Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1897)
T hursday , M ay 20, 1897 Strawberries ! THE WEfX'S JOTTINGS Sweet Cider at Bartlett’s. Oregon Berr es quoted in Port land at from #2 00 to 3 00 per crate Straw tierrire that ure slravbarrfaa are loginning to come m troui our ow n fields ibis week. Kitchen safe« $2.75 at Hale's. Hood River Berries reported as uot extra nice. Indications are that well-filled baskets of choice Berries will bring good prices School closes Friday of this week. Will Jackson resident dentist. Call at Mash A Pike«' »tore for all kinds of fancy and staple groceries. Suowy Buttt flour at Cornell’s. Next Monday is Queen birthday. She will be 78. Tin Top Berry Baskets B. de M handle Snowy Butte flour. and Crates are cheap this season. GET OUR PRICES Before Buying. Burbank Potatoes just arrived ! 9<»c per Cwt. No. 1 Sweet Pickles No. 1 Sour Pickles Victoria’s How aril is closing out his piece goods at Ijedrock prices. Cail before they are all gone. Sweet and sour ptck’es at Bartlett’s Calhoun Bros, for Snowy Butte flour. Fresh nuts and raisins at Bartlett’s. Suowy Butte again leads the market. Clemen«, Druggis*, opp. Opera House. Have your dealer keep Snowy Butte. W. H. Flanagan, physician and dentist. surgeon Go to the Novelty for fine candies. Conklin building. Wall paper 10 cents »iouble roll at Ter rell & Sons. BULK The best bargains in Southern Oregon at Mash A Pike’« grocery. Second hand lumber wagon for sale cheap apply at this office. Come ami see the 1897 Whitney Baby carriages at Terrell’s Furniture store. Yes it The real car of prosperity—the pay car, went north as a special Mondsv. Fact We are 1IEADQVARTERS for Snowy Butte Flour rrii<- ir »luci ai . < ; it< x i cit a Notice to Horne Breeder*. Save Your Grain. Few realize that each squirrel destroys $1 50 worth of grain annually. Wake- lee’* Squirrel ami Gopher Exterminator is the ino*t effective ami economical pois on known. Price reduced to IfO cents. For sale by M Clemens, sole agent. Saturday night at 'I 15 the fire l>ell alarmed our citizens, many oi whom had gone to bed. A hired girl at the I »el monico had left a cantile burning near the open window tn her room on the ground floor of the hotel and absented herself for a time. The breeze forced the enrtainover the candle ami a first class blaze was soon the result. Dave Limlsev rushed in and pulled the cur tain down and quickly rolled up the burning bed clothes an I this smothered the fire liefore the firemen got to the scene. The damage was slight Moak H., 18, 100. atandard bred liam- bletonian. Macduff, 1,486 pure blood Clydesdale will make the season from April to July at Lister A Cal verts : bal ance at mv stock barn. Season service’ Moak 11. ’ $20.00; Macduff $10. S. F. C ash . Go to Howard's for trunks, valices, traveling bags ami te!esc »|>es. Prices be low competition. Terrell A Son can sell caskets and cof fins as cheap as any house in Southern Oregon. They say Mash it Pike are the l#est people to buy groceries iron. Try them and be convinced. A social will be given at the Bethanv Presbyterian church Wednesday of next week. It is re;»orte»l that the mountains, can yons and Azalia river will be full of wild blackberries this season. The law allowing cards to go through the mails with a one cent stamp glued on them will go into effect July 1st next. The rain does not seem to have reached Deer creek or the Illinois valley to any extent, although badly needed over there. Subscriptions taken for the San 4 ran- Plenty uf barley, hay ami feed of all cisco Examiner al the C ockier office. kinds at, lowest prices. Scott Griffin op Th“ Weekly Examiner is $1.50 a year and posite Court House. you get all the advantages of their pre Marriage license has been famed to mium offer. Fred Russell and Miss Mil.i • 1 rfatim by Bucklin'* Arnica Salve. County Clerk Goodell. The new factory of Wilbur. Haskins T he best halve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, salt rheum, lever sores, an»i Telford looms up on the east side of town near the railroad tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively BIC'YCLE SUNDRIES and repairing cures piles, or no pay required. It is at Cramer Bros. guaranteed to give g<xwi satisfaction or A pretty locust tree which «food in money refunded. Price 25c per box. front of the Conklin building on Front For ¡-ale by Dr. W. F. Kremer. street has succumbed to the whittling For Naie. fiend. Five acres of tine orchard, six room house, barn and outbuilding's, frni it tre»« The Rogue River Brewery in (»rant’s now bearing, only ten minutes walk Pass with 10-barrel Copper Kettle, Kegs, from depot. Price $1-0 1 Apply to Malt Kiln and modern Bowling alley, T. S. Ci Nov. Dwelling House of 8 rooms, Stable, Gran ary, etc. There are 85 fruit tree« in gar Proving Up. den The preperty contains 4 acres, or Settlers desiring to make final proof 26 building lots inquire at this office on their claims can save trouble and ex or of Mrs Goo. Walter, Grant’s Pass. pense by pending in name and number of claim with description, and names of Mr. D. P. Davis, » prominent livery four witnesses Applications made out man ami merchant of Goahen. Va , has tree at the Cor kier office 32 this to say on the subject of rheumatism : "1 lake plemmrein recommending Cham- “Thev are dandies*’ said Tlio« B jw ers, of the Crxtket. Texas, Enterprise, while la-rlain’s Pain Balm for rheumatism, us I know from personal experience that it writing about "De Witt’s Little Early Ris will do all that is claimed for it. A year ers, the famous little pills for sick head ache and disorders of the stomach and ago this spring my brother was laid np in l>e<i with intiammatorv rheumatisni liver. W. F. Kremer. ami suffered intensely. 'The first appli cation of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm eased A Lieutenant of God’* American Vol tile pain and the use of one bottle com unteer*, accompanied |>y a band of pletely cured him. For sale by all in jtrav uniform vixitel 'his city last weekontbeir wav north They were en druggists. Some 50 men are employed in ami arnnnd the Sugar Pine factory these days New orders for fruit boxefi’have lately been received. John McMahon has l>een sentenced to the penitentiary for life at Canyon City ! for murdering Lewis Guthndge. George tiacher while cutting wood Sat urday made a bad gash in his foot, which had to be sewn up. He will have to lay , up repairs for a few weeks. Kasper Kubli, a prominent Southern Oregon pioneer, die»l at his home in Jacksonville. Sunday evening. May 16, I 1897, after an illness extending over a period of several months. A bargain in a NEW MoWER at Cramer Bros. DEERING I/Oose horsts are annoying residents in some portions oi the town The animal« don’t know there is an ordinance against , their being at large and their owners There are letters in the Grant’s Pass don't care. postoffiue for; The first copy of the Oakland, Oregon Craig Ray Kiessling Mrs Blanch Gazette has reache<l this office. It star s Strong C’ha«. Helms Mrs. A S. of a bright and business-like weekly e I Hughes C. P. Peals Mrs. Sadie ited by T G. Ruth and will no doubt Wing 8. Williamson Howard toot Oakland’s horn to some purpose. ileavoring to collect fund* to maintain a rescue home for convicts near San Quentin. Two meetings were held by them in the Bethanv Presbyterian church while here, l'lmy left Sunday night for Koeeburg. The party belongs to the younger Booth who acceded from tiie elder Salvation Army and is now in op For every quarter in a man’s pocket position to the red-bloused organiza there are a dozen use9; and to use each tion. one in such a wav as to derive the great e«t benefit ira question every one must Sick headache can lie quickly and com pletely overcome by using those famous solve for himself. We believe, however, little pills known as “ De Witt’s I/ttle that no better use could be made of one ol these quarters than to exchange it for Early Riser:-. W F. Kremer. a bo»tle ot Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Remedy, a medicine that everv family should be provi»ie<l with. For sale by all druggists. The regents of tbe Agricultural College are casting about for a successor to Har ry Miller a- president. 11. B., it is said j has filed an application for a German ; consulate under McKinley. Graduating exercises begin at the Op era House Thursday evening. PERSONAL. Hogue Hirer Mining Item*. “ )»<■«< I» »tviili’iue. FIRST NATIONAL The court house was tn I! of «poctatart The 5-*tauip mill al the Jewett mine Friday afternoon at 1, w hen the sheriff will be in o|*ralion in a few days. Some and deputy, accompanied by Melson 101) tou» or so of ri'h ore arc ready tori came iu. ” Hear ye, hear ye the court is now open” the crier said and Judge grinding. Jack Layton is running two placer Rev Webster and wife left Tuesday for Hanna addressed the prisoner. “Lemuel Melson, you were indkled by mine« with abundant water, one on Wil Sacramento to remain. OP the grand jury of this county lor the liam* creek and the other on Ferri* Judge Remain »ent to Jacksonville on murder ol Cha*. Perry, and a jury of 12 gulch. Both diggings are paying well. legal business. Tuesday. citizens, after hearing all the evidence in SOUTHERN OREGON Dowell A Belding's 5 stamp mill is the case, convicted you, although you 1 Ad Well*. George I»ean and Dick Wai- ' were ably defended by counsel. Have pounding awav day and night on Green's creek five mile* from town. The result* ker lilt for Indian creek Monday. you anything to say why seuteuce should so (ar are very satisfactory. Consider J. Kiley, the Allbouae uiercbaut came not be pronounced on you?” able sulphurets are being saved lor ship on trees, but we have arran- Melson sa>d‘‘Well I'm not guilty ; that in Monday on buaiiiee*. ment. is all I have to say.” ged it so that you can find Isaac Findley was in tbe city Saturday Revive depuaita »object to check or uq The judge said "Well you are truly j The Baylord-lliff pump mine above them here, " e like the cus certificate payable on demand. from the Applegate hop held«. unfortunate if you are not guilty. Tlie | town now gets along with 3 liireit men tomer who likes to get a bar Sells night drafts on New York, San Fran Wm. Vblrich, Medford'* iuMling bum- evidence disclosed that yon Tured Perry ; The firm pays *1.43 a day and charges io the mountain where fie was afterward *3.50 tier week tor board. They obtain and Portland. ne»« man was in the city last week. gain. All bti ii < ss days are cisco. Telegraphic t ran.* fare sold om all points in foundMead. The circumstance« surroun- | their firewood from Mr. Hamlin on con Mrs Thomas, mother of Mrs. T. B, ding the ease convinced the jury of your tract. our "bargain days". Best the United Slates. Cornell is here trom Jefferson on a vis guilt. You may not be guilty but the 1 Special Attention given to Collections and The Lucky Kid quartz mine near the quality joined to ’owest pri general it. dilierent stones told by you in regard to buainese of our customers. mouth of iVilhams creek exi>ects to haul the disappearance oi the murdered man ; ces is the wedlock we invite Ex Senator Cameron of Jackson coun Collections made throughout Houtherr its ore to the Missouri Flat mill when ■ your own indifference to his fate and ty reipslered at the Josephine Tues you to. Every patron gets a (»regun, and on all accessible points. other circumstances gave conclusive evi the Applegate gels low enough to lord day J. D. FRY, President. dence of your guilt and it is my duty to with teams at that point. This mine is of the "Cike." I. T TUFFS .Vice President. owned by Fiddler A Sons. Wm. Holmes of the Snowy Butte flour pa-s sentence ujKin you Stand up R. A. B ooth , Cashier. mills was down (rom Central Point thia "Sir.” Pollock A Co are in over 100 feet on a week* "Stand up.” rich ledge at the head of J ump-off-Joe Melson stood up. "The judgment of which widens as they advance. Hither N ick Those, one of the prosperous far mers of the lower Applegate was iu town court is that you remain in custody to an arrastra has done good work in { oi the sheriff until Friday July the 2nd crushing the ore but sulphurets and Saturday. and on that day, between the hours of 10 other evidences of rebellion lately app ar Mrs. W. J. Razee went down tc Port in the morning and 2 in the afternoon and so a stamp mill with concentrator land Monday night to represent the Ke- you be hanged by the neck until you are are being considered. behkas. dead. And may God have mercy on SIX MILES SOUTH OF Some for ten, some foi twenty and C. B. Irvine of tbe Salem Statesman your soul.” Hie last sentence seemed to choke the i some for thirty years have suffered f rom s|>ent Sunday in tins city, accompanied O regon A No. 1 Syrup, good as the best, in ' G rants P ass , judge, who hurriedly arose ami walked | piles and then have been quickly and by hie little son. to the open window of the court r wiu permanently cured by using l»e Wilt'a full weight two gallon pails $1.06, G. W. Bailev was in from Missouri and looked out. Witch Hazel Salve, the great remedy Cockerline and Creamery Butter 16 Elat Saturday and made a pleasant call Melson gave no sign of anything but for piles and all forms of skin diseases. on the Cot’KiKH. indifference and met the gaze of the W. F. Kremer. ounces to the poundt 2-lb rolls 40e. — CONSISTING OF — Odell Ryder has traded his property crowd as ho walked out without being 6 1-^c a can for that Indiana can Straw herrles tn the Willamette. here for Portland real estate and moved abashed. He was hurried to the jail APPLE, PEAR, PEACH, PLUM. ami locked up. ned corn makes satisfied customers, to the metropolis. PRUNE, CHERRY, APRI When he reached the jail and was From fruit growers who have studied IVe have told you John Blalock has been spending a few locked in the steel cage he broke down the fiuit situation thoroughly it is learn and lots of them. COT, NECTARINE AL days in the city since the cleanup on and burst into tears, but said nothing, ed that the strawberry crop, the earliest of the guarantee that goes with it. Grave creek. i In a little while he was talking ana fruit iu the Willamette valley, will be MOND, CHESTNUT, Large Burbank ami King potatoes Mrs. Wm. Pollock left Monday eve- laughing with Fleeter as though nothing from 50 to 65 per cent short this year. shadk and O knamkntal T reks . smaller ning for Greeley Col., where she will was the matter. Noap|>eal or |>ostpone- This is the case, not only in the immedi we are selling at le a pound t — Also — nient is looked for in the case though ate vicinity of Salem and the hills south visit a daughter for the summer. | tbe counsel lias tiled the usual move fur of the city but the same conditions ex ones 75c per hundred. Straw berry Pianti. BlicUerry Plants and Lon Jennings look Monday night's a new trial. Tapioca and Sago 4 pounds for 25c. ist in the neighborhood of Albany, and train for Portland He represents Grant's further south. It is thought that the Pass in the grand lodge oi Odd Fellows. OVER THE STATE reason of this shortage is not the result of climatic conditions existing this spring Senator Harmon is interested in placer C. H. Dalrymple has been appointed But rather that it is caused by the heavy mining on Galu-e creek and expects to — 18 GROWN ON — city attorney of Gold Hill at a «alary of frosts last fall, when the tender plants make things hum next season. $<»0 per 'ear. sutfered from excessive cold. This is the John llood was summoned to I »rain Thu scouring mill at Pendleton is run* only fruit that has thus far been report » by telegram Tuesday, his sister M rs. Here’s the chance to get the ed as having any other but the brightest Wm. Taylor haying diet! suddenly there ning night and day. Fifty-five men are prospects in the Willamette valley this WITHOUT IRRIOAT uN. employed at the milk latest thing out. A stringless at the age of 77. vear, every other fruit tree or shrub do not handle, cultivate, or H. G. Guild ha« sold the Sheridan Sun promising a most bountiful yield.—Sa top ree of charge. All we ask ai tern pt We Aleck Watts and wife were in from to propagate any varieties or Williams Monday. Miningon the Watte to Mr. Yates, of Washington county, lem Statesman. is that you go among your kinds of fruit, until satisfied that they placer is suspended for the season, as the who will hereafter edit it. well adapted to the soil and climate W. B. Johnson, Newark, ()., hhvr , “One friends and neighborsand well are farmer* wanted to use the water to irri George Burch, of New;»ort, killed a Minute Cough Cure saved mv only child peculiar to Southern Oregon Write for gate with. bear and captured two cub» near Otter from dying bv croup.” It has saved either two pounds of our 50c terms to rock«, Lincoln county, last week. Commander Peterson of the G. A. R. thousands of others suffering from croup, A. H. CARSON & SON, tea or four pounds of any brand ami Capt. Evans went toGolii Hill Mon Several carload« of baled hay were pneumonia, bronchitis and other throat of coffee. Our package coffee, G rant « P ahm . O rkgon . day to arrange for holding the reunion «hipped from Junction City la«t week ami lung troubles. W F. Kremer. at that point this Fall. dollars per by Maurice Allen, t Sixteen ’ remember is 20c per pound, J ack non County It. It. Tax. Judge Hanna and family returned to ton wa« paid for the hay. the kind in bulk from 20c to Jacksonville Saturday. The Judge has The telephone line being built between The railroad tax suit has been brought 38c per pound. Present the to go to Klamath Falls next month to Forest Grove and Hillsboro by Anton about bv an injunction of the company try some cases for Judge Hale. 1’fanner will, it fa exjtecled, fa» in opera to restrain ti>e sheriff from collecting the cash with every order, and if Sheriff Agee of Roseburg returned tion in about two weeks. balance uf the company’« tax due the you wish we will attend to the from Yuma last week but without Bob Catt'e riding will «oon commence at county, amounting to $18,000. The delivering of the town orders. Hinman who had been shot in the leg Poplar in Grant county, as a number of company had been notified by the coun VIA. above the knee and whose recovery is steers are contracted lor Muy delivery, ty judge that a certain amount of its tax doubtful. es were delinquent and that unless pay besides some stock cattle. ment was made on or before a certain Frank Dessinger came in Sunday from L. S. Wickersham is buying cattle and Kerbv. He says placer mining is about sheep around l.ongCieek in Grant coun time its property would be attached and — t wound up in his locality and that the ty. He has already secured a large band sold to satisfy the same. To guard ag imekjca ’ m k - knic UN«. season is six weeks shorter than that of oi sheep, and the Eagle «avs he h pay ainst this the company has commenced To the boy or girl bringing ns this action. An interesting feature of last year. ing top prices for cattle. the largest number of orders Meals in the cas** is the fact that liie K. I*. Co1 Cattle-buyers are now working Klam The recent warm weather has greatly against which no taxes have been asses Dining before the first of July we will Car ath county. For good 2 and 3 year-old reduced the quantity of snow in the sed, is joined with the O. A C. Co in the a la beef steers they are offering *25, but are mountains in Grant county, and many action—the latter only, however, having give Ji. o in cash, and to the < ’arte making few if any purchases, says the streams that have heretofore fan»n unfor- been assessed. This means that if the one bringing or sending the Klamath Republican . Some of the cat dable can be crossed without danger. company should be beaten in this slate, tle-owners are reported to be holding out next largest numbers (entitling the S. 1’. Co. being a foreign coiporation. The action to recover about $4000 from the matter will be -arried to the supreme for *30 per bead. them t > tops) we will present TH« ALL-RAII. ROUT« ex-Sheriff Gitting«’ bondsmen is on trial court uf the United States and will come J J. Moore and wife arrived from Per in Harney. TO KOOTENAI MINIMI DISTRICT, with a dollars ’ worth of fire up for settlement some time between ris, Los Angeles Co. last week by wagon —VIA— Tbe Laurean Debating Hociety in Eu now and next centennial. route, after a month’s journey. Mr crackers. It is supposed an effort will be made SEATTLE AND SP m R ANK Moore Bay* times ate dull in Southern gene has been debating whether or not We want all the boys and Californ a as they are in Southern Ore the clergy should take an active part in to demur the S. 1’. Co. out of the action, but whether it can be done or not is the gon, that barley is being cut in the San- politics. girls in Josephine county to question Thu county lias employed as Joaquin and that many fields down that The 4-y$ar-ol<l daughter of Mr. and counsel in the case 1’iiiu A Son and take part If not convenient way are suffering from lack of rrin. Mrs. J. M Clemen«, of Climax, Jackson judge E. B. Watson of Portland.—Tid for you to coine to the store county, was severely scalded recently, by ings. A Tough Outilf. falling into a tub of boiling water. write for full particulars. Mia. Mary Sinitli left tor «iaaon* Sat urday . Mi*. Nellie Redfield took Sunday’s Irani lor Medford. Bargains Here's a of the CRUMBS. 200.000 TREES FOR SME InitMML BOYS AND GIRLS! Asa Special Inducement The Mexican gipsies mentioned in last week’s Coi hiek proved to be more num erous and cheeky than at first supposed. They readied Grant’s Pass in three squads an»l when all camped together ag gregated over 50 men, women and chil dren and 24 starved mustangs. The out fit did not seem to have any use for soap and water and faith men, women and children were the quintessence of filth and rags. The sifuaws AOtild sneak into a house, yard or store and when accosted some of them would attempt to engage the in mates in a “tell your fortune” pro|x>sl- tion,|while the others picked lip what they could find. As fa-ggars they were as cheeky as a band of American tram;« and as pilferers they could give points to any ordinary thief. Our authorities had special poli<» sta tioned on the bridge at the f >ot of Sixth street and thus the horde was kept out ■ of town at night and a deputation of citi zens waited on them ami ordered them I to “move on’’ which they did after some parley. They turn their horses into farm pas tures along the road at night and when they find a lone farm house they work on the fear of its in cupants who will give up anything to get rid of them They are íiii ¡ now in the Umpqua valley, working | had north and th« people up that way hau better keep their eyes open for them T khrihi . e AcciBxsr.—it is a terrible Wall Marsh, of Centerville, Washing ton county, wan badly bruised Satur accident to be burned or scalded; but day and several of his ribs broken, by a the pain and agony ami frightful distig- urments can be quickly overcome with pugnacious bull. out leaving a scat by using De Witt's Rev. Eli Fisher, of Medford, has turn Witch Hazel Salve. W. F. Kremer. ed loose eight Chinese pheasant«, one cock ami seven hens, near Phoenix. The Jacksonville public school direct Sportsmen are re»}uested not to molest ors met last Thursday and selected the them, but allow the species to increase following teachers for the ensuing year By permission of the game warden. Prof. 11 S. Strange of Oregon City, prin Mr Chris Vandran has shipped 12 pairs ci pal; «alary $909 per year. Minò Rose gradi*, $50 per of Chiuese pheasant« to California. The Coleman, grammar captain of the steamer Homer will take month, Miss Marie Andrews, intermedi them from Portland and use them for ate department, $30 per month; Mrs. C. F. Shepherd, primary, $55 |M*r month. breeding purposes. Old settlers on the lower Huslaw, in Lane county,«ay that growing crops and fruit trees have n it looked iu as fine a condition as they ar»» now in for nine years. CALHOUN BROS nea Hill Land Library-Car Route St. Paul, Duluth, Minneapolis, Chicago AND ALL POINT« EAST. THROUGH PALACE and TOURIST SLEEPER«, DINING and LIBRARY OBSERVATION CARS. To fill the Barrel of Success stop the leaks. Daily Trains : Fast Time Trading at Calhoun Bros., «aaVK'K ANI> Kt KNKHY CN»A|l*L»D. For ticket* und lull information call on stops the leaks. or addrcH* B kn A Lmru, Agent Woodville. A. B. C. D** ni * ton ' K. <'• S tuxn *. <’ 1’4 T A. Portland Or. <1 W P A. Se»ltle, Warb. BoltN McCormack DEA N —BR<M’K M A N In Jacksonville. .MAY lfl, 1NI/7, by W. H. Crowell, county ju«ige. Geo. E. Dean and M. E. Brock man. • Ahead. Our Machines will be here next week J. R. H ale , Undertaker, office op posite Kremer’s drug store, where he may be found, cither day or night MONEY TALKS will give you the best Mower, Harvester, Rake or other machine or implement at the lowest price in Southern Oregon. JEWELL & DODGE Having made arrangement!» to buy from a factory outside of the combine, wc now sell our entire line of Coffins and Caskets at one BLACKBURN HOUSE BLOCK half the former prices. We carry by far the large«* stock to select from in the county, and the Goods are equal to any on tile market. We will not be under sold on Undertaking G<xxls ai <1 will furnish uur elegant HEARSE to our patrons FREE. VALUES Wc arc now offering our entire stock of ladies $3.50. $4.00, $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 J. R. HALE. WOOL SKIRTS at $2.95. Notice for Publication. U jhtkd S tates L and Orric«, ItohEBUKu, Oregon, May 13, 1N97. oth i ih hereby <. iven that the following-named KVllfar has H1« h 1 nof...»/ hj| pdv^tion to m ako final prool ii . h oi | ih vlaitii, and that said pruoj will fa; made failure J. M Chiles, County Judge of Josephine Ct>., Of., at tiranl'« Pa«s, Oregon, <m June, 24 185’7, vis I krume B. B knson on homesu-ad entry No. 6839, for the rtf’ of Sec ga, Ip :ifl >, KO W. He name« the following witness*« to prove Ins eontinuoiis resid»-ncc upon and cultivation ol «aid land, vis Calvin Well«, J. Frank Mee, . Auguel Meyer an»l L, Yonker, all of Grant’s Pass, Oregon, R 3 V N Don't miss the great bargains we are ottering in rec I SIXTH STREET ♦ t I : 1 ’tire Medicine« National Drug Store, (lid*» fur HATS. R. L. COE &. CO. OUR NURSERY Shortest and Quickest Line to In ord«.r to clean up our stock and to place before our customers STRAW $50,000. Capital Stock, Special :o: Sale! and $ii.5O ZB JL2ST3C Do Not GROW Jackson c unity ha« a \v >in di mailcar rier, Mrs. Vol Stickei, of Eagle Point, The silver men < f this city are trying who a ill carry the mad between that lu get William Jennings Bryan tu make point and Big Butte this summer. a speech here as he passes through Ore gon in July. Whit stU'cen they will Arthur Nichols and will Beale killed A dark skinned individual with a plug have remain to fa» seen. an immense grizzly, weighing about IODO hat, who had his long hair braided into { mjiiik I s , in Big Butte precinct. Jacksoil HAMMOCKS FOR TWO with a knot at the back of his head, accompa ' str- ngth for lour at Cramer Eros. county. The brute was in that section a nied by a darker young lady, attracted long time, an I did mu h damage among considerab'e attention on our streets this Breeders of horses *ill be pkased to the stock. The boys naturally feel proud week. They registered as “Dr. I xmjii en notice that the service of Mr. Cass' of their feat muger” ar the Palace, but they went horses has been reduced to meet the north without doctoring anybody here. It fa reported that E. Jennings lias [ times Now ih a good chance to get a solti his ranch in Table Rock dfatiict, g<xxl colt cheap. Don’t neglect a cough because the Jackson county, foi $53.0 M), conditional - flow to Treat A U Ife A miner name»! Stine w *s caved in on weather is pleasant; betore the next | ly. Mr. Jennings has been prospecting storm roll» around it may »levelop into a by a bank one day la^t week on Evans for some time for coal on the premises, (From Pacitl»’ Health Journal) serious difficnltv beyond repair. One ¡creek, some 12 miles above Woodville First, get a wife ; second, lie pa'mnt, and has <1 ih < *ver » l favorable indications Minute Cough (’lire is easy to take and He was held down all night his bea<l in some phi»-»?« lie has already been will do what it* name implies. W. F just sticking out and found insensible You may have great trial« «ml perplexi paid $10JU down and a sum has been dea next morning by parties who dug him ties in your business, but do not there I mj si led to cuver expenses of «inking a K remer. out He is recovering from his prema- fore, carry to your home a cloudy or ' «halt. <x>ntracte«l brow. Your wife may have > ture burial. trials, which, though of le*s magnitude, A. A. Batterson has sol»l Ins interest may i>e hard for her to l»ear. A kind in the Medford Mail to his partner V H. word, a tender i<»k will do wonders in John Rast vs (Aphelia Panks and C <> . Bliton who will run the paper alone. chawing from her brow all Clouds oi Mr. Batterson han gone to mining in gloom.—To this we would a<i»j always Andrews; confirmation. Sheriffs sale British Columbia keep a bottle oi Chamberlain’s Cough con firmed. Milton vs. Mo«ljeika Mason , divorce, BEAI TIFL’L BABY BUGGIES >t Remedy in the house. It is the beat and is sure to he needed sooner or later. Ilecree granted. CRAMER BROS Your wife will then know that you really S. F. (’a*« vs Lawrence Alexander, et Croup and whooping cough are child care for her an»i wish to protect her al., t) foreclose mortgage. I >r< ree grant hood a terrors ; but like pneumonia bron health. For sale by all druggist«. ed. chitis, and other throat ami lung trou < . <>. Barlow vs. Taylor Mining Co. to Lies, can be quickly cured bv using One Memoria! servire« to be held in thè recover money. Dismiseed. Minute Cough (’ure. Dr. W. F. Kre- Presbyterian chu eh negl Sunday ut 11 A W. Dahlberg was admitted to citi , mar. o’clock A M Eidur Huntur of thè Chrfa- senship on affidavit of John Goodell ami C K flarmon At the teaidier’v examination fast ilari chur» h officiatili#. All old soldiers, tgilors and Indiar) F. N. Bank of S. O. vs. La a r noa fLeo week the I following certificates were is W. A Massie state diploma. w veti-rana and thè Woman’« Helirf nard and wile; tu for<-cl<i»H mortgage. «ued M i«s Olive Owen 1st gra*|e county; Corps are reqiieated to meet at thè <>«!«! Taken under advisement tu march lo thè O. Severn vs. W. W. W<xj||uik et al., Mreee« i Aggie White, Eva C. Jones, Iza Fel'owa Hail at 10 injunction. \rgue<l and «ubmitted. Dyke and Mr«. I»elia Evans gn<j grade; vhurefi in a body. Court adjourned sine die. Mi««e* Josie Crow, Bertie Feller!y. I)es«a Deafnex» Cannot be Cured ¡Thompson ami Edith F. Jones 3d A Prosper tor's Fate. grade- by local applications as they canix.t read) the diseased portion of the ear. JL’ST ARRIVED. A I *t of fl> e BABY The body of E l Scheffiin a wealthy ¡CARRIAGES. Call and examine them There is only one way to cure oeainess pr>»u|»«*clor was found dead in a cabin 20 and that is by constitutional remedies. at Cramer Bro«. miles east of Canyonville Douglas county l>eafLe-s is < a>i»e<i by an inflamed con Not oniy pile« ol the very worst kind dition of the mucous lining of the Eu last Friday. A coroner'« jury »leeided can fa* cure»! by Ite Witt’» Witch Hazel stachian Twbe. When th»« tube is in that death was due to accidental * augeg. Halve, but eczema, maids, burns, bruise-*, flamed you have a rumbling sound or The decease»! was one of the discoverers ljuile. ulcers ami all other akin troubles imperfect bearing, and when it i« en of the Toir^hsp^qe mine in Arizona. 11 is »an I n » instantly relieved by the same tirely closed, deafneas is the resqlt, ^u<4 home fa at ign Joee, ( al. An embalm reme»ly W. F Kremer. unless the inflammation can be taken er left here to prepare the body for tran- vpurtation to where hi« family re«i»|e« in The wmden sidewalk« oi Gr$nt « l*a«e out and this liibe restored to it« normal California Mr Scheftlm wa- a native of condition, hearing will fa- destroyed h»r- are unanlmonely going to decay. Ixioae fa< «*>n county and w$* abjdt V» vear« fa»ard(, aonie of which have rotted t» ever; nine cmom out often are caused old by catarrh, which is nothing but an in <lu«t rattle umler the wheel« of the bier flamed condition of the mu<mM surfaces. i le or up-end under the f<jot of the We will i give One Hundre«l (Jollara lor trian. There will be a whole« any -ase ol ifdeafnese vaused by <atarrh) mar.»l for »farom|*jaed granite to replaoe that o annul I ju cured by Had « Catarrh them pretty euou. I ure bend for circular«, free. UsHIN’t TACKLE at CRiMEK F J. CHENEY A Co., Toledo, O. BR< >S 1 by druggut«, 75<. After considerable delay in clouding Hal Il’e Family Pills are the beet. up. a nice rain fell in Southern Oregon " »«lay aftern All Sunday night Ex h the warm, senile showers montened tbe F t WMlHx BICYCLE-» SL’ i at Grander •roiling «oil and a g mm I < r»>p of etraw- el wi Bros. bernef* and «mall grain is now- assure»!« p*>wt»H W»»h the rain wa» late, but it will be worth 1 •lhsrlié. cur*- ron»t'patIon forwver. hun*lre«fa of thousands tu Houtbern Ore* gis, Me l< C C C fall, drutfxlata r»-f um I ummm - j . » I EXCEPTIONAL x ❖