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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1897)
H0USECLEAN1NG AT HOME AND A = 3QAD ROGUE R VER COUR ER. DOINGS ON THE COAST J MUMAX ?t»LXsB»x V'iit Has Hacked D>' ng the Past Week. r g; . JUS .»• lu-'-a 1 ^æ*l uy give» y « enough bother witbeat worrying * ctSor to put on the walL* or what it will cost. T j Hve worTY *itaP,y c*’1 at onr it0«* the sample card» that show the beautiful tint* M-a*x.g kazr. ra TanttiU. M ay years 2 um : $2 a Yui, QB fi $o destro ye to tc^a _^a a to 3 lia foto • >WB r Buaofl ’nJ tha .air for 1 M B«U*.«*lga »U. Got- afier ir»; uia standard ip cm ita beck M CLEMENS. Prescription Druggist. Arc * on a I AIK Buyer? w to do SO br :ag ¿1^2 a a A every Pïi ,f Li.e B*3< »’ api ta 1» fr'z® r where rsnaa nea^ieraxi of the haa Joa* ara >f money seemec .more pleoty 00 the >»«aty ewpervioorn. an: •«per* VíWor fUmpKtH. wbo a’tended tbw whole There :* as m ich •n;e r *xv oswveauea at Izw Angwiaa, where the arrminioc "ide is z. •' ' are 1 r»e «*3ed for tneir expe- tat there is more wealth he few they 4«ew fr^MW tbe county treasurer ap* n thcr return home getting hold of the >oo*t dolían ent ’utloa, foil«»«» ^wu&aater tor the while the great bum work Kowa, Or-, *Lo waa oasvirtad more tort unite The magazine will I rA M*j*appr»>priatxm of govern- m-.u' fur. u and sentenc« : to wx have a hard time tryiug to steer mrj«a(h« iii.prusoDB-wot in th* rwanty dear of ether side while stirring up ,« *t*4 b>s Mntence, bat was both, tat a perusal of it will better ■ 4’- y arrested aga u charged by t.i- Un te* -Ratos grand jury with the aeqoaint ‘people with our nuxiey - xx *a: of 14.4. Sattoa a the system Children believe that mo- • *e>rtoa 4 Mæebe, fura ture dea’ert ’ .iMia .^man. a sasooa propn- u . ■ s«am u»r-/ug . fioodo aad «cy •f BoHtoof«« 5 Y .nfeaoal ;«dg- isey 1* governed L try the aame role I tre rX -• r Frar isro, was fataiiy state « < • ra r i«r to g»»« up to tho 3 CJ 1 • Q tt.r*o prz- r^ed by Frank reott, daring a fight that as the leave* .xist oo the trees tat —*■ « a *e*. >y - o't n*.w %g ,x* payix.4 fiehiug beat with four men r.aa wike-i we get older we find that those for Inns» with pennies. The lx>!.ea of twelve a tu de at ûed a mi#»iug from *aa Franc am for n.'tinu» of ti e «toaxwer L»^«na fire were people who are shrewd eu'xigh to A party rA Japan*«* rat r«Mki ofikriaa •ra. lays, and -• oappoaed to bare ntern-I in ’be Mo*mt Chiwwt oenxt try. get hold of the nos! coin are also arr'red in ean Fran iaeo from Japaa -t ? <*■•. er with its ocrupaa^L New Yera. last week. They *ame to the United •4- . of a r..<u* was fuUad -n powerful enough to govern it* ex- Tl- - W»-»fera Paeaeager asao-iat-on is methods of m . ar iacoa^a, Wash- Ilia nap’ a * r »i öl’*. to !> away with paoaion or contractuzn a* be«t suit* ’ ■ V remains A Dea*oi- 4 • , -e • the running of axe-see kern' exrur- their desire* >uug Canadian who wenthnal» 1 have g!v tb« «r..p * ai sa .1 the cusa, ^g s Bosaber. • IX ears ago and rx«ver returue l. f* mgr* fr< to«L 1 •&« >a ng «»«rda« at «cenerai Merritt has refuse*! to ap- W*M4MAXEk. the ex po’mi-ter m Franeme» fr« g a N w York. •rr !Ae ra r’zad aeridowt bwfoil a * a ' • ,.ar-_a to try rhe targeo ry tra a 'between Kuckeabofif and general feels disappointed or !«?ton ga *• L-e *3* .’s ’ Brien a l Bam Ru»«ia in wz.^rh two officert» be does at the non arrival o Ï g< ford pre ferre*! by Captala Romeyn. >' • . irrs a tod. .*'1. Bad a. . AXtr 1res were XL At the coareutuxi of the Ancieat time* promised by bi* party dur is*y injured. Order of Hitx-mlaaa, Board of Eruu the campaign of '</> Mr. W. thw daily newspapers of the fepte «a» t»r prop*æd amalgauoa .-y, N S4 l.av - - .* fine«! well enough versed m pubii< a/Ta ir» of the two wiago of the order. > f ” '*■ . *A r' e»«M:«usg to realize that ‘'good times' are not Tl*»' state central eVMBlMUtleOB of tbs of<q*er <*-at upon tbe trial of ■ a * p**f . •'* Mid u.ver dependant on the mkxcm of eithet >r<:.4 .* .• er. Ai4’ra .ax murderer, ofiver repu drMMcrals A Iowa <1 _ided to k >4 • bien fis uow pending *• y party. U’e have had good times ihr«'« cv/f> veut tons at I m Vaiaci 41 Du.e C-'tton, Henry Wi.**ams and under demorratic rule whi e the Jan** T«d to nom nata a «tate ticket. - - • - . i grawe’clys At th« annual meet tag A the tiock- country aa* building up and at the «d by a tn Ab at P^ae’ ud, Tev, for Ear -wg' n and **riin:nally sonnait a Ifioidera of the OtUag *ame time selling it* wheat at tair [Xured. Q iacy railroad tbe o! Id directors were glTL rweieriwd. The n«t prices in Europe " e have what The I>eer Par« private ¡«ree, ao*oe earu.nga of the Tl run 1 w ere fid, 11L we would now call "good time* ’ twenty mifoo b» ow N’<trh*ion • ,* « M:«- (.ran *• PF Sirie, has giren way, flzjr^iing The Embs under republican legislation while • •vverai pianta ti una; alan, that tb« •pen <Afh has bande»! aa aatugi Tri great continental railroad* ere be es r private i«vee, usar Jone«ri,.e, La., tbe roar to Prroidest the rxaFs iT>n*lo*e:»ce mg built to tap large area* of new oa thè f u 9 rfver, Las rreraan*-!, ietting th» water out</n «»vera! tbr ^aand aerea of the rief imo of ths territory and while greenback* were her»tof >re proterta»! by tu .a iaves. Annapolis, fire May 4to. a aenaat. being brought up to par by cash The K**ntuecy «suato has p am »-! a firs! tea n.. e> of t£*e -ierra rat.- raised tl rough heavy duties on im rewoiutio«» requiring jabera an ! ether u bicD !• to coriBtrt the *an Joa- 5.— *• .reronws thr«at*n»d ports that we no longer require. « ley w. . ti.» miaiaf d.elruta, • h no «new to arm the pnaoser e O CMinp eted. And we have had bad time* tin ier r. i.v d*f** .4 hisxoeif an 1 *.■> both of these parties Promise* and pr * ’i<r *>ner with the a*d fa booty. f-xMw, with th« right of fortifying his tr reals do very well in campaign time*, tat prosperity is not the child T"r L er-* ate C' tnn*«r»-e e*>num.i of legislation. . Jane bear th« aeeoeat M b M< K imlby s offer to remove Americans from the island of Cuba is very kind Spain can find no fault with us for trying to get our per/ple out of Weyler'i fitj »o a. to give that gentleman an little trou ble as possible in his charitable pur pose of exterminating the Cuban race which ha-» the presumption to fight for its liberty. The United State«, the home of the brave and the free the hope of the oppressed of all nation« and terror of tyrants dares not lift a hand to assist a struggling people wbo ire fighting tor bone»t liberty almrit witbin stooe throw of <5ur own vhore*. Shsdev of Washington. Monroe and Jim Blaine, blush tor your degener ate brother* T h « number men wh bare "confe—ed * to ki Hing the io the Bzptut chi arch in f cisco is increasing. The 19 a con ’ict in the San prison and 1. * as made* affidavit to bm being the murderer 11 1 order to Durrants neck (>ne or tW' confessed murderer* Durrant's U'T but rr« •o numeren 115 matter It though tbe Caucasiat of lian. The police re ready to pre last m rder* w m it ted I t is u of July money I Firework h rew< e VN'srer» ia* n«n « aan< a/a nat « x*y-fice railroed < pan e< that t..eae coa pañíes CT« m a g free atora ge-r.'> osee for fa\ rv Mtofuem la violación of the >nter»tate anuerc« iísi . a Ford ata iti frase If n land, <>r., buati d <r in the < ire fighting th« Tui Ltliy Langtry, th« faujaua Jhngixah graated a div« twa y aud a trwsa, fc r ia by Julgc ( rump, al Laa eport. waters wreck. J. F. Lr* a in jail at ban J«ja* for Tb« toad toid f H&rry -• tora. * • mat«, • «• •*- n toah«4 lo th« a h«*l. •ending oto«re ae toltora thn>ugh ti*« '»r f • » pe » N o tra«*« A Q. * re ■ u! •*-**rlg^i■ ba. h.-n fcmn4. oney combed the pile« Trredorw« J G C th« laniux of Ui* e> ourt- a 1 -/rting th« i La a ax w mil! at Ta- b«/ua» at M*r <*4, (•!-,!• ¿a<i*r a rroat Lx! toten Lui.t but a few gbargr ! with ratotRg » • ilrral ta uaty le-i. Th» ■> ! naontha. d* -n ;( n '/) u fr ao. A Duatuer al home« «ml l»> C*»k • T,'. BIB . , total B« (fit Of .hl « h waa ITM poun la w«r« Intot, A a>ka. -IwU oauig tu tta «X- tangLt rm or»«i lin« by foorobia rt ver U« »♦ « • t fia Laman. 'D»«y ar* fh« larg*-«t «»er V ur i*l ■ i»a K I-1.4U4 A !'<* «toi.a. lak*n fr m th •* waten. h«»r i«i ih« i»c<rtM« ot 1 Cal . haa toi Th« CnDMI 1 r a bf y -■ • r F. ard p.t- > . aay .r.l r t A <>*, wir >at«4 ia •*'-rjtli *«c F Bo • lar«. ha« t**n d«atroy *•! by fir,. «hort litnr a s«- rrtarV .’»• 1 a i fur i. «f M • •. aat Jar *a < ■ a .n H>ndiraa has been A tenriíf.. atorm Mrwck Norfork, Va.. «r- <e «...••< and Iweíiing • A num *r A p«zp<e are rw- p»>rt**d to Lave Irneu kii¡e«i. I •tnii!. and Maady U hito, eofor- < ; / r «. w«rw lyuchad at J*tf. Ala., for p • .g a man aau.ed Kelly. •f.a'<- arge omakr« of gra nave tfiewn ivavii Ire and for ti e United Rtates i a topea A ««curing employ** roer. I a *< weeft ons st«*auter «»rowght VM j of tbetn. < ..maaier H*«oth-Tncher of the h* 4’ a a- iiy ;a4u*«d by the N«w Y rk graad jury tor ma ntaiuir.g a pt; an <an**e *n the a*R*y head- «. I l « > : tn.»at ka*g*4 that the -a at n army headquarters a au il -g ern»d Jtoordsriy bouoo. are raging la the pine irwd mi.«s from While aud considerable la mag** to timber 4 ■*. g ta« ana. rep*rt of tbe grand 4 iry of Butte. Moat, the defai- M* Johnxm. ex-county •rk. sra xinta to u is rotating. >f Jal • tlea di*l H ‘. took piar, in a at Rive r«ldr Cal M which Ah <*>11 was rati» •• y murdered ->y Q dsa a slag Yoe The rt Mt *f tlx trout waa a |5> debt •r«r. n a ñen »tin, day, n© • oí artia A A b - rn tvu f « I lu ■ .hurt iMtAined a ng oc H m known tier . whxh b.. for ton,»- omoally. to worth u/ damage to Lexington, My. b«a |V I •f’Grheral James W t'.rsyth. •uiu.naodiiM the department oí I al- i torn la, Las been piai d on tu, rvtirvd .ini >n Lis jwu appliAsUou I B- e I' rte >ns are r F i&a li j . sud -1 «4 ly after g litar th« * a« uva »i»«d him«elf r head an hoar Th •tou* and Mm M < artby’s re- — • h«r h simad led tip u> J K I «Aie a tesajaur of Castro- « a under arrwt for th« mar- « • «ter-la-law. M ass Mary C * • I hak«l th« woman to •f rt !.. as«« t er. Harry • «f«• r g al ADgeis • •»•ute*! hat •« I i l«t di ! n- t kill bar b« be «loor •t«E •aland a - hupping riMi« was «*>0 n>.4> of a » mar» f<>rmaJ » Arseti lat«adirg to B <i<MW>y pr< »d b« ■ficUitg a f»t»l «•wad. U«l • )••?<, ruada Mr • ’age una ; Va» ■ <**nlh A istrada waa ««v«rwiy s4»akeu up y «arth^uan«« Many t»u1l4 ng« wer* Jan ag«J sad ¡wvpto are II ria g m u-nts tor sa toi e A P h i<ertoti, a«- Valle 1 fila •• • rv w e win,ae! -n«r, »»« at Hu ksvilla, Ind. I'oloi nwl William R. Brown an 1 fir« ner. age 1 TO and S? y »an aid. u ll ted by a Marton, 11’., jnry • ■eiatotuenl <4 m u «y Jep-ua^t- h»ir I<uk prior to lie fidare Th* H ■r i àtei the penali« at on« y» arto rlfrjfltueni and a dae f Fi. J ea h. ------------------------------------ 1 ■ Bi " " ----- J 9 NEW CASH GROCERY Y I B^-xwe and ..ia wife iv ngia •r t -us ta ¡.ok*-. M ■«., wei a unir red and grw by a*«nz <rtt’« Uttw fXH 'txd of gvOfiL Tbe i^at; u. •rrumvQt of th- fa »•«• # P«; Hf (rtT »* ? d was Afi ax, which t«i icund in •> i > ar.d stoma . a » F. b •«. They are pore y Ü*« yard r»r«red with bi»L ILreuMr. T ' . .lea zf r e ate ex-henator R i--r. < ke at VVaeu, Tex., were ma. aed y a strange mci4**at. At ’ .e A bo 1er at WanFs -awmill, grave „ -t as ti.*- ra>¿ t vo b»-.^g Rtr.dop K/ . »XL: _«de 1. k l ag ► 1. a bo-t of g tn.Eg «tra* a a ■ tre»- near by, kaockiug ex-O>vera<jr R- Viryii Hundley wm ftr B II . ■ <rd, 00« ’>( tbe pa*, rearar», u> *berof Ward’s sons had i <¿ jb sue» .g ex-<e<v«smor ken and will die, an ! a aad a a tu’er of alberi «>?» ere. y. se noua y hurt. C—a wdi «anear Pr-- de at M Kurvt recoruiiiB?t»‘iat om fo« an appru ia’ »>• for the re ef of the suf fering A - ' 'i aa» iu « iOa. -**p<in will inaae no o je» to th« -Latri’- juoq uf 'rjTjfi and 'Xher r.e ewoary supp..e» to th, ie de «i tute, pr • ided ears w Um eu to pre- «at aid bwlwg giwea to the ;uaur« gauta. ¡he »»*nfnwr Ihana, which w carry t - * • _* « — an i <'r>T«raato:.t expod **->u to H jd»-,a bay has started on her tnp. J . f..* W Elaau.ston >f k • - « * J r*f at tiwe Umatilla H>use al Tb« Da«.e«. stow i y dying froœ t broaea beck wairh usa para. v«ed La» hai ba. He •<• r -.•< breakbeams and atteiupted t« get Ï The tra □ started a.; 1 1 -i .rd hi tn up in the braieLean.. break ng back. Mm W IL Green burg was terrfUy Larn**d by tbe explosion _ __i of a a p at Sa- “A- I’*-a and died from her r ’’•.ea. Her buabaad has .-toma _____ iaoaa« _ . from grief av*r the «boeking oeeuere;. r. “-4 e- 1 ’*»- •f F2.-i.hors: tbe point m J death fr<>«o a b vosad inflicted ty P. b M< Mal.oa. M Manon waa boating hi« ati«, and Clarrag«, at tbe weruatj • req *e«t ««nt to h«-r a-- • sian e. which »o enrage«! YL Mahon that l«e drew a pi t» a J • . : . A pa«e nger tram on the *jutA Fe rood, known as the Chicago and • >a • veatou expreea. «»utthr a treat.« a.xicoa n> •• •uoth -zf Ardiuure, L T. kifteeu perwona, pOMeuger» and trairr- x*n. w«re in; a red. rereral ef tbe-« a « aerto .• h-*rt a .d .• me e»j two w » -ic«.« of Portland. Or., coud - to of the HaiJifcA-. th« famous cofu- [•Any of mouu aiu- :u. ^r- fti.airily, * facflag ana igcmen • f r t > at f hts B»uBtata-ciiuabuag du*- next Ju.r, vh«*u, i© a iaa F, th« i ja « rn ber« ■ al v*a<i SI ...ut Ralu.- r, id il*« Ca«i ad« raage, H. r/A »e*.t in hei^tL SomethiagU Depend On Mr. Jarn»* J, of the dr ig fi^in <M J .►-« A Cowden IH , io «peaking «»( I *r K ng * New »v«»ry. «a • th 11 l<-t winter hi« wife wa* atta> k*-«i w. 1 a -'rr j j— an 1 her case grew -■ l* >1 B • op into Haaty Con«’imp<i<>n Hav- *r Ktng’« New Ih«wu*ery in «tore, a J ellii g lots o< it he too« a Uofti« bar l , and to the »urpriae <>i ah *h« be <«n l«i girt tieCUMT fr>Mn fir«l d«rte. a .4 ha : 1 iloiiar bodies cured her sound and I>r. King's New Discovery f«>r Coci- run pl <11 >u, Coug is and Cold* »• gusran- < <J«> thia good w ork. Try ll. Free liotllea at I *r VS . I Kremer * Drug . O< SOETL v LIIDT, - HZ. ----------- DEALER IN------------ AgriculturalBImplements, .Corner Sixth and I St.* . Grant's Pass, OregcD. I n L krge V ariety »^MINERS : '• O HOW IS THAT? $8 PANTS lilt ¿""'n in im to $5 & 5.Ô A G« mx 1 Selection of Pants. Come and get one ho tore they are gone. ALL MADE TO ORDER F. FETSGH & Cl H N<»TICE FOR PUBLIC kTIUN GRANT S PASS Pinot Quality of Hams, Bacon, Lard, Etc., at Wholoale and Retail. NE W STORE A A A A GENERAL MERCHANDISE EVERYTHING NEW and ERE-"- Dry Goods! Groceries Provisions! T M , t»»r u He >fT, ve L owest I Prices 1 < »I« - A I A ; Give Isa Call. WOODVILLE. OREGON. I I « M » n MOrk U a« Tee 1 ¡ante chi ve . s P« a hiera I. STAUFFER, i'KtlKB lx Hat S«, Flow and feed! MINER’SiRESTAUFANi: 5 L MALVEN. P« ’?. J ivxinu lir «* B bk k , N i » Lar^e-t Stock of HAY 1:1 tbe City ti. W. H qxib , llliam». Oree n All Home Grown. Good Eating and ’■«• l*r«»|H*rf> fornai, •A at g« r •or C<M»king Apples At LoBrst Price*. ÍW Meal» hour, of the <iav or night. *T tl F ly • irMfient Unest* at reaaon.bie -«tr*- 'live the Miner'» Reatauranta be con«inerú „ Z i. Ma«» •u*- all and Examine my Stoc ob . p»>U« fit. I it i 11 <•* biette SII* I Hug MtofW W t \r*1 fin pcrrta 9 royal - tansy pills . . r’ «• . I »I. o. < . Vi IYIEK A Co. k »e atove, <ht; and al*>>ve. 20 g«M«b..d J, Wa.mrif En<Uu,t uni in w« dei re« Q’i tin Yth Ro yo- ehi poi 110 »5. il. i II L 3', Proprietor. I STAUFFER («•isifMiai.i« J lb* bjiH lk I- .í»r» |w *n e*«Hr*>a«ti «pH* di**r<«Us>fi. Qld who* I hr y :»wd P fkm lit» Ft of t wri er» ach iivt \\ e have ju»t <n<n-.d up a new store of Th, e fruit crop h.ta la *«-u injured e<« a isiifig «rvnrtb an<1 < H r 1 thwwhv awhntf s on pull oí I fo»t tret I V1’ 111 El Pork Packing House h't> SHELF WORN GOODS II H« gon« mon tbe Kmn herí the clasi Lim Uin buri the wer Fi hou 110« fron PEWatVLtfANiA eart f > l « e . EART r»IFEA«E toeumtk -For over yea- writes Inz el Myer» of forty year* T — r T« — ... TwoTnvwrns. Pa. on Aar ». !■**• “1 ' afferwd with be*art <u«aaa. Fink a alight pw-pitaiM^, rra-i-a../<r w.&g Worse. Thea abs,r*.&e-es uf breath. ».«-► ^.esanea», smother ing »easatxjaa and pain in the reiri .n of tn« baart alarmed me and I consulted a physician Receiving no beoeflt I tried others and a namber of remedies, tpendlnr a Urge aooant of Bkjney. bat fthasiy be came so bad that It was unsafe toe me to leave home I comaescsd using I>r Miles’ Heart Cure two years ago For eignteeo months I have been well. Al- tb< ugh T! years of age I can go where I wish and I sleep all night and wake ap as cheer ful m a aca and comp.rtriy rest^rd L it Miles Remedies are ooid by all dmg- gists undt-r a posit.. ® guarantee, first hottie benelw ur m<*Qey refunded. B-• < on Heart and Serves —nt free to ail apt rants DR. MILES MEDI AL CX> . Elkhart, Ind. Fe *1 M lev’s is til on k F< ™ Reasonable Terms. *x>i A L.»«| OCj«ct .Mio« for Or «4» H«w I • # Wiiuiiagton. irrdut « aa rendered by >n the C4M i of I^ee 1> naffh be city *ud burhurban Rail- Furti atri. Or. Ik><ia<h io the employ of the t a foot io an acculent. He •r |13.OM The jury company «houìd pay the i, fnruith him with a »• him employment. * “ lain M 1er a.i I L oom R d iarda, ^••«hd o th murder of >erafine gnam >■ * a-ta count were both »• ntri •ewd io to lupriaumnent in the state irison. EL WAGON MATERIALS M»rebs rtf 1er make and 1 A the MASH & PIKE. WHITf '-foCNT FBKEZEB*. t :. « in 4 mi 1 e. Sr DANIEL MYERS, vv< LOWEST CASH PRICES. HARDWARE and her named Otfut, who ¡or twen’y-övr years In Co a county. Or., n a pactare, th« Wy of having bren drag- i h «r®« he had ridden. L Has in_ purehabed the store of Alfred & and brought on a NEW STOCK OF GROt.ERIL ue are prepared to furnish the general public w same at the IRON and STEEL. A aarr. «er of Us Ange «• ci., drea left me r bofloes there and started oat to k gy paiea. i i ey bad g- e as far as Ch no wbera th«y were arrewte«! <> d a large of • agran y. . >ry ita« ..< < four wreta, I Uul ÍI ki , Old P*aple CLARK SO N T THREAD 4c per Spool PEARL BUTTONS 4. 5. 6 and 7c per dozen LADIES CORSETS 45c. LADIES BLACK ALL-SILK MITTS 20c LADIES VESTS 7. u »nd 25c each. t R-. e :\ e I)-A Fall Line of Handkerchiefs. Liaea To*. The KA< KET STORE •*rnau • R. Ma.Icy Unite«! Ftalea »»aator frwan tlx tw enty*set eath ballot Ltol-ia r«t»«iv«d fro«« Plekney, r»aa., •i • st ten ai«n .o«t their ..v«e by lhe fa lug of ths U; pie at the or« ndn«s there. ar -s th« mand for th Hippiy lea of Inc rrj I <ht and í Ith th* r«r«j watt The- ih tu barriti« tú« aw < \ \ an ier.ip **f < hlcago La* n nated f-r nsoiataiit secretary ’ ea* : ry. pe I Inal of th« new gun- *• os L/rr.g iS«Dud *ouu4 » í ft e th« f «steal boni f her m th« world. Her average «pee*! u ”■» kxota [*t hour. for wn st M«r bwe •f t as > Gl Prices I'iilkI Um - fy to t f'< es - ■ «Mitino dlr the W kxpoot town* ueginmug find out that Joarpln TM runty < composed granite is ju t the thing fir sidewalk* In Salens i I* ivate walks of this material I arc tu Mi reimiul usr and even the B-K/ut the state capital have laid in it. The railroad company has a number ui dep>X ground« iui nisbed with it and it gives board walks th#* **Mu«*k eye"’ whenever Th« rete qoelled. i >re«t fires a ■ ui. M;;.n .» U u «* >!oue >rk* this a great al more Fourth than they are wort cities forbid tbe use of fir altogether Pr f- ,r Via tu A tbe <veoiogica* e artn^cl f th« C«nadmii govem- ft Ovawx f tii« ía..iD«i« to atad y seaJ hfe. W .riè The Or Does Yow Go by F. ur’ money on We can »ave jon STATIONERY NOTIONS. FURNISHING GOODS ETC I) 'tw *f»t* »Ml» ‘ •'** “■> •»*• ^..W fw . Jta, »T MW ‘hr-» *r Pnee, □ hmm « rw ■ » re r fc*>t “«•*» is pi«ia » «»FIB N. E. McGrew Pioneer <ta«rr', P*v, Chusos. » Zr-I « (FOR »ALE BY' Al.LI'KI. 1'r'’