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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1898)
■ ROGUE RIVER COURIER rCBLIhUBD BVRRV HlRaDAY, PRICE V«K»RH1ES, BDITuRa ANO PHorMIETORM. B atkm of ai MM Mirr.oN . On« Year, in advance, - - $1 25 Fix Month«, - - - - .65 Tbre« Months, ... .35 Single Copies, • • . • .05 Th- date opposite your name imlica •« the lime to which y ur ulnu-r ption is taud it is your account with the Cor Mik* Wh«n vuu pay your bUhscnpUun see that ibedale 1» changed Advertising rate« on application Copy for cliMii.eui ad 'mu-< Iw hamhdin l«et«>re Tuemiay noon, «uberai e Felting of the matter ill be < hargwi for al Ihe rate of < per running in« b, Mngte co .uniti. Altera tion* and additimi* to cop» will Iw c harged for at the rate of Bk* p<-r running inch, «in gle culurun 11 h«*bn«ivrM every tux payer in Jose phine coun'y to vote i«rr nen thia year anrl le»» .or party. I be financial cundl • ion of the coumy a « the mannei in »Inch n should f»e <ondu<*t*d is the «pleation to ponder over .Men of t>u i ' ness integrity who w«l» look well to th» financial condoi«m ol the couniy ami not to their pdiiical azgrandiz -men I'aAe» are increasing and they will cun tinuw to increase «iul«-»s a< hang«- ol some ' km<l is brought about VV » i benefit «« likely to accrue io the county by voting any pMriicular party into power or hi u il»goffices merely tu say that we won? All the g<Nxl men are nut in any on* party, .|ihough »«mie pe pie are ro hid« tMHind ms to believe mui note ilie case Wiiai the county wants and nerd bully is men who are am bilious for the «• uniy's proepaiiiy and who will no« ii-e their offices a* stepping »loncs l«»t ometbing higher in political lite 11 <»- instance a c unity official wishea re election, or wi»hea so ne other place, in « liable brio shim way use his influence in • hat dire« i mu ami w hen Much is the I'fie pl a* »ng of the M aio « over the ^pani-b mine was a deliberate act; for the report of the Imard at inquiry, after stating that th- Maine reached Havana harbor on lanuary 25, ami was conduct ed to a certain buoy bv the Hpaai»h gov ernment • ruguiar pil'd, says: ” The United Staten eoaeul general at IIav-ma had nolifitfd the authorities at that place 'he previous evening of the intended ar rival of the Maine.” Ttiis mean* that ihe Spanish authorities had pravimi* ---------------- -—~l Correspondence. Lattai War R--W». <¿tearied from (X April 5 Vwv W ar HIXOT ■, April 5 — Republican members of ihe foreign felatlull« com mit’e^ say the delay asked ter by «lener- «1 Lee, to get Americans off ibe i-dai d will not entail drlav in transmission oi ihe pirsi lem’s iUWeeage to cr»flgres*t *• u - iTTj - J L inr Kerb, llrn». CuM frosty lu J«}«. A K Rus* •ml family n»*« to >«“’ •r Uaiiiurui* n* Xf week. fb«* mmtr* li» e l<*' «II ho,«. aid W A-iimoTOS, April 5—Th« sense «•unmittee «m foreign relations met i«»- "g i*,r f4,n t IB- Urm IS *<■** Uy for (tie especial purpose of deciding Cui J A SifRighl o*jk a trip out »0 atielher the committee should make it ■ is mining pr<»t**r(y ««n L»ght"i» g e|«ort on ‘he (’uhan situation today •»• .*«il« h I hi» w«* k p«*ipone acTiun until the president’» A K Ku*” rufli «1 off « flnt- brdf m tri m*age i- received. S namr Lfa^is ha«t ri (JyiM sttek. Mill Lt*un^r«l Hu« w i>»* ren A»>i»tani baertHary l>av, prwiuu «inning nunB«er •» the meeting of the », am Mi-* Jrwte Mastin, nbo *•“ br#'" was able lu give a^>urance that the wm a«»u d tie entirely dear or (he meH-as« • j.j'icg in h»w ii for «nine 'im--, well' • ii tuber h »me on L' errret** Thursd*'- ««morrow Fiye had a conference wit Knowledge that the Maine was coming and on the heels ol that kn »w ledge lite *pamsh government anchored «be Main« «leliberately over a Spanish mine thuM issued her death warrant, gree« lias its blood up, and will nwe« vole fur vup-kitchen relief of the victim» of Spanish hereditary cruelty, wiibou' at once going further and expelling fron i hlba ttie «lire ul engineers of this fright ful condition ef thing-* in Cuba ( on gre-rt will temporize with treacherous Mpain, but will m«j ihi« Cuban situation n«»w and forever The Maine di**aaie« im nut a mete inci lent; it i« real I v in the popular heart the burning cause of war * Oregonian l , Uy 11 lt„, o la» ' ! di-tr* •I'-n'A' N-> lt> Mr» Z Hile ha- »■«*" ' .be lo««« SPECIALS wielding l" -*» " NKW i P* THIl w«. ivooli WANTE011N si ’’ st ihe Cousus urne, W"'»™- •“ -chotd Slirhan e*u><- «P l“»' 8,1 M' m Nora h.,,1 Motia»« in «he Ha'"’ dsv to begin *•! more «lis»riet. Mr || Vinevani lifl the m »I«-'Une - |.»„g -w- l>: "" FOR «ALE p >K SA1.E FARMING IMlyw»? I household goods and »Us-» ( l,n nor»®.», caille and bog». Cb«*.'ï?W witn privilege oi renting a ranch * t-rairie. « miles Miuthwesi of Gr.k/*'* Inquire of u. W. Bolt, Graut, 11-1NI1 MILL «ECOMD fits;,/ to nave di-temper. Oiacconniof illn * >» 'he family« lUv linm-n •*»"•"•»• h< ’ ’ for ivr »aie cheap < ue»p inquire of p g H ? H ‘-l ' m K s ALS rilE rî S ïdèï Ê r 5 hi- appoinHliWU •• 3r-l. bu» wroT tha» I«« place »umlav th »uiil-i b- bere Pallini >. the Vili.if pc»-*' Fhort talk ul. me. R- v llsrper g IV® • 1 lie F-ol *sve h Th re is no »wd- ” C mkkspomoknt „H,.!... till 1 A. stile», and two air»» of Or»k 1 ’ he city of toraiu» Paa» i h»ao imniediaieiy. For further n»«!?' ■■quire or il. A. Roiermund. GrYb*?* ir A A. Stile®, Vallejo, Cal “““?■» L’ >K SAI.K OK HENT^CHl7r> 1 i-a-h at re fsriu near io»» i,.u-e. barn, mid oui buildm»,’ o*». wagon hack and farm »n, ,*** or luriber particular» add rtu T’ Hanta Fa»», Ore. “** i! h«UKSALE K HGKSE.S, FOÜ b ÎÏ î I Bucklen • Arnica Salve Um Best *»l‘-e is "•* W ,rl'l i»C <’ii'- be president, and It i» underetu«'«i Win Kus el. th- m-tling canle buyer Hiume» Sore. Ul.-er. Sad K eun. Eev. Felle’, < hapoe-i liaml» (in -howe«i a dispwiti« n to allow the tim > .««rd tlirough Stiihlav. He is g'Uuf lo c uiniy el# k. Will C. Smith, of W«»!i blamM-om-an-i all -km hrup'i«..«.»- absolutely naces»ary to take care of <»«. r.-M-eni Cilv lu r-iunJ up hi* purcha*** C re«, J eh n wherrr and Roy Bartlett, <»• T humsdav , A pril 7, 1898. ,,-nivU cures Pile» or Ilo pay req-iu.d 1 lier wagons. I sets of harne», L? «-«mauls in Cuba In v ew of ail the c.i Mie* Kanxan came up from fleer creek It i» g-iarameeil io give |ierlecl »»- hi »« Grants Pa««, hut Roy distanced both «4 and light, one light wagon, also rani-k" feet liill* <ninstances the commute* HUI .« III -nel reliised. Pr.ce ¿be. le baga»'a i« »Iwav« wanlinir morn tim« iules iront Grants Fass ; Pio acres if * I hi« competitor«, tiie vote standing Bar' 'Miii'iltv «ml is now Ling sick a* th« aider iene®, 6 in orchard. 2 -luállh lett, 30. Sherer 13, and Smith, 13. Fo» dine m reaching a « 0 .elusion to de. y Union hotel, unable to get back to h- • n -x. For Hale By W F- Kremer. md barn; easy lenii».-J. \y. HolmJ?* Spanish pub ic aetitimenl demand« assessor, A M. Cockerline rwcehed 39 1 s report until the message should be school. miles south oi town. " 'in, war _____ re« raed tomorrow vole« and George Furman 17. Then Mi-s Agjie George i< ‘ 'rn«»tlinv ” sub ’ Itrpublh-an County Convention. put HALE- A SMITH P r S^ W ashing rox, April 5.—Member« of th* were two ballots taken for county corn- Inderiemlenc“ and indemnity Ixilfi are 1 typewriter for wale cheap- -ciibers for the N Y Thr Rrpubli« an delegates for Jw«* condition. Enquire at this umc«. ui««i'inrr, no one obtaining a major lit noute base been informed 'bat ve*»el» the demaml» ol the hour. i very effective worker 1 iimr county met ¡a convention at ihr on firnt i«allot nave bern dispatched to Havana 10 lak Ori second ballot J i her victim escape«. The S, anish flag ia giained with the court house in thia city la«t Saturday si T'lff«. of Wulf creek, obtained a mNjor- fl «jenerai l»ee and our consular office««, MISCELLANEOUS. I ver» body i« highly ples«*»<l with th* blood oí her atrocious crimes. 2 p. hi . The Hireling was called to or ity of all the V'ltes and was dw lared ih* a- well a« all Ame- leans w iiu drsKe <o irket noiniiii'ed at the r* publican c*u« ■ Irr by George W Uolvig. chairman u, nominee ol the convention. For schoo leave 1 he inland. PSTRAY THEME HAS BEENÏ t V. The county tickei put up by lheiepiih « » place since August 3U, ’<»7 , r3 *' vent ion last Halurdav. We see no rea hr county central committee. On mo miprrinteadent, J W’ Robtnaun and WasHixcmM, April 5—The treasury wiih crop ami sidit in the lefi e»r »LT licana last Haturdav im in part g*N»d, oof on w hv the entire ticket should not lion Joe M ohs was made temporary chair Lincoln Savage were placed in nomina lepariment has telegraphed the quarai- 111 the . nglH. The ownrr mav h»»., withstanding what some may «ay to the e <itd. bv pay ng ail expenses. A. C ol , l ? mao and J II Holman, temporary sec. tion. but Robinson beat his competitor me officer at Havana dl'ecting Inin lo ( reek. ’ contrary. retary. A commit ire of five oa order ol by three votes. There were four name- permit all Americans who desire to Born—At Kerbv, March 31. 1898. '< A r»ylor, « iti'l hiixinrMi wa« appointed by the cbair. a> Mr. and Mr«. W p ac«d before tiie convention for trrasur I GENTS — »2-> TO «N> PER »•>. It is said that in cane of war between eave Havana to do so wiihoul ceriiti Za easy! k ou work right around 22 Merlin Happenings. Mother and linle daughter dob g well follow«: W. T. Coburn. R G. biuiih. er, F. L. Coron, H E. Smith, E. A the United «Siate» and ^pam, Vanderbilt < ales or examifia'ion. Medical examm A brand new thing. Write to u> awe the county muHt tie the sufferer. M M Kuininag», J. P Tuff* and Gm an«4 Wi lie—well—he har-lly ever toucher Wade an<i L. L. Jewell, all of Grant« atioiiD will be made at 1 be Florida coast Mr» W J Ou vmted Grant» I aae You will lie surpriseii at how easy it cL wants to donate a war ream i that will *Ve arc not making lie charge in thi- done send us your address any»,/* he ground when lie walks. • W Uolvig. i hr chair also ap(>ointe*l « Pa*s, and it required five ballot« befor» cost him about 15.000 00 >. dond ,y last W asiiingiox , April 5.—General Le* «rifiiig that otfi late of the past have will be lo your interest to inve»tir»i,wJi «•oinmnlre of Hirer—Gru B. Hart, J. M the convention could decide which on»- Perry Mill« and llora-*e W’oo<lc s’t In the l»»l days there -hall be earth- today. Address, "People's,’• 3941 nulifiuR 1 be stale department tfiai if ua> one am thing of the kin«i The fieuple Jobs and ('apt Wheeler—on credentials Stock operator« bhieve that war bv street, Philadelphia, Pa. ri* •I the*e men it wanted to handle the came together on the Unban qnesii««i quake» and »ar» or rumor» of war im declared Americans will be un.ible h ah«» are tiie voters ought io be in a p«>Hi tween the United State« and Spain is in be«e coin in it tee* were instructed to pre county’« funds. The last ballot resulted I «M. week Neither w«»uld give in an ' a* Mr» Ben Roger« went to Wolf creek eave Cuba before ¿Sunday. evnahle, ami are realizing on America' tion to know soiiiHfhing about it them | pare'brir reports, and white they were in the nomination of E. A. Wa*ie, the • hey world not arbitrate, the all impo* REAL ESTATE. -imday evening lo spend a week or so. ■<elve . Voter-* may be iniatakeo in thei r doing so thr coaventiun took'a rest W ashimgton , April 5.—Some dipl«» securities a» much 4- possible. grocery man on Front street. B. O M« t«lit question is still unsettled. m in ami put in one who will become in KeV Sallis pre» lied at ihe «chool mats have suggested a meeting of rep VALUABLE PROPERTY FOB go. The com ini' tee on order of busine«» Uuilocb was nominated for surveyor J M. John. A. B. H pkina, F aid ’ A nuinlrer of splendid lar*. Independence or deal h is the Cuban tided w i-fi self roti eit because be has mu-e Sunday afternoon and evening by tbe chairman, Mr (telvig, wa« first over W. N. Hander« by a vote of 35 to 19. 'esenfativea 111 Washington of ihe Euro , listed l-elow. For information inuui». Wi *tiite, Dan lunt. W L. Btte-.ick. motto. This i« the motto of all liberty i*een h«>nored by Hie peopte Office is 3 pean power«, in order to «ee il souief iiiiu to report and move the adoption of thr For coroner, Dr. Myers received 62 votes dr» John Laiileimaii »pent a lew Price i Voorhie» at the t’oean-a ofhre loving people, and for the United Stales wonderful :hiiig yet it confers no huuor an not b« done to preserve peace, it n Leonard, Mr. Holland and Mr L« ,ew o lata visiting in Gram» Pas» Iasi w -ek Farm and cit> property for »ale C»l. rejiort, but just at this atagn ol the pro and J. E Petei«<m, 3. I th» a ere the delegates a h « attended to make them submit to any thing rise upon fiim who is worthy of it or wri.e u» tor information. W, taa u felt by diplomats who desireeven media c»*e<lirig4 it «reined that there wan going Dr. Van Dyke, R o I m - h G. Smith, ILL. Qnite a number of • m people drove to you some good bargains. v> convention from thi* side oi (he hill would be but a little short of a crime on ion that any move mu-d be made quickly to be «ome fun for the delegates, when Benson, J. C. Campbell, of (¿rants Pass . land Sun-lay lo at eml services ill the A .s-acre tractof land; rerv rich „d Uncle Sam'« part. H i A report was circulated here SHA WNEETOWN DESTROYED. W ashington . April 5.— Member«* «» go.»! Iiou-e ami manv convenient,i-u.J R <i Smith dissented from hi« fellow and Dan Hunt, of Waldo, were elected hapel < ar once more Grant» Fas». This property at a larma A»-ek th «1 the BA M grocery uas n< m ongre»K are receiving M%»resof telegram Another Johnstown disAMter occ 'red member« of the committee and offered s ■ ielrgate« to the state convention; ami San Francisco wan viaited by the hard M ihh Junie Cr<»w went to Lehn«! Sa’itr- A 10 acre tract, alrout 2 miles (rom («,. n «led hi the convention laM Saturday rom bankera and corporal ions appealn> 1 •et earthquake last week that the city hi the citv of Sh twueetown. ill., on tin* minority report, «n which hr made a few K A Booth, C E Harmon, Geo (’o’ Io ev niuz to b i/tn tun h ng » tlir»-e good »oil; fair bouse; small Iruit,. •rrnnntv commissioner. \\'e do no «»f hem to-ustaia ihe "wive peace p » ic. remarks and then moved the adoption vig, H L Benson and H L. Truax wrie • v»ni"gof April the 3d, white the peo seven and one half acres near the eft, > ha« felt for thirty year«. No «triol» non h* (erm ol «chool. f the president Many of the telegram*- vouch for the trutnfullnesa •>! (herejior sidewalk ail the way to town; a good iim But ihe chair ins n deci«led •decled as delegates to tiie congressional damage waa dune, but the people had a ple w *re at supper. The city is situated of his report Uh« MHggte *aii<le«* ca'i.e down from bouse and out buildings; all oultoatuu An a' ciilent «a'ctirred «»n the Juaephin are coiu he«l in practical!v the same lan all motion« out of order, and called lot convention. •o the Ohio river, in the .Southern part little scaring up that will remind tnem variety of fruit. A very desirable loc,JJ, lyr le er> t*k .M «ndav to attend her The ticket put up to be accepted or re guage showing they are inspired iron thia week, hv which a man bv the nam I ihe stale A mile above town, the Hie report of thr committee on credrn of what might hr. 100 acres of good placer ground. nattier «luring her illness »1 White received a broken leg lle.wa t ie same source. This procure i- vigoi- high water caused the levee to give way. lisl*. which wa« made by Geo B. Hart jv<te«i by the people next June is as fol A beautiful home in Grants Pass conm» working in a mine and a large bouliLi HHly reaented by the members. Tlie w gm I Irani tiae given • -midoy ment ' ing 3 acres out to a good variety of frmt Benjamin franklin had no faith in urning in iitsm the city a bodv of water chairman of thr coiMtniCee. This report, lows: . ..... I dwelling and oilier buildings i bJ Spanish integrity Franklin knew* tin* •me ball mite wide, ami from 15 to 20 feet a uh one amcndinent, was adopted, and Repre«entative W H Hampton. Leland W asgingt <» n , lpril 5 — Archbishop r<»IIe«i down and caught hit* leg. breakup l«d great inam of our <»lhei wi«e idle ' and on good terms, “ • ouiitv J U'lgtt h ju-t above the ankle Dr. Morrison ................ A Whit«, Ker'iy Spaniard« and he knew their treachery nen. for he past lew ¿HV8 r more deep Tin* flood came with such • he following named drlrgates were en- Ireland calle«l at the B’ate depart men We I ave in rhirs city a lion,» and 1« Mierifr . . E«l Lister, (irantH P sms I sei (he injured member ami h> WMF Th ’ir promises are worthless and thei tremendous force, ami mo rapidlv that • itle«l to Meats in the convention . Rev Pace, of i «rant« Paas, as inte l in lol 5fi«170 fee- on which are fenn. < ounty C erk Roy Bartlett, Granta Pa-** •odav and wa-* immediately c<»n<luci*«' aeked oil' on a at reicher Mond.iv H» 1 «he - hi vice* a’ tin* chapel <ar the greater fruit tree» apple, peach and nectann? are enemies to all indeoendeme A re North Graiita Pasa: A Morris, J P iMHePMor o Jiio'ce Payte ro« in. At m on JmL« • he inhabitants had scarcely a moment’- A M (’«»« kerline. .Murphs Will trad,Im A l-arn and good w.ter ■ a « h > w b t the Pi »ne r hotel ami umici publican form of government by them i» warnlog. Ihe result is that a town ol ruffs, J T Galvin. W T Coburn, J ( t/ounty (tem J I' ruffs, Wolf Ur«*rk Day said there had been no mediatio ! pait ol the ’ime llie car was with ns. a good span of horse, and takethedif* th<* kind and careful treatment oí Di bated. 3 0 inhabitants have I/ten lilrraiiv ('anipbeli, F L Coron, Joseph Mo*a. | school Bupt J M RohiiiMun, Hiate creek nr intervention by the other powers Mr. Fry andiamilv have move«! lo ihe ierence in cash or something else. I reaaurer . . E A Wa *e, (¿rants Paar- »V ar run. VVe hope he will soon be on Next Friday i* designated by he O»e 'Wept off the lace of the eartl , and 200 Volnry Uolvig, Joseph Myers and James "in veyor B < > McCulloch Grant« Iteas l*»gvi"g switch ro keep (he boarding N ew Y oke . April 5-EuropeNn inter h s feet again. Holman o roner ........ Joseph Myer«, Grants Pass ierence m American siTaiu* will nut I»- gon school law a* Aibor day. Th. ■ »r 300 people have found a watery grave h'»iibe. a-* ihe M« rlin mill in being moved Houth (¿rantsPass: G W Uolvig, F tA The detnocratb have at last regi-terei act tools throughout the «tate, manv « I Building** were picked up by ths flood, PKBCINCT NOMINATIONS the e tolerated by President M« Kin ey, wa Chausae. LC Windom. II Zollrr, Frank a kick agaiiiat President .VL Kinley them will plant tree», and other* i e md carried along as though they wete Al that rem line« to mark the former Williams: DJohn, «r., justice of the the Washington correspondent 01 it«« ‘ McKinley and the moneyed powers at« Kithing I he people who live in Milch M«*r and Harry smith. beautify their ground* so hm to maki Herald There will ‘»e no in« diatiun • lie o Miller’s mill i* ¡lie wafer tank i«eace; J B Newcomb, constable. II A Weal (irants P ams II U Kinnev. h «I ling bat k the war movement place» should I n * on the lookout for such them look attractive Program« win Hiationed on Ils lonely lower, as if if too the differences between th** Un te A’hai rot! There isn’t a thinking man ccidcntM during high water, that they N l‘ Dodge, T Mott, M M Rum mag* * ougle, committeeman. able to the occaaiem will lie render« d were read) a«'d wailing to j imp and state« and Spain for the adminisira<mi Merlin : W u Fry, ju-tice of the peace ; in 'lie United State* but what heartih De ami R A N Rrymrr. and the children taughi the iniporlam-» might save life, if not property. leave na Believing such a« H A William«, (-unstable; (¿arret Crock- will not accept it. Merlin : gee- William Crow, JoHeph Mc with tiie president's action« will it Of the grow mg ttee. «•epfance might es'abliHh a prec *«<ent fo« I ramp ait« nipted to jump aboard the e<l, commit teems n* C-anlin and C M Si ite« Spain. The democrat» in both house- fu'tire interference in qm—iior«* to whit 1» Uonda\ morning passenger train, but in Slate Creek : A M Jess, sr, commit W hai M«» v «- m O ui - Pro pie a^e m king a big howl breau-e he i* n>< To apprup'iaie |K) .(EX) a« a rebel Leland: B F M ohr , G W Chapin and (he United Stales mac be a parly, an«' ■•ome wa\ iiiiseed hi- fooling and tell, man W M Hannum un«l for th«* «tarving Cuban«, «nd still •low. Now the beet thing Preeiden There will I m * wiin Mpain «<*on,(iti in line with the his 01 ic policyenum*ia' hr ii-> ng hiniM-l quite badh The »rain And surely you’lt not regret it. Kerby Thus II Whyl, justice of tl e Wolf ( reek : allow *pain 10 cum mu«* lie« preMem p«»i McKinley can no is to de« lare war and Li -•• h Spain rrcognixcN the indrprndrn« «- ed by President Monroe oppo«*i« g Euro nen we*e ki i enough lo take him on W e give the best hosiery value it cy, is loo willy to think • f it« rn i>>a*ing •I (’tiha and qu (« tha island ; not merely Windom proxy; Miles Mrr. by (¿rob lieare; Tlios II Chapman, constable; J M s-nd every mo*tier's Mm of lh<»-e ho-l- pean meddling with affairs aff cling «In- r«»ar I to irant« Paia town at all times, and we beliew from an American coi*gie«M Not om im cause « j ! the ircoHcrnint«! «*. but ateo Hart prosy; W L Smith, by LU Win Joon, committeeman. ing war fiends to th«t fronr. We think government, Ihe adiiiiuistraiiun ha* de The chapel ’Em t>a «uel,” after we are now going one better by of West Granta Pass: N P Dodge, rom* ceni «liouid be appropriate«! unlesM the • »««-MUM» the inirrirai pruple helitvr «loin proxy; II M Rus«, by Kohl G Smith they would soon change 'heir »tines. ci«h*d that ii there is to be mediation it mitteeman ’topping in oil« iiinLt jii-q two week«, fering to you the famous Vernon incarnire carries wiiti it the complete ex Doi GLAM iha< Spaili t* guilty and de ervrs pun* proxy. South (.¿rants Pass: Wa* moved on to Leland Friday morn G W Col vis, must t«e with Spain for the indeprmlei «•« pulsion ol all ihe Spanisb lurce* Wv i-hiiHHit lor ihr « rime that desir« yu«l Mills product, of Philadelphia-the i.ucky (¿liven . Nut represented. of Cuba, and nut medialioii belween the .-SIIMI Itewaiil »IOO. ing laM. The manager. Mr. Jacques.did Pink of Perfection in quality, un have tallii in congress io do the latiei ‘»alice Creek: George Hartwell «nd C'lnmill wvman. lie l»a'tte *liip Maine and murdutrd in North (.¿rants Pass: J C Campbell, United States and Spain. thing or none. Hic rca-ler» ol Giis pa,ier «ili is a great deal of good, earnest work while surpassed for elasticity and durabil cold b ood, in time of p« a. e, 2(»6 ol het Ben E Mahl. B e lin April 5—The Berliner Po-' piraseli lo lr»rn tliai ilirre 1» al lea»l our here, and if will tie >ome time before the committeeman Williams Creea : W D J«'hn, Har y ity- '»llicrrM ami errw. The president ha» very courteously de I list. of Grants Pass : J hiiihh Holmar, sa\ s : The attempts at joint European dr-Milrd riis.asr tliai scimce hsr heeu many good sermons preached by him *>ug e, H G Harrington and R P Cheah An excellent quality in black and ih«* d«*Ml ruction of I hr Maine, which h I i I c lo cure in »11 it» aiages, and ili»! i» dined the proffered service ol Pope Leu will lade from ih»* memory of the greater I lati usually sold for 20c—to yon justice of the peace; J II Uolbv, consta intervention t«etween Spam and the - 'a-arrh tlall's Cala-ili Cure ia -h» on 'hr president, wt'li a singular la k «»I ire. United States failed owing t«» a diver to arbitrate the ditficuhy belween the We ho»« i now, two pairs for 25c. l> |M>»iiive cure now known io ihe med pnrtn.n of «.ur inhabitants Murphy: GM Knox and LW Cai* •le Perfect knowledge ol human na ure, treated gwrce of views. Emperor Wil iam dr lesi i United >tate« and Spam over the < ubau iralernity C»'arrh being a con«i|- hi» - fibril mav he crowned with succen I goods. I-eland: tnrirlv aw m drpl «rablr incideni, is today *on dined to mix in the affair, 111: ional iliaease. requie®» a i-oiisGiii'lon don hi • It in queMtion, ami why nut ? Ibis country wherevet hl, < ar is sidetracked J im Hiate Cn*ek : R M Robinso« J II man ilie direct and moving cattee of (hr wat al trea'ment Itali'» l'aiurrh Cure i- nee«I know no poien ate nor vicegerent Murpbv E M Cockerline, commit ee ful if the United State« at the pope’»* Uken inlernalh. aciing rtirectlv up<>n like Mpiril i hai I imh now votilrul ol Iwth iMibinson and John A Eggers word will consent to have a fat moi m i in the settlement u* its aflairs with tlie I i I oih I mi <| muco-:» »uriace» of thè Kerby: II B Hopkins,ThosChanman. man. •malt* ami ìioum * il Ì m (Ili« U**ad wah HpMin. k may l»e verv acceptable to Waldo: < harte« Docker, committee torn from itw grasp yalein, tberrbv ihe (oun I» hy A B il'ipkin« proxy, T G Harmon <u An.« rivali ni'iigtiRtiuii and rraenlnit-in <ioti of tlie <li»ea*-e and giving tlie pa Spain to have hei spiritual sovereign man Like a lot of pickaninnies—they Educate lour Ilo«»«-|4 With __ (»«caret«. ________ agains' sp.thi ihatiran imp rgnable «»p* J M John I' G Biirrowa. bv J M John -leni »1 renai li bv building np lite con»'! dictate what should be done, but not so Althousv J F Kellogg, justice of tl e Caiuly’lc. cur-- .< • - pat pstioa ion forevor ne\ er change color Not the kind -ilimn ami »»»ialina nature in dniug n, poaitiun io an» sudi ro-r water«aud*cu* pruxv,an«l Geo Flotd,bt J F S itli proxy. 10c. 36c. If C. C C fall. drugL-istN rrtund money Uncle Hum, wIm rec >gmx« « no pope in work l'iie pr--piietor» bave so ....... .. Altiiuuse: W L Babcock, Ed Holland. l»eace; G W Lewis, consiMble; W L Bai - logm* p »he* ol in et velinoti in Cuba, Terrible Itching Sores Break Out, of black that runs fast , but the traiixaci ion ol I mh business iailh in it» euraiive power» 1 h»t Ihrv -d cock, coimnitte« man. W A Iteonhaui an I G W Itewi« irrditig th»-siarving victim« ol Spani «« Pr'—»ring Rest Night or Day- the kind that STAYS FAST We er *llk) lor anv i-aar ihai il fai » lo cure Wolf Creek: Will Smith, committee* j Waldo. Dan Hunt, Chas Decker, bv put a low price on them for a flyer All the coinniercu l>etween the Uniled poli« y ol miriti or uh aiding an armi» Semi for lisi of te, intonial». How Relief Was Found. man. Black, tan. F J. CIIF.NY A CO. Toledo, O ‘‘lh.vefwn troubled for many year, —to you 3 for 50c. Stales ami the tx mu tlul i-1 tnd olCub * Ims 'ice. PrrM«!'ut dvKmlry iu ks die Lin Dan Hum proxy, R M« ailiard, by 11 <>ak Flat: Joseph Da«her, justice ot sold bv driiuut-ls. 75.-. Combed lie ca «nul L Bt iinoii , proxy. with itching sore» un my face and b.uds. brown and flesh color. been p»a« lead) de t o e l Amer can citl- coln «pialli' uf iiiiagiti-iilun Hall'» 1 amily Pili» are ihe h«»t Oak Flat Geo L Wheeler and A W the|M*a«-e; G R Ward, constable; G Fi I could not rest ni^ht or day «nd tha Egyptian cotton, double heel and sens have lampiodn «1 mllavan »dungeon*; poi liititerlf readily ut tur piace ol other ramer Wneeler, committeeman. Hiteby, medicine I to. Ic did not relieve me,«l- toe, at 25c. We will not attempt Auii iltin cilia« n in ihat city have teen him; il.'dm*« nut know and understand Bio . W illiaioH Item* Gali<*e: J E Loomis, justice of the though I tried everythin, I could heerof. to describe ’em—your personal ia- llie contention rum i-riled to submit to Ihe taunt« and tin« ricali liuman nature, or tir aonhi My bu»t»nd one d.y g ,t ma » bottle ot pace, Th os Emery, constable; 1» E Mr John wa* in ihr Pa-s last week I spection will do more jeeis ol Ihe contemptible Spaniard ; one have known that Hie di-aaler lo th« nan1 a ticket lor the c >uuty otfivas and io To Cure C<»u«(ipat too «•rv***r. Hood-. Sere.p.rin. .„a , uki u Siahl, Rev. Hoxie i» very »i.-k wi'h 1« pi|>)lr. Take Ciscaieta Caudv tatb irlta lm« or ST Maine dealroyrd by a Spanisi) inule, lo elect delegates to the «late and congres j I he Cooper Wells, of St. Joseph, ot our go*d war veaaela blown to smith with tt^ very best Nmdta. I h«ve taken We did net get all the names of those If C C- C. fail tu cure, druugisis rwf .ad iwn< First in order was 4 C F ite» wa» in Ihe city on bo»i- ’*v,'n ^t !-» »nd a-n now cured.” M rs . Mich., are con--eded to be leaden •reei.s, 266 brave American Nvainen al whi« h it w i«« conducted by a gpatindi Niunal vuiiventions nominated as pre« inct «'Hirers, but have in the heavy cotton goods, and vol the bottom ol the a, the tinned Siat«-« harbor maalrr, would never "r irrairo I I the nomination of a ruprvsenialiv«. J amks M> Mount Arlington, N.J. 1 I ’'HF.ET s Ol W ITIN’G PAPEK no»- Tuegil.v. A IL Hampton, of Leland, and Ja-*. I given them as far as we were able to ob *4 ’ F or40<rnt' Think o! it. a ream flag almost trailed in Ihe dual; m-ult [ b> (hr Anirtnan propina« a mere “itici Last w-- ir I Lrokeout with aoreson will do well to procure our price Rev fluff held gen I<e» at the ,M E of l»«-t 'jualitv Note I’aprr al thi* pnce. tain thrm 1 F were., Ur3e Maflveeeo* on these goods per dozen. added to injury ; and now, in the lace ol I drhl ’* I hr C adì I r n* pill« «Ila demal ol thr v.'artvr,ol Williams, were plac«*d hi noiu resni»4 ream l'k . al I he Cui ri f h ulfi **. Church Sunday. inatiun ; Hampton received 32 voles and £"' *•, 11 rd uI-la “y »0 much about all this we are told to wait, meekly wait SpaiiiMli auihoriiir« that the Mattie war* Not Ice. Mr. and Mr- M ('hapintn went io Ho<>d.barMp.r that j detcrm:ned tQ drMtr«>yed by an riphmion IruiM the ou • Carter 21. B O Mc< unoch, ol Granta Grants Paws Oregon, March 15. ’9S. See Our Sho* Window. and murmur not. .MONOGRAM STATION- >1 .-do -nl la», r nday. In,W,’€'t*'lerIbfS»nt«:.ini?it aide, 1« not «»lily an ubvi Hl* lir, but. it l- I‘ amh . and Alex While, ol Kerby, were) ERY. Notice ia hereby given tha. Um firm I»ep r Larrini'ire look a 1 nd of h.. . We have had a number ol people tell rrgnrdr«! b> I hr Ain« ricali |M*ople a« “a nominated for county judge, and ihe oi R I. Coe riiomas A Co. is hereby Cortlmen' '-<1 to heal, «nd in « ( all at the C ovrir * office id -cc ihcir -ample«« oí to tiie I*«.» Ia»i «tek ua that the Cut kilk •« right in aan'iHg drilling lie " U«»ngr 84 an I lite prop r | v tie »»I ihr convention summ ! 44 k> 10 is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Monogram stati >nery the the best men to till the countv «»Ihe»*«, arr right; tliry rein*«* lu bank any lunger tavor ot White, bur sheriff, J H Col R. Chorna» retiring, ami R L. Coe A Co. Ot,» Fryer want lo Medford Fndav to best in the market. They regardless of their t>olitical affiliation oli vagur pruini4«'-8 ol i*niaig'*<i au'Oiioiiik by. E«i Lis'er .»nd Joe Hiatt were noni- I will coniinue the buatnesM, co>le<-t all MippPed a large num'»er «li rrmain fur a fe« day. l*oxr«. lor ( tiri tma . and all who r«*< eivetl A large majority of the voter« ol Jusr or an ariniMticw, for S|<iute lame lu< ) ina'ed, but Ed Litter knoke«! the pwe- a coniiis ami her« b\ ^a-i-unie all li.tbii • them were delighted with Ihr paper. Farmer» are >M-«ii,n u. lo fvel bine oi, K. L 1 ok phine are ■hinging ami finding just an we breaking tier word whenever she can at i niminon, tiie vote «landing Lister, .iR, tie«. c mni ol the dry »urin, Marri»; s. Da Pt y. T«> < urr < ««usuimi hui l. There were' do about thia question, they du not want ford to do it, is part ul her htstorn ai lu- ' Cuibv. 15 and Hiatt, 3 ' AKY L I OK Mr. Tryer ha. rented the Berrv fl«ll 'i'wkv ( »«i u:et» ('an«i v Cat hai tic. io> < - x any boM, and what im mure, they du not fatny three names placed in nominal ion fur R III Mid ‘f C C. C. fail locura. ■iruggi«»ui rrfuuu invìi’ place and moved hi» (amity up Momiai Entered at the post utfice at Granta Pa-«. Oregon, a» -e«-umbela*» mail matter » ' intend to havw <>ne but are going to vote 1 lur the men whuin they believe |to tie 1 b*sl suited to fill Ihe different position«. A gentleman who is a «Dung party man. natd io »ur reporter. “I du love a man of principle ” Ye-, w« do luo, but the p*inclplr of rtgtot-doing *« applied to Ute m tividual I* firs', t«> this lie can con« i- lemiously and eatiaiacorily adjust bim- «• If. even io it« every pha-e, becMUM* ii ishisowti. bii' hi-» pariv pmciple coy ers a area sco|»r upon wliirn all mu«' I •land, whether it be in the mud, ur un ' tf/ rn Jirma __________________ E yld Capid Pats His Foot Ia to Oar Hosieij. ONYX DYE FAST BLACK On Face and Hands Hie Eagle Bicycle P. H. Harth & Son Hood’s * Hood’s Pills Easter Bargains in w ot Great Ladies’ (¡apes. Ladies’ Jackets BSP * ^,Oes’ Blacks and Tan, Men’s Shirts, Late novelties, White r . "'te Laundered; Colored Laundered. Ladies' Ties. -Men's Ties, La die*’ Shoe* Ladies' (¡loves. Children’s Shoes. Ladies’ 11 osicry’, fancy ^mething new for East„ 'Rn's IL.ts, «-SO. «2.5O...Seeing mean! Hlrqx-s in 1 lac« <lrop stitched. Ladies’ Skirts, silk. S-l.DS, w -<>i, $1.25, and Cotton, TIUKSDAY. Fit I DA Y and sTill DAY. $l.(Mt. Parasols and Slk l inbrellas, Silk Hand Ribtxm with Gold Name Plate Purse attached. Dress Goods. - Easter Bargains in AT Children's Jackets. Heavy Miners’ Shoes, Clothing. Hats, Furnishings Goods. Bo.v»- hat. and Caps. April 14th, 15th and 16th. Silk Cord with Silk Bo,,- Men s Tai k ■<« r>i ‘ * Kiel Gloves i«v valu„ $l <*> ‘ latest Novelli« —B< t Values Silks-**25c to «$l.ñu per yard. ...».»I»»lI»»«»»»»■»»<»»«>■»««■«»I«»...»..»..».»..«.».M Next Saturday we will withdraw our fcwmer Pretntutu offer and issue a Our Grand Display of Easter Novelties Will Interest and Please You ♦ i»dt44W^ Shoes. X Cash Green Back Ticket. Tilts Ticket will be issued with all CASil Purchases ni -d. in our Dry Goods Department and will be received m )>•) inent of ail putcha-cs made tn our Shoe l>cpartinent Bovs’ l ine Shoes T1 , $2.0(1. ’ and Black. $1.25, tl.50, $1.75, The County Record» show that we err- ¿cubic tb. Stmk auZ the County. L Is this so ’ tioulne the faxes o< any Dry Goods Hoose tn q ( • _ ' * i,r<” »lock of Jd"i’’<k,,‘san* Children’» Il it is we ask that you examine samples and compare prices of goods sent you by mail, and make your spring purchases Vr ire ,1, the house that vffirrs yon the largest asMrtment and the best goods for the least monev i i- »HHuc i soM ii Hi i sne ti eo as.iwawaa aaassi ■ . ■ « , . , . . ■ .... . ---------------------------- ----------------- ----------------------------------------- Shoes I m w,a fin4 . " er storcs ^wbiuwl lu the dty