After the literary program was ren- cape from ."xantiago harbor at 9:30 A slight inconvenience, as their digestive could devise was done to relieve him isb pu®i*e®®ions in the Alantic and Pacif gineer »bonId work his »ay up from wip dered, the people enjoyed Utemaolve» in When thi* youngster’s turn came to be M.. and at 2 P. M. the last ship, the organ» are inactive while in flight. A numerou® « ompany of loving friend® er to fireman , and then from fireman to ic unless the war closes. various ways, eating icecream, drinking Cristobal Co lol. had run aahure six Though the carrier pigeon has been in followed his remains to their last resting interrogated he stepped forward, but engineer. He then can reach thi» posi did not remove hi« eyes from thephotte lemonade, teliing stories, hammoek mile® we®t of Santiago and had let down use several generation», little ia known place. Hi» pastor. Rev. J. A Crutch* graph. He answered intelligently, but Competition «hick baa for ita aim tion only alter a careful examination a» •winging, etc , etc,, nntil the elo»e oi thy Ler colors The Infanta Maria Teresa, of it« peculiar characteristic». field, performed the clerical par; of the somehow hi« gaze could not be diverted other than a rcaaeuable legitimate profit { lo hi» qualifications. Wood and Roose, day. when dancing began and continued Oquendo aad VitM*aya were forced a- from the lady’s picture. Darwin reasoned that memory and funeral service. it not ideal business. Hail ia thrown veltfchould have proved themselves at until the hour of dawn made it» appear shore, burned and blown up within 20 Finally the coTr.mander anked: “Do So departa from the honored walk® of eight, coupled with strong home instinct. out and the*fi.b bite» at it, but the next e«ch step. Even worse is the appoint- ance. tn lie® of Santiago The Furore and were the qualities which brought the life one of our l-e»t and truest of men. by you know this lady, young man?” moment it ia lying upon the bank the I taeut of W. J. Brayn to a colonelcy of a -Yrs.” piped the little salt, “that’s Your correspondent lielievea hiniaelf Pluton were destroyed within four miles pigeons Louie. common consent. Such lives are not in prize of .he fiehermau »bo »anta him • regiment. Il may be all right in the Mias Filkins.” •al« in saying that every one who cele of th© port When one ia turned loose it rise» in vain, and at the advanced age of 82 we ler breaklast. No man ran in all fair- ey»» of In» admirers to honor him .but it “How do you know Miss Filkins?” brated Independence l>av,1898,in.Mackin “Our loss i® one killed and two j spiral circles, gradually widening them are loath to g ve them op. ueee to hia own integrity, throw out is a crime lo do it at the expene« of “My mother washed for her for nine guhb, will remember the day with a wounded. Tiie enemy's I om is probably | in going heavenward, Mr. Harper was born in Butler county, years, sir.” baita to beat hia competitor or catch the human life. Noone has ever seen any- As soon as its great «leal of pleasure. several hundred from lire, exploeiun* keen eye alight® upon a famdiar land- Ohio, September 5. J816, and was mar It is needless to say that the little public. A fair profit every buaineaa aaan | thing in bis career that would indicate Meser®. Greer, Markin, Virtue and arid drowning. mark, it Las it» bearings and make» a ried to Miss Sarah Jaque® ot Franklin apprentice was given the post of mes should have, to do business, and be superior courage or military genius. If other® w« re in their labor® to “We have taken about 1300 prison* line for Lome. If it does not see a land- county, Indiana, the ltRh day ot May. senger to the lieutenant commander. »bon Id not veil below coat except it be be |»j»»e»»e» the*» qualities for leader make the occasion a ®u<<-ee« In every er®, inclmling Admiral Cerrera. The mark, it keeps widening its circles and 1841, who linger® to weep over bi® grave This boy’s name was Kogel, and about to dispose of gooda which are a dead ship, there is room for hira to spread him particular, and that they flttccaaded ad man killed wa® George H. Ellie, chief IS months ago he was lost overboard in : will go in this way for hundreds of miles in broken-hearted grief With her he weight, or unless lie wishe» to close out self and work up True coursae and a storm off Cape Hatteras. A great mirably i® te®tifie«l to by ail who were yeoutan of the Brooklyn. I until a familiar object comes within its hia atock. removed to Iowa, where he resided wave boarded the ship and sent the lad g-nius will be recognized. It is a burn- fortunate enough to cboo®e thia pla< e for range of vision. many year®, coining to Oregon in an into the sen. Four or five men sprang i ing shame tbat the dead bodies of Two flee'.« of the Spanish navy sent their 4th of July celebration. No plait It an inexperienced carrier is turned early day, where be has resided up to overboard in the mid>t of the storm to brave boys »Imuld lie the stepping stones to the bottom of Ibe sea and still she in Jowephine county can boast of a hatter Th« Portland Tellegraiii m M i Hood loose at Sandy, the first time, it is safe his death. We extend true sympathy. r. scue the lad. ar.d all were saved but by which stnbilious politicians r„av r'»e Ex ped I < ion will not sue for peace. The only thing lime. I>an Greer, who was the leader of p« < r little K g»-!, " ho was sucked down I to take i. beyond .Mt. Hood the next day, or tbat their glory should be at the ■ -wt ‘ Timber line. Mt. Hood, July 4, 4:40 for America to do is to push the war in the executive com mittee know® how to 1 BUK.\ by the heavy sea and never seen again. for its range of vision has marked every of darkened honor and »adJened hearts. do thing® well. a. in. (By Telegram Special Cairisr to the peninsula and captara every is I; i> a noteworthy fact that two sailors thing within the horizon limits. SMITH—At Boyd. Oregon, June 28. Every other responsible position must land in the seas belonging 1» tbat coun- i Pigeon Route - We are just starting to of these who went overboard in the Mrs. Lvdia A. Smith, aged 33 years. IlMttlr at Kerby. be filled by men of experience Not Pigeon» have been taken to Salem,and aacend thr grand old pile of snow and try, plant the emblem. Old Glory, over j st rm after this boi were lo>t from the Isas of s«vere proof should be required R kpobtrd . M IKKIfc I» ship for over two hours, and finally rock® which fur ages ha® guarded the i gone to California before returning. That every rampart and blast out, if used be. I of tb<»» w ho bold the lives of others in of trained pig Attack on Fort Morro at Kerby, by vallrys of Oregon were saved, after having been almost The view is eublirne. is the advantage every vestige ot Spanish arthority on HUNTER—ROWLEY—At the residence their hsnds the U. 8. force® under command of Col. The monster forces of nature rear their eons. The minute a trained one that toe earth Sagasta'a policy ia a sui- of the bride * parents in this city,Thur» washed aboard of her by a great sea.— SfVaight has been over the ground before, circles day. June 30. 1898. Rev J. M. Hunt Cleveland Plain Dealer. cidal one and becomes more so each day grotesque and sometime® terrible shape® Celebration at Ker! , er and Miss Ellen Rowley, Rev. Ruble The attacking army tinder Col.Straight just above u® an«f away below, as far aa into the air, it has its tiearing«, and 11» is bringing death and destruction on ONLY FUNNY TO FOOLS. officiating. The booming of powder at tunnsr consisted of two diviaiona, the right wing the eye can reach in on® grand pana- makes a straight line ior home. the queen's subjects without producing The average «peed of a carrier is 80 . being tinder the immediate command of awoke us to the realisation that the CROCKETT — NEELY-At Merlin, raina of lovely view® The horizon i® material loss lo the American navy. | I Maj J. A. Carr, a veteran uf the late Wednesday, June 29. 1898, Robert miles au hour. Their average life is 15 thr only limit to or range uf vision. This war for humanity tbould not cease memorable day of the 4ih of Jnly was Crockett, and Melvina Neely, Rev. Upon ut We were at once neized with war, and the left wing under command ' Such awe-inspiring sight® dwarf a year*. They never sicken until ready to until that oppression is dead Robert Mdean officiating. die When night comes on they roust, the spirit ot enthusiasm and hurried of Capt. I ogan. jieraon’s individuality. A number of printers, all of whom Ein|ieror William may allow hia ego forth to do our best to make the celebra and will always seek some farmhouse. The right wing opened the battle by a “Nature has com »true ted everything W ' wvre burn since the last war, were sit l ine Hearse Free. tism to counter-balance hia judgment, tion a success If turned loose in a fog, they will return And it was a success’ furioua cannonading upon the fort near here upon such a monster scale! ting about ibt- office of Secretary and claim a right to interfere in the din- The crowd from liter creek arrived at the center of if, upon the eastern front, “ We carried our packs to Crater lake to the starting place anil wait until the , Coffins beautifully onisbe-l in rose Marsh one day la*« ly when an •’extra” position of the Philippine islands, after Kerby about 10 o'clock ami the pro* •nd after making several breathes of last night, and returned here to camp. j fog clears. The best flight on record is wood, with glass, tritnuied complete v«u rought in which indicated that the war ia over. Thia young man can cession at once formed in the following greater or les® dimension®, the infan >o soon a® the messenger is winging its 100 miles in one Jay. only 117.50 v ar with .Spain was at hand. not point to Ina ariceatora aa having ac order and marched to the ground« ar try. proceeded by a line of skirmisher®, way, w»* w ill commence our ascent The Telegram messengers are taken “If we Lave war it will afford ©ur Wall (taper in the latest patterns and compliahed any great thing» on the sea lected alisut two miles from Keriiy; well displayed, am! covering the line of ( “Our trip from Crater lake to timber irorn the lodges o* W. W. Brsthertou best values at 10c per double roll and up. i!a\\ >on,e giwxl practice—just what it ds—and br better than a dozen sham Hr^may have an opportunity Io Land They are all trained No straw backs First came ibe volunteer i-ompany un i»attle front, emerged from the wood» I line was made bv moonlight <»n our nod G. Perrott. l»dtt;e>.” .-uggestid one. down to future generation» of hia coun der Col Straight, Capt. Carr and Lieut. and swept the line of Spaniards who sleds. j and registered with the Pacific Coast Our carpet department occupying al “Ai.d S>».;.a w ill find it quite a change trymen a few lessons acquired from the Ixgan. about 00 in number; next came were in the outer line of rifle pits, baf k- Federation. They are known as Bel most our entire second floor is more “We made wonderful speed ' fioin bud lighting.” Americana in naval warfare. Exper a float from Deer creek, beautifully dec I ward close to the redoubts under the gium, or Antwerp homing pigeons. The complete tbat ever. Five large ship Tne taetest express in the world “I d n't believe there will be any leme ia a hard achool, but egotiata often arated and bearing the goddess of liberty | walls of che fortress. At this point, the i would have been distanced. We went register marks, a number, is on the leg ments of new carpet*, mattings and :i<l a t».IM ball crank. “Just a> learn in no other, and when Rpam baa ■nd little girls whose names we did not Spaniard®, receiving reinforcement a led I like a bullet *hot from a gun. The if each on». No pigeons flight i an be cug. received thia ,pr ng. Our designs we think H -rything is all ready you’ll obtained her never to-be-forgotten lea- learn , next in procession was tlie liand- 1 by Gen. Blanco in person, charged t he x ’ points of our iron alpenstocks, which we recorded unless it is registered with are rare t.. please and we will not be eon, then it might lie well te have Dew •umely decorated float Irorn Kerby, with ' attacking force with such vigor that Maj. k'» ; ’ floppy on the Atlantic.’” used as brake®, left a veritable streak of i some federation. Most of these pigeons undersold "I th,nk w e'll have to make up a purse ey give Germany's William a lesson or Miss Floasie Feagles as the gwi.le»», Carr’® division w as hurled back nearly W e are adding every week to our st<K k ' fire traced on the ice behind. The irons Lave peu^iw: at l»r.g as an English f' r Spain." >aid the pugilist of the ■luk«'. *•, T two lor the good of humanity. Iieautlfully dressed in a suit of white to the breastwork® they had left. Maj. werva'most red hot ot up tv uau- u. ^dings, p>.| e ’ n't 'tar . ***■; ■Ilk. Miss Ita.bel Whipp »nd sister Carr wa® then happily rein for <*ed by the Climapioa trained pigwoas are worth “Tnlk about flying! Flying would be r »• uds ffonVget any of th» The grain crop of th«! northwest is es Nettle both looked charming in their arrival of the second division under ('apt. | as liigb. M (JflB VficF, 5 Bung ones un rf cvipts.” at a dia*xui»iw »n such a rate again it lime. timated at 40,000,000 bushels, which will suits of while. The little girls whose I/Ogan. and ths first division was re trained, «15. A ’ i hov> are very cunning.”said the 'V e fell a peculiar ^en*ali<Hi owing to the bring no little return to the farmers. names spec» will not peroiit us to men formed undercover of the torward mo^JF Mr Bretherton ha« one old fellow • t. an Marsh, wheeling about in his Farming which han Ixum to some extent ( fact th» tour breath was short and we tion, all did their part» well. Buggies, men! made by the weror.d dlxlifowifw hoar 1 who was shot three different time» A« » - eu>y to see that none of a profit les® business for a num tier of fay panting some time like a deer which wagons and horsemen Ml in line, mak on«laugtik *»» »9 utoptflbBt th» Itpan- ■ " k ■ ’ ' " ■■ «»raiI' m <M*r doctor found him lhe first time and re- years past, has taken on a new impetus has been chased by bounds. ing the proves- ion a long one. ,IMifTwer« forced backward within the ! turned him. The next time the poor 1 I-' la MM. in tbs East, aad this has stimulated “Our trip proved two things—that are I " ' working on the old Tribune, The ground was reached atJJ_tbUo<T,' walla of the fort, leaving many Avr# </< I bird was wounded it flew into the house Blood in Terrible Condition and prices for farm land. Real estate will ¡and the literary tan easily steer our sled* and that a H men fr » hi that office enlisted ir ¿J Th» pr.gram ’ of the sheriff of Washington county and «Awf as they sullenly retired L«ehind All Run Do Al in Health Has Be f ¡ir Tv. nt.-fourth Michigan. be sought for rut>re in the coming three , They »hall I** able to carry out TheTelegrai in’s I^*Jt9lV*1><-cesafulljr carried out. This their tolid wall® waa returned. Another pigeon was tak The artillery from ere all fine fell on*. the best of the lot. come Strong and Healthy. or lour years ¿provided farmers abiai n s —* programme in converting this grand ol<1 I eotisisteil of patriotic sung» by the choir, ( th* front, however, was used with such en from Mr Bretherton'a lodge, which ix of thim •‘I was a!! run do«, tI d fn terrible f nev never retnrned. The other fellow into a toboggan slide. fair ¡"rti e ToF'l^iFir'Jir^rTT^Y is true ] recitation» and the reading of the det l*r- sac turned loose in Alaska a- d reached condition and 1 was tr I telling effect as to comjtel l^ogan to give uii-k >o ,o w v.asted and changed led w ith • »ever» two got liark 1 will not attem|»< te describe the of the East writ! In a measure be true of atiuu of iBdepemlencs bv Mr. Dewart. 1 way. and he retired stubbornly before here safely Unfortunately it waa not scrofulous bun r wb l> caused me great that it vv.i ■ hard w, rk to recognize tlx n, t»eauty of a moonlight scene from our the West 'lbere is going to be consid The address uf the day was delivered by , registered, and ao record of its flight can Buttering. 1 t> k medicine for a long •nd they were carried frr the heavy cannonading. lie rallieei hi® the depot elevated position, it is like a dream. erable changing hands of j>rojM*rtv soon, Prof C A. Price. We would like lo time, but nr, 1 no jermanent benefit. to the hospital on litters. One of be kept. force® on the left of the first division l*he height® below us are tipped with them. Witherapoi because many who have held so long on..» persona! friend of I praise Ibis address in the way it should however for a final charge. Neither heat nor cold affects the tiny At thia time I v as w orking In a general mine, was »hot th rough the wrist. Roth silver fire, and black, inky shadows lurk are anxious to let loose the first oppor b* praised, but we can not find words to meaaaagwre. They are impervious to i store, and 1 thought I »»ould look over the aied. At this jMJint Col. Straight placed I ®aw ®f underneatL like the jaws of death. tunity, while others, seeing a future for veral ngiments leave do it justitw, and even if we did we himself at the head of both division® of elements. In Vregun there is no law medicine» a-.d^e if I coo Id find something here. 1.20© to 1/»t “None of u® had more than an hour's tbat would f ■ mv ease. I read an adver the farm, will purchase. strong, composed of would be afraid tbat the professor would thr attacking forces, and with the <w ■ gainst »hooting carrier pigeons the finest young ’non in the state. 1 tisement of Ho :’» Sarsaparilla and con sleep la«t night. W® coohed supper af think we were trying to flatter bun and rnand, ‘ fix bavuiiet®, forward, double Annexation will not ba authorized by cluded to try it. The first bottle helped «aw them come back with only 30<) tc ter returning from Crater rock and pre For Constipation take Karl's Clover tne wonderfully and I continued ita use 300 m limed and broke n nn n- men that the present congress before adjourn rut it oat when he went to read proof quick," under a heavy fire trom thr ar pared a place to sleep. We were in bed had practically endefl i their live®. That ment. Circumstance® nay make a rad However, we join with the entire com tillery, that rut great swathe® thrwugh at 11 3ft, but the horses were so restlet* R-»ot Tea, the great Blood Purifier. until I bad taken nine bottles. By this u what war is it :a «„i.. « Cure® lleadadie, Nervou®ness, Eruptions i .. r., . • is only funnv to ios! change in public sentiment tirfore munity in extending our aincereet thrir rank®, they went forward over the that we were frequently awakened. We on the face, ami make« the head clear a® time I felt like a new man, and since r, then bave not been sick a day. I » >«> s. -( h)£ago Evening News. cungre®« mi nets again. Il I® hardly pos* tlianks to the professor lor ths kiadneas abatis, the naoat, ditches, and never ; turned out at 3.1). a t»e!». Sold by W. E Kremer I am now strong and healthy and 1 have Kverwbody Ro> tii la that the sentiment will grow be »bowed us in making the trip, and faltering, over th® walls of the fortress, “Temperature <♦’» such confidence in Hood's Sarsaparilla tbat where a hand to band bayonet fight last ' Mining Patent» CMcareto < Cathartic, the most won stronger in favor of annexation among for the able add re»» hrs delivered I recommend it a« the beet medicine on All are well, and feeling fully able to A grand dinner waa aerved. at which mg only a few minutes took place, when ’ *• ' «• « er» of Uw are a the people than it ia now; 'tie more apt The innumerable ruling« that have em •artb.” J obs J. L itti . k , Munnsville, N. Y. carry out Th® Telegram • prc*racatn®. ' "- '• 'h' ■■■■ • ac geotlr to meet a reverie than otherwise. toasts were delivered by a number of the vallirnt Spaniard®, with ('apt Jake anated from the Interior 1 h»ptirt'ii»*nt “Have previously literate«! two birds There ia a principle a® aid aa the govern our citizens, after which races were in Rhpprl, commander, «mccnrnbed Io ®u- I with me*’•ages. < hie bird got away with relative to mining intents indicate the ment which i® agitating the public mind , dulged in until about 4 o'clock, when the perior force® ami were made prisoner® ; I need of additional federal legislation a- Is the best- in fact the One Tree Blood Furl, out meeeage. sham battle took plai-e. This waa a fier. Alldrvggfsu. ft. six for Get Hood's. the Spanish fiag wa«*hanl«*<i down, and that pf>ncipla ia, territorial acquisition, long that line. The pr«x*es® of patent The bird which brought th® message The >pani«h forces un thr star spangled old glory was hoisted. Mine« the breaking cut of the United grand «uciea» Hood’s Pills belongs to (i Perrott's h»dge He made ing a mining claim should be simplifie*! Htatea-Spauivh war, which ■ ill ultiin der command ul Col. Kltppel bad very Thr casualitirs cannot hr rtiumrrat**<l at . the trip in I«-*« than an hour and a half. and tne expense le®aened. The object ' ' < ■•up.,,..,, tor,„p. •trongly fortified the mselvsa by building prvwrnt. ately throw in our way the opportunity •f the government is to encourage and Try Militar« Beet tea and UkiM pomfor^ Ill® register mark ia 4O2ft2 for greater possession® , thia qsestion a fort, which the Americans under Col The Telegram's program for today is siimu ate the industry of mining, the The batlie 14 llliatit« Items w ill to ®<>me extent shape the course of Mtraight were to attack production of ore contributing to the as foil ws commenced by slight skirmish»» between Miss May Lovele* ® is vie ititf fo*r political partita. should the United general welfare of the country. It ha® At 3 p. m sharp, a dene# suiokr will i Htatew atop short of her present bound- tf” advani-e guard of the American» and mother ureivl from the summit of Mt. Hood by no de«ire lo »peculate uff the man who ariea, or since the way will s irely be a detachment of Spanish acting a» Miss Tillie Stun h relume« 1 lo her burning tar. i® merely laying the foundation«» for a •barfishouter» In a »bort lime the come clear, carry the hag toother lands home last a eek. speculative or industrial enterprise by Red powder Will lie burned at 9 30. ; •nd plant the teed of .iberty? Any fighting grew inure luriuua and the Dav ill John ami bride returned Mun Telegram’® men will leave Mount patenting hi® mining claim. Its reward country whose flag t arries with it deso heavy artillery on both sides began to day in tune for dinner must i'orne from the enterprise when Hood at daylight. Tuesday morning belch forth v»luinns»f fire and destruc lation ®h<>wld never have its territory eu matured into a pr«xiacrr of ore« Allen Mt Kenne ot Grant® !*.<<« IS At 2 u'clork same lay thev will arrive . A right wing of the American» larged, hut Uncle Kam goes on no such tion Therefore, it should be the policy of visiting friend® on William®. in front of Telegram office under t apt. Carr advanced on lb» Span mission a® the present war, for humanity the government to lessen the expemw* ish line and a hot siigageiueiil toon Mr. G. I . Harden of Grant* I'*«« stand® a® a living witness The Cuban® P»r 1000 $2 ta $3 “Kalm«»ri r^wtoffice, 2 ‘W p. m Salur* •M obtaining patents tn the minimum •nd the Philippines, if they will profit plaie in which a lew of if,» Amernan» riaiting friend* on William® creek. F»r I’ack 5e ■lay.—To Eveniug Telegram carrier-pig that the encouragement of ownership by tfie leeeona of the (>ast, will tie only ••«• wounded. Thev succeeded in driv Mi»« Currir I trr m l Mi«® Mav I>avi« eon route. Port I an« I may he giv*n the <!aim holder who too an x ion® to become a {«art of thr Ing lhe Bpantsh from their position. A are the guests of the Misses John striving to deve p the property. ' ‘ l umheil h«re, everything O. K great nation which is able to protect •light cunfusmn among lhe Spanish Mr. and Mr®. J W Howard •ml ex« rpting a wheel, broken crank. Will haw no sym|*athy with the unrepubl •hewed that liters was something wrung them and give them the freedom lor daughter came out ta »i«end the 4th leave it here Weather g<>«d; e'ear ; an «uggestion that all mining propertv which they have fonghl and lor « hit to on tbs left Wing, and preeeutly s detach wm-l northwest moderate ; tem|^eraturg; be permit • illy held by he govern The weather was unusuaHy warm ment of Americana under Ideal ra<an they long. _________________ 40 deg. ment ami >esmed Co ti»o*® who will wo* w«*ek but Munday wa® very pleasant •piwarrol on the left. After a hot en “Mot two bicyclist® on a tandem from the claims It ern®<-k® too math c L A. S. np meeting is now in ae^ian at gagement th» Apuntuh were forced Imck Portland on their way to Mt. Ilood« Al («aternalism an«« all the other vice® I aland !*lww th« What ia it* Why, it is the “Ijeague lute th» fort. Both deta> htnemle <vl so met Ihck Maupin of Portland, return tbat type from which the republic of thr American Sportsmen,'* an organize Anierirans now made a final charge oa s»e Our ing home from E*»tern Oregon. The United State« is evolved Personal Amencia Flag Goa whose mission it ia lo put a stop tu th» fort asd by de»fierate fighting sin r«»e*l »• fearfuUv r>.iifh th,» snleof •i»r.Jv. ownership <• the grewtrwt and best in- • ♦vk mid the availing destruction of fish snd csedrol in taking il and tearing d^w Eceelape, Ry tL e time the can ter pigeon ah. m H» for conlive to indiMrtry, and to enable the gam«, that ha® «o nearly ds|M>pulate»l theSpenish Rag. not without atabboin We have nearly 50 (Wi . home we will again tw .*■ vu< »., w».<».. g QUS tC icq*!’** «ww ' 4»yp*w«e the river® ami forests ot America Thi® resi'tanes Ths woonded were rerrie.1 George Topping of Then hurrah for a Fo ■irth of July U,»- i® lor (be govrrument to ca«t its bread -*■ 'it vj-il»tiopes league is thr natural «army of the fish to th« hoeprul lent, wbere th« RsilCn«» •a Friday *• atagr U se.l at a Bargain. play from the summit •< <d» i Mount upon the water®, for tt wi’I return after • n«i game hog, the re lent lee® pursuer of j Buciety under Aunty Krom assi.lxl by visiting h»® oh! boma Hum! and a score against time for Tb» many Jav« in the shape of tax«« and tne •basarle®® violaterw ot thr law® made for Htiryrons Whipp a„d Forlws. admin is- Mr. Blake <rf the i relfpgram. Wear© all a< freak aa dsisie®. general gu»»d afforded Otmimuailiee in thr thr pmiection of fish and game We i tore,I physical comfort buaineaa Monday a and wdi make the trip in g\md tin e ** employment el The Western nerd a bramii in the Rogue river valley. j This enjevl the propram and »veryone bat be knows bow to make i The al ret meaeagt received Mining World > J. R. Hale. Scrofulous Humor Hood s Sarsaparilla 7. These Goods are Rag Stock > The elephant has no fiWrr .. XMi muscles in hh trunk •i.T*** man has only J7T in hi. Air ia ita pure state ¡, thus: Nitrogen, 77 p«r <,i.*''**-t ,'l per cend.; other eompou^t?*». cetu. It is a noteworthy fact th«, thrive best in a pasture iuf^-r nvoles. This ia because of ,7' *1‘ drainage ot the land. A London specialist ,*y, (. expensive drug in phykoMipa' ** ounce of which would coat bm * O0.U00. it u prepared fr00l7‘,t bar bean, and ia used in '* eye. Glass bricks are gradually into use, and it it said that el^*: ...on be used for making state? public squares, as it revots th,, J' ing effect of the weather n,uek than marble or granite. < ~ The so-called “liver” or pjtor» of the eouinion starflzh. ha»’t>eetf',^ by Miss Ellen Stone to be elo,, *** laled in function to the paawt„2!‘ vertebrates. The work w«» d k the laboratory of Brown unirere?* uer tne direction of Mr. R. TiV* T he largest Mock yard» in th, are in Chicago. The combmH p,.' represent an invewtinent of over r <100,000. ‘ The yards contain a of streets, 20 miles of water trunrt,' miles of feeding troughs and ;• * of water and drainage trough, \ yarcs are capable of receiving i-ommodating ihiily- wttl, , 000 »Keep and 120,000 hogs. Drops of Air.—It in not an unm, mor sight in a laboratory »b„, [ « rJneuts with liquefied air an bio conducted to set di .p. of air ft , on a lecture table and re.-.i-ijg,^ evai tl}' like drop« of water up ika( *tove. In fact, the table may b,(t¡, a» "¡edi hot” in comparison with •> temperature of the liquefied oitM and nitrogen, of which th, drop ,;4'j «ist. THE MAN IN THE TRUHK ■ ' • A Xrw Way the Th le > rs ot Pan, Hat. ut Getti»« Into the Barala, the Houae. Two well-dre»sed tnen from K F drove up to the best hotel in acouttn I town in the depart men of the ■ liit.-- .i Paris correspondent, and «. H L-iti.'' a double-bedded room. TbertrB potitr u a very heavy trunk in aeornK. ■ ai. : then went out to see t he town, t,;. H ing the landlady, a widow, that q,- would return at night. But nightm, an7 thr two nirii did nut come bad. ■ the tune specified. The landlady w ■ h >urpristd, and kept hertsUi-■ d-binvi t <jpen after th»- usual hcurfe c!«.>ii:g. This was <oon observed by ■ the 7-cal gendarmes on o’uty, who■ tereo ’he hotel and reminded the pn» prirtr." of the place that the curfew,-z its modern substitute, had tolled tkH If it va full time to extinguish lightsinaHm and cafes. The widow said she wi> waiting for tVo men who had left m. a 4U. ■ trunk behind them, T h i s ci used th? gendarmes to reflect a little. Osed them, well versed in crini ¡nal annu suddenly remembered the Gouffe ca«* He also thought of the youngstxmp« ’.♦-cteor who was murdered in Par- ■ few years bi nee. and whose body wi* thrust into a trunk. Anxious to xccw all the credit of a discovery whichBiffe lead to promotion and glory, the pi darme learned in criminal lore ■ the widow to let him see the tnukasi H told his companion to wait for him it | the bar or buvette of the hotel. Th fl landlady accordingly led the man tj J the room, and he began to gauge the weight of the big box. when xuddexly the lid flew up and out jumpediwir little man. who brandished a bigrevoh er in his right band. The wide* screamed and the gendarme was tt® porarily thrown off his guard, but h soon pii7»d himself togetheraodgw pled with the person who had been*' ing jack-in-the-box. The other pt darme. hearing the landlady’s ihritb and the >cuffling overhead, wassooD* ’be scene of action and helped biscor " t mar.aele th»* ” y*ter *<>n who had jumped out oftnetnflB and to take him to the lockup. Ther* H tin- fellow refused tn give his nanot<*’ ■ to say anything about his compact' who are supposed to have returns:’ Paris, leaving him to plunder thf’BE when the owner and her servants»w asleep.—St. Ix)ui» Republic. t m- Homes of the Anthracite Wl»»n Each little house, with the baa *-» cubby-holes, and fences about it. b> lieen built by the man w ho lit”'c 11 Andi he is a laborer, a struggbr 1» mere existence, not deft in th» **■’ tool*, nor with an eye for the <J* metrical, nor with an appreeW>c,•'■* any thing beyond the most priBsil’' of living. The roofs of the huiWuf slant at all angles, with no two sice«« lihe same length or deflection. 0»t|- tion will Have cure», while i” coni*- ion will rcorn the luxury. Ttr “• incongruity prevails everywhere h.® of the small opening» used (orsinil«* arc high, while ether» are l°w- door will open in, and nnothrr •• The hinges have evidently come r the company scrap-pile, and tbestap’'' and latches and locks from the »ouree. Some of the roof« hive gles, others weather-board*. others are formed of great piece»' rusty sheet-iron.—Jay H*mW®fc ' Century. » 4 Improrved Gwnwrry. The wonderful strides made I® science of gunnery since W iarf '* * by the fact that at that period* pound projectile fired with a eb*?*” 18 pounds of powder gave a locity of between 1,000 and second, while at the promt day *‘,J pound shell, fired with cordite, give® a muzzle velocity feet a second.—Boston Budget. % Floricin Frost- Far on in March, when the ?k«rTt* ter had long been in the "hipped suddenly into the north, the air cooled 50 decree* in a nighT were in the field, perspiring »«» |,n<* when the change came, with an overcasting of the sky. A whif "■* breath from a glacier »truck «•- 1 * in«! bl, w each moment keener-** fore we fairly .aw how it w»» ' ■ere ehatterinif. It »eemed „ *’le; but presently there w»» >■'’ '* •Lat a January norfber wa* ■•P** two months out of »eaeon, realized this, we set all hatwi» at *O earth the half-grwwn P*" *ine«. O b I jt a few hour* of the <!*.« * •eft. but the men worked despe1*" with hoes and plow» through tbe twiliph». and much was done. »11. When we mine out. »hir'tW the first daybreak, «e *»" »hort harvest wav to be la»*” ’ 'hortened. We pen-rived now. ■ how it wa> with ut: we were all< inf. but fambiing with the ’ The climate had been m- re!» *■- «ith u«. a trump card of tprini'**^ '»Ine in It. .leeve - F Whit