Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1898)
A til 1 ave «ni resi.leni delinei. Local ©appciunoe We ve talked so much about our celebrated Chase & Sanborn's •« «oc. that some people think -t is the only kind we have Our “Special Mixed is genuine Coffee and a good blend, at 20c per pound. It ten’! worth while usiug burnt peas when cotTee can be had at that price. Then we have Mocha and Java .. .............................. 30c Climax............. 25c Broken Java .. . ................................. loc ■We call sour -pecial attention to our Seed Potatoes They are extra good and are what we call them: Early Ro* Hath King. Early Jersey Blush. which are very prolific, and Early Burpers. Some fine Seed Corn, which is taking well. Salmon Bellies > 8^ Mackerel, very fine, per keg 2 00 Codfish............................ 8>i Swiss Cheese, which is the genuine impo ted article, and not made in this country. Towle's log Cabiti Maple Syrup, delicious—just the thing for hot In pint, quart, X’ gallon and t gallon cans cakes these cold mornings Prize Baking Powder, with granite ware and fine di-hes as pie nriums. Every can dr ws some valuable and usetul article, many of the pieces being worth the price of the Baking Powder alone. In Terra Cotta ware we are showing many prett\ flower pots and flower baskets, and also some jardinierres. * Í / B. <Sc M , Grocery. POST OFFICE STORE OPERA IIOU'E BLOCK CALL AND EXAMINE THE Brass Bird Cages Bird Baths, sued Jishcs, etc., etc Exhibited in oui show window GilMIUn s. II» pure miltr rimmae Smiib, u<«*ier«aker. Bicycle» . leaue-l al Ciamer Brue C Si Louis for aa'.b repairing personal •et .our hin.- vitriol at Bartlett's, L_ lyiawril r p.per at the Comnet of Kev Isaac Da* sou went to Ash'and Gilflilaii’* cow* are :n clean pa*lure. yreiarday lo buio hi* regular service*. Hr sellatile best Hui». W»- lra«l »liter* follow The Ca*I hmi studio, opp. court house. Grani* Pa*s Mrs. Clarence t'urdimi aad Mi»« Kil ly Kdgt-rluii went lu Gold Hid yesterday. Additional local« on the tirai page. Jacou Carter of William* Cree* wa* Cleuieai*, Druggi*' opp. Opera House. New sugar cur rd break last t*U*un.— iu i he FaM Iasi Munday ou bus.nesa. City Martel. t'arlioii paper al ibe Cor K1KK otfice H. C Termos and Mrs. i erkius went W. H. Flanagan, pbyan ian SUrgeOQ Up lu I lie v oduian and Bristow miuu ou THt C UHlER THREE MONTHS 25c amt drntisi. Applegate last Muiiuay. Cali on Unti Ian , be Will atril VUU I he Imperial tiic)c;rs fur rale t»\ B<»o h A diate th inter W. it. Leeds came down pure» mok. Hocteti, Hotel Josephine hum AaUiand iuesilay, remaining over F resti tisi, every Friday al A uh» V A Houd'r bl* y. le <1 u wi I soon be uighi aud reiuiuiug ibis iGc .nrsday ) « i y Market la-ave your washing al .McGregor's moved io hi* uva biildiu^ a n-w leet morning 4aiurr .imp tur gessi work. rasi ot Ho* a rd'a curiier om Front street Hun. C. B Waisun, of Ashland, was a ( Uiaul« i'a-s ,s uoa a city 01 light». No Our car load ui Pliond* bicv* i»s gone paaseuger vu yesterday'* train going more we roam in>» already, an«l another on th* road Write home hum da.eui where be bud becU tor Miichell L« a is A Sia the paal rtwl UU bU»iUe.-S. lire weekly Uiegumau and ColKikK Ur* lor catalogue Frvd Culvig I* ¡11 Med lord this week one year lor >2 0 « lo paid up allwriis vi »■ Co . Port land. Or Fteeli sugar cured hams at Alili'», er». Idle sev rr trusts of »hr pa*l ten days v irti tug rvia i»e* and h lends. Wu think 1 holograph« r Van F.xxe went to Asti- is th'Highl to have kiPrd ihc p aches in tr«d Ua» aurait lull* up that «*} , but land » euuesUay moiuiug lor a day wnh dll'. Seel imi. but the appes are noi in not ru lUuili as in uia .I b Lar*. juted as vet mid It is io b* hoped i liai li it Ulla. Ailuiue> ueur^v B llart went to Jack • hey a ill nul t»e. ruinihv inai 1 uvrday uiuruing, to be in AlRdiB I rad the cuh»iuu duvuird lu J D I la* es fully ex|*r<'lrd IO OpVll OUI uueudatii r ai coun, uliicu is iu evssiuii B|>v* lair, Il CUUlulliS U4HUJ I Ui Utt bit? <Mt Ills *IOi'k ol g<M»ds in I hr Odd Fellows' at that place. He will remain tor a tew «41 h ® .AVt fsgr uaiiy aileudabcv uf pupils iu bull nng lliis week. >»ul 'be sin U ing wan urn s. ine AsiiiaoU public svbuuiatui ihr u»uuu> noi fetidi Hii i »on»rq,;enih he wmm com A C Dii- n, manager ot the 8. I* D I »riled io p >si p ne opening tor another u. ÀAaiCU aaslóu. 3c L Co.'s interrai* in Ashland, vaine week. Oui udvriUat rs are irque^lrd lu Duller down io thk ciiv last Friday evening on Counit School Sn-H. J. D Haye« ex «üc pai arrapi» rrgardii.g ado'’ al lue biioine«*, i»turning .Saturday event g on prcis '«> hold his amimi vuuuiy insti u o litdU tn me cdiioi lai cu I uuau Die south-iMinnd ireigtil tram the second week iu May. immediately uuuii* & iloCreli have just reteiVrd a I’rot Goble ami wife went to Jacksun prrce<iing i hr regular q larlerly examin U* e hue ui iiuprriai ahoris which 1» vide las* Tuesday morning to spend a ation of teachers for ceniti atra uu rXUihiliuu al Huirl Juecpiuue lull week. The doctor is having gleni »nc ll you are going to take a trip East and «»uu Bc-v tUrui. ce-s in his line and we hope it may con sani il io be a pleasant one, go via the kMuuae U*e ölagr Line Cigtr. Il isiiie lume. Aon hern Pacirt*-. Their accomodation» I u< ri ó veul Cigar hi the ma» Het—J. G. Dr. F. W. VanDyke will ¡cave for are tirsi class in every respect. For .-«CUUiidl rates ch*.call on or write to E E.ltunbar. Eugene Saturday night to remain until Have you seen Ude Fiurinx ‘ad” iu Tm—day, af<er wliivti lie w »H g > t > \s- Grams Puss. lliis. issue ? E. < !>’ Arinomi had bin preliminary tnria to attend ths reptihhc.m alate con urei pxtce iu luwn iu x»i yuur vention. to which lie is a delegare. ■ulna Ii pubiu la al liacaell’s taAiUte» t « lai lieiort* J list ice Holman last Monday , mem ion ot u hich «a* mail»* in these W W Scott and two a<ina, of Or«*gon and aline Bilup. C*>11111111-* laru week, Smith and Benson Missmiri. are In the eib ami will remain CupivUs Bituwri* air ibe aitraciiun.- aere anoriiev s lor the détendant and for some time i'erhaps thev may Io iuu> Hr vu iuen s UHs *itb 1 ury hi . I Major A »tell for Ibe siate, D'Ai in-md cate iterinanentiy among u*. .Mr. Scott’s «iu utui-u iu lUr ^ruwtug Cl ups. wa* acquitted- w J h will come to Oregon later on. urne yuuuaud uli ? 1*yuui hair iau pMiior an I organs at nianulactmers' lion. J O Booth went to Ja<-k«on *»e uU* ( Li OU try Mw.f»g<>! Lituo pi re>. diteci from Kimball Co.,Chicago, county U«t Tuesday to interview i h. ......... -*O cure no pay Fire. Lite, ami iccideul Insurance, in boys for a day or so. Jill»» hu.ller » Lorr » av .ng nu«ic«s »u puüiuh a ill iim than, English or («errpau compa »•id his coinpfttllor, whoever he inav lie, t tab. UuUH Ut Ui in as t ariy in I lie nies it the ol*! reliable Agency on filli will have to do some rustling, or he wiL a vt a a- pue.-ibi«. a’r» et, (¿rants Paa* Or. be left in the distance about the firs» lue war aiLH ApaiH dues u >1 aifrci I ne J E. PErtas n , \grni. Monday in June next -Uiv ui 4 i.wuix Dittc.i s dre Olir * su' k auui U ci tumniii ui 1 üc . i L w .s • v r v u, i'..r* «and Ui «it <Nu<lu • u »’udii K» Lu uiuHt-i* .Lu iaasleai it*.« £>aai and & V* 8 (ile Uvei chicr li j**u ait gollig il 1- iu y»u»i y iut'Bi'iuti ihsee poiiils ■«*aiitagt- a u *« UuHUUl.Aft, ; VJIHUI a* i ass. New This Week 1 New lliis Wei k Neck Scarfs and Ties IN PLAIDS AND STRIPES At The New Variety Store. Crescent Wheel The High Crade Wheel Nos II .V $35 $50 T. A. HOOD - BICYCLE STORE Sundries A large and complete assortment of Bicycle Sundries in s ock if you vani Have a regularly equipped Bicv- • cle repair Shop Parts supplied Ut* i liner HtekH il Iure» Rt v J. A. » litit-lii a Hi tn able o till h>- pii pll <> btiiii il illuni Ila Hlui evening al •r u-ual h>»urs. A co diai inviiaiioii iu « » lid 1 iu srr ieri- Is t Xiriiti« d. I ue buy" and giHa oi ihr gradini I iu$. lass in the public ach • »I are becoming « xi'*u- al> 'ii' ihrir uraiious an I es*a>s, t«»r ait is atMiu' llieir new gradual ilig lr»-8»s, bui *hr b »)« are Hut luring nut'll sleep annul their new suits If you are going to Klondike or even thinking ab>>u* it we invite you to call and examine our immense stock We have an entire floor, 100 x 75 feet, devoted to noth ing but Klondike Supplies where you will find a < >m plete stock of Blankets, Rubber Goods, Mackinaw Clothing, Shoes, Tents, Sweaters, Fur Caps, Groceries and Provisions Of all Kinds at Lowest Prices We deliver everything Free of Charge *l the wharves either at Portland- Tacoma or Seattle Send for our Catalogue Free. « Moyer Clothing Company and Oak Sts. PORTLAND. t lra»e a i»le K ioiniike— Y iikoii Mining «St Itevelop ing Co oi Spokane, Washington has a i-apual .lock of *2. >00 00.1 fully paid up and non A lilovk of >250.0.10 ot Treasury atoek ia now ottered for .ale al 10 cent, per share. On the tiratoi April it will advance to 20 venta per ■tiare. Invest now an«l double your money in a few days. You can hold voui job in the sunny climate of Southern Oregon and still make money in the fro zen North through tbe.e men of mean, ami experience. Call and .ee me. .1 E. l*KTKBaoN. Agent, tirarli» Case, Ore.. When Traveling ■Vhether 00 plea.ure bent or busine,» lake on every trip a bottle of Syrup ot Figs, as it acta most pleasantly aod ef leclually Oil tire kidneys, liver, and bow ••I», preventing fever., headaches, and other form, of aicknee*. For sale in 50 «-ent bottle, by all leadirrg druggist» Manufactured by the California Fix Syrup Co only. If you want a tiret clase bath, you van get it at McGregor Bros 1. <> <>. I*' Ih'lllCHtllHl The dedication ul the new hall of Ihr I. (.) O. F will take place the 26'h of April. All Odd Fellows, their latlilies, and all Rebekah* are hereby invited to l>e present.. By order of the committee. T om S mith . sec. Poi* City llecurder. I liereby annotine» niyadf un a ca«»'li •atf for th» otti •» ol eiiv rHcordHr «nhj«»<,i *» ili» Hill of ili» t>**oplr al (he regiilai iiixen*’ conv»nlinn W. E i . mer M< G iikooh X-t."» (><) For *'lij Marshal. aitati Don’t Fail to call and see them. II pays (o ativrriKe in the C ockier . L ib ! area we advertised A cow for sale, and a pair 01 shoe* lonnd. Hir cow was old and the oan»r ol th» shoes Iliade hap,*«, bull on M m*:ay. all Itrvaiise t •» » saa the a i” in il e C olriek Cramer Bros NEXT TO POST OFFICE. Ed N« well left : be 1 ih 1 ne I gang <>i a h.»*ii lie i- a inemtirr, <b»wn in Calilo»nia and * bomr iasi .^iiiirdsv. Phe gang 1 er» alter work fr*»in Dunsmuir 10 some B >»ehiirg i- talking •>! estanhshing a Supplies I.SitS Models. Fai Dixon la liav ina pul lip a neal vol- *„«• He.deme l.tar ibe ihr-byirnan ■ un ii» and Alike LialViu one hi Doni ul urry's residwncr on Dsirrei and Hating b *»11 »hang« d liuifi heir old run a loch *-l»*a*id b * hi h Kloodlk.- Mining C«»n«|»any. I hie can lie ecvoiiipliehed by buyin* Gus erie. and I'roviaiun. of A J Pike. Everything guarantee I as represented or money refunded. A choice lot of Prunes lell you at lite same low price. Hyrttp in Pails. Ilonev hv the pound or ga'lon. Pick lee tri Bulk ami Kegs. And everything to be found ill a first ‘'lava grocery Give him a call, miner- and nil before hnving he th irsi ihiii^ tha utipueiird in 4 iireis gr 1 1 ite lira ölrai ns »1 Krtihetd . 1 hey are bt-autir* tiniBiied >* i»iat a or orang» enamel. Tay lor & Weidman are tn >viug the w .it h»»utiv nt Cramer Bros’ H um week in« boys will move their aio< k oi haid w.»eio th» odd Fellow»' block n<-x Week, a litre (hey bop» In meet ihrir old cu P'luera and mail) new on»«. 1» It True? It is currently rr|«orl«sl »bout W.od- villa that thrrv was too mudi ean*l«M> new n th« luanagenient of ibe ferry •croee Rogue river uu which O. 1* Ran dall croeeed and on which tie and hi» little girl met their death. It 1» Mid that the ferry was running without a li- vein«« ayd that the manager had no guard» either chain «x ro|>e on the boat and alien Mr. Randall', horse became frighten«*! the ferrymaL did not ao much a» take fibl.l of the bridle to try to pievent the accident. It 1» al»v reporte.) that llie gentleman charged transportation for IhoHe who crosoed on his lerrv to seaiel. for Ibe bcslie« and al»o «'barged thorn* who went aero»» to bury the body of Mr Remlall when it »a» fouml. We cannot vom-ti for the trutiifulne» of the charge that the manager of the ferry wa» run ning without licenne or that the boat a a. careleoaly managed, but if auch l«e the case the death of Randall amt hi« li tie girl might have been avoided. Anyway the matter should be inveatigat- e«l ho that the proprietor might be pro. ecuted. if found guilty of criminal care leeanew. or exonerated from all blame an«t censure if found «nnocent Money Havetl I. Money Eurnetl. .* 1». .»iiiici 41.1 auu.i Have I*1B *>iUil O' *ua Lt»w« r Appiugaie und^e irady in 4ui it tu tum ihr aaL»r iu iriigaie 2v0 at ira ui g od Hlialla ¡aiid »ui ie*d*TM will ph*4B» lakr hivtorv oi Hb- Coi KiEK as given by Wimer tn» tir-t ti J A inter on the page of Illis Ur. Wimer is in reality i-«ne. dr. the fo in«l«*r of the I'ULKIXH 4*1 I tie li u» had a l>* rs*»risl riitere- in wi-hPrg it *U«*c ss every sine». He is nnnb*re i 4n >ng li - »laiinchesi friends r)«lay. Repairing a Specialty 1 I 'I •slllllg A<1.1 Ì LI A I Il'ihT' d 'L'i'i ir*H«« early Mm 11 »ruing, and aiier luaving per form -I his ii'irning d’l i»« h** «aid to hi- (w«> t oiiugeat < till ir» n ’liai what ’hev ill*»- iie«-d J Wa- ex »• ae Hint uni do**» air i id th »I 11 het dvair *1 they tuigb aer imp my him lo bi- fishing gro md, where i» w "ill traeti hem : heart 01 4-4'Cii ng the -pur iv» iroiif, which art lie ha I »'*l'l**’*f 10 4 H’iem-e. Ch»’) w Ill'l take 1.« it lunch and nave a regular pit- me; h v would have koiii » -lire* of ham ami 4 lew poia:oeat the lailer (het w ul*i roast in the ashe* and ttie him The Light of ibe Future. Whv not be imlv|>endeiit arid own %mirown li't'r gs* plant which will give •onr times more light than ordinary ga- or ele -iric liahts at on» half I lie c ? (pplirable for n»** in jhuridiea, shire*« Ciorie*, hotels, resi«|eii«*es ami rminir home*; safer than ordinary gas or ker osenr lamp*« Approved hv all the B ard- of I'n lerw«il**rs throughout the I Hi e l Slab's. We want a first class a.M'iit in every town. W< ite f«»r « atalogiir and prn-ea THE ACETYLENE GAM MACHINEC0.. Akion, Ohio hi i* sell*»-»1, 4 . h ng 11 in toe righ» riirevi* *»n **• muq -4». .»nd -oiiieMring a city Ke aixe of Kosebiltg should n >t do with- nil. Ttiere are a number of siM-all d 1.fl »ci»ool- in lb** tale of Or»g »n. hut nnd -o !.«ir 'ill t iev would broil on coal-, Th«* farmer, the mechanic ami the hi ri vili we li q»e will not strip -li ul of in fa , t'iey <0 il*l he regular m* 11 »tain rt i le rid»*r are liable to miri |>e<ie I rule the children were periectlv de • n I bruise«. DeWm*« Witch Hase* 1 real high ach<e>l where Ltie buys slid errs, lighted. U’l-ordi igly the h >ra-' w « h -dvr is rhe best thing t<> keep on hand girl- rnay fit themselves for college. hlUh "d to 1 h» buggy and "if . h* y a ar»* d It heal- qui' kly. and is a well known A li tl» hui a*k»d for a tx»t;l» ol Mg* t • lire i<»r pil»-s —W F . Kremer for th»- fialung ground* A -h d *r »ve up m 1 tie morning s- fs»»r as von «-.411 In» diuggtai re»-'»gmx-*l s h *ns»ir Id was reached. Ibe Q »r*.« ij'l il*••!! -d, a d> 'ism» i<>r De A iii * r Linie Earli tti-»rs, th • angler and 1 he children >ahie | f«*rlh. I , Marell 31 4*1 i gwve hiiii a Grille ul th*s*e I hiii -'U- the latter lo watch their fa h-r tempt " A fa«'or. iitile pills lor c»»ns« 1 pa 110 *. nirli brail tile festive irum No am » >1 uf coaxing «•he. liver and atomacii troubles. — W. F*. Kremer. could induce Hie finny ir*b* io ri»e. M A it IC I K If Rev. F. E. Thompson, formerly of Along in til» ailernoin ri «Hire gave a ay. The only tinh caught was a-ix Hu b trout DIMH'K- M Ai.hKI.E-Al ■ be Grants Pass, is now running a paper in 1 hi« irmi»’s psrt'iils. • umley. Alien they ^an Francisco »ailed Pitti and Push • by the younger .VI L-«n FM Ihmirk. uf < »>snf • »... copy «*f a hich carne lo «>ur desk la-t w»«-k arrived at tW*if p * <n«! g nin I- ih»*y Iniim dag»rl»*, Í Woodville,Kev. J.A w»rs m »nt th »ronghiy *ii gn-»*i *», find ¡ìie i«apvr i- •diasi lunal ami Cnpchti Id Qtlkmting and Is luti oi luo l lor thè Uloughlfal. tnai 4 <-u*v had Viwite»! the gr >m»d- and DIED. 4r 1 homp»<’ti 1 » ari esrriest w >rser, as throw tiers^if oiitsi le of the poia'tj»^*, ham bread, cake, in loci --verv hing, be tu* |>**<»pie u» thr* city rari les'ily, su l || I lli'««. dr Irte», mie ali I all, will wi-b h ut «u ce-- *■<(»-- sne «iad *'4le(. up McLz-au node mr rein 4 a flit c»a- Afh in ihr* hi* t ea wurk. nmaa<ice«. tnai <**» c»< uriius Un thè tirsi page <»i tliis ìsmjc may he ahOU'd reach the ram'iic« a- Weil a* «een »he calla uf ih» <leiM<s rar* and pop UlWll ’Fla aa**l that ulista for tbvir rvgular cottnty c*»nv»n O>nld a*-arody grMdv ‘ tWM»a to b»* hekl nn tha lieti ol u«i> Wb 'H ll h»y r»Hi- riel bom « m**nth The ire» a»lv»r r«*j uh i--ari« arili !hotl «anda hmd <beir c m »ver»’»« hi . Hi» «ami* dal» I ti** «•* je 1 l»> toolding all «d ih»m ori Ih» h»V» beri» r diii'iíe < ougli < a«tm* *la e I* lo elLct a un »un ot h»rc»i> Voiigii«. co«« Is. br> eichi I I. is i»o' «teleraii»ed y»t too< ih» «llvi grippe H'lilll», aiid au ihiuai • o«i <»t ih» otti« « wili he mode atf»«Mtg «b~-aOT»—* F K» in r Represents our FREE HEARSE li»» **.M* ^*nt 1 «ri tea M e sincerely hope none of <mr I lirreaiiti announee niysall aranldate lor III«1 »Itii-w of « Uv mar.lml .<it>je«-t to h>-wi.lies of the voter, at their regular itizeii,' convention >'. W A New Idea It didn't come from Paris, nor is it the production of a society leaders' brain. Neither does it deal direct ly with hats, shoes, gloves, dresses or wraps. It is far more sensible than that kind of style. The new idea is simply this: No matter how well dressed you may be, nor how elaborate and expensive your cos tume is, if your health isn't good you wont look “half dressed. "The new idea (.and it's a good one) is to look just as carefully at the qual ity of your Groceries and provisions as you do at the texture and fit of your apparel You never saw a handsome sickly woman (nor man either) and you never will. The most-to-be-sought-tor thing should be good health. You can't have good health if you eat impure and unwholesome things. Therefore, you should seek the stole when you can get that which gives good health. Come to our store first, you will not have to go any fur (her. Our goods are good. A lit tle better, we think, than the best at other stores, and the prices are always right. *1 hey Are loud talk ers, here are a few of them. Home Baking Powder. 25 os can for.. .................................... I -kv Baking Powder, loc a can, two for .......................... Baking Powder with prise* .... llama, thev are good, guaranteed good per pound........................... : Golden Siar Soap. 6 cakes for. . .. I'oilet Snaps. 3 lor. ...... Broken Java Coiree, 11 ibs tor. 1 1 Nudaveiie Flakes for breakfast, 2- lb par tag'**, for ............................. ''onset! Mackerel, large tins e*< li Pie Fr mis, gsl vati*,gra|>e*, goose berries. pea» lies, apratois and plums, each ................................ -J'U -ed Ho'land Herring, per lb Spiced Sardine», a new flab dn»h, l»er lb ............................................ New York full t ream Cheese, per pound ............................................ CodtUh strips, bone, skin ami all waste pails removed. 3 lbs for Point mm . a lot which we just bought ami know to I m * good, ZOO B* for...................................... First class Field Corn, per bu . . Early Kt su Bee«I Potatoes 100 lbs 19 ■.’> 10 00 I O m œ 10 35 35 12K 12\ hl > 25 fin 00 75 One Way To keep everv member of you i household healthy, contented and happy, is to furnish your cook with Ashland Flour It makes 'he best read, rolls and pastry. We no«' have the handling ot Ashlaw Flour tor Grants Pass. The price you see, is no higher than you an pasiug for other grades, whicl have not all the good qualities th * “Our Patent,'' the Ashland FI011 has 51.15 a sack or $22.00 a thou sand. cn r c r P) g m J > jj 5 Priza Baking Powder .Some time ago we advertized all < our prize baking powders at 45c can, and stated that jou did n< have to take chances on the ptiz you got. t»ut could select your owt prize. It ha- not sold as swiftly a we think it ought, and thinking 1 was nof thoroughly understood, w again call your attention to th« fact that you only have to pay 45« for the powder and then select an piece of crockery or glassware yot wish, all for 45c. We guarani«' the Baking Powder to lie good CD cn m o r r (D > Spr«ng Millinery. . ■n z m z m § r z m Grocery Go. How A bout W ar ? The biggest war ever heard of will be at Fetsch's store whet the Spring Stock arrives, because there will be 110 room for the New Stock. We therefore offer MiiilM l-’oe The best ever offered in Southern Oregon. C*tnt and >ee them at F. FETSCH & CO.’S Grants Pass, Orc Tile Above (kit Ja»iet A 4¡«lo I aliti» rpera h«»u4» rn»*- day evenmg «n *ba • liara»-ter <>i Julia in li*» •• Ilunchhiu k" evin«'»d berseli rap ahi» (d p>»r’ra*ing to peri»«*Uo<i ber per- pi X”y tn ihe nnpiial «fTtir« h » abijh ti»» *&•* U»c «rivate «»< r»*taev I r >u»tne«tl pari*. Tire p**v wa- well iend»r»*l. I mi ibo-» aito t*»ard «m* rom- p n* giva lng*»*n<r ♦•» F'e >*•»•«v iaat, «e«» l<rt »r piea*» I with Ih» eharac er o Itisi p a« ih »n «itti il«»«»* hi»«» k All 111 I «••• wiaudar I fill«! h. lan I, Ur Why Because I h the NORTHWESTERN Ml il AL the it tends will need it. but if they best of all Life Insurance t'onipanimt should have that misfortune, they would be welcome to our services Ils Security is tin Bes and to whnever undertaking goods Ils Insurance i- th«- are n-ele,l ata ery smell advance Its Prwtity» th*-^ct above actual cost to us; and fifteen it* Poiicv < itnra t - ii« Bus year, of Mfec«s»ful experience in the profession is the guarantee ot Qet our Figures. oui a niity to reuler appropriate seri ice. N. I’. DODGE, District Agent. .1 K. Il ILE For Fire Insurance call on tu. P.O box U7 G.ants Pass Or I > (D $ We are often complimented on th superior flavor of ti e tea veselt Did your grocer ever sell tea will I h»r»b' Hiiipuiiipp invt»»lf hm a camli- out calling it choicest, best, finest 1st» for i-lty tnartbal at th» approarhinir exquisite ? We always have gratie »•itv eketinn, «nbj -pi to th* urtion of <h» of teas for 50 cents that's »imply regular ritisen*' convention good, not extravagantly stipe« 1« T. H. W arford . but lietter than the most at the pric« ForCI’y Marshal. We look to the wants of coflv I ber» bv announce mvHelf hm a »-smli customers with extreme care a <I<|» for chv marshal at ths approaching to the grade of coffee we »e> city election, Hiil>j»«-t to the will of (he them. That is why we sell s« citix»ns at their regular convention much good coffee We want th« I trade of all good judges of c<>ffe< VV. It. W ai . kkk . and are willing to deserve it by giv ing you coffee that is coffee, eiery 1 grain of it For a short time w will give with each 50c worth o tea or $1 worth of coffee, a beauti ful painting, size 16 by 20 inches i ' are not cheap pictures, bu Flowers and are nice parlor decorations. Sc* -—Ornaments I the * display tn the window. lailors and Clothiers r m 25 !.. For < liy Mtar-hMl. Mrs S. A. Wide in a 11. > 20 lll'OIICRTH. A* an inducement to purchasers se offer a (¡old Collar Button warrant» d for 20 )ears; with va» h |2 Miilor Hat or hoivr between a Gold *»hirl Waist het ami ( off Britton« (warranted for 20 venray with each 11 or |6 Hat. 30 m r I