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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1898)
A m lxinu’EMDEsr Parsa, D kvotkd E scecially to thk I mtbmkbt « or S ovthkhn O regon . GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1898. V ol . XIV. Shoes repaired at Hackett’s If you hire a h use at a livery stable CarlHin pa(»T nt the Cot kick office 1 ou ought to treat him as if h» were Gold-dust cashed at Crumer Bros. Hoi.. H. B. Millei arrived from Eu ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, gene last Thursday. I Up to-date photographs, only at the your own. If you tirivo out 10 mile». •Sactiiea in all State and 1 ederal Court» i Mr» Rzv Everett visited in Med Carbon Studio, opp court hou*», Grants you ought not to Attenti to your own wants until you see him properly cared ? Office over First Nati-mal Bank. Pas«. Bicycle hospital for ail re|uiiring at ford last week foe a few days. E Gaza r » P am . • O bboom . for* 11 an honest man, you will remeni* “I think DeWitt's Witch Hasel Salve Cramer Bros. Dr William Kuykendall of Eugene i>er that you are under a twofold obliga is the finest preparation on the market Miss Mabie Kinney is just reeoveriing wa» viaitmg in Grant» Pa»« last week. tion to that animal—an obligation to its JJENRY L. BENSON, for piles ” So writes John U. Dunn, oi from a hard spell of the measles Father Deeuiarai» i« in Itonglaa county I owner and an obligation to that animal, ATTORNEY AT-LAW, Wheeling, W Ya. Try it ami you wilt You. are debtor to both, and though you Sheriff Orme, of Foots creek, Jackson thia week vititing the different iniaaion* think the same. Il al>o cures eczema Pea dice» in all Court» of the State. pay the price of the horse, vet no mon«v county, is now living in Jacksonville. along the way. and all skin diseases. — W F. Kremer WfMice over Eir»t National Hank, can release you from the duly and mor Willi« Me Daniel, one of Jackson eo»n- About 200 letters were receive«I in Round trip tickets to Portland are now al claim involved in the bargain be G bant - I’M», - - Oaxiws. Ashland last week, from the soldier boys , tv's teachers passed through Grants Good for thirty days, tween yourself and the owner. To neg Pass last Friday with the Warren Med- on sale at $18. in Honolulu. Round trip led the poor, speechless beast that can , icine Company’« man. They are out continuous trip each uay. ARTHUR E. HARTH, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Voorhiee went to postiug bills ami otherwise advertising ticket» to Yaquina at $12, good until not appeal to the commiseration of a Portlaud last Wednesday evening to be October 10 parser by. is simply unpanionab'e and JDCT' i B OF DESTAI. SI’RGERY. I for tiiecompany. gone a week or two visiting relative». Col. J. A. Straight of Kerby was in the the man who isgudtv of such neglect is Rev. J. R. N. Bell was a passenger ou Otlì< over First N di-mal Bank, "Miss Lottie Reed of Jackson county, last Friday'» train, going south to Hol l’ass last Wednesday evening. He re worse than a beast. U kkuon . who has made a good iecord as teacher ' G bamt ’ s P am , lister, Cai., hi» home. Mr Bell will, turned home on Thursday morning. lirhlgt Need* Attention in the Portland public school the past 5 ' Golden Eagle Bicycles are honest in the »all or later, return to Oregon The bridge acroaa the river near town years, is visiting her lather ’ s family near PJ C. PERKINS. Write foi needs attention to live He likes this country better ■ wheels at reasonable prices The dry weather has Jacksonville. • catalogue. Mitchell lx*wis <& Staver Co. caused the limbers to shrink and alien Ilian California. . Miss .Minnie Tuffs is now in Foil I and | U. S. DEPUTY Portland. ()r. teamscross it produces a rocking or sway A Child Enjoya Hood's Pills ar« easy to take, easy to | iug motion which could be prevented MINERAL SURVEYOR, there she exacts to spend her summer I acatmn, returning in tune to teach in I fhe pleasant flavor, gentle action, and Cure indigestion, sick head-j by a few dava work, screwing up holts. OjtKGON. fib® kb public school of this city, this fall, f soothing effect of Svrup of Fig«, when in operate. llBAXTb I'ASS, •rt not particularly dangerous, still, it ache Berio Me Lean, our compositor, re need of a laxative, audit tha father or The next Rogue River Bahlist Associ would be saler to have tine matter at- turned from his trip to the coast and mother be costive or bilious, the moat ation will lie held sometime in Septem- tended to. It would also save the HTHOMAS SMITH. Curry county last Friday. He reports gratifying result« follow its use; bo tha’ her in the Bahifat church of this city. | bridge from damage. Bridgea ot thia having had a very pleasant time. Rev. it is the best family remedy know n and UNDERTAKER, Th« editor of the Evan* City, Pa , I kind cost much money, Often a dollar E. A. lloldredge, with whom he went, t vary family should have a bottle. Man Globe, writes, “On© Minute Cough Cure s|>etit in repair» will a.tve dollar* in left Roseburg for Portland the aanu* day. ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. is rightly named. It cured my children building. O regon -. C hants P ass , Rogue river is lower at tho piesent after all other remedies failed." It cures coughs, (‘olds and and all throat time than it has been for years oast at this season of the year. There is no and lung troubles.—\V. F. Kremer. great amount of snow in the mountains L D. Fay à Suns’ A M Jess of Applegate, reports a and it must necessarily continue to fall favorable outlook in his community for until Mbout ¡September plenty of fruit, and a good crop of grain The Monin >uih Nlate Normal. and hay. OOBERT G. SMITH, local’bappeninos ; > I" Wolff à Zwicker Iron Works Headquaiters for I r INCORPORATED ? New Rigs, Safe and Fast Teams. MANUFACTURERS OF Conmiercial Traveler» given spec ial attention. * k Hydraulic Pipe I ? GRANTS PASS, OR. fhirws Iioarded at reasonable rate». FIRST NATIONAL All Kinds of BAKK Machinery for Mining Purposes. — OF — SOUTHERN OREGON Bridge "oik. Bolts, Rods, Iron Shutters, Cells, Window Guards, Doors, and $50,000, Capital Stock, Beivi re deposits subject to check or on certifii.«’«- payable on demand. Bells sight drafts on New York, San Eran ■cisco, and Pol'land. Telegraphic transfers sold on all |ioiuis in the Uniteal States. Special Attention given to Collections am general buxine»» of our customer». Cast Iron Structure Work. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, E-TIM VII« ITRNIS!!i:if ....Portland, Oregon. Colleations maiie througliiHit Southed Oreg. hi , and on all accessible points. J. D. FRY, President. J. r.TUFFK, Vic« President. R. A. B ooth , Cashier. CRESCENT WHEELS N. E. McGrew The 11 i^h (trade Wheel Pioneer Truck and Delivery must be chosen with . CARL and JUDGMENT a $50 $35 GRANTS PASS, OREGON ÂRMSZûW THE ^ k È ndïke Nos. II & 12 No. 9 T. A. HOOD - BICYCLE STORE Sundries -- ----------- i, : A large and complete assortment of Bicycle Sundries in stock. Repairing a Specially ■> h Have a regularly equipped Bicy cle repair Shop. Parts supplied. y*' «1ST ICIXCT, .-«•e» 1:5 ■ MV < >> I .N a Sl.lC. -x Kyi-... Ban Francisco, Con drier— If von ran kerp thr u » • ;t of your rIt vul not • 1 ». . • Marlin Repeaters u . —• 1 i«i dui k » D.i. k «»nr / /»•/;/ ! ■ m-t • tr-ll« all H'wHit tlirin. Up to »li • thi r Illation iilrout powder*.hbii'k i | u » k ; proper «ixe«, quatititk I»».»« I : n 11 in I red* of ouih-Ui. i*«-ket<'<i. «oft n«*«,«l. i i tr.«j’ « t<»rie». vel'M-iti»*«. |>< **llbres to 45 : how to 1,»u ■ dlier things hi< ■. tert ¿tj» never before tri J-’r-re t/ J >M •< « // »»■/ «'J Id M ;r .1 1 on< ' k it' O. EHEI’-Y !.. C. VAN EX XL Carboil 1 *1 roto Studio Opp. Court House We Make < Sp« c ¡ally of Clndreny Photo» All Work Finished in from 3 to 6 Days, Regardless of the Weather. GRANTS PAx*. ORE McCormick’s Right-Haud Cut Open Elevator Binder s,,ld The Jewell Hardware Co (HR THIRD CAR Ol Phoenix öicycies OFFRÌAL WAR BOOK I ■ ____gii ■ ar >•> : n -. t ■ *v e^Batti»* .I, etc Portrait» and of Dewey and ah prominent •er* Nearly ’>■' page«. wa««ive vol Mar «iou«ly «-heap. Be«t authorship W1RJ hentir. official iwM»k E i j«eri**nn ne«» tarv Anybody < an *rii t L atsu ill a- gentlemen We ar* sntwriptkm hook firm in Am« Writ» «. Fifty perwm* are employe»! i nur correapofMienc« »iepartnient alone Our i«M»k te |ttst<*uL Sw find .a tne nekl lairze ma| n c»»b>r* fr*e with hook or <«u ageai'.« ** premium* Treniend N|gv ■ nn«»ney-maker ever known term* guarantee! Arent« m f7 to 12* ;«*r lav. Twent\ day rr4 nvei I W X * :r*e f«»r mn« 2-rent *t4MWfr> to | VMoat a NROE BOOK CO .D«p t M Chicago 111 t is now on the way from the factory THE PHOENIX i> the POPI LAR WIIEEI I’ccau'-e it Looks Well, Runs Well and “it Stands the Racket.” Till GOLDEN EAfiLE is thu best incdiuia priced wheel on the market. T a LOGI E m to MITCHELL. LEWIS à STAYER CO. Ml DIORD. OREGON No. 34 Prof. C J. Kurth of Grants Pass, one oi the most prominent musicians of Southern Oregon, will render several violin solos. printing, which has broken all record» in toe amount of work turned out in a given lime,and the teni|H>rarv itaeof poet- tage stamps in some cases, the embar rassment that was feared from lack of stamps in putting the stamp provisions of the war revenue law into effect July 1, will be avoided. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. “I cun trace my descent buck a long nays." said Slipy, as he rolled dowu the mountain.—Yale Record. Wulter—“Did you give anythin" to the fresh-air missionT" William—“Y»». 1 »ent them a draft."—Cornell Widow. •‘.\ly wife," »aid Tangle, “ia u mind reader." ’l’ity my lot,” said Tangle; “my «tie is a mind speaker."—Tit- Bits. A Marriage Settlement.—Tom—"Di«l your futher-ln-law settle anything on you ut your marriage?” Benedict (ile- l «tedly )- “Yes; himself and hia whole family The Important 'lTihig.—“Do you ’link it makt^ much difference which p a net a p« r. on fa bom under?** “N< n b '. long a» he keep» on the earth. Bro «k!yn Life. Diff rent.—-“Those folks next dtoor must have bought that house.** “What makt s you thank sO?**« “I heard her molding the maid for driving’a picture nail in the phi# ter.”—Detroit Free Pre»». An Expert’s Opinion.—Burgin—“I • the scieditisu claim that rtrawber- i it > are 91 per eent. water.”— Ralston— “ I I - sciviitists are away off. Straw- bet m - are 91 per cent, box bottom.”— Chicago News, “Very well,” he sobbed, in a hollow vciue. 1 shall pa*« niy checks!’* She laughed u wild, eerie laugh; for there wa« u dark side to all this, “Get iiiem certified!'* >he urgid, for she de sired to place no ol•»••■taele in the UAiy of Ins design.—Detroit Journal. I ni.iHillc!. l.N| i vtaiiuns. “That man Titheison’s a leguiar torpedo beat.” “How <1 you make that^out?” “Ever »inre he wa* n boy at xebool people have been predicting great things for him. but he’s never (hone any thing worrh mentioning yet.”—Cleveland Leader. The Dramatic Aspirant.—Stage Man ager “Have you had any previous ex perience?” The Slavey (with dramatic i piiatiuns)—“No; but I’m the gal what v.R.* nearly murdered by her mistime. Stage Manager “You*!! do. Don’t for get io put tlhat on the bills, Jones.**— St. TAiuPs. Persons intending to camp would do well to bring, in addition to their tents • hairs, camp stools and pails, plenty ol warm bedding, as the nights arealways cool We have a beautiful grove where MOTHER OF F1TEHUGH LEE. tents will be pitched, city water con ven lent, and tree to all. siiv W km Once n \\ n«hluarton llelir It is possible that some slight changes and I m Mill the Idol of Iler will have to be made in our prozram. 111 us t r leu» Family'» but every effort has been made to have Blind and almost helpless a« a baby it exactly correct No one is advertised except those who have promised to be the mother of Gt 11. Fitzhugh Lte live» with her sun Diu.k l, near Fredericks here. burg, \ a. Thoupji » early 93 years old Will you come? We hope so; vou Rhe is still bright and cheerful. Sur owe it to yourself and yours. How long rounded by descendant« who fairly idol since yea had a 10 days vacation? It ize her, she is rapidly ueariag the dark will make you feel 10 years younger! liver, leurlt. ~ aud with chHulike eunfi- denev. Her grandfather, (¡c.irgu X’a- Whit a change’ son, was a prominent statesman in the The secretary has a few tents which early da.\s .1' the re¡.1 blic an3 r <part will be rented to campers at $1 50 for in framing the American constilution. the Assembly. Should you want, apply His third son, John, inherited consider at once. able property in Virginia, including An- Seasmi tickets at the chautauqua will ulobtun island, to which place he cost $150; day tickets, 40c; single ad brought a lovely Mary laud bi ide, who. e family name was Munay. The yuuug mission, 25c est child of this couple was Anna Maria, who was brought up on the out; kirtsol WuMhington Letter. Washing’«»!!. In her youth .■•he was Victory has followed victory from the known ns “beautiful Nannie M«>on of «lav that Gen. Sbsftrr'» army landed in the island.’’ At Arlington she first u ■. t Cuba and began the land movement Lieut. Sydney Smith Lee, United State» towards Santiago, and news of the cap navy, a brother of Robert E. This meet ture of that town may bo ex|iected at ing resulted in courtship and marriage. Gen. Joseph 11. Johnston iiuing one of any time, although there is a possibility the groomsmen. Portraits taken in that General Shafter, having gotten all those early days show the brideto have the Spaniards in that vicinity rounded had a lovely, piquant face, with rosy up inside the heavy fortifications of the cheeks, brown eyes and clustering town, may «leler th» big battle until the brown cutis. If you vant the fii est thing that ever 1 lie recently issued catalogue of th reiiifurcen'eiita which are on the way The young couple resided for some happened in wheels get the new Stem ns State Normal School al Monmouth from Newport News and Tain;-* shall time in Washington, where Mrs. Lee’s at Redfield-. They are beauties finished shows 34 members in this year’s gradu reach him. It is very positively stated beauty, wit and vivacity made her the in Black or Orange enamel. ating class, representing 12 counties of that t'eneral Shafter has no order» from nd mi rut Ion and center of a choice so cial circle. At their country home. The warehouse and elevator of S. the alate. Washington further than to capture San Clermont, near Alexandria, nu the L'th Fully li) per cent of the graduating Mark«9 <& Co. in R »seburg, situated but tiago, the ways ami means being left to (if NiHrmber. I ’« 1 « a -bort distance from the S. p. railroad classes of the past few years have nt hi» discretion entirely, and General born, aud named Fitzbhgh, after 11 be station, was destroyed by fire last week, once begun leaching, Of the 4.K> stu Mile», who expects to goto Santiago in loved friend. Mrs. Fitzhugh, of Rav< n- dents graduated from the school in the a few days from Tampa, with utmost as worth. Five other sons were born to loss, $15,000. them, and nil grew to manhood and Help is wanted when the nerves be lb years of its history, 307 are at present many soldiers as Shafter carried with were gallant sailors and.soldiers during eugaged in teaching l'he number is him, says ho is not going to interfere come weak and the appetite fails. the civil uai’. When that strugglecmn- remarkably largo, as the average term with Shafter, who he thinks will have nicneed (’apt. Lee resigned from the Hood's Sarsaparilla gives help by mak Cli 1 nt MC < HiiiilcM iim liuNNlaii Dainties. ing the blood rich, pure, ami nourishing. of employment as a teacher in but Santiago before he gets there, but to as navy, and, like his famous brother, of T t people u tallow candle ap- lew states exceeds live years In Ore sume charge of the military operations fered hia sword to his unlive state. Mrs. p. u 1 i »re hi the way of a necessity Get only Hood’s gon, with its 3200 teachers employed, of which Santiago, after its capture, will Lee went with him to Richmond, h liv tin n luxury, but the Russian blue R D. Custer was in town last Friday. fully 000 new teachers are demanded ing all h< »■ »•’«’; h ft \ in the hai.d < f the jneket tt ho are enjoying shore leave be made the base. Shafter's victories Mr. Custer has been out at Steamboat each year to keep up the supply enemy. Never throughout these four just ; the Rosf in and the Ad- havecoHl more good American live» ami for the past three weeks building a years of horror and enrr.age did Mis. mil i! .'.nklir ff iippear to find in ns- _ The catalogue indicates a prosperous blood than the whole war previously, L< ‘ e ’ s courage give way. though her him- large barn for George Culy, which will himi d'r.g e.; ndh- of make ns year, with 239 Normal students in at hold when complete not le • than 200 tendance, a marked gain over the pre but that was to be expected. Miracle» band, sons and many relntives were nt ■lo an English chilli would like Dewey’s vii tory are not expected the front. At the close of hostilities she i hnve in catín;; a sugar stick. The tons of hay. vious year. In addition 231). chi'dren to be duplicated Men go to war to kill returned with her family to a country fib., i di y a pji’ty of stalwart Muscovite The new stage company look posses *rie enrolled in the training depart and to lie killed. pine“ in StnfTord county, Vn„ where her bhn !.• ’s were to be seen goingalon^r sion last Friday and the first stage un*. ment. Mrs. l,;. Que u* 1« : ____ and the avidity _ with 1'lie Spanish government should have husliHnd died s<. n after. spent tunny years in the quiet dignity of der its management left Grants Pass at the various »torie» which its censor al widowhood at old Richmond, tn the v ' 'i buy i 1 M < <1 off ji'SN candles was A Word From Geo. Hart the usual time with Fred Norton as i .‘ ¡«•bl for the gods. Some of the men, Below wo give a few extracts Irani a lows to be telegraphed from Madrid (or Potomac. -When her son. Fitzhugh, be who wire evidently petty officers, driver Messrs Graff and Harper, the bamboozing purposes lietter edited. The came govei aor of Virginia she made her vlcutud to dine off candles as thick as propiietors, left on the same stage, Mr. private letter from George ubile stories that tho Ca-liz Spanish fleet hail home with him In Rlohmoud, and once one’s urn. regular .Vo. 1 joss pidgin Harper to continue to Crescent City lie was in Honolulu on June 3rd to rela more btrnrne a charm In society. She ' started for Manila to attack Dewey, and irr.i <i i’ infs and streams of grease tive» in I hi» city where he will reside. was ever !.i only Interested in the polit "I have been in Honolulu almost In tha' a new ministry was to lie formed to ical Issues of t he day, hut unfortunrifely trickled from the corners of each man’s mouth. !!• ; h and American Jacks Tiioii»aml» of person» have been cured hours, and my experience» since arriv ask the I niteil States (or peace, are not a sevt re cold ;-ettlet! on her eyes. After like their br« r and rum, but they draw of pile» by using lie Wilt’» Will’ll Hazel even consh tent, not to say naything ing have been about as pleasant ami in Intense suffering, borne with her usual ’ Salve It heal» promptly and cure» ec about tlnir probability. For that Span fortitude, >he submitted ton pulnfi’ll the line at ('hinoe-tnad? tallow’ can zema and all akin diacsHe ft give» ini ter»sting a« those of any other conaecu- dles. London Telegraph. ish fleet to get to Manila would take operation , which, however, failed to I mediate relief —W F. Kremer. live 4X hours of my lifu something like five or six weeks, and it give relief, and she became totally blind. : ■Irrths Mn? Be Sold. ‘*riie trip aero»» the waler was not T. S. Cundy and bi» »on lien with l> —Chicago Chronicle. The Mipreme court of Maryland haa C Brownell left laat week lor the head quite wliatjt might be, and what most would have to pa»« through the Suez canal, when- its movement» could not decided that the purchaser of a berth water» of Elk creek in Jackson county of us think it ought to have been. We or a section of a sleeping car has the lx- concealed ; and just as s«sm »» this to take a hunt Mr. Cundy and Ilia »on had tao meals a «lay and thu fare wu» like light to give another person the use government was informed ot Rs pansage I Ben will remain in that section (or » »me plain ami simple. It « otisiHteil of coffee 1! 1 if if he leaves the car before it through the canal it could aend a swift I time, »topping with Mr. Cleveland of an«l sugar (the coffee would dissolve r< nehc - t lie end of the trip for which the fleet aeros» tho Atlantic to give tho coast I baking powder berth was bought. A passenger se tlii» city who baa located a homestead glass;, bacon, beef (twice), potatoes and P r ‘04 Ckttait* cities of Spain a taste of the war, with ftiid Ipil r». cured a -• < tion, rode in it for part of up there, but D. C Brownell will con onion», and on two occasion» we li»«l tbe certain knowledge that Spain would i the trip and then *<dd Ids section ticket tinue liia tri|> further east on bu»iiie»a. biscuit. However, the lare agre**s w ill keep ir i have no lighting ships to o| p«>»e them. ' to another paaaenger, he leaving the me. and quite a number of the men envy train, fhe second purchaser was re- i 1 he peace talk ih thought to hav< ls-««> BucklenY Arnica Salve me alien they see mu stowing away my fused the line of the section by the con- | -ent with thu hope that it might «lelay The Best Salve in the world for Cut» rations with apparent relish . ductorof the car and was ejected, W’here ' our military uporatiom in Cuba If so, | Buiiaea.Bore Ulcer», Salt Rlwum. Fever "Have seen bHiiaii.i« aud cucoanul* upon he brought suit w ith the above re a nmic ub»iir«l hop.- was never imlulge.l Sore»', ' leffr’. -Chajipwl llainl»_, < lnl /rowing on their respective tree-, and Boston Transcript. * i bl»in»,Cornt.»nd all Skin Eruption».and Iiavt* drunk cocoanut nt»*’ Iroui *.J I’H'iumau who knoa the Spanish poaitivlv cure» Pile» or no pay required. the tree, but can’t say that I lika it. j null ragMidtlie publication in A A A It ia guaranteed to give perfect antiaiac- We are the her« < « of the hour here r I Madrid ot*U ml Ji*« United tion or money refused. Price 25c. i»*r Everything is at our disposal, car fares T Male« had offered Spain Uum* tN For Kale By W. F. Kremer. meals, cigar», soda water, etc., ( ‘etc” I means liquor»), all free. There is a ‘ ^p.iin i . MiH'nder Cuba and Tortu Uh . outright, and to ccdJ • oaling «laliuna in John (ialvin, road master of the S I’ ' marked contrast between l»eing a soldier 1 Co , was in Ashland, yesterday, to meet the I'hiiippine and Uaroliu 'daiid* on the aater mi l being a soldier on »bore i his brother, Patrick Galvin, tlie“King ol an indication that »Spain in paving the at Honolulu. The roads, in the city an I | at humu to asking lor peace on the the Klondike,” who was on hi» way to | out, are perfection, and I have be« 11 Oest triin* aha < an gel. Tbay hay (hat San Francisco from which place he will ' wheeling today on a free bicycle. Am sail for St. Michaels and Dawson City . th« rigid g*ot*rninenl cenaorahfp ui the ; writing in the hzuse of representative*. 1 Mr. Galvin ba» spent 5 years in the pro«» in bpain make» it certain that the aud the stationery and stamps are fur Klondike country ami ha» ania-ed alaleinent aaa given out by the Kpanfah nished free to the “Hoys in Blue,’’ and He ha» »«veral million dollar» there ' as the stamps are 5«- each, it means an ► government, Spain will nut gat peace only recently returned to thi» country on as good teriM» a* ihewe,«« it iscerlaiu item to the boy» who are short of funds, from London. England, where he wa» that »lie will not be allowed to retain as most of them are. selling »ome of bi» interests to > an Eng- “I was sick the morning we started the I'hilipjfine» under any condition» li»h company, for |2 001,000. 1 Mr. < ial- A few of (be senate anil» talk al from ’Frisco and remained bo ail day and yin,wa» accompanied on the trip by hi» to the following evening. Have t«en | keeping up (he light agiiiimt the reaolu- secretary, Mr.Tho». Mahoney of Seattle more than repaid here for the misery I lion lor tne annexation oi Hawaii for an —Tiding*. p< rienced on the voyage. Am feelit K indefinite period, but to 1 he ol<»-tiiiier* there are many signs visible oi the early adjuummenl ol congrevn As it han toe* < l> luiMuqoa »«pgleiiiofit Noic* come well known that the annexation Mi*** Jean !<■>»•». a graduate of the New resolution muat be voted I j England Conservatory of M i*H'_ W|*| senate fafure the house will agree a iiH'inb'i of the chorii* claw« and ail] adjournment of congr«»*, it uai *ing several solo*. Mi*w Roa* pon>e-*e* loilo an that the NiguH a'ao p«jint to a flue voice and ii ««** it with rare skill. early vote by the acuate, possibly during Whs it the v< Miss Bell® Robinson of Grants I*«-*, the coming wee a . When Tile ill fated M line an l .ill th«: great battleship» arc Will i lie adop'c who haw been so suecesMful a« a piano taken the resolution , pictured. No clearer ide» of these vessels can pos no lime wHi l> 0 lo»l by the preMidi instructor will aswist an soloist and a< sibly lx* obtaini «1 than i the »e superbjpho lutmally anne XII14 ll»W»ll. lie eenipanist for umr of the solos. i U» Hiin<>un>., like very iiiiici. the emu t, 1 tphi r ¡>t < -I ti .it iipmiiil as they are bp Prof.Parker will give a flue drill vi’b It :lion on J uly 4. larze number of boys uii <1 girfa in c« introdu« lory chapters and by concise descriptive Allhough Rome 1 k) odd tunie on the evening of the i.Ttb. text under « »ch view. The combination affords the. the bouse had signed a re It is the aim of the nianageincnt most complete information regarding THE EXCELLENCE OF SYtlP OF FIGS that the committee on rul is due not only to the originality and announce only those w pea leer* and in* wet a special order for the < simplicity of the combination, but alw> •tructer* who have pledged them d the «’urrenev reform bill. to the care and skill with which it is to l>e with u* to the houae reu< manufactured by acientiflc pro« ‘CfiM’S Mr N. P. I *o<Jge, Sc/iii/ing's th< them 4 The Flag of Freedom Floats Above American Navy Cuba & Hawaii? lit / known to the i'Arrrop.xtA Fio Srat r Co. only, and we wi»h to impress upon «¡1 the importance of pur< basing th»* true and original remedy. A m the genuine Syrup of Figs te manufactured by th« C ali forma F10 K tbvp < o. «niy, a kn*mle«lge <,f that L t « .II aaaist one in avoiding the worthier*« imitation« manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the ( ai . i - roaxia ha brki p i n with the m«-di cal profession, and »the aatiafaetlon which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to million* of families, makes the name <»f the («»mpany a guaranty of the excellence of it a remedy, it in far in advance of all other laxative«, a* *t a«t*i on the kidney», liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it doe« DB’i.M'ate In order tn get it« effect«, plea«« re rememl/rr th« Company — ? Our rioni in from Granta Pawn will let with year and will render vahubl our musical department. Dr. F ff. Van Dyke of Granta I' ha* protnited to l>e with u* two» .♦ ar.d render two clarionet nolo*. TI i» a fine player and never fail* I»» «1 the A*»embly, Mia» Esther is ha « r relumed from Ot>»1 rnen.ber* Aslifaml dies' */us solo work •A« rn«s< i « m «. <•*. nrw «awv. w ■ containing t wealth of infor- d at this ofiiee for toe each. ng which tori wl > ludions oí our gieat war for only io c«uls. 240 ; : ' ill it'« : m l >tne tnag- OAtA K s. UJ ? Sunti in your order- at once to The COURIER, CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO I MU 11 V inanimi of Step I CON » i 4