Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About East Oregon herald. (Burns, Grant County, Or.) 1887-1896 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1896)
I charged with infanticide. His 1 housekeeper's 1-year-old child cried while be was prepraing a sermon, and the preacher became enraged at the annoyance and choked the child to death. ÎCht IßttaW- WKDNKS0AT FEBRUARY lï 18**6 The Bride’« Slipper. AMERICA'S STANGARD YEAR-BOOK, J OREGON 1 A singular marriage custom pre Whitelaw Reid has become well I I M rs F. E. M c G ee , Proprietress. vails among tho French Canadians .enough to take the trail of the Mor- in Quebec. After the morning mar ton boom: he is loaded down with riage service in the church, the sneak daggers. bridal party, in caleche or carriole, make a tour of calls upon relatives If McKinley is to be nominated and friends during the day, and on the first ballot what is to become then return again to the church for of the fellows who are figuring on vespers. winning in iho third or fourth tal Before the evening dance at the lol? bride’s new hune comes the supper. When the company rise from the The pulpit also demands novelty table the bride keeps her seat, ai a these da vs. Boston is now |enthut- It is well arranged nice, cosy, comfortable rooms. The cuisine (P some one asks, with great dignity: partment is as perfect as possible for an inland town and guests will I. ing over a full blooded gypsy evan Bigger and Better “Why does Madam wait? Is she so gelist, whose ungvpsical name is served with care and attention. Than Ever Before, soon in bad grace?” Smith. ¿584 PAGES. She replies: “Someone has stolen my slipper; I cannot walk ” Gen. Weyler the new command 1,500. TO PICS. Then they carry h«*r, chair and er at'the Spanish troops in Cuba, all, into the middle of the room, would do well to bear in mind that Telia Everything Yoa Want to Know When Yon while a loud knocking announces he whe aterts out to butcher may £ Want to Know It. a grotesque ragged vendor of boots himself get butchered. \ a veritable cyclopedia and shoes. He kneels before the < OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. slipja-rlrss bride, ami tries on a Having no savage prince on I long succession of old boots and hands just now, the Brittieh gov Q An Invaluable and Unrivalled shoes of every variety and «ize, un ernment has invited Mr. Kruger. » I Political end Popular Hand-Book. til at last he finds bar missing shoe. ■' president of the Transvaal republic, i J The groom redeems it for a good ‘ to come to London and be exhii it- H W WELCOME. Proprietor. ) READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. company. If the groom is not man has been unwise enough to ac 25 cef IT s . DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI watchful they will steal her hat and cept. (Postpaid by Mall. ) cloak, which he redeems in the CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC. same way and they have l*een, £W" Prescript ions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist known to steal the bride for which How’s This! Pulitzer Building, New York, there must be 'iberal pay The We offer One Hundred Dollars Don ’ t Oo Without It Tbit Presidential Year. chur< h forbids round dances, 80 r Reward for at y case of Catarrh they content themselves with con-1 that can not be cured by Hall's Ca Ira dances. The event of the evon- tarrh Cure. ing is the jig, in which a guest vol F. J. C heney , A- Co. Propts., unteers to outdance the bride. If Toledo, O successful, the visitor demands a We the undersigned, have known prize from the groom. ,F J Cheney for 15 tears, and be- This popular Hotel holds itse’t in point ot rank equal, if not super ior to any inland hotel and in fact compares favorably with manv railroad houses. Encyclopedia \ S 1 BURNS DRUG STORE T he W orld , ♦ | lieve him perfectly honorable in all Hardened A In in In uni. I business transaction and financiallv able to carry out any obligations | New York, Erb. 13.—Edison, in made bv their firm. his experiments with the Roentgen | West and Truax, wholesale drug- j ravs in photography, believes that I gists. Toledo, O. h<* hits accidehtally it upon a pro Wilding, Kinnan A Marvin cess of hardening aluminum that , Wholesale druggists, Toledo. O. w.ll make a substitute for steel in Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken in all ttie uses of that metal, from | ternally, acting directly upon the ships to bicycles. This means a blood and mucous surfaces of the revolution in the iron work This • system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold discovery was made by the wizard by all druggists. Testimonials free. last night, in happenit g to pick1 Hall’s Family Pills are the best | up on** nf the aluminum disks used I for the cathode electrode, in the course of his rx|*eriinent, he tried 1 to bend it, but found that its nature I NO»QUt»I*Na had changed and that it was atiff| »5. CORDOVAN, as steel. FRi NCR AI HAMEUXDCALT SHILOH’S CONSUMPTION CURE. The succ - m of th« Great Cough Cure ia withoat a parallel in the history of medicine. All druntists are aut nori ted to sell it on a poa- Itive guarantee, a test that no other e re can auccesstully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormoua ex pense. are placing a Sainole Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. II you have a Cough. Sore Throat, or Bron chitis. use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Cronp. or Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for 8IIILOH’S CURE, Price 10 eta.. 50 eta. and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. Price M eta. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. T- O. Poy’s Restaurant. BURNS, Oreg n Meals 25 cents. Board per week, S3 50 Poy is a good cook and very accommodating. Near Loche’s hal' THOROUGHBRED BUCKS FOR SALÌ W. D. Huffman Eurns Ore W. L. D ouclas $3 SHOE 1 horovghbred and High Grade Spanish Merino Bucks. *K*5.VFlNECAlfikAli6ARDl ♦ 3.WP0HCE,3S olu . A I.cwiston pajer records the marriage of a full blmxled Indian | ♦a^l.^BOYSSCHOOLSHOEl to » white girl. This is perhaps | *LADIE3- the first instance of the kind in the* i history of that section of the coun-' SENO for catalogue * WL-DOUGLAS, try. The Indians are coining to! BROCKTON. MASS. wtnorT by pnrebaeiaa W. L~ the front upon the strength of their Y m ran »«,f l>uu(laa Hilo«-«. Becauae, we are the l.irge.t manufacturer, ot financial standing The ¡tetter class adrerti.ej »hoes in the world, and guutautee the value by »tamping the name ana puve on bottom, which prelects yu again»! high among the Indians scorn the idea the pilcr» and the r ldleman'» profit*. Our »hoe« equal work iu »tyle, ea.y fittiug and of w< tiding a 'while man. A mar wearing custom aualitir» We have them aoid every, at hover price* for the value given than riage with an ordinary whit® man where aay other make. T ike no aub»ntute. If youi deal« r tauuot »upply you. we can. Sold by would lie regarded as a disgrace. The father of the groom in the' r event of last week realised the im porlence of the relationship with the white race. He remarked that Ins people were becoming civilised and cited the marriage of his eon to a while girl as evidence in sup port of his position ¿—The Dalles Chronicle. I From oi>0 to ;>00 Head. Price from $4.00 to $15.00 per Head WOODWORK* chic «««», •tUilvm n uste» squast. a. y **•’•*•<«<» Thesj Bucks are from the CunningtonJSheep Ranci, Umaila FOR SALE BY t LED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. the Comer South of the French HUe’ Mai? JOE GILL _ _ ” ~ - - Propriety*. *»n»ething to e'at"' ’" *"'1 a horse under his care will never suffer Lillie Rock, Feb 13 —Rev. J H Al the old stand South East of the H krai d office. Ben’s assort for Hunycutt, a Baptist niniater. bas ment of Jspantse goods is very fine and . considering the quality very _ U - ------- Further Joe is an old stable keeper, having had severs! re been arrested at Morrilltown, Ark , «heap. experieucein a first class »table in Corvallis. t