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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1887)
"IRMI Til E ('()(’ ----------------- K 1 El - W J. WIMER. - K) ADVERTISERS Publisher. NC/fsvT.’f/’r/o.V RA TES, One Year (in advance) Six Months. Three Months Siugle Copies * M • 10c Job Printing of all Kinds —IN THE— Latest and Best Styles, —AMD AT THE— Tjowent I.ivinur I {ates. An independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon. Very LINES OF TRAVEL. vol (¡KANES PASS, JOSEPHINE ( (H NTY, OK.. FKIDAY «Il NEB. ISS" NO. 10 Grant'» Baas, ho named after General tirant, 1» a county Heat centrally located in Southern Oregon. It in a progressive railroad town of 1000 inhabitants, and in the main nunply [«>int for a large portion of country devoted to mining, Imnlieriiig agriculture and fruit-raining. Climate un excelled The Cot kick being the only pa|«er pub lished in Josephine county, with a gixxi circulation in Ja< knon county, enable« it to fie one <>f the lient advertising medium» in Southern Oregon. For rate», addrexa T he Cot kikb , tirant’» Paa», Oregon. gentlemen of the best families of the county, and young persons who would have spurned an impure ac CAMPBELL à TU F F tion as they would Satan.” I agree <’ N«»W BU 1ST OF il WING Til K with them there. They would have spumed an "impure” action, yet FINKST STORE ROOM IN SOUTHERN' OREGON. some of them did engage in love making, which was out of place REGON I YACIFIC I ) AILROAD while students of a high-school, and nly P opular R oute G ROC E RI ES, VER 1 icturesque •«'■ANGES a violation of the rules of the same. There were no restrictions to pre 225 MILES SHORTER’ vent the young folks from “culti 20 HOURS' LESS TIME! On their Cheap Counter» in ill auch lines us vating an acquaintance; and, in a Accommodations Unsurpassed for Com word, acting as young folks usually DRY GOODS. fort an l Safety!—Fares and Freights do under similar circumstances,” via. Y.iqnina an«l the Oregon De DRESS GOODS, provided they kept within the velopment Co ’s St**am«hip« Produce, Hides, Furs, bounds of good school government mvch t Eas than by any CLOTHING, other route between and discipline, and did not engage HATS AND CABS, nil points in the m too!;.-!., .»ivwcuiug luie-nwicuij roots ' no <HOES They state that, "For a short WillameltJ Villar ??i Fr?!riE!" GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS, time everything went on smoothly, DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS and hade fair for a quiet and suc GROCERIES, (Except Sundays) cessful term." I would state that PROVISIONS, Mil«- I.tu re. our first quarter was a pleasant and CROCKERY, Yaquina ,«.2<> a in Albany 12:40 p m profitable one, both to teachers and .D-rire. New Arrivais. .livire. TOBACCOS, students. No "picking and fret » 'ordii I is 10 .'.s a m Corvallis 1 :22 p ID CIGARS, ETC. ting" then. But only one of the Albuiiv 11:20am Vaquilla 5 :45 p tn four expelled was in school then, O. A ('. trains connect at Albany and Corvallis. and she for only the last two weeks. ¡S' All our goods are entirely new and' will lie exchange 1 for cash I'an’i» behii‘i-11 Corvnliiii a* <1 Albany The first half of the second quarter and >an L'Aiimro: was equally harmonious, and would or farm produce. CAMPBELL & TUFFS, Rail anil ('ahin |14 (Ml. have continued so to the end of the Grant’s Pass, Josephine County, Oregon Rail and Steerage 9 00. school, if certain ones had not be WM . M, HOAG, gun to "hanker" more after each General .Manager. other than they did after their CHAS. C. iiixirK A. G. I'. & 1’. Agent, Corvallis. boolcs. Hence, trouble for them arose. It became my duty at — MANUFACTURERS OF— teacher to look after their education- Orejan Development Company. al interest. I did not consider that First-Class .-team, hip Line Ixilwccn Lumber, Doors, Windows, t*K‘*r Parents had sent them here to Vaquica and Ban Francisco, i>e instructed in the art ot flirtation. Brackets, and Mouldings. < »am.-’ilia at Y.i«pii:ta with th - trains of Thev further say, "after a time the tin- Oregon Pacific kaili-o.i I Company very harmony and good feeling — AMI) IL! KINDS OF— Eenin NEW <;ooDS seemed to annoy the Professor and Mnv lit. Wilbimcltc Valiev. Saturday 31. 1 • ()re^"»!i, Tuesday he began to pick, &c.” Now the Wi'damvtt • Vala v Saturday June 4. HOUSE STORE FINISHINGS. very wording of this gives the lie to ruxtorn Ore^'ui, “ " D. the idea intended to l»e conveyed. Wiliam« tm Valkv Tbui --.lav “ 16. Anv one who will admit that the I'astern Grc^“ii. Fri’lay “ 2-4. teacher has half sense, will know Willamette \’ali«\v, Tuesday Send for Samples. -The Introd action of — converse together, should not be Inly «>. Eastern ()r«V”ii, Wednesday Mining Application No. 51 allowed to sit on the same seat to that such was not the ease. If they San >risen; were so cruelly and outrageously I he Latest Improved Machinery, gether, &c.” U nitfi » S tites L ivd O ffice , / .May 16. Wiliam ‘tte X alb.*;«', Mon lay treated by the teacher as they re Mv experience in the past has lhisrburg, Or., May 4. 1887.1 Eastern < *r •/‘•n. Til ” lay present. why did they remain in HAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER taught me that many grown stu Willa: " Valley, Saturday “ 28. NOTICE is hereby dvvn that Willard J urn* 5. Eastern Oregon. Sunday ¥<»ung, whose post other address is Cas dents of both sexes brought togeth such a school until the day liefore it 186 First St., Portland, Or. Wiliam *tte Valley, Tlmr l;i> “ 11. CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. cade Locks, Wasco county, Oregon, has er arc liable to spend a part of their closed, or until they were exi>clled? Eastern (>r *g«»n, I t i 1 iv “ 17. Ibis day filed his application for a patent vtluablc time in flirtation and love No one compelled them to remain S. P. D. & L Cn. \V nlamette 1 alley, T.’< >duv *• 21. ®rx.f For Price List, address, for I5'hi ¡¡near leet ot the “Summit” mine here. Judging by their article, it I Eastern <>rc-«m, We.iaesdav •’ 2'3. • •r vein bearing gobi, with surface ground making unless some restrictions are seem» they would like for the world ('»rant's Pass. Oregon. thrown around them. And. as their <» M> f<M»t in width, situated in < iravr ( re- k The Company re.-s-rvi s the right to Mining District. County of Josephin«1, and minds are taken from their studies to look upon them as having suf « hange steam -r. er sailing «lates. Mining Application No. 49. State of Oregon, and dr.-ignuted by the S It TOItY, tii-n. F. A P. Agent in the same degree that they l»e fered martyrdom at the hands of a field notes ami olltcial plat on tile in this 2 I M.migo: « -rv St., San Fra:ivi.<co, Cal. NOTICE I NOTICE ! I NOTIC ' V nited S tateh L and O ffick , i came infatuated with each )>i|ivl other, cruel and tyranieal teacher. I sup office as lot No. 39, in unsurvoyed lamls. i iltf Vo rob’lheir >’"sv thinkinK I*°ple "’*» «'»• ItoBeburg, Or., May 4, l.SK’.f Said lot being dv.4cribed as follows, to-wit : and as I did not desire t ............... . NOTICE ¡. h lu ii By ’.’¡ven flint Wjilar-l Beginning at a post set in a monml of parents by taking their money for derstand their motives. DESIRING TO SETTI.I IN THUS Y'riing, w ! iom ‘ p(-t ollii e address in Cas stone 4 fret Kipuirt* f«»r corner No. I, from They also state that "he began OVERLAND 10 CALIFORNIA cade Locks. Wa>co county, Oregon. Iiax which hwating monument hears noith 64 board and tuition v lie i their chil- by an accusation against a young spending their time in dren were thisday filed hi “ a;»»'liua'i »n for a patent «legs. 17» min «*ast. 4 ‘ 4 (<• t I run north I owns of Southern Oregon ’" lady and gentleman students of un for 1500 linear ie«*i of the ‘ St l\ teis” 20 degs. west on line t»ctwecn claims 37 this way. I did make some "¿1 t ..L.. Or« • ;:i :r. C ilifornia R. R. mine or vein. Iw.irau p»ld, with Kurfa«-v and 39, (var 19 «logs. 30 min. east ) .3)0 restricting certain privileges that due familiarity. After lecturing to consult the undersigned at Will do •/round 000 f<iet in wi.ltli, Hitiinted in fret, jsist corner N<>. 2 of claim 37. and ANi> CONNECTIONS. students sometimes take, Any them in a very unprofessional man Grave Creek Mining IHMrict, County of center line of claim .39, 600 fret, a fir I I ner, &c." This is another mis : n tkai Faro fren Ferilatid to Car. Fra.tcisoo, • Josephine, and State of Oregon, and inches in diameter, mark it for corner No. scuffling over an apple, handker-1 statement of facts. Different stu ignated by th<*ti<>M note«, ami oflivial plat 2, fr«»m which minus 50; a lir 36 inches chief, or any other article whereby Limit ¿ $30, Unlimited $36 accusations against IN THE CENTRAL I ART O! THE on file in this «»tlice an lot No 37. in mi- in diameter bears south Is drgs. east, 27» one student enfolds another in his i dents unde Murveye«l land«. Said lot No. 37 being frrt. Tlirn«’«* north 77) drgs. .30 min. west arms several times in trying to take ' them; but as they were Ixitli board Clos«* Ctmr.? Iiojxtic liivcv Valley, on tin- O <\r < ’ 1 Í ; i i 1 p< >:u 1. <lescrilx*<i an follown, to-wit: on north l»«»undary, 1500 frrt. Set post ers at our house, and, as I had never \\ ith the biases The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing There Inung no public nurvev or estab for <’urnrr No. .3, from which (minus 239) it away was deemed "undue ftinil-! seen anything wrong, at least, no <k I«l ilio »stagi1 lished corners u ithin the required limits, a laurel 6 inches in diameter bears west iarity" i.uiiA and therefore uno incivi'iii- prohibited. pruiiiiiucu. , r , , , , • ii i, i, violation of our rules, ’ I did , nothing part of the County. I therefore establish a locating monu I4lo h‘«*t. A laurel 6 inches in «liamet *r One of the voting ladle-, ex felled ’J Only 25 Miles of Staffln?« ment, <»r initial point with which to con bears south 62 «legs. esMt, 22 frrt. I lime«» -...,! 1..........: . .... 1 ...1 lU.i . '»ore than to sjieak to each one of Address or call on C. MAGRUDER. Central Point, Oregon. nect H.ii<l survey. S-ijd monmm nt con south 20 «tegs, east on end line parallrl had her wrist sprained, ami had to them privately and they promised sists of a trap ruck in place, K by 10 fret with end linr of claim No. 37.425 fc. t, go and see a doctor, by acuflling me that they would not intentional at the base and S fret iiigh, and marked summit of ridg«* Iwars cast and west (plus over a pipe with a young man, a ly break any of my rules; and as on the south side thereof will, the letters 75 , Hi Mt frrt, set post «orner No. 4, fiom student of the sclvxd. D \I!.Y . < o ik they were students in whom I had S. P. cut with a chisel in the rock. I'roni which minus I'» {( yellow pine, 24 in 1 lie above rule, in part, was the greatest confidence, I did not the locating nt, Sexton mountain ches in diaim’h r. Iwai < south 85 «legs, made to prevent such things from liears S 30 deg. 2 > min W, about 6 miles. urst, 14 feet Discovery shaft and cut bring them up in the school-room Dutchmans Prak in the Kiskivou moun Iwar north 1.3 degu. ea J, 27>o f«?et fliriic«* happening. and accuse them publicly lK-forc the tains near the State line bears S deg Snow-Flake Brand — The Best in the Market. south 77) «legs. .30 min east on south They say that students were not !I:(>(» a i ; i Ar. W. Dyserts hydraulic mine on To n Eaxt boundary 1.300 fret, |>ost <’orm*r at pla« o allowed "to hold social converse to- whole school. There was soon a Ask your Grocers for it. Dont be put off by being creek I »rars S 52 «legs. W. I'rttingills of iH’ginning plus 23 » , containing 17. 04 great hue ami cry raised among the PnliBcJ getlier.” house on Grave err“k bears S 39 drgs. 20 acres. told that arytliing else is as g<xxl. Every sack of students that 1 was partial to the Pililv batwi-.-n This is a statement intended to min W. Sai<l monument is hwated on The hw.ition of this mine is recorded in this Flour warranted to make said two, and they made further ac the summit of Mt. St. i ‘ eter, onthedividc the oilier of th«* ( ’ «»untv < 'Irik of Josephine mislead and deceive grown students The <>. A C. 1:. It. l eriy makes ( ul As there brt ween < «rave ami Coyote Creeks, ami County, Orrg<»n. in Vol. 4. .Mining Ke who may contemplate coming to cusations against them. ti •< lion » i;b all th*1 lt.-.r’il.irTr.iin-* on the White, Light, and Sweet Bread. at the hea<i of Tom East creek 1 cam- c«»r«ls, <» ii page 631. 'flic adjoining <*la'ni were s milar charges against some l.a<t >bl ■ ! lió-ion. fnn: loot of F'street. this school in the future. mrnced said survey at the S W < «»rm*r at ants sr<* Edward Sanderson Smith ami I brought all up Monday Fac-simili of Brand displayed where on sale. u-«a They were allowed to meet soci others, poM No. 1, from which the hwating m< n- Willard 3 <»ung. Any and all pi’rsoin V.’rsr Sinn Dri.-mx. morning to answer the same, and if ument ix’ars N Jodrffs. E, 52«'» feet, and a claiming advvrsrly anv portion «»f said ally in the school room, sitting- E. C. LAN DEUS, P ETWEEN 1'0 I I.I.MhU ORVALLIS white oak 10 inches in diain *trr I smts N Summit min«*, <»r surface grouml are r«- room, music toom, or any of the proven guilty, to expell them if they Ashland, Or. •”>.S degs. W, 1«) feet, ami a black-oak 15 «piired to fik* their adverse chaims viitii did not apologize to the school. The 43-3«”] M aii .T r . uxh » I f.MI.Y I I I ; IT St XDAY. indies in diameter bears N 10 d»*gs W 14 the Register «»f th«.* I’nitrd Slat«- Land bo nding houses, which they often restall apologized except said two \r. 6:15 p in Portland 7:30 a 111 Lv. feet. Thence I run N 20 «legs. W on W < Mlic«* at Rfxehurg, in the county <»t I long- did. When the weather |<-nnittc<l who refused to do so at first. Then, 12:25 pm Ar. Corvallis Lv. 1 :30 “ boundary of claim, var 19 «legs. 3 • min. las and Stat«’ <>f < h • g'-n, "luring the sixty they always met on the same play E. (Instrument used is improved xolai «lavs fmblication h»*r«*«ii. <»r they will b<* ground and had their games and as stated, I wrote out their dis KXI-KKrs VRAIXH DAILY (EX< El-T SUNDAY.) charge, but before I signed my «•ompass). 300 feet—renter I in«.* of claim, barred by virtu«» «4 th»* Statut«*. Ar 9 :G0 a m 4 :."0 p m I V. Port lami plays together igether without any restric re»' plus ,35. 0 mi feet—set js»st h»r corner C ham . W. J oiinhton , name, or read the same to the school AND H :00 •• Ar. McMinville Lv. 5:45 ’* 4 ions, It was n 4 their meeting so they No. 2, on <iivi Ir b« f w« ■ ii < inivr and (’ov 5-6 Register. lx»th gave proper explanations creeks, from which a fir .30 inches in At nmi Corviilli- connect with cially that was prohibited, it was and proved G i; a nt ' P ass . O regon ule other students that «liam«’ter IjearsN 35 drgs. W 11 frri, a fir trains of Oregon an«l Pai iiic railroad for C orner M ain A F ront S t «. this sneaking, clandestine love- most of the by charges against them 40 im hrs in diameter b «ars H 70 «legs. E, Yaquina Hay. New Millinery Store. making that was prohibited. X5 fort. Summit shaft Iwars S 7 > «legs. were untrue. As this was all the ticket« for «ale ami baggage that is For physiological reasons, Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby announce to the public that E, 34o frrt. Them «» .*•• 70 «legs I’ on N checked at Companyujr-town oftiee. teacher asked at first, he was satis Ixxindary, along hill-side fa« ing north, on account of their health, when fied; but as the students had made «■orner Pin«' and S - -on«I streets. Ti -kefs MISS MAUD TUFFS, I have a new and well selected stock of. 1500 feet. S«*t a ¡»ost for corner No 3. the weather petmitted, all students for principal points in California « an only from which—15 ) a t’r 12 indies in <liam<*- Hile« ewer Io Mrs I lanagan A Tufi» were rejuvsted to t ike out door ex the charges he submitted their a|xdo- ta- procur.'il at the Company's office, trr Iwars S 2H <Jvgs W, 15 fret. Cut No to the school which was duly GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND '¡'ABLE WARE. «3 ls*ars S 13 «legs W. 200 feet. Thence at ikmih and recess. The gics Corner F and Freut Streets. Portland. Oregon. accepted. Mr. Whitelaw did con H 20 min. past on east si«lr Hr»«* 263 feet— Millinery and Dressmaking most of them did so, but some few Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freights, from the Fast, and IL KOEHLER, E P. ROGER«. the singing and instrumental summit of ridg«*, r«»nrs<-east and west plus would hang back, and when the duct Manag« r. G F. A Pass . Agt. ESTABLISHMENT marked down at Bottom Prices. 1 also sell the music in our school, and the sing 35. PHM) f«-«'t sc' po«-t L»r«-orrr r No. 4 from teacher wac out of the s< ho<jl-room. which — .35 a pine 24 im lies in diameter, Op|«0»iU‘ (',llHp'H-|| '. I'llll»' nt «»re, on oih would sit in, or hover around, the ing concert at the close. MI«€ELI.ASEofR. Itears N 42 «legs. « a-J. 17 frrt A pine X CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, if I were so bitterly opposed inches in diameter Ix-ars north 22 «leg street, desks of other grown students of as Now they represent, why did I ami west .33 feet. A cabin nn«l spring and which has no equal in ea«e of management and great range of work. the opposite sex, to the utter dis Mrs. Robinson take a part in the blacksmith shop I hmtm south 54 «legs. HAIRWORK and STAMPING gust of the other students present, Mv object is to make it to the interest of those having cash or pro w«*st 2"»o feet Ih'« »'\ery shaft N«>. I ami concert? No one compelled us to J. WIMER & SON, 'l’o prevent such sickening sights do so. They say 1 did not pay a tunnel bear north HH drgs. west X‘»2 fr< t duce. to trade with nie. Ixs ating nmniimrnt Iwars south X7 d«*gs. the rule concerning their sitting in cent of the cost. That is anotlie .1. M. i ’ HIEEH. 10 min. Wf-t. H4Mfert. Th *n«rsouth 70 Have the largest More in Josephine the same seat was made. After one I furnished tile hall in which PIGNEY & COOK, «1 *gs. west along s «th Isaind iry. 1.320 county, which is 65x22 feet, and two reprimanding, “picking and fretting the concert was held, the most of frrt—summit «>n line ¡Jus 123, 1500 fret — 5 <T's P a -»». - O reixin . at,’’ as the young gentlemen call it, th-, lights, payed mv part for the pla«*«* of beginning, and contaimng 20. 07» Morita, filled a ith a«r«*M certain ones for the violation of the curtains and putting the lumber on Th«1 l«»cati«»:i <«f tins mine is rr< ord«*d in above rule without much eficct, a the ground and ■ offered damage to th« olhc«‘«»f th«* (’«smt v < lerk of J«»-eph«».e \ X 1» rule was made any one* viola the house- hi the way of broken county, (h« . "ii, in V..,' |. Mining K<- c «rd ■. |niu’«‘ ♦k’»x Th«’ a«ljoiuing daim- Wicoi ill Macllie Bmirlîi 1 Specialty ting the aliove said rule stixxl tx windows, ike. Mr. Crow payed ai»t« are Edwar«l ^amlrfxm Smith and I k .* lied from the school without any nothing for the concert, and Mr. BLACKSMITH SHOP. WE BUY FOR < AKH. Willard Young. Anv an«l all pentons AGENTS IOR THE more ceremony, whenever proof Griflin promised to pay 25 cents. a»lv«rs*«l\ anv portion of said of the same was made clear to the So you see, neither one was finsn- AND SELL FOR CASH. SMITH 13KOS., - - - 1 'ropi’ictors. claiming “St Peters’’ min<- », mrfa<*c gr«»un«l, an* John Deere Moline Walking teacher. So any one can sec that ■ i.illy ruined by it, but any <nj r-spiirr«! to fib- tl»dr adverse claims with 6th street. Crants' Pass, Oregon. when the young ladiv» had broken would think mj as .Mr. Griffin left th«* Itrgi-trr «»( th’ I'nilad Htat»*s Eih'l and eut lütii íüilt ui Munn Ofli« «* at ihi-udmrg ilj the < «»untv of Ihaig- this rule, their attempting to leave thi» part of the State without pav las, and State of Oregon, «luring the sixty the sch<»«»l to prevent expulsion did ing his board bill while at the AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Riding Plowsand Cultivatorfl. «t’iv* period *»f i»ul»ii<*ation h«*re«»i, <»r they not relie ve them from the force and school. will I m * l>arr»*<l by \irfu«' «»f th«* {»rovuitiMis TRAVELERS.’ MINERS AND SHOP ON H s r., ‘.RAR 6 th . effect of the rule that had been Mitchell and Lewis Wagons, Hacks. Buggies and Carts, «4 the Statute As six of our stmle-it • wire to go 'VOtf C has . W. Jofixsroir, mad* more than a month They liefore the examit mg Imard for FARMERS SUPPLIES. ----- Also, Agents for ----- 7,-/i-Gh!« Regbter stood cxjjciled when the rule was ten her’« certificates thi« spring, in violated. Hence the “farce*” of o der that they might piepare for I A KM I N( > I XI 1 ’Ll LX I LN IS, whit h the gentlemen wrote. Thev tire examination ami get as high a Stdiscri! I'xrrsr. S tati ■ J.ixn Ornee, i Any of uliich we will exchange for hay and grain. had better go to school a while long grade as possible. I did not ,bink it Ko < iair». «'r . May 4, Isn/.t er and »iti'lv I« »ks instead of "girl best for the whole school to spend Having complete«! our new Stable-- wc arc now prepared to furnish NOTICE i« l««-f >v .-«ven that Willatd ohfgy.' and ¡«eri haps they h ill know to much time in preparing for the r l«.-to:r. i«|t!ress is I ':is- AND ONLY MEWSPAPUR what a farce i ». the best of accommodations AT REASONABLE RATE tV»» » ( « rt. Since school closed I have : frodi < r. CHEA I' ! Iti» Mpl'i < The y say th: >n!<»rmed that one of the young Horse Shoeing and W gon Repairing c-itqsr HURRA FOR GRANT’S PASS, HURRA!” E. A. ESTES, mine in vein, bearing gold, with surface E urek \ Hum S chool B uilding ) gruun.l S'M) feet in widtli, Hituate.1 in May 2d, 1887. 1 Grave Creek Minina District, County of FICO XT >TKI KT. Urania fa»». Or« ;un. Jn»e|4iine smi Stateof Oregon, an.l ilenig- E d . C ourier :—I noticed in your nated by the tiel.l noteH ami o'licial plat issue of Apr. aad a communication — llK.ll.ER IN — now on tile in the olth-e as lor No. 3S in signed by Willis Griffin and Albert uiiHurveye.l lands S.ii I h>» No. ;’o living Crow purporting to give "a fair J described a» follow», to-wit: Beginning at |«oet for south-east corner and fall statement" of their expul «rf claim 37, for comer No. 1, and from sion together with two young ladies which a pine 24 inches in diameter, la-arn from the Eureka High School. north 42 «lei», east, 17 feet. \ pine K in TOBACCO, Their statement of the facts put ches in diameter ¡«ears north 22 degs. CIGARS. west. 33 feet, and <iis. cut on claim TW me in the mind of a prejudiced a id liearn north 33.) feet, ami hx-atinn monu interested witness who swears to tell CANDIES, ment lieara south 87 de^H. in min. went. NUTS. ETC. 114S feet. Thence north 70 (legs, east, by "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." and does improved nolar mutpeo, (var. 10 deg». Highest Cash |«rico pai«l for •>«»(', 2"0 feet Hiimmit of ndav bearing' so as long _ as it suits his interest to < ea»t and «rest (iiiinuH 15), t>2> f«-et. drv do so. Country gulch coui - hc mirth minus ;i5' 825 feet, Their communication is such as Etc . Etc. sp'tr lM.ars north pins 15., M25 fe.-t wc nl,g]lt CX]KH't from students who ( Hilch cours • north-west minus 1» b)J3 1 ... - Give me a call and lx Convinced. ;..t, mum-aest „ma i.n I . hi .iso. .am «¡rn«l iromnnv m«p.. 1 !Ct! teet, set | st for ,- rm- r No J. fr «m which tution ot learning. They always . itnimiH .'.5 . a tir 1 > in. h.-s in diiimeter go away and abuse the teachers, la-are west 131.. f ,.t Them-v north 2«> tlljnking ]n so doing to shield de_-s. west on east bound.irv 3 M feet. <-eu- ' c « ter line of claim phi« 21' «a».»feet. -et |a«»t * tbcmsi 1 ve-. irotll tllC Hlfatliy and for corner No u ni which minus 20' disc race attending their expulsion, a laurel 10 inches in diameter, bear» north Now Mr. Editor, I would take tit) deg», west. 8 feet. A fir 12 inches in no notice of their article, and let diameter, beure south 31 deg«, went, 10 Française Silks. leet. Tliunce south 70 deg». Won north them quietly give vent to their pent Summer Silks. 1 la.nmlarv 675 feet, gulch eourne north up feelings, considering "the fish minus LIO I. m XI feet, |»>st corner No. 4. not worth the bait," if 1 did not Black Silks. la-ing the same as corner N >. 3 to claim deem it due the readers of your Albatross Cloths. 3". (plus 175). from which a fir 12 inches Etamine Cloths. in diameter, liears south 28 «logs, west, most estimable paper and the pa 15 feet. Thence smith 30 degs cast on trons of the Eureka High School to Super Cloths. line between claims 37 and 38, 26.5 hs-t: know something more of the facts Krinkled Sursinker. summit of ridge bears east and west (filtis than is given in their biased article, Lawns. 35) tloo feet, post corner No. I, the place of la-ginning, ami containing20 (15 acre«. as 1 care nothing for it so far as it Battistis. Tin- location of this mine is rec irded in pertains to myself. Foil Du Nord. the office of tlie County Clerk of Jose But as it is intended to reflect al Laces. phine comity. State of Oregon, in Vol 4, so on the government of mv school Lace Flouncings. Mining Ih-cortls. in-.’i« osi; The adjoin i ing claimants are Willard Young nml I'd- 1 shall explain to your 1 1 »A Ii \H( U.S. ■ tlie sna'i <• ward Samlerson Smith. \nv and all per ers, if you will grant me the space, ‘ 1 We are constantly receiv son» claiming diversely any portion of i some of the statements they ' have ing said Dividend mine or surface ground are so Ixihlly made. required to file their adverse claims with They say that according to .. the Register of the United States I .and certain rule edict or mandate issued Office nt Roseburg, in the countvoi Doug- in the latest styles and de i ' ' of Oregon, within the sixty , by the l’rofesser, that young ladies hi», and ’ State signs from the best East «lavs ta-rital of publication lieriaif. or they and gentlemen, students of his ern markets. W’ll lie hatred l>y virtue «if the Statute. school, should not keep company C ha ». W. J ohnston , Orders filled promptly together, should not hold social 5-<>-<> >«ls] Register. Tropical Fruits, Staple and Fancy Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO. and • 4 O « J.-Í. 010$ « KING. E! i i ( I ci New Goods A Choice Goods in Every Line, New Liverr, Feed and Sale Stable! Blacksmiths ant Horse Shoers,