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About Grant's Pass courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1885-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1885)
“ Maryland. My Maryland.” k flREAT SUFFERER I ROM DEBILITY. RERVOCSXESB. LOSS OF SLEEP ARD APPETITE. RESTORED TO HEALTH BY GUESTS. SCHOLASTIC SAUSAGES ▲ PILEI* PILES PILIS SURE CURE FOUND AT LAST KO ONE NEED SUFFER A . m cure for Blind. Bleedluf. lUhin< end Vker- COMPOUND OXYGEN pile *** ta*B 4i*'o»rre«i to Dr WdhuMi >M> lu- The following, written for publication < mi *1 Dr WbiW* Iwlue Pile Ourt- Not every one who c iq sl.ilfu h by W. G. P. Bnnckloe, of Hulmeville, pq.t TT: ¿rut < • «**•« •*'< *•*• cured »be chruuic Question. Is the small boy always , carve a joint, or a fowl, is capable of editor an<l publisher of (he Odd Felluwa' . . mi yu'i «tarxiiM Mo ooe ured «uffer See u«U> I *?" “r Î7U given !?.“*- »>*epy beneiitc<l by being filled with facts and »pptjtas due euoilerfui MrulLUMI uwxiicin* Journal, -•-■•••». ’ « hajonv serving 1L None but a natural «i p!o tournai k. , ,, , . . , „ei.uud rtacu»n«.*) experience with Compound .iiiuound Oxygen ■ -‘ï « iH.unm. »i—r.« th* tu figures? Answer He is not. H»* is. on In the Spring of t 1***1 health ix*gaii — oiat ran sue ’«»»fully aocomplieh lie to “ fail, fiel a my great began “*.?"• ,h, I .... ¡uUiue (paraiculariy ipamcuiwi, M .«ut no that I fiecame ^offerer uuxm « _______________ aching st atfis the contrary, often overload d with f* at The “eternal litncvM of thiug«** from debdity, ••• rxnudm bb . u,<d ’ and"tfe* r '* “ * “ * “ * *n them, as is his stomas* i with plmm akr, . ....... eleep and api>ctitt. /After trying »»everal U-i»nw> ana for n .tiling el*^ * should be carefully considered by the _ f, M „ (J«*®i*brrry, ‘ *>ttUii« rry <rf of cWvelan«i, Cleveland. ’’’ I remedies and continuing to grow weaker, -!1 _______ and the result of both dose* is to UFlk* boat previous to serving h s gue»t«; aud w 7«T-«AT> v W itiusiM s Indian OinllUeUt “I have part» oi a I almost in ilenpair gave up the hope of — ¿I —. it Pile ____________ Curva, --»* and affords tne pleasure v him a dull boy. ’h«*! b«»e »‘«-'»«r hAitel anything which <a»e such the apportioning of -p«* ial j shouhl I m * living. To add to my sufferings, in Octo Q. How much should a small boy anti permanent relief aa In Wiiltaois In d sh to c rtaiu individuals -........ - ber of the same year I was afflicted with a dü¿ .^ojruV ’ r .r sale bf «11 druggiata and »«‘I*1 le&rn at school in a day? A A» much ¿ r.-teW prie «1 <• V Richards A Co . 427 and 4» . M 7. - I *<iv<,re cold, which seemed to induce eon-1 distinctly understood and fully T mi- o.ruer Clay. Franctaco as b« take in easily and pleasantly. I rrnsed uiion the servant waitin''ori the I gestion of the liver and kidneys, threat- 4an* Many a host, however, fails in ened paralysii* of the right side. The pre-! and no more. In fact, knowledge can t table. s extent al re piis t j for the perfect »tcriljed remedies aggravated, rather than 1 Jas* B. Ottgood <Sc Co., of Boston, the be forc«*d into him as is the gas into well pu bl iahen», have failed. thia estent’al allayed, the »utTering. , iomplishmcnt of .. a dinner, his chief soda water. Or if so forced it won I HCUlUpi ••About the tirât of November I heard of WIIIU'U» ws _ _____ V arco — í,.m. - i Heinz -x r.^aní« „.t -< rid itf m the thp aim apparently to g of ----------- ’Is there no balm in Gilead f pie. e, «a fore of the - v | I "‘‘.’■/'“/J .............. - *? r“ -- T*,d.U:t7z Nt ay. there no physician there f . I I a “• I' about half Q. Should learning lie made i>l«*a-ant Lr.. . R I.. » I Thaiks to Dr. Pierre, there is a balm in or taste, of hiv company. A man a ,4 yui uai uj of www U< xh I .« ; 1 could ,<>utd not ulfrp ■ for the small boy? A. It shounl. and ag> ¡1”«- •»» »«•’V ..................... 1 - •- «V u.. - mtutuHy, very little uppctiie t arul very' i vtrv mu* appttite, and very his “(olden .Medical Discovery” a “balm for th«» same reason that his bread, t ak . 7 th'» kidney ought never to be allow.-1 I for evry wound” to health, from colds, memory. and pic uni mad»* pb a ant to his t t-ic to give a dinner, aud it reel» w ith th«- Jliohty "In lest than two ueeke ufter taking \ cough, consumption, bronchitis, and • > the Compound Oxygen I uue like a new\ He w ill not ab orb learning f it is m uh gne.t, to decide whether they W.ll « ver I chr< - khì , lung and liver affections. t > taste like rhubarb, and that is one a wound time lie found wattil at »uch I pfreon. The bleedimj had stopped entirely, -risU. re «son w hy so many ¿toys aud girls g* t , my appetite became healthy, my Bleep im- , a man'» table. proved , and my memory became good and ( The > hm * s by the Vincennes, Ind , fire bick <»f study at school 1 have witne«*e<1 at p ivate dinner Q. Whose fault is th s? A It h the I par..« » th" m >»t egregious blunder* steady. I havt* continued its u«e until the aggreiAe $15’>,000. present tune, September 1st, lHKi, enjoy-1 fault partly ot the teacher, partly of tie* com mil tel by »■ rvanU. Plate* <■••«- mg tiooi health, excellent spirits, ami im parent, and. more than all. of the sys tainitig dtsiioaciu» in en«l«-<l for cartain prove«’ powers of endurance,both mentally ' tem which fore a the same kind of in cited gue»t*, given by mistak«« to and physically. “There have also been a numberof won Wtau 11»/ was sick, ws cave her C ASTORIA, tellectual pie. cak and pudding down lho*e who neither ear« <1 for nor appr«-- a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, the throats of all b ja and girls, whether . iated them: while those for whom the-, derful results that have come within my Wltt-a observation from the use oi Compound Whi-Qii IxMiune Al I m , she clung to C ASTORIA, were intend-<1 got that which they lea»t they like it or not. WL lm b Itad (’hlldrtm, »ho gavu them CASTORIA Q What, in s n»* resp« eta. docs our ieli.h«-<l. A »tupi«l waiter should b.- Oxygen." A “ Treatise on Comjwund Oxygen,'* educational system res« ruble? A. An carved, drawn and quartered. containing a history of the discovery asd immense bauBSge-stu'fing machine. Ma When the carving ¡»done ata »i«le mode of action of this remarkable cura chine the system; Sturges the boys table I hol'l it a good rule to pin«-* th«- tive agent, and a large record of surprising LIK BEST Abell & Son’s Pho- nn<l girls; men who run in« machine di«h before the mn«o«-r of th - hou««-, m > cures Tn Consumption. Catarrh. Neuralgia, Take the elevator 29 Wash th it h . pte nm .bly knowing th«- la te- Bronchitis. Asthma, etc., and a wide range the teachers. Q. What sometimes Impp.ns if the of bi» gne ts, can prop« ri v -♦ rve it- -erve it. of chronic diseases. Bent free. AddretM» •< sausage is cram n«*«l too fnlJ? i I hp i/u t «m <>t pii.sing lli«’ carve.1 meat D rm . S tarkkt & P ai . en , 11(M and 1111 Girard street. Philadelphia. . , 4ln (Mt rat« aud Lu« SW*'-I bov , «.¿¡¡at nilng. • guefit» etipvc ally wh« r.t th«' company Q. Docs a “ivcll-titot«d m-'niory’* s a litlle mi \' d a rrgarls ng« an I m argue a w« ll-orgmi/ed mind.’ A. No. i’* IK"i"g'?work her ro»1 »“»v scnrccli know th • «tiffcr.’iice be ,w«*e i with labor importcil from Europe. \ inau may I m * able to parrot the whole one piece <»f rnciit hih I another, an I, di' lionary and not be c ipttblo of taking FOOLS RUSH IN WHiRE ARGILS FEAR therefor«*, naturally take th.%' which is « h irgo of a peanut btand. TO TREAD Indeed if ih«*v Q* How may bin h an r>vei lo*ul«*d closest to their hand. So impetuouH youth is often given tn m mory aflcct'the mu ill I toy’s m .«d? knew the d ff«Ti»nce, they fed a d *h ■Kiu about turning over the var.oii« fully and indiscretions; and, as a result, A. As an owr lost« of | him-pudding nervous, mental and organic debility fol do-s the small boy H >1 ohi it h renders pieces on th«» <1 sh in search of th it low, memory i* impaired, self-confluence Wh r«*as, if the la lacking; at night bad dreama occur it heavy, and unable t > act vigorously, th«*v pr *f«*r Q What do tiuc'i heavy’ Io ids of nost hiin««*lf s »n<!s it to them, they have premature old age seems setting in, ruin (>f <ours«* is in the track. In confidence, you ran, book knowledge fre picntly make of no M’ruplcs in ac •- pting it people? A Boris, who are always th«» wa t«*r should lie instructed, w hen ami should write to Dr. IL V’. Pierce, of rccdvffj *• the plates, to place th* m Buffalo, N. Y., the author of a treatise for lining to stuff others as full as them* he 1*1 w.thoiit making an error before th«* the benefit of that els**«* of patb.uU. and selves of the dead weight of facts they ¿'¿•tribe your symptoms and sufferings. portions for who?«; th air intended. carry. He ran run» you at your home, and will * «- 'I'll.* f.i-hionwhrh u rd to exist of O Wi-«* t ,«• rebiill of ovoi’study st”! you full particulars by mail. ♦ pnRtiing, in the name of pol,t«*n«*w.s, th - to many of th« child rn in our s< lioois? plate scut to you by the host, to your Ex Secretary of State Frelinghii)sen is A Premature ipectach** In gradually but surely dying. Q. «inua’ly into what may this soon neighbor, is now, happily ignored the old days say twenty five years ago di*v«»loit the race. A. Hogg!«* eyes. CATAItltll A New Treatment lias been dis- Q What is in piiry to ih child s eye — I have .seen a plate of m - it hand d covered w hereby »* permanent cure in effected in to a gne t at the right of the ho t, pa«* from one to three u|iuh< at ions. Particulars ami from over-tudy eipi.valent to? A. treatise free on receipt of stamp A H UlXOM Hmashing a man's to *s in training him rtitiiely ar mid th«» table until it found It H on , 80* hiL- fit w< it, Toronto. Canada. a test ng p'ace in fro it of the gue t on for a foot-rar«*. How pr< p >stei*oiiN wiim Q. I»ut must not small boja and 111- left tilde. COPYING AM> ENLARGING in India girls b • forced to learn to keep them this! As the plate pas»« d from band ink, water <■ dora, crayon or oil. Send for \r.i 11 * Sox, from Ignorance an ! idlene«*. A. If you to hand its contents depr *<* ated in pi|<. Hai 31 Washington street, Portland. force fruit in n hot-house to rip«*n vou viilii«*. and was little l»«*ttrr than “cold do so at the rxpiuHp of native str« ii 'th vitrals ' when it reachci its final abid- fhbl wder never varies A manti of purlfv 'I hr Mtrikw of tai'orn hi Paris is participa ng place. nil I l gOI t'l I I p * plan’ < I t > I »reaf ti f '<* .!. suUKNe««. B<>re economi« al tluui Ahoiher old fadiion d cti-fo n w hich ted in by 7QUÜ workmen. » ¡' - « i cannot I« h .|.| in the Q. W hat is fh<* frequent reward in tian witt ’. lu h iltitihlu of low tcbt, «hort weight, I r.iet'ctd fife of a full grown and iille I we have foitiinntely «»iitgrown, but was Bent French Brandy, Smart-Weed, Juts oj [pl*-M|.hat« |M»w<hm. Sol<l only in cana. au*ag«’ turii d <« mi of th* vuiiego stuff «me»1 reg.«i'il«*d as th«’ height of polite Jamaica Ginger and < tmphor Water, as R otal I. ki\.» rositi» » I». I(* Wall «trrrt. N. y iH'ss, u m for none al the tabic to b«*gin I combinedin Dr. Pierce’* Extractor Smart ing machineJ A. Ten dollar* a week • trig nut 1 all s i noil nd Ing it were Weed, in the liest remedy for colic, diar us amamicns s or “private s *<*r tnrv. ” Q W’hy so pouly paid? A. Too hcl|M*d (I like l|n* word help« «1 in place rhira, cholera morbus, dysentery or bloody I»KI< l.w KEIM 4 FIB. of Mei*.c<I ) lherebv, liowcier, many a flux; also, to break up colds, feversand m,ieh -to ling. Brui I' c MXA lìu 'Pr* *i reduced from fl.H) to f:i«>. plats’ of -oiip grciv cold e'er partaken inflammatory attacks if used early. knowledge. No ruon Montisi) lo ton <’nr Pre«« from fl41» lo S dir of and goodly slices of milt on or beef th»n.” Junior Pr«*.»« from 8&0U to 8400*. F ugle In «pite of the docloraGen. Grant seem, Hay V?•2'10; ( 'Ilina v $300, ¡ugvrwoii’s Hauti Q. What la ••gu m loti”? A. Know- W «* •* elilllrd, ailtl lllltS rendered lltipal to I»- afea.ltly gainin;. Hui Pri -, * 12.> >• n<| f 17 ), | (op PreK.teN.8sO to |l00. it (»( «•«»« { «• •• wottl i be (jil t«’ im oig huw io Um knowii ij^«» nfior you’ve All bint of Pi. -es built toorder. Address. |M>litc to procet»t|. th«* moment a phr THE ONLY STHII TI.Y tlrM < lavi Pho I 11 I ’I % \ ■*»»■ Ml A < O. g«.t it. Konsc Home lu'ik« «»ail It uhi I »in. Ms F ranckaro of soil)» was placed before von, to • gu* U.grnph G.-.llery In the Northwest AI m -II “(>Uinpti«'ll ’ kll »W. «• tollgll lO g‘*t ill t<>ol it iiccil1«, mnl then 1« arns iiow l<», /!«» ’ it down immediately, ins’ead of I A Son a, -"■« Washington afreet, Portland. • It TI * an* age «tufl’vi ♦» hi- adoii.-’X waiting a few semnd- until your n« i 'li Siiff. rri u rr«»m< «uahwAMore Throat »/ M UU h , U-«« t < , <*ir i»«’.•»•< ,il|«»u •» a n ho c shopful <‘f -nmmt iry fi, ,,,, 4 » -or» ■ of t</oli, nnd tlio Miu«ng«’ frcuJ^QuH loti may «mploy the iii niicnt, if ion b | / Cu< /irx. i dull man, with toying with the crust i ly »p<*n<ls the rmd «>( b- 1,1 ,,f • d hr- ad I m ’I oic iou hut if a witty « lie. T hy G khmka for breakfast. fi»rt i«> »llzrst •A 1,1 on nill tTitirafli cvamitie. with on«* (j ti nii’d yo i allow the .small l»«»v I un A old man. For vears I suffered with ult ••rm iff my right l«*g a« the result of typhoid b» M-lr t hiN onn Mud cm * A Would eye elo-ctl, th ■ sh rrv w ii ■ in th«« gla »> <r Imputation miw Kim-gt-'<*<1 as the only jo i not aiiow «’Hch Iti'o to bear it« own you uph«»ld. remark ng U|» oii th«’ deli H i' ti preacri ing lif«‘. The «itM tor« could do ate pc fume and th • mi t* flavor of a fruit? D the boy wniits to bio*« >m into 1‘Ui^iitr m«*. ami thought I niUHt die. For " \IiiiH I never had a shoe on. Smft s l.atln, lot him; if ho wants to blossom true w ine a r al Arnont Ila Io of high Xrtdlwg rrntwril ■trmgtla. or whu atiffirr fro*' ti< Io»« made a permanent cure and added luHrmlU«*« peculiar to thrlr ar>. abuul.l tri into a 1*1 ick*mith, f«itiliz • him with grade w heh it pi»«m«MM’s th »ugh in yius> to my Ufe. iron mid let him. vour conscioiisncN« you iiihi pr.iatvli U' m . H. IlKKD. Hall Co., (la. ■ lung \i»ur shoulders and wn so r to Q. V» bat do some “fliii*h«,<l «'du a Ui«f nken Swift'« Specific for blood poison , .Ar . i. .. . . • lions” r«»M'iiibh’.’ A. hitnlh’ctiial rontra< 9<1 ui a medical college ut a diaMeetion. *1 • I la* a mtxlical Ntudei.t. I am grateful I at Iiivoi k A little of tbl«, a llitlff of to »•} t hd it gave me a « im *edy and thorough that, and nothing in pnrt culm*. Itc 'e aftg my parvuts ha«i spent hundreds of suit “Urnzy quilt.” lamtir treatment. A vui I ti h W kmdfu M. !>.. Newark. N. J. Q. Or in oilier wo.•«!«.’ A A men APICULT UH t. tai rng-bnix l ull of fragment« of all wifi from early girlhood han been suffvr- wu rheumatism. She ba« tried many ’•hap«* ai <1 < o’oi ■*. 1» it not a u<11 u o\en i hi« Keep ng «>f Ile « sud (lie l*r«»<lurtl *n . »nd I must frankh sat has d< rived p v«’ of cloth thnf on»’ can make a suit b» » tit from Mwift’s S|a*<*inc than from ul lloiu » •« M I me Ari. all theotfiera, after long and faithful trial. of. .V m There la nl <> an wtthri c tnd liy- Kiev. J am . L. I’ ikrck , Oxford, (la. ' ' enio side to ap culture, though n th s S"lf - F| m < ific la entirely vegetable. Trea- •«■ "bR|p<x| and Skin Diseases mailed free. ALL ABOUT VIOLINS. ami matvrlnlist c ago mero Tin !*W ikt S i * e < ific C o . llrawerS, Atlanta I rntimrnt must l»<» Mibor linnt»*»! to !» T IM W. J.M St. N Y. T I BEST TONIC itil tv. But the more advanced -<• cu- Thia med«« me combine« Iron «Uh puï» «.-«rtable toni. • and i« invaluable L< peculiar to I lie b»’c keep ng of to «tax may. w th Vt umrn. ' >11 « Il ' l'-a.f •• : at) In ■ • I I it- A Mew and Nhorter CatechU»»« f®v B«ti«*IH of Teacher* »«id i’«t|»ll*. th« | llow Th«y Should He «erved—*iIu. Id Cos turn« Outgrown. POWDER Absolutely Pure. HAY PRESSES. WOMEN I e It I' y «liff.’rrm « of uk alua%s will. Th«» r 1 tv of th«* old crvfuonas Iti «»••’«♦»nt fir»r (In w I« that lb«'if a»«* a ii»iiul»»‘r «*f * , mn I a th d I t m U i ►ut assum ng much 1 reuse or latitude, he ridimi •’on»» of the tine art*».** To In» cultun'd nml »esthete »!vvot«‘r of tri pr »per in the rmmi's of Ins tud o, who has never p: art i nature ami hub ts of I I th* honey-lier, an t ir*>m ‘lav to »lav, th i nur bl». I »V<si art mas rxrlts Neid'- thrl«»as. the apinr an io ha< studied« olM»ervvd •I the nandous denizens twenty years will no less than th«» ii««clar it p n<lec<| tin«’. Ladies <»| rv in«s| Ust »s are ri »«fully I Iw ’ eu * huai B* * I'F a rii'hii ai> i Pu ritira th* llli>«i«i, >1 ìiiiii I h I a a til (|i|artlta-. ••« r r iagl hr ita t ■ »I u«< I« a and Nrrirw i* f*«! lh><rou«iily I aa v iatirn f ra. Clramlhr •npl« »»«ti. ami laaake«11<«* «am «ataooth jt <|. m n<4 Ma« Seat the teeth cauM* headache or nrvniuve conatiipatloii -ull •<»'• /»»a aneti«n«M a- M hh I ! Hata» ih Hail.l . 7» Farwell Ave Milwau kee U i. a«v« uauier «tate f l»r«- Stith l**H ”1 have u«e«l Rrown'aa Inni Bitter» and it haa beet» more tiaaia a <I« h t<* to me having cumt me <4 the weakiieae ladle« have in life «lia» cored me of I iv- ar (Xmarlaint. and now mv vmpleii «n M <*lvar aiuf ,-rvvad ll»» »«wen beneficial to mj rhililren " Genuine ha» al»- ve traile mari ami red Ime« m wiaviwr Tnl»«* nuothrr. M-.b > nlylf 'tt lHI \ « lit Mit 11 I t» H II I IMlUU MI» (.aiuta* HaWV R< m >» n«eful ami altra, five con taining lati <4 pnrea t>< rw ii « m » informati* n al»«ut r.dnx et«- , giver. »•») tu all dealer» In tnovhclnr .< ina imi t*> an> ad«tre«a .<ti receipt «4 Sc «tamp iSXFI.I HKITSII1 * WOOI»ARB holva&lc Agents. Bortlsii QTriiJlA/AV HH4NKH A IB % < I« O I LINIf A J nc»tis bail hi'it ouienta «.I n < • M m - Uue»> «ad I.«oli«. Ban.•« an plied at Kaatemivitw M.t.HAV I’ -st Street, San Fmm-ucta The ’Boss” Tobacco. “Mr farm lies in a rather low and tuiae or neighbor to do, ten chances to one she w 11 answer. “Haven't t me. Would like to ever so much: nothing would please me bett-r; but, positively. I haven't time." or do nothing, The veriest dawdler male or fetnrJe, will chant the -ame r« train in your ears [corveiGMYCD]. • Haven’t time,” until you learn to ex pect it like au echo, bo by an«i by it naturally occurs to a reflective min«l to wonder what ha, become of all the “A short time ago I purchased your rem time. People used to have plenty of it edy for one ot the children, who had a for everything they wanted to accom very severe attack of biliouenexe. and it plish, an«l st 11 be at a loss for some occurred to me that the remedy might help thii •? to do for pastime. But to-da> my wife, ae I found that our little girl, ti.e man or woman who has time, really upon rewvery had lias plenty of it and to spare, strikes “ Lost ! ” one as a rel c of by-gone t mes—one “ Her sallownesx, and looked as tresù as raOPYftiaMTED.1 who has outlived his generation, a* a naw blown daisy. Well the story is soou it were, and now stands alone among told. My wife, to-day, has gained her old- •trangers; at least such was our im L timed beauty with compound interest, and press.on on discovering one of these in SATISFACTION guaranteed . is now as handsome a matron (if I do say dividuals not long since. A woman H. H. WAR ALU St CO. iUchaUr, N.Y. neither young nor «>ld, nor yet hand it myself) as can 0« found in this county, some nor homely, sat in a plan which is noted for pretty women. And I but comfortable room. applying NOTHINC LIKE IT. have only Hop Bitters to thank fur it. hers’If most industriously to kni', “The dear creature just looked over my ting threads into lace, each yard shoulder, and >-ays * I can Hatter equal to of which would require probably a H H WABNEK A CO., Bocholter, N Y. the days of our courtship,’ and that re day and a half to finish. After expres minds me there might be more pretty sing our wonder, to -ay nothing of the B ev . FRANCIS G1LLIAT. Arlington. Vt.. disgust, we felt at the woman’s pa recommend*»' Warner's T ippecanoe . The Best, vires if my brother farmers would do as tience in this work, we inquired what for sick Jieadr ¿ he caused by stomach disorders. I have done.” Hoping you may long be spared to do • (J. nothin«* iLw U> adorn. good, I thankfully remain, •n pnrtu'iilai srie repno. » ..L . a*. I,. J ames , t. )l'iu only know whit I'll do with it. B eltsville , Prin- e George Co.. Md., 1 making it to k 11 time.” Wfl|i 1er gave . May pth. I««. > Ill see to arhazement. It. had’ b un ho ** — « ong since we had heard any one own If > one genuine withou. a hunt b of gn .4, Hops on the whi e label, ehun all the vile, up '•> having time enough for any H H WABNEK & CO , Roelieiter. N Y poisonous stuff with Hop ’ or "Heps" in their th ng, that our look became a stare name. Jilt- -1’l.St EH ,M. < I.EI.I.AX. Gowen. and the woman appeared anxious on Mich., warmly recommends Warner s T ippe our account. We explained a* best we canoe , The Best. could, to make the situation endur ASK FOR able, but really w-e haven’t yet ceased to wonder at her. That things have changed since the good ol«l time wh' ti almost every one had le sure, is c *r- ta n. We have invented machines that do the work in doors and out in le;s than hail >iie tune it could be done without th< m, but indoors at least we have also invented work for the The 1<e«t Blood Purifier and Tonic Alterative in use machines to «io. that just a little more It quickly cures all Diseases originating from a dis than till up the half time saved, anil so >r<lere<t Mate >f the Blood or Liver Rheumatism, Neu- w<« have grown busy anil st li busier, otlgia, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Scrofula. Tumor*. Kalt Awarded Prrminm IKS3 and 1HM4 tlheum and Mercurial Pains readily yield to its purifying until we haven't t me for a good easy properties It leaves U>« Elool Pure, the Live» auu kid breath more than once a week; and not ueys healthy, the complexion bright and clear then if obi ged to superintend the get FOR SALE BY AL^DRUGGISTS. State Fair, Portland. Oregon. ting of three meals a day Sunday ami Mechanics* Fair, San Francisco. Cal. an extra big meal at that. This pre- State Fair. Sacramento. Cal. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. clud <*s the pnss bilitv of woman's one chance for a full, deep breath, and she Most Economical for use: put up in six must content herself with breathin? different size*; full STRENGTH AM) THAT FULL MEASURE. half way to her waist w thout hope Lorillard's Climax Plug Prepared by of a change for the better. To be sur«* she won't live out half her days, and | bearlnir a fag; LorillMniA K«« m * l.e««f fin«« cut ; that Ix»r1Har<l « can't be worth much while she does Vnvry ( llpping«, atnl that Lorillard'ii **uuit<*. are BOTHIN MANUFACTURING 1 ve. But she th nk9 she might as well the tM*Ht aud cLoapeat. quality eoualdvred ? Man Franci*to and Karramento, <'al. be altoget icr out of the world as out Established 1861. P. O. Box 2115. of the lash on. anil s nee Mis. Tom, JOHN F. ENGLISH, Dick anil Harry do thus, and ffo her (•rain, Produce and General fate is fixed. It is really unalterable, THE SPECIALIST, or might she not help herself if she No. 11 Kearny St., San Francisco, Cal. would? Who mad«* her neighbors her Xu«. 313 and 315 Davi« Mtreet, T hkaim all C hmonjc , S pecial and P rivate D ivkabes pattern? 9 And who obliges her to fol with woxDsarvL SrccEsa. RAN FRANCIS««» CAL low blindly every senseless course they Member of R F Pr>>duer Exchange) Conri<nment» THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY I ml orders will re«.tl*e prumpt aitentiuu. Caah ad mav choose to walk in? rance« Stade h a certain euro for '1 he fact is w.* need to cultivate a let i oNti lability, Lw»t Muiihwmt, l‘ro>tator- si> r.t of self-dependence that w 11 en- hewt», and all the evil ao'e us to adjust <»ur dnmest’c ftffa’rs effects of youthful follies with referenc • to the happ ness and and excesses, and In drink ’/ i . t tut ox ten convenience of ourselves and family —2 liquttr-. l>r. Mintir, jut any reference whatever to who jMi w ho u a regular physician, A23gi\*dm<le oi tin* l iuv«r may tLi >k what. 1'here ¡sent rely too t V of l'< * ’! I, ll 1 much plati’-glass front to American to fcif. it s. oi> for houses. We s era to thirst for notori Ip5*i ft! -i I. * ! t! u ■BP I it al Hr-ftorath e (w ety. without much regard as to the d»*r his special advice and tr^atment) will not cure. kind w<* receive. There is not another ?l 50 a buttle, or four times the quantity $’•. sent to civ 1 zed nation in existence but seems any address on receipt of price, or(’. <». I ». in private name if desired, by />r. Minfir, ¡1 Kearny St,, to regard the home and home life A. r’ t'al. Send for list of questions and (omphlet. as something sacred; and while we A tV/1 f. E HO TTI. E Fit EE arc convinced that in this very matter will l>e sent to any one applying by letter, stating of homes we have the sweetest, purest symptoms, sex and age. Strict secrecy in regard ta all business transactions. ami happiest th«* world affords, we do feel that we «»hould imitate uie example Tiits HELT or Pcgenera- tor -s nuui» < X! ,.»u, I. ,. of others in th s particular. The Tills Circa f *f rrn^fhm the cure of <1< raugments habit we have of living out of doors inu K« iii« «iy Mild Srrsr of the geuerutl .e org in «. F ^CHELVitò X There ia no in stake about Ionic Cure« Miilioui and parad ng our domestic affairs this in»..--....... nt, the con frnll.Nerv us and PbyaicsJ kyvtcxRfc.caYJ tmuous bltetjij ,,f fr i t before strangers, not only detracts 1 >» bility, L M of Vitality, Title IT Y permeating Weak I.«-*«, Virile Decline, from the dignity of home-1 fe, but sit- FOR --iX «■« through tl»t pures Must Inipotency, Ovevsenjitive restore th. m to heahtfy Iti* ’ tends to foster an artificial manner Cou<b‘ions. Priatatitia, Kid* a* lion. |>o ,-ot confpund ney an<l Bladder ('• >tnplafcita. this a|fh F.iJCtr*« Belta of liv ng that chokes all the heart out Diaeaaes of th** Blood, F.rup- advertis'd to cure all Ills <»f the home. Aga n. could we but do tion». and all the avd< from »• a t to fe. It « to» of y Jthful f<dllrs and ei- awav this custo n of advert s ng X* c<-as.«; permanently pr> Laxuac B.u lo., lus U ¡»L« Chic.itf j . lie veiitinf all iu»< Juntary every part cnlar of our lying, we «ra** ninff <trains upon th«, should cease to care for anything be- gyst» in. however they occur reatormc Jx>at Manhood, yond that which c.induces to the h gh- h'-wever com ¡Heated tiu> Have half. Largest est good of th«’ inmates of the home, i«ac may be. and where si! other rvm< *.ies Lave failed. Fartery In tne >*tat<- and what siiperflu tics such a reforma 4 IVrniaiw «1 « err tbaolairly Guaranltcd «A.iM.’eòuiia i»L tion would cut off! And what time and Price flflit «ST M f r?’l Rent or C.O D , to anysddreaa, atrict* t m«» we should have left for mental upon receipt ot price, l»K. WEAK, UNDEVELOPED PARTS 1». •» 11 1 11 I 1». improvements, and r uupanionship with '.’Khninu Mr»*c(,ftan » runrheo < nl wT 4 WüTIH' x------------- husband anti ch Idrvn. For verily, whether we realise it or not, mv dear s t r. th s s w hat bec.imes of the bulk « «tiau.t» .■•u*, - j wuiidtuUaL Ljr teller or »: of our time. And we may save many office. XK1 s N P. N. U. Na 77.-8. g \ i 154. an ho it* from weary ng. us<»lvas drudg- ery to drvoh e to th»» moral training and ha) p'net s« of our famil es, by s mply darin£ X to order our home» after our own notions regardless of o ir n«’ghbor - or any one else outs de of our own i o ir - piare wall*. —Burlington Haulcur. TONIC niTTKiia. i BILIOUS HEADACHE, >41.00 A i M >rlwr I aK. « K FOH FEL* DEBI LI? ’ pt toJRPAS3ED. Ml.oo lMFI’TI.K IODIDE OF POTASS FOR PURITY AND STRENGTH J. R. GATES & CO.« PROP RS.. R. U. AWARE co. □z>rt. MirvTiE, COMMISSION MERCHANT The Mirror is no flatterer. Would you make it tell a sweeter tale? Magnolia Balm is the charm er that almost cheats the looking-glass. Antisell Goli Medal' ARA3S. Spring PETALUMA THE HARDEN STAR HANDOREXAD1 Fire Extinguisher. Hatche« all Ktads of >'<*> nr, all <»r w 1 <>»>«• 1 l*nra lilwatrste*1 ’ ■ I • : i« * u 1 HI •tri i< « i*. •k of marl.* nal«» oui of 1 A 1.1 NltjOLL. "THE TAILOR." « ells. ranco A l < Í ’ PHELANS BUILDING. », 816 Market Street, San Francisco. 816 th« t hey ha.» m red hundred« of li ’r« aiut utf dollar* wu Wth «f propert y Hr ware at wortlilr«« Imitali«»* • l»;l< ► «IG» > I r hottie with «tar IS »7. KN ?»».. IVrtland a . im All Sons of <;ooi>s filiti >i<! Samples. With Instructions for Self-Measurement. Sent Free. the O I sou lull ng b inili ri"* •' It is not bent i‘h«» w < mm ! is never Ut w .th a «uw I split, and th«* fit the Cra»n of w <>« m | the fin *r lh<» »r The 1 a A- never iwlìahed. bul M»rt of la<Mpi ich h titipposvtl H<id to lb«* ton ne maker* sav (1 a ttne*h»ne«f in nt aimph «I«* ìm * ii on tine m.nnufnctur n«l «1.« pn«iM»r H th.-v onus !>..} ti<»ns; if that is *o. *h wav« turn out goo’i iff mar make a hundred i inMruuii-iiU »« I i «f »leb I ovarve not have oie good one a moni I lenti fill i’hi« n « count« a grc.’it «le »I for .Mattie 1 |M’n«.ve pro-« «. » <>l n fwt< h I «ay», “After AAli/ «î/fd Erprti*. . weaknra» an ’ I felt like an* Æiiioi'ionn rrnil<>i Samples. With Instructions fo’* Self-Measurement. Sent Free H A n K CONSUMPTION. tltiVtl Season! Uli » Muy III- <'onq»iered.*IIut Who Never Surrender. A. at T«»h an I Tain.v. th* wounded I Arab» refused to l»e made prisoners, ami great < aut o i had to b<» exercised I i n ni »ving nbou arabi th«* rove ■bleed n; Arab-. of th» • fanatic« w The 4. rande st Display of the < hoir eat Woollen« ever ahown in ihr city ■ v. i i nbrirn ’iniw II III II; order that they 1» imrnilr. English. French. Mrotrh ntnl --------------- l.rrinnn In va ------- - - rndlean »variety P’l a c: »anee i ns for Hull« to V|ri»«urr. One 1hou*an«1 iliffcrrnt pattern« tn «elect from, I n one ' O’ us. and rxeri at) Ir of garment c«t and fitted to an it th«* I----- — ::*2____ - Any moat fUatldtaua tante« Exp ns? al< our me on • •am«» i woun I» I p ! Arab dwarf nt no*a ( an int tcr| »reter \rabs w •rv os upon to PERFECT FIT AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! and c ' m » o it 1 could n n<»t do: iv mild th mi il l wool, mi — _ ORI»» . ........ R IT> TO •Ml ix> om • an 1 take t »IXK III. wool. FAXT« TO OHDt.H 5 OU lo«l men ‘ NICOLI bitters «tni.-t«1 t« a hr ght of Jti. f . »t, morning wh <*n 1'r wTkmein- made situation, and •* My wife !“ ‘•Whof* “ Wa* a very pretty blonde!" Twenty year* ago, became Sallow !“ Hollow-eyed !" Withered and aged !" Before her time, from •'Malarial vapor«, though she made no particular complaint, not being of tba grumpy kind, yet causing me great uneaa ines*. No matter bow reasonable and im- portant th« thing you a.*k your fr end ’I'll«* <¿1*«U1I tir i i» antes th s pur ►eral in a 'i im i|',ll|y • • • “ Pretty Wire* Lovely dau^eters and noble men.** A Wearisome Itcratim Which Suggr.ts a I'ertlnent Inquiry. THE II1 '»• TIME. GRAND OPENING! in.tnufa«*tun’re W <HX 1 i vibri i- ••HAVEN'T H H. GROSS. •? ' hurt* anJ many s tn and beast n lotion. Mustang Lil . r. V HilMl II Hi. «torr l : -« »i. er I amiated * as hard illy a captor moMf U| p. He had a R r in1» ra»»i tn ii 'as tLal 1 r E THE THE HASTINGS ” BEST CLOTHING, CLlin-ro a M rx SHIRTS AND ..a..-»---------- -- ---------- UNDERWEAR, Fer Men anss Bsyr --------- J “ R<?«<iy Mad*. ?*'*’to O,’d*' ’ •rld THE «OOEI. Car Montgvr.try and Sutter Sta. 8-u*. Francato CU I Cû. F< li l t¡ELF KFASl RESENT ON AITI I« I IT1(>> MANN & BENEDICT, vw <™-C. C. EML Hl