Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1896)
Business Locals. ronsum 1 Red Blood B D McINTYRE, Burnt,, OreWn. ■ BVM - — — — AND ITS ‘ **cwi . j^./nl UnrM To the E ditor :-I have an absolute u Uo FoondMloB of tbe Wonderful Cur«. Tn ditor a W the a «a» aw. . —-. . :— _ I I _ remedy for Consumption. By its timely use 1 1 “u *------- ---------- thousands of hopeless cases have been already Hoad’» 8ar»aparU!a. IfKJUOsUJMO W« SSVXpzvriBw^r* «... ____ ------ is Why . thece ceres bjHo«4'»s«r.|Brick nrrv-if-rmGtive am Th:it permanently .. cured. So proof-positive am I I are C vres . of its power tHt I consider it my duty to 1 saparilla Th»t is Why Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures | itnd two bottln frte to those of your readers the severest cases of Scrofula, Salt Rheum I who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Veneeiing box, or frani« bouses» almost as cheap as rustic a-4 Lune Trouble?« they ’will ’write me their 1 Bud other blood disease». . v... comfortable —-n very ■*’ iusuc r x _ L. 1 , 1. — ~ -, Lung ----- Thitis Why it overcomes That Tired . much more — _ makes a solid wall, durable, warm lw ■ j i ' express and postoflice address. Sincerely, strengthens the nerves, gives j wjnter and cool and pleasant in summer. n j T. A. SLOCUM, M. C., IS3 Pearl St., Kcw York, Feeling, ag- The Editorial Mid BtuineM Management at energy in place of exhaustion. Uu* Paper Guarantee tide generoti» Proposition. conversant with the Veneering process and want That is have Why Inched the sales sais» year ot cmr- a, vlvo . not of nooas Hood Sar ¡nicely , Parties i • • in , residence • ........... I »Ill Ila • ®U' » i saparilla after ’s year, finished wall ’’will ’do Weïi ”tô"7nn«7.ï7\7 “"J* want I until it now requires for it. production before fi n i shjng with rustic 1 CQn3ult Mr. Mc!utm ' F. t < "O.-.’S saparilla ) WJ ————— —Don’t forget Henry Cheatham barber, desires a part of your pat ronage, at the new barber shop. —Who said you couldn’t get a good Havered cigar in town for five cents? Call at the City Drug Store and inquire. wrick mason , plaster , er ana VENEERING. Always on Hand for Local Custom. li . — Build?™ tools ands of all kind building hardware at the Burns hardware store, at bottom priceB for cash. —The Saloon, in the new hotel building, Richardson and Stephens proprietors, is nicely furnished and its customers is given the best of liquors and cigars. —Dr. Cate is kept pretty busy The universal good dentistry done by him has gained for the Dr. a lasting reputation. CELESRATtD / anti the largest Laboratory in the world. 'r'^- f Sarsaparilla ; ’■inij <*nerf V.’hoksa! H JI kind*« MUSICAL L ¿t. A<f r.S ............................................... •- ! Hood’s < — -t«. • »t- a. wM • x --- ** only — True ------- Blood Purifier Prom’l Davo Brahamtho popular eorapo«er nently 1 i the public eye today. Be sure and Director of .Music at llariig in’» Theatre, 1 L _ - _ r. — to ': • “ Hood i ‘wid^-hy Hood’s. MV» , Is the *.E> WMV New York, March 1st. 1392. Messrs JJin F. Stratton Dear Sirs —I hate given your Russian Gut Violin Strings a thorough trial, nnil a n pleas* e<l to state that they are the best tono l au<l most durable strings I have ever used Yours reap J ja VJ L—'.IIAll I Hood’s pfc y tO b’lT. HOTEL BURNS. tO take c.. >y lu effect. 25 Ctoni*. BURNS, - - N. COM.EGYS & TONSORIAL PARLOR, ROBINSON & JOHN F. STRATTON’S CeIel)raled Russjan Gut WALTON P roprietors , - OREGON. - SONS, P roprietors . I I 1 This large and comfortable hotel is well furnished and the proprie- I tors use every effort possible to make their guests feel at hoihe. Will Writ The table is at all times supplied with everything the market »f. Violin Strings I Everything in their line guaranteed The Finest in the World. WANTED in every county to in fords. Every String Warranted. to be done satisfactorily. troduce the Celebrated ‘Ilygeia” i John F. Slralton.^X? Give The Burns a call and we feel assured you will continue to be Waists for all ages. This waist Send H.r bl I. 813, 815. 817 E. 9th St. Bathes at a^hours. supercedes the corset, and has re Catalogue. NEW YORK its guest when in town. ceived the unanimous approval of physicians of America. $3.00 out fit free. Anj' energetic woman can GEO. S. SIZEMORE, | make from $lf> to $50 weekly. 1 A’TORNEY, Send for circulars and terms. ! Agents to sell our choice and har B urns , ................................ O regon . 1 HYGEIA M’F’G CO, 378 St, New dy Nursery Stock. We have many 1 Collections, Laid business, and Real York. ’ new special varieties, both in fruits Estate matter pronptlv attended to. and ornamentals to offer, which are 1 controlled only by us. We How’» Th hl C amton C ity . B urns . commission or salar choice i J [W. E. G race ’ s ^B|^ and ] I W h offer One Hundred Dollar# once for ter** "’ [W. E. G race ’ Hicks & Biggs Reward for ai.y case I Ì ay B rothers , Nurserymen, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Proprietor. that can nut b“ 'A. C Worthington Rochester, N. Y. Offices at Canyon City and Burns •* F. J. C iiunfy , A T ' ^--DEALER TN-.-^ s WANTED. IONEER DRUG STORE. I Toledo, O. ! DRUGS. BOOKS, STATIONARY, DYES, PAINTS, PERFUMES For Sale Or Trade. We the undersigned, have known i TOILET ARTICLES, AND NOTIONS. 100 acres of fine fruit land A full line of School Books and School Supplies. Confection» F J Cheney for 15 years, and be- Rcre iots 5 miles south of Eugene 1 S B M ’?HS^T.ER3 M. lieye him perfectly honorable in all Oregon, 1 mile west of Spenser! Nuts and fruits. businesa transaction and financially putte. Lots at $400 each Ilorees r-nysician <x surgeon. j fW*Mail orders promptly filled. able to carry out any ebligations an(| Cttttle part pay on each lot if A graduate of the Iowa State} made by their firm. tbe purchaser so desires. For fur- Univeraity and College of Physi-( West and Truax, wholesale drug-, tber information inquire at this I cians and Surgeons. gists, Toledo, O. ! offiCe. Office at residence in Burns. Walding, Kinnan A Marvin. I I f A Marvelous »lac overy Free Wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken in AN OLD »Kl> WKLLTKIKn KKMKDV.—M tk ———————————— W tiolilow'i Southing Syrup has I wen used for ternally, acting directly upon the oret Hit y year» by inlllloun ofinothera for their , children while teething wlthperfect sucre»». AIV1V V'llIlIZ U'ani n ’’ IvltlL vvUlilrlf. blood and ii.ucous surfaces of the It aootliea the child, »often» tha gum», alia.» i t»_;_ nr , ,, ,, I rice i.H’. per bottle. Sold ™ . druggists. 1 eStlPQOnialS free. ay stein. by all Haifa Family Pills are the best. all paiu, cures wind colic, and la the beat rame edy wr Idarrheoea. la pleasant to the teste Sold by DriiKglala in every part of the world. Tweuty tlvecent» »bottle. It»v»luei» invsia lable. lie .«re and »rk for Mr». Wind.low's Soothing Syrup, and take no ether kind. THE O. C. CO HUNTINGTON. OREGON. Sold more goods in 1895 than anv other House in Eastern Oregon! IIIIIVO WHlf They the Carry .the Goods and Make Prices. More Goods for a Dollar Than Ever Before Burns Ontario I eight columns wide or 48 columns be furnished for passangers. H. A. Williams, Propriek* in al). The Thrice-a-week World is not only much larger than any weekly or seini-woekiv newspaper, but it furnishes the news with much greater frequency and promptness. In fact it combines I all the crisp, fresh qualities of a ! daily with the attractive snecial i features of a weekly. ade Arrangements have bee. Proprietà by which we can furnish thu per H. M. HORTON, and the Thrice-a-Week N • fork World both for $2 25 a vear. Take advantage of this offer a I get normo . ’ -«. deai . kms in _^ « your own local paper and the ’ 4 EDICINES, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES Thrice a-Week World at thia special' ATIONERY, DIAMOND DYES. CHOICE PERFUMES I rate. T he H erald . .' * FANCY TOILET ARTICLES, TORACCO , CIGARS ETC All goods lower in Price.—Send or call on them. Strictly one Price. ^Vineg A Liquors for Medical Purpe? S 3 * Get Their Prices Stage Line. The Twice-a-week Edition of the New Yo.k World has been convert Arrives at Ontario in 42 hour* ed into the Thrice-a-week. It fur Leaves Burns daily at 6:30 p m . nishes 3 papers of 6 pages apiece,, or eighteen pages every week, at Fare Oneway 47.50. Round trip $15.00. the old price of One Dollar a year. | This gives 156 paper a year for One Through freight 3$cts. a pound. Two dayr ntice at anv P. O. on the route and covered coache* »H Dollar and every paper has 6 pages ( r IL t I S'Brcix'f ¿od « »n in’ r Car» (hr Hirt. .1 if >1. o; I fe fa V1ÍGX MM.New Vorn CM* 1 Praeeriptions accurately compounded. First Cl am Dental Work Done.