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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1887)
w 9 9 X ——“T—« i'll E COI l¡ I EIL W J WIMER Publisher •3 srusrsiPTiox n.i ris, One Year (in advance) six Months. Three Months Niugle Copies TO ADVERTISERS. ♦ --------- --- ■ »2.25 »1.25 75,. 10,. Job Printing of all Kinds —IM THE— Latest and Best Very Lowest Uvinir An Independent Paper, Devoted Especially to the Interests of Southern Oregon Stylus, — 4MD AT THE— Ratos. VOI.. 3 GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINE (’(>1 NTV. OK.. FRIDAY MAY GRANT’S FOR HURRA HURRA!” PASS, CAMPBELL CAN NOW BOAST ('» LliVING THE STORE FINEST dailroa - ) AILROAD R oute i'-ANGES O 225 MILES SHORTER' 20 HOURS LESS TIME! Wiilaisiii Valley snl saa FraiclKi!! DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS (Except Sundays) l/'ir' Yaqtiina d:20 a in Albany 12:40 p m .4 i-i-iiw. .4 rrirs. ( '-rvallis 10 a :n Corvallis 1 :22 p tn Albany 11:20 am Ya.piina 5:4> p ui O. U. (mill* connect nt Albany and ('orvallis. Far«*« !»<•♦».. rvn CcjAnliis a <1 s n Fran- ciacu: BKTWKKX AI.I11NY AXI> $14 00. 9 SS. SAN FR VNCISf'O GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CLOTHING, liATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GENTS’ Fl’RNISHING GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CROCKERY, TOBACCOS, CIGARS, ETC All <>ur goods are entirely new and will lx* exchanged for eash or farm produce. CAMPBELL & TUFFS, Grant’s Pass, Josephine County. Oregon Lumber, Doors, Windows, Brackets, and HOUSE and STORE FINISHINGS. The Latest Improved Machinery, IIAS ENABLED THEM TO REDUCE PRICES FIFTY PER CENT. BELOW ALL FORMER RATES. S. P. D. & L. Co. Grant’s Pass, Oregon. NOTICE ! NOTICE I I NOTIL E!! iI OVERLAND TO CALIFORNIA THOSE DlislKlNG TO SETTLE IN — via — Towns of Southern Oregon & California R. R. A.JD CONNECTIONS. Fare fruia ! o tl: n Ito Ban Frarcisoo, Limited $30, Unlimited 13, Will do Well Oregon to consult the undersigned at CENTRA k l^OINT, JnclcHon Comity. IN THE CENTRAL PART OF TIIE Only 29 Miles of Staging. Time between <1 rants IW anil Sail I ran- cisco, 27 hours. North, ITom 1, 18X7. b’« »ut li. Ar. 10:10 a tn I :fK) p m I.v, Portland 7 :00 a m “ (¡rantsPaas I.v. 7 :(»*’> p m 5:00 *< “ 9 tOG a i.i Ar. lslilatm l!3'3 r-jlace Sleeting C;.n Vv-.-a Portland and A.-lilunJ. ............. ctC. It. It. Ferry inukca Con nection w ili all the llcgularTrains <>n the Kast Side Division, from foot • f F'street. W. st Sine D ivi - k ' x . BETWEEN l GRTLANDvIt CORVALLIS M aii . T sais « D aii . v epcei - t 4 :30 p tn I.v. Portland 8:00 *• Ar. McMinvilte Ashland Citv Roller Mills Enow-Flake Brand — The Best in the Market. Ask your Grocers for it. Dont lie put off by being told that anything else is as good. Every sack of this Flour warranted to make White, Light, ami Sweet Bread. t>-j Fac-simili of Brand displayed where on sale. LANDEKS, scxnAV., 7:30 a 111 I.v. Portland Ar. <1:15 p III 12:25 pm Ar. Corvallis I.v. 1 :IM> “ EXfHKSM VRAIKS DAILY (BXCEIT SI NIIAV.) Ashland, (Jr. 43-3>’>] Ar 9 :O0 a in Lv. 5:45 " At Albany and Corvallis connect with trains 01 Oregon and Pacific railroad for Yaqtiina Bay. Ixa-al tickets for Hale and baggage checked at Company's njrtown office, corner l’ine and Second streets. Ti -kets for principal |s>ints in California can mily la- pnx-tired at the Company’s office, s C hiner M ain < v r ¡. ont > th , (i KA nt ’ s P ass , O regon Having opened a Family Grocery, I hereby anr.otinco to the public that I have a new and well selected stock of Corner F and Trout Streets. Portland. Oregoi. GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES ,\M) TABLE AVARE, R. KOEHLER, E. P. RoiiERS. Manager. G F. A l’ass ,.*gt. MlftCBLLANEoVI*. which has no equal in ease of management and great range of work. Sirs red or Stolen, from the range, one Pay Filley : years old in the spring. un i one Black horse colt 2 years ol<l in the spring, with star in the forehead. Any one knowing of their whereat«»'its will be reasonably rewarded by writing or send ing w..rd 1* Bl'UKHAI.TEK, Applegate Postoffice, Jackson Co., Or [49-2m J. WIMER * SON, Have the largest store in Josephine county, which is 45x32 feet, and two stories, filled with Choice Goods in E*ery tine. WK BUT EOK CABU. AND BELT. FOR CASH. Gin Boiesî Wettit nd Meissre. TRAVELERS.’ MINERS’ AND FARMERS’ SUPPLIES Ws keep everything needed by the people. < HEAP Wai I * Bought since the Sweeping Reduction in freight*, from the East, nml marked down at Bottom Prices. I also sell the CELEBRATED DAVIS VERTICAL SEWING MACHINE, NOTICE E. A. ESTES, Tiopical Fruits, Staple and Fanny G KOCEBI ES, 1 This Immense Stock ples sent on application OLÖS fi Kmc, 186 First fit., Portland, Or. Address or call on C. MAGRUDER, Central Point, Oregon. My object i* to mako it to the interest of those having cash or j»ro- • dnee. to trade with me. J. M. <’ll! I .EH. A New Liverv, Feed and Sale Stable! ------- AND -------- BLACKSMITH SHOP. SMITH BROS., - - - Proprietor«, ©th street, Grants’ Pan, Oregon. — —— O - AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Mitchell and Lewis Wagons, Hacks, Buggies and Carts, ----- Aloo, Agent» for ----- FARMING IM PERM ENTS, Any of w hich we will exchange for bay and grain. Having comjdeted our ntw Stables we are now jirepared to famish the best of acvommoilationi AT REASONABLE RATES. Mining Application No. 50. I'wiTsn S tates L ami » Orri' K, I Roseburg, Or., May 4, iss; 1 NOTICE 1« lien lo given that Willani REPAIRING. A SPECIALTY. Yoiing whose Post Dime inldresH is Cas Br£i’“ All work guaranteed ’M cade Locks. Wa-ro County. Oregon, h:e* I14tf this day tiled hi« application for a patent for 1500 linear feet of the “Dividend" mine .>r vein, bearing gold, w ith surface ground tV» feet in width, situated in Grave Creek Mining District, County of gltONT STREET. .Irani« P mi . Oregon. Josephine and Stateof Oregon, and desig nated hy the field notes and o licial plat — »KAI.ÜR IN — now oil tile in the olllco as lot No 38 in unsiirveyed lands. Said lot No. 38 bimi£ descrilx'd •• follows, to-wit : Beginning at |>ost for «otith ,''!. ,, .'»1 corner No. l.aml from shiv'll a pine 24 inches in diameter, tn ars north 42 .legs, east, 17 feet. \ pine 8 in TOBACCO. 1 lies in diameter I» irs north “2 degs CIGARS. west. 33 teet. and die. cut on claim 38 hears north 330 feet, and locating monu CANDIES, ment bears south 87 d»gs. ti) min. west. NUTS, ETC. 1148 feet. Thence north 70 dogs, east, by improved solar compass, (var. 19 dogs, Highest Cash price paid for east), 200 feet summit of ridge liearing east ami west minila 15), 02» loot, dry gulch course north (minus 35) 825 foot, Etc , Etc, spur hears north (plus 15), 925 feet course north-west (minus I5> 1023 Give me a call and l>e Convinced, Gulch spur i>ears north-west plusliii 15 Ml [loti feet, feet, -et post for c .rner No. 2. from which . minus 35'. a tir 15 inches in diameter ; heart west 13v., fwt. Thence mirili 20 degs. west on east Ixiundary 3 ft foe', eeu- ’ ter line of claim (plus 2 I) tiOOfeet, set ]«ist tor corner No. 3, from which (minus 20 a laurel 10 in«lies in diameter, Is'.irs north ! (k) ilegN. west, Kfeet. A fir 12 inches in diameter, bears south 31 degs. west, 10 feet. Thence south 70 degs. Won north boundary ti75 feel, gulch course north minus 130 1500 feet, post corner No. 4. Our stock of being tile same as corner No. 3 to claim 37. (plus 175). from which a lir 12 inches in diameter. I hmis south 28 degs. west, l.i feet Thence south 20 degs east on line t.ctween claims 37 and 38. 2<i.’> feet , Is now complete. It sur summit of ridge la'iirseast and west (plus 35) <>'k) feet, |i-st corner No. 1, the place passes all out previous dis of hi gimiing, and emit.lining 20. li.» acres. plays of rich The Im'ation of this mine is recorded in the office of tin* tomi» Clerk of Jose NOVELTIES, phine cmintv. State of (frego», in Vol 4, Mining Records, page <G(i. The adjoin itftduding the finest stand ing claimants are Willard Young ami Ed ward Sanderson Smith. Any anil all |a*r- ard styles for early Sum son» claiming ndvern-ly any |iorlion of mer, and many novelties said Dividtnd mine or surface groiuul are exclusively our own. re'iuirod to file tlu'ir adverse vlaiins with the Reeisti'r <>f || , United States Land Ollice at Roseburg, in the comity of Diityg las. and *“;!*,■ ,3 (frego», wnthin the sixty il.iys periisl of pnlilicatii n hereof, or they necessitates close prices. «¡Il bo hatred hv virtue if the Statute. C has . W. J ohnston , Orders solicited, and Sam 5-<l-0>lsJ Register. Hogue Rival* \ alloy, on t In ( ) «Sc < ’ 1 iailroiul. The Shipping Point for the principal portion of the grain producing part of the County. i II.II-OI SII KVrREBc TRAINS DAILY . Register Fisiiii-Tickle. Callery. Fire-Worts, 4t.. Ac. Spring Dress Goads —The Introduction of— t-j!" For Price List, address, 5-fi-fktdsi Fullv Ready! — ASI» ALI. KIN IH OF— Connecting nt Y.npiina with the trains of the Oregon l’u-itL- lt.iilro.i l Company I'"1:1 i'll’/uil ”: g May Yaqnina City, Tiles lay to’ Willamette Valley " •• 17. Yaqtiina City. “ • < 24. Willamette V.dley “ 4« 31. Ynqnina (,'itv Willamette Valley “ Jun«* 25. Z e-l-H ,'vl.J / 7 l f o.- Willanu’tt-- Valley We in •• lay May 4. u 1!. Ya yiin.1 City ** 18 Willamette Valley “ •* 25. Yaquinii City Willamette Valley, ‘ June 1. The Company reserves the right to e liaiigd st sinicrs or sailing <iatc*s. S B TOBY, Gi n. F. A P. Ager At 2)4 .Moiitgiar.TV St.,.-..i Iran isco. Cal. ¡41tf Guns, Revolvers, Pistols and AMU N IT ION 1 Mouldings. I.rno between Yaquir.a and San Francisco, c-lainiiin* »Irr;;.t. sew |«>rti<>n of mid ••St IVtenc" mine *>i mirfuce ground, are main St.. - - - Grant's Pass. Or. required to file their adverse claims with tic R-*gi«terof th- I'nit*i States lannl (Opposite* ili.» li. K Shop«. Otik i* at tUwehiirg in the comity oi l«ong- lus, and St it.* oi Oregon, 'hiring the sixty days period ol publication hereof, or they w ill lie barred by virtue of the provisions of the Statute C has . W. JonttSToN, Country Produce. Hides, Furs, MANUFACTURERS of — Oregon Development Company. Steamship Bargains ! Bargains ! Bargains ! DRY S. A. GREENE & SON. GUNSMITHS. OREGON. SOUTHERN SUGAR PINE DOOR & LUMBER CO Rail and Cabin $14 45. Rail and Steerage 10 33. AV.M. M, HOAG, General Manager . ( HAS. C. HOGUK. A. (i. P. & P. Agent, Corvallis. First-Class IN ROOM On their Cheap Counters in all such hues aa Accominflations Unsurpassed for Com fort and Safety!—Fares and Freights via. Yaqtiina and the Oregon De velopment Co ’» Steamships m <11 Liss than by any other route between all points in the Rail and Cabin Rail and Steerage NO. S < “ LINES OF TRAVEL regon i EACiFic nly P opular VER 1 icturesque 1887 Grant’* Pass, so named after Ge neral Grant, is a county seat centrally located in Southern Or«'g'-n It is a progressive railroad town -4 liNMl inhabitants, and is the main simply |»nnt for a large jKirtion of i iHintry devoted to mining, lumbering agriculture ami fruit-raising. Climate un- •xeeUed The Coi kick being the only paper pub lished in Josephine cvuiity, with a g<ssl ci re illation in Jackson county, enable* it to 11- one of the In-.-t advertising mediums in Southern Oregon For rtltes, address T h « C oi ntxa, Grant’r 1‘ass, Oregon. Mining Application No. 49. * Roneburg, Or., May 4, 1S87.I NOTICE in hereby given lluit Willard : Young, wb<n-<‘ po^t (>;liue aTdress ¡ k (’¡is- ua<|(‘ Locks, Wasuo <minty, < )r<*gon. has this day filed hi* application for a patent for 1500 linear fvvi <»i th«* “St l’vtcrfi” mine or vein, bearing gold, with wurfuev ground »r)0 fu.*t in width, eitUMted in Grave Creek Mining Dintri t, County of Josephine, and State of Oregon, and dvx- ignated by tin* field nom-, and «»Hi jial plat on file in this office a > lot No. 37. in tin- surveyed lan h. Said lot No. 37 being described as follows, t'« : Tin re lieing no public survey or entab* I ¡shod corners within the require! limits, I therefore establish a loiating monu ment, or initial point with which to con nect said survey. Said nmnumerit con sists of a trap rock in place, H by 10 fe«*f a! the* ba^<* and s L*et high, and marked on the south Ride tlicreof with the letters S. I’, cut with a chisel in the i n k From tin* Itx’afing monument, Sexton mountain ls*ars S 3G deg. 29 min W, about G miles. Dutchmans i’rak in th1 Hiskiyou moun tains near the Slate line lx*aiw S deg W. Dvaerls hydraulic mine on Toni East creek ¡H'ars S 52 degs. W. 1‘ettingills house (»11 Grave ere* k bears H 3!» <lrgs. Ho inin . W. Said monument is located on the summit of Mt. St. l’< t«*r, on the divide between Grave ami Coyote Creeks, and at the h< ad of Tom ILi-t er« • k I com menced said survey at the S U <'orner at ¡»ost No. I, from whii li the I »< ating m«,n- ument ls*ars N dodrgs. E, 525 feet, ami a white oak 10 inches in liameffir hears N 58 dogs. W It) feet, ami a bhu k-<»ak 15 ineheain diam ter bears N 10 «legs W I I feet. Thenc«* I run N 2 » <l»,g4 W on W Ixaindarv of claim, var 19 «legs. 3» min. E. (Instrument us I is improv«* I solar eonipasR). 300 feet—center line of claim, I’I um 35. 0JO fe«*t—set p< t for <«»rn«*r No. 2, on divi«!«* Is*tw«*i*!i Grave amt Coy- • reek«, from which a fir .30 inches in f!iann*t«*r ItearsN 35 d(. *• W 11 foot, a fir 40 in< li«*s in diatmr l> • irs S 70 d«*gs. E, 85 feet. Summit ►!:.« t bears S 7 ’ d«*gs. E, 340 feet. Tl;« r < *• N 70 «lugs E on N ls»un«!ary, along hill ."id.* facing north. 1500 f«*et.. Seta p »*t for corner No 3. from w hi<*h—150 a fir 12 imdiee in «liamc- tcr ls*aru S 28 «leg*» AV, 15 f«*«*t. Cut No. 3 I »ears H I3«l«*g- W, Lfs) f'*ct. TleTiue S 20 min. east on »*a-‘ si.fe line 265 fe«*t— FUinniltof ridge, c’Hn •*>• *,.i‘*f a:.»l went phis 35. 000 feet set |»>-t Lu «-orncr N ». 4 ftom whic’i — 35 a pin«* 24 ineheR in dinmeter, bears N 42 <h*gs. ea*»t, 17 feet A pin«» 8 inciMw in diameter 1» irw north ? * de;:* west .'J3 f«*et. A < shin and aprin^ and blacksmith alioj» fjearw aniith 54 west ¿*»0 feet Disr »tv ry nha/t No. 1 and i«*vt tunnel bear north H de JR. fawating nemumunt li r* Mouth 87 <1 -y*. Thcn«i**aifL 70 10 min. west, 114 Irmniary. 1.320 •IvgM. west along a i* 125. !5M) feat— r feet—Rurnmit on pl*we <»f b.»ginnhi ant uantaiaiiw 2 >. m r«*s, Tim 1 •■••at i - »i IT> th«* offi *• <4tl I V ( ( *T«*‘ • FOR CASH OR PRODCCE I f>l Stanford's First Earnings. A Chinese dix-tor was recently employed to attend Mrs. Cornish The Sun s Washington special at Yreka with the following result: said: While discussing the story’ as to how Abram 6. Hewitt earned No comment necessary: his first money, an old Californian S tatk of C alifornia , ) said: "I was talking with Senator County of Siskiyou. I ss. Stanford on that subject recently, In the matter of the inquisition and I asked him how he earned on the Ixxly of Mrs Olivia I). Cor his first money. The Senator nish. smiled and replied: ‘1 remember We the undersigned, the jurors it ju.t as well as if it occured yes summoned to appear l>efore Geo. terday. I do not think there ever Fried, the coroner of Siskiyou has lieeiT another event in my life County, at Yreka, on the Sth day which has given me so much grati of May. 1S87, to inquire into the fication. I was a farmer's son. I cause of the death of Olivia I). Cor lived on father’s farm in Mohawk nish. having been duly sworn ac valley, between Albany and Sche- cording to law. and having made» ‘ '^e‘re broth such inquisition, after inspecting ers us. the eldest nine years of the boily and hearing the testimony agp the youngest fonr j was the adduced upon our oath«, each and onc about six years old. nil do .l.x say tin v that »]»■»♦ ww we .¿a find li • v > I the f Im t deceased I • . • • • all t C1 My father was a contruetor auu was ...... .......... U.H..X >1 1 X'lll »«A rx A'. . c™:-«. * ».onr. ...... . ».*■* from h?*ne a rood vf - n native cf New Voik State, i ano the time, leaving the place in charge 63 years of age; that she came to of the gardener, who went to mar- her death on or about the Sth day ' ket at Schenectady twice a week of May, 1887, ill Yreka, Siskiyou with a wagon-load of vegetables to County, State of California, am! that sell. One day my brothers and the cause of her death was by the myself gathered a lot of horse-ra tnal practice of one Dr. Wing Lee. dish in the garden, washed it clean All of which we duly certify by the and sent it to market with the rest inquisition, in writing, bv us signed \he'‘vc‘getai‘>ies. . ’ When he came this Sth day of May, 188' 6 - the gardener handed home at night J. S. Cleland, •’ Foreman. us six York shillings, the profit on Chas. LeBeau, our produce. We divided evenly, D. Merrick, each of us having two shillings. L. Swan, That was the first money I ever Adam I (Hand, earned. I never seen a boy trying A. Wetzel, to earn a few pennies without feel Eliliu Rations, ing renewed gratification at my I. II. Dewey, success in that endeavor.’’ E. Dudley. To Explore Josephine County Caves. War Very Probable. Dispatches from London says Mr. W. G. Steel, who has im Paris has been very much excited bibed a love for exploration, and over events on the frontier. The whetted hi> / bv a journey tn Schn;wl,el7 Hu ident. ‘ alsnU ivhich Crater lake last summer prop,>se.s S(, llluch has Leu said, is only a to explore the eaves of Jixsephme snlall feature of the history of irri- county as soon as the weather will tatmg troubles. Some of the more permit. He will go with a party conservative English newspapers of four or five, and will do his best! are begining to see that the tension to reach the “head waters." These of feeling between France and Ger caves arc situated about thirty-two many has become so great that ac or thirty three miles southwest of tual hostilities must come during Grants Pass, and thus far have lieen the summer. It is now proposed ineffectively explored. Prof. Thos. III . . , in llinilT many Vtll.H.3 circles 111 in 1 Paris Ilin IV to HIIHAVU proceed Condon of theuniversity of Oregon unst Gennan rvsi,|eiK-e as an off- Ms.tcd them Imt t.,r I ,. V .»f time .,vl i()r liie ^.hnaelM?p,allrair. |Hiictrate<l only about 600 feet. Hr that so far as lie went there WIIWU says: "Sleep, oiwj «, A scientific writer were very few points where n man if taken at the right moment, will could stand upright. A Southern prevent an attack of nervous head- 1 fregon man, who did some explor ache. if le subject of such head If t| the head- ing last„'Uininer,^«.i'.d lie n ache will watch the tymptomscom- room fully sixty feet high. When ing, they can notice that it begins Mining Application No. 51 Mr. Steel goes, it will lie with the with a feeling of weariness or heavi intention of staying long enough to ness. This is the time a sleep of I’wiTri» S tater laxn O eeiuk , ) Ri»Hv!»iirg, Or., M«v 4. 1887.i find the innermost recesses of the an hour, or even two, as nature NOTICE ¡ h IhTrbv given that Willard cavern. -[Oregonian. guides, will effectually prevent Voting, n hose pout office addies.* ¡ h C iim - ♦ ♦ headache. If not taken just then, uad'» 1/oelcH, Wasco county, Oregon, I iiih Can it be that our wretched it will 1« too late, for. after the at- thin day tiled his application for a paUuit spring weather is due to the baleful for I. m M linear fret of the •Siimniit” mine influence of the coming star of Beth- 4^ *s ful y ‘1U,der ,s 1 or vein Iwariiitf #old, with surface ground , Kirilr* fr» tr«*t «.[»•»•i» tint 11 tnr mtn tli^ I he foLowing is the pre- sible to get sleep until far into the GOO f<*<‘t in wi>ltli, situated in <irave (*rc< k lehenir It is so common Mining DiNtrif t. County of Josephine, and diction which has excited some in night, perhaps. in these days for doctors to forbid < of Oregon, and d •‘¡ignnted by the terest: In 1887 the star of Bethle . ; ... . . field iiotex and offiuial plat on file in thin ' , ,, having their patients waked to take 1 c , . . office an Jot No. 3'.I, in unxurveyed lands. hem will out «- more be seen in C:ts medicine if they are asleep when Said lot being described as folio* s, to-wit : siopta s Chair, and it will be ac- I’e/inning at a set in a mound of companied by a total eclipse of the the hour comes round, that the people have learned the lesson pret st.»nr 4 Its I stpiare for corner No. 1, from sun and moon. This atei makes which !<?c iting monument bears north «.4 ty well and they generally know «legs. LT inin. east, 4 >4 feet. I run north its ap{»earance only once every 315 that sleep is lietter for the sick than It will illuminate the heav 20 d» gs west on line l» t ween claims 37 years. But it is not so well- and 311, (var I’.i (legs. 31 min. ca«t 3 41 ens anti exceed in brilliancy even medicine. feet, post corner No 2 of ulaim 37, and Jupiter when itt opposition to the known that sleep is a wonderful center line of claim 30, G »1 feet, a lir 14 prvventio of di>< • <• Ixtter than in< lies in diameter, mark it for corner No. sun, ami therefore nearer to the tonic regulators and stimulants.— The inarve 2, from which (minus 5u a fir .’G inches eatth and brighter. [Scientific American. in diameter bear* Routh H «legs east, 25 Ions brilliancy of the star of Bethle feet. Thence not th 75 degn 30 min west hem in 1887 will surpass any of its The sale of the Portland and on north Isnindary, 1500 f<»«4. Set pobt Willamette Valley R iilroa<l< narrow previous visitations. It will be for corner No. 3, from which inimis 2 O) a laurel G inchcH in diameter hears w *»1 seen even at noonday shining with gauge« to the Pacific Improvement I4*o feet. A laurel 6 incdiea in diameter a quick flashing light the entire Company was consummated on the IwarM eolith GJ «leg*, i at, 22 fret. JTicnee year, after which it will disappear, 5th instant The purchasing com south 20 «legs < ast on eml line parallel pany Itought for the Southern Pa w ith end line ui «daim No. 37,425 feet, not to return to our heavens until summit of ridge Iwars und went (plus the year 2202. This is the star cific Company and takes $150.000. 75;', G'N) feet, get poet conp*r No. 4, from which shone so brightly in the year The remainder of the stock is held which '.minus I"*; a yellow pine, 24 in- 4, B. C.. and is the star which il in Portland. For several months ( hos in diameter, U* irs south M «leg*, the sale has lieen {Kliding. The lumed the lb tvens at the nativity west, 14 feet Discovery shaft and cut The appearance of this details were arranged in New York I »ear north I.’ dugs, ca^t, 250 feet Thence of Christ. agreed to on March loth. south 75 degs. 30 min vast on south star, accompanied as it will lx; by and Irotindary I5oo feet, |M»st corm*r at place solar and lunnreclipse, together with Messrs. Charles J. McDougall and of h«*ginning fplue 235 , containing 17. <’4 the baleful influence that follows the T. S. Brandegee arrived in San acres. TI m * location of this mine is recorded in position which Mars and Saturn Francisco yesterday morning on the otlii v of th<* (’ounty < lerlc of Jo**«*phine will then occupy, w ill cause a uni business connected with the trans County, t>r«*gon. in Vol. 1. Mining lh* versal war."—[New«. fer. Many references have l>een cords, on page GJ1. Tin* adjoining claim made in the e columns to the Port ants urr l.dward banders<in Smith and Mr. K. Kot hler, receiver of the land and Willamette Valley road Willard Young. Any and all |s*rsoiis claiming adversely any p«»rtion of said (). & C. railroad, waa waited upon and it is unnece -ary to rej>eat. Summit mine, or mirfaee ground are n* during hii recent visit to our town, The road is finishc'l from Dundee •¡uiri il to file their adverse < h.iiiiis with says the Jacksonville Sentinel, by Junction to Elk Rock and is now flu* Jiegister of the I nited Slates L.-md Mcxtrs. Nutian. Muller, Klip|>el being built from the north side of Oilier .it Bos<*burg, in tin* county of D»»ug- las and State of Oregon, during tin* sixty and Jackson, incorporators of the Elk Rock to Portland.—[Ex. days | uhliratj' n hereof, or they will Is* Jacksonville branch railroad, in the The shortening of stage travel to barred by virtu»* of tic* Statute. interests of that enterprise. He ns les^ than 50 miles, has increased Cfl is. W. JmtKsroM, sttred these gentlemen that houbl 5-4> G1«! J kegist< r. he be retained as manngei of the <). the travel between California and & C., he would do all in his power Oregon, requiring the stage com to assist them in the work they pany to run two daily stages each PIGNEY & COOK, have in view. The gentlemen were way, with an extra in readiness when neeiled. As soon as the ter G rants P ass , - - - O regon much encouraged in their call. minus is extended to Cole's, it is The month of April ami much ex[»ected four or fixe daily stage, of May as has already |m«ed have will l«e required each way to accom been extremely disagreeable. The modate travel, and by the fir-t of Wetoi aim Maiùiiie Rtr.iriii i ijaiiitr. entire mouth of April was a succes October trains will no doubt lie run sion of wind end rain, with old clear through, to dispense with AGKNT3 FOR THF. nights, which greatly retarded vege staging.—[Journal. tation, while May. as fjr ns heard John Deere Moline Walking When Walter Q. Gresham re from, has rej>eate<l the same pro igned as Postmaster General he and gramme, with an occasional inter d< <dared that he took the office de lude of a -howcr of hail and sleet, termined upon conducting it right. Riding Plowsand Cultivators. which is likely to prove injurious But he found in it rings stronger to the fruit crop —[Gazette. SHOD UN ;;.x JI II gT ST MXAB 6 th . th 1 the Government, invincible E T M. Simmons, accused by a defiant: able to dictate terms, son for setting fire to the lintel and so gripped and lashed to the Del Monte at Monterey, on the ■. 'J ■ t'u. ir de ’.rm tiou seemed Subwrilic f :r the CouiHF.u. night April, 1st, is still confined itt t > mean the ruin of the service. [KX v Hcw-oiBn) at ^a'*na*1 •'* >«< TEE PI0NEE3 AK3 rr- l.'LI JLWuPArEa unable to se< tire bondsmen. It is 1' s tlan'l . ! a wonderful suprise expected that his trial will oceiir •e-'.erday. It ceased raiuiug Si < l-Li.r < ounty some time in June. te -n minuU. Blacksmiths and Boise Shows,