Image provided by: Josephine Community Library Foundation; Grants Pass, OR
About Grant's Pass courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1885-1886 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1885)
HIE COURIER. THE COIXTI s? (T. TEMPERANCE column BLACKSMITHING For an Art to R- -lo-»te th-- County Seat Wilderville May 19, I»45. ui Jua»pl4ne County. On-jiun. Eu Cm. niKK.—A» you hai e kin llv art- ««»NlHiTEI» I'NbEH AlspliKS I. o . g .T. REIFEL 4 t o , Prop'»., FRIDAY? Be it enact el by die LagWattive A-wm- ered the columns ut your psper lutne v«q- MAY 29 1W5. Kts'p tiw t»-st of b.-,-r bi llu kc_- or » bj 1 1C0* blv of the Stat« of Oregon. ers ol Joeeidiiu. comity, t«« <I i - k « i « s tie buttle. Ashlaml, - ■ . . o, AMBI* \l. \M, i-i.i'Ai.iChp MAILS Me h.iv«- M 'll UothIllg of |.4te m<»< Hg. SesTtox 1. That ou the tir»t Monday subject of prete em-e oi pl»«' • to u l<> at«- Arc now prejurc-l t-xlo all kind» of tang «.naxT’H rass to cuescext errr. in Jone. A. D. 1885. the legal voter» <jf the county seat, we as citiaen» oi the ■ iiiihant than the folfowing item from tin- Leave» Grant’s Bass Bl.At KSMITH1.NG, Joaeptiine «-ounty, »Ute of Or»-gnu, shall »Titral part claim We have tin nmst ; Chica^i rime»: Ar. Grant’s Pa«, <L-»irahle situati-si. mi l tin- ii->«t «gnveu- then' »»'ills t.i lx- an ex.-du» to Kan* 320-Acres Good Land-320 vote upon the quoation oi re-locating the Monday -.8:00 a m Tuesday 9:00 p tn IIOKHE-* HOEING. V'.,w •*”' southern ,xirt of Indiana. »•ounty seat of »aid Joaephiue county. ient to lx- reschsil by th«' tuajmjty. as i »».thin Wedna'y. « :0l' a ill 8« itb of Grant's 1‘asa, known as the ,M*t month twenti iamilies Thurs’v .« :<W p m 1 The p»ll-b>.K>iu for said elei-tkui »hail be n«mrly two thinlsiif tlie vutum Hire s-mtli li ne a-it F’lovd county. lift.s-n « 00 a tu sàtur'ÿ. G NX) pm WAGON. ANI» ' J E R O M E P R AIRIE " ruled, and prepared »o as to provide a of Rogue river, ami Justus ' sh AT" ’The Germans from Rom-iey, Harrison't'.iuntv, m<lM OKaxr’s PASS TO UAUCE. o.»«l till.- tp|.iy io J ohn holt , greatest go«U to the greatest ml ibe-r. ” lot! on th.' Air lin«* for Greenville, Kan* L-.ives Grant's Pasa HUttu'ieut uuiaber oi colut ma f««r r»H*urd' CARRIAGE WORK \iipl<nnit«', 4M) p m P. (>., Jackson Co , t >r. : or. .1, Now as tiir people in the re-.-iii pi of th - S.U*. A e->rr<'«|>>m|(.|it iiiquirasi of a num. Arrive* ¡same <l*y). ing and counting ail thi Vote* ea» fur 6 8M) p m \* Iloti ARI», Grant's I'-i-*», Or. county have the Mrant-ig«“« oi I liiroa I s win lin-y «.•le«t« l Kan»a« Th- E. IhMKK, Postmaster. Itx-ating tlr» »aid county seat of Joeepliine universal re«|«.in»c was "Well, w«> have travel at four cents a mile, we tin >k it ex- bov» growing up who nre falling into bad DONE AT REASONABLE FIG- county, Mate <rf Oregon. ev 1 ° G- T- WS-Meets Sacnujt 2. That the sauic judges an«l treii'.ely reltlsh in them to <■-inj 4 their h.-.hits under the saloon tem plat ion in tlie ••wry Fn lay evening at tlie school house I RES AND ON SHORT PROPRIETORS southern neigiilx-rs to travel tor mile.« ■ :ty aii.I towns, and we arc going to Kan W-« t C. Ktxn, W C T Ou Mouday next the voter* of Jose- clerks who acted as sik-h at th«« general sas, where they w ill Is- relieve.l of thi* thr-sigli stonila and mud U- ino ' fileni in teiuptetion." NOTICE. election of June, 1884. shall a«-t as judges «.1'’* •l"*'l'hinelxxlge. 179, inerts Ht pliine county will be c ijle-l upon to exer their own dooryanis. As it w»< ■ |t he tact There, gi'iitlemen of th«- rmidv no»«- is n * "rBt "feach month cise their judgment by ballot iu the ques and clerks of the election appointed by that Grant's Pass is a rich railarxi town, »1 11 oel.xk a. in. W M. Bounx-g, this act. If there siiail be any vacancy the great mining |«.>w«r that underlies tion of re-lix-ating the county scut This J ohn S. C hatham , W. K. W. M. _w _________ doe* not _________ necessarily argue that a i -4 Jose Are Now Manufacturing Nearest ami nio.-t <lir< et mute to this temperauce reform. is » question of great iuiportam.- to the in any of the »aid offices of judges or "JJ®1 ■’111 ' L oom N o . 435. I«.., tax payer» of this county, and w. hope clerks of election, the va» ancies may be phine county must «io hoaiai-e I-* nispn- rii.-re, ye who sneer, whether tipplers KER BY VILLE. -M.-ets every other Sunday at Wilder^ that every voter will tlirow away all feel filled in the same manner as done at gen »’iniptuouH new couicr. The ja-ol rl-.lith'« imslerate drinkers, one ami all, thia is Improved Leg Wagons. 'ill«-, at 1 o'clock p. in. are now quite strong that Wilde- >ile t«x>, the secret of tlie phenoniinal movement ing» of prejudice ami do his duty to him eral elections. WILDERVILLE. J. M. H oxie , W. ('. T. S ectiox ,8, That the powers and dntieo will in the near future. I m - also a hklinu-l von call f.matu ism. self an«l the «-ounty. 1 hiring the canvass J ohn S. C hatham . W. 8. town, as two cuuipani«*» are pusii ig their Shop on Front street, Tlu- love of home is the most .leeplv the CouaiEa has been ■trictly independ of judge* and clerks of elm tion under thin and JACKSON\ II.LE. '■ u>n Rt lb , I 0 0 F-M<«t..<.ri ent, ha» not eared to interfere iu anyway. act, the qualification of voters th«- con lines from San l’rauci-s o to Ft^iki: on rotited of all that animate the human tirant s Pass, - • Oregon. - I’urday evening at 7 .fo at tlieir hall oi: ducting of the election, and canvassing Humlsildt Bay, with a view of •ort land breast, and it is this holy p.i*«ion which ; ixth sti-eet. A ¡siting brothers eordiallv It has given the tax-payt-rs ut this county Rcasonnblt- Rates—Sate Crossing. as terminus Rut, even within a rail- GRANT’S PASS causes th- massin,« of the teni|»«-e invite.) to attend. .1. K P ihxev , N. G. ’ the privilege of its columns .'or tlie pur the votes shall lie the same as are provid road, Wilderville is centrally I »• «-«!, and * . < oi.vm, Bee’y. forces. It can't lx- ridicule,I out of sight, pose of discussing the advantage» ami ed in the Lw* of thi» state regulating gen should by right l«e th«- penmir.JP phi; Livery and Feed Stable. eral elections. so long as the wrecks of ruilietl homes re G hixt ’ h P ahs V. I)., A. F. 4 A M — -iisailvantage* of the three place« a. king *ly and for county aeat. Being plea«« Has » new lino of S ectiox 4. Each voter voting upon main. Joseph Cook is right. Th» love Mists in their hall, (Md Fellows'build- their suffrag«-, and now would urge upon healthfully located, with line v_ Uiwer H THORNTON A SON, mg. I n lay evening on or before the full them the iui|«ortanee <»f a fair, unpreju the qiMMtiqn of re-liH-ating the county of God and the loro of home are aliowiy GLOVES. CORSETS, RC( HINGS, moon. \ ¡siting brothers «-ordiallv iuvited diced anti impartial settlement of the seat shall have written or printed u|«on and abundance of tiinber, where l-s'k.-ii al-out the throat of thi» liquor PLl’MES, TIPS. RIBBONS, PHOI-KIKTOHS, f t" att«-iid. I, T owxsexd , \V. M. «A8illkil<f^ilmi,*1f!ie’' f, bailee the *».—■ * •* ■---- * Molixk. ami from the way in which the q^^ci We w««ul«l alujjcqp**^'^.« «..»• Ida BONNETS, HATS, wuicn wxiwn for county mult an«i the Having retiti«-«! un«l furnisIk-Ajjiesu y crii sof hate are arising th«- grip is being ■^O-.-ple m?et tierore^___ **W* t>av< building» donated, with a iils-t LAMIES' A CHlLiiREN’S COLLARS of uj«-,i««i .^^taS'ice to place recJivuiM the maiurily «if all the of money and labor sulincrit-v felt. 'ml vol?» east tor county «-»at shall be fx < »T&’E. rrrrrrr* ’what lias beeu advertised in jiaper neat « Hixen* to aid in erecting ig ’ I 1 ttlb-Tsuns are hereby cautioned against «'oncerning the propositions, and other the permanent county aeut of J«.wphine the county taxes would Is LutS^ I.AIRES I'NDERCLoTH- «■ounty. State of Oregon. to tli<a public that A liivrrn-k>-e|M-r, in Shippingsport, Kv., ING. I M l> til ALL having any business transaction» con matters connecteil with re-locating the ! inereaaeil. A few years will brira great eat is s.ii«l to have so [siwerful a viiice as to S ectiox 5. If no one of tin- plact*» vot county seat, and consider them fairly, cerning the G kaxt ’ s P ass Covaiut, with ad<lition to the isipulati-Hi in thieentral is-able to crash ami glasses by I m * ultl«* tn «-rmli goblets mid liy KINDS. they will ed for shall receive a majority of all th«- one H. McELROY, as he is no longer in and then vote for the place, which in and aoutItem part uf the iMunty, ml wv talking into them A liquor pa|s-r sug legal votes east for county seat at said our employ. Also any person or persons their estiihation will Is- the least ex|s-n- hope our fellow ritiaeiiH will tukeue no gest» that he would lie an etii-i tive s|s-ak- AIAVAY .S BE PREPARED TO election, then at the next general election, er against temperance. A mistake His having pai l him money, and holding re- sive to the ctMinty in transacting its tice thereof and govern a< < or- hr-nth would l><-wasted, for telii)x-rance FERNISH THE BEST AC- towit: on the first Monday in June A. 1). «•«■ipts for the same, will please notify the public business. din^lv when the ballot I m > x in opie<t for do. s not build glass-houses. 1886, the question shall be again snbmit- NOW IS THE TIME. COM.MODAT1ONS FOR publisher, as in some instances he has onr contributions. M S.hnx, A tipsy barber cut oti'the ear of a cus te«l to the voters of said Josephine county tomer. The customer was a lucky man given receipts and then marked on the HtHOOI. IIKI'OIIT*. horses that it wasn't his head. I'mler tin- cir W k , the undersigned residents of the for the purpose of again voting for the re "Sei-ill-«- the Hli;i<l«»\V stub "Noliis-d," “Not Paid,” and we de locating of the isainty seat of saiil county, cumstances it was a close shave. sire all persin«—i-s|x-cially in Jackson State of Oregon, and County of Josephine Tlie following is the re|«-rt otiistrict t In- Hui i-t:iii<-<- l-’a<l«-¡ at which sai«i election the two places hav Mr. OThmovaii Rossa is owing large county—who hnl I receipts for money in consideration of the locution of the No. (I, IMer Creek public H«'li«>ol,'or I the sums of money on whiskey bills Mr. ing the highest number of legal votes at ON paid tu said M< ELROY, to notify the County sent nt the s,iecial election, to lie mouth ending May 15, 1885: O'ltomivan Rossa wouhl make an exceed TLRNOI TS FI RMSHED the first election shall lie voted u|»>n for ingly able Government clerk. publisher of this |iaper in order that due liehl in sai I county and State on Monday, Number pupils enrolled. 31 SHORT NOTICE FOR the county seat; ami the county clerk er - lit m iv he given them on the Ixxiks, June 1st, 1885; that if the town of Average «Liily atk-ndunce _ . 25 —fa IIKMK TII— shall prepare, and rule the poll-bixik» for Ml ’ F.4 1 Al. NOTH t ». ALL OCCASIONS. as he has dishonestly failed to »end us Grant's Pass receive a majority oi all the Nuinlier of day» attended l>y < a- l Hi "I ’ l l< >T< Mili \ 1’1 I Y< >1 saiil elei'tion so as to provide a column the credits with the names of nearly all votes east at saiil June election, we, each Whole number of «lays attend« by Mr W N. Sauinlers. 11« al Estate Agt., for reconling ami counting tin- votes for Ami must liave work to remain. our subscribers an«l advertisers in Jack- of us, promise to pay the rvsppctiv«- sums all pupils I 501 Kerhyville, bus a numln-r of farms for each of the places vote«! for, an«l the place set opjsisite our names, for the purpose of sale. Tlii-«e farms are situated in Illi son comity. J. H. S tine . Number of «lays absent W E M IKE A ¡-PECI A1TY ol CON 119 nois valley. Josephine county, and well OLD I’U’Tl'RES COPIED erecting a Court House ami such other receiving the highest numls-r of legal Number cases of tanliness 1 VI YING PASSENGERS To ANA adapted to hop culture. votes cast for county seat at said election Local and Personal. buildings as may be require«! by said Numlx-r of days taught 20 ENLA RGED. The Ostw-rn«- Mow« rs, R<-iipers an-l PART OF THE COCNTRY. «■ounty for public purpose*. That we, shall I h - the permanent county seat of the K<»11 of Honor. II >n ;«. W. Riddle is in town. county of Josephine, State of Oregon. Harvesters take the lead. II B. .Miller BOYM. each of us, bind ourselves in the sums II THORNTON A SON. 4 Co., agents at < «rant's l’.iss, an- selling Call ami see samples of Work at S ection 6. That any legal voterof sai«l Fruit Growers' Association to-niorro .». set opposite our respective names, to the James Tolin, Edwar-l Tulin, them lower than ever before to meet th«- Josephine county may vote ii|s«n the EVERITT’S GALLERY. Martin, Frank Cos-ks, John I S doni.m's “ad” ap]»-arsin this issue. Commissioners of Josephine county, State hard times. of Oregon, that in case said County Seat qin-stion of re-locating the county seat, us Walter Harmon. John Harun Read it. Grunt's Puss, - • ■ Or« Plumes, tips, hatsan«l trimmings in tine is located at the town of Grant's Pass, provided by this act, in any election pre Scott, Goo. Scott, irray at Mr.«. S. Harkm -s’ millinery Fred Wall lias our thanks for favors that we will pay the sum. and by this cinct in sai«i county. store. <UKI.N. this week bond bind ourselves, our heirs and exeeu- S ection 7. If the legal voters of »aid II. B. Miller «k Co. have just n-ceiv«sl «al. il** Tolin, itJllil, I Evva * A * <l .’it * f'liilill,* Zelia McCollum, I in «To. l<t ia •rs. County clerk Hughesand S. W. Tilt < liven under our hands, this ltitli «lay «■ounty Of Josephine « hang.- th.- h.-atiuii Harmon, May Cr««.k. M-iryS,-«,« . Alma direct from <.'hi- >g«> a fin«- line of «In ss g.«»Is ami notions, which will Is- sol-1 an- in town. of the «'ounty scat from Kerby villi* to of .May, 1885. En. F. H « th x'wv, Missouri Steam Washer, cheaper than ever before, Call and see NAMES. A.MOI NT. some other |s>int in said county, then in Read M S. IVan’s county seat T«J 1er. them. Uohnathan Bourne, jr. * 500 DO that eaae, on January first thereafter, all The great lalxir saving ami clothes sav from Wilderville. II B Miller 250 00 The largest nrel ls-«t ael«-«-te<l st«» k ing « leaner. Dirntrict School Number N» •I. county business, together with the hold 1'X) 00 furniture < \ei brought to Grant's Puss Arthur 1’orter and J. L. Scott «¡ted G W Riddle ing of all courts of reconi, for said county Campbell & Tutt* 100 00 now offen-il at lower prices than ever the county seat Wisiiiesilay. The follow ing is the re|»>rt <i di« 1(M) OP shall Is- transacted ami held at Ute new .1 \\ II >ward Co Hale's, west Main street. Tius Al k him is S imi - i . m ! 1», W. Keith, the pipular ferry-man, .1 S < iage 100 00 county aeat, ami all tin- county records No. 7, Doer Creek pubic sc I i - mi I, :->i Mr. Everitt, tin- artist, has for sale some S E ll.irkm-ss 15 00 month ending May 1, lss A: , gave us a pleasant call yesterday. Wit.l N ot G et O ct or < laura ! genuine 1'lyiuoth Rock hen's eggs. . , 10 00 shall on that -lay be moved to tin- new Nunibur jsipile eiir >!!«•<«.- •- p* I»r 1‘ W Van 1 ’vk«- M *« h M -ting at 1 o,«do«'k tu-nr>rrow A'olnev Colvig A < 'mi.o ;-n u- oi lu'iv Ri X it ! W ’ 10 00 county seat. Cabinets, nii-l otlu-r small frame.« Just Average daily attcndmii-v Every tax-payer in the county »liould at (’ K (’hauHlor 20 00 arriv«-«! at Hale's Approveil Feb. Kltii, 18X’ -o— Number of days attendance by cell. .1 L Scott 20 00 tend. F--r fin«- tomato plants go to las. W. Kmil <■ rou .»ri». J P. Hutch 10 00 Twenty minutes is nil n.„ »„„• required Number of day* attendance by all Stewart. He Inis any quantity for sale. On account of county »eat ami other L L Jennings & Co 20 00 tocleun (lie dirtieet clothing. Number of days absence The following in a full li.*t of the mem* matter, our local department i» somewhat 1 M h.lm . 2 50 That ICarrnt of < ombiimCion*. llenrv Thornton 20 no bers belonging to the Fruit Growers’ A n - Number of eases tardiness. KELLY 4 PAViS, Agent«, neglecte«l this week. \V D Robertson 10 00 Hociation of Southern Oregon. Some of Number of «lays taught Grunt’» Puss, • . . Oregon. Chas. Nickell, of the firm of J. W. How T P Judwon True dviieacy of flavor with true ertiea- 20 00 niiiMHiMKK r. <*v of action has Iss-n attaine-l in th«-fam ard «t Co., of this place, was down from .1 R Hale 5 00 the name* may look a little od<l in this < renrge IL »gm* 9ft Frank II--^<- 8 ft ous California li«|uid fruit remedy Sirup W H Flanagan. 20 00 connection but they probably only joined Willie Fiester. Jacksonville -in Tues«lay. 9 i Frank Sarg-nt 70 of l igs. Its pleasant taste and Is-nefi.-iiil L Townsend 5 00 to give the society what encouragement D.iviti Stearns IK) Elv.i Egg-)* 78 We h i 1 the pleasure of meeting quite A Porter have remleted it immensely popu 20 00 they could: B, F. Miller, G. F. Pcnne- Willie Eggers W’otihl ti'k tin- pillili«' to call 00 effects «H7 Pearl Milidr lar. Sample Isittles free, mid large Isit- a number of Jacksonville patron» the E Dimick .«) 00 87 E. Biiderback. Mft Etta lliigj«' iiik I examine our com baker, II. W. Shipley, G. F. Srbmidtiein, tles for sale by S. E. Harkness, Grant's io no W S Hvde past few «lavs. W Biiderback .87 M Bil.l. rllck . 80 Puss. plete line of ft 00 J. Henry Grilti*. Z. M. Hall, Win. M.C’ol- T. BiLlerbark llenrv Croxtoli 78 .85 Minili«- Egp-rs We have a communi«'atio-> from Mr. J. G M Savage R 00 vig, Tobiaw Miller, Henry Klock. Joseph John Eggers. .70 93 M Bildmlick ’. Wiin -r, of Wnl«lo, which will appear Joseph M ohh 20 00 Doiiilen, W. H. Newton, Th on. Haymond, It >11 of If t»nor. 20 00 next w.'.-k. Treating on the mineral re- A Burgess Gi-orge Hogue, Willie Fei-t<t, David John B. Wrinley, R. F. Maury, \V. Bee- Before |»or< hiisiiig elsewhere. 11 Smith 5 00 s -uri i-s of Josephine county. A M Stanlev 5 no Kon, John W. Smith, Arthur Wilnon, 1. B. Stearns, John Eggers, l'e irl Miller. All The Pupils of tlie Grant's Pass Hcliool On th« program for Weiltiesday even A L Gissiwin ft oo Williams, V I*. JohtiHon, A. (’. Speer, falling below «) cannot I n -on tin- roll of will give an Entertainment on ft 00 H. F. Wood, Levi Garttnan, M. H. At leinor. ing are six tableaux. Thes<- are to is- J W Us- We Sell Goods as Cheap A i . k k H vtikwiy , Teu-li-r, (’alum* ft 00 prest-uteil with the finest quality of tale John kinson, J. M. McCall, G. F. McConnell, .1 AV W.sid AH ANY »TORE IN ft 00 <sterpili »r«. l«'Hti light, w hite amt colon-d. T P Lee 2ft 00 I*. Martin, I>. B. Bier, S B. Galey, E. L. SOUTHERN OREGON. .1 .1 Moore 20 00 Townsend, J. H. ( hitwool, F. Rop»r, S. A fttrintfe kin 1 of a caterpillar ha* in- in this issue a|«|s-ars a list of the people, Grant’s Pass Brick Yard. ft 00 W. Alnutt, Robert ( hmm lycar, Abram Bish, vadod <xir State. It has stisT gray fur with Is-nd attai'lxsl. who havesuliscrils-d .1 11 Brown 10 00 E Turner The prodMsls to Is* applied on the fumi A NIDAY, Prop. money towanls «letraying tlieex|«ensi-H in- l> AV Keith .5 oo W. C. Meyer, P. Lyttleton, C. B. Stone, with a row of yellow *|»otM down its h:wk to pay for the Fine Bell which lias Isten JOHN iurn-l in r«--l<«ating the county »eat. John AV. Ils 10 (Ml John B. R. Hutchins, H J. Tea), A P. and fairly bri*»l»** with spike*. The On or'IiT-'tl for th»* sc ! km >I building. The pro 5 Oil Hammond, W. H. Leedn, Ole Severson, gonian M|M*.iking of this in^et aayw: gramme has been selectinl with great can* Also certificate from county clerk Hughes. C AV.-lls Brick in large or »mall quantities A J Walcott 5 00 S. J. Day, W. 8. Fitagerald, Martin Peter “It is learned that the Albai^* express ami V* ill I m * varied ami complete. Grunt’s I’ iiss . - - - Oregon for »ale As proof that there will Is- no <lisa|e T F Croxtoli 10 00 son, G. A. Hubbell, John E. R om *, (’ba«. wa« Htop|M*<l a few miles lM*y<*id Salem B Dimick 40 00 piintment. we take pleasure in saving A Dukes 2 ftO Nickell, R. S. Dunlap, I. W. Thomas, S. the other evening by an army of these A Grand Historical Drama in WAI.I mi DIRECT! »RA' that the fine coatnmes for the grand his 11 Rogers CHEAP FOR CASH. io oo E. Stearns, W. T. Ix*ver, Jesse Richard- j creatures, which, immigrating from a Eight Scenes, torical «Irama. lias l»-en received. This AA’ ( King ft (Ml son, Frank Krause. ('. C. Beekman, swamp to a green hiiimde, eroded the ft 00 J. WIMER & SONS drama, alone, will be worth twice the I.C Hv«ie E, DIMl< K. I truck ami covered it mo dem*ely for h I hhi I Together with Tableaux, lliahsiges, alai Apply t<> W M (rrittin 2 50 E. Piening. Jas. McHonongh. price of ailmission. Have tlw largi-st atufe in a mile that the driving wheel» <rf the R«« Rations. The Musi«' will lie an As the asaotiation in -eta at this place James Jordan 10 0U < iriilit’s Pass. I Iregmi Mrn li time an«l patient work is Isfing A Vannoy Es|s‘< ial Feature. 10 (Ml to-ni-«rrow, we hope t<> see a number of liMomotive spun around without effert, «■«Minty, which is 115x32 hs-t, ft 00 th«-»-' gentlemen present. No «loubt many and it wan only by the lilM*ral une of Rand fr - lv given by Prof. King ami his assis Joseph Brietv »lorie», tilhsl with 25 «■«•nt». Admission : 10 1)0 tants in getting up tlie exhibition for the B W Riggs 10 01) more names will be ad«le«i to the list dur that the train wa* got a< ross the route of <‘tiildren under 12 .1 II Stille < 'll« rie«' < I < X X 1-* ill Eveiv 15 rents. b«-ll fund. Kverv one of our citizens S Harkness thia army. The .Statesman speaking on 2ft 00 ing their meeting here. 50 wilts. Reserve«! Seats I »ill«*. should turn out and encourage this public X Thoss Of Washing and Ironing 5 00 this subject says: Hon. WiV|)o of 5 <«l G W Catching spiriteil enterjg*ise. Gervais, was in the city on Han«- WE Bt'Y FOR ( ASH. pHtrunagr. Arni solicits » li>»-rnl aiuMe of i 1-« ««> .J A «»«*»%»»•*»*•* I S >t > IK -IT ANO SELL FOR CASH The bill pro. iiling for the re-l«x-ation of HC Kinney MnV Zl, Z 5 oo CERTAIN RISES AT mus st «»: rr , ba\s ¡ MAIN sTXl.rr, kuANl*. . 5 00 the «'«xinty seat is published this w«-ck A A Emerson Refreshing shower* have fallen during so-colled army worm, which wl *> ÌHIIII- •A n u JH 2 50 the past week which has done a large erous between this city ami Td r a f<’u for the benefit of voters. It will Is- seen C M McCulkudt 5 IMI amount of good to growing crops. A Every c worm days ago. Mr. Ilarst says th«- i s < »T ’ : • > Ni ; i? i < that a voter can vote in any pns inct in lo 00 A Cole Our efficient road supervisor, J. S W appeared in this county In 185j <nd ate the county. Also other nr.tters of inter OH Starr GRANT’S PASS, OREGON. 5 00 WILL H BROWN, Smith, has i>e<*n working <>ur roads the nothing but ash leaves, The old < ana- 5 0> est will I«.' found hv |s-rv»ing the bill. AA' F Brown 5 oo week, and has improved them great- dian settlers also tell of the Btiinc worm W. II. Is-eils, Esq., of the Ashland E-l Is st.-r This ll«»t«-l has laten thoroughly 2*5 oo Mrs J P f'ufis in Linn county, with tin «ame eiclumvr oRKrO.N NK’KKL MISE, Tilling», g ive n« a pleasant call on W««l- J P Tuff- Some of our citizen* have bem agita 25 fsi renovated ami pciea of relish for ash. This inay be a sp KlllDLE, IKH GLAH < OI NTY, <MiN 35 00 ting the school <piej»tion which ha* result ni'S'lav. This was .Mr. L-eds first visit to M AA' Wh.'«-ler the army worm, but if it always ■ '«HltillCM 10 IX) ed in the beginning of a school ho<.'*p on John H.«>l innljra«*« made of Complex Multatane«*«. REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT. the Pa»» for some tint«-, ami he express d ft 00 the Brernisrs of H. D. Harkness, one and itself to ash leaves, as it alwayi ha», W A 11"-*! NIKI S KX \ MINE!» INI» KU’ I I’OM. himself as agn' 'ably impressed with the Fred 2 oo one-half miles east <»( Ldarvl. which will there is no cause to fear it» rar««.»-« We Ge ver We kevp ever} thing nevdvd by the Assay for Gold an<l Silver I ■ ’» future pr«sp- t.< of our thriving little town B Mencii 2 oo be finished * m > ii and a s. h«>>l begun as THU TRAVELING I’CHI.H Will. »TNO learn that these worm* have now disap- p-ftpie. Assay fnr Nickel or ('«»halt <» 00 soon as finished. 1 oo Wm Rich At the last term of the cannty court S F Brackstrom ,wared ami gone into the ground, to come ^ssay tor l> ad or Cop|N*r 2 (Xi BEST A< < oMMoliATJoNS 2 00 Mr E S. Smith and T II Ogilbee, < j ( there was appropriate«! $150 for immigra S *! Wilcox 2 oo Portland, are spending a few days in our «»it in some other sha|«e " ( HEAP FOR CASH OR PRODl't'E 2 50 valley bioking up mining and other inter tion pur|»«ses, an-l a « ounty «-ommittee J E Weed ( »regoli. Waldo, The firm of I*arìder* Ac MH <»nn<*l!, <lo- eats. They expo*** themselves well pleas appointed, consisting of l>r. Van Dyke, » i.»<> So ed with tn»* outlook, which may result in Total ing bii*<ifi«*MM at Ashland, has failed and Cha« llngh «. W. J Wim<-r,J«>hn Ik-nise <). II. STARR, Propiietor, .« A r< >|{ A Li :. 1 ’< lltTElt SriTE or O kkuox . an investment hen*. their st<M'k of is in the hand* of the and A. If. Carson, to see that the money C ocxty or Jorri'inaa, » Ami tli«- is-st brami» of R Jones, J<m<*ph Ilewey and J Bar- ahentf Their liabilities an* placed al I. Cha»-JI ighe»„ is appropriately ustsi for immigration —HEILEM IX LlQl’ORH ANDClGAKS. <ett |siss«*4 through this ¡»lace on their County Clerk in and L»r Mki i C-rtnty. «I» way to the Siskiv<si tunnel when* Mr over $4,'M>0. while th«*ir nominal aamds parpone». Culi «>n t RAS. BECKER. Till. Mil IH «I ri'I.IKh WITH Til»' «•ertifv that the witliin arel for-rang *nb- I. s I h rg Bacli- (’. R. R are rated at about A« will b« aeen by reference to the »«i- •cnpt ion list wa» tilM by me p« the office June* has charge of the O. - - O h Stoves, Tin-Ware, Pumps, com puny’s property. rnan A <’o and Wifoinkski Bro- A Co,, Finest Wines, Liquors & Cigars, vertisemeht, J. W. Wimer 4 *>n«. of of the County Clerk ■•< »ai-l County on Several parties of immigrants passed Decker Bonrding House ! Pipes, Etc., Etc. Wal-lo, have one of tin- largest store« in the 28th day of May, 1««5; ami that said through <»ur valley during the w *»-k, seek <>( this city, an creditor» an<l have pla< ed While th«- Rending Table i« attachment« upm the l»ankru|4 M im A. Kepi in tirsi -elusa st rie, ami this county, an-i are extensively engagwl Sut-» nj»ti-«n list is in my custody; that ing homes in s«>utb< rn Oregon. said siilisi-riptioti» amount to tlie sum oi A h usual, th* n* is a bill »4 *.»1»* an<l the in tnerehamlising Tlieir reputation for fl, »>15.511 SI PI'I.IED WITH THE LATEST Grave Creek abounds in fine tr«sit, sev court* Mill have to settle th ■ loatter Die supplying th ir «-nxtomers with the best Witn«-«« mv han«l an«l tin- seal eral being caught lately weighing frsn Wil! mc-t siili every kimln«-ss ami al failure wan a anrpriiie a« the firm w.v» sup to 9 |MMin<is of »aid County C-sirt. tlie «lav NEWSPAPER«*. evervthing -1 well establish«» I. an I we leni ion. < Irr JoR WORK HONE ON SHORT [»E«t..J and «Lite above written. ported to Iw «han/ a good busi in (><ir pmspects f<»r an abundant fruit har ■«pc ik for th-in a liberal patronage. C h «». Hioit.a, NOTICE, vest are flittering. The fnr-t that visited iponian. I.IVI ICI sTABI.E IN < ONNF.CTION \ POOL TABLE MAY ALSO BE Mr. H P Mi'Nevin«. the expert on the < '««inty Clerk. other ioi-alitieo di«l us no harm Waldo, - • • Oregon II D II g Yank I««l2»- at Galice «reek, wa« 1 ‘l-K-t-r- Moth'l'ilb*. H. H .Miller 4 Co.'» saw-mill FOI Nl> HERE I rt Th»« hr I »Hr r •«<••» -I . brought to this [da«* vesteriav in an in SUPPLY STORE. A "typo" named Hanford, wl»> w-wk -d rung on full tiim*. «-Utting «rut » «if exci-llcnt himls-r. Plenty 'J sure- condition. Tim mire- is a grarei OREGON GRINT'S PAKS My print««! pr-«p>i»iiion» to the riser* in thia • «flice (' r »«»me two week* ami wa» -an he had now for all kin-la oí I r-m «Usili BAKU «WS IX pr«>js ft* t«> k«M-p a »tri« tiv first paying property, an-l it is re|»«rt«sl that an«i tax-payer* of Josephine eounty, made «iiarliarged on »•■«•«Mint of drunkenness, I*><» and sas'i cli: a|,-r than ar he being int«-r -st-si it has « ause-1 him to bv me Mar it. 1**5, i» intend«*! by in«- was dr-wed while attenqaing to swim the pLs . ■ Sait her llregon. IB a « las» hull»« Give m<- a call I in one of the .«I cisintrv h ««-on.e lerangwi He has a large fon-e f«< the Lore fit <4 Mid tax-,«aver» to be re- Klamath lie wa» in ««»npany with —A»«»— A Hix* l««t of hats and tn in Jack» «iirity. Apply J B. HUTCH, ievrd of a Isii^ensome tax. Tiwiw' vot another y-wing man and Gali were un-h-r <»ENFIMI. MINING Ml PI'I IF.8, rrf men at work there arei tl I at M r« ing against it I" hr benefited silk«- with the influerw-e «» stirt*i«i I .«Il « mi l*f-t KFU. arv ins at the ilenl« vntinff f*w **1 • Mem Fip*r of Josirtiae Coiity. orti». 4 Horace Hrj»ty Mil: "If yo-i want to keep a town from thriving, dotiT ere-t any tu wv buildiugs (lun vm can cuuveni- «ndy occupy yunrself. Ifyvuaiiouldhare au otupty building, xml anyone *h mid want to rent it, a«k three tit».«» the value «4 it. IVmani Shyl-xk pri -ss for every fool of land that God ha* given you stew ardship over. Turn a «.-old ahoulder to crew uiachanic and«» ru in who w-ek* to make a home v th you. Look at every new couior willi a scowl. Run down vour workman. Fail to advertise iu or supjiort your home pnp.-r. Get your job printing done abroo.'. Wrap your- selves with a coa* of impervious »eltisli- Maa. There is no betti-v wrf to kill vour town." BREWERY, ASHLAND ¡•IGNEA' &COOK FOR SALE! BURROUGHS à HAR1MAN Kiinn nss fern MRS. M. I1YDJ New Goods Constantly Arrivine E V E R I T T THE WOMEN’S FRIEND h 7C W. HOWARD à CO., GENERAL BELI. BENEFIT BRK K ! BRICK ! MERCHANDISE ! BRICK ! Coontrr Produce Taken in Eichaue al tie Hinas! Market Price. i : e I à CENTRAL HOTEL! Gin C:u: Weint nd Measure. A'Sdvcr ft Analytical Clicmist. Travelers,’ Miner> and Farm ers' Supplies. NEW TIN SHOP. 1 --- <•*> h Connected With This House. The Travelling Public and (»roccrics u Jo