Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1887)
r ~ I CITY EXPRESS \ RARE OPPORTUNITÀ From Althouse. 1» addition toour rejKirt last week on the Gold Hill Mining and Mill May 28th, 1S87. — AND — Giclai Peser of Jostpilw Cocaly. Oregon ing company, there are the follow En" C ofrihii :--It is painful to me to have to record the xleath of ing prominent ledges near that Delivery Wagon. FRIDAY, . JUNE 3, 1S87. place; Thomas Lawrence and W the infant son of J. M. Lewis, cf whose sickness I .»poke in my letter Owing to the death of my husband, I will close out niv entire L. McClure each have claims on a The funeral takes Commercial and other travelers’ Registered at tin- 1' T. •• in Grant'» ltxle one and one half miles east of of the 26th stock of General Merchandise at Grants Pass place from the residence of Alex Ore., a" S-.-wiJ-t lasr Mattr. Trunks Deliver m Promptly, the town, and near .Mr. Chavuer's White, Sunday at j o'clock, p. in. place. Shafts have been sunk Calls answered 1. o. o. F. CORRI SroNfiEN' E. feet on both of them. These claims I see that there will be a general DAY or NIGHT, izi We invite r-orr»»»»}» >n lem » fnwn «Il «ce- All outstanding accounts due said Morris Xfensor, deceased, tion» on mibj-ct» of b eai and other in* are both on the same lode, which is muster of the members of this order W. M. ROYAL, P roprietor . lereat». four feet wide, the walls being of at their several lodge rooms on the must be settled immediately. 5-13-41 With each ! 't r thè nume «od nddres» slate and granite. We saw ore from evening of Saturday, Jttne 11th. to' nf thè aen b-r i» requir I, c'i ecially if vote on an endowment fund for the them which was rich. None of the O. F. O. H. and educational fund sent for palili ati i:: 1.. ». »Mini. 1». o. DAVIS. orc has been assayed but it pans out I sincerely hope everyone of the SMITH & DAVIS, EDITORIAL NOTE? AND NEWS Come and Get Bargains. a prospect that does it great credit. members will be on hand, for it is a worthy and deserving institution $ and C. Lewis and Chas. W. Cornelius 6th S t ., (opposite Dr. Flanagan's residence) G rants P ass . Forest fire» arc raging along the also have a ledge near the same We tiead a home for the old and de serving brethren who for so many Respectfully, Carnelian I i iff•. place, upon which a shaft has been years have given their time and AGENCY. 5-13tf It is rumored that the O. & C. is -unk 20 feet with good prospects money for the tipbuilding of this P T’V Messrs. McClure, Beck and Stuart glorious Order in these United K . A HACKS and EXPRESS to be called the Mt Shasta route. WAGONS. also have a fine ledge one mile from States A home properly organized Mr. Merritt of the Sentinel, is a town which carries sulphuret ore of for aged Odd Fellows, their orphans Gr iers ’eft nt 1 S 'initii’s Livcrv .iLi- man and a good writer who deals excellent quality. There is also the and widows would be one of the 5-13tf finest institutions iti this State, and bte promptly attend I to. from principle. Well, we suppose Frcdinburg ledge, two-thirds of should receive the support of every papers must .have opposites as well which is owned by parties at Cor good anil true-hearted Odd Fellow County Treasurer’s Sth Notice. PHŒNIX. Oregon, and OAKLAND, California. as other things. vallis, which promises well. The anil citizen. [So mote it be]. (M rl : • >• THE Co- NT I T keam RLR, I FOURTH op Jt'l.Y (¡rants P.u •», .May 13th, 1887. f rich ledge of Ray & O’Donell, two A special potato train of twelve Nf’iu. D hereby ghon that then» are Our Stock this season Cannot be Excelled on the Coast miles north of Gold Hill, must not preparations are in progress in Kir cars left San Francisco on the 31st funds in the ’ unt; rreasttrv for tin’ re- he overlooked, as it bears as rich byville for a good time generally. demion of the f( !ii>wing Comity War Neither in Quantity, Quality, Varieties, Siie A Trees, nor Health and Vigor ult, for Chicago. It will run by . with horse racing, foot racing, and of same. Embracing all the Leading Varieties of rock as we ever saw. .Mr. Ray perhaps a gills tournamefit. Now rm! (. i r Me ‘cd up to Ju y 1st, ] <45 • way of Ogden and the Union Pacific Numbers tihU, 6 S, Ul‘>, 648, 647, 654, showed us a piece of rock no larger is your time, boys. APPLE. PEAR, PEACH, PLUM, PRUNE, APRICOT, ( h .7, <.< h . m :? »<70. ml, (¡72, (»73. (»71, h75, railroad. The rate made to ship u7 » "J. <¡51, 7 >3, 4)4, 784, 654, than an egg which lie estimated to , HADI.Y CUT, BUT NOT SERIOUSLY GZd G77, NECTARINE. CHERRIES, ALMONDS. Etc. Etc. <•• •• ■ ■ • • • pers is $1 per 100 pounds. ue worth nearly a hail' mitwv in, ooo D am a * j LD. Int'-r - ' n th? Harr • «il ceco from On June 6th the mail service from say the least, there are already dis- J. \V. HOW AKI I A young gent who is a masher this J J- Si ’EC IA LT IKS. Tca'iirer. Ashland! to I.inkville will be covered in the immediate vicinity of amongst the fair sex, met with a 5-13-Tt changed, omitting Ashland and Soda this toxvn, a group of very promis painful accident on Saturday. A Springs beginning at Willow Creek, ing ledges, well defined and rich, 'chisel slipped and cut his hand. By x-irtne ■ ■ 1 . , itio'i duly is» -. ■ I Poor fellow; he is fearful that the P. Barry Pear,’the best late shipping variety. Cal., embracing th offices of Bogus and doubtless many more hidden cut will leave a scar. My friend, out oi th f ir. lit Court of Josephine Muir Peach, (freestone) still heads tho list. beneath the earth’s surface. There honest industry is good. It should County, Stat ■ ;.f (>.,* ’on, on th 1 Ith d iv ! and Bcswiek. if May , 1' - g si to m j ijire. ted and d - Kauac’ay s Cling, the canner’s pride. is also a mine which assays 90 per lie commended by all—the more so lixer-i. in f.i'.or "f .-'.car l ine D.xir mi l Kelsey's Japan Plum, has no peer. Ex-Surveyor General Tolman cent, iron within two miles of it, | when the purse is at zero. Bright I. mbe: l . iq.o and against Mary Robe do Sargent Prune, never liefore <>tFere<l in Oregon thinks well of his coal mines near and a lithographing stone mine near eyes look with deepest sympathy Ta *. !or, i v. 10 ».■'! at pul - ¡’c miction to the ti \x; :> ;i, in ., dri< d state, forms the celebrate 1 prune D Elite, io he-t l>i I :• r for ca-h in band, at the | upon the armless sleeve pinned to (Fr-.-nch Conserves), Medford. In fact, they are about by, and a granite qttary of huge di ( o'lrt Ho c I . .r i t Grants l'a»s, Conn- I Berkeley Goosberry, the most profitable of them nil. the same distance from Central mentions. In addition to this, there the lappell of the coat. Scars which ty G.d St..t.* afoi. a till, on have been received in honorable Saturday, Jur.c ixth, N-7, Point that they are from Medford, is the finest water power in South warfare, or while endeavoring to Languedoc, King's, Soft Shell and Paper Shell Almondt. it 2 <•'. !■' k 1 m o; »aid ■ I iv, all tic'right so the General inibrms ns. tit:, a-; I r ■ < ! (lie -..i i Mary Taylor make an hottest living are the badg ern Oregon at the very town site, LARGE STOCK SHADE and ORNAMENTAL TREES. es of merit which are given to the ill a el to the following deserdstd lands ! an I premi-es t .-v it: Lot numb, rel -ven The railroad company having in-. where an abundance of fall can lie good and true. Evergreen«, shrubs, ruses, clematis and flowing plants, small fruits, grape F. (II) in Judson and Chanslor’s subdivision vines, etc., etc. temtsatMonta ue wantth« Yreka procured to operate al’klnds^of ma- of block lettered ‘ K" of J. Bourne, Jr.’s ' ■Im | nrehasing el», wh re. parties intending to plant trees w ill find Work on the C. A 0. liist addition to the town of Granta Pass, ■ |x.-<>ple to run their branch road to ' chinery at a trifling cost. The hill it to their interest to come and see unr st.s-k and learn our price. Josephine Countx . State of Oregon, with lands are rich and not too bigh for Catalogues mailed gratis upon application. Address m H communications to Continual additions to the force all and every of tie appurtenances there that place, which does not suit them. ■■'■ ,l"'” 1,1 f,"it- «quit- of employes on the California & ()tc to iielonging. or suilicient thereof to satis- gon extension have run the number iy the sum of one hundred and one dol- jective point. It is difficult to fore L. no irrigation, so that with her val of men on the construction pay roll fars ami forty-three cents, ($101.43) I'. S. Flurnix, Jackson county, Oregon. òltf I old coin, now due on said judgment, with tell the result of this disagreement. leys lying near there are sufficient up to nearly 5,000. This great ar gnterest al the rite of eight percent. |>er resources at hand to give Gold Hill my of "navvies” is distributed all annum from the 14th day of April. 1X47. More people are coming in front bright prospects for the future. She along the line in Oregon, nearly as and the further sum of sixty-live dollars and disburi-ment“, and also the costs California than go there, Three h;is also one flouring mill; two stores far north as Ashland. It is deemed | costs of sale ami upon Illis writ necessary to the railroad company bat" I at Grants Pass, Oregon, this 16th large 4-horsc coaches run daily and a postoffice; one feed stable; to keep as large a force there as can Or Colored Shirt, Ask for the from Ashland to the terminus. One dejiot; two hotels; one saloon, and be worked to advantage, as the work dax’ oi May, 1887. T. G PATTERSON, Sheriff. stage carried all tin passengers over one blacksmith shop, anil a tin shop is of the heaviest character. Be By |{. R. Mi'KHis, this route before the rail in course of erection, and a lumber tween the summit and Ashland there 5-2xi 5t Deputy. and farm machinery establishment will be two enormous loops. The road began to close up. The hint -------- 000-------- kept by our friend J. II Griffis, who actual distance is only 14 miles, but is worth taking. Sheriff s Sale. I the rail distance will be about 2; F ot u Gooii Pair of Overalls, Ask for tho tlso takes, building contracts, and BY \ iilTFF. of an executii 11 duly in The Portland News is out in be who has secured the survey of a miles. From Hornbrook to Cole’s, sued it of the < irenit Court of th- State the stage distance is about nine I ->( >ss of tlie Rond half of Prohibition. Compelling water ditch to the town two and a miles ami the rail distance sixteen. of on .0:1 f. r Joséphine County, on the 2d lay <■; May. lx-7, mid i > m? directed people who love whi key to let it quarter miles long which can be and take no others. d dixi-r” I, in favor ci Kasper Kubli J acksonville . May 31st.—An and alone, is about like statutory law to built for 55,000. The hotel of Mr. and John Bolt piaintitfs. « ho recovered a other terrible runaway accident oc judgment mid decree 01 foreclosure of a To iw had of all first-class dealers. Í49 S’-” force married per»ous t<> love each Barlow is a place so home like and curved here this evening in which certain nn rtgag" in the above Comt on other. They may be married but cozy that we enjoyed our short stay Win. Eaten, street commissioner. the 12th day of April. 1X47, and against wm seriously, if not fatally injured the hereinafter described real propertv not mated. If thev love whiskey iti the place very much. I.eloiiLing to Angelin.' and Wal- they will have it. ; lace Newman, defendants, I mn emu- manded I" levy on and sell said property ------- DKAI.EKS IN------- While at Ashland on last Sunday Pay Your School Tax. to .»atisfv the jadgincnt of Kasix'r Kubii The Time- in its last issue says we walked down Oak street to the ■and John Bolt, for the sum of 42C4.1X, The S< hoolTux is delinquent after.June xxith interest th len fr. m the 12th day of the peach crop is nearly all killed residence of Mr. P. Griswold where 12(h. There will be the vx|M»nrto of col ipiil, 1X47, at the rate of eight percent. in Josephine county. What has we found <>ur little friend Belle Da lection added after that tinie Iwr annum, and tho further sum of $21.*5 6th St., between Main and H, Grants Pass, Or. W I Bl KBVIIX, I costs ami disburstnents, and also the costs the squib writer got in his craw vis. A fine dish of luscious straw 6-3-21 School Clerk. Have the Largest and most Complete- Stock in their lino in s cithern On?-on uhicl ■ •1and upon Ibis writ ; and in obedience against our county that he hits it berries, cake and cream tells a large they xx ill mil! to said xx rd, 1 du! 0:1 th“ .nth day of Max, 1.447, levy oil said re illy a< i -ir.ling to law, : To larger pet portion of the remainder of the sto AS LOW AS TUP, I.OWl’.S'U. and xx ill offer for sale for gold coin of the cent of our peach crop is killed by ry. Mr. G., who is the brother in I'ailed States of Amelie 1, at public atlc- AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED to the highest bid 1er, at the Court frost th in was lost in Jackson conn law of our friend S. Harkness, has CHEAPER THAN EVER! 1 tion. House door in Grants I’ass in said coun an abundance of fruit and l>erries ty and State, on Saturday, June 4th, 1887, ami withal a beautiful place ami Fancy Goods of all kind». sold at Capt. Russell, who was one of at two o'. Io k p. m. of said d iv, all of the comfortable home. We have to BED ROCK PRICES the viewers of the county trail up right, title and interest of tho said Ange- II «' ick line Newman and Wallace Newman, de Rogue River, informs us that .in thank them for their many kind Summer Silks, 55 cts. per yard fendant». in ami to nil of the following excellent route has l«en marked nesses to us. Those who wish to described real property, tiewit: The 5 ** ” “ out as far as the comity line. The find a pleasant place will please do I.awns, • ~outh-we»t quarter of the south-east quar Othvr goodw in Proportion . |K-ople lieu am! along the river are as we did, walk down. ter of Koetion thirty-six l.3t>) in townnhip I Will not bi* I nder Sold. thirty-seven (37 south of range eight (X) anxious to have the trail built to xvest ; also, the south east quarter oi the the railroad, ami if the (tropic of north-west quarter of section one (1) in BRIEF MENTION J W HOWARD .Grants Pas-, are awake to their township thirty eight 34) seutli, range (I 3lf] -------- ALSO own interests thev will take imme eight x west, containing .40 acres, situ lion. E. I. Bristow of Con-al ated in Josephine county, Oregon. diate steps to have the terminus at lis died a few days ago Witness my hand and otlicial signature that place bv meeting us at the The Southern Pacific are talking this 5tli dav of Max 1X47 Ui county line. Such a trail would . of a time table lietwecn I.os T G I'A rri'BSON. Sheriff. Ange I IlSSBLL lie of iniiiu-m-e benefit. [Gold les and Portland. o By R. R M ohkis , Deputy. +-> 5-6-4 w Beach Gazette. Q The Supreme Court has decided This matter is well worthy of that Marple, the murderer of I). I THE Q_ attention, as it may result in a wa Corker, must hang. O I gon road which would throw all Tin* Oakland Enterprise publish Q_ of the Ellensburg mails and busi cs the various enterprises, resources, k. r ▼ > ness to this pl lt c Remeniltcr trails ¿tv., of that section. /• f ADRIAN, No. 6053, San Francisco is having .1 news do not cost much money What I LaJ p.qier war, implicating the Exam Autocrat Wood Force Will !»-• >1 the stu<lon and after hinc 1st. sav s 'i'1 r incr, Call and Chronicle. 1vS7, at the Livery stable <H L. S Smith, J (¡rant« P.u*«. Oregon. A few more ap- Wing Lee. the Chinese doctor 0 The Grand Encampment of the 1 ’1JI 1 1 J )<A, provud m ire* em b » taken bt'sidv* those wh was .1 cused of causing Mrs a!ren ly engaged. For further informa < L o. O. F .it their meeting in Cornish's death at Yreka, has Iteeu tion, w rite or applv tu LQ P<ull.i'id <>n the 16th ultimo, elec released. And all goods handled by L S SMITH, Manager. 5-43-1 ui tel th folloxxitig officers fot the The Yreka Union will soon be STAVICK OÒ WALK HR, ensuing vear enlarged ami unproved A Camp r t THE FINE VERMONT HORSE ----- Including the ----- Grand patriarch. R M. Day; lx-11 power press will l>e one of the X EMPIRE MOWERS. REAPERS and BINDERS. Gram! high priest. Tin: tl;x Ford; addition''. ►< F. S. \V.. A A. Ga i I k .41, grnnd HYDRAULIC PIPE aud GIANTS er Will makv tbo<>n n*>f('!l»’Ws # scrilie, J. M Bacon; grand treas On the midnight train Thursday, •z Furnished on short notice. We cordially invite all to examine our goods Q K K<*rbyville, April 1 Ith. urer, J. G G. Wright grand rep 1 man by the name of Varbrought. aud prices liefore purchasing. Waldo. April Uth, rescnlative, Phil Metchau; grand with a wife .md five children, bound junior xxarden. R. Alexander. H. for Oregon, was told that Redding Ld and rtdurn cYurv 9!h dav dnring the <ra- I’hv balance <>f the time uill be at E. Donch of Portland, grand mas was as tar as he could go before T (he KvUv place, <»n Suvker Urwk. ter; C I. Palmer oi Baker city, de taking the stage Acting on this Ä DMcriptio* »nd Pedigree: putv grand master; < >. D Itoane, false assertion, lie took a child un Et HO is a L. autiiu! dark I iv. 10year* grand warden; J M Bacon, grand der each arm and attempted to old. l'»’y hainh high, "eil pro ¡»ort inne» I .secretary; J G. Wright, grand jump off the train while it was in and wuighs 1’M» pound**. Echt» w '•* •» rud treasurer; trustees for tip home. A motion The result w is a broken by < arlwell f» Mik *. »I im L\ Old Ver N. Gambell. J. G. Anics. G. W leg .After lying at the depot for mont, h»»r lam the Owr’n'xk tnar«', h thonMigbbred Kentm ky \\ hip Mike Kern and J J. Murphy, grand rep several hours with his wife and lit 11™ leaxe to inform tho public that he is now nicely IncatM on the corner of v a* by OLI Vermont, h? bv Inde- resentative, \V Txx ecd.tle. tie ones around hint his leg was l'cniUib e. Le b\ 1 ’ i . d k Hi"k, he bv Sht r- \SIII and . (>KE<iu\ OTH AND H STREETS. GRANT'S PASS OREGON set am! thev were all removed to man Morgan, he bv Justin Morgan, the foumler •>: the Morjan famih Mike> The Southern Pac’iic ha placed the old Fireman s hall Mr. Ku 0. GANIARD, With a LarRO Assortment of Proprietor, dem "a* tbe Ovvrboi k m irv. thm» t»on- an express tram on Lheir toad l>e ner circulate ! a subscription pajxer i t»etin« tbo V»*rm-»ut btrainin Fchua^ful- tween- Los Angek - mid Portland, for his Ixr.efit, to which the citi ricanant Ac mmnitation'» h»r Fan lie*« ly .u* it i$ in Mik» The distance is it;; miles. The zens responded lilreralh It seems Ihvwenitvr* carried to and from th Hotel lEKM> i v ..e ft » Am And everything to be found in a Finit-Claas store, which 1 will sell train will leave Los Augx les at X r. hard to meet with an accident of ii* man» dutingthr wea.*on FRIT. OK I H IR iì E. h ill pl i'inbetr that tneney for »er- M. daily and r> tch S icrnmento at this kind a thousand miles from ratn»n« «ih b *upi b. I with Ho- and uor ii VERY LOW FOR CASH, OR MARKETABLE PRODUCE. aken t< 2:30 P. M. the next aflcrti'wm home with wif< and helpless ba ( í‘l«l K.ith*» fl« in tlic I arnid lilitv a> ' and s« me before purchasing elsewhere. will rrach Portland lies dcjiendetit tq Redding WÎHT! sri.lUH’R SPRINGS «umed Wotl ■1 the tl Free Pre” THE COLKi EK N K \y Flour, Grain, and Feed Store, Front St., adjoining Courier Offlc«. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. W<- hay.- .rtrnet ;s FiMMlas. H(XJ, and I red store in the building furmeriv o.rupied :r- a saddle and harness »hou whert- v.e will keep <-o<iMunt|y ntt »„¿J and for Kale the beM brand« ol (OST! AT Flour, Corn and Oat Meal. Wheat, Barley, Oats, Mill and Chop Feed, Bran, and even thing pertaining to a . FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE. W. RAZEE & SON. 34tf] MRS. M. MENSOR. TREES! Proprietor,.. NEW FURNITURE STORE! A.J.SEDGH, ENTREES! Main St., 'l»-t 4th and 5th) Granta Pan — Has just opened a New — Hammon Bros.’ Nurseries, FURNITURE STORE Where will be kept on hand and for aalw all kinds of Furniture, Bidding. Picture Frame», Bracket», Etc., Etc. Poor-Fraui •», Window-Frames, Bracket« Etc., made to or ter. Special attention given to V N D E II TA I< I N Q. I Rejuuriii" and all kinds of work in line ne.ltlv and I.rurnntlv — ALSO — Manufacturer’s Fluuis, Fiunus, and Apricots on Myrobolan Plum Stock HAMMON BROS., If You wish to Buy a Good White STANDARD SHI.RT S 1 I ]•) K 12 I< & JI 11 )SON, Hard-ware, Stoves and Tin-ware. AGENT for thn RACINE ll IM) MILL! The Be it Mill made. A sbari! of pu’>!i? patron ise i? rv! |>ecl- ully «oli it I mil ■ ■. ■: tion gti*r«utMd Notice For Publication. I S. I. txo Orrice, Kosriit kg . o;!., Muy 6. ISST» Notice - I....... It till? toller- ; imi n.ctie l r.til. r b_r filed m»i<e ol her ititeli : >1: to Heike timi! I'l.xif in suprort li-r daini mid timi raid | rool will lw ■■Hide bemre tho .Judge or Clerk of th« j County Court i f JoH -phim? County, Or«- -on. it Grants I'.i- s tir—.-ou, on Saturday, lune ls'lli. Iss?. \i’ Il u.rah L. Cade, orimiix w.i w oi \V. ,'d Kitternuin, d»~ ia->e l. IF rie-teiul ei.trx No ;.iisi>, lor h< - V. .. x I. , «nd W • f S E M, --C is T|. < u 7 west, W M. Sho foiba« ii^ xx.t, < »"<•» to prova I name» tl. hi r cenqi non» ie-i ein e m on. und < iiltE VHtiull "i Mid lutili viz : Jolt I \tel>,aigle, W S. I •< liar1. .I.i.i ■ 1’ Lew is, Geo. V . Lewis Ji ill < A thou.-e, Josephiiia Comity Oregon. C11 x-. W. Jmix.Tox, 5-13 Cl ■ Register. M.i. r.x::-:. J. I. Case, and Cantun Clipper Hiding and Wa'king Plows. The World Renouned z Chilled > z Plows, WIND Standard-bred Trotting Stallion ACME HARROWS. VICTOR XI ILLS, E - C - H - O , F NEW STORE! | NEW GOODS!! NEW PRICES! White Sulphur Springs Hotel. I L LIVINGSTONE) VANCE BOOTS and SHOES. DRY GOODS. L. VANCF » CE KF WE YI . CAHN,NICKELSBIjRGàCO Boots and Shoes 129 à 01 sinsc-i« £1.. s¡¡a FrasiU?. Cal.. ! .-! In! . 1 1 ¡ t 7 ¡ [ IX St WCt. i.’H’rClII tiic.cksrr.¡ih and Wagon Shop Spring, and Summer Goods H Studebaker Farm ?> .vis i. 1.»nUKi». J. BASTO UM. 'T own LO ts l ’< >lx’ S.\ 1.1. in ! ■! K KN IX I ' 't • to ( r»*nn*.iny <»?i ! oiler it t •- iE» at !o.\ r.»t» m rnv Shope, >:. m : <»:i I, in,I. to.eti < r with tuo lota up* ou "Rich th#» Hi .p» arc l<Hat<-iL AI h <», one ,1 re <»i KrtMimi lavonihiy J >. ated f»< residence, (‘all on or .v Li ret* s ilKE I ORMAN. • ! I in»‘ ii\, .lack-<»ii ( o.. Or. Flouring Mill and Farm 1<‘I.’ SALE pepbiM » '.¿bt mih».x south fjt i LOURING 'ILL, uitb i’lL-r.t Ma-iijnery, doing " ' , K ‘ I The .Ul-I SO «*• iu ■ r. vii'l <.,rr R’ m -) acreu under ultivati*•:»; uls.» Orchard, gix>l Ion in«! IViriiM and irrigation ditch. Line Mih:atii>n for a dairy farm. Can ir- ri rate almost any part of the plant. F further particulars call or address l.l.'AL' STRONG. Murphy, Oregon. »'•(J.’ ■■ FEIIPLE Ji HEIT IIIRKET Cor. of Front and 4th St«.. Grant’s Pass, - - Oregon. The PEOl’LE'S MEAT MARKET 1« now .md prepared to supply cuftoin* era with the choicest cuts of BEEF. MUTTON. PORK. All kinds of S A U S A G \ •- arc < t the public patronage ra* .’¡»ectiuHy solicit ed. BUNCH BROS., Proprietor« 4-Stf Citv Market J H. AHLF Proprietor. M aim S treet , G rant ’ s P as «. Fresh and Salted Beef, Pork, MUTTON, PORK SAUSAGE. AND BOLOGNA. Bacon und Lard ALWAYS ON HAND. 'feat Delivered any place in To*" FREE OF CHARGE. A siwe »( hi' hWic PiînmieMllclW