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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1886)
.-s*- th i: corniE-’t ! .._ .n- L u, T ' ' ____ FRIDAY, go through 0 pass to reach ■’ . —---------- ----- - call •:p'>.i.’! . teutiaut C" am! , /s " DEC io • :-'6 • i; pr int . clear A faceting tbould he called to discuss the matter au l de cide c.n a name. Omaha would be a pretty and convenient cde and not very common nor easily mistaken (JORRES FONDINI. I We want it distinctly understood ’.V* Invi'-.- ir- . -r f- -u »dl c- lion» «ub/ïets ■•! k l! und vH-cr ju- tlia we desire to l>e in accord with trr-.- •' ». our readers. \Ve desire to be .i i;w- V.'/l; cu .. 1>. 'tel tin- nau. : '■ 14: < f 11«: ix-n l-'r is requires!, <• ) a : dly if tor in the material effort to advance ■Out for :>u' -U. not i.-nly one but all tlie intveds of |-.< t • • -ei- 1 e vast majority of the people of Or Taxes in Curry county are mil! a on the dollar • r cm Casa:»!’ar.. V- e Detr C gmi ’. ep la year last ; ’ v;< I ¡in ’. a letter from Mr. Ci xtor o£ Portland, explaining for my ip- formation arid that of other the origin of the name of our countv seat. I am ur.dei obligation to Mr. C f.r his explanation end accept it. A» the same tinie, it give? me afl> >th- er opportunity to strike a blownt th< name as a deceptijn to prospective immigrants and ethers. Therein, then, some rules from ..on n. tn t'iisu- proper!'. ' . enough named f .r /■•ftd’.bat l et nfi:- n.. t i ■ ''g<*et to fi t. ? i®propriety ol II NFJ.VFirNITUFE'S’GS’E’ A.J.SEDG1', GOP. rALE. O Miln 3L. î'iet. 4»h auf 5th. QraeU P m «. — H m j’.r»t opened a Nr».' — !r’: • t' g p’ '"c. I am offering my ki-; .,. c sleek of Ft IiXn VRi: STO!! Where w»‘l l e !¡e; I !■ in ! .i f ■ ’>.ih all Id arts Of Furniture, tedding. Pi ‘. e f riine.. Bracks!« Etc., Etc. IXxir-î'n’tn U'imk>w-j'r':n ■ . F ’ Etc., iu iJa to urde, t-rxclal .J’-enlwu - .. : . I N I > E H T ?v 1 '< «' '< - Impairing and all kit.d- of werk in .r.y line neativ .nJ pt. I ALSO — Olothhg, Boots and Shoes, Queens Ware Glass Ware, &c., &c., . ■ F i ’» . . fui v?i’ y ^gon are ,r;o»xl people; in fact we be Before I came to this place to re- heve that a very sinall per cent, of i side, I wa: asiured, very solemn! The humbug Freticlt d.vtors who I them ate bad, and we ft 'e < co.'ih r by those who kne v the ‘past -------- :------------ with a mou in connecfioc recently victitnizcJ Portland’:; bail, dene.? in them whenever their libuor means, that "1 ought no: •half I k lx.- trie! We ¡'-..ignizc recognize the tlie! tain - ; range, " bit i.», l.a . • : S <|".at’.:lat'd o er th iialf - trie 1 We ... . y little mountain aettle in a scragg; Ik it Mil; Canadian P.r.ihc 1!. R f a the l-ia-.t fact that tiling- have 1 c.-n managed | village, wl J. the canyon is . onar- whe.c little loose in this country in limes rr,v>- tiiat the h cuses are necessarily U I’Finur»: i* reepee!- . - . . i Official returns o' ftt.oV. t shuigt .4 jpa<t, and we believe th> papers v. fat M"-_ Twain describes as l illy aoheit--d. Mti.t r.r -l.i- bu i /u ir.ia'iswt 1 • Territory election -’. v> that the; fearing that they might •uj. . ¿ ;<l . Timi Udii injure their TIumbe'Idt houses. 1 dt-1, as a next Legislature w dl contain thir biisiiH-ss, have been entnth two ^sequence, feel a little timid about fi..,-.;. . ti;.: fifia and mv , the i> ist, I can now make it to the fot their cn \ Advintat *_ - to Cail on m? Before Ptirchasin?, S.» Elsewhere, GEO. W. RIDDLE, NEW STORE! NEW GOODS'! N E W P R 1C E S ! LIVINGS'!'« )NE VANCE « GiiAN [ S I ASS, GHi .>n.M rtnicnt of BOOTS DRY GOODS, a;nd SH A id cv< ryth:. • to !■ Cu.-u! in a 1 .rst-l'l. s G .re, wli.i ’u I will .s-ll VERV LO A POR CASH. < »R MARKETABLE I’!!'.if;'. Cl sétTCall and .*.<•? r;. ’•> : ¡re pit ehasing 24tfl give another tainments at the proceeds l)S( ) N BEEF. MVTTO.N PORK, août it they One thing ce • V1 pie • •; S A ISA < ; E s Iln at lha! w« . n.l *. % 1 ! • . • . . t w ac.yaUn% Exp • a., ed FiraVCl-w rv ci the publie patr^ *oá¡a¿ít J. rW’NCH BROS lYopriv 4 «** f-'tta , -% ;h.s «» ... lhJ ACME HARROWS. VICTOR WIND Ì l I.I.S , Autocrat Wood » oro 1 Jui tips And all co S TAVER ?< WALK1-. K \VI ' ■■' iTP . v i : ----- Including the -------- !<’ w HYDRAULIC Fl PE and GIAN ■■ ...■••,■ te nil«»examine oar gooq prices before j ur.. »;n : ' ,‘W ( ano New A- F Md YOU WANT TO SAVE Yen.- elf! town, 1 if an 1 a F lily Grocery, I hereby I have a new and well jc ♦ the publir of * y T, ky or Walking Plow- r ’.g.i sitr'.' th- F-.>. p- -,r , iducGc-n iu fteiebts. from the F.i«t marked down at Bottom Price». 1 ateo sell the :>..i U • RAIED DAVIS Vi.RILAl >LV\[NG MA.HINi h ha no equal in eioc of m lient rai of work. My objn t i« to make it to the interest <• trade with me. r 1 nr pro- XI. < HH.FS ■ ■ i . ■ . r ’ 0 g fand side. lcuiv QXE-Ttill' -•.n the old Stele. St M bv Foi Aire, A E^T ItRA-.n. 0F ynSFs. U k VOR s OHG A If S M. x M» Pl < IGAI r MASON X H V«ii IX ne 1 )rv-goods > I * > A WI M E R, JAS. W. Mt ÄPHV. - - GO TO THE SUPPLY STORE » neral Mining Snppi; > CHARLES DECKER, -..i P I A VOS -.runt r JAS. V V. WATCHES, t LOCKS. J K W ' ’»Ter BOARDINt , ilnkt .:a\c iÎ rut:-',' .Xi, I, 1 , S,-. .'.I, Tp r- !! ,' \v. y The World Reiiouned 1 U sseu , Chilled Plow Notice « i . --------- ALSO « noting fçpm AM kind. PL U. S. I \si>itir.K, K. • ; i< . O,*.- Svitve :•!«' , ; a •¡..- i . i,, : in/ ...inii-ii «•tt«.r h„ . <;;,.,» n,.- .. • nt.'i:! '¡I t*> til. k • ! -, F .. !ik< • au.I thut »-aid J,¡ • n-i'ii- 1 ' t's IG-I.-•• i . . y < •!. y! - J. I. Case, ana Canton Ciippor Hi»i «i Waikii^ rlow? Eight to 1 «•• Cents per Pound. f IWMfc ' ij FISH ind FOWL. ; i ' ì ft. 1,4M* »i: i '< t-;n: KG, fir , O. t. i ■ i,‘ r- '.• ci. v-.i tl • , ' : .lined i ■:.! r .... .. .1 ■ Ii;. T 'iri: Kiid^ra^r ! ifum L j b»‘;t.rr! th«’ rip»in(y • ‘»Hrt nr ’• ■ < ram • Kt - ■ t>. i S, I viz: 1 h»r»tv (,«r : • ■ Li4 f«»r t’.F W ‘ W ’« X L •« t * - : G W. W 5[. 1L i;.un» . UJ.sSvV ♦ • pTOVA hi-. « « 1 r.pGrt u.<l J-Lin W. J4ee. of (Ji .Mu‘hcw.< A ft. Thui GROUERIES, COM ECTlONERIEs NOTICE. ■■' I ,;!.!■ I -, I , I.u.i'.u'., n ni. S,i;.j I i».| . ,f iír.inl’H f'.r ... ' F., n.-tori. Henry iJ. ... ii-hiilc ,■ eiiily, t ti'i-X'in (T ías . V,’. 6th St., bet PEOPLE’S ME.IT )! IRRET. on tar ■ Noli » Fcr fui.! Fine Buggies, Hacks and Carts. Th« PI ■ x MEAT MARKE! j now open ir. i t'l, ptred to i'ipply .m er» with t! ,he < • tirent cuts of ’ .■ w • i c. ill ' :.• ■ r Eiti liT lur ciixh in . old coin : ■ T f >- Hute*, on i he I7H i Day of D.’ccmbsr, ¡-8S, it ¿ i'i:!o; k ¡i. ni. cimi.1 Li- , n- t.v house OP -lid prup.'riv, ti.(. r< tit«, ititi interi) • .¡i ti e -ait ■ o li ut the dm-'of h,r .!•■ . ... .v.i;ig real pr-.j, to-wic; 'i : • muto i.i.'-l one half ¡,. n,., S.J..Ì, wv-* -, ,i the -»unti, ... . . , . it.! G. :-.i,uh ¡hi t. ■. .... .... l\ V. le 'dp 4U. S.iriU. E.iU; . , , . . W. 4 J» i pliine F'o'.iiiii. tip.p..:, GF" W Ii . , .tdimci,'tri.- i -■ ! ''slut» Ju.icjh'iue t'.xiati . ó ! !. I*, A.. N g I :Ct-_ ; ■: p- r ; ;i. VA\( E SI I I ; R K R LIVERY STABLE' Our reaue Property, IX I flX 1 iii’XVi i.iri;i . sitting in Probate. " ’*•*’ 15 iHE M ATFi l. .j,, t ,. t auna A. Beach, u. — i '. In purm.-iuco r.r j,. . , r on.igc in i ■u. ip ; ■ ti.- . i-. • 'if !;:;•!■ 1 ■ . i. ?.<• .. .. . I u p vss ARM of ‘GM ■ révérât g .»>1^ l^| ' th . ‘I:,- it.- an,;.'»] le e 1.I in Cr- n . , ¡. j for colonista or other» t,, ln ■«] fore buying cisewi, , j 'ri "R‘.iE U. •IfjW.jV i 25 -6m] Grm.t'ft pi.^ < I THOMAS GUINEAN, A r’ta ¡.«IM tl li.’-r bfftl.qi. ;.u ppopuci : takfm in exchange fob . goods . Esmont! Hutd, r ija xi s itiVvl - Will lx kept in ■ '■ " k.. Notice. <; v.... •! ; ./ T-’-i J I, ■ J ir. ■ i■ ■ lh< r tn iterami pu «Mxt nuil ei'«; <i un!» '»»J pis e / W h’ir.,. >.'• i . th-.' I !.u- Uiait b'.li!di:,.-> * J > 1 lerci, honre, g U*. J c- ■1 •»..., f.ut 'b® r*"mg orchard, gui.S » ‘T-* .¡ i t.»..i-»- ime«; v.:v t.;,^ ....,. : ; • . Ùte me-t ¡-..Ht,.... a_. . , GPP MJ ER I ES STAPLE PHOTOGRAPHE f i. dia Ink, Water Colors or . , > 1 n. .n i-i.uit1. E.i-s v; r»‘ A GM« «liLL! teen Republicans and eleren Dem * ocrats. quiet way have permitted many} By all means let us have a public grievatui’s ngaiiril the people to goi meeting and change the name, The Oregonian considers the l’res C AR ALT AN. by unnoticed This is wrong and [ I. (J. DAVIDSON, ¡Tent s in ■ ag. t practii-11 mid bti we for one, make no promises that f'lQir. Kerby ville Iz .v.'ing Portrad .• •I !. m uess like document ‘ entitled to tlr-' ! we will "stand in" with any official Dec. jth 1SS6. respectful con«iderat in of ?yr'.- • . or person against the jicople in a > M r . E ditor . -The Timet; man, :.n 1 l::e coimtiy.' ■ public wrong. We may speak plain in his issue of lH;c. 3d, says that On)*wit-i Fiix-I Nat JV...1 i .,-.; lu our item l i t w-'i.'k w'i n in rvc but in duing so we nim to confine1 "Xi .:,i '' me scarce in the country I lk re ;;■■■ 1; • 1 • ke oí th;- ' i i ’■ • i t :ic O. 1 ourselves to the welfare and inter ! Weii a v, >u!d the country sustain? Jk C R R we should have .aid con• cats of the people. We know the I A. y diic'i'fi Bartlett .nd Kearney in-jpeople care nothing for private, That fuddle, u- ntug mm. ■ - ¡u . t. : • ti-".'- kit stead of Bulker mid .¿vai ne' . I’! H . I’ \ I’l I X . there is no known mathematical ta- there are exceptions to even tliisi b1? that runs down fine enough to Great i. Ki itomeli', previdi; in San i rule, and there arc instances when i figure that out. >■.■ ■■. Fran' i .co * er th»- flttctu itimts •! u private interests have to be dis-1 tlie stoci: market. That ought to I cussed, that the public good may! Subscribe for llic C ourier . be aboli died is it is a villn'nott. pit • I be maintained At any utc, the! of wr ag and nothing sh ut of th-,- C RAVOX. people should govern, and we. as! worst form of gambling an exponent of their interests, u i.-lij A’l tb->i><-who kniw v-lve-. . t. OFTlWk G ROC PS The ship C.u iniu-lltcn Ua. tic Capt Go bow to then iniglity power and «■'itoti.,. Lite liiri. '1 Wir.,.. ,y r.ou RESIDEFCES, !.TC ■ ■ ■ ’• ■ or B............. int \V. Richard-c< nun.-nding, uentl yd" their bidding to the enhance-, pli-am.. settlo the ».uno before the First di INSTANTANEOUS PROCESS of J air mi ’ i.< ,1, or a v,i i in- fl: pieces on the rocks on Dec. ad I ment of all our common interests to force - ttleinelit of the a ori c With regard to our officials, we <i<-1 37-31 J. WIMER a SOX. ti.-at N<-v.iu i bay Xo In * lost, the ifhccrs and crew petting not want it i”:d-- '.■ ■:! 'ha! we an NOTICE. I ready to denounce them without n-liorc with much difficulty. Cri-, Troni and M->rrki»n •'•«. XO’iTCE 1* hereby given that *li;' uu- icause, for we believe 1; a tide they The < ’.e;;'>nian eilitor in i” ‘G gh ,; 1 arc gO(jd public sen ant», the < xcc-p I rferaijjiied will apply t the County Court j PORTLAND, Or. I of Joni'plmie ' iiunly, S'l'e 'fin,, zn, it1 of prospective Christmas amuse j Wng a j . ,»• , 1 . 1 'in Ill St ir;".!l: .' li ’ in. iil I <11 ftl?..lll' • il*j of January , 13'>7, for a licsnse to Sell ! i ’ii Leading Hotel gì I’ oh L- t O is either tascally or in- I* rituomi, ma' cut . in, ■ , In, , , r in1 posit ir and made to sav. "Save on- „ , , comiicu-nt All we ask is that: ipMnlitie» li-iia than on** gallon, in the , Pi<, out of <,tant» i ,i Joiepliih. C n- Free ('■ r.-'a to iin.1 Crum this iy the phethoric pocket book.“ Wc[wl)iIe t]u. 1>cople g . < >r. ’i, rid v. ■ I s'ipi'or: a I i;>;» i- know how that isou.-elf. R<-ently tlw. themselvesk'.'Cn wiih I til.* fuiloWil'*! IH'titiuTl POPULAR HOUSE. ,1 B. I1VTCII we wrote that "Bo!. We drop of 11k. .(e protwted ]uw ;iIld or!f, i HARtifS KEASOXADf.M. 1 ‘ 1 .TITK >N Central Point bad the torivcst bar ...—_ To till IF.i .rail,, »miltv (olttt of l,‘..l &c., but our pajxr aid the longest While at Phoenix we of course Htatauf |nvi,'iii for Juwphint* County: bai. causing its to y i‘r.11 th.r • ..•.• » it . not-.dmany old "I marks ’ com-! Yuiir pi .t'• ■: . , . pt ■ >.l. tl .' .e-.i | Proprie TOr .O- ;'tl .1' *1'0 1« 'f *1' • there t<> measure it to c if it lx; re mon to \ i.s.'ii:, li 11 i-i;; c.t rcridclu I .1 -f: ■> line: "fib -' I'.i-i. m tins i , i:>ty nr. i imiourtriivl . ;u that it little h u:'. fourtren r, in.J Iv.'.ii voli-iM t.ixii in ill;, .1 B. Hutch o a li’UabU» pen- n to m <»|| ,«pir- years a^o; but when wc ihiitl of the, j ituouH, m ill amt virions liqu >rs in qtnm- I ’Pile citiz. t's nf Cii’; ', county will 1 changes 111 that time, our ht i t a! litil'K litica li ' » tt, ,n on - vallon, md j, ev'yourl petition the legislature fur in »P most cva'xs to beat within us Mane Houo In'» H J • 1 » »•» . ...1 -"ti tor tn«- period m------- mouths propri.'.. 1 >ao! >.■ ■ ►>> forth'1 build f ront St., adioinlng Courier Office grave- have 1 , . 4 mid'.1 M|<«|'.m'lcil.iti ni-«i-li I,,.-.«, ing of a wagon rcvl '■ 1111 Pc>tt.Ot GK WT-, PAK-, OR EGO«. hill yonder, changing greatly the fed t > Clictio, a distance of 65 1 scenes around many hearthstones. NOTICE We have a» Flour mires. Tbi would 4,.vc them a But the old mill "grinds awny" as and 1 ..¿‘<i store in the buiiiiiiig formerly wagon r >ad <'muectior whh Sniitl 1 if nothing had hup;x.-tied, and tlie Xolft ! i- hereb. »i-'cn that th.. o.---I ,,-i ih a raddle and l,a»mi*< rtiop, I’ ioh bi- w .- ia 1‘-.-it»r vr.l! ip-, »tin will k •. p ■ iKi.mth Ikir.d River valley and if the ¡Old a n.- . water in the eld mill-race flows on j Grant* ■plv ’ > th ('ciintv Court ,>■ .,' ,-. phau- I • nd for mile the l„x-r bran .la of the mountains < ou'. I 1 rei urr. c t .' towards its level just as it did whenj i 'minty, , i Clio .on, :it i c, xt r- ^tl- ‘ ¡we were in the habit of meeting, : ., Hour, Orii anil Oat Meal, I'.,,. j tlie le'ii.itid for tilia road would be tin a- uc ci .uni dear friends gone- b< ry, 1S<.', for n ' t,. .« ¡I -kilt l;,pn rn . Whe.i!, Bailey, Oats, Mill incr used. Ii the road could lie krpt fore it;, and when we nurse d the de for a t ‘i ni of m-htli.. in qiia.idl: 1-« i tr.i !i.u, ci ||. Pic. j,ct ■ liant • ' Uj’.it uni !:t to . 'm . pai ted link 1'iu-■ m our knee. These llqiu and Chop Feed. Bran, Fase. Jo re |. hiii<- ( -ut ty, I >1-4* ni. and ivi I , i are all common lerc.on.- taught us i I port ».mt appti -ation with Lho follow-1 and everything pertaining tj . V,’" M’Vì’.yTH The Jacksonville Scutinel in its bv the cicle of time, before which, ingi’- FIRST-CLASS FEED STORE. Man „'-r. I la.' l.-'UV, pays its dece ik .' I editor, I we are •as frail 11s a blade of g: i*-s. i W. RAZEE & SON. 1’1 I 1 1 HAN. Dan I.», nt ig and family stincoti Frank Krause a touching tribute. Proprietor».. 34IÍJ duct tlie .lût'! -, i To tbe H o‘oitv (\ (lt f f¡,. to say the h the table is une of | \ our )>etitio . r» r p:creili tua' Wc.nni r w ïn niQ.rming Mr Krause leaves s the verv 1 cst in Oregon A Dm e., -ii us aie inbai it.mts -Í tlie T lap and family continue I » -r 1:1 ’ -, I ’ .; - > , i tti.r t . ino wifi mJ f!.rtv vliildiiH mid mana * id la, ,d voler» tii-'i > eu- frietid.i to rnouni hto 1» -• He wa- deuce in the oh to wt-ry ’ be fin tite black mith bu-.iuisa, rmh, ÙMumer of th--1 Nuble Grand of Jaekstvivill* Lodge together with a stock of hardware • .dvr »nd agrietitural implement too uu- IsjtKir» in quantitie* 1 L S SMITH, Proprietor te to - bell cars, merous to men'.■ >n. Gnuvb i Stout hi in BIX GRANTS r ASS month - fron «h« dati from the street f -m tlw old hor.u’, but the oW lies -f. nt cut the SAKE iind EAST ’ill' Sami;. 1 i . Ivcr an i v. .K .and A lu it'll y an won . widow Colver »-till r.-nn . as ■ \ore noticed on the street yosterd. green suit with a tall, fiery, fl well \ Sons ruus the old mill by the blood red hat, and tall feu creek, making the best flour in the -airc sang« Southf ■ n Oregon. Xcw ninery tanical sharp i aid she put having been placed in this mill to- I inind of the >ld tiishioned ■ gelbcr w;th the reputation it flower called r Spt lai lern.s to Comuieicial iti'1 i' ■ verPistn v ater p NOTICE gontan , makes it valuable property Tra I elei.-.. That cnuugli a ■ i i- l it -i dm of January r wild f.e The when it fir t 4: I and NX •dopi'"». ' < ' m«l t . O ; 1 ? XT UREATIA REDUCED PRICKS. ! v. ‘"'V vuM niaLe AGENT Í-T ti:- AGING -y fancy goods , DRY GOODS, nufacturer’e me ttaching tl e Hctm SeekW3, Af.V « • KITT IX Lively Stahl . t - - - H >1 I II’ WILL i Ort-onn All Woik Prwl: » if