Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (July 8, 1896)
J R , B Administrators Notice. that about half ot the republican ohn ohrman rewer editors do not know how to spell Iris first name; but they will ____ know when his checks commence float Notice is hereby given to all per- ’ WEDXKSPAY JULY. 6 W6 sons bolding claims against the' ing arouud. estate of Victor S. Ottmer, deceased, OF THE FAMOUS Editor ,,,, to present the same to the under rt.c. b'«“ 1 he report that Mr. Hobart had signed at his place of business in to get somebody to introduce hi tn Burns, Harnev county, Oregon, ver- The silver fining of the democrat to McKinley is probably an exagér ation. Hanna attended to that be ic cluiid is very much in evidence fore the nominations were made. I Dated at Burns this 11th day of these Ju!V days. i I** ' December, 1895. .'i dm . n ist rat or 's Sate IL M. H orton , Administrator. Well, well! Senator Gallinger, of Notice of Administrator’s Sale of OREGON BURNS, New llamp’hire. says he is hope Rea! Estate at Private Sale for ful that McKinley "ill carry New Cash in Hand. FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. England. Hopeful is good. In the matter of the Estat' of Your | Tobacco Spit or Smoke Don ’ t William D. Hud p-th. deceased. Life Away. I Under authority of an order of I • Those republican editor# who are salt* granted by the II >n. County is the truthful, startling title of a j tariff law for the clos Court xvww.v v, , („„my iiuiucy ,. book .«w«« • about ww . No-To-Bac, .... ■ v. the harm- of . the county in of Harnev, ing ef New England cotton mills State of Oregon, dated May 6, 189(5,1 less, guaranteed tobacco habit cure luu.-t have forgotten, if tnev ever empowering and licensing me, as that braces up nicotinized nerves, knew, that the cotton schedule of Administrator of the al ove entitled eliminates the nicotine poison, to sell all the ieal estate makes weak men gain stiength, j the present tariff la.v was drawn by estate, thereof, in said county, at private vigor and manhood, You run no Senator Aldrich, of R. I , upon eug- sale for cash in hand, I will so sell physical or financial risk, as No-To- gibtions made by those cotton mill at private sale for cash in hand all Bac is sold by druggists every where CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. owners. Such is the fact. 1 he of the following described reales- under a guarantee to cure or money i tate, to wit: refunded. Book free. Address schedule was placed in the bill by The East half of the South East Sterling Remedy Co, New York or | the senate as a substitute for the I quarter (EA ofkSEj) ofSectionNine- Chicago. BURNS, schedule made by the house ways teen (19) and the North WfBtquar- OREGON H. M. Horton. Burns. aud means committe®. I ter of the South AVest quarter and the South West quarter of the North West quarter (NW4 of S\V| ----- - Wines Liquors, and Cigars. • Everything indicates that Mark and SWJ of N W]) of Section Twen- Hanna is beginning to realize the J ty (20), Township Thirtythree (33) Good Billiard tables, 1’leaaant‘Card Rooms, st«., ate. iumiem-ity uf the contract he has South of Range Thirty (30) E. W. ’ YEAR-BOOKi Sa,oon ia firBt clasa in ever? particular. Experienced bartender taken He is making overtures to ?1; o . ... . m • order i » to The half .i of the South . West c Mixed drink# to please the most fastidious. sotue ot z . ns opponents . South ’ * quarter and j ¿j South W est quarter of gc' th-.-ir assistance. tqe South East quarter (S| of t- \\’4 and SW| ofSEj) of Section Twen In the last fight between Ex Sen ty (20), and the North West quar ter of the North East quarter (NW|‘ ators l’latt and Warner Miller, of of N E |) of Section Twentynine (29) ' A New York, it was the latter who Township Thirtvthrie (33) South was carried home on a stretcher. j>f Rango Thirty (30) \ E W. M. A H The South East quarter of the lime, we trust that both of. This ‘À V. > South East quarter [SE| of SE[] JOHN SAYER, them will be knocked out. Proprietor. of Section Twenty [20] and the v ■ South West quarter of the South V V Situated on Silvi*, river 1 mile East of Rums, near the bridge Anotbor political innovation! West quarter [SW] of SW|] of Section Twenty-one [21] and the Horror among the faithful! Han North West quarter of the NN.rth Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from na actually insist# upon naming 'Vest quarter [NW|of NWJ], of’ the mm who sim^^lisburse the Section Twenty eight [28], and the' Good Wheat 'North East quarter of the North | republican boodle ir^rach state. East quarter [NEi of NE|] of Sec-, ti< n Twenty-nine [29], Township Gas Addicts is g >ing to hold a re Thirty three [33] South of Range peblican convention of his own two Thirty [30] E. W. M. ( divs ahead of the other republican The South half of the North East state convention of Delaware. With quarter and the South half of tht ) gas in control of one and gun pow North West quarter [S] of NEj and I SA of NW] J of Section Twenty-eight I dvr of the other explosions may be [28] Township Thirty-three [33] >584 PAGES. expected. 1,500 TOPICS. South of Range Thirty [30] E.W.M.i The East half of the South West ' J M c K innon <t king . [EA of SW]] of Section' Tells Everything You Want McKinley has been officially noti quarter to Know When You Twenty seven [27] arid the East I 3 Want to Know It. fied uf his nomination; he will be halt of the North West quarter j burns unofficially notified of his defeat 00|[E4 of NW]] of Section Thirtv-' S a veritable cyclopedia I four [34] Township Thirty tlire« Z OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. the morning of November 4th. Shop opposite the Brewery I [33] South of Range Thirty 130] .J I E. W. M. and Unrivalled 1 he unpaid hotel bills of the Mc The West half of the North East i u An Invaluable Political and Popular Satisfacti b guaranteed. Kinley whoopers up, at St. Louis, quarter and the West half of the e Hand-Book. are talking loud enough to be heard ^"*ith East quarter [W^ of NE]| 11.« ¡.„.«riuua sanctums uf fat-1“"!! f READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. I four [34] Township Thirty-three' tryingdom. | [33] South of Range Thirty (30)- P kice 25 CEifls. 1 E. W. M. (Postpaid by Mall. ) The East half of the South East I Mr. Hanna admits haying spent v ' uhhmj . ,, ... ', ‘quarter (Ej of SE]) of Section. • Oto nominate McKinley, Thirty-four (34) and the South half■ ami rays that nearly two thirds ot! of the South West quarter (S| ofk Pulitzer Building, New York, it wag his own money. Does any I ^W]) of Section Thirty-five (35) i don’t Go Without It This Presidential Year. eal,e man suppose 'that Hanna! T™,,ship™'^ jhr limiti I plisener lager beer «SrLOm S aw mill BLACKSMITH & WAGON SHOP. An in ,^e ^n,ïUz anJ withd.<pakh T he W orld , expect to make money by. The South hr If of the North West1 »1 investment, it he can land Me- quarter (Bj of NWj) and Lot num I Kinley as a winner? bered Four (4) of Section Two (2) j and Lot numbered One (1) of Sec- ition Three (3) Township Thirty lh- man who thinks that the four (34) South of Range Thirty! W. L. ouglas ritie party will not be in the • (30) E. W. M. All situated in S3J5HOEn?b"i."K?NTu. running this yrMr BBnp|y ejlUt9 his Hartley county and State of Oregon, >. CORDOVAN. FRENCH Af.NAMCLLtD CALF* Th" * said ‘ sale will be made -------- on or to the sign» of the times. ' Tk V3.sp F ine C alf &K angarm after the 2d day of July, 18W6. and ♦ 3.59 PQUCE.3 soles . bid» will be received by me at the me time ago there seetned to office of Cressler A Bonne’-, at the • mdidates fur thu democratic town of C-da’vide. State of Cali » it ? B oys S chooi S hoea ■LADfCS- prrsdemial nomination. Now the fornia or at the office of Waters A i Gowan, Burn», Harnev county, Or-| ' i’'‘|»er men at Chicago print a egon. *'*t uf tweritv-t wo. — That tells the Term# of sale cash in hand on st< ry of improved dem .cratic pro»- the delivery of Administrators deed«. ptcte. ot conveyance. W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes C. B. WlcKUFFB. All our choes are equally satisfactory Administrator of the Estate < f Th«» rive the he«« v.l.o «»ney. ’ » D Th republican candidate idiatn D. I). Hudspeth. Deceased. tor William V:’e president is •o widely known Dated May 25, 1896. jwiringq^nti-Tlr« lfyuur dealer oumot wpply yvu we can Soldo, SÎ b “JÜ“JÜ.ÏÏ!'' b » *ra- co. WHOLESALE PRICES 3»?stO.J4?' Quar*nt®«l No. 1.1, arm Ilarness. Wagon.. Surrey, ¿ wai ’ i •‘i1** ot "oea •mn. a? •am«M»elIft,rW.®J*ioo Tnn"£ No. 138. Road Wagon. n',?r*’ »50, Sea - MS. Phaeton. £ Jr?£££«‘»»- hawmess . • B. PRATT, Secretary, Elkhart, Ind. I 4 : T V h W m '*"’’ « >« L l".<i Hmí'ífc.? m Í v S“"* Pcwnanently an